Alec Baldwin - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, wife, children and latest news. Alec Baldwin longs for children. Where did Alec Baldwin meet his wife?

The mother of three children, whom she gave birth to during five years of marriage to an eccentric actor with a very controversial reputation in Hollywood, accepted the proposal. Alec sincerely believes that fate unexpectedly allowed him to open a new chapter in life.

The divorce of Alec and Kim Basinger, the actor's first wife, lasted more than one year. In the early 1990s, the couple was for some time considered a model, if not of a harmonious marriage, then certainly of sexuality and passion. But stormy temperament Alec and Kim's mental characteristics did not allow the lovers to save their marriage. Moreover, they parted as irreconcilable enemies, and all that was left of their former love was hatred, pain and bitterness. The couple fought a custody battle over their only daughter, Ireland, and the girl, who loved both parents, suffered the most.

Today she successful model, but any mention of that long-ago history is still painful. And it is unknown what would have happened to the devastated and sinking Baldwin if not for a chance meeting with a sweet 27-year-old girl who worked as a yoga instructor in a New York studio. Alec and Hilaria were behind neighboring tables in a cafe, Hilaria had dinner with her friends, and after recognizing the star, she herself, without the slightest complexes, came up to meet her beloved, as she told Alec, actor.

Communication with her shed balm on Baldwin’s wounded soul. They got married in 2012, their daughter Carmen was born in 2013, their son Rafael was born in 2015, and their son Leonardo was born in 2016. Three pregnancies did not prevent Hilaria from continuing to actively practice yoga (even the obstinate and not at all sports husband) and soon after giving birth to demonstrate their slim figure. The actor prays for fate, which allowed him to start a new life.

Alec, apparently, this time you got married surprisingly well...

Oh yes, Hilaria is an amazing person. The best I've ever met in my life. At the same time, she is beautiful, like a living doll, and a delightful mother! From past life- there are many scars left from what happened in my first marriage. Of course, I can’t just turn that page and pretend that the past doesn’t affect me anymore. This is wrong. But I hope that I have learned my lesson well and will not run into the same rake again. I continue to change for the better. And I always remember: if I don’t make a truly serious attempt to arrange my life new family, then I'll go crazy. I have no choice, as you can see. (Smiles.)

Once in an interview you complained that the problems of your character and temperament come from childhood. Do you still think so?

Hurricanes and storms raged in my childhood home, I remember my mother, always screaming, on the verge of apoplexy. No, I don’t blame her, I understand that she simply didn’t have the strength and energy to constantly clean up after six tomboys: we were four brothers and two sisters. I was the eldest of the boys and received scoldings more often than others. And my mother’s favorite was always the youngest, Stephen, and even if he did something, they still punished me. Because of all this mess, I developed something like a manic-depressive syndrome.

I felt its consequences later, when I left home and rented an apartment in New York. Seeing, for example, the disorder on the bookshelves, I would not calm down until all the books and magazines were in neat rows and looked absolutely perfect. Even if, say, I was late for the airport at that moment and knew that the driver was already waiting for me, I literally smoothed out and carefully put each book in its place. Those who were waiting for me, especially if it was a woman, were perplexed: “Are you kidding me? We’ll be late for the plane!” And I answered: “What, forgive me?..”

How did your father influence your future?

He was school teacher, passionately devoted to his profession. Of course, dad made little money. And unconsciously my life in those years passed under the motto “I don’t want to become like my father.” I didn’t want to constantly be in need and condemn myself and my family to financial difficulties. A man's job is to earn and bring home money, and preferably as much as possible, that's all. So first I decided to go to study to become a lawyer. But the passion for acting still won - much to the regret of my mother. I remember how she shouted to me on the phone: “What’s wrong with you? Are you crazy? Of course, everything I say about my parents influenced my acting career.

I clearly remember the turning point when I was offered two projects at the same time: I could either play in a Broadway play or star in a movie. I wanted to go to the theater, but they promised a million dollars for the film “The Marriage Habit.” For the first time in my life. I was tempted and chose cinema. But everything turned out differently. The film turned out unsuccessful, it became clear that I should have followed my desires, instincts - and chosen the theater. And I was chasing money. Because everyone around me advised me to do this and not otherwise, including my own agents. I did not immediately understand a simple thing.

If you want to succeed at the very beginning, you need to loudly slam the door in the face of those who offer you participation in something, albeit monetary, but terrible - even if they are your loved ones. But, alas, I rarely succeeded in this. Out of nine films, only one could become a hit, and the rest either failed miserably or fell into the “average” category. This is not how you build a career in this business. And I don’t want to blame everything on others. It's all my own fault.

