The Mikhalkov clan is an example of ideal adaptability. The Mikhalkov clan is an example of ideal adaptability - In the role of a godfather, you were organic

I’m reading a post in Zen called “The Jewish Phenomenon: Five Talented Jews of Our Cinema Who Succeeded in Politics.” Which Jewish actor succeeded in politics? The author of the post believes that this is Yarmolnik, Shirvindt, Khazanov. Where did they succeed, I’m embarrassed to ask? One of them once wanted to run for the Duma, but changed his mind. And someone is a member of the Russian Jewish Congress (a public organization).
If this, in the author’s opinion, is politics, then I remain silent.
But what surprised me even more was the following passage:
“Nikita Mikhalkov, a talented actor and famous director, needs no further introduction. A Jew on his mother’s side, Nikita Sergeevich said that in childhood he faced attacks more than once because of his origin. Perhaps difficulties hardened him and therefore he was able to succeed in all his endeavors. It would take a long time to list Mikhalkov’s acting, directing, entrepreneurial and political achievements, but suffice it to say that the chairman of the public council and many times his confidant in elections is in great demand in modern Russian politics.”
Why did Natalya Konchalovskaya turn out to be Jewish?
Let's figure it out.
Natalia Konchalovskaya's father is Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky. He was born in the city of Slavyansk, Kharkov province in 1876. His father came from a noble family, was a translator and publisher.
Pyotr Petrovich Sr. was typical representative revolutionary intelligentsia of the sixties of the last century.

He was married to the daughter of a Kharkov landowner of Polish-Ukrainian origin, Victoria Timofeevna Loiko, who shared her husband’s opposition sentiments. As a dowry, Pyotr Petrovich Sr. received an estate with serfs. Soon Loiko's farm fell into complete decline. In addition to the future artist, the family had five more children and they all lived in extreme poverty and wandering, but nevertheless, very friendly and united. From Natalia Konchalovskaya's book "The Priceless Gift":
“Together they created the atmosphere in the family that attracted most interesting people that time. They instilled in their children the most deep concepts about goodness and justice. Eternal disputes about literature, art, politics, merciless criticism of everything backward, reactionary, ardent defense of the beautiful in the speeches of their father very early awakened in children a desire for the high, the ability to select the best, to separate the main from the secondary, so as not to clog the soul with the husk of vulgarity. Almost from the cradle, children knew the fairy tales of Andersen, Perrault, then the novels of Dickens, Walter Scott, and even later - George Sand, Lermontov, Krylov’s fables and entire pages from Gogol’s “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. We became acquainted with music, painting and sculpture early. Early on they learned the name of Chernyshevsky. They were touched and made to tremble by the heroic lives of Zhelyabov, Kibalchich, and Perovskaya. And they saw Vera Figner at home..."
Writers and artists came to visit them. This is how Peter met future wife Olga Surikova.

Maybe she was Jewish?
Olga Surikova was the daughter of Vasily Surikov.
Vasily Surikov was born in Krasnoyarsk. The man's relatives belonged to the Cossack class. One of them was listed as the ataman of the Yenisei Cossack regiment. Ivan Vasilyevich Surikov, the artist’s father, worked as a collegiate registrar. Praskovya Fedorovna Torgashina, the mother, was known as a housewife.

But he married Elizaveta Augustovna Shara. Not otherwise than she is Jewish. We read:
“Elizaveta Augustovna was born into an international family. Her father Auguste Charest belonged to the ancient French family, known since the time of the Great French Revolution".

French, but not Jewish.
Mother - Maria de Belmain, by the way, is the niece of the “last Decembrist” Svistunov Pyotr Nikolaevich. The Decembrist's sister Varvara was married to de Belmain.
“To marry his beloved, Auguste Charest moved to Russia, to St. Petersburg, and converted to Orthodoxy. They had five children: a son, Michel, and four daughters.
Charest traded in English, French and Dutch paper. The business was not very successful, but it provided scope for communication with artists and writers. Share's children were brought up in the French way and were interested in music and painting. Elizaveta Augustovna spoke mainly French, and Russian with a French accent.

Vasily Surikov had just moved to the capital by that time. As a very musical person, he often went to Catholic churches to listen to the sound of his favorite instrument - the organ. It was at such a moment, in St. Catherine's Cathedral on Nevsky Prospect, that he saw two girls - Sophia and Lisa. He immediately liked the youngest one very much. Years later, the eldest daughter of a large family, Sophia, married Prince Kropotkin (Surikov portrayed her in the famous portrait of a woman"Woman with a Guitar") And the youngest Lilya (that was her family’s name) became the wife of Vasily Surikov.
Despite the fact that Vasily Ivanovich was still a student at the Academy of Arts, he had already received his first fame by presenting at an academic exhibition his work “View of the monument to Peter the Great,” which is now in the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. The work was purchased by philanthropist Pyotr Kuznetsov, with whose money, in fact, Surikov came to St. Petersburg. But he did not yet have the means to support his family.
However, upon graduating from the Academy of Arts, he received an order from the treasury for four paintings for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. He first worked on sketches in St. Petersburg, and then directly in Moscow. And only when Vasily Ivanovich received the money, he made an official proposal to Elizaveta Shara. After the wedding, they immediately moved to Moscow, where they lived together for ten years.
Elizaveta Augustovna had birth defect heart, rheumatism developed early, she suffered very hard from any cold. Vasily Ivanovich understood this and tried to take care of her.
Naturally, Lilya posed for the artist more than once. He created several portraits of her.

But still, the main one can be considered the painting “Menshikov in Berezovo”, where he depicted his wife in the image eldest daughter Menshikov.

On the canvas, the girl is striking in her paleness. When Surikov was working on the painting, Elizaveta Augustovna was seriously ill. This was one of the severe attacks. And the artist, looking at his emaciated wife, saw in her Menshikova’s daughter, who was actually dying of smallpox. The painting was painted five years before the death of Elizaveta Augustovna.

Olga with her daughter Natalya

After the exhibition of the painting “Menshikov in Berezovo,” the Surikovs had the financial opportunity to travel abroad. They dreamed of seeing Europe together and hoped that the Mediterranean climate would help improve Elizabeth Augustovna’s health. Lilya has really gotten stronger. Then Surikov decided to fulfill his long-standing dream - to show his wife Siberia. Then he blamed himself greatly for this adventurism. The horseback ride across the country lasted a month and a half one way only. And although they traveled in the summer, the harsh Siberian climate: heat, wind, rain - had an adverse effect on the health of Elizaveta Augustovna. She became seriously ill after returning to Moscow. She was treated by the best doctors of that time. But everything is in vain. In April, Elizaveta Augustovna died. She was only 30 years old."

Surikov with his daughter

And this is Pyotr Konchalovsky with his family

I can’t imagine what kind of Jewish oppression Nikita Mikhalkov could have complained about.
And the phenomenon of Jewish actors who are successful in politics is that some people label everyone as Jews.

