How to convince a person that he is needed. Basic techniques of suggestion by the power of thought at a distance

How to suggest something to a person?

Many people get into arguments or discussions every day, but cannot convince their interlocutor of the correctness of their point of view. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not have the skills and tactics of suggestion to convince a determined opponent of the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or are completely afraid of discussions. Stop! Are there still ways to persuade? How to convince a person of your point of view? Some practical advice will help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the methods of suggestion, persuasion, in other words, influencing the opinion of another person. First, let’s find out what main types of suggestion exist in principle. And there are two of them: direct and indirect.

Direct suggestion It has the greatest effect on people with a weak level of intelligence, and is combined with negative emotions (for example, you can shout or gesticulate vigorously).

For people with developed intellect tactics change to the opposite - use positive emotions. If a person is depressed or a little unsure of himself, the suggestion is pronounced in an imperative tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and/or gestures, and the use of repeated phrases. sharp, loud, short, as if “hammered” (but here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can scare the person).

If a person is emotionally excited or worried about something, then the suggestion is carried out in a soothing tone. Use repeated, long, soft, soothing phrases.

An additional method of direct suggestion is a special, intended “ambiguity” in the construction of phrases. You must construct the phrase in such a way that it would seem to the person as if his thoughts were being spoken out loud.

Methods of direct suggestion do not work in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second type of suggestion - indirect...

Indirect suggestion is divided into: informational, affective, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion through negation and allegorical suggestion.

Informational suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence inner world person, refer to the media. Overall it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that the fact is that a person’s memory of some information that has received general approval works. Thus suppressing alertness.

The method of affective suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion or under the influence emergency situations. In this state, a person is most susceptible to suggestion. This is influenced by fear of danger, difficulty of choice in a difficult situation, excessive physical fatigue, lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. A person’s volitional processes decrease, suggestibility increases, and he behaves “imitatively.” The model of behavior in this situation should begin as reassurance and understanding, which wins the person’s trust. And after a short pause, you need to give supposedly “friendly” advice, which in such a situation has greatest strength, as a person’s vigilance decreases.

The behavior model for complimentary suggestion is based on flattery and praise. Many people cannot criticize a person who flatters and praises them greatly. This tactic of processing a person in the intelligence services is called “love bombing.”

Figurative-emotional suggestion works due to... You must encourage the person to imagine all the delights of this object of suggestion. Convince him of the superiority of the suggested object in comparison with others. This method is very effective because it works through the subconscious. You must convince the person’s subconscious that the object of suggestion is necessary for the person.

Suggestion using negation works on the basis of the particle “not”. In order for a person to imagine what he should not do, he first needs to imagine the situation as if he were doing it.

The model of allegorical suggestion is based on an aphorism, analogy, joke, anecdote, short story from personal experience or the experience of acquaintances, a situation from work, a parable, an example from a book, the press, television, in a general metaphor. Their main goal is not just to cause certain emotions, but also to motivate a person to action. But the metaphors you use must fit the person. For example, metaphors used in a conversation with strangers may have a bad effect in a conversation with “old” friends, etc.

By following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome the fear of losing an argument. By practicing these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.

Suggestion is something without which many processes in society are impossible. Communication, education, work, relationships with the opposite sex - suggestion is present everywhere. This influence can be used both for selfish purposes, to achieve one’s own goals, and as an auxiliary therapy - self-hypnosis and orientation towards well-being.

Definition of the concept

Suggestion is an influence aimed at changing behavioral characteristics person, his mental and due to changes in behavior and psyche, the individual at whom the suggestion is directed, easily perceives new information(installation, instruction, order). The second name for suggestion is suggestion, and the person directing the suggestion is called a suggestor.

Influences of this kind are carried out verbally and non-verbally. During communication, individuals also use suggestion, constantly imposing emotions, desires, moods and opinions on each other.

