Controlling a person at a distance. How it will look on the blog

You meet different people, and it can be difficult to come to an agreement with some of them. How to implement thought suggestion effectively? Discover your ability to telepathic hypnosis!

The Powerful Powers of Hypnosis!

Hypnosis¹ is a special state of consciousness in which a person has very high suggestibility. Everything that is said is embedded in the subconscious and affects a person’s behavior.

This is the basis for some methods of getting rid of bad habits or character correction, when, for example, a subconscious attitude causes aversion to smoking or blocks some kind of panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes effective technique to introduce the desired mental attitude into another person using telepathy!

Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic influence. You can use it to instill any thoughts in another person.

The transmission of thoughts over a distance is a real thing, and scientists are gradually getting closer to recognizing it. Thought is a wave; directed in a focused manner, it always reaches the final object and influences it.

Using this technique, you will be able to instill thoughts into other people, encourage them to do what you need. This will be very helpful in situations where it is impossible to reach an agreement in a normal way.

With practice of this method, you will develop yours and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate free will: the person simply suddenly begins to adhere to a point of view that is favorable to you and acts based on it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object of suggestion is relaxed or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to influence.

It is under these conditions that it is necessary to carry out telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person: this way he will accept other people’s thoughts as his own.

This method allows you to instill love, health, any emotion in any person, you can also introduce a mental image with a specific command.

Before starting practice, you need to compose the desired image or text of suggestion, memorize it so that right moment pronounce.

1. The practitioner takes a sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually this will bring the person into a relaxed meditative state.

2. He remains aware and dives even deeper. To do this, a person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time of concentration, the practitioner will realize that his train of thought has stopped and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person to whom the thought needs to be inspired. His image needs to be presented as vividly as possible. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when meeting him live. With practice, this will create the effect of presence and increase the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the memorized text for suggestion, imagining how an energy channel is built, how it connects to a person’s head, and how a thought, repeated many times, is introduced there.

You must repeat with concentration, without being distracted by any extraneous thought! The number of repetitions of the text of suggestion is strictly individual for each practitioner: at some point he will feel that it is enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. Afterwards, the person imagines how the object of suggestion fulfills that thought, that order that was implanted in him: for example, how he approaches the phone, dials desired number and calls.

All these images need to be sent through the energy channel to the object’s head.

7. At the end, the practitioner imagines how in the object’s head the inspired commands are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice should be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn how to make powerful hypnotelepathic suggestions to anyone and watch them do what you want!


It is important to remember that all your actions are taken into account. higher powers and are your responsibility!

The law of karma³ (cause and effect) should be taken into account: everything you do towards another person comes back to you threefold. Any negativity will return, you can be sure of it!

Therefore, you need to meaningfully create texts of suggestion, based on the principle “do no harm.”

With regular practice you can develop powerful force thoughts, make your ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. In contrast to conventional hypnosis, almost no one can resist telepathic hypnosis!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis or the influence of a hypnotist, characterized by a sharp focus of attention and high susceptibility to suggestion (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of self-hypnosis

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll tell...

Suggestion at a distance

No matter how much a person would like to believe it, we all depend on each other.

The power of thought

After all, it is possible that most of the thoughts that make up our real “I” are suggested by those around us. Moreover, you can argue that to certain life principles came on their own, but who knows, maybe your relatives, based on good intentions, instilled them in you. Let's look in more detail at what suggestion of thoughts is and how it happens at a distance.

Telepathic suggestion at a distance

The well-known pop artist who knew how to read the thoughts of his own viewers, Wolf Messing, skillfully used this hypnosis technique. According to him, he managed to develop this ability through hard training. So, in order to get in touch with the right person, he, first of all, represented his image. Then he formulated as clearly as possible the necessary thought that motivates the object to certain actions. The likelihood of a connection increasing with the emotional intensity of the formulated message.

In addition, instilling thoughts from a distance helps people like you without causing them any harm. Main goal such influence is the establishment of a connection with the subconscious of another person.

Suggesting thoughts to a person at a distance - modern research

Susan Simpson, a British psychologist, conducted an experiment as a result of which she managed to hypnotize 10 of her patients, many of whom suffered from phobias and insomnia. She did this via video link. Ultimately, hypnosis influenced a third of all these individuals, who stated that such “communication” at a distance gave much greater results than in a personal meeting with a psychologist.

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll tell...

