Sketch for the preparatory group on March 8. Scenario of the holiday in the preparatory group “March 8 is a special holiday”

Show program of television programs for children of senior and preparatory school groups “Congratulations on Women’s Day!”

Attributes and design: There is a TV on a coffee table near the festively decorated central wall. Nearby are colored screensavers of various popular television programs; cubes, balls; apples on plates; pie; a bouquet of spring flowers; two baskets of fruits and vegetables (or dummies), potatoes, onions, carrots, small knives; fake microphone; The role of Carlson should be assigned to an adult. Carlson has a light-colored wig on his head, a checkered shirt with a hole in the back for a propeller, wide trousers with suspenders and pockets. And of course a propeller! In Carlson's pocket there is a battery with a switch. When Carlson needs to “fly,” he presses a button in his pants pocket and the propeller spins. Before stopping, Carlson presses the button again and the propeller stops moving.


1 . The children's entrance will be accompanied by ceremonial music chosen by the music director.

2. Song “The titmouses are ringing.”

3. Round dance “The snow is melting.”

4. Song “Today is Mother’s Day”

5. Song “Young Grandmother” by Yu. Mikhailenko.

6. Poems.

7. Dance with handkerchiefs.

8. Song-dramatization - Russian folk song “In the Forge”.

9. Dance of lion cubs “I’m lying in the sun.”

10. Song “Pie for Mom” by S. Sosnin.

11. Dance "Boogie-woogie".

13. Boys’ song “We’ll sing to the girls.”

14. Duckling dance.

15. Song “Carlson, let’s be friends” (words and music by E. Aseeva).

Progress of the show program

To the accompaniment of solemn music, children run around the hall and line up in a semicircle in the center.


The eighth of March is a solemn day,

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the Earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Child 1.

More and more sunbeams

Now they are visiting us.

Girls and boys catch them

To color the holiday of mothers.

Child 2.

Our dear mother

Happy Women's Day!

Child 3.

And a song about mom

Today we will sing!

Child 4. About my!

Child 5. About my!

Child 6. About mine, and about yours!

About loved ones and relatives,

Our dear mothers!

Children stand up and sing the song “The Tits Are Ringing.”

Presenter. Guys, you know that during the holidays, fun, festive music and entertainment programs are shown on TV. Today on our TV we will also see a lot of interesting and unusual things, and there will be surprises. And in every program there will be congratulations to our mothers, grandmothers, and all women. And now I turn on the TV. Our journey begins through familiar TV channels and programs. To create a spring high spirits for everyone, let’s take a look at the holiday episode of the Weather Forecast program.

The presenter on the “TV” puts on the appropriate screensaver. Subsequently, before the announcement of a new TV show, he changes the color image and screensaver on the TV screen.


What's outside the window? What does the weather forecast promise?

On the most feminine and most tender day of the year?

This morning, this joy,

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings,

These flocks, these birds,

This talk of the waters

These willows and birches,

These drops - these tears,

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys,

These midges, these bees,

This noise and whistle,

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep

This darkness and heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills,

It's all spring!

A. A. Fet

Presenter. Best time year, the time of revitalization of nature and the expectation of wild prosperity, the “Weather Forecast” gives to all the women of the planet.

Child 1.

Oh, the red spring has come

And brought us warmth.

Child 2.

The sun is shining in the yard

And the kids laugh.

Birds are jumping at the window.

Hello, sun and spring!

Child 3.

In March the sun sparkled on the snow,

Spring has come to us along with the sun.

Children run to their mothers with congratulations

And they bear beautiful snowdrops.

Children put flowers in vases and give them to their mothers.

Children perform the round dance “The Snow Is Melting.”

Presenter. Everyone’s favorite weekend show “While Everyone is Home” is on air.


The whole family is at home - how good it is!

We read, if we joke, everyone laughs,

We assemble the constructor and solve the crossword puzzle.

We cook, clean, relax and dream -

That's great! Everyone's at home for now,

And tomorrow we’ll run away again, in all directions.

Child 4.

Moms are very busy - it’s barely light at work,

At home I am usually busy with business and care,

Moms agreed to stay on our show,

And dads are willing to replace them at home.

Child 5.

We asked for an interview with:

What can they say about their children?

Children with microphones approach their mothers and ask questions.

Sample questions for interviewing mothers:

Who best friend Your son (daughter)?

What is your child's favorite cartoon?

What time was your child born?

When did your son (daughter) take his first step?

Can you remember and sing your child’s favorite song?

What event is associated with your child's longest and most cheerful laughter?

What does your child like to do most?

What does he want to become?

What does your child like to be called?

Presenter. Let's ask the children to comment on their mothers' statements and ask them if they agree with all of their mothers' answers. What would you like to add? What to fix?


Our dear mothers,

We always wish you joy,

Health, happiness and success,

More cheerful, loud laughter.

Children perform the song “Today is Mother’s Day,” music by A. Filippenko.


Grandmothers are also visiting us.

Let's ask them about their grandchildren now.

They can, know, remember everything in the world

And the main thing for them is that all the children are happy.


All children love good grandmothers,

Our greetings to good grandmothers!

Children turn to their grandmothers with questions.

Sample questions for interviewing grandmothers:

List the names of all your grandchildren in alphabetical order.

When is the birthday of your oldest grandson (granddaughter)?

What book did you read first to your grandson (granddaughter)? -What did your grandson (granddaughter) give you for last year’s holiday on March 8?

When and for what reason did your grandson (granddaughter) cry the longest and loudest?

Who do you think the child looks like?

Would you like your grandson (granddaughter) to learn something from you?

How would you like to see your grandson (granddaughter) in the future?


Always be cheerful

Be always happy

And my grandchildren

Always be loved!

Children perform the song “You Can’t Find a Better Friend” (words and music by E. Aseeva).

You couldn't find a better friend

You couldn't find a better friend -

Go around the whole world.

Better than my grandmother

Not in the whole world.

And today for football

We walked with her.

I scored a goal

To my grandmother.

I'll feel sad -

Grandma will come up to me.

“Wipe your tears, everything will pass” -

He will tell me quietly.

She smiles brighter than the sun,

And all my sorrows are forgotten.

If I go to the cinema,

I also remember about her:

I always take a ticket

To my grandmother.

Mom and dad say and smile:

“Your friendship is strong.”