What is the nationality of Nikita Mikhalkov's father? and got the best answer

Answer from Your neighbor[guru]
Nikita and Andrei Mikhalkov's great-grandfather, artist Vasily Surikov, was married to Elizaveta Artlevel Shar, 1858-1888. , daughter of the French subject Arthur (according to other sources Auguste) Charest and Countess Maria Alexandrovna de Balmain who moved to Russia. The Balmains were a Scottish family that moved to Russia in the 18th century, under Anna Ioannovna.
Maria Alexandrovna's father was Major General Count Alexander Antonovich Balmain (d. 1848), and her mother was Glafira Nikolaevna Svistunova, sister of the Decembrist Pyotr Nikolaevich Svistunov, daughter of the actual chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Svistunov (1770-1815) and Maria Alekseevna Rzhevskaya ( 1778-1866). There then goes an extensive pedigree along the Rzhevsky line.
The Balmain line is also interesting. Alexander Antonovich de Balmain was the son of General-in-Chief Count Anton Bogdanovich Balmain (1741-1790) from a marriage with a certain Countess Devier, whose name is not indicated. However, finding de Balmain’s wife among the Deviers is quite easy. In Petrov’s article dedicated to the Devier family,
Elena Antonovna Devier, daughter of Count Anton Antonovich (died in 1776), who was married (according to Petrov) to a certain Deboli, is indicated. Obviously this was the Comte de Balmain.
Count A. A. Devier was the third son of Peter's associate and the first St. Petersburg police chief, Count Anton Manuilovich Devier (1673-1745) and his wife Anna Danilovna Menshikova.
Thus, the Mikhalkov family, already burdened with an incredible number of noble ancestors and relatives, also turns out to be related to Scottish counts, Portuguese Jews, descendants of Smolensk princes and the family of His Serene Highness Alexander Danilovich. Vika Razumova
Everyone who served the false Peter were members of the Masonic lodge; it turns out that he also has a pedigree along the Masonic line, the goal of which is to bring the world to its knees before the alien lunar invaders. The moon plays the role of an observation post and among the Masons it is depicted as an eye on American dollars! And since the Zionites became Freemasons, their role in seizing power in the world is very clear...

Answer from KuzYa[guru]
He is Russian, a descendant of the Kindyrevs.

Answer from Elena[newbie]
A stranger among his own among strangers. Everyone talks about directing. And no - ACTING.

Answer from Elena Mamaeva[guru]
Russian, noble family

Answer from Iodion Raskolnikov[guru]
There is an old Russian tradition, let’s not deviate from it, of declaring every even remotely outstanding person a Jew.
I give Navalny’s hand to be cut off, that if you type “Sergei Mikhalkov is a Jew” in the Yandex search, you will get a bunch of links))

Answer from Alexander Aleshin[guru]
Son of the Chamberlain of His Imperial Majesty's Court. Pillar nobleman. And you are all talking about one thing...

The Mikhalkov clan is an excellent illustration of what ideal opportunists are.
While Sergei Mikhalkov sang odes to Stalin, he younger brother Mikhail (pictured) served during the Second World War in the SS,
and later in the KGB and with the “hypnotist” Messing.

People started talking about Mikhail Mikhalkov only just before his death in 2006.
Suddenly, as an 80-year-old man, he began giving out one interview after another. His autobiographical book in Russian was published in a meager circulation. In the labyrinths of mortal risk."
It is interesting that this opus was written by him back in the 1950s, but was released only abroad - in France,
Italy and other countries. No, it was not “samizdat,” literature banned in the USSR.
On the contrary, he had a hand in the release of the book KGB, where Mikhalkov then served. An interview with Mikhail Mikhalkov, which contains absolutely fantastic, at first glance, data, was published on the website of the FSB of Russia.

His example clearly shows the fabulousness and legendary nature of the top of the USSR and even the current Russian Federation.
They are all confused not only in the little things and details of their lives, but also in their own full name and date of birth.
We do not know their real parents, native language, etc. important milestones biographies.
Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Igor Yurgens, Yuri Luzhkov, Sergei Shoigu, Sergei Sobyanin***
(for a brief summary of versions of their biography, see the link)

Mikhail Mikhalkov. It is believed that he was born in 1922.
But at the same time his native language was German, so much so that he spoke Russian with difficulty in a Soviet school in the 1930s, and was forced to study the Autokhoton language for a year before he was admitted to general education program. A little later, his poor knowledge of Russian will play another cruel joke on him.
Then Mikhail said that supposedly in the family a German housewife was in charge of their education.

Nothing really is known about Mikhail’s family either. According to one version, he was raised with his family.
More than once I recalled how his older brother went hungry and wore an overcoat - all in order to feed them.
Mikhail Mikhalkov also told another version - that in 1930 from Stavropol Territory his father sent him to the family of his aunt, Maria Alexandrovna Glebova, who had five sons of her own.
« Leka later became a writer, Sergei was Ordzhonikidze’s assistant, Grisha was Stanislavsky’s assistant, Fedya was an artist, Peter was an actor, People’s Artist of the USSR, who talentedly played the role of Grigory Melekhov in the film “Quiet Don”.
In Pyatigorsk I was taught at home, so in Moscow I immediately went to fourth grade, where the students were two years older than me,” said Mikhail Mikhalkov. In this version, he no longer mentions that he spoke Russian poorly and spent time in the auxiliary class.

Then there are even more legends in Mikhail’s life. In 1940 - at the age of 18, he manages to finish NKVD school. Then the nobleman and the child prodigy are sent to the border - to Izmail. There he met the war.

Mikhail Mikhalkov surrenders to the Germans in the first days of the war. “Battles... encirclement... fascist camp.
Then escape, execution... Again the camp, again escape and again execution. As you can see, I survived,” this is how he briefly characterizes 4 years of his life during the Second World War. In the extended version, the man who was shot twice depicts real miracles. Here it is necessary to quote directly from his book “In the Labyrinths of Mortal Risk.”

« After my first escape, I was sheltered by Lucy Zweiss' family. She sent me documents addressed to her husband Vladimir Tsveis, and I began working as a translator at the labor exchange in Dnepropetrovsk...

...When I was walking towards Kharkov, I ran into the Germans. Ended up in the headquarters company tank division SS "Greater Germany". I told it to the commander - Captain Bersch - invented legend: allegedly I am a 10th grade student, German by origin from the Caucasus, I was sent to my grandmother in Brest for the summer. When the city was captured by the 101st German division, then I got food for their convoy. Bersh believed me and instructed me to supply his unit with provisions. I traveled to villages, exchanging German gasoline for food with local residents.”

What Mikhial Mikhalkov did in the occupied territories in 1941, called "hivi"- employee of the Wehrmacht auxiliary troops. But then Mikhalkov-Zweiss begins his career climb with the Germans.

“The SS Panzer Division “Grossdeutschland” was retreating to the West for reorganization.
On the border of Romania and Hungary, I fled, hoping to find partisans (yup, in the countries allied with the Germans in 1942-43 everything was swarming with partisans - BT).
But I never found it (I wonder how Mikhalkov looked for partisans in Hungary, knocked on houses? - BT).
But when I got to Budapest, I accidentally met a millionaire from Geneva (I introduced myself to him as the son of the director of a large Berlin concern), who intended to marry his daughter to me.
Thanks to him, I visited Switzerland, France, Belgium, Turkey, met Otto Skorzeny.
In the French Resistance he worked with the station of the Tsarist General Staff.
So I had the opportunity to fight fascism in different territories, under different names. But main goal of all these trips Latvia was still closer to Russia.

Once I killed a captain from the SS division "Totenkopf", took his uniform and weapons - this uniform helped me look for a “window” to cross the front. He rode around enemy units on horseback and found out their location.
But one day they demanded documents from me, which, naturally, I did not have, and I was arrested as a deserter.
Until his identity was revealed, he was put in a barn. He ran again until he finally managed to cross the front line

An SS officer rides a horse along the front lines without documents, recording the location of German troops.. Well, yes…

With a 99% probability, Mikhail Mikhalkov already in 1942 joined the SS as a punitive officer.
Another version told by him confirms this conclusion. In it, he says that from the German barn he did not cross the front line at all, trying to get into the Red Army, but continued to serve with the Germans.

« But when crossing the front line I ended up in the field gendarmerie... As an SS officer, they didn’t even search me right away. Soon I managed to escape. Having unsuccessfully jumped from a five-meter height, he broke his arm and damaged his spine... With difficulty he made it to the nearest farm and lost consciousness there. The owner of the farm, a Latvian, took me in a cart to the hospital, naturally a German. When I came to my senses, they asked me where my documents were. I replied that they remained in the jacket. In general, having not found documents, they issued me a card addressed to Captain Muller from Dusseldorf.

