What's the best way to expand your vocabulary? How to increase your vocabulary: tips for adults and children


How to expand your vocabulary?


According to linguists, the English language has the largest number of words. And it doesn’t matter what level you have - beginner or advanced, you are constantly expanding your vocabulary. On the one hand, these are completely new words. But you will also learn new meanings for words you already know. What is the advantage of a good vocabulary? The answer is obvious - your speech becomes fluent. Therefore, you need to take it as a lesson learn new words every day!

Of course, if you are in an English-speaking country, this process happens naturally. But everyone else shouldn’t give up, because you yourself can create the opportunity and conditions for replenishing vocabulary. Experts offer seven methods that have proven themselves in practice. But under one condition – you turn to them every day. So this is:

  1. Maintaining a vocabulary notebook
  2. Learn one English phrase every day - an idiom.
  3. Word of the day - learning one new word
  4. TV programs and programs
  5. Reading books, periodicals
  6. Communication with native English speakers or language learners

We have already noted that the English language has the largest number of words. But why did this happen? The fact is that over the centuries the English language has been influenced by other languages ​​- French, Danish, Dutch, German, as well as Celtic languages. Since the process of borrowing words from other languages ​​occurs constantly, the vocabulary of the language changes. Historians say that William Shakespeare alone added 1,700 words to the language! The development of Internet technologies also has a constant impact on the vocabulary of modern English. For example, thanks to them, words such as tweeting, meme, yolo (you only live once). If you look in a dictionary of synonyms, you will see that a word you know has several synonymous words that differ in shades of meaning. Knowledge of synonyms is especially important in writing - when writing letters, essays, articles, etc.


In English lessons you hear a lot of new words. It is clear that it is impossible to remember all the new vocabulary, so it makes sense to have a notebook and write down all new words in it with translations and examples of use. You can access it in your free time, on the way to work, etc. How many words should I write down in class? Limit yourself to five words, but you need to repeat them daily. How long should they be repeated? Until they enter your active vocabulary and you can actively use them in speech. In addition to translating a word into your native language, you can draw a picture illustrating the word, and also write down synonyms. Let's repeat this thought again - be sure to write a sentence with a new word, because It is very important to remember words in context. For example, if a new word you wrote down seagull (seagull), then you can draw a bird, write a word bird offer The seagull eats fish out of the ocean. You can write down words that will help create a kind of context for the word seagull – beach, ocean. But keeping a vocabulary notebook is only one strategy for expanding your vocabulary.


On the Internet you can find various resources where stable combinations, for example, idiomatic expressions or phrasal verbs, are published daily. As a rule, they are well illustrated with examples and graphics. The main advantage of such pages is that the expressions are explained in English. Such stable expressions can just be included in the selection of new five words that you write down in your vocabulary notebook. As a rule, these are phrases that you are unlikely to hear in an English lesson, but the benefits of memorizing such expressions are obvious - your speech will become more fluent. And at high levels of English proficiency it is close to the speech of native speakers.


If you visit online dictionary sites (macmillan dictionary, merriam-webster dictionary, etc.), then on them you will find the WORD OF THE DAY section. As a rule, these are synonyms of words you know, knowledge of which is especially useful if you have to give speeches in English or write essays, articles, private and official letters. You can subscribe to such pages and then you will receive information about the word of the day by email.


Television makes it possible to watch programs, shows, films from English-speaking countries (Australia, England, USA, Canada). You will definitely find something that suits your age and interests. Often films and news programs are accompanied by subtitles, which means you have a great opportunity to expand your vocabulary. It’s good if you have the opportunity to watch movies and shows on DVD, because you can always pause and write down a new word, look it up in a dictionary if you can’t guess its meaning from the context. It's especially useful to watch shows that touch on your professional field, because then you can add to your professional thesaurus. For example, lawyers can watch the program Law and Order, It will be useful for doctors to see Grey's Anatomy or House. There is a program for scientists The Big Bang Theory. Of course, watching feature films is also very useful, but it is not always possible to set aside one or two hours to watch a film. The advantage of the programs is that their duration does not exceed 30 minutes.