The power of suggestion directly depends on the quality of the information received, the authority of the person directing the influence on someone, and the suggestibility of the individual. In addition to a person, it is enhanced under the influence of external and internal factors: natural disasters, the emotional state of the individual, his suggestibility.

Suggestion, unlike persuasion, is not based on logical arguments, but on a person’s willingness to accept instructions and transmitted information on a subconscious level. It instills in the suggestible someone else’s ideas, sensations and feelings without the use of any evidence or logical explanations.

Who is most susceptible to suggestion?

Children and women, as well as teenagers, impressionable people are more susceptible to the influence of others than adult men with an established psyche. A person becomes suggestible under the influence of the following physical and mental factors:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain;
  • bodily relaxation;
  • drowsiness;
  • emotional excitement;
  • boredom;
  • low level of development of thinking;
  • incompetence in any area;
  • weakness of will;
  • anxiety;
  • shyness;
  • lack of time when making any decision.

A person can resist influence both intentionally and unintentionally. Intentional resistance helps to purposefully overcome suggestion. This consists of constant conscious analysis of the information received, comparing it with personal knowledge and beliefs. If the suggested program does not match the existing data, the person rejects it. Unintentional resistance lies in the pathological tendency to doubt in individuals.

Forms of suggestion

There are three main forms of influence on humans:

  • hypnosis;
  • suggestion when a person is completely relaxed, both mental and physical;
  • suggestion in everyday life, while the individual is awake.

This kind of influence is aimed at reducing a person’s vigilance, weakening his thought processes to accept information, while using the emotions of the suggested person. That is, during installation, new information is associated with facts, people, situations that are already familiar to a person, which arouse his feelings. This makes it possible to win over the individual and inspire confidence in him. It should be taken into account that when negative emotions the installation will be completely rejected.


Suggestion and persuasion are similar and at the same time radically different concepts. The latter can be equated to a subtype of suggestion. This method of influence uses logical techniques combined with social and social methods. That is, references to authoritative sources of information and the influence of a group of individuals are used as a tool. In the latter case, persuasion works more effectively, since the group influence on a person is stronger than the influence of one individual on another.

Conviction is aimed directly at a person’s logic and reason. Therefore, when influencing, the level of personal development is taken into account. At a low level, persuasion may not work, since in underdeveloped individuals it is usually completely or partially absent


Hypnosis and suggestion are practically inseparable concepts. Hypnosis is a state in which a person is between sleep and wakefulness. In other words, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, trance. The hypnotist uses various techniques to put a person into a trance, influencing the psyche of the hypnotized person.

The hypnotist performs several actions simultaneously: induction into a trance; introducing one’s own attitudes into the subconscious, instilling certain tasks. A person is immersed in a hypnotic state through constant, monotonous actions of the hypnotist, aimed at irritating certain senses:

  • touch (touching, stroking);
  • hearing (muffled music, calm tone of voice);
  • vision (fixation of gaze on any attribute of the hypnotist).

Also, some hypnotists practice complete blocking of the senses - physical relaxation, closing the eyes during the session. A person can plunge into a hypnotic state only if his brain has a predisposition to transition into an inhibited state.


This subtype of suggestion is a technique of self-government. A person constantly inspires himself with any thoughts, imposes emotions and a desire to act. The influence on one’s own self is actively used in pedagogy, education, self-study various sciences. Self-hypnosis is a psychological suggestion that helps you overcome your own fears and achieve your goal.

The main forms of this impact are:

  • affirmations - text and speech suggestions;
  • visualization - images and pictures that create a mood and embody a specific goal;
  • meditation and self-hypnosis - suggestion of thoughts.

Self-hypnosis does not always give a positive attitude; often a person unconsciously inspires himself with a negative outcome of events and mentally lowers his self-esteem. This does not allow the individual to develop and improve normally. Therefore, self-hypnosis should always be positive and conscious. The effectiveness of the impact depends on a person’s susceptibility to attitudes, as well as their quality - incorrect and unrealistic attitudes are usually not perceived by the subconscious.