I was operated on in the hospital, and from the city of Libau I was evacuated to Konigsberg with brand new documents as the captain of the SS division “Totenkopf”. They provided me with cards for three months, gave me 1,800 marks and prescribed three months of home leave to complete my recovery. Then I had to report to Lissa for the reorganization of the senior SS command staff. There I commanded a tank company».

But SS captain Mikhail Mikhalkov never tires of boasting not only about his punitive activities, but also by writing the anthem of his unit.

« When I commanded a tank company in Lys... I decided to curry favor and wrote a drill song for the company. At the training ground, the soldiers learned this song and, returning to the unit, sang it under the windows of the headquarters. There were words
« Where there is Hitler, there is victory.” The general immediately called me to him: “What kind of song is this?” I replied that I composed the words and music myself. The general was very pleased

Great family contract turned out to be the Mikhalkov clan.
One writes the Stalinist anthem of the USSR, the other writes the anthem for the SS division “Totenkopf”.

« I changed the legend and documents and ended up in Poland, at the Poznan School of Military Translators. And on February 23, 1945, he went out to his own people. By the way, while crossing the front line, I buried two pouches with diamonds on the outskirts of Poznan, which I took from two killed Krauts. They're probably still there somewhere. Now, if I had managed to go there, maybe I would have found it...»

Two pouches with diamonds are carried by the Germans walking through the fields... Then Mikhalkov-Weiss-Muller gets even more excited.

(Sergey Mikhalkov and Taiwanchik)

« At first they wanted to shoot me right away. Then they took me to headquarters for interrogation. Obviously, out of excitement, I could not speak Russian for two weeks; the colonel interrogated me in German and translated my answers to the general. After long checks, my identity was established - documents arrived from Moscow confirming that I graduated from the NKVD intelligence school, that I was the brother of the author of the anthem of the Soviet Union, Sergei Mikhalkov. I was sent on a plane to Moscow».

For four years I completely forgot the Russian language, remembered it for 2 weeks, spoke only German.
Either Mikhail Mikhalkov really turned out to be the German Muller, or this is a banal justification for punishment for serving the Germans. Then again several versions of spending time in “Stalin’s dungeons” follow.
The first says that “Mikhalkov” (in order not to get confused in the variations of his surname, we will now write it in quotation marks - after all, later he also had the surnames Sych, Laptev, Sokolov, Schwalbe and about 10 more) were tortured by evil executioners.

« On charges of collaboration with German intelligence was repressed and put in a torture chamber in Lefortovo. They tortured me like this - they forced me to sleep on a suspended board so that my head and legs were hanging from it. Then - the Gulag, a camp at Far East. ABOUT my brother Sergei petitioned Beria for my release. Rehabilitated in 1956».

Another version of Mikhalkov’s “conclusion” looks like this:

« IN capital worked at Lubyanka. Usually I was placed in a prison cell with captured Nazis (in particular, with the white collaborationist generals - Krasnov and Shkuro).
I “split” them, exposing spies and Gestapo men
" In the language of the security forces this is called "decoy duck"

There is another version. " Began publishing in 1950. For more than twenty years he acted as a propagandist of military-patriotic themes, for which he was awarded many certificates of honor and badges of army and navy formations, as well as many diplomas and prizes at All-Union song competitions. Published more than 400 songs ».

Another version says that “Mikhail” “Mikhalkov” began to be published a little later.
« In 1953, after the death of Stalin, they were summoned to the KGB and offered to write a book about my life. military fate, believing that she will help to instill a sense of patriotism in young people. I wrote an autobiographical story
"In the labyrinths of mortal risk."
Konstantin Simonov and Boris Polevoy gave positive reviews. In 1956 I was awarded Order of Glory. He began working first in the KGB, then in the Political Directorate of the Army and Navy, and in the Committee of War Veterans. I give lectures from the propaganda bureau of the Writers' Union on the topic "Intelligence and counterintelligence" in special forces units, intelligence schools, border academies, and in Officers' Houses

It is worth adding that “Mikhalkov” is printed under pseudonyms Andronov and Lugovoy(allegedly the first pseudonym came from the name of his nephew - Andron Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky). True, he combines literary and singing activities (he claims to have written 400 songs) with the “supervision” of a sorcerer Wolf Messing. « And now my book about Wolf Messing, the famous hypnotist, is being prepared for publication. Why about Messing? Because after the war I was his curator for ten years, but this another story…» , - Mikhalkov reports about himself.

“Mikhalkov” additionally reports about his creative arsenal: “I give lectures: “Intelligence and counterintelligence”, “Hypnosis, telepathy, yoga”, “Marriage, family, love”, and according to Shelton - “On nutrition”.

Whether he is “Mikhalkov”, Miller or Andronov, we will probably not find out soon.
As well as information about his brother Sergei (or also a resident of German intelligence?) and about the Mikhalkov clan in general.
There they all have a legend on a legend.
Only one thing is clear: all these people are excellent illustrative material of what ideal opportunists are.

For example, it can be assumed that if the Germans had won the Second World War,
then “Mikhail Mikhalkov”, as the author of the anthem of the SS division, would intercede with them for his brother “Sergei Mikhalkov” - the author of the anthem of the USSR.
But the USSR won, and “Sergei” asked for “Mikhail”.
This type of people doesn’t care who or where to serve - in the SS or the KGB, Hitler, Stalin, Putin
or even some Mubarak.

If only they gave him a place at the power trough.
But the worst thing is that such people also teach us how to love the Motherland (the Tsar and the Church).
Truly, whether you like it or not, you will remember “the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

It's hard to be God

Nikita MIKHALKOV: “Many of my colleagues are essentially hyenas, jackals, who gather in packs to catch up with a large animal and tear it to pieces. God forbid that you find yourself alone among them - these insignificant, small, evil, hysterical people instantly become cowardly deaf when they are scared, but they completely loosen their belts when they can start a rut. Demons overcome..."

Part II

“We Slavs don’t like laws, we can’t stand them”

— You are a deeply religious, Orthodox Christian...

— Yes, although I never finished reading the Bible. Faith is like a soul: either it exists or it doesn’t... Recently I was at the military-patriotic film festival named after Sergei Bondarchuk in Volokolamsk, and they asked me there: “Do you want to make an Orthodox film?” - “What is this? - I was surprised. “So that there are churches and monks in the frame?” I don’t know how faith helps me, I only know that without it it’s impossible...

— Tell me, do you not feel disgusted by the constant flashing on television screens of overly well-fed, puffed-up priests, many of whom, as it turns out, are guilty of grave worldly sins? Don’t you think that the church has turned into something intimate, built on huge money and completely unchurch actions?

- Hmm, do you remember the time when she was intimate in the Soviet Union? You just didn’t hear about it and church hierarchs weren’t shown on TV. Do you think those years were better? You tell me what kind of country it was...

- No, I just think that the church should be separated from the state and deal with its issues quietly, without unnecessary noise...

“The point is that it is not possible to return quietly to the state in which the church was before the state began to drown it and roll it into asphalt.”

- But do you really like these bronzed hierarchs, shiny with fat?

- It seems to me that you spotted them somewhere, but I see people whom I either trust or don’t trust - that’s all! Among the priests there are enough of those who can be trusted, and those who should not be trusted, and labeling them like “a shiny hierarch”, behind whom there is a huge number of all kinds of sins, is the very Bolshevism that you are against. Russian Orthodox Church in catacomb form withstood everything that was in store for her Soviet authority, which buried priests alive, burned churches and set up insane asylums and colonies there, took away property and shot entire parishes. The state will have to pray for this for a long time.

The Orthodox faith gave Russian people a sense of morality and law, but we Slavs do not like laws and cannot tolerate them. Do you know why? It’s very boring to live for them, longing! Well, a day, two, well, a month, and then: “Oh, I can’t do this anymore!” By the way, we talk about this in the film “The Twelve.” Real democracy in Russia was only in the church (it didn’t exist anywhere else and, I’m afraid, won’t exist), because before the altar, before the laws, not written by man, but by God, the emperor, the schoolboy, the doctor, and the salesman are absolutely equal .

