Family contract: children and grandchildren of Donald Trump.

Many people believe that the children of presidents are lucky in life. They can afford anything, like Eric from the movie "Toy". However, not an easy fate Little Barron speaks of something completely different.

12 year old Barron Trump- Donald Trump's youngest son and The only son from the Slovenian beauty Melania. Donald's children from other wives are in full view - Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka occupy leadership positions V Trump's company, and Tiffany - successful model and an Instagram star.

At the same time, Barron, born a year after Donald and Melania married, is closer in age to his nephews. In public, he almost always appears in classic suits, but his father’s activities do not arouse the boy’s interest at all.

In fact, in such at a young age Few people can stand on their feet for hours of events. Again, the public paid attention to Barron falling asleep during Donald Trump's speech, but the fact is that the event took place at three in the morning.

For some time, Barron lived in Trump Tower and attended classes at a prestigious school, where a year's tuition costs over $40,000. Trump's youngest son has never had to feel cramped: he owns an entire floor in his father's luxurious skyscraper and has the right to do whatever he wants. He especially loves to paint the walls of the room.

He now lives in the White House, a rarity for presidential children. IN last time John Kennedy's son lived there back in the 60s.

Barron speaks English and Slovenian, as well as some French. He first put on a suit at the age of three and almost never parts with a tuxedo. Just like his father, Barron loves golf and construction.

The boy rarely appears in public, but as soon as Barron leans out, all attention is focused exclusively on him, and even such insignificant things as his yawn can be discussed for three days.

Trump's youngest son has many friends, but prefers to play alone. He was raised as an only child, and for some time he was looked after by a nanny. Melania has enough care: at one time she cared for Barron’s skin using a cream based on black caviar.

It is worth noting that Barron Trump resembles his father not only in appearance, but also in character traits. There is no doubt that soon the promising heir will achieve impressive achievements, but for now he has the right to be content with a calm, serene childhood.

Donald Trump's 10-year-old son Lately became the object of malicious ridicule from Internet users. Many people find his behavior strange social events, in connection with which some bloggers diagnosed the boy with autism in absentia.

Let's try to figure out what he really is, Barron Trump.

  1. Barron was born on March 20, 2006 to Donald and Melania Trump. By standard standards, he can be considered a late child. At the time of the boy’s birth, his father was almost 60 years old and his mother was 36.
  2. Trump's inner circle believes that of the president's five children, Barron is the most like him, not only in appearance, but also in habits.

  3. Trump's former butler recounted how he once served 2-year-old Barron breakfast. The boy looked at him from the height of his high chair and said sternly:

    “Sit down, Tony. We need to talk"

  4. Unlike many other rich people, Trump and his wife refused the services of nannies. Trump commented on it like this
  5. “When you have a lot of outside help, you hardly know your children.”

    Melania is raising her son herself:

    “I'm a full-time mom. This is my main job. I make him breakfast, take him to school, pick him up and spend the rest of the day with him."
  6. Melania Trump calls her son "Little Donald." She thinks Barron is the same" strong-willed", "independent", "stubborn", "firmly knows what he wants", like his father.

  7. The boy speaks fluent Slovenian, which is his mother’s native language. From the very birth of the boy, Melania spoke to him in her native language.
  8. Barron attends a prestigious New York school, where tuition costs $45,000 a year. However, for Trump this is mere pennies.

  9. Barron is not moving to The White house. He will remain with his mother in New York for at least another 6 months to finish academic year.
  10. Barron will cost New Yorkers $1 million a day. That's how much it costs to ensure the safety of the president's son. Taxpayers will, of course, pay for security.
  11. Barron is a computer genius. His abilities amaze his father: “He’s so good with these computers... it’s incredible!”

  12. In Trump's New York apartment, the boy has an entire floor at his disposal, where he can do whatever he wants, even paint the walls and floor.
  13. Melania Trump explains it this way:
  14. "We let him be creative, let his imagination fly... When he was younger, he started drawing on the walls... One day he was playing bakery and he wrote 'Barron's Bakery' on the wall with crayons." He's very creative. If a child is forbidden all the time, then how can his creative abilities develop?” Barron doesn't like sportswear.

