Map of the distribution of world languages. Map of the World's Language Families (Linguistic Map of the World)

***Tasks for independent work students 1. Remember from the 6th grade geography course: What is called a geographical map? How is it different from a site plan? Write the answer in workbook 2. Using the text from the textbook, talk about the role (meaning) of geographical maps in people’s lives. Write the answer in workbook 3** (task for fun, optional) Using Internet resources, do creative work on the topic: The meaning of a geographical map in my life. Creative work 4** (complicated task) A famous cartographer of our days claims that soon the meaning of a map will be as important as knowledge of grammar and mathematics. Express your opinion on this statement. Write the answer in your workbook

Properties of geographic maps You already know that a map is a miniature image earth's surface, constructed according to the laws of mathematics, which is characterized by the property of scale. When working with a map, it is possible to simultaneously view a significant surface area or the entire surface of the Earth. Only the map allows you to see at the same time relative position and the shape of continents, oceans, determine the alternation of climate zones on them, natural areas and... Using a map, you can draw conclusions about many processes and patterns of our planet. The map accurately conveys not only the position on the earth's surface individual territories, but also their properties (for example, mountain height, ocean depth, air temperature), it can be used to make precise measurements distances, areas, height above sea level and... The map accurately conveys not only the position on the earth's surface of individual territories, but also their properties (for example, the height of mountains, ocean depth, air temperature), it can be used to make accurate measurements of distances, areas, height above sea level and... The map is characterized by a generalized image, and this, as is known, has great value to understand the features of the Earth's surface, as well as the processes occurring on it. Maps compiled in different times for the same territory, make it possible to predict many natural phenomena: changes in weather, vegetation, earthquakes. Cards used in all countries of the world have the same scientific basis constructions, therefore they are specific international language communication. The map is characterized by a generalized image, and this, as is known, is of great importance for understanding the features of the Earth’s surface, as well as the processes occurring on it. Maps compiled at different times for the same territory make it possible to predict many natural phenomena: changes in weather, vegetation, earthquakes. Maps used in all countries of the world have the same scientific basis for their construction, therefore they are a specific international language of communication. So, the MAP is not just most important source geographical knowledge, but a special means of information, it cannot be replaced either by text or by the living word. So, a MAP is not just the most important source of geographical knowledge, but a special means of information; it cannot be replaced by either text or the living word.

***Tasks for independent work of students 5. Using the text of the slide Properties of geographic maps, highlight and name the main properties of maps. Write the answer in your workbook Write the answer in your workbook 6*** Key question What do you think came first: writing or a map? Justify your answer. Work in the FORUM 7. Using the textbook text, study the diagram Dividing maps into groups (by 3 criteria: by territory coverage, by scale, by content). Oral work

Types of maps by territory coverage Types of maps Group 1: world maps and maps of hemispheres Group 2: maps of continents, maps of oceans, maps of parts of continents or oceans Group 3: maps of states, maps of parts of states Examples of maps Map name (explanations) World map (on it) the entire earth's surface is depicted) Map of South, SW, SE Asia (it shows part of the continent) Map of Mexico (it shows the territory of the state)

Types of maps by scale Types of maps 1st group: small-scale 2nd group: medium-scale 3rd group: large-scale Definition of map Constructed on a scale (M) smaller 1: Constructed in M ​​from 1: to 1: inclusive 1: inclusive Constructed in M 1: and larger Examples of maps Map name (explanations) Map of Eurasia (small-scale map, because its M 1:) Topographic map Moscow region

Types of maps by content Types of maps Group 1: general geographic maps Group 2: thematic maps Definition Display the main elements of the terrain in approximately equal detail: relief, rivers, settlements, roads, borders... These include topographic and physical maps. They depict one or two components of nature: for example, climate, soils... (Sometimes maps depict several interrelated components of nature, such maps are called complex). Examples of maps Map name Physical card hemispheres Map of summer temperatures of Eurasia

Methods of depicting components of nature, geographical objects and phenomena on a map Using maps, you will determine the location, outlines and relative positions of continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and make the necessary measurements. Maps will help you compose characteristics natural complexes. To be able to use various cards, it is important to know how to depict components of nature, geographical objects and phenomena on a map. READING A MAP means knowing it well conventional signs, find seas, mountains, rivers on it, determine climates, soils and others geographical features and phenomena and, by connecting this information with each other, understand geographical features territory as a whole. Display method Example of a map What is shown in this way? How shown? 1. Method of qualitative background Soil map of the world (see map in the atlas) Types of soils Color

Display method Example of a map What is shown in this way? How shown? 2. Isoline method Climate map Eurasia (see map in the atlas) Air temperature in summer and winter Isotherms different colors 3. Method of habitats (area is the area of ​​distribution of any object or phenomenon on the earth’s surface) Map of the structure earth's crust(see map in the atlas) Earthquake zones; volcanoes Red shading; stars 4. Lines of movement Climatic map of Eurasia (see the map in the atlas) Predominant wind direction Arrows of different colors The map is like a “second language” of geography, like a drawing in geometry.” The map is, as it were, the “second language” of geography, like a drawing in geometry.” Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky believed that “a map is more important than a text, since it often speaks more clearly, clearly and concisely than the best text.”