Methods and types of suggestion

Basically, suggestion is a verbal, verbal influence, enhanced by various auxiliary techniques. According to historical data, the word has always had a strong influence on people, it helped to cure dangerous diseases, and could stop and start a war.

In any of the methods, the impact first irritates one of the areas of the brain, simultaneously slowing down the work of the remaining part of it, and then, with the help of discharge, the suggested thought, word or idea is firmly fixed in the subconscious.

The mechanisms of suggestion are:

  • Direct. Here main role plays the speech of the person directing the suggestion.
  • Indirect. In addition to speech, other types of influence are used, stimuli that enhance the effect of suggestion

Mental suggestion, the introduction of one’s own desires and ideas is an influence that results in a change in attitudes, beliefs and attitudes towards something or someone. This also includes the emergence of new aspirations in life, which the individual had not previously thought about.

This method of influence is used in the absence of close contact with the suggested person, that is, at a distance. The suggestor imagines in detail that the object of suggestion is in at the moment next to him, while feeling how his thoughts reach their destination - the subconscious of the suggested. In order for mental suggestion to take place, a person needs to believe in his own strength, as well as imagine in detail what he wants to achieve from the suggested person, into what state he wants to put him.

Verbal or verbal suggestion

This kind of influence involves complete immersion of the suggested person into a relaxed state. This increases the strength of the verbal signals sent by the suggestor. The latter must be completely confident in his own capabilities, collected and focused on the implementation of his plans.

Verbal or verbal suggestion has several subtypes:

  • Direct. Here are used simple installations, understandable both to the suggestor himself and to the suggestible. They are quickly spoken and implemented, while the suggestible person does not have the opportunity to refuse to accept the attitude. This method of suggestion was previously used to block pain during operations.
  • Indirect. With such influence, a person does not understand what the suggestor is trying to achieve from him, and he has a choice: accept the attitude or resist it.
  • Open verbal suggestion. Here, the suggestible person is offered several different settings, after accepting which he can begin to act. The success of suggestion depends on the person’s attitude to the information received.
  • Hidden verbal suggestion. This is the combination of an individual’s calm speech with certain hidden orders (commands, settings).

All phrases and individual words pronounced insistently, but at the same time calmly and evenly, not too loudly. The voice must contain the strength and confidence of the suggestor. The power of suggestion with words increases several times if phrases are constantly repeated, since repetition helps to consolidate new information in the subconscious of the suggestible.

Nonverbal suggestion

The influence is carried out using visual contact with the suggestible person, changing the intonation of the suggestor, various gestures, fixing a person’s gaze on a constantly moving object. Words are used here as an auxiliary tool.

Methods of suggestion with non-verbal influence:

  • Change physical condition human - catalepsy. During suggestion, the individual takes a certain pose, which is imposed on him by the suggestor.
  • Introducing pauses into spoken text. The suggestible person involuntarily fills the gaps between the information received with his own thoughts, decisions and attitudes.
  • Suggestion of levitation. Here, physical influence is completely absent; the suggestible person is immersed in a trance only thanks to his own imagination.

How to make suggestion more effective

Whatever the impact on a person, to achieve a positive result you must follow the following rules:

  1. The suggestible person must be in a relaxed state, while his logic and critical thinking must be completely turned off. This is possible with mild drunkenness, as well as immersion in a trance.
  2. The suggestor needs to believe in what he is trying to inspire in a person, otherwise the influence will not be effective. Also, he should not doubt own strength during the session.
  3. To achieve the desired result, you need to constantly train and improve yourself.
  4. During the influence, the suggestor must fulfill all the promises given to the ward, otherwise the suggestion will not be effective.

How to protect yourself from exposure

Due to the fact that many scammers use suggestion as a way to make money, there is a need for self-protection from this influence.