Presenter. Here's a story that happened to one grandmother.

A group of girls with large paper snowdrops in their hands sits in a circle. Snowdrops rise up. An old woman walks by with a basket and a stick.


For snowdrops in the forest

The children sent me

But I can't find them

I'm at these Christmas trees.

Spring sunshine,

Warm the earth,

So that the first snowdrops

They grew up quickly.

Children raise snowdrops even higher. Grandmother admires the snowdrops and is surprised by their beauty.


Look how beautiful it is

What a wonder there is in nature!

How the tender ones have grown,

I'll pick some snowdrops.

The snowdrops are hiding (the girls put them down).


What kind of miracles are these?

Did the fox steal them?

Maybe eaten by wolves

Among the spiky fir trees?

He sighs and leaves sadly. The snowdrops “grow” again, the grandmother returns, runs.


Oh, oh, I'm running, I'm running

And I’ll pick snowdrops.

He fusses, runs, loses the basket, bends over to pick it up, while the snowdrops hide.


Oh, so, well, let it be -

I won't cry.

I'd better go home

I won't look at the flowers. (Leaves slowly)

The flower girls run up, form a circle around the grandmother and hand her snowdrops.


So it's you guys

Played hide and seek with me?


Always be cheerful

Be always happy.

And my grandchildren

Always be loved!

Games are played:

1) for boys and grandmothers “Who would rather put on an apron and tie a scarf for grandma”;

2) for boys and girls “Who is more likely to swaddle a doll.”

Speaker. Today the TV show “Serving the Fatherland” is on air.

Our boys dream of growing up to be as bold and brave as Russian soldiers.

Like a soldier, quickly, right now

The battle song will sound for you.

Boy 1.

That's when we grow up

Let's go to serve in the army.

We will serve our Motherland,

Love mothers and grandmothers.

Boy 2.

Strong and brave

We will grow up

Our mothers and grandmothers

We will protect.

A group of boys performs a dramatized song “We will serve in the army.”

Speaker. We are starting the festive edition of the program “Around Laughter”. On your screens is the scene “Vanka-Vstanka”.

Presenter(comes to the bed).

The calves fell asleep, the chickens fell asleep,

Silently cheerful starlings from the nest.

Only one boy -

Named Vanka,

Nicknamed Vstanka -

Never sleeps.

At Vanka's, at Vstanka's -

Unhappy nannies:

They will begin to put Vanka to bed,

But Vanka doesn’t want to - he’ll lie down and jump up,

He will lie down again and get up again.

The nannies run up to the bed: one shakes the sheet, the other shakes the pillow, the third makes the bed. They run to put Vanka to bed, but he sits down and doesn’t go. The nannies shake their heads and throw up their hands, but Vanka sits and sways.


They will cover him with a blanket on cotton wool -

In his sleep he will throw the blanket away.

And again - as before he stands on the bed,

The child stands on the bed all night.

The nannies carry blankets, put Vanka to bed and cover him.

The doctor treated him

From the children's hospital.

The nannies run to the doctor and bow. The doctor approaches, frowns, spins back and forth. He approaches Vanka, frowns, and examines him.

Presenter. He said these words to the patient.


“That’s why it doesn’t suit you, dear,

That your head is too light.

The doctor leaves, the nannies cry. Vanka is dancing. Then he looks at the nannies and runs out the door, the nannies following him.

Speaker. We invite you to visit “The Circus Arena”. Welcome to the Russia channel and its great admirer ____________________________.

Clowns run out frolicking.


Funny clowns came to our party.

And they will show their lively dance to all the guests.

Clowns perform a comic dance, music by D. Kabalevsky (or I. Stravinsky).


We congratulate all mothers and grandmothers,

We wish you spring inspiration.

Don't be bored, we are here for you

Let's read the poems now.

Children read prepared poems at will.

Mom will smile

Damp, gloomy outside the window,

The rain is drizzling

Low sky is gray

Hangs over the rooftops.

And the house is clean, comfortable,

We have our own weather here.

Mom will smile

Clear and warm -

So much for the sunshine

The room has risen!

O. Driz

About mom

Mother lived in the world

There have been many years

No one more precious than mom

Not in the whole world.

She goes to bed later than everyone else

Gets up before everyone else

He's busy around the house all day,

Even though he gets tired.

You live in the world, mom,

For many, many years.

No one is dearer than you

Not in the whole world!

K. Tangrikuliev

Presenter. We bring to your attention the program “Wider Friends!”


Wider the circle, wider the circle!

Music is calling.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance.


Let's stand in a wide circle at once,

Let's start a merry dance.

This is how funny it is today -

Russian dance has been prepared especially for you!


We'll wave our handkerchiefs,

Let's start knocking our heels,

Toe, heel, accordion

And let's spin around a little.


Moms admire the dance:

“Well done, they’re trying so hard!”

Children perform the “Dance with Handkerchiefs” to the accompaniment of the Russian folk song “Travushka-ant”.

Prepared children read the poem “Where did Russian music originate?”

Where are you from, Russian?

Was the music born?

Either in an open field,

Or in a hazy forest?

Are you happy? In pain?

Or in a bird whistle?

Tell me where from

Are you sad and brave?

Whose heart did you beat in?

From the very beginning?

How did you come?

How did you sound?

The ducks flew by and dropped their pipes,

The geese flew by and dropped the harp.

Sometimes they are in spring

We found it, we were not surprised,

Well, what about the song?

We were born with a song in Rus'!

G. Serebryakov


How will the Russian song sound?

It will make everyone around you happy!

The Russian folk song “In the Forge” is performed.

Speaker. We invite fans of the program to watch the show (a musical screensaver interrupts the announcer’s words)... Of course, you already guessed what it’s called.

Children. In the animal world.

Presenter. Mothers, grandmothers, children, raise your hands who loves this program.


There are many of us who love animals,

We look forward to meeting them as soon as possible.

People are rushing to visit us for the matinee

Two wonderful artists - lion cubs!


Two cheerful lion cubs

They really want to dance.

Don't judge them harshly

After all, they are still a little old!

The dance “Cheerful Lion Cubs” is performed (musical accompaniment is the song “I’m Lying in the Sun”, “Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” from the cartoon “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song” (words by S. Kozlov, music by G. Gladkov).


This show is always hearty and tasty,

All the participants prepare it simply skillfully!”