In fact, reading should not be limited to books, newspapers and magazines. Comics, blogs, advertisements, song lyrics, etc. Reading is the most accessible way to increase your vocabulary. Nowadays, you can choose books that match your level of language proficiency. Many publications are accompanied by CDrom, i.e. you can read and listen to the book in audio recording. When reading, it is not necessary to look up every word in the dictionary; it is enough to underline a new word or circle it, and you can look up the meaning later, because when reading, the main thing is to enjoy getting to know new characters and places, from the plot, from the author’s language, which is always very individual. Be sure to read news sites and major periodicals to develop your vocabulary for talking about current events - The New York Times, The Economist, BBC and CNN. Not all materials are available for free, but you can read a certain number of articles (from 5 to 10) per month without purchasing a subscription. Reading such publications not only allows you to expand your vocabulary, but also performs a purely cognitive function - the texts give you new information. There are publications that provide an opportunity to relax and have fun. An example is People(secular news), Cosmopolitan(magazine for women), GQ(magazine for men). Blogs give you the opportunity to take part in discussions and express your opinions on issues that interest you. Oh, and don’t forget to take notes in your vocabulary notebook!


To communicate in English, you don't have to live in English-speaking countries, because the English-speaking world is already at home! And you always have the opportunity to practice communicating with native speakers or other English language learners. Where? Social networks are a great resource. For example, Facebook. Facebook users can become members of various groups and communities, including professional ones. If this is a foreign group, then communication will take place in English. You can also find new friends there. Also, we can recommend Verbling, Live Mocha, Couchsurfing. There are communities that use the program Skype for communication via video conferencing. Don't waste time, enter the words in the Google search engine interest groups and your area of ​​interest, study the search results and select those groups that attract you. You can find groups created by English language learners that have chat (video chat) for communication. What are the advantages of such groups? You gain confidence by expressing your thoughts in English. Yes, you can make mistakes, but they can correct you, ask you again, advise you on the correct version of the proposal, etc. Remember that speaking is the most important aspect of language.

How to improve your English vocabulary? How to learn a large number of English words in a short period? Today we will try to answer these questions and give practical advice on how to enrich your English vocabulary.

First of all, friends, understand that it is impossible to learn absolutely the entire vocabulary in English due to human abilities and the structure of the brain. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to significantly expand your vocabulary. And now we will tell you how this can be done.

For daily communication we need 1500 - 2000 words. This is quite enough to go on a trip, do some shopping, and have a conversation in an informal setting.

Now let's discuss ways to replenish your vocabulary with new words.

  • Select the required topic.

The most effective way is to learn vocabulary on a specific topic: family, shopping, summer holidays, winter holidays, travel, etc. This will help you come across words with the same root; in addition, words of the same area of ​​use are logically related, they are in one context, so it will be easier for you to find the right word in memory (in any case, a synonym or explanatory expression will be found). Let's expand our vocabulary!

  • Label objects.

This method may seem funny to you, but it works. On adhesive stickers, write the English names of objects in your home and stick these pieces of paper on objects: on a teapot, on a mug, on a bag, on a powder compact, etc. This is a temporary measure until you learn the words. This way, you can learn, for example, kitchen utensils, dishes or room furnishings, furniture.

  • Listen to English speech.

There is no way without this, friends. Try to watch talk shows, listen to TV and radio programs in English. While listening, write down unfamiliar words and expressions, and then learn them by heart.

  • Learn words using cards.

This method is suitable for those who travel to work or home by subway. Prepare cards in advance with English words on one side, and on the other - with the Russian translation of these words. String these cards on a cord and study as many words as you can learn along the way. This is a very effective method of replenishing English words, because you have to ride the subway every day, which means you study every day.

  • Read in English.

Perhaps reading is the best way to help enrich your English vocabulary, since this is where visual memory works. Start with short and light stories, gradually move on to stories and novels. When reading in English, try to understand the meaning, translate, but not literally, but in general terms, so that you know what is being said.

  • Immerse yourself in the environment.

If you have the opportunity, friends, go to a country where they speak English. Being among such people and hearing only English spoken every day, 24 hours a day, you will speak English within two to three months. Such an environment will involve you on its own and you simply will have no choice. If this is not possible, then study English with a tutor, and not twice a week, but every day; and not one hour a day, but three to four hours. This is the only way you can expand your vocabulary.