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll talk about two. I can’t tell you about the third one, which I resort to most often, because there is something of black magic in it, and I won’t teach you that, don’t blame me. This method is only for those who have a kind heart and pure thoughts: we have already talked about the fact that the same magical rituals different people They also acquire different colors - for some, all the magic will be white, and for others, even the most energetically positive rituals will turn into black and evil.

The first way is as follows. The action takes place on the waxing moon at night, and only at night, when Space is free - there is no noise outside the window, everyone around is sleeping, and your loved one too.

How thoughts affect reality, our lives, health and relationships

The ritual should be performed completely alone. Sit at the table, place three candles in front of you, preferably white or pink color, and a photo of your loved one. Try to imagine him as best as possible, feel him next to you. When you succeed, start talking to him in a low voice. Say everything you would like to say when you meet, say what you would never dare to say... You can ask for forgiveness, you can tell him how you imagine your life together in the future, you can reveal your deepest dreams.

In short, you talk to your loved one as if he were sitting next to you. Be sure to tell him how you would like him to be and ask him to call you, almost order him to miss you and miss you. Then write your wishes on paper and burn it in the flame of a candle. Throw the ashes out the window. That's it, a signal has gone to your lover.

One of my friends, Vika, performed this ritual for several nights in a row. And then one day at three o'clock in the morning the doorbell rang. I must say that she lives alone, so she was afraid to open it. But in the end, curiosity overcame fear, and she went to the window. And what would you think - her beloved man, whom they had not seen for more than a month, was just coming out of the entrance! At that very second he turned around, looked at her window, and their eyes met. He entered the entrance again.

His first words, as soon as he crossed the threshold of Vika’s apartment, were: “I dream about you every night, and now it seemed to me that I heard your voice. So I arrived. Hello!" I was very happy for them.

The other method is more interesting and multifaceted, because with its help you can not only talk with your loved one, but also find out how one of your friends feels about you. Do this: place a thin church candle on a saucer or a comfortable candlestick (all this, of course, only happens in the dead of night) and fold your hands over it so that your palms feel warm, but are not burned by the fire. Imagine what you are holding in your hands fireball. Close your eyes and mentally place the face of the person you want to talk to in the center of this ball. You should see only his face and look at his third eye, that is, at the bridge of his nose.

Introduced? Now you can talk, ask questions, express your wishes, and so on. After the session, thank the person for not refusing to talk to you and put out the candle.

I once had such a conversation that turned out to be very unpleasant. I had just separated from my husband, and I desperately wanted to know how he felt about me, what he thought. Seeing the undisguised hatred in his eyes, I quickly put out the candle and stopped the session.

It happens that your friend or husband has already been bewitched. Honestly, it's not just bad, it's terrible. Because whoever started first most often emerges victorious in the fight. But still, don’t despair. It is not only possible to fight for your happiness, but simply necessary. I will tell you about two methods: the lapel ritual and a quarrel between a husband and his mistress, and those who know how to read between the lines will find several other ways in this chapter.

If your husband, before leaving for work, takes more time than ever to get ready, dresses up and pours cologne all over himself, this is a bad sign. Either he is in love, or he already has a mistress. You don’t know her name yet, but you can quietly put a piece of dog or cat hair in his shoe, in some fold of his coat, or even under the rug in the car and say: “Fight with her like a cat and a dog!”

One of my clients did this almost every day and finally achieved that her husband completely quarreled with his passion. You just need to wish it very sincerely.

If you know the name of your rival, I can recommend the following lapel ritual. They spend it on the waning moon in the evenings for five days in a row. Heat a small, thoroughly washed nail on gas (it’s bad on a candle; it will smoke) (no matter how angry you are with your husband, he doesn’t have to eat the oil with which the nail is lubricated). So, hold the nail with pliers until it becomes red hot, and then quickly throw it into a cup with water poured into it in advance. The nail will “hiss”, and at this time you will say the following conspiracy words directly into the cup three times:

How to manage people - secret technologies

Let's call a spade a spade: controlling people without their consent and well-intentioned goals is called manipulation. So when you are interested secret technologies, which will tell you how to manage people, you are looking for methods of manipulation in which you are not puzzled by either the integrity of the goals or the feelings of the “victims” of manipulation. And these feelings are not pleasant.

Let's start with banal examples of manipulation that we begin to use as soon as we are born.

Examples of manipulation

The ability to manage people is given to us by human nature to achieve our goals when we do not want to express a request or desire, or it seems impractical.