Did you guess what kind of program it was, or not?

Answer together - we are on the show...

Children. "Gusto".


Moms, please accept a big greeting from Smak,

“Smak” gives you its best recipe.

Children take out colorfully decorated little books with recipes “From Smak” from under their chairs and give them to their mothers and grandmothers.


Cook with love, invite guests

And treat your household.

They will praise you at dinner -

Come to Smak again for advice.


I pour flour -

I bake a cake for mom

Clearing the place

And I roll the dough.

I'll bake buns

Gingerbread cookies, cheesecakes.

They will be ready for the holiday

Pies and buns!

Children perform the song “Pie for Mom” (music by S. Sosnin).


This show

Everyone has known me for a long time.

She's on TV

Look at home.

Always popular -...

Children."Morning Star!"


The artist performs -

The best pianist.

She will play diligently -

Just listen carefully.

Instrumental performance of a child on the piano (violin or other musical instrument).


Today is a lot of fun

Today is Mother's Day,

Today by order

We will sing and dance for you!


Listen, look,

Whoever wants to, dance with us.



We dance and sing among friends.


It's time to visit our "handles"

Yes, not at all inept,

They can do original things -

They're kind of crazy!

Program “Crazy Hands”

Useful for both adults and children

Learn to tinker,

Sewing and knitting is interesting!

Presenter. Do you guys know how to do anything yourself?

Child 1.

I love to work

I don't like to be lazy.

Child 2.

I can do it smoothly myself

Make your crib.

Child 3.

To my sister Irinka

I love to draw pictures.

Child 4.

I will help my mother

We will wash the dishes with her.

Children together.

Let's help mothers

Let's respect all mothers!

Presenter. Let's see how our guys learned to help their mothers.

Games are played:

1). “Take away the products.” While cheerful, active music is playing, two children choose vegetables and fruits from a basket (each, at the request of the presenter or by drawing lots, must put either fruits or vegetables - natural or dummies - into his basket). As soon as the music stops playing, the whole room counts the number of fruits and vegetables collected by the players. The player who gets the most numbers correctly wins.

2) “Let’s peel the vegetables.” Several guys on a team peel potatoes, carrots or onions. Whoever completes the task faster and more accurately is declared “mother’s best assistant in the kitchen.”

Speaker. Our holiday program continues with the “Gentleman Show” program.

The music is playing - the screensaver of the program “The Gentleman Show” or for the film about Sherlock Holmes. All the boys come out.

Boy 1.

To our dear friends

We want to give a song.

Boy 2.

Let girls always be friends

With you and me.

Boy 3.

And we won't offend

Never our girls.


Someone suddenly dares to offend -

Look, hold on then!

The song “We Sing to the Girls” (music by T. Popatenko) performed by the boys is played.

Speaker. We invite children and adults to watch their favorite program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” (Approaches the window, says joyfully, with surprise) Guys, someone is flying towards us! Guess who it could be.

A welcome friend to all children -

Boys and girlfriends

Lover of roofs and ghosts,

And also raffles and cookies,

Sweets, strawberry jam

And an unexpected appearance.

Children. Carlson.


You are right, children, and this is not a dream at all -

Carlson has arrived, meet him - here he is!

The presenter helps Carlson climb through the window. In his hand he has a bouquet of spring flowers (can be artificial). Carlson runs around the hall to the music of E. Aseeva, shakes hands with children and adults, pats someone on the shoulder in a friendly manner, blows kisses to someone, does somersaults, etc. A propeller may sound in the recording. Children clap their hands.

Carlson's flight (Music by E. Aseeva)


Hello friends! And this is me!

You recognize me, right?

I flew past the garden

And I saw you through the window.

I look - the hall is full of guests,

So many children gathered!

I am Carlson! Of course you recognized me

I can see from my mood that they weren’t expecting...

Children. We waited, we waited a lot!


I'm the funniest in the world

That's why I like both adults and children.

I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,

Smart and moderately well-fed.

I was in a hurry, friends, to come to you for the holiday,

The propeller stalled - I'm on the clouds,

To congratulate your grandmothers,

Girls, housekeepers, mothers.

The delicious smell also attracted me here,

There's probably a pie baking in the kitchen...

With hope, of course, I climbed into the window -

There might be a piece for me.

Sketch "Baby and Carlson".


I'll go around -

You are my friend and I am your friend.

You probably have problems with your behavior,

Lives in kindergarten don't you feel sweet?

Look how vigilantly the housekeepers watch,

Managers of children's hearts.

You can't handle them alone,

We'll have to help the kids

Get rid of the teachers

Watching naughty girls.


What are you doing, Carlson, don’t rush,

We need educators.

In the garden they are like mothers to us,

And we share everything with them in half.

They take care of us

They are introduced to the sciences,

And if we want,

They honor us.

We are taught to work,

And most importantly, they help us grow.

Carlson gives a bouquet of flowers to the presenter.


Bouquet of spring March flowers

I present it to you with all my heart today.

Let them give you more kind words,

Well, now I invite you to dance.

Mass performance of the dance “Jolly Ducklings” (musical accompaniment - French folk song “Dance of the Ducklings”). Children invite guests to dance.

Presenter. Dear Carlson, you made us laugh. Thank you for the fun dance and for the congratulations. For you, dear Carlson, we also prepared a surprise. We know that you have a big sweet tooth.

Children come out with gifts for Carlson.


We have a sweet treat for you:

Here's a jar of jam,

Box of cookies,

And this is a pie with jam -

Eat me quickly, my friend!

Carlson. Thank you very much! How well you came up with all this! (Eats a pie) Oh, how delicious!

Presenter. Carlson, that's not all. The biggest surprise awaits you ahead.

Carlson. Do you really have anything else in store besides these wonderful sweets?

Presenter. Carlson, shame on you! Your head is occupied with candies and lambs alone. You've had enough sweets! Better listen to the song that the guys learned specifically to give to you. It's called "Carlson, let's be friends!"

Carlson. Wow, how great! I love making friends even more than sweets, especially with little girls and boys. Could anything be better and more important than friendship!? (Humming)

The birds above are friends,

Fishes are friends in the depths,

The ocean is friends with the sea,

Children from different countries are friends!

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

The pie won't ask -

That's what's real

True friend!

Presenter. Carlson, are you on your own again? All about pies! Do you really feel sorry for a pie for your friend? Guys, should a friend ask for a pie, or will a friend treat him himself by sharing a pie?