  • Learn different parts of speech.

It's about learning more than just nouns. In one lesson, try to cover several nouns, several verbs and adjectives, as well as adverbs, prepositions, etc. If you pay attention to words in only one part of speech, you will have gaps in the rest.

  • To communicate in English.

If you have the opportunity, try to speak English with your parents, friend or relative. If this is not possible, try making friends with the British or Americans on social networks and correspond with them in English. Ask them to point out and correct your mistakes. By communicating with a native speaker, you will be able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of live English speech.

Friends, above were presented basic recommendations for enriching vocabulary that work effectively. And now we would like to draw your attention to some details that also very significantly improve and replenish the vocabulary of the English language.

  • Make the dictionary your reference book. Use not only English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries, but also English-English, that is, a dictionary in which English words are explained in English. Avoid online translators, they often translate verbatim, resulting in outright nonsense. A dictionary is much more useful and effective.
  • Learn words, as well as synonyms and antonyms for them. This way your vocabulary will be much wider.
  • Once you’ve learned a number of new words, don’t forget to use them in your speech to keep your vocabulary alive. After all, theory without practice is useless.
  • It is advisable to learn new words every day, at least for 10-15 minutes. This is much more effective than studying once or twice a week for three to four hours.

We hope that you have chosen the method you like. We wish you good luck and as many new English words as possible into your vocabulary!

Start with this list, selected especially for you:

Aberration is a deviation from the truth, delusion (distortion).
Addiction - dependence, for example, Internet addiction.
Ambivalent – ​​dual (ambiguous).
Ambitious - ambitious (vain, pretentious, arrogant).
Amikoshonism is an unceremonious, inappropriately familiar address under the guise of friendship.
Apogee – the highest point (culmination, limit).
Apologist – supporter (adherent).
A priori - knowledge obtained before experience and independently of it, that is, knowledge that is, as it were, known in advance.
Test - test.
The Biennale was originally an art exhibition, but nowadays it is also called simply a get-together related to art. The special feature is that it is held every two years.
Newton's binomial is a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!”
Voluntarism is the desire to realize desired goals without taking into account objective circumstances and possible consequences.
Gender - related to the problem of the role of male and female persons in society.
Genesis – origin (emergence, origin).
Gesheft is a speculative, profitable transaction.
Hyperbole is an excessive exaggeration.
Glossary is a list of highly specialized words with translation and explanation of each of them.
Epistemology is a philosophical theory that studies the boundaries of human knowledge.
Homogeneous – homogeneous, identical.
Deviant behavior is one that does not correspond to the norms established in society.
Decadence is decadence.
Deprivation is a feeling of insufficient satisfaction of one's needs.
Destructive - destructive.
Dissonance is a violation of harmony.
Defamation – slander (gossip).
Penance is a punishment.
It is founded - it is founded.
Idiosyncrasy is intolerance to anything, from medicine to people.
Invariant – unambiguous.
Indifferent – ​​indifferent (indifferent, neutral).
An indulgence was previously a document for the atonement of sins. Now used figuratively.
Intoxication – poisoning.
Incident – ​​incident (case).
Establishment - those in power, ruling circles, political elite. A set of people occupying key positions in a socio-political system.
Incident - in general, indicates a strange or unpleasant situation, a combination of circumstances that does not depend on the characters.
Catharsis is a change in consciousness through strong experiences (purification).
Cognitive dissonance is new information, the perception of which conflicts with previously accumulated knowledge.
Collision – collision (conflict).
Congruence - proportionality, correspondence, coherence, consistency.
Credo is a worldview.
Lapidity - brevity, conciseness, expressiveness of syllable, style.
Latent - hidden.
Legitimate – legal.
Liquidity is an economic term, but is now used in everyday life. Indicates your ability to convert assets or private property into money.
Skimping is a disdainful attitude.
Matrimonial - marriage (marital).
Misalliance - marriage with a person of lower social status, unequal marriage.
Mercantile – calculating (selfish, petty).
A metrosexual is a young man who devotes a lot of time to caring for himself. In the 19th century, a similar cultural phenomenon was known under the names dandy, dandy, dandy.
Mondegrin - misheard words, for example, words in songs that cannot be understood without reading their text.
Monogamy is monogamy, a form of marriage and family in which a person has only one partner during his life or at any given time.
Negligee - half dressed.
Neologism literally translated from Latin means “new word”. It can be a new word created or a word used with a new meaning.
Notation - moral teaching.
Nouveau riche is a person who quickly got rich, made his way into the upper strata of society, a rich upstart.
Obscurantism is an extremely hostile attitude towards education and science, obscurantism.
Odious - known for its negative qualities, causing a sharply hostile attitude.
Oxymoron (oxymoron) - a stylistic figure or a stylistic error - a combination of words with the opposite meaning (that is, a combination of incongruous things - “a living corpse”).
Orthodox – unswervingly adhering to the foundations of some teaching or worldview.
Ostracism is contempt, rejection, ridicule from the surrounding society (bullying).
Parity – equality (equivalence, equivalence, equality).
Pluralism is diversity or multiplicity, in both mundane and philosophical contexts. Monism – when it’s the other way around – is one thing. Dualism recognizes only duality.
Pragmatic – practical (down to earth).
Preventive – warning.
Pretentiousness is pretentiousness.
Procrastination is the tendency to constantly put off even important and urgent matters, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects.
Layman - ignorant (amateur, unprofessional).
Proforma is a formality.
Puritanism is a unique understanding of purity of views and behavior in society. Characteristic features are moderation, conservatism of views, minimization of pleasures, claims, and needs.
Radicalism is extreme adherence to views, the use of crude methods to create change, often in social foundations.
Rarity is rare.
Repression is punishment (punishment, violence).
Respectable – venerable (presentable, worthy, solid).
A maxim is a saying of a moralizing nature.
Sybarism - idleness, spoiled by luxury; sybarite is the bearer of these qualities.
A simulacrum is an image or explanation of something that does not exist in reality. A copy that does not have the original.
Synopsis - review, concise presentation.
Scrupulous – meticulous (pedantic).
Sophistry is the deliberate use of false arguments, verbal fornication that promotes lies.
Trendy - fashionable.
Interpretation - a similar word is interpretation. In general, we are talking about some kind of comment, explanation, view of a certain phenomenon.
Transcendent – ​​unknowable (irrational, incomprehensible).
A truism is a generally known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “Baikal is not a sea, but the deepest lake.”
Exaggerate - exaggerate.
Fetish is an object of worship, an idol.
Frustration – disappointment, depression, despondency.
Hypocrisy is the creation of a positive image of one’s own personality, a deliberately strong negative attitude towards free views, flaunted virtue, modesty (sometimes religiosity). Although in reality the hypocrite is far from the ideals declared out loud.
Charisma – originality (charm, attractiveness).
Time pressure - lack of time.
Swaggering is an arrogant and dismissive attitude.
Chauvinism initially refers to nationalism and represents its radical form. Chauvinists considered their own nation to be exceptional and the best. The term can be used in other contexts, but the meaning of the understanding of exclusivity remains.
Scrupulousness is treating something with care and rigor.
Euphemism is the replacement of rude or harsh words and expressions with softer ones.
An egocentric is a person who is unable to accept someone else’s point of view, an egoist.
Esoterics is a secret teaching.
Exalted – enthusiastic (excited, inspired).
Equivocations are ambiguous hints, subterfuges.
Eclecticism is a combination of heterogeneous styles and trends, ideas and theories.
Extravagant – unusual (provocative, original, peculiar).
Empathy is the ability to perceive the world through the eyes of another, to be interested in how another thinks, lives and feels.
To shock - to amaze (stun, shock).
Etymology is the field of knowledge about the origin and meaning of words. In order to expand your own vocabulary, it is useful to study etymology.
Jurisdiction is the range of powers that a government body or structure has.
Jagdtash - hunting bag. Now the term is used as a name for a convenient, stylish bag.

A lot has been said and written about how to increase your vocabulary. Most educated people think about this regularly, even if their activities are not directly related to rhetoric or oratory. The Russian language, rich and beautiful, allows people who speak it to express their thoughts expressively, elegantly and variedly. Good command of your native language is a serious advantage in work, relationships, and in any communications with others.

How to replenish your vocabulary, what methods and activities will be most effective? Let's try to figure it out.