  • When communicating with unfamiliar people, you need to remember your own goals, if necessary, shifting the conversation to a topic that interests you.
  • In dialogue, you need to constantly change the position you take, use gestures, periodically changing intonation and tempo. It is also recommended to change the speed of breathing.
  • At the slightest suspicion of suggestion and the inability to free yourself from it, you need to abruptly break off the dialogue and leave.
  • During a conversation, experts do not recommend looking into the eyes of a person trying to inspire something in you, or observing his manipulations, be it waving his arms or using any objects that attract attention. Here you should fix your gaze on a static object, or constantly move your gaze from one object to another.
  • If you understand that they are trying to instill in you other people’s ideas and desires, then you need to immerse yourself in memories, mentally draw a picture of some events.
  • Communication with one’s own “I,” listening to loud music, and reading any text aloud helps stop external influences.

Remember that suggestion can be either positive or negative. A positive message helps a person regain self-confidence, restore health and give up bad habits, while a negative suggestion destroys a person from the inside, setting him up for a negative outcome of events.

Man lives in a world where every part wants to influence him. This is not bad if you understand that how a person influences with his actions, words and thoughts the world around us, so the world will influence him with its wishes. There are various techniques of suggestion, some of them are easy, others are hard methods. and at a distance, their techniques will be discussed in the article.

Man is a piece of God! This idea appealed to many people, because now this “particle of God” is trying to impose its opinion on everyone, forgetting that people are also “particles” capable of claiming the role of God.

A person imagines himself to be God, and not a part of him. Although when failures occur, then a person shrinks, trying to pretend to be a “part”. While he is confident that he is right, he imagines himself omnipotent and omniscient. But as soon as his truth does not give the desired result, he immediately admits that he, too, can be wrong.

People forget about this truth when they begin to impose their opinions on each other. Parents want their children to obey them. Partners in love try to force each other to listen only to their opinions. In almost any close relationship, people forget that they can make mistakes. A person strives to insist on his opinion, as if wanting to deprive other people of their personal opinions.

“I said, so it will be like this,” a person may not say this out loud. But when he fails to agree on something with others, the reason for this is his position. He doesn't want to listen to another opinion. He thinks of himself as omniscient. He thinks he's right. He wants to decide fate for other people. Such approaches to other people lead to the fact that even close ones begin to close themselves off and turn away from each other.

Why do people impose their opinions? Because they want to dominate the lives of others. At the same time, one can often observe that these people themselves live unhappy, poor and without love. So, what can they teach you by imposing their opinion? Nothing. Understanding this, you can calmly treat any attempts to impose your opinion on you, seeing that a person simply imagines himself to be God, like small child tries to copy the behavior of his parents.

What is suggestion?

Suggestion is present in the life of every person. Even in an environment where a person has no contact with others, suggestion can occur through various mechanisms. What is suggestion? Usually it is understood as the influence of one person on another in such a way that he uncritically perceives everything that is said to him, considering it the correct opinion.

It seems that you yourself influence your behavior and train of thoughts. However, psychologists can give many examples of how people influence each other. Almost everyone has various techniques, which they constantly use to influence the thoughts and behavior of others. This can be hypnosis, manipulation, suggestion, telepathy.

All people are suggestible, like all people various methods influence each other. This happens everywhere: during communication, at work, during parenting, in relationships. Often people influence each other for selfish purposes. When a person seeks the help of a psychologist on the website, he is faced with a suggestion aimed at self-improvement.

The introduction of thoughts against the will of a person, contrary to his ideas, is called suggestion, and the person who suggests is called a suggestor.

During suggestion, various mechanisms are used: verbal and non-verbal signals. Sometimes people use them unknowingly. And their interlocutors do not even notice how they are influenced. This is where repetition becomes effective. If you repeat the same information several times, a person will soon perceive it. The first time, he may not pay attention to it or may not treat it as necessary, so repetitions are necessary.