“Geographical position of Russia” - Ethnocultural position. Length. Historical geographical location. Northern Arctic Ocean. Sea of ​​Azov. Laptvy Sea. Transport and geographical location. Geographical location of Russia. Bering Sea. East Siberian. Geopolitical situation. Russia's share by Latitudinal zones. Sea of ​​Japan.

“Geographical position of the southern continents” - Soil map. Inland waters continents. Tell us about climatic conditions southern continents. Antarctica. What types of movement of the earth's crust do you know? Savannas and woodlands of Africa, Australia, and partly South America. The concept of “Physico-geographical position of the continent.” What are the features of the geographical location of the southern continents?

“Geographical location of South America” - Task I. The southern tropic crosses the continent almost in the middle. That is, the nature of South America is quite diverse. Goals and objectives of the lesson: Geographical location of South America. Equipment. Extreme points: Capes: Horn, Froward, Cabo Branco, Parinhas, Gallinas. South America– the continent of many records. Educational: fostering curiosity; formation of independence, ability to cooperate with others.

“Geographical location of Africa” - Africa is a continent of contrasts. In 146 BC. The Romans captured land in what is now Tunisia. Africa. Purpose of the lesson. Complete the task! Africa on the globe. Photo from space. Form an idea of ​​the physical and geographical position of the continent. Among other continents, Africa occupies a special position.

“The Age of Discovery” - James Cook 1768 What prerequisites contributed to the Great Geographical Discoveries? Marco Polo 13th century. Normans (Vikings) 10th century. Vasco da Gama May 20, 1498 Abdel Tasman 1644 What books about travelers have you read? Why Great geographical discoveries were made by Europeans? Routes of the most important travels.

“Geographical location of North America” - There are also lakes on the continent: the Great Lakes, the Great Bear Lake and others. Caribbean Sea. Table of contents.<Все подписи показаны>. 1. Earth. Population (1994) – 449 million people. Remote sensing data allows you to clearly see the change in landscapes on the mainland. The lowest point is 86 m below sea level (Death Valley).

The main characteristics by which ethnic communities are distinguished are language and culture. There are 5 thousand different languages ​​in the world. They are grouped into numerous language families: Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Semitic-Hamitic, Austronesian, etc.

The largest is the Indo-European language family. It unites about 250,000,000 people, which is almost half of the world's population. It includes such language groups that unite different peoples: Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Slovenes, etc.); Germanic (Germans, English, Americans, Norwegians, Dutch, etc.); Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, etc.). The Sino-Tibetan language family is the second largest; its languages ​​(Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese) are spoken by about 1 billion people. The most widely spoken languages ​​in the world are Chinese (975 million people), English (478), Hindi (437), Spanish (392), Russian (284), Arabic (225), Bengali (200), Portuguese (184), Indonesian (159 ), Japanese (128), French (125) and German (123 million people) - spoken by two-thirds of the world's population.

Where is the best place to go fishing in the Moscow region? How to find the best fishing spots? What does the term “vip fishing” mean? How does paid fishing differ from free fishing and what is “eco-fishing”? A special resource about fishing in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region will answer these questions.

The UN helps refugees and starving people. UN relief agencies are providing assistance and protection to more than 23 million refugees and displaced people. The World Food Program is the leading UN organization responsible for food assistance, sending more than 5 million tons of food per year, providing food to approximately 113 million people in 80 countries.

The Council of Europe (CoE) is the oldest international organization in Europe political organization, created 1949 The CE bodies are located in the French city of Strasbourg, on the border of France and Germany, as a symbol of reconciliation between the two countries.
The main goal of the Council of Europe is the development of a united Europe based on the principles of freedom, democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law. Its activities are aimed primarily at ensuring and protecting human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural rights. Consequently, the activities of the Council of Europe cover all spheres of human life. This organization does not deal with economic news and military-political issues. Since 1995, Ukraine has also been a member of the Council of Europe, currently uniting 46 states.

One of the most significant achievements of the Council of Europe is the development and adoption of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The Convention establishes inalienable rights and rights for the same and obliges the state to guarantee these rights to every person. The main difference between the Convention and others international treaties in the field of human rights, the existence of a mechanism for protecting these rights.

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A geographical map is the main teaching aid in teaching geography. In lessons, with the help of a map, we can see the whole world at once and study its parts in more detail. Without a map, geography, like the science of Earth, could not exist. When working with a map in class, we use it as a source of new knowledge - this helps make the learning process interesting and exciting.



The map is the living language of geography

Everything changes! Times, customs, even the course of the luminaries.

One thing remains unchanged - the endless curiosity of man.