Varieties of vocabulary

When we think about how to expand our vocabulary, it is important to understand that first of all we are talking about increasing our active vocabulary.

Active vocabulary is the words that you and I use in everyday life, communicating with friends, family, and colleagues. We pronounce them easily and naturally, they are firmly embedded in spoken and written language. It doesn't take much effort for us to find the right word.

Passive vocabulary is words whose meaning is generally clear and known to us, but we practically do not use them. Perhaps this is inappropriate in our social circle, or there are some other reasons. Then, in order to remember a word, we have to make some effort.

External vocabulary is highly specialized terms whose meaning we do not fully know. Usually these are words that are used in a professional environment, among a small circle of people.

As a rule, most people have a very limited active vocabulary: it’s good if a hundredth of the total volume is used in speech. Therefore, when the question arises of how to replenish your vocabulary, this means that you first need to replenish your stock of constantly used words.

Learning to speak again

What do we do when we share our experiences with friends or call customer support and cannot find a suitable name or accurately describe our emotions or sensations?

But we agreed that we would think about how to improve our vocabulary, right? Then we begin to develop awareness:

The recipe is actually quite simple: to learn to speak beautifully, you need to... talk. This is true. Learn to speak in direct communication. Tell stories, plots of books or films, news or impressions. Try to use new words that you have not used before. Include them in your life consciously.

  • Write letters

Writing can also help solve the problem of how to increase the number of words used. Write letters. Write on forums or social networks. Try writing articles or essays. Keep a diary.

Carefully select words and figures of speech, look for synonyms - practice and more practice are important in this matter.

  • Give a speech

Public speaking and responsible conversations help to enrich speech very well. Make a sketch on paper in advance. Train, look for different options that most accurately and fully reflect your point of view. If you have to speak in front of a large audience, make the speech bright and rich rather than dull and unemotional.

  • Learn poetry

Learn poems by heart, retell texts. It is important not just to tell the text, but to do it as close as possible to the author’s style, paying attention to new words and phraseological units. Tell it emotionally, with expression, then new words will be easier to remember.

  • Constantly expand your active and passive vocabulary: both are important. Listen to audio books, solve crosswords, watch useful educational programs and communicate with educated, developed people.
  • To better remember a new word or turn of phrase, create a vivid image and visualize it inside yourself. Words are remembered well in conjunction with others, in sentences, and not by themselves.
  • Write down your favorite quotes and expressions. Use them in your speech. The main thing is that it is appropriate.
  • Do not use slang words and obscenities: approach the issue creatively, look for colorful, bright replacements.
  • Don't fill your short-term memory with useless information.
  • Learn a foreign language. Any. Oddly enough, this allows you to simultaneously replenish the active and passive vocabulary of your native language too.

How to activate a passive set of words

Our passive vocabulary is constantly growing. This mainly happens in two cases: while we listen and when we read. So its filling begins in childhood. Purposefully learning words in this case does not make much sense: they will remain passive.

  • Choose synonyms for words

The selection of synonyms helps to activate the passive stock very well. There is a whole series of interesting games where some phenomenon or object needs to be described in words, excluding the use of familiar and frequently used words from the list. You can arrange such games in a friendly company or practice alone.

It is useful to make lists of synonyms. For example, a dictionary of feelings. Write down all the feelings you know in a column and try to write as many synonyms for them next to them as possible. Of course, it is important not only to write them, but also to use them in your speaking and writing.

  • Make up stories

Another useful and entertaining exercise: writing a story using only nouns. Or verbs. Or - the most difficult thing - adjectives. Remember? "Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy". How can I continue?

Here are other options: compose a story where words begin with each letter of the alphabet in order. Or all words begin with only one letter. It is important that the story be connected.

The richest and most beautiful Russian language allows people who speak it to express themselves in a variety of ways. Accuracy of formulation and beautiful speech depend on the vocabulary a person owns. The more words he uses, the more intellectually developed he is considered. Therefore, it becomes important to increase the number of words used.