Factors that help in the process of suggestion, which affects its strength:

  • The nature of suggestion.
  • The mood of the suggestible.
  • The authority of the one who inspires.
  • Compliance of the suggestible.
  • Emotional resilience.
  • Categorical message.
  • Suggestion environment.
  • Mental exhaustion and overwork of the suggestible.
  • Unexpected message.
  • Natural disasters, etc.

The power of suggestion is influenced by how ready a person is to perceive other people's information without criticizing it. Sometimes this is more effective than logical evidence, which is used to persuade.

What kind of people are prone to suggestion?

  1. With uncritical thinking.
  2. Weak.
  3. Shy.
  4. Simple-minded.
  5. Shy.
  6. Tendency to depend on others.
  7. Timid.
  8. Gullible.

The following individuals become less suggestible:

  • Strong in spirit.
  • Initiative.
  • Eccentric.
  • Narcissists.
  • With business activity.
  • Independent from others.
  • Energetic.
  • Having someone subordinate to them.
  • Uncommunicative.
  • Arrogant.
  • Frank.
  • Gloomy.

If the information that a person receives contradicts his ethical and moral values, logic and provokes internal resistance, then it becomes a barrier that interferes with suggestion.

Suggestion of thoughts

Psychologists note that the greatest indoctrination occurs between close people. There is great trust in relationships between family, loved ones and loved ones. People accept each other's information uncritically because they believe that close relationships between them are built on openness, honesty and trust. Exactly close person can influence in a way that strangers cannot.

Every parent directly influences their children. What an adult says to a child, what he punishes and what he praises for - absolutely any word or action leaves an imprint on the child’s subconscious map. Meeting the expectations of parents is one of the main tasks of the baby in order to learn to survive and adapt to life among other people and nature in general. Any attitudes of the parents towards the child, what he is like, how he should stand, what to do, how to jump, how to communicate with others - everything is imprinted in his subconscious and carries important information about what he will be like next when he grows up.

It is very important for adults to hear themselves and understand what they are saying to their young children. Any word said by mom or dad can remain in the baby’s memory for a long time and subsequently influence his adult life: how he will relate to himself, to other people, and even to his already aged parents.

To adjust your words and actions, write down on a piece of paper: how do you see your child in 5, 10 years, as an adult? Based on the notes, adjust your attitudes regarding the child. If you want to see him smart, but every time you shout at him that he is stupid, just because he got a “2” in mathematics, this negates all your true intentions. If you want a smart son, then see him as a smart kid even when he fails.

There are rare cases when parents give complete freedom and the opportunity to their children to choose their own path. This phenomenon is called unconditional love, which implies positive attitude parents towards the child even when he does not meet all the expectations of his adult mentors. Giving complete freedom to the younger generation, parents free themselves from responsibility for other people's lives, giving the child the opportunity to find his own life path, following which he will become an independent and responsible person.

Another way of inducing thoughts is hypnosis. It occurs when a person falls into a drowsy or trance state. Hypnosis will have no effect while you are awake or asleep.

This method allows you to instill any thoughts in a person who is under hypnosis. Here the fantasy and imagination of the hypnotized person is effectively used. However, psychologists note the following fact:

  • The suggested thoughts must correspond to the needs of the person.
  • If the suggested thoughts contradict a person’s needs, then he will develop neuroses, internal conflict, and a nervous disorder.

Two factors remain important in inducing thoughts:

  1. The one who inspires must believe in the correctness of his own information.
  2. The one who is being suggested must be ready for suggestion, pliable, trusting.

If a person can resist the influence of one individual, then sometimes he cannot resist the influence of the whole society. The so-called public opinion“influences many minds of people who may not want to and go against it, but sometimes succumb to pressure and obey the opinion of the majority. This is the most easy way suggestion of thoughts: if the majority believes, then only a few will believe.