— When perestroika began, you, as an apparently moral person, were not disgusted by the fact that the former secretaries of the Central Committee and regional committees, and now presidents and prime ministers independent countries went together to church and began to be baptized there ineptly?

- Well, it’s no coincidence that people called them candlesticks. As they say, “the heart is still warmed by the party card,” and already in church - so what? This changes my attitude not to faith or to the church, but to a specific figure. Here it’s really an intimate, individual matter: if he goes to church to be shown on TV, that’s one thing, but if he builds a church where he lives in order to renew a parish in that place, that’s another. It’s a matter of taste, but someone who has been a member of the party all his life, and then tore up his party card and burned it in front of television cameras, disgusts me... Such people also exist, and successfully, but in general, both are immoral.

At the same time, Yeltsin, I think, committed a very powerful act when he put away his party card - he just put it away, he didn’t burn it. There is sincerity and absolute honesty in this - the same qualities as in the image of the man I play in the film "Twelve". He is a security officer, a military intelligence officer who served the party and the government, fought, and did what was prescribed to him by his oath. For me, the opportunity to protect someone, realizing that nothing will happen to me for it, is an unworthy thing, but when you go at random, not knowing what will happen next, that’s mine!

“If Lenin had seen what had been done in his name, I think he would have asked to leave the Mausoleum himself.”

— Returning to the tsars... I remember that at one time you advocated for the removal of Lenin’s body from the Mausoleum: how do you feel about Lenin today, after so many years, during which much could be comprehended, read and learned? Do you still think that keeping a mummy in the Mausoleum and putting it on public display is not human?

- It’s just against all Christian rules and Orthodoxy as such: the soul must fly away freely, and the body must be buried. I consider Lenin one of the most tragic and unfortunate figures in the world - just watch him latest photos, in which he appears as a plant...

On the television project “Name of Russia”, where our greatest compatriots were identified, Zyuganov, who defended Vladimir Ilyich, cited as a positive example what a short time Depending on the situation, Lenin changed the program four times: they say, how flexible he was! Sorry, but it's a disaster when... huge country a person has to change course four times...

- ... and rush about. That's the red terror...

- ...then there is surplus appropriation and tax in kind, then there is the NEP, and then there is no longer, then the intelligentsia is needed, then there is no point in sending them away... This is a very tragic thing, and I think at some moments the realization of what had been done could for him to be worse than any torture.

— He was a great man, what do you think?

- Definitely!

- And Stalin?

- Certainly. Another conversation, which one are you familiar with... But tell me, is Nero great?

- In my opinion, there cannot be two opinions...

- You see... Lenin was an incredible reaction and activity strategist who really, at that second, made history. The power fell - he picked it up. Someone would be itching, hesitating, but he would get his bearings instantly. What do the people need? Down with the war! Land for the peasants, factory workers! He promised everything! Why did White lose? They could not promise what they were not able to give, these people were made of a different cloth...

— Your conscience didn’t allow it?

- That's it, and here - hap! “Let’s go to peace, we’ll sort it out later,” then: “Hand over your weapons—we’ll forgive you.” When the white officers, accustomed to keeping their word, disarmed and admitted that they had fought with the Reds, they were put on barges and sunk in the Black Sea. Can you imagine who Lenin and his entire gang were in this sense? Of course, as a real person, he has nothing to do with the idol that his comrades created from him, and if Lenin then saw what was done in his name and who came to power, he would simply look at everyone: the Malenkovs, the Khrushchevs, Brezhnev, - I think he himself would have asked to leave the Mausoleum.

— Why did such people, one better than the other, become tsars in Russia? Haven’t you asked yourself this question? Maybe there is something wrong with the people?

- Firstly, the people experienced a terrible temptation and are still paying for it. You see, the breed was held in high esteem among horses, dogs, cats...

- ...and among people...

- ...that's it, and in order to take a place on the Mausoleum, you had to reliably prove your own mongreldom: then you could become the Minister of Defense or Culture. Relying on this was a systemic, vectorial mistake, and the party anthem proclaimed: “He who was nobody will become everything”...

- What a deep meaning!

- Amazing, but to become everything, being nothing, there are two ways: either learn from those who were someone, or destroy them...

- The second one is easier...

- OK it's all over Now!

— Is this mistake being corrected in today’s Russia?

- Of course, a huge step forward has already been made, but this does not mean that everything has worked out. All the same, the children of the Komsomol leaders of that time prosper and, by the way, are the basis of corruption... I have no illusions about this, but on the other hand, evolution is still evident, do you understand? In general, I believe that armed evolution is important for Russia, as opposed to armed revolution...

- Which?

- Well, I mean, protected. The first revolutionary was Peter I, who decided in one fell swoop to transform a country like Russia into a European one. He sent some to study in Holland, explained to others why they should drink bitter coffee in the morning and not vodka, forced others to shave their beards when it was cold... Then the Table of Ranks appeared, thanks to which they began to respect not the one sitting in the chair, and the chair itself, and the police subsequently saluted the “member carrier”, even if they were carrying watermelons and were not sitting high rank. This was a very serious distortion, and Voloshin was right when he wrote that Peter the Great was the first Bolshevik. great person? Yes. What have you done?!

— As a deeply Russian person, do you know what the Russian national idea should be?

- I don’t know, and this has already set the teeth on edge, so to speak: everyone is looking for national idea. For me, it consists of continuity, enlightened conservatism and armed, I repeat, evolution...

“Rudinstein doesn’t like me, and I don’t really like him, but not because he’s a Jew, but because he’s a swindler.”

— Nikita Sergeevich, another one awkward question. They say you don't like Jews - is that true?

(He throws up his hands in confusion.) Great question!

— Mark Rudinshtein told me this and several other people...

“Rudinshtein doesn’t like me, and I don’t really like him, but not because he’s a Jew, but because he’s a swindler.” This figure was supposed to give me a cash prize for one of his festivals - I don’t remember which one, and he didn’t, but that’s not the point, that’s not why I treat him quite ironically. You know, for me, a Russian is anyone who loves and feels my country, who knows it and wants to be with it in both sorrow and joy. Any! Is Levitan a Jew?

- How to look...

- Yes, that’s how you ask me about Jews.

— If you look at the canvases, they’re Russian...

- That's the answer to your question. It’s stupid to try to prove, as some do, that I have a lot of Jewish friends - this is complete idiocy! For me, there is no such concept at all, just like the internal rejection characteristic of anti-Semites. This exists, and it’s not for nothing that there is such a saying in Russia: “Your nose is humpbacked, you live on the Arbat, you earn a lot” - it comes from the people. But it’s stupid to scold Jews for being smarter - it’s better to learn yourself.

You see, destroying a mosque instead of building a temple nearby is absurd. I am interested in creation, and not in the opportunity to take someone else’s place, and if a person is hired for a job just because he is a Jew, or not hired for the same reason, it is equally stupid and vulgar. Still, if he can fulfill the assigned tasks, work for the business he is involved in and for the country, it makes no difference what nationality he is.

The problem is that for a certain category of people this is exactly the most convenient excuse. Let’s say you said that many people hate me. Why? Yes, because I, Mikhalkov, allegedly do not like Jews, but there is no evidence. If I punched a boor in the face, and he turned out to be a Jew, this does not mean that I don’t like Jews - I can’t stand boors, and there’s nothing to be done about it. With the same success I can give it to both the Kyrgyz and the Russian, but some people immediately base their hatred on a certain basis: “Ah-ah! Well, okay...". Look at the film “The Twelve” and you will understand whether I love Jews or not.

— In 1986, the famous perestroika V Congress of USSR Cinematographers took place in Moscow, at which terrible scandals broke out. In your opinion, was this a destructive congress?

- Yes, definitely.