  15. He prefers business suits and ties..
  16. The boy prefers mathematics and natural sciences among school subjects Barron enjoys having dinner alone with his father and playing golf with him.
  17. The boy is also partial to tennis and baseball. Trump proudly calls his youngest son an "athlete." The boy likes to play alone.

  18. He can spend hours assembling huge structures from a construction set, approaching this matter thoroughly and thoroughly. He never complains about being bored and always finds something to do.

He was subjected to cruel public ridicule. Barron’s “strange” behavior is actively discussed on the Internet.

Thus, it seemed abnormal to many that during his father’s speech after winning the election, the boy did not express joy at all, yawned and struggled with sleep (this was at 3 a.m.).

Barron Trump during his father's speech after winning the election

During Trump's inauguration, the child smiled inappropriately, swayed and behaved rudely with his mother.

Trump's son during the inauguration

When Trump signed his first presidential decrees in the presence of journalists, the boy, not paying attention to anyone, played with his six-month-old nephew, the son of Ivanka Trump, which also caused a heated discussion on social networks. Barron Trump plays with Ivanka Trump's son during the signing of documents. Barron got the first number: he was called both “autistic” and “the school shooter on


", and a "vampire" (due to his pallor), and Joffrey Baratheon (a negative character from "Game of Thrones"), and a "freak", and even a future maniac. However, many were outraged by such abuse of the child. Monica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton spoke in his defense.

Barron has German and Scottish ancestry on his father's side, and Slavic ancestry on his mother's side. So his ancestry is very “European”. He is reported to be fluent in both English and Slovenian. According to Melania, already at the age of three he spoke fluently in Slovenian, as well as in French! It is not known how much practice he has in French, but such remarkable linguistic abilities at such a young age speak volumes. Probably, these abilities really help him study in super expensive preparatory school in Manhattan.

He has his own floor in Trump Tower

Some children have to share a bedroom with each other, and some have their own bedrooms. Some lucky ones even have their own game rooms. Barron Trump has always had everything imaginable and then some - being pampered practically like an only child (given the huge age difference between him and the rest of the Trump children). This young gentleman owns his own floor in Trump Tower, where the rent, by the way, is very high. And on this floor there is not only a bedroom, but also a lot of other rooms, and one can only imagine their number and purpose. But it is clear that there is no shortage of space and luxury.

He attends Columbia Preparatory and Grammar School

This school has existed since 1764 and among its graduates there are many celebrities - for example, Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick. Here they give better education one of those that money can buy, and this pleasure costs more than $37,000 a year. Donald and Melania really like this school, as does Barron himself, so moving from New York to the White House in Washington is definitely not an option for him.

After bathing, he was rubbed with caviar cosmetics

According to Melania, Barron is exactly like his father. She describes him as a very smart, but also quite headstrong and stubborn boy. Barron knows what he wants and when and how he wants it. He has his own tastes and preferences. He loves airplanes and clean white sheets on his bed. His mother calls him mini-Donald, who has always been a man of purpose and action. And young Trump also has these qualities, so he will probably also become successful.

Loves golf

Golf has always been considered a gentleman's game and powerful of the world this. It is known that Donald Trump is an avid golfer and is the owner of several golf courses. Barron also loves the sport and is quite good at it (why, he started playing at age three!) His father once shared his pride by saying that Barron is a natural athlete. Besides golf, he is good at tennis and baseball. And they often play golf together.

Wears a suit every day

Barron is not the type of teenager who stays in his gym clothes. He prefers to wear classic suits, which makes him look like the movie Richie Richie. School uniform in his educational institution quite strict and, apparently, Barron is completely accustomed to classic style clothes. It is also obvious that he is always immaculately clean, neat and has a short haircut.

Political events bore him

Barron is growing up and it seems like he's too cool to care about all the fuss about his dad. He is the youngest in the family last child a person who is constantly in the spotlight. His life has always been different from the lives of other people. When he is next to his father and accidentally yawns, he is immediately photographed; if a grimace appears on his face, it is discussed for three days, etc. By the way, he was not present at all of his father’s important political events - perhaps he is not too interested in politics - and this also did not go unnoticed.