We don’t know the words: “I won’t give!”

My friends and I share everything in half!

Carlson. Yes, I’m not greedy at all, you misunderstood me! I'm treating everyone! (Carlson runs to the window, takes out a box of pies from under the curtain, gives it to the presenter).

Carlson. Please take some, there are enough pies here for all the kids and guests.

I didn’t get off the roof for five days and nights.

Bake pies for children with Freken-bok.

And I don’t feel sorry for anything for my friends -

Sing your song about friendship more cheerfully!

Children sing the song “Carlson, let’s be friends!”; at the instrumental passage - they clap their hands. At this time, Carlson is dancing and flying.

Carlson, let's be friends! (Words and music by E. Aseeva)

1. The desired one has arrived

Fun hour:

Beloved hero

Visiting us.

All moms and dads

We are glad from the bottom of our hearts.

2. Oh, good Carlson,

You were in a hurry to come to us.


You made me laugh.

Take it, Carlson,

Us with you

Into the blue sky.

3. You come to us -

We'll be waiting

Happy song

To meet you.

Children can't

Forget you.

Carlson, let's be friends.

Carlson. Thanks friends! I had a lot of fun with you. Now it’s time to go home to the roof of your kindergarten. Goodbye, guys! See you!

Presenter. Dear Carlson, please come visit us again!

Carlson runs through the hall to the music, shakes hands with the children goodbye, and flies away; children wave their hands. His voice comes from behind the door.

Carlson. See you later, baby!


We’re done broadcasting holiday programs,

The TV has overheated, turn it off.


In parting, children, I want to tell you:

Look at mom's faces -

They never stop shining!

So, the holiday was a great success!

And let grandmothers and mothers say goodbye

We wish you health and longevity!

Child 1.

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never be angry

So young

Stay forever!

Child 2.

If the sun woke up,

The morning has begun to shine

If mom smiled,

It became so gratifying.

Child 3.

If the sun is hidden in the clouds,

The birds fell silent

If mom is upset,

Where can we have fun?

Child 4.

So let it, always sparkling,

The sun is shining for people.

All children.

Never you, dear,

We won't upset you.

The song “Mom’s Waltz” is not new,

I've known you all for a long time.

But it doesn't get old over the years,

Like my mother, I really like her.

Performance of the song “Mom’s Waltz”, music by B. Kravchenko. Then a waltzing melody sounds on the record, and the children invite their mothers to a waltz.

Head of the kindergarten.

What could be more beautiful in the world -

Mothers and children spin in a waltz!

Remember, young friend, these moments -

There is no greater pleasure in life!

Couples spinning - mothers, sons and daughters -

A mature tribe and young spring “buds” met.

Now spring has united them in dance -

This union will always be eternal!

The recording includes the song “We wish you happiness.” Children and guests go into groups.

We wish you happiness!

1. In a world where crazy snow is swirling,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where for a long time

Sometimes we wait for news

To make it easier in difficult times,

Each of us really needs

Everyone really needs it

To know that happiness exists.


We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come into the house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this -

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” FEBRUARY 2018

Boys enter the hall to the music.
Boy: Holiday is coming! All is ready?
Hey, is anyone late?
Boy: There are girls there, everything is new,
Decorate the hall quickly!
Boy: Told you guys
We may not make it on time!
Boy: It's all the girls' fault
They should just sing songs!
Boy: Hush, hush, don't swear!
Here they are, right here!
Have fun, smile

Our girls are coming!
Girls enter, boys applaud.
Child: Our dear mothers,
Our grandmothers, friends!
On this most wonderful day,
The earth is waking up.
Girl: Joyful spring holiday
Opened the doors to the sun!
Invited fun here
How many balloons did you inflate?
Boy: We inflated the balloons to congratulate you today!
Boy: We barely fell asleep in the evening, we were so afraid to oversleep.
Girl: We spied, we know:
You boys are great,
Nowadays women are congratulated
Children, grandfathers, fathers.
Child: The whole country, other countries
Congratulations to dear mothers,
Because our mothers
Dearest and closest to us all!

Child: Let this day be like a bright holiday,
Joy will flow into your home,
And your life will be decorated forever
Hope, Happiness and Love!
Child: And let the frost, blizzard and blizzard
They're still walking outside the window,
But here we are warm and cozy
And, like in spring, there are flowers all around.
Child: Today we want to congratulate
All our grandmothers and mothers.
We prepared so hard, we tried,
And we give you our concert!
Child: Streams run everywhere
Under the windows along the streets,
Home funny starlings
From warm countries are back.
Child: Here in a clearing in the forest
The snowdrop turns silver
Spring is really just around the corner -
It’s not for nothing that they say so.
Child: More precisely, it’s on the noses
And it shines on your cheeks,
Spring with freckles to friends
Gilded the faces.
Child: I love my mother
Congratulations, a little worried,
I'll even sing a song
Make mom smile!

Presenter: On March 8th, all women are given gifts. Let's give mothers and grandmothers a family album.
Shows the album.

Child: This girl is wearing a chintz dress
He is no longer afraid of grade failures.
It's a wonderful night over Tsna,
It's mom and the prom.
And for our mother
We'll tell you poems
Let's sing a song
Happy Women's Day!

Child: Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand next to you.
Let her sleep a little
I'll sing her a song.

Child: I’ll be closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
I heard it in my dreams...

Child: And in this photo is my grandmother.
The best, most affectionate!
Child: Mom and dad are at work,
We're at grandma's all day.
Surrounds us with care
And bakes pancakes.
Child: Cleans everything in the apartment,
Cooks, irons and washes.
When everything in the house sparkles,
Looks after his health.
Child: Our grandmother recently
I went on a diet
And he doesn't eat cutlets.
Child: Grandma tells me:
“Nothing hurts!
I started running in the morning -
I lost five kilograms!”
Child: Our dear grandmothers,
We'll sing for you now.
Stay young
Happy Women's Day!


Child: On a bench in the yard
Grandmothers are sitting.
All day until evening
They talk about grandchildren.
Three boys dressed as grandmothers come out.

Grandma 1: What are young people like?
What about actions and words?
Look at their fashions.
Get dressed, you idiots!
Previously: dancing and quadrilling,
They wore full skirts.
But now it’s not like that.
Pants - in, (shows length)
And the skirts are great.