That film to some extent determined your fate: it introduced you to Kim Basinger...

Well, yes... Our divorce turned out to be too painful for me. First of all, because I could not fully believe that a person is capable of behavior inherent, in my opinion, except perhaps the Marquis de Sade. That period of life is like a fog for me. A gloomy blur... I know exactly what projects I participated in from 1986 to 2000. But from 2000 to 2007 - during my bloody trial- I can hardly remember what I did.

All these seven years, it was as if I was looking into the abyss from the height of a rocky cliff... (Baldwin once, just after that ill-fated call to his daughter, tried to commit suicide. - Ed.) In general, after the divorce from Kim, I thought for a long time about what do I need from life and relationships. And I came to the conclusion that happiness in family life is unrealistic and I will never dare to marry a second time. So it probably would have been if it weren’t for Hilaria. When I saw her, I realized that I simply had no right to let such a girl go.

Are you worried about your acting future now?

Not at all. I don't think acting is an addiction. The implication is that all the actors are extremely vain. But personally, I didn’t care anymore; the mouse fuss doesn’t bother me anymore. Even if I star in films that won’t shock the world, but give me the opportunity not to leave my family and earn money for them, I’m happy and don’t worry at all. For example, imagine that you were shipwrecked and with difficulty, but reached the shore of a desert island. At first you wait for help, and then you start living on the island and learn to be happy. And if the ship does come to save you, you will answer: “No, thank you. I like it here." (Laughs.)

They say you rebuilt your island house near New York according to your wife’s wishes...

Hilaria and I have three children! Leonardo, our youngest, was born last September. And he doesn't yet have a room like Carmen and Rafael. This ancient house consisted of tiny rooms, and Hilaria quite rightly wanted to fill it with air, so that there would be large and bright rooms, a sense of space. My wife is very worried that none of the children will develop, God forbid, a complex: why is it like this for my sister, but not for me? Do you know what our house is like? One endlessly long psychotherapy session Spanish! (Laughs.)

I leave for work, and Hilaria analyzes the children’s behavior: “Why did you do that? How do you feel now? Why? The wife's generation has a completely different approach to raising and treating children than, say, my parents had. There were no negotiations or conversations, no attempts to explain anything to us. Mother preferred to teach us with a curtain stick. (Smiles.) And my wife and I, to be honest, are obsessed with our children. Although I tell her all the time that she is still my beloved. Girlfriend. This means that sometimes we need to stay alone, devote time only to ourselves. But, I admit, this works very rarely. (Sighs.) Usually children and our love for them defeat my good intentions.

You have clearly changed under the influence of Hilaria...

Definitely. An incredible transformation has occurred. I became more focused, calmer, more focused on my family, and less prone to fits of rage and aggression. Which, as you probably know, noticeably undermined my image in the eyes of people. Hilaria managed to teach me the understanding that anger does not solve or change anything. I got into trouble many times because of my lack of restraint. Especially with the paparazzi. And he vowed to have as little to do with them as possible. But where can you go: they are constantly on duty at our house in New York... So Hilaria, on the contrary, is a very open person.

She lives by the principle: if you hide something, you hide it - that means there is something. And curiosity only intensifies. So she posts in social networks her photos and photos of our children, responds to the attacks of those who reproach her for this. She strictly does not allow me to participate in these stories. It's funny... But my wife is amazingly patient and hard to confuse. She says I let her be the head of the family. The alpha male in our house is my wife! (Laughs.) And this despite the fact that I now work less and prefer to hide in our country house-refuge. I won’t lie, I didn’t immediately get used to this situation. But the reality is that the main burden of care lies on Hilaria’s shoulders: raising children and creating the right atmosphere in our family.

One of your notorious bouts of aggression was the famous recording on your answering machine - a call to your then 11-year-old daughter Ireland in 2007. You believed that she was deliberately not answering the phone, obeying the orders of her mother Kim, you flew into a rage, calling the girl a “rude, brainless pig,” and said a lot of offensive things... Then the recording ended up on the Internet. (Baldwin claimed she did this ex-wife. A huge scandal broke out, which also affected the actor’s career. - Approx. ed.) Fortunately, since then you seem to have completely reconciled with your daughter...

Not really. That unfortunate call is like an unhealed wound. He will always stand, if not between my daughter and me, then between me and the people around me. To this day there are those who are trying to humiliate me and harm me in every possible way using that story. And none good relationship with Ireland and her noble desire to protect me or approach the situation with humor - nothing works. Now attacks on me hurt my daughter, as do reminders of that terrible period of our lives in general... That’s what’s most terrible.