Scientific vocabulary is called a lexicon, meaning words familiar to an individual, a group, or included in a language. It is conventionally divided into;

  • Active. The first group includes words used every day. They are included in both written and spoken language. A sign of an active vocabulary is free use that does not require additional effort.
  • Passive. Passive words include understandable words that appear in various sources, but are not used in speech, or are used but extremely rarely. They are used when necessary, but it takes effort to remember.
  • External. The external lexicon denotes unknown words related to specific areas of knowledge. These are professional terms, neologisms, etc. It is hardly possible to make clear boundaries between these groups. They are rather shaky and fluctuate in one direction or the other. With growing up and mental development, the vocabulary grows.

So, if a child going to first grade speaks two thousand words, then in the last grade this number already grows to five thousand. For those who study and develop further, the vocabulary reaches 10,000 words or more. Then most of them are classified as passive stock.

Erudite people sometimes speak even 50,000 words. But only a small part is used daily when communicating. The rest of the vocabulary is used only with intellectuals like him.

Exercises to expand your vocabulary

The following exercises are performed in written or oral form.

  • Nouns. They tell a short story using only nouns. "Day. Work. End. Exit. Door. Key. Entrance. Car. Key. Ignition" and so on.
  • Verbs. The same thing that was told using nouns is repeated, only with verbs.
  • Adjectives and adverbs. Then comes the turn of other parts of speech.
  • Alphabet. Come up with related words that sequentially begin with the letters of the alphabet in order. “Alena talks in the evening, walking to the treasured spruce tree, gesticulating and eloquently cherishing the cute, tender dandelions. Pasha follows nearby, dragging a convenient chrome flashlight, often catching the nimble chirping with an extravagant humorous language.”
  • Monophone. They come up with their own speech, the words of which begin with the same letter. Each of them is connected to each other, even if the meaning suffers.

It is not easy to do each of the exercises. But words gradually move from a passive vocabulary to an active one and its replenishment occurs.

Techniques for expanding your vocabulary without extra time

Developing vocabulary is essentially necessary for voicing your thoughts, intentions, analysis and conclusions. This skill is strengthened by practice and weakened by its absence. Therefore, in order to develop your speech, you should constantly communicate. The growth of vocabulary is ensured: by learning new words that we hear from our interlocutors; precise definitions when words are translated from a passive vocabulary to an active one.

  • Therefore, it is advisable to communicate with unlike people. These are friends, neighbors, classmates, comrades in the gym. People meeting on the Internet on forums and social networking pages, fellow travelers and sellers also serve as an opportunity for communication and as a way to expand your speech.
  • Another effective way to replenish your vocabulary, which does not require special time, is listening to audio books. This is relevant when you have to spend a lot of time on the road, driving your car, ideal for auditory learners (for people who better perceive information by ear). A variety of books are sold in this format: novels, aphorisms, and philosophical teachings. By recording it on a flash drive, you can now not get bored in a traffic jam, but listen to a fascinating story. It is convenient to listen to audio books before bed.

Replenishing vocabulary with time allocation

The following activities will help increase your vocabulary.

  • Reading. Reading is a rich source of information. Books, newspapers, online publications, magazines - everywhere there are inexhaustible reserves of replenishing the vocabulary. It is advisable to devote an hour a day to this exciting activity. Sometimes it's good to say the words out loud.
  • Studying of foreign language. Do not limit your vocabulary to knowledge of one Russian language. Others are also useful to study. The more a person enriches his speech, the better connections are made, and it is easier to recall words from memory.
  • Games. There are interesting and exciting linguistic games: charades, puzzles and the like. When they guess them, they inevitably become interested in the words and meaning.
  • Diary. Another useful activity is keeping a diary. When it is impossible to take foreign language courses, they write for themselves. This is a good way to improve your vocabulary, since taking notes, you formulate thoughts that are in the emotional and motivating spheres.
  • Memorization. Memorization makes it possible to introduce new words into the active stock. This is done by retelling what is heard, memorizing verses and definitions. It is one of the most effective methods for acquiring new knowledge.

For this it is important:

  • include new words in speech every day;
  • use a notebook, entering intricate statements, words, phrases with clever expressions;
  • study the essence of new words by adding visualization techniques;
  • memorize poems, quotes, sayings, etc.

Improving your vocabulary requires conscious action. To achieve beautiful speech, constant training is required. Ignoring new words will not give them a chance to enter the active or passive vocabulary. It turns out that those who want to expand their vocabulary and enrich their language should make regular volitional efforts for this.