Each of us has seen children lying on the floor in hysterics, who fall into this crazy state for just a couple of minutes, until the mother, ashamed in front of people, buys him a toy or sweets, which the child really liked. This - perfect example manipulation, because the mother feels accordingly - a used victim of her own child.

Always when we're talking about about how to quietly control people, human feelings - shame, fear, resentment and the like - are used as improvised means.

The principle of operation of manipulation Many spheres of influence and industries are built on manipulation - politics, media, advertising. The principle of manipulation is to make sure that the person has no choice. We put pressure on one of a person’s feelings, without ordering or making a request, but leaving a visible choice. If a person chooses to disobey manipulation, he feels an increase in that very feeling of shame and fear. If a person follows the manipulator’s lead, he feels used.

How to Influence Another Person with the Power of Thought? Power In Thought

Manipulation at a distance

Manipulation does not necessarily require words or eye contact. All people are connected by energy channels. Eastern sages say: “Think about a person, and at that moment he will remember you.” In fact, understanding how to control a person from a distance is no more difficult than just thinking. There are several rules:

  • it is easiest to control at night, when a person is sleeping and his brain is relaxed;
  • lie down or sit comfortably, relax your body and get rid of extraneous thoughts;
  • you need to imagine your “sacrifice” as clearly as possible;
  • formulate and say mentally what you want from this person;
  • imagine in all colors how he does this, step by step, in gestures and facial expressions;
  • By practicing for 15 minutes every day, in a few weeks you will be able to control people mentally.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance

Suggesting thoughts at a distance is an ability that not everyone is given. Despite the fact that numerous skeptics doubt the possibility of such suggestion, we must admit that such a phenomenon actually exists.

Many people are convinced that all their thoughts and desires depend only on themselves and no one else. But experts say that there are such phenomena as suggestion, hypnosis, and telepathy. Thanks to certain techniques and methods, it is possible to influence a person, instilling in him your thoughts and imposing desires.

Technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance

To tune in to the wave of another person to whom you want to inspire something, you need to focus on him. You need to practice inspiring desires with the power of thought on close people - this will help you learn faster.

So, what needs to be done to inspire thoughts from photographs, including:

  1. Concentrate completely and don't think about anything.
  2. Look carefully at the photo for about five minutes.
  3. Focus completely on the person.
  4. Achieve the feeling that he is present nearby.
  5. Imagine him, pronounce in your thoughts the words that you want to convey to him.
  6. You need to imagine very realistically that thoughts pass to a person through energy channels and reach him, penetrating the brain and turning into thoughts.

The person to whom the suggestion is transmitted will hear a certain voice in his head and will believe that his own thoughts are arising.

You need to train every day and spend at least half an hour practicing. It is advisable to repeat the exercise 5 times - the effect will be stronger.

In a similar way, you can inspire thoughts at a distance.

You need to try, experiment and perhaps you will succeed. The main thing is that there is a strong desire to inspire to a certain person your thoughts.

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll tell...

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll talk about two. I can’t tell you about the third one, which I resort to most often, because there is something of black magic in it, and I won’t teach you that, don’t blame me. This method is only for those who have a kind heart and pure thoughts: we have already talked about the fact that the same magical rituals take on different colors for different people - for some, all the magic will be white, and for others Then even the most energetically positive rituals will turn into black and evil ones.

The first way is as follows. The action takes place on the waxing moon at night, and only at night, when Space is free - there is no noise outside the window, everyone around is sleeping, and your loved one too. The ritual should be performed completely alone. Sit at the table, place three candles in front of you, preferably white or pink, and a photograph of your loved one. Try to imagine him as best as possible, feel him next to you. When you succeed, start talking to him in a low voice. Say everything you would like to say when you meet, say what you would never dare to say... You can ask for forgiveness, you can tell him how you imagine your life together in the future, you can reveal your deepest dreams.

In short, you talk to your loved one as if he were sitting next to you. Be sure to tell him how you would like to see him and ask him to call you, almost order him to miss you and miss you.

How to influence a person from a distance?

Then write your wishes on paper and burn it in the flame of a candle. Throw the ashes out the window. That's it, a signal has gone to your lover.

One of my friends, Vika, performed this ritual for several nights in a row. And then one day at three o'clock in the morning the doorbell rang. I must say that she lives alone, so she was afraid to open it. But in the end, curiosity overcame fear, and she went to the window. And what would you think - her beloved man, whom they had not seen for more than a month, was just coming out of the entrance! At that very second he turned around, looked at her window, and their eyes met. He entered the entrance again.