Methods of suggestion

Suggestion can be either positive or negative. It all depends on what goals are pursued by the person who is trying to influence others, as well as the methods he uses to do this. They are:

  • Non-verbal. It is carried out through voice intonation, posture and facial expressions. Divided into:
  1. Catalepsy.
  2. Levitation.
  3. Pause.
  • Intentional. Occurs when the suggestor has specific goals and objectives, while taking all actions that will help him in suggestion.
  • Unintentional. Occurs when the suggestor does not have any intentions of suggestion, but at the same time performs actions that affect the interlocutor.
  • Positive. After the impact, changes occurred for the better.
  • Negative. After exposure, negative properties, behavior, and traits appeared.
  • Exposure in an alert state.
  • Exposure in a relaxing state.
  • Hypnotic.
  • Mental. Carried out in the absence of human contact.
  • Pressure.
  • Persuasion.
  • Indirect suggestions. When the person being influenced still retains the right to choose whether to accept information or not. There are these types:
  1. Sequence - the beliefs that are reinforced by the installation are listed one by one.
  2. Implication is a prediction of a possible result to which a person is tuned.
  3. A double bind is an offer to make a choice between two similar options.
  4. Transfer possible options events, missing the most important, and focusing on one thing.
  • Emotional-volitional influence.
  • Mechanical – impact on humans different sounds, objects, flowers, etc.
  • Mental.
  • Magical - the use of healing magnetism.

The goal of all methods of suggestion is to introduce specific ideas, thoughts and emotions to another person so that he perceives them as his own, after which he begins to act and change behavior in the right direction.

Suggestion at a distance

This topic is controversial, since to date it has not yet been proven whether it is possible to suggest at a distance. This means the implementation necessary information person without direct contact with him. You may not see or communicate with the person, but at a distance you can transmit the necessary thoughts to him.

Here the main emphasis is on telepathy. If hypnosis already has scientific foundations, then some hope for confirmation of the presence of telepathy.

It is believed that thoughts are waves of a certain frequency that can be transmitted over any distance. Accordingly, the person being influenced must be a “receiver” who picks up these frequencies. A logical question arises here: if the person you want to influence is on a “different wavelength,” then how can you influence him? Scientists will still have to think about this.

Undoubtedly, in the life of every person there are examples of “telepathic influence”. For example, you thought about calling a person, and a few hours later he called himself. For example, you wanted to see someone, and a miracle happened: you met the person literally on the same day. What is this - telepathy, suggestion of thoughts or coincidence? On this question There is no clear answer yet. However, such situations gradually accumulate in people's experience.

Sometimes a person can suddenly think about something that is unusual for him, and then find out that the same thought occurred to another individual. Sometimes people invent something, and at the same time they find out that at the same time on the other side of the planet there are people who also made the same discovery.

Scientists talk about the presence of a single information field around the planet, where there are all the thoughts and ideas that can or have already arisen in people’s heads. Being on a certain “wavelength”, a person perceives this or that information from the outside world.

Here is a technique for telepathy - suggestion at a distance:

  1. Take a position that is comfortable for you, preferably lying down.
  2. Relax. Take a deep breath.
  3. Focus on the thought that you want to inspire in the other person. It should be short, clear and understandable.
  4. Focus on the person you want to inspire. Get into his emotional state.
  5. Start repeating the desired thought to him repeatedly.
  6. Imagine how a person begins to do what you inspired him to do.

Bottom line

The topic of suggestion is in demand because many people would like to have skills that could help them influence others. How good life would be if a person could influence the emotions, thoughts and behavior of any interlocutor. Everyone thinks so! Everyone wants this! The result of this state of affairs would be chaos, where people are guided solely by your own desires, regardless of the opinions of others.

All people are susceptible to suggestion, just as absolutely everyone has influence techniques. It’s just that the circumstances are always different, which is why a person achieves certain results. In one situation his methods work, in another they don’t. This is quite normal in the real world.