Grandmother 2: Well, and dancing, and dancing!
Everyone became like foreigners.
How they start to dance,
Scratch your feet!
They are shaking as if in a fever,
To look at it is such a shame and disgrace!
Grandmother 1: We didn’t dance like that with you,
We studied the figures
And went to balls!
Grandmother 3: Stop grumbling, grandmothers,
Young people discuss everything.
We were also like this:
Young, mischievous.
Let's lose fifty years,
Let's dance for the guys!


Child: But mom is fashionable
And there is enthusiasm in the eyes.
This is mom on the program
"Fashionable sentence"!
Boy: And the girls in our group
They imagine all the time.
And every day outfits
New ones are changing.
Then they will wear a dress -
Then in very fashionable trousers
They'll go out for a walk.
Just outside the window again
Drops will ring,
Transformed by girls
Our garden in the Model House.


Host: What kind of little thing is this?
Here he lies in the crib.
Closing my beady eyes,
And sniffles so sweetly?

Two girls come out with dolls in their arms, in aprons, with a ladle or basin for washing and all sorts of household paraphernalia. They play at being daughters and mothers, busily and boastfully posing as mothers. Conducting a dialogue:

1 girl: Doll, Masha is a daughter,
Mom Tanya is me.
at me from under a handkerchief,
My Mashenka is looking.
I have a lot of troubles -
I need to cook compote
Mashenka needs to be washed
And feed him compote!
I need to be on time everywhere,
Do the laundry, wash the dishes,
You need to iron, you need to sew,
We need to put Masha to bed.
How stubborn she is!
He doesn't want to sleep for anything!
It's hard to be a mother in the world,
If you don't help her!
2nd girl: Doll, Tosha is a son!
He is the only one in our family.
He's as handsome as Apollo
He will be the president!
Toshka needs to be bathed,
Swaddle in a warm blanket,
Tell a bedtime story
And rock in the crib.
Tomorrow we'll take the alphabet
Let's teach letters.
Antoshka needs to be educated,
To study better.
All day I'm spinning like a spinning top,
Wait, Antoshka!!! (waves his hand at him)
We need to call Tanya,
Chat a little.
(They talk on the phone, imagine in front of each other)
Hello Friend,
How are you?
I'm busy and tired!
1 girl: (answers the phone)
And I didn't sleep all night,
Rocked Mashenka!
Girl 2: Let's put the kids to bed
And let's go for a walk in the yard?!
1 girl: We won’t waste time,
Let Masha wait! (throws the doll)
Girl 2: I’ll hide Toto in the closet,
Let him live there now (throws the doll)
1 girl: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother,
Why so much trouble?
Wash and sew and swaddle!
Girl 2: Cook compote in the morning?!
1 girl: Teach, educate, treat!
Girl 2: Check your lessons!
1 girl: After all, you can just in the yard
Walking with friends!!!

Child: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother,
How difficult it is to manage everything!
Let's help mothers
And always take care of them!

Boy: But in this photo
I'm with my girlfriend.
We've been friends for 5 years now
We share toys with not

1 boy: We want our own girls
Now congratulate too!
After all, this is a holiday for them too.
Why are you silent?
(addresses the second boy)

Boy 2: Yes, here it is, if you want to know,
It's almost embarrassing to the point of tears!
Congratulate the girls again,
Why aren't they ashamed?
They are congratulated, but we are not!
For what, pray tell?
For the fact that each one is born
Was she born a girl?

1 boy: It’s hard to be a girl, believe me.
We're better off with them!
Don't be mad, buddy, let's dance
We need to invite everyone!


Child: But dad is a border guard,
Guards the peace of the country.
All men certainly
Must serve in the Army.

Child: I still have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.

Child: We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!


Child: But this is a holiday for my whole family.
At the holiday we play fun games.

Child: From dawn to dusk the spooners play for us.
Wooden spoons are very musical!


Host: Well, we’re closing the album,
What's ahead, we don't know.
There are many events along the way.
We will be able to pass them with honor!

Child: May this day live with you for a long time,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
And everything you would like to wish for yourself -
This is exactly what we wish for you.
Child: Silky hair, snow-white teeth
So that they have caring husbands and gentle children.
Child: A trip not to the garden, but to the sea!
The cakes should be delicious, but without calories.
Child: More wages, more serious purchases
Five-room and five-star housing!
Child: Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is on the left.
Perfume from Dior! Clothes from Cardin!
Child: Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, combines –
Both functional and stylish designs!
Child: And it seems like we forgot something else? Oh ok! Love!!!
And let them give you flowers!
Child: And make your dream come true, don’t be sad, don’t be angry!
AND women's day– at least 300 times a year!


Every year, with the beginning of March, a joyful and exciting holiday mood is in the air. And spring begins as if only from the 8th day, from the day of Femininity and Beauty.

Preparations for the holiday in kindergarten begin in February. The March 8 scenario is developed in advance: this is a choice musical accompaniment, and rehearsals with children. The matinee scenario in the preparatory group differs significantly from the scenario in the middle group. On March 8, it is better to spend time with younger children more games, learn dances, in senior group- poems and ditties.

And if you are looking for ideas for celebrating the holiday, then we bring to your attention a detailed scenario for March 8 in kindergarten.

Three grandmothers and mothers, as well as their daughters, are invited. Each trio is given yarn. One by one, the grandmother begins to wind it into a ball, and at a signal, she passes the skein on to the mother, and then to the daughter. Those who collect the ball first win.

Spring: Baba Yaga, did you like the helpers?

Baba Yaga:(respectfully) Good! And I had an idea-desire! Can I ring the bell?

They pass the bell to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
I wish to hear many congratulations,
But everyone wanted to laugh without embarrassment!
Ring a wonderful little bell,
Make my wish come true!


Children in Russian folk costumes come out and tell ditties. There may be a musical passage between ditties.

1 Our grandmothers and mothers
Happy Women's Day!
Without embarrassment, without hesitation
We'll sing ditties for you!

2. An important holiday is coming,
Mother's day is dear.
Today, I won’t do that
Bring home frogs!

3. Once my brother and I became obedient,
They cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
Some house immediately became complacent,
We washed away all the sadness from the house with foam!

4. You, grandma, don’t get sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
Better stop by more often
To the club for a disco.