Likes to play alone

Since his brothers and sisters are much older, Barron was raised as an only child for whom his parents would do anything. Of course, he has friends and the opportunity to play with them, but to be honest, he loves being alone and playing alone just as much. For example, building huge skyscrapers from Lego bricks (the love of real estate is in his blood!). And as a child, he was allowed to paint the walls of his rooms as he wanted. His parents are happy to give him the opportunity to somehow create and express himself, because, to tell the truth, his life is strictly ordered and regulated.

Looks much older than his age

Barron is only 10 years old, but he looks much older. Partially due to tall, partly because of the way he dresses and carries himself. Please note: he has a grown-up hairstyle, always neat and styled. His clothes are still basic - they are simply atypical for a ten-year-old.

First boy in the White House in over 50 years!

It's hard to believe, but all the children who lived in the White House after the Kennedy administration were girls. The last one was John F. Kennedy Jr. Barron is the first boy in the White House since then, although it is still unclear if or how he will live there. It looks like this is a step back for him, because at home in Trump Tower he has much more more space and opportunities. And as mentioned above, an elite school holds it in New York. So it's unlikely that the public will see photos of Barron cavorting happily in the Oval Office where his father works (as in this photo with Kennedy).

It caused a big stir in Japan

The Japanese believe that Barron is charming and worthy of fame and honor. Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Japanese manga artists began drawing comics about Barron. Manga-style drawings are very popular in Japan and beyond. This manga obsession with Barron has made him something of a celebrity in Japan. Whether he knows that he became a hero in Japanese comics or not, history is silent.

It costs a lot of money to protect him.

The cost of protecting Barron and other members of the Trump family is about a million dollars a day! It is unknown how much of this amount goes to Barron's security specifically, and it is possible that the cost of protecting Trump himself is also included here. Either way, security costs double with the president in the White House and the family in Manhattan. And we need the best of the best to provide proper protection.

He was attacked on Twitter

Regardless of how his father behaves on Twitter, young Barron has done nothing to get attacked on social media. Unfortunately, this happens periodically. He was recently ridiculed by Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich. She tweeted a joke about Barron that was in very poor taste. Saturday Night Live found the employee's behavior inappropriate and fired her immediately. She deleted her Twitter post and even wrote an apology - but it was too late.

No hand-holding

Barron no longer a little boy. He is almost eleven, a little more - and a teenage rebellion will begin, senseless and merciless. It will be difficult for him to experience all this under the gun of photo and video cameras, but nothing can be done about it - parents are not chosen. At the Inauguration Day march, millions of people saw that Melania wanted to take Barron's hand, but he quickly pulled it away. Normal behavior for a child his age! Which just goes to show that Barron is a regular guy who no longer feels the need to cling to his mommy. Keep it up, Barron.

The rich and famous attract attention general public. They are constantly being monitored by photo and video cameras, crowds of reporters are vigilantly following, trying to catch the same one. exclusive shot. What is it like for children in such families? What is he like - the first son of a US president in many years?

Well, it was always interesting to know how they live there - the rich and famous. Entire media industries rely on this.
Interesting fact, but it turns out that all the children who lived in the White House after the Kennedy administration were girls. The last one was John F. Kennedy Jr. Barron is the first boy in the White House since then, although it is still unclear if or how he will live there. It seems like this is a step back for him, because at home in Trump Tower he has much more space and opportunities. So it's unlikely that the public will see photos of Barron prancing around happily in the Oval Office, where his father works.

Let's find out a little about the child whose father is a billionaire and President.

What we haven’t read about the Trump family - about himself, about his wife Melania, his beloved daughter Ivanka... But about youngest son There was almost no information about Barrone - after all, he is only ten years old and they are trying to protect him from the nosy media. Still, Barron is a source of interest. What is it like to be the son of a billionaire and the President of the United States? How does it feel to have your family in the spotlight? Here are some interesting facts that we managed to dig up.