His first words, as soon as he crossed the threshold of Vika’s apartment, were: “I dream about you every night, and now it seemed to me that I heard your voice. So I arrived. Hello!" I was very happy for them.

The other method is more interesting and multifaceted, because with its help you can not only talk with your loved one, but also find out how one of your friends feels about you. Do this: place a thin church candle on a saucer or a comfortable candlestick (all this, of course, only happens in the dead of night) and fold your hands over it so that your palms feel warm, but are not burned by the fire. Imagine that you are holding a fireball in your hands. Close your eyes and mentally place the face of the person you want to talk to in the center of this ball. You should see only his face and look at his third eye, that is, at the bridge of his nose.

Introduced? Now you can talk, ask questions, express your wishes, and so on. After the session, thank the person for not refusing to talk to you and put out the candle.

I once had such a conversation that turned out to be very unpleasant. I had just separated from my husband, and I desperately wanted to know how he felt about me, what he thought. Seeing the undisguised hatred in his eyes, I quickly put out the candle and stopped the session.

It happens that your friend or husband has already been bewitched. Honestly, it's not just bad, it's terrible. Because whoever started first most often emerges victorious in the fight. But still, don’t despair. It is not only possible to fight for your happiness, but simply necessary. I will tell you about two methods: the lapel ritual and a quarrel between a husband and his mistress, and those who know how to read between the lines will find several other ways in this chapter.

If your husband, before leaving for work, takes more time than ever to get ready, dresses up and pours cologne all over himself, this is a bad sign. Either he is in love, or he already has a mistress. You don’t know her name yet, but you can quietly put a piece of dog or cat hair in his shoe, in some fold of his coat, or even under the rug in the car and say: “Fight with her like a cat and a dog!”

One of my clients did this almost every day and finally achieved that her husband completely quarreled with his passion. You just need to wish it very sincerely.

Many of us know that people who communicate with each other unite energy threads. This is especially true for family and friends. The Internet is precisely an analogue of our mental communication.

Once in a dream, I flew past these threads, but I saw them the size of electrical wires. Some are thin, others are thick, like on a high-voltage line. And these wires were everywhere, I was even afraid to fly higher, so as not to catch them. And the higher I flew towards them, the more clearly I saw their thickness and heard the sound of resonance. The wires stretched very far and were at bird's eye level. They went down to all the buildings where people were. I even followed one wire that went down to the ground and flew into a building unknown to me. There were even more of them in the building than in the space. They scared me so much that I could get entangled in them like in a cobweb, that it didn’t last me long and I tried to free myself from them as soon as possible. Only after exploring the building did I realize that these were energy threads connecting people. Thanks to these threads, a person can find out the state from a distance loved one, thanks to which an unexpected desire to call will come to either confirm your suspicions or dispel.

Have you ever noticed this feature: you just thought about this person, and he’s already calling you? You have already received his mental signal through these energy wires.

Before my mother died, I shuddered at every call that they would now tell me that my mother was no more. She really died that day. And the day before my death, I was hysterical when I came to my friend and said that my mother was dying. Although there was nothing suspicious in my mother’s behavior. But I already knew that she was preparing to move on to another world. When I looked at my mother, I realized that I was seeing her in consciousness last time... Mothers of their children feel exactly the same way if they are in danger, even if they are very far away. One woman told me that she clearly saw that her adult son was dying in a car accident. He was in the USA at that time. She prayed for him every night, cried and begged God not to take her son away...

He actually got into a car accident, but remained unharmed. And he immediately called his mother to... thank her for saving his life. It turns out he heard her voice, and therefore took all precautions.

But this is what concerns the threat to life and health. But there is also an energy exchange between loving people. loving person feels her partner from a distance, all his thoughts, state of mind. Sometimes a person, without realizing it, begins to take a drink, although he has never experienced such a desire before. Then he is very surprised why this suddenly came over him. And it turns out that at this moment his partner can drown his “grief” with vodka. Thoughts are transmitted instantly along energy threads. The same can be said about feeling betrayed at a distance. It seems that the partner is behaving as usual in everyday life, and the second partner feels mental discomfort. He begins to get nervous and naturally seek confirmation of his suspicions, which most often are not groundless. There are many examples of such telepathic connections. I actually get to the point where I “see a movie” of an upcoming event. I won’t say that I like it, especially if it concerns something that is not good for me. Well, what can I do, that’s my nature. I’m already used to this and I’m just internally preparing myself for the upcoming troubles.