5. And grandma is a champion!
After all, her “Napoleon”
Attacks all the guests.
The most delicious of all kings!

6. My sister and I decided to give grandma a gift,
Knit her a scarf from threads of all colors!
But the cat didn’t agree to help,
We had to sew a scarf from scraps!

7. We wish our beloved mother
Receive in gifts
A kilogram of sweets, and also cakes,
So that everyone can be treated!

8. We sang ditties for you
The best ones.
And they will also perform a dance
The boys are handsome!

Boys come out and dance, for example, the dance of gentlemen or knights.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, kittens,
I’ve been staying too long with you, it’s time to know the honor!
But before saying goodbye, I will reward you for your kindness and friendliness!

Hands out treats to children.

Spring: Goodbye, Grandmother Yaga, come visit again!

Baba Yaga waves to everyone and leaves.

1st child: Spring is red, open the gates!

Winter is leaving, the bird is starting a song!

2nd child: And we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers

And we wish them to live in goodness!

3rd child: For the dearest and most beloved

We made the gifts ourselves!

Children take out a basket with handicraft flowers and give it to their parents. The holiday ends.

Props for the holiday

  1. Costumes of Spring and Baba Yaga;
  2. Beautiful bell;
  3. Large hoop, 3 kg of oranges, tablespoons, 2 baskets;
  4. Yarn;
  5. Candy for treats;
  6. Handmade gifts for parents.

Holiday March 8th for children 5-7 years old. Scenario



Concert progress

To the music, children enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Presenter. Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women!

We are happy to see you at the holiday,

Although there are many worries ahead,

But you have postponed everything now.

For what? Everyone will understand this.

1st child.

You didn't come to visit, you came home.

We are very glad to see you.

Today is not an ordinary day,

Today is Mother's Day!

2nd child.

Dear mom, I love you!

I give you all the spring flowers!

The sun smiles, looking from above.

3rd child.

Dear granny, kind and gentle,

I will give you fresh snowdrops.

I remember your tender hands.

4th child.

My sister’s laughter rolls like a bell,

Blue dress, red pigtails.

We play merrily and pick flowers in the field.

How great it is - I have you!

5th child.

I have a best, best friend.

And we are always together, that is, inseparable.

I can’t live a day without you, my friend.

How great it is - I have you!

6th child.

We congratulate you on the spring holiday!

We wish everyone happiness, laughter, joy and health!

May all your dreams come true today!

How great it is that we exist in the world!

T. Fadeeva

Children perform the song “The Good Witch,” music and lyrics by S. Yudina.

7th child.

The drops began to gurgle

And spring is at this door

A bright bird

Today it fluttered.

So let's sing

Have fun, joke,

In honor of spring,

What warmth has returned to us!

8th child.

On this sunny day

We are not too lazy to sing songs

And for mothers to dance in this hall.

We, dear ones, are for you

We prepared "Waltz".

Look how hard we tried!

Children perform “Waltz” at the choice of the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


We sing at the holiday

And we read poetry.

And to make it more fun,

Let's play!

Games are held with the participation of mothers.

"Decorate Your Mom"

Several willing couples are invited to play - children with mothers. In the middle of the hall there is a table with attributes: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins, lipstick, etc.

Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At a signal, children begin to “decorate” their mothers with everything that is available. Everyone present appreciates the effort with friendly applause.

"Treat for Mom"

Several pairs of people are invited to participate in this game. Mothers sit on chairs. There are bananas cut in half on a tray. At the signal, the children peel the bananas and feed their mothers. You can use small packages of yogurt for the game. This is where teaspoons come in handy.

❧ The games are a lot of fun. Both participants and spectators like them. Just don’t forget to offer the mothers - participants in the extreme show - wet wipes to get yourself in order after these games.

During the games, the girls participating in the fashion show go backstage. Moms help them change clothes. To make “evening models” of clothes, any mother’s outfits are used. Dresses, blouses, high heels, hats, scarves, and jewelry are suitable.

9th child.

Our girls

They don't want to stand on the sidelines.

Everyone smiles sweetly

Like mothers, they dress up.

They want to go on the podium sooner,

To show off in a beautiful dress.

Our girls are such fashionistas!

We'll go and sit on the sidelines.

Fashion demonstration “Evening toilet from mom”

Recorded music plays. The girls take turns wearing “evening” outfits made from their mother’s dresses. It is very simple to prepare an outfit: any mother’s dress is adjusted to the child’s figure using pins, ropes, and hairpins, complemented by all kinds of accessories (hats, handbags, scarves, etc.) and jewelry. The girls walk one by one through the center of the hall, slowly spin in place, showing off their outfit, return to the central wall and stop at beautiful pose. When all the willing girls have demonstrated their outfit and stand in a line at the central wall, then once again everyone goes forward together, stops in front of the audience, stands for a short time and one after another goes backstage.

While the girls are changing into their outfits, the rest of the children sing the song “Fashionista”, music by L. Olifirova (“The Sun Laughs”)

Emelya enters the hall to the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak.”


Oh, I was almost late!

But did I get there?

I hurried to the kids in kindergarten,

After all, today is their holiday!

It seems they are expecting guests here?

Of course, I’m right there!

Presenter. We are, of course, very pleased that you came to our holiday. But we still don’t understand who you are?


If you guess the riddle,

Who am I, you will all know!

I sent buckets to the river,

He himself slept peacefully on the stove.

I slept for a whole week.

What's my name?

Children. Emelya!


Do you know, kids,

Which book did I come from?

You will guess another riddle -

Find out the name of the fairy tale!

People are surprised:

The stove is moving, the smoke is coming out,

And Emelya on the stove

Eats big rolls.

The tea pours itself

According to his will.

And the fairy tale is called...

Children. "By magic!"

Presenter. Emelya, do you know what holiday we celebrate here?

Emelya. Some good guy, funny. Maybe New Year?

Children. No!

Emelya. A! Understood! Dear teacher, happy birthday to you!

Presenter. You were wrong again, Emelya! Today is not my birthday, but the very first spring holiday. Guess which one?


For a long time, children, don’t languish,

Tell me quickly!


What kind of holiday are we with you?

First met in the spring?

Let's ask Lera, ask Sasha,

Let's ask Dima and Natasha,

The children will all answer us:

Children(together). This is our mothers' holiday!

1st child.

Today is a holiday!

Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

2nd child.

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the most tender words!