", and a "vampire" (due to his pallor), and Joffrey Baratheon (a negative character from "Game of Thrones"), and a "freak", and even a future maniac. However, many were outraged by such abuse of the child. Monica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton spoke in his defense.

Barron has German and Scottish ancestry on his father's side, and Slavic ancestry on his mother's side. So his ancestry is very “European”. He is reported to be fluent in both English and Slovenian. According to Melania, already at the age of three he spoke fluently in Slovenian, as well as in French! It is not known how much practice he has in French, but such remarkable linguistic abilities at such a young age speak volumes. Probably, these abilities greatly help him study at a super-expensive preparatory school in Manhattan.

He has his own floor in Trump Tower

Some children have to share a bedroom with each other, and some have their own bedrooms. Some lucky ones even have their own game rooms. Barron Trump has always had everything imaginable and then some, being pampered almost like an only child (given the huge age difference between him and the other Trump children). This young gentleman owns his own floor in Trump Tower, where the rent, by the way, is very high. And on this floor there is not only a bedroom, but also a lot of other rooms, and one can only imagine their number and purpose. But it is clear that there is no shortage of space and luxury.

He attends Columbia Preparatory and Grammar School

This school has existed since 1764 and among its graduates there are many celebrities - for example, Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick. Here they provide the best education that money can buy, and this pleasure costs more than $37,000 a year. Donald and Melania really like this school, as does Barron himself, so moving from New York to the White House in Washington is definitely not an option for him.

After bathing, he was rubbed with caviar cosmetics

Melania Trump used to have her own line cosmetics for skin care, and one of the most interesting and expensive products was body milk with caviar extract. This milk was usually applied to Barron from head to toe after bathing. It is not known whether this tradition continues now that the boy is almost 11 years old, but a few years ago everything was like that. Well, that’s right - what else to smear the son of a billionaire with, if not black caviar?

Looks a lot like his father

According to Melania, Barron is exactly like his father. She describes him as a very smart, but also quite headstrong and stubborn boy. Barron knows what he wants and when and how he wants it. He has his own tastes and preferences. He loves airplanes and clean white sheets on his bed. His mother calls him mini-Donald, who has always been a man of purpose and action. And young Trump also has these qualities, so he will probably also become successful.

Loves golf

Golf has always been considered the game of gentlemen and the powerful. It is known that Donald Trump is an avid golfer and is the owner of several golf courses. Barron also loves the sport and is quite good at it (why, he started playing at age three!) His father once shared his pride by saying that Barron is a natural athlete. Besides golf, he is good at tennis and baseball. And they often play golf together.

Wears a suit every day

Barron is not the type of teenager who stays in his gym clothes. He prefers to wear classic suits, which makes him look like the movie Richie Richie. The school uniform at his school is quite strict and, apparently, Barron is completely accustomed to the classic style of clothing. It is also obvious that he is always immaculately clean, neat and has a short haircut.

Political events bore him

Barron is growing up and it seems like he's too cool to care about all the fuss about his dad. He is the youngest in the family, the last child of a man who is constantly in the spotlight. His life has always been different from the lives of other people. When he is next to his father and accidentally yawns, he is immediately photographed; if a grimace appears on his face, it is discussed for three days, etc. By the way, he was not present at all of his father’s important political events - perhaps he is not too interested in politics - and this also did not go unnoticed.

Likes to play alone

Since his brothers and sisters are much older, Barron was raised as an only child for whom his parents would do anything. Of course, he has friends and the opportunity to play with them, but to be honest, he loves being alone and playing alone just as much. For example, building huge skyscrapers from Lego bricks (the love of real estate is in his blood!). And as a child, he was allowed to paint the walls of his rooms as he wanted. His parents are happy to give him the opportunity to somehow create and express himself, because, to tell the truth, his life is strictly ordered and regulated.

Looks much older than his age

Barron is only 10 years old, but he looks much older. Partly because of his height, partly because of the way he dresses and carries himself. Please note: he has a grown-up hairstyle, always neat and styled. His clothes are still basic - they are simply atypical for a ten-year-old.