But you can also influence a person so that he thinks the way you need it. I did this experiment on my husband. The thing is that my husband didn't like that I went to psychological trainings and because of this, she sometimes returned home late. It was then that I applied the technique that I will give below. I clearly imagined what he had good mood and he meets me with interest and asks how my classes went. What do you think? Everything happened exactly as I imagined. For a very long time I was surprised that this technique works. Or at least a word of reproach. I didn't hear anything like that from him. Moreover, he prepared dinner himself and waited until I arrived to delight me with his culinary skills. Since then, I realized that I need to be more careful with my thoughts. You should never imagine your partner as angry and aggressive, otherwise thoughts will be transmitted as if through a telegraph with lightning speed.

Today I will teach you how to work on a mental level.


Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system hypnotic influence. With it you can inspire any thoughts to another person. However, the law of karma or cause and effect must be taken into account. Everything we do to others comes back to us threefold. As opposed to conventional hypnosis, telehypnosis Almost no one can resist...

Technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object suggestions, as relaxed as possible or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to impact. So you can telepathically convey one's thoughts or emotions to another person so that he or she accepts them as his own. This method allows inspire love, health, desire or emotion to any person.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Relax all the muscles in your body.
  • Take three deep breaths in and out.
  • Write a short text suggestions, corresponding to your intention.
  • Focus on the feeling of the person you are planning for. inspire your thoughts.
  • Close your eyes, imagine this person bright and real.
  • Imagine him as clearly as possible and mentally repeat your order to him.
  • Your mental repetition should be continuous and extremely attentive, and there should not be a single different thought in your head.
  • Visualize him doing what you tell him to do.
  • For example, that he goes to the phone, dials your number and calls you.
  • Your thoughts penetrate his brain through energy channels and do their job.
  • Yours suggestion reaches this object.
  • Your thoughts turn into his personal thoughts and desires.
  • This object will think that dialing your phone number is his personal desire. And after a while he will call you himself.
  • Exercise for 15 minutes. daily and the results will shock you. Soon you will learn to do hypnotelepathicsuggestions anyone.

First, let's conduct an experiment to make sure that it is possible to influence a person at a distance and this can be done even without any skills. Just look at the back of the head of any person you are interested in. Look closely and long enough. Ultimately, you will notice that the person you were watching will begin to turn around, look around, and look for you, exactly your gaze, in the crowd.

So what do you call it? Magic, telepathy, science - what is it? Unfortunately, there is no exact answer here. If there are different opinions, and therefore you can’t limit yourself to one thing, and it’s too long to consider everything, and there’s no need. However, it doesn’t matter what it’s called, the main thing is the result. By the way, not everyone will succeed the first time and the “object of observation” may not turn around, but here you need to practice. To get results, it is important to understand how you can control a person.

Now we move on to a more difficult stage. Establishing contact is the base, which we complicate with the team. For example: while walking, again select an object, look at the back of your head, but only now say “stop”, “look at me”, “turn left” and everything else like that. Let us note right away that it will not be easy, but your surprise will be much greater after the person listens to you. And right away little advice: Don’t ask a person why he did this or that way, and especially don’t tell him that you influenced him.

Firstly, you risk hearing a number of not very good lines, and secondly, just put yourself in his place and you will understand that it will look ridiculous. Therefore, we simply repeat this procedure many times and consolidate the experience gained. If everything works out for you, then you can move on to the next stage and finally answer the question: “how to control a person at a distance”

Mentally imagine a person close to you (it is much easier to establish contact with them) and very clearly mentally convey to him the message: “call me.” It is much better if you put it not in words, but in the form of images. In other words, imagine how a person gets up from the couch, dials a number and calls you.

Telepathy requires concentration. And not everyone will succeed the first time, because in our busy world, it is very difficult to disconnect from everything for the sake of one goal. The most universal method for concentration is meditation. IN this material There is no point in dwelling on this point, and this has already been written about more than once. By the way, you can force not only a call, but also a “meeting by chance”; in this case, you can mentally tell the person the place and time in advance, also preferably in images. I hope you got all your questions answered and this article gave you the knowledge you were looking for.