— Did he bring a lot of harm to cinema?

“Very much, and although he is given credit for removing disgraced films from the shelves, I think they would have been taken out of there anyway, but we still cannot put together the orderly cinema system that was destroyed by this congress (I don’t mean censorship).

- What was it - a riot of dullness and mediocrity that finally waited for its time?

- Of course, although the energies of these people were succumbed to by completely talented people who were simply inexperienced. Now a number of colleagues are regretting: “That’s how I ended up!”

— They trampled Sergei Bondarchuk... Who else?

- Yes, many - they changed the government. To trample Bondarchuk just because he is a Hero of Socialist Labor, was a member of the Central Committee and was allowed to make big films is exactly the rebellion of mice who were allowed to bite the cat: they say that nothing will happen to them for such courage. Sergei Fedorovich was not bullied because he creates vile films and does not allow others to work, takes away their money...

- ...and for being successful...

“I was the only one who stood up for him then.”

— We went against the flow, by the way...

- Moreover, I was excommunicated from the Union for 15 years, but I consider this time the happiest in my life, because I shot a number of films and received an Oscar, the Grand Prix in Cannes... I didn’t even think about the Union - They were the ones who intrigued and huddled together...

- Mice?

“You can call them mice, but in essence they are hyenas, jackals that gather in packs in order to catch up with a large animal and tear it to pieces. God forbid you end up facing them alone - these insignificant, small, evil, hysterical people instantly become cowardly deaf when they are scared, but they completely loosen their belts when they can start a rut. Dostoevsky has the following lines: “When demons overcome, there is an opportunity - this is a sweet feeling! - to bite a big and strong man who doesn’t even understand why he’s being bitten. For what?".

This desire of the little one not to rise to the level of the big one, but to pull him off the pedestal so that he too becomes a dwarf is a very terrible and cruel force: it is deceitful, noisy... Look what they write on the Internet about the people who are at the top: how can they insult like that? I remember at the stadium one man finished his beer and threw the bottle down with a flourish. From there: “Ay!”, there is already someone covered in blood, and he made such a face as if he had nothing to do with it at all... This elevation on the abomination is scary, and it is very difficult to resist not challenging him. There was no heroism in my speech in defense of Bondarchuk, but I am happy that the Lord allowed me to do it intuitively.

“If you play, then a typical idiot in a crimson jacket with the same idiot son.”

— There are, Nikita Sergeevich, two categories of films: some are loved by the people, and aesthetes are delighted with others. Tell me, how do you feel about Tarkovsky’s films and what do you think about this director?

- It’s difficult for me to evaluate him in the abstract - we were close. He lived in our house, grew up, became a man, became friends with my brother - everything happened before my eyes! I ran them for vodka, stood on the atas and did everything I could, so I recognized Tarkovsky (both his name and himself) even before he shot his first film, “Ivan’s Childhood.”

Of course, I consider him a great director, but you see, many people later decided that if they filmed long, it would turn out like Tarkovsky’s. Alas: it just turns out long and boring - after all, he has energy. Some of his films can be loved more, some less, but, say, “Mirror” and “Andrei Rublev” are a gold fund... “Rublev” is generally a great picture!

— It’s curious, which actors do you prefer when you make a director’s choice? What do you pay attention to first?

- All this is very individual - it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Sometimes an actor is needed for half a minute, sometimes only his face is needed...

— Will you take a drunkard into the group?

“If I understand that during the period when I need it, I won’t have to take it out of the sobering-up station, I’ll take it, but in general, not.”

-Will you accept the scoundrel? Let's say a person is disgusting, disgusting, antipathetic to you personally to the core, but the type...

- I’ll accept! We may not communicate, but he will do what I need.

— Oleg Menshikov played brilliantly in several of your films. How do you feel about his roles in such, in my opinion, disastrous films as “Doctor Zhivago” and especially “The Golden Calf” by Ulyana Shilkina - have you seen these works?

- Oleg needs a director - that’s the point. Menshikov is incredibly gifted: in his weight and age category, in his image and role, he is one of the largest actors, at least in Europe, however... Oleg can only be a creator in his element - in the theater, but in cinema he is a performer and without someone to guide him, he is lost.

- IN Once again I admired your talent when I watched Balabanov’s film “Dead Man’s Bluff.” Were you not afraid to take on the role of godfather Mikhalych? Were you not afraid that after this the fans would perceive you differently?

“And that’s what I wanted: stereotypes need to be broken!” One day, while going through the Mosfilm card file as necessary, I came across a card of one actor who played Lenin, and it was written on it: “Do not act in negative roles.” See, it's all over for him...

A stereotype for an actor is a very dangerous thing, especially when he understands that it is profitable to play because he is loved and what gives him popularity. Naturally, after this he is afraid to deviate from the cliché that brings both success and money...

— Were you organic in the role of godfather?

“At first, when Alexei Balabanov and I were just talking, he offered me a different drawing - he saw the mafioso as terribly serious. I said that I was completely uninterested in this: if I play, then a typical idiot in a crimson jacket with the same idiot son. It’s like banter above banter, a film in the style of Tarantino, only today and about our time. In general, I think that Balabanov, having filmed “Brother” and “Brother-2”, closed the topic with “Zhmurkami”, and I was curious to take part in this.

— Did you add a lot of your own stuff there?

- Enough - I offered him the whole character with all its facets. “If such a person suits you,” he said, “I’ll play him, but if the task is different, I’m bored with portraying superman-mafia: there are a lot of artists who can do it perfectly”...

— Did you like his painting “Cargo-200”?

- Unfortunately, I didn’t see her. On the disc, Alexey asked me not to watch, but I didn’t get to the cinema - I didn’t have time, since I was filming it myself... So she passed by. I'll take a look, but I don't know when yet.

— Now you are finishing “Burnt by the Sun 2” - why isn’t Ingeborga Dapkunaite filming there?

- Not removed due to... (Pause). Unfortunately, she did not escape the temptation and began to take part in the program. In my opinion, “Big Brother” is some kind of reality show like “House-2”, and I believe that such things are incompatible with cinema. I understand that they probably pay a lot of money there, that there is a need, and so on, but this causes such colossal damage to the profession that it is not at all easy to get rid of.

“Work and friends were more important to me than women”

— I heard that you are going to make the film “Once Upon a Time in Russia” - a kind of encyclopedia of modern Russian life like Once Upon a Time in America...

- Well, such thoughts really exist.

- And what kind of tape will it be?

- I don't know yet. There are only a few scattered sensations, but, in principle, this is “ Godfather”, however, not so much bang-bang as an internal psychological drama. Timelessness...

— I imagine (or rather, I can’t even imagine) how women loved (and love!) you - did you suffer from this or did you enjoy their ardent adoration?

“I never thought much about this, although, of course, a relationship with a woman is a huge impulse. They charge you with energy, inject absolutely necessary adrenaline into your blood, but I never put this at the forefront - work and friends were more important to me than women.

- Excuse me, is this not coquetry?

- Dmitry, I promised to answer sincerely! Can you imagine what I could accomplish in life if the main thing for me was success with women? By the way, the more you try to turn their head, the less chances you have, because it is absolutely pointless to try to get through to a woman if there is no current between you from the very beginning. In general, the relationship between the stronger and weaker sex is a mysterious thing. How many times have there been situations when the three of us are sitting, having a wonderful conversation, and then the fourth one comes. He didn't do anything like that, but oh! - and that’s all: alien energy entered and destroyed the cordiality of the atmosphere.

Like it or not... It happens at such a distance and at such a subtle level that you can hardly understand whether something is possible. It’s very important to pause here, and if at that very second you start, as they say, hitting with your hoof, half of the women will think: “Ah-ah, he looks like the others,” and will leave.

- Admit it, have you ever taken away someone’s lady love, or perhaps taken away from you?