It caused a big stir in Japan

The Japanese believe that Barron is charming and worthy of fame and honor. Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Japanese manga artists began drawing comics about Barron. Manga-style drawings are very popular in Japan and beyond. This manga obsession with Barron has made him something of a celebrity in Japan. Whether he knows that he became a hero in Japanese comics or not, history is silent.

It costs a lot of money to protect him.

The cost of protecting Barron and other members of the Trump family is about a million dollars a day! It is unknown how much of this amount goes to Barron's security specifically, and it is possible that the cost of protecting Trump himself is also included here. Either way, security costs double with the president in the White House and the family in Manhattan. And we need the best of the best to provide proper protection.

He was attacked on Twitter

Regardless of how his father behaves on Twitter, young Barron has done nothing to get attacked on social media. Unfortunately, this happens periodically. He was recently ridiculed by Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich. She tweeted a joke about Barron that was in very poor taste. Saturday Night Live found the employee's behavior inappropriate and fired her immediately. She deleted her Twitter post and even wrote an apology - but it was too late.

No hand-holding

Barron is no longer a little boy. He is almost eleven, a little more - and a teenage rebellion will begin, senseless and merciless. It will be difficult for him to experience all this under the gun of photo and video cameras, but nothing can be done about it - parents are not chosen. At the Inauguration Day march, millions of people saw that Melania wanted to take Barron's hand, but he quickly pulled it away. Normal behavior for a child his age! Which just goes to show that Barron is a regular guy who no longer feels the need to cling to his mommy. Keep it up, Barron.

What we haven’t read about the Trump family - about himself, about his wife Melania, his beloved daughter Ivanka... But there was almost no information about his youngest son Barron - after all, he is only ten years old and they are trying to protect him from the nosy media. Still, Barron is a source of interest. What is it like to be the son of a billionaire and the President of the United States? How does it feel to have your family in the spotlight? Here are some interesting facts that we managed to dig up.

", and a "vampire" (due to his pallor), and Joffrey Baratheon (a negative character from "Game of Thrones"), and a "freak", and even a future maniac. However, many were outraged by such abuse of the child. Monica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton spoke in his defense.

Barron has German and Scottish ancestry on his father's side, and Slavic ancestry on his mother's side. So his ancestry is very "European". He is reported to be fluent in both English and Slovenian. According to Melania, already at the age of three he spoke fluently in Slovenian, as well as in French! It is not known how much practice he has in French, but such remarkable linguistic abilities at such a young age speak volumes. Probably, these abilities greatly help him study at a super-expensive preparatory school in Manhattan.

He has his own floor in Trump Tower

Some children have to share a bedroom with each other, and some have their own bedrooms. Some lucky ones even have their own game rooms. Barron Trump has always had everything imaginable and then some - being pampered practically like an only child (given the huge age difference between him and the rest of the Trump children). This young gentleman owns his own floor in Trump Tower, where the rent, by the way, is very high. And on this floor there is not only a bedroom, but also a lot of other rooms, and one can only imagine their number and purpose. But it is clear that there is no shortage of space and luxury.

He attends Columbia Preparatory and Grammar School

This school has existed since 1764 and among its graduates there are many celebrities - for example, Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick. Here they provide the best education that money can buy, and this pleasure costs more than $37,000 a year. Donald and Melania really like this school, as does Barron himself, so moving from New York to the White House in Washington is definitely not an option for him.

After bathing, he was rubbed with caviar cosmetics

Melania Trump used to have her own line of skin care cosmetics, and one of the most interesting and expensive products was body milk with caviar extract. This milk was usually applied to Barron from head to toe after bathing. It is not known whether this tradition continues now that the boy is almost 11 years old, but a few years ago everything was like that. Well, that’s right - what else to smear the son of a billionaire with, if not black caviar?
According to Melania, Barron is exactly like his father. She describes him as a very smart, but also quite headstrong and stubborn boy. Barron knows what he wants and when and how he wants it. He has his own tastes and preferences. He loves airplanes and clean white sheets on his bed. His mother calls him mini-Donald, who has always been a man of purpose and action. And young Trump also has these qualities, so he will probably also become successful.