What interests you about animated projects, like the recently released “The Boss Baby”? Did you take part in dubbing for the sake of the children?

First of all, for your own sake. After all, at home I am the last guy in the village. Nobody recognizes me as the boss, I’m not a macho man and I’m not the head, so to speak, of my tribe, so at least I had a blast in the recording room! (Laughs.)

When do you feel happiest?

When I'm at home, lying by the pool, next to the children and Hilaria, who makes me do yoga, I eat fruit, drive healthy image life - and all thanks to my wife. I enjoy the sun and understand that life, perhaps, is indeed a success! (Laughs.)

Eldest of acting family Baldwinov, Alex, has always been considered the most successful and talented in the United States, although his three brothers are also quite well known for their success in cinema. But the eldest is the eldest, everyone obeyed him, considered him an example and looked up to Alex. By the way, he is, according to the public, the most beautiful of all. Alex is a star of the first magnitude in the Hollywood firmament and has a lot of the most prestigious awards and nominations. True, in receiving the Oscar, Alec Baldwin's first wife, actress Kim Basinger, beat out her husband. She has such an award, and Alec was only nominated for it in 2004 for his supporting role in the crime drama “Brake.”

They met in 1991 on the set of the comedy “The Marrying Habit” and Alex immediately fell in love with the slender blonde beauty. They developed a close relationship. Journalists then noted this event in a unique way: the always disciplined and obligatory Baldwin began to be late for work and act up on the set. The young people dated for almost 2 years and only then got married. They were announced most beautiful couple Hollywood. In 1995, the couple had a daughter, Ireland Ellis.

Alex's friends already insisted that Kim was guided by purely mercantile considerations in their marriage. She had recently paid $6 million in damages to the film company for a broken contract and was “broke.” Be that as it may, this marriage lasted about 7 years. Alec adored his wife and had a hard time breaking up with her, even trying to commit suicide. It should be noted that he was often addicted to alcohol. They divorced in 2001 and it was hotly discussed in the media. After the divorce, Alec went on a wild spree, changing partners, and took a long time to come to his senses. Kim also tried to nullify his meetings with his daughter.

In 2011, Baldwin finally came to his senses. During this time, he met yoga teacher Hillary Thomas. Despite the fact that the girl was 25 years younger than him, they began to live together and in June 2012 decided to register their relationship. The couple's wedding ceremony was held at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Rejuvenated and regaining his former charm, the actor continued his active activities in the People for the Humane Treatment of Animals society and became a convinced vegetarian. Animals always lived in his house, and there were many of them. In addition, Baldwin enjoys football, tennis and boxing. He successfully plays on the theater stage and has starred in more than 100 film projects.

Now 57-year-old Alec and 32-year-old Hillary already have three children: daughter Carmen Gabriela, son Rafael, born two years after her, and little Leonardo Angel Charles, born in September 2016. Together with 20-year-old fashion model Ireland, Alec is the father of four children and considers himself incredibly lucky. His family life also makes the actor happy and gives him the right to be proud of his attractive wife. In addition to the fact that Alec Baldwin's wife is a wonderful friend and mother, she is an excellent professional and is considered a recognized yoga star on the Internet.

In mid-March, 31-year-old Hilaria Baldwin, dressed in lace lingerie, took her first “baby selfie” in the bedroom of her and Alec’s New York home in Greenwich Village. And she confirmed that she was going to continue the tradition of being photographed in a negligee every two weeks, as she did while expecting her son Rafael, who was born nine months ago.

“We begin the journey to motherhood again,” Hilaria wrote on social networks under the tag #BaldwinBabyBump3. – I share this with you to show that pregnancy is not something to be embarrassed about, even if your environment is obsessed with thinness. Women and men, let us honor and celebrate the miraculous ability to create life. All pregnancies proceed differently, let's see how it goes this time. Are you with me?

Her husband Alec, who always hid his personal life from prying eyes and who fought with the press to the point of assault, most likely does not agree with this formulation of the issue, but he prefers to keep his objections to himself and indulge Hilaria’s whims. In the end, it was he who, after the birth of each child, pestered his wife with requests to repeat the miracle for an encore. “I’m dying to have more children,” the actor said. “I adore my wife, I adore my family, I’ve never been so happy before.”

The first damn thing is lumpy

Perhaps Alec's enthusiasm is explained by the fact that before meeting Hilaria in the summer of 2011, he sincerely believed that he would no longer have a family. The divorce from his first wife Kim Basinger in 2002 and the ten-year battle for the right to at least take part in raising their daughter Ireland, who is now twenty, left a very bitter aftertaste.