- It happened to me, but did I steal it? (Pause). I don’t know... I never violated what had already somehow developed, but sometimes some women who were with someone later ended up with me.

— Your first wife was Anastasia Vertinskaya - not only very beautiful, but also incredibly talented actress. Is it true that you beat her fans?

- Well (smiles), I actually fought a lot.

— Was your character so catchy or were there reasons?

- Well, I told you when we discussed the Jewish question that I hit you in the face, not the nationality.

— Have the Kirghiz fallen under the hot hand?

- And Jews too, and Russians - there’s a complete internationalism here. I had to use my fists - that’s how the circumstances developed. I can’t say that I was always right—God forbid! - but this is also adrenaline: something cocky is always inherent in men.

— Surely, there were many males hovering around your beautiful wife, who was also actively acting and playing in the Moscow Art Theater, who wanted to take her away from you. Among those whom you slapped in the face, famous personalities were?

- Well, no... You see, when I already got married, at that level where people are quite famous and visible, the rules of decency were observed, but stupid restaurant harassment was not an option...

Dad actively films his children from his second marriage - Nadya, Artem and Anna - in his own films

- Were you jealous of her?

- I think the feeling was mixed, because I was jealous, if you can call it jealousy, not so much towards specific rivals, but towards the profession. It is quite difficult for a man to experience his wife’s success.

- Even a successful man?

- The fact is that at that time I was still far from success. When we met, I was just filming “I’m Walking Around Moscow,” and Nastya already had leading roles in “ Scarlet Sails”, in “Hamlet”... Of course, she was much more popular, and this interfered, irritated, and caused a very unfair feeling.

—Are you talking to her now?

- Well, how could it be otherwise - we have grandchildren growing up...

- So, do you bow normally, kiss, discuss anything?

- Absolutely calm.

— Is everything quiet?

“After so many years, making any claims is stupid and pointless. Moreover, there is a son, grandchildren, granddaughter...

— By the time you married the fashion model of the Moscow Fashion House, Tatyana Solovyova, did you already have a clear idea of ​​what kind of woman you need in both form and content?

- Yes, absolutely.

— And she fully corresponded to your ideal?

“I wouldn’t say this, but Tatyana was so different from those around her that she was interesting to me.”

“Sensuality is not about unhooking your bra or getting into your pants, but about managing the energy that affects the viewer.”

— Evil tongues say that you recently had a breakup, and a very serious one at that...

- Not really (laughs), it is not true.

“I’ll risk asking you another unpleasant question and I hope you won’t get into a fight over it.” I recently read a most vile rumor about you on the Internet: supposedly the sex symbol of the Soviet Union and Russia, Nikita Mikhalkov, adheres to a non-traditional sexual orientation. What do you say to this?

- You know, I realized that being known as such is incredibly profitable, at least when sorting out relationships with women there is an opportunity to say: “Read the Internet.”

From a newsmaker’s point of view, it’s a sin for me to complain: 40 years old, even more (in ’63, when I was filming “I’m Walking Through Moscow,” I was 18, which means 45 years old), I’m in the public eye...

- ...and in what form!

“Besides, if gossip is spread about a person, that’s good.” As the screenwriter of Fellinie’s film 8 1/2 so wonderfully said: “Say bad, say good, but talk about me.” Of course, this causes bewilderment, laughter, and sometimes you even want to punch him in the forehead...

— I wish I could find the Kyrgyz who started this rumor...

- Yes, but, on the other hand, if it arouses interest, excites people, makes them talk about you, then you excite consciousness with your existence, work and thoughts. Whether it’s a lie or the truth doesn’t matter: in fact, many deliberately spread rumors just to get people to talk about them, but to manage to survive for 45 years, you have to be a brilliant PR man, and I don’t do anything for this, I just live by God’s grace. I act as I consider necessary, I speak, write and film what I find necessary, that is, I behave in accordance with my idea of ​​​​life and my answer, so to speak, before God. Good, bad, wrong, but I live, and it’s wonderful that it causes such a reaction, and as for the “blue” hearing... Do you think I look like that?

- That's the point, no...

“You see, as Chekhov said, “a person is what he believes in.”

— Actresses, the most outstanding, talented and beautiful, admitted to me that without an affair during filming with the director, it is often simply impossible. Have you had many affairs with actresses?

- You know, this is a very dangerous thing.

- How?

— The fact is that work on a film should take place in a state of internal, so to speak, vibration...

- ...How is that?..

- ... when the feeling of neediness, astringency, this musk between a man and a woman exists, but you cannot satisfy it, because then what was born will not go into the profession, into business, but will result, roughly speaking, in bed. It is impossible to work with an actor, let alone an actress, if this person is unpleasant to you...

— And technology doesn’t help?

- Well, depending on the situation. If this is, for example, an old pawnbroker...

- No, if love must be played...

“If there is a woman who has to portray love with a partner, another actor, you still have to give her masculine energy, feeding her in the frame, because usually what the actor does is not enough.

- And was it possible to give her this energy without bed, without sex?

- The most important thing is that without this.

— Have you ever had anything happen with actresses?

- No, and here I am absolutely firm. In this sense, I could have had everything, and yet I am very glad that (clicks tongue)...Of course, this offended someone...

— Before her death, the late Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova told me that this musk appeared in you on the set of “Rodney” - could something have happened between you there, too, or is it excluded?

- It could probably...

- ...despite the age difference?

- Absolutely. Nonna was ageless - a real woman...

-...and theoretically?..

- Well, how can I tell you? It, this feeling, had to be, I still have to initiate it...

— Well, okay, but when the actresses themselves took the initiative (I’m sure this happened!), did you really say: “No, not this!” - and ran away in confusion?

- You see, a woman should be a follower, and if the opposite happens, that’s it, the end.

- Nevertheless, there are different tempers, temperaments...

— I’m not interested in men in skirts (I’m talking about myself, not about everyone), and if a man takes advantage of a woman, that is, if possessing her is important to him, their relationship is a perishable product. I am absolutely convinced: you can only have fun with a woman if she feels good first.

- In my opinion, this is an axiom!

— I agree, but, unfortunately, we very often theorize correctly and act incorrectly. The fact is that a woman who tries to change places with a man: from being a follower to becoming a leader, instantly loses energy for me.

It’s this movement that interests me, the pulsation, and not the final result, the question is more interesting to me than the answer, so all my energy is directed to where the erotic sensation has nothing to do with palpating, touching. Sensuality can manifest itself at a distance of 200 meters and a thousand kilometers, in a telephone conversation, but it is important to understand that this requires a coincidence of amplitudes, which you must be able to control: more or less, higher or lower, and as a result - a surge of energy and temperature! Actually, this is what directing is all about, working with an actor, and maybe partly for this reason there are various rumors about me.

Do you know what Olbrychski said wonderfully? “Basically, I’m a homosexual—I just don’t like technology.” How to decipher this? The relationship between actors, between an actor and a director, is somehow sensual in nature, and this sensuality is not in flaring nostrils, not in grabbing hands, not in unhooking a bra or getting into pants, but in managing the energy that influences the viewer, because that the end result is what, having originated here, will be transmitted there. If it doesn’t arise, you can cut it any way you want with installation - it’s still dead.

- From all of the above, I understood, Nikita Sergeevich, that you did not have affairs with actresses, but your brother experienced them both for himself and for you. What do you think of his books “The Low Truths” and “The Sublime Deceit”, where he very openly exposed his relationships with famous and very famous ladies?

- Well, that's his business...

— Have you read Andron’s books?

- Certainly.

- Liked?

“It was interesting, but another thing is that it’s devastating.” Dostoevsky said: “Man is a mystery,” and the point is not to hide or hide something, it’s just that our inner life is much more interesting, larger and higher than the external one - this is exactly what a person lives by. It is she who is his nutritious environment, and not parties, parties, dinners, outfits.

— Your brother asked your opinion about his explicit works, was there a discussion?