3rd child.

And for our mothers

We all sing and dance here!

And you, Emelya, don’t be lazy,

Come dance with us!

Children perform a general dance at the choice of the music director.


I'm dancing wildly

But I can only sing quietly.

While I was catching pike,

I had a severe cold in my throat.

Presenter. And our guys sing very well, loudly. Their songs for their beloved mothers always sound affectionate and gentle. Listen, Emelya, to a song called “I love my mother.”

Children perform the song “I Love Mom,” lyrics by I. Skladanov, music by Y. Mikhailenko.

Emelya. Nice song, sweet. It's immediately obvious that you love your mommies.


On the occasion of the Eighth of March

We have collected advice:

Do we love our mother?

Do we love or not?

All children. We love you!


Everyone said the answer in unison,

This means she needs help.

Now Petya will tell us how he helps his mother manage the house...

The child recites the poem “Mom’s Helper.”

I love my mom very much!

I will always help her.

Can I sweep the floor?

Take the chair to the kitchen.

Wipe off dust from all things

And pour some cabbage soup for the kitten.

I can wash the dishes

But I won't wash it today.

And I'm ready to help,

I'll bake her some pancakes!

I’ll definitely help my mom -

I love pancakes myself!

G. Galkina

Emelya. Tell me honestly, do you all help your mothers with housework? I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself now!

The games “Move Mom’s Shopping” are held; “Make soup and compote”; “Set the table for tea”; “Put away the dirty dishes.”

Emelya. Did a great job! It's immediately obvious good helpers growing! But something made me sad... After all, today is a holiday for all women. And grandma is also a woman.

She's my mother's mother! And I completely forgot to congratulate my beloved grandmother on such a wonderful holiday...

Presenter. But the holiday is not over yet!

Let's congratulate all the grandmothers together at once!

Emelya. Will it work?

Presenter. But of course! But where is she, your grandmother?

Emelya. We are organizing this now! At the behest of the pike, at my will, grandma-granny, appear, show yourself to me!

Grandmother Emelya enters. Emelya joyfully rushes to meet her.

Grandmother! The guys and I will now congratulate you and other grandmothers! Grandmother. Oh, Emelyushka, you scared me! Is that possible? He didn’t even let me say hello to the guys or the guests! Hello, dear guests: both old and young, married and single! I am glad to welcome you to this upper room! Happy holiday!

Presenter. Hello, dear grandmother! Sit down with us and listen to the poems that the guys prepared especially for grandmothers.

1st child.

Grandmothers have a lot of different worries,

Grandmothers have a lot of troubles.

Our kind, dear grandmother,

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful.

2nd child.

I love grandma's house

Help on the farm,

I love being next to my grandmother

Walk along the street.

I love together with my grandmother

Watch a football match.

My grandmother and I decided a long time ago

We are rooting for Spartak.

3rd child.

Our old grandmothers

Our grandchildren love us very much:

They buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.

These are the good ones

Our dear grandmothers!

There are many different songs

About everything in the world,

And now we’ll sing a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Children perform the song “About Grandma,” music and lyrics by N. Toptygina.


For our dear grandmothers

We, friends, also dance!

The dance “Old Grandmothers” is performed to the soundtrack of a song by V. Dobrynin with verses by S. Osiashvili.


And now we'll play -

Let's quickly wind the thread into a ball.

Grandma is playing the game “Who can wind a ball faster.”


Having fun from the heart -

The songs and dances are good!

But now it’s time for us to go to a fairy tale -

Perform a different dance.

Goodbye friends,

I'll meet you again!

Emelya and Grandma leave.

Presenter. Dear grandmothers and mothers! Ours has come to an end fun party. Emelya and her grandmother went back to the fairy tale. It's time for us to return to our group.

Goodbye once again

We want to congratulate you!

1st child.

Today we congratulate

Our dear, kind mothers.

And with all our hearts we wish

We wish you great happiness!

2nd child.

We, of course, know ourselves

Why are you tormented with us?

We are not always good

And patience to every mother

We wish from the heart.

3rd child.

We will all be attentive

Listen to your advice

And definitely soup

Eat two plates at a time.

4th child.

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,

We know how often she gets tired.

And we give our word to our beloved mother

All children. That we will always obey in everything!

Children perform the song “Dear Grandmothers and Mothers”, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova, music by I. Bodrachenko

Girls enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.
Presenter: There are a lot of kind words in the world
But kinder than everyone and most important
The simplest word is “Mom”
There are no words more dear than it.
1 girl: March 8 is mother’s day,
Every son will congratulate his mother
Every daughter is no matter how small.
Congratulates mom on the 8th!
Girl 2: Oh! The boys cleaned everything up
Mothers and grandmothers were invited
The guests are all waiting for the concert,
But the boys don't come.
Boys (outside the door): Wait! We are all here! (boys enter and stand next to girls)
Girl 3: You boys, us girls
Sometimes you offend
And today we were late
Even on a day like this!
4 girl: You boys, us girls
Sometimes you reproach
That's all we're afraid of
And any of you is a hero!
Girl 5: Ask yourself, but not really,
It's just the opposite
We are girls, for you boys
We'll give you a hundred points ahead!
1 boy: We ask you not to be offended,
We almost didn't stay long
We kindly ask: forgive us
Boy 2: If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed!
And not out of anger, but out of habit
We often pull your pigtails.
Boy 3: We are all bullies. You know for yourself.
But we won’t offend you anymore!
SONG “MIRACLES” (girls sing)
1 child: With the first ray of sunshine
The holiday has knocked on the door
And icicles from joy
They rang under the window.
2nd child: Let the sun shine tenderly,
Let the birds sing today
About the most beloved in the world,
I'm talking about my mother!
Child 3: How many of them are kind and gentle,
Today it's time for the holiday,
The snowdrop blooms for them
And the sun gives warmth.
4 child: In heartfelt words
The song begins
She is for all our mothers
Dedicated today!
1 child: Children know everything in the world,
If the snow and ice melt,
If the sun shines hotter,
So, Spring is coming to us!
Child 2: The grass in the field is turning green,
Les tried on his outfit,
And he woke up and woke up
Squad of midges and beetles.
Child 3: The rain is pouring cleanly
And paths and bushes.
Blooming in the meadow
Mother and stepmother flowers.
4 child: Birds flew from the south,
The nightingale sings again,
Bird trills rang out,
Spring is coming to us!
DANCE WITH FLOWERS (children sit down)
Presenter: Yes, today is a wonderful day. Light and joyful not only from sun rays, but also from mother’s smiles and happy eyes. How many sounds gentle and warm words, solemn congratulations, as if they had been saving up all year to say today to mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. While rocking you in the cradle, your mothers sang songs to you, and now it’s time for you to sing a song for your mothers!