Loves golf

Golf has always been considered the game of gentlemen and the powerful. It is known that Donald Trump is an avid golfer and is the owner of several golf courses. Barron also loves the sport and is quite good at it (why, he started playing at age three!) His father once shared his pride by saying that Barron is a natural athlete. Besides golf, he is good at tennis and baseball. And they often play golf together.

Wears a suit every day

Barron is not the type of teenager who stays in his gym clothes. He prefers to wear classic suits, which makes him look like the movie Richie Richie. The school uniform at his school is quite strict and, apparently, Barron is completely accustomed to the classic style of clothing. It is also obvious that he is always immaculately clean, neat and has a short haircut.

Political events bore him

Barron is growing up and it seems like he's too cool to care about all the fuss about his dad. He is the youngest in the family, the last child of a man who is constantly in the spotlight. His life has always been different from the lives of other people. When he is next to his father and accidentally yawns, he is immediately photographed; if a grimace appears on his face, it is discussed for three days, etc. By the way, he was not present at all of his father’s important political events - perhaps he is not too interested in politics - and this also did not go unnoticed.

Likes to play alone

Since his brothers and sisters are much older, Barron was raised as an only child for whom his parents would do anything. Of course, he has friends and the opportunity to play with them, but to be honest, he loves being alone and playing alone just as much. For example, building huge skyscrapers from Lego bricks (the love of real estate is in his blood!). And as a child, he was allowed to paint the walls of his rooms as he wanted. His parents are happy to give him the opportunity to somehow create and express himself, because, to tell the truth, his life is strictly ordered and regulated.

Looks much older than his age

Barron is only 10 years old, but he looks much older. Partly because of his height, partly because of the way he dresses and carries himself. Please note: he has a grown-up hairstyle, always neat and styled. His clothes are still basic - they are simply atypical for a ten-year-old.

First boy in the White House in over 50 years!

It's hard to believe, but all the children who lived in the White House after the Kennedy administration were girls. The last one was John F. Kennedy Jr. Barron is the first boy in the White House since then, although it is still unclear if or how he will live there. It seems like this is a step back for him, because at home in Trump Tower he has much more space and opportunities. And as mentioned above, an elite school holds it in New York. So it's unlikely that the public will see photos of Barron cavorting happily in the Oval Office where his father works (as in this photo with Kennedy).

It caused a big stir in Japan

The Japanese believe that Barron is charming and worthy of fame and honor. Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Japanese manga artists began drawing comics about Barron. Manga-style drawings are very popular in Japan and beyond. This manga obsession with Barron has made him something of a celebrity in Japan. Whether he knows that he became a hero in Japanese comics or not, history is silent.

It costs a lot of money to protect him.

The cost of protecting Barron and other members of the Trump family is about a million dollars a day! It is unknown how much of this amount goes to Barron's security specifically, and it is possible that the cost of protecting Trump himself is also included here. Either way, security costs double with the president in the White House and the family in Manhattan. And we need the best of the best to provide proper protection.

He was attacked on Twitter

Regardless of how his father behaves on Twitter, young Barron has done nothing to get attacked on social media. Unfortunately, this happens periodically. He was recently ridiculed by Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich. She tweeted a joke about Barron that was in very poor taste. Saturday Night Live found the employee's behavior inappropriate and fired her immediately. She deleted her Twitter post and even wrote an apology - but it was too late.

No hand-holding

Barron is no longer a little boy. He is almost eleven, a little more - and a teenage rebellion will begin, senseless and merciless. It will be difficult for him to experience all this under the gun of photo and video cameras, but nothing can be done about it - parents are not chosen. At the Inauguration Day march, millions of people saw that Melania wanted to take Barron's hand, but he quickly pulled it away. Normal behavior for a child his age! Which just goes to show that Barron is a regular guy who no longer feels the need to cling to his mommy. Keep it up, Barron.