People influence each other. Everyone has a bit of trust, uncritical thinking and simplicity. Much depends on the relationships in which people are. There is unconditional trust in authority figures and people you really like: what they say will be the truth, no matter what it is. People behave completely differently with those they don’t know well or with whom they are in conflicting relationships. Here the level of criticality increases, so enemies or strangers can influence each other very minimally.

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-suggestion one can evoke sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses, as well as influence the vegetative functions of the body.

The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses through the constant repetition of specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious and it begins to act according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repeating settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of self-suggestion must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in affirmative form. Negative particle“not” in verbal formulas is excluded. You cannot say “I don’t smoke.” You need to say “I quit smoking” or “I stopped smoking.” You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration on the subject of suggestion. While pronouncing each self-hypnosis phrase, it is advisable to vividly imagine what is being suggested.

Self-hypnosis methods work most effectively when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful message to the subconscious) occur against the background of a state of relaxation in the body. The more relaxed the body is, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve the goal specific purpose, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.

There is enough large number self-hypnosis methods are affirmations, psychological mood, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechniques.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis where you repeat formulas out loud or silently. The point of this psychotechnic is that you construct a sentence in which you say that you have achieved a certain goal. For example, “I have good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have good job", "I'm married to the man I love." What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely supplant them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a type of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we give thanks, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this has a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health,” “Thank you for my new home”, even if you don't have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this home. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have something repeatable.

The most common state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable for this psychotechnics. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his entire day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, as long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of your memory.

Affirmations are the most simple method self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is to simply imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our minds do not differentiate real events from imaginary ones. When you imagine something, the mind believes that it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you should imagine that you are driving that car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine the first time you insert the keys into keyhole and you open the door, as you enter the house, as you examine it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting from your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is embedded in the subconscious must be very clear and vivid - then the subconscious will be able to give commands to the corresponding organs and tissues.

The duration of this psychotechnics has no special significance. The main criterion is your pleasure. Visualize it for as long as you like it. This can last as long as an hour or five minutes. The main thing is that the process should be enjoyable. The more often you imagine the desired image, the sooner the renewal process will begin. And the result may simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula several times (at least 20). The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, “I am healthy.” In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this self-hypnosis method lasts 3-4 minutes and is repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using drowsy states for psychotechnical sessions in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lowest level) or hypnotic trance (highest level). The creator of the autogenic training method is Johannes Heinrich Schultz, and he also owns the term “autogenic training.” This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yoga, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Coue and others.

By practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which occurs on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the “coachman” position. Having achieved relaxation, you need to:
– activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
– cause, if necessary, not only calm, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
– accompany self-hypnosis formulas with figurative ideas.

The effectiveness of using this psychotechnics will depend on the degree of concentration, so other matters are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one has an extremely bad effect on achieving the effect.

A type of autogenic training is imago training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago training, every person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago training specialist) beyond the limits of his usual capabilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating from consciousness all interfering factors, both external and internal.

A necessary condition for meditation is cessation internal dialogue, the conversation we constantly have with ourselves. Stopping it is not difficult at all. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnics that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more; in principle, it is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components:
– installation definition;
– entering a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given attitude within oneself;
– exit from a state of emptiness to a normal state with an attitude already embedded in the subconscious;
– if it is necessary to carry out the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, succinct and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase “I am deeply asleep...”. Next, you should mentally count from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away further and further from the familiar world, plunging deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting “zero,” say the key phrase “I am deeply asleep...” again and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it’s time to pronounce a formula that will help you achieve this state faster in the future. It goes like this: “Every time I say the words “I am deeply asleep...”, I enter a state of self-programming faster and faster.”