Anyone who has embarked on the path of self-improvement must master the methods of suggestion for the following reasons:
1) in order to properly organize mental protection from conscious (purposeful) or unconscious suggestion from other people, you need to know the essence and methods of suggestion;
2) you need to be active when communicating with people; in order to please people, in some cases you can use suggestion, but in such a way that it does not harm the person for whom the suggestion is intended;
3) kindness and mercy must be expressed not only through material assistance, but also through moral, mental and spiritual assistance through advice and suggestion (provided that the one receiving help agrees to the suggestion).
The essence of suggestion is the same as self-suggestion, only the objects of suggestion are different: with self-suggestion - your own subconscious, with suggestion - the subconscious of other people. With suggestion, certain attitudes in the form of thoughts and mental images are accepted by the subconscious of another person. Attitudes can be of two types: 1) to correct character (to develop certain new habits) or perform certain actions (including changing attitudes towards a person); 2) to restore the normal functioning of the body (the healing power is within us. This power is the subconscious mind’s disposition for the body to function without failure. Only the intervention of one’s own consciousness in the form of incorrect thinking patterns interferes with the work of the subconscious mind and leads to functional disorders and diseases).
With mental suggestion, an attitude is transmitted to another person in the form of mental messages telepathically. With verbal suggestion, the telepathic sending of the attitude is strengthened through verbal influence.
1. VERBAL Suggestion
The method of verbal suggestion, as a rule, is used to improve the health of a person (or group of people) who is the object of suggestion.
Basic elements of suggestion:
1. First of all, the person being subjected to suggestion must be brought into a calm, peaceful state by conducting an appropriate conversation, since a calm, peaceful state increases susceptibility to suggestion.
2. The suggestible person should be in a comfortable, relaxed state; The more relaxed the suggestible person is, the more susceptible he is to suggestion.
3. The one who suggests must bring himself: 1) into a state of concentration on his work (inattention and lack of concentration weaken the effect of suggestion); 2) into a state of self-confidence.
4. Special eloquence is not required, but you need to put feeling and perseverance into your speech. The voice must be loud and strong; it does not need to be loud, but it must be imbued with power (the power of persuasion, the power of self-confidence).
5. The power of suggestion increases with repetition. Repeating a suggestion confirms it in the memory of the person being suggested; You can not repeat it monotonously, conveying the same thought with different combinations of words.
6. When suggesting, it is important to present to the suggestible the desired state, that is, the state that you are seeking, using words and using your own mental image.
7. When making suggestions, you should not mention health disorders, you should talk about the state that needs to be achieved.
Among the most talented masters of verbal suggestion, Vladimir Levi, a famous psychotherapist and author of many books on self-improvement, stands out. Thanks to sessions of verbal suggestion on television, Kiev psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky became no less famous.
2. MENTAL Suggestion
Mental suggestion is mainly used for remote influence (when influenced at a distance). In this case, you need to imagine that the object of suggestion is near you, in the same room. But one can imagine the object of suggestion at any distance; the main thing is to mentally see it in a situation close to reality. You need to see how thoughts leave and reach the object of suggestion. In this case, you can mentally talk with the patient in exactly the same way as if he were personally present. With correspondence suggestion, you need to agree in advance with the object of suggestion about a certain time for the suggestion session (if we are talking about improving the body’s health in case of a functional disorder).
The main thing with mental suggestion is the ability to mentally imagine the desired state of the object of suggestion (if we are talking about recovery, then you need to be able to figuratively imagine the patient’s recovery). The transmission of thought itself does not require much effort. You just need to imagine that the transfer of thoughts is taking place.
3. METAPHYSICAL Suggestion
Metaphysical suggestion (“metaphysical” means “beyond the physical”) is a combination of metaphysical conversation (about the reality of our “I”, the unity of the Universe) and mental suggestion, is intended for those who are prepared to realize the reality of their “I”.
Metaphysical suggestion is aimed at the physical and mental health of the object of suggestion.
According to the yogic concept, spiritual influence is the highest method of suggestion used for physical and mental healing. This method of influencing a person is probably used by several people on Earth. Christ and his disciples healed people in this very way. The essence of this method: the healer passes through himself the spiritual healing forces of the Universe (mentally imagining himself as a conductor of these forces) and then mentally “immerses” the patient in the spiritual flow; flow healing powers influences the superconscious (spiritual mind), which in turn powerfully and instantly affects the subconscious, which in turn also instantly brings the entire body into a harmonious state.



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