- He asked: “Have you read it?” “Yes,” I answered. "And How?". - "Very interesting". That’s all, actually... We try not to traumatize each other, we have our own points of view on everything, and sometimes they coincide, and sometimes they don’t.

“There was a cult of the older brother in the family: he beat me, I endured”

— Vasily Lanovoy told me: “After reading this abomination, Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky became a handicap for me”...

- That's his right. Lanovoy’s wife was also hurt there...

-...Irina Kupchenko...

- Absolutely true, and in this case I cannot condemn either one or the other. There are things of taste... Books are like Andron’s confession, but they have one significant difference...

- ...others are affected by them...

“That’s not the point, but the fact that confession does not imply publicity.” You confess to the Lord through a priest, he tells you what he thinks about this, and you must draw some conclusions for yourself, and when you, so to speak, expose yourself to the rest of the world, you must be ready for anything.

- Your brother talented person?

- Undoubtedly.

— What do you think of his directorial works?

“I like some more, some less.”

- It's true that you have difficult relationship two powerful artists?

- You know, many would like it to be like this, but no, this is impossible. I always revered him, and in the family the cult of the elder brother was initially very developed. I remember he beat me, I endured... Until a certain moment, I listened very carefully to what Andron was saying, showed him my films when they were already edited and nothing could be changed.

- But why did they still show it?

- Of course, and I had a double feeling when he told me that here it would be necessary to do it this way, and there that way. Often I understood that his version was better, but I was happy that it was no longer possible to redo the painting: these were my mistakes, and I learned from them myself.

I am also grateful to him for the fact that he never tried to make his clone out of me, that is, each of us went our own way. In this sense, although we agree on many things, we represent completely different directions in cinema and in art: the pragmatist, the Western view of the world predominates in him, and I, as he himself believes, in to a greater extent romantic... All this does not prevent us from being brothers: we, in fact, balance each other to some extent.

— You have four very talented children, whom you periodically use in your films. Is it difficult for a father to take pictures of his children?

- The thing is that when they are on the court, I don’t treat them like children.

— How about the actors?

- Only, moreover, it is often much harsher than towards others. If, God willing, you see “Burnt by the Sun 2,” you will understand what Nadya had to experience there. It’s not easy: in 28-degree frost, you find yourself at a training ground among a fire and barbed wire, and three wind blowers aimed at you, depicting a blizzard, throw not snow, which flies by quickly enough, but cement, and they need to breathe and at the same time drag in turn carrying two wounded. On the fourth take, she couldn’t simply move any of them, and this is not an ostentatious cruelty, but a necessity. Then I read in Orthodox magazine“Foma” interview, where Nadya said that through these suffocations, through the terrible physical work she felt and understood the meaning of the picture.

— Do your children consult with you in difficult life situations, come to talk one-on-one, or trust you with some secrets?

— When it gets hot, yes, but our relationship is built in such a way that they try to solve their problems themselves until the end. When things don’t work out, they come to me, and I think it’s right. Sometimes, seeing that they can still flounder, I suggest they try to swim out on their own - if even after that something doesn’t work out, I offer my shoulder.

“Sometimes you look: “Oh my, did I really film this? Well done!"

— In the films “Station for Two” and “Cruel Romance” you played two amazing male types - well, very masculine... Tell me, is Paratov from “Cruel Romance” close to you in spirit and feeling?

- Yes, of course.

- Were they really playing themselves?

— Well, in any role, even in “Blind Man’s Bluff,” to some extent I remain myself... It’s impossible to do without this: one way or another, you have to pass everything through yourself. Yes, Paratov is very much a predator. Well, I'm a predator...

— After this film, you were often asked to sing about a furry bumblebee...

- Constantly.

- You didn’t refuse?

- Sometimes I sing, sometimes I don’t... I remember at some corporate party There was a funny lady in St. Petersburg. She had everything with her: breasts, a Suzuki, but she was completely askew - her hat was on one side, her glasses were on one side... She walked up to our table on breaking heels, looked at everyone, not recognizing anyone, and said: “And they told you that the artist Mikhalkov Shall we sing a song about bees now?” From that moment on, our company went like this: a song about bees, but, in principle, I try (maybe this is wrong) not to use something that was once opened all the time. For example, I can tell you everything about a picture while I’m coming up with it, while we’re writing the script, while I’m filming and editing it...

- Can you clearly imagine all the episodes?

— Of course, I see everything and remember every frame shot — even in such a space as “Burnt by the Sun-2” (and this is about 275 hours of material)... The editors were surprised when, seeing the next episode, I told them: “ I definitely shot such and such a shot,” and they found it. Well, how could you miss it if one thing logically follows from the other?

When the picture is finished, released on the screens and time has passed, it flies off from me like a rocket stage, I completely forget it. Sometimes you look: “Oh my, did I really film this? Well done!". There is no burden of waste material on my shoulders, and, by the way, I think this is a fatherly quality: he treats his poems absolutely frivolously.

- So you live in the future, not the past...

- Be that as it may, the released paintings do not put pressure on my life. It happens that students will call you a classic, some kind of idol, but I treat this, frankly speaking, as a joke, an exaggeration, to which it is stupid to object: “What are you talking about!”, thinking to myself: “Yes, yes.” , they say correctly." Of course, if they put me in a single room, and an Italian artist in a suite, I will raise a scandal and knock out an eye at the moment... just know your worth...

- ...but, let’s say, if everyone is in equal Spartan conditions necessary for work, it absolutely doesn’t matter to me where to lay my head. Where have we lived, including in these times! Of course, now I want and will fly first class - I have the right to do so. Of course, I will drive a good car, but not so that everyone can see how cool my foreign car is, but because it is convenient for me. Of course, I will build a house to live in, and not to show it to guests. I also love good expensive clothes, but I don’t wear them for show.

I remember Zhenya Yevtushenko came to the WTO in mink coat to his toes and specially opened the bamboo curtains so that everyone could see him, and Kemal ( richest man, an Iranian by origin) wore a very modest cashmere coat with the mink inside - for warmth, and not to show that he had money for expensive furs.

This is a quality that, fortunately for me (I hope fortunately), is dear to me, another thing is, I have a lot of materials, say, about the film “The Twelve,” and now we can edit 30 episodes of a master class, show how a picture is born ... Well, there are and there are - I don’t tremble over them, I live according to Pasternak: “You don’t need to start an archive, you don’t have to tremble over manuscripts... And you shouldn’t give up a single bit of your face, but be alive, alive and only , alive and only until the end."

When finishing some work, I didn’t sit on the boxes with the finished film waiting for glory - I easily forgot about what was filmed and didn’t worry: “Oh, God forbid it gets worse now!” Removed - page turned. This unique way of burning bridges behind oneself was taught to me by the wonderful director Jerzy Kawalerowicz, who is much older than me.

At one time, at the Moscow Film Festival, I showed him my first film, “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own”... Then we sat in the House of Cinema, had a drink, and he said, since he liked my work: “Start a new one immediately. After I made the film “The Train,” which was a huge success, I lost 20 years of my life - all these years I chose the script and thought: “I couldn’t make it worse.” I compared and discarded: it’s not the same, it’s not the same again.”

— Meanwhile, the energy was leaving...

- That's it. It’s like they asked a bearded man: “When you sleep, is your beard on the blanket or under it?”, and he stopped sleeping because he constantly thought about it and he felt uncomfortable in this way and that.

— Admit it, Nikita Sergeevich, do you like receiving awards?

- You see, if you take on a business, counting on bonuses and prizes, as a rule, you won’t get anything. I have never worked for awards, and although there is no doubt that it is nice to receive them, I have other measures of success and happiness. For example, when I was filming the film “Urga,” I lived in the steppes of Mongolia and China. The situation there was wonderful: it seemed like calm, windless weather, but you raised your hand and you could touch the wind.