N.N. Baransky

Geography is traditionally considered one of the classic school subjects. “Although the zenith of her fame has long passed, she has become accustomed to being content with the position of the “golden mean” of school subjects, being responsible for her niche in secondary education. After all, no one can deny that this is the only subject of an ideological nature that forms in students a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the Earth as a planet of people. Geographical culture is important integral part general human culture. Language geographical names, in contrast to the language of formulas and equations, has long become the language of general cultural communication between people” (5). It is in geography lessons that the formation of the ethnocultural component is important. A component is working with geographic maps. And the newly emerging needs of society put forward the need to create a methodology for working with the map. “Geography” translated means “description of the earth,” which remains its main goal to this day.Among the many tasks of geography is to identify the features of the interaction of different processes in each territory, summarize the available materials and create a vivid, memorable image of the place, that is, solve the problem of describing the territory.Many geography teachers (including myself) believe that the greatest practical significance in all its diversity school geography has a cartographic direction. Only a map can give a person an idea of ​​​​the position in space. As you know, without a geographical map there is no geography. “And man has long been in possession of a wonderful tool that opens up our entire planet and gives a detailed picture of its individual parts, nature, population, economy. This tool is a geographical map” (2). A geographical map is the main teaching aid in teaching geography. Why is the role of maps so important in geography? This is determined by the specifics of our subject. “The earth is so large that it is inaccessible to direct simultaneous observation. Most of the objects studied in school course geography, due to their remoteness, large or small size, rarity, cannot be observed by students, therefore the importance of visibility for the formation of ideas and concepts is very great” (2). In lessons, with the help of a map, we can see the whole world at once and study its parts in more detail. Without a map, geography, like the science of Earth, could not exist. It is no coincidence that among the ancient Greeks, geography took shape as a science simultaneously with the invention of the geographical map. “And already in the Stone Age, predecessors were created modern maps- drawings on the walls of cave dwellings, schematically showing the territory surrounding a human dwelling - rock paintings” (4).

What does a map do for teaching geography? My students and I can use a map to determine the geographic location of an object. By defining geographical coordinates, we can accurately determine the location of this object. The map shows us the location of objects of interest on the Earth's surface. Without a map, it would be difficult to carry out a comprehensive consideration of geographical phenomena and processes. You can study not only the position, but also the size and shape of geographical objects. Using a map, we study geographical nomenclature in class. A geographical map is not only a tool of knowledge and visual aid, it’s like a fascinating book. Therefore, the task of any teacher is, first of all, to teach the student to work with a geographical map - to develop map reading skills. “The geographical map has enormous educational, educational and practical significance. Working with atlas maps and contour maps creates interest in geography in children, increases motivation to study the subject, promotes the development of creative imagination and thinking, and enriches oral speech” (3). In the process of working with a map in a lesson, we use it as an illustration of knowledge about objects or phenomena told by the teacher or read in a textbook, as a source of knowledge about the depicted object or phenomenon, as a source of new knowledge derived from inferences, but not directly depicted. This helps to make the learning process interesting and exciting, to involve students in search and research activities.

« Rapid development computer technology V modern world, their implementation in all areas human activity make computerization a problem modern education one of the most relevant. Computer literacy today is becoming not only a characteristic feature of a professional specialist, but is also important indicator general human culture" (7). Therefore, one of the areas for improving the work of a modern geography teacher is related to the active use of computers in geography lessons. Performing the function of managing educational activities – essential feature using the computer as a teaching tool.

Physical geography is a school subject designed to form a imaginative understanding of our planet in children. I believe that it is necessary, along with studying the textbook and presenting the material orally, to use one of the “languages” of international communication - geographical map, as well as modern geographic information technologies and Internet resources. "Use of the Internet in educational process has positive characteristics - schoolchildren develop thinking skills and develop choice skills necessary information, information literacy increases” (6). The use of modern forms of lessons at school, in particular lessons using the Internet resource, is a powerful incentive in teaching geography. Information technology with proper use pedagogical technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability and differentiation of training. Non-standard and entertaining tasks, during which the student turns to the map, develop the child’s imaginative thinking and the ability to analyze the information received.

The material we teach in class is voluminous and varied. Internet resources help supplement the lesson with the necessary maps and make up for the lack of necessary maps. Internet resources, electronic textbooks, presentations are used by me in the classroom for various purposes: to ensure independent individual and group work of students to master new material, to implement a differentiated approach to the organization educational activities, quality control of training, etc.

For example, sixth graders are just beginning to explore the world; it is difficult for them to absorb a large amount of information. Therefore, during the lesson they can see not only the volcano depicted in the textbook, but also get acquainted with the Korovin, Pavlov, Velyaminov volcanoes, named after Russian explorers of northwestern America ( http:// The more characteristic features Each volcano will be remembered by a child, the more complex and realistic this concept will be for him. All objects under consideration must be found on the map and in the atlas during classes.

Literature used:

6. Zayats D.V. Internet resources for geography lessons. M.: Pedagogical University “First of September”, 2008.

7. Filatova, N.B. Computer in geography lesson. Scientific and methodological journal “Geography at school”, M.: “Shkola-press”, No. 2, 2001.