1 girl: I am a multi-colored gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
Girl 2: But first I'm on red
Pressed too hard
And then for red
The purple one is broken.
Girl 3: And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke.
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!
4 girl: Why March 8
Is the sun shining brighter?
Boy: Because our mother
The best in the world!
Girl 4: Tell me it’s mom’s holiday-
This is the best day.
Boy: Yes, that's it best holiday
A holiday for all people!
4 girl: Let me dance
Invite me to this holiday?
Boy: I’m very glad, let’s go with you
Let's be friends!


1 girl: And our boys are such romantics,
They love our braids and bows.
Let the waves splash in big ocean,
They want to become brave sailors.
2nd girl: Sailor dance on deck,
To show the girls their courage.
They are not afraid of storms or pitching
They are brave, our brave boys.
Presenter: Now we will find out how they prepare to become defenders.

1 boy: And our girls
They don't want to stand on the sidelines
Everyone smiles sweetly
How mothers dress up.
They want to go on the podium sooner,
To show off in a beautiful dress.
Boy 2: Our girls are such fashionistas,
And you and I will go and sit on the sidelines.

1 girl: And our boys can be cowards,
They are afraid of injections, shaking like mice.
Only the doctor will appear in a white coat -
You can't get the boys out from under the bed!
Girl 2: Hey! Brave men! Come out quickly!
There's Doctor Pilyulkin standing at the door.

(Dr. Pilyulkin, a child, enters to the music)
Doctor: Calm down, guys! I'm pleased to announce-
Please cancel the injections today.
After all, it’s a fun holiday, you can’t be upset,
All you can do is sing, dance and laugh!
(a boy approaches him)
Only he will be healthy
Who is not afraid of doctors?
Stronger arms, broader shoulders,
1,2, 3 - breathe more evenly.
Who can ride the ball faster?
He will be the strongest.

(2 boys come out)

1 boy: Do you know, our girls have such a sweet tooth,
They endlessly chew toffees and crack nuts.
Boy 2: Well, well! Girls, look at us
And treat your friends to delicious candy!
Girls (in unison): Look, what are you! Do you want some candy?
In a fair fight you will deserve it!

Presenter: There are so many congratulations on March 8, jokes, songs today. But they didn’t sing or dance for our grandmothers. How so?
1st child: Grandma special surprise
We will give it in honor of the holiday.
But not a dance or a song,
Even better, more interesting!
2nd child: Grandma used to
She read us bedtime stories.
We switched roles
And we'll tell the story ourselves.
3rd child: Dear granny, our dear,
Listen to the fairy tale, but it’s different.
We came up with it to make you laugh,
Along with the song, along with the dance
Give it to you for the holiday!
(participants in the scene put on masks, music sounds, Mom comes out of the house with a basket and addresses Little Red Riding Hood)
Mom: Listen, dear daughter, you have grown up big.
I need to go to grandma and take the pie to her.
And as a gift, Oriflame anti-wrinkle cream.
I can’t go with you, my friends are waiting at tennis.
Say hi to grandma and tell her I'll be there soon.
As soon as I fix the car, I’ll drop by her right away.
Well, daughter, I have to go, I'm expecting a call in the evening.
(mom leaves)
Little Red Riding Hood (shrugs): Grandma can’t have flour,
She's on a diet again.
She needs to keep her form,
She can't gain weight.
Narrator: The girl took the basket and turned onto the path.
Here she is wandering through the forest, quietly singing songs...

Narrator: Only suddenly the baby hears
It's like someone is calling her.
(Wolf comes out)
Wolf: Hey girl, wait, don’t go past the Wolf!
How far are you going? Can I have a look here?
(looks into the basket)
Here lies the cabbage pie,
How delicious it must be!
Where are you going, child?
And who are you bringing the pie to?
Kr. Shap.: I'm going to my dear granny,
I haven't been there for a long time.
I'll live for two days
And I will come here again.
Wolf: Can I come with you, girlfriend?
We need to accompany you.
The path is long, the forest is large,
I must go with you!
Let's congratulate grandma together.
Let's keep her company.
(walking through the forest)
Kr. Shap: Listen, Wolf, aren’t you lying?
Are you leading me right?
Maybe you want to eat me
My grandmother? But in vain!
I read this fairy tale
Yes, and my mother told me.
Wolf: What are you saying, baby? Ha ha ha! You made me laugh.
What's in your granny that you can eat?
Skin, bones - all food, nothing to eat, trouble!
He follows his diet and kicks a ball in the garden all day.
I’d rather go visit and treat myself to some pie.
Narrator: Here they are, walking together, talking about this and that:
About studies, about cinema, who you haven’t seen for a long time.
Now the house has appeared, just one step left.
(knock on the door)
Kr. Shap: Knock-knock-knock! Open the door!
Grandma: Pull the handle harder!
I'm going now, I'm taking a bath.
Sit on the sofa.
(Granny comes out and wipes herself with a towel)
Grandmother: I started running in the mornings and lost a kilogram.
I have to keep in shape, I can’t gain weight.
(puts on glasses)
Oh baby, what is it? Did the Wolf come with you?
Kr. Shap: Yes, grandma, just the two of us. We're bringing you a pie!
Grandmother: Well, well, I’m glad to see you, we all need to make peace!
Kr. Shap: My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on the holiday!
Wolf: Always be like this everywhere, be athletic, young!
Grandmother: I’m so glad today that my friends have gathered.
Kids, run out and sing ditties!

Presenter: We gathered not in vain.
The fairy tale ended beautifully.
Now it's time for all of us
Congratulations to moms again.
1 child: The holiday is looking through our window,
And spring is ringing like a stream.
A ray of sunshine, cheerful
Hastens with congratulations.
2nd child: The word “mother” is like a bird,
It rushes through the spring land.
Congratulations to everyone
And he wishes everyone health.
All children: Don't get sick, don't grow old,
Never be angry
And so young
Stay forever!