When I was working on the film “Twelve,” I ran in the morning (I go for a run every day) and thought: “Nikita, if they told you: “You will receive a Golden Lion or an Oscar,” but for a different film, what would you do? film?”, and answered himself unequivocally: “Twelve.” If you speak out and try to reach the audience, this is happiness...

“So far my possessions are not bringing profit...”

—You look surprisingly young—how do you manage it?

(Smiles). I don’t read newspapers or the Internet (especially about myself), so I feel great.

— Surely, hunting also helps you relax - they say you have several hunting grounds in different parts of Russia...

— There are two lands: near Nizhny Novgorod and near Vologda, but I come there not as a hunter, but as an owner. In the first, all living things were knocked out, we simply restored it for more than four years, but the second was richer, of course, and did not require large investments. For some reason, it seems to me that this matter is quite alive, because if you treat the earth as a human being, it will respond kindly to you.

I don’t know about you, but we have a problem with the Russian village - it is destroyed. Your heart aches when you see everything die. At least some Swedes, Germans, or someone would do this, but no, we don’t need anyone, we want everything ourselves...

How did I choose my lands? In terms of the beauty of the landscape and the opportunity to use it, this is a great outlet for me. So far my holdings have not brought any profit, but I am convinced that if there is any wealth that is not subject to inflation, it is land. Sooner or later everyone will understand that there is nothing more expensive than her, especially if she is dear.

— Nikita Sergeevich, I am grateful to you for your frankness, but I would like to end in some original way. Maybe at least a verse of a song about bees?

- No (smiles), I won’t sing. I’ll sing somewhere in a restaurant - come.

- To do this you need to have a challah, a Suzuki...

- Of course, but here let Kirkorov sing for you - today I already took the rap for ten...

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I can’t ignore the developing scandal and conflict around the television commentator of the state sports channel “Match TV” Alexei Andronov and the subsequent outright censorship against no one, but Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov himself and his TV show “Besogon” aired on the “Russia 24” TV channel.
I think many people know the essence of the situation. Alexey Andronov on his Twitter rudely insulted supporters of the “Russian world” in Ukraine and, in general, the entire Novorossiya project. Thus causing justifiable indignation among Russian patriots and nationalists of all stripes, who regarded these statements as outright Russophobia and manifestations of hatred towards Russians. Andronov hastily and spontaneously apologized, not forgetting to again offend those who, in his opinion, slandered him (they say I’m not a Russophobe, but I said everything in the heat of the moment).
Mikhalkov wanted to devote an entire episode of his mentioned TV show to this incident and had even already prepared it for broadcast. But the authorities of the state TV channel “Russia 24” did not allow her to attend this very broadcast. Having already caused the violent indignation of Mikhalkov himself and his subsequent retaliatory actions. These actions boiled down to the fact that Mikhalkov posted a recording of this program on the Internet, providing it with a preliminary remark about unjustified censorship addressed to him. And the video itself with his program became the most popular on the Russian segment of the YouTube portal, as of December 15 of this year.
So, what was it about this program that the management of the Rossiya 24 TV channel had to cut it off the air?
Here's what.
In the forty-minute television program, the enemies of Russia were directly called enemies of Russia. Albeit in an intelligent Mikhalkov style, but still named in fact. Not only Andronov himself got it, but also a number of other characters (including high-ranking ones). In addition to Andronov, journalist Matvey Ganapolsky, the sister of oligarch Prokhorov and the head of this very sports television channel, Match TV, Tina Kandelaki, were mentioned in this context. And they were mentioned not just unfoundedly, but with specific quotes and video recordings that completely expose them, if not of Russophobia, then in any case of disdain for everything Russian for sure. So, for example, a piece of a TV show was shown where Kandelaki directly says that, in her opinion, the Russian people do not exist in nature at all (and there are only, they say, some incomprehensible Russians without a specific nationality). Former Russian journalist Ganapolsky, who is now a Ukrainian journalist, has long exposed himself as an enemy of the Russians (and without the help of Mikhalkov). Mikhalkov only reinforced this opinion with new portions of his statements and antics. Native sister oligarch Prokhorov, who is quite prominent Russian politician expressed herself in the spirit that Crimea is just “stones in the sea” and Russia doesn’t really need extra stones (so what if everything there is watered with the blood of Russian soldiers). But most importantly, Mikhalkov focused the viewer’s attention on the fact that the sports channel “Match TV” is actually a state channel, and not a private shop. And that it is sponsored from the federal budget with taxpayers’ money (that is, with our money). And it belongs precisely to the VGTRK holding, which also owns the Rossiya 24 channel, where Mikhalkov’s program airs (or has already aired). Mikhalkov asked the question point blank. Why do outright Russophobes work en masse on the Russian state television channel??? This is not the liberal Dozhd TV channel, after all, which is sponsored, among other things, from abroad. This is a state television channel, which a priori should not promote hatred of the state-forming people (i.e., the Russian people).
But the most important thing is not even this.
The most important thing is the nationality of the listed characters.
I don’t know who Andronov’s nationality is (the surname seems to be Russian), but all the other anti-heroes of the program cut from the air are completely non-Russians. Kandelaki is a purebred Georgian. And Prokhorova’s sister, together with Ganapolsky, are generally Jews. Hey, Jews... Aren't they the reason for all this censorship, huh? We know how strong the position of the Jewish community is in our country. And in business, and in politics, and on television as well. And how representatives of this community do not like it when they are shown in an unsightly light (they say we were burned and persecuted, and here you are showing this about us). Didn't they give the command for this censorship against Mikhalkov? Although why would they give such a command when they could have been frightened by their reactions in advance and cut this program off the air just in case (so that later the TV channel would not be accused of anti-Semitism). Or maybe it’s even simpler... Maybe the leadership of “Russia 24” are themselves people of Jewish nationality? To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised at this, given the dominance of Jews on our TV...
And if the version with a Jewish trace is correct, then just imagine how strong the position of Jews is in Russia, if they can even punch Mikhalkov himself on the nose like that! And where to click... Not in Israel, but in Russia, on the Russian state TV channel! Get out, Nikita Sergeevich with his “anti-Semitism” from the venerable society... And by the way, in this program Mikhalkov directly hinted that there was some powerful force behind all this... He did not specify which one, but directly hinted (leaving the right to versions to his viewers ). Or he simply did not want to publicly denounce the Jews, fearing accusations of Nazism and the same anti-Semitism...
And one more interesting fact about this topic that Mikhalkov mentioned. On the TV Center channel, in Pushkov’s program “Postscriptum”, this incident was also mentioned. A glimpse, at the very end of the TV show. So what do you think? A repeat of this program on the same channel came out without this ending... It was simply blatantly cut out. As Pushkov himself told Mikhalkov, this was done by the management of TV Center. Mikhalkov called this management and asked directly, what exactly was the matter? And I received a rather lengthy answer that “everything here is complicated and not simple.” I wonder what this difficulty is? In the influence of the Jewish community, which put pressure on the management of “TV Center” as well as on “Russia 24”? Or is it simply that this very leadership of “TV Center” is also representatives of the “promised land”?
I really don’t want the author of these lines to also be accused of anti-Semitism. But I’m a realist... So, in advance I tell such accusers to go to hell and emphasize that if some people were oppressed for a long time and then burned alive, this does not mean that individual representatives of this people have the right to bestial and base behavior.
And, “Match TV” is a very good channel. I watch it myself regularly. Especially football. Previously, the right to broadcast football matches of the Russian championship and European cups belonged exclusively to the NTV channel and watch in live nothing was impossible. Because NTV, for example, broadcast everything in recordings to Siberia. Including a day late. What's the point in watching a football match when you've already known the score??? None. And on Match TV they show everything live. At least sometimes with comments from Andronov... Who, by the way, came to this channel from this same NTV. With NTV, which he led for the last ten years......yes, you guessed correctly - also a Jew.
So, everywhere there are only Jews... And “anti-Semites” (who denounce them).