This formula must be repeated several times at each of the first lessons and only after that the self-hypnosis formulas must be spoken.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnic that makes it possible to re-experience a past situation in a concentrated way, but in a new way, in a virtual space. Re-experiencing is the discovery of new possibilities in an old situation, not for then, but for new opportunities now. It's about about situations that are still significant today. That’s the only reason it makes sense to experience them, that’s the only reason they can be experienced. To actually experience a situation again means to see new possibilities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of significant components of a situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be re-examined, rethought, etc.
3. You need to restore and reproduce in the situation what happened for you personally. The situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there was a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.

tinctures – an effective method of self-hypnosis

For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person’s consciousness reaches its maximum degree of concentration. Therefore, while performing the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Moods are words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. The fact that the words are spoken by the person himself will not weaken their influence. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word that comes from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than what was heard from another.


Visualize above your head a deflated balloon. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely freed from these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize how the balloon floats up and disappears, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is an excellent psychotechnique that is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed has a hundred times greater impact on the subconscious than the word seen, spoken or heard.

Psychotechnique is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). You read it several times. Then go to bed and, reciting the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

Aug 3, 2016 tigress...s

Many people get into arguments or discussions every day, but cannot convince their interlocutor of the correctness of their point of view. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not have the skills and tactics of suggestion to convince a determined opponent of the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or are completely afraid of discussions. Stop! Are there still ways to persuade? How to convince a person of your point of view? A few practical tips will help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the methods of suggestion, persuasion, in other words, influencing the opinion of another person. First, let’s find out what main types of suggestion exist in principle. And there are two of them: direct And indirect. Direct suggestion has the greatest effect on people with a weak level of intelligence, and is combined with negative emotions (for example, you can shout or gesticulate vigorously).

For people with developed intelligence, the tactics change to the opposite - using positive emotions. If a person is depressed or a little unsure of himself, the suggestion is pronounced in an imperative tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and/or gestures, and the use of repeated phrases. Phrases should be sharp, loud, short, as if “hammered in” (but here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can scare the person).

If a person is emotionally excited or worried about something, then the suggestion is carried out in a soothing tone. Use repeated, long, soft, soothing phrases.

An additional method of direct suggestion is a special intended “uncertainty” in the construction of phrases. You must construct the phrase in such a way that it would seem to the person as if his thoughts were being spoken out loud. Methods of direct suggestion do not work in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second type of suggestion - indirect, which is divided into: informational, affective, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion through negation and allegorical suggestion.

Informational suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence a person’s inner world, they refer to the media. Overall it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that the fact is that a person’s memory of some information that has received general approval works. Thus suppressing alertness.

Method affective suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion or under the influence of emergency situations. In this state, a person is most susceptible to suggestion. This is influenced by fear of danger, the difficulty of making a choice in a difficult situation, excessive physical fatigue, and lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. A person’s volitional processes decrease, suggestibility increases, and he behaves “imitatively.” The model of behavior in this situation should begin as reassurance and understanding, which wins the person’s trust. And after a short pause, you need to give supposedly “friendly” advice, which in such a situation has the greatest power, since a person’s vigilance decreases.

Model of behavior when complimentary suggestion based on flattery and praise. Many people cannot criticize a person who flatters and praises them greatly. This tactic of processing a person in the intelligence services is called “love bombing.”

Figurative-emotional suggestion works at the expense of a person’s imagination. You must encourage the person to imagine all the delights of this object of suggestion. Convince him of the superiority of the suggested object in comparison with others. This method is very effective because it works through the subconscious. You must convince the person’s subconscious that the object of suggestion is necessary for the person.

Suggestion through denial works on the basis of the particle “not”. In order for a person to imagine what he should not do, he first needs to imagine the situation as if he were doing it.

Model allegorical suggestion based on an aphorism, analogy, joke, anecdote, short story from personal experience or the experience of friends, a situation from work, a parable, an example from a book, the press, television, in general a metaphor. Their main goal is not just to evoke certain emotions, but also to motivate a person to action.

But the metaphors you use must fit the person. For example, metaphors used when talking to strangers may not work well when talking to “old” friends, etc.

By following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome the fear of losing an argument. By practicing these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.