Alec was so obsessed with this orgy of mutual hatred that he had neither time nor energy left for love. The actor spent millions of dollars on lawyers, thought about suicide several times and almost committed it in February 2010, after overdosing on sedatives.

Alec and Kim would probably still be butting heads to this day if Ireland hadn't grown to an age where she could decide for herself how much time she wanted to spend with each parent. During the time civil war local significance Alec managed to become disillusioned not only with love, but also with acting, because legal expenses forced him to act in everything for ten years. He felt that life had become empty.

“I’ve crossed the 50-year mark, it’s time to bury unfulfilled hopes,” the actor assessed the prospects. “At this age, a person understands that he will no longer train to be a policeman or a ballerina. But by saying goodbye to these things, we make room for knowledge and skills that can still be acquired.” Speaking these words, Alec did not yet suspect that very soon he would actually begin to master something new and unexpected - yoga!

In search of harmony

The actor met yoga instructor Hilaria Thomas in a restaurant. “Our romance developed slowly,” she said sparingly. “But after the first date, I told my parents: “This man treats me with such respect and care as no one before him.” During the development of the relationship, Hilaria switched her lover to a healthy diet, got rid of excess weight, forced him to sell an apartment full of unpleasant memories, in general, harmonized his life to such an extent that on April 2, 2012, Alec Baldwin proposed marriage to her.

Their eldest daughter Carmen was born in August 2013. In June 2015, her brother Rafael was born. “Carmen has not yet decided how to perceive him,” says Hilaria. – Sometimes he behaves like a little mother, feeds him, changes his diapers – with our help, of course. And sometimes he gets offended when we approach him or pick him up.”

Since the rapid growth of the family again forced Alec to work, and Hilaria, after her wedding with a Hollywood star, settled firmly on television as the host of a yoga program and a reporter secular news, nannies help them look after their children. The Baldwins have five of them. Despite so many assistants, the head of the family goes shopping himself and does minor repairs in the house. He does not allow his wife to do anything that she does not want.

“Hilaria became my hero after I saw childbirth with my own eyes,” says Alec. “I’ll break myself into pieces to reward her for this.” But, to be honest, I hope that soon she will start earning millions and become the breadwinner of the family, and I will stay at home with the children and run the household. This is my dream"

Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin began dating yoga trainer Hilaria Thomas in 2011, and they got married in the summer of 2012. It's been a while more than a year after the wedding, when their daughter Carmen Gabriela was born, who became the second child for Alec (the actor has an eldest daughter, Ireland, from his first marriage, with Kim Basinger) and the first-born for Hilaria. On June 17, 2015, their second was born common child- a son who was named Rafael Thomas.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin with childrenRaphael Baldwin Carmen and Raphael Baldwin
Raphael Baldwin with dadRaphael Baldwin
Raphael Baldwin Raphael Baldwin

We are delighted to announce the birth of Raphael Thomas Baldwin.

The couple wrote on social networks and showed their son to the world a month after his birth, publishing his photo on Instagram. Later, in September 2015, Raphael “came out” for the first time in his dad’s arms, visiting the Carmen Marc Valvo show with his family as part of Fashion Week in New York. And six months later - in March 2016 - Alec and Hilaria announced that they were expecting the birth of their third child together.

Ireland, Carmen, Rafael, Alec and I are happy to announce that our family is expanding. Our son will be born this fall!

Written by pregnant Hilaria, who gave birth to her second son on September 12, 2016 and, together with her husband, decided to name him Leonardo.

Leonardo Baldwin with his motherLeonardo Baldwin
Leonardo Baldwin
Leonardo Baldwin
Leonardo Baldwin
Leonardo Baldwin with his motherLeonardo Baldwin with dad

We are happy to introduce you to our son - Leonardo Angel Charles Baldwin. He was born on such a wonderful day,

The couple is not used to hiding their children from the public, so they regularly appear on their social media pages. family photos. Thanks to them, we can compile a lookbook of images of Raphael and Leonardo, which are very similar to each other, which is absolutely normal for siblings. Since the boys grow up in a creative and positive family, their images are never boring and “stuffed” with classic details.

Carmen, Raphael and Leonardo Baldwin
Raphael and Leonardo BaldwinCarmen, Raphael and Leonardo Baldwin
Raphael and Leonardo Baldwin
Carmen, Raphael and Leonardo Baldwin

IN early childhood Both Raphael and Leonardo wore snap-on onesies, most of which featured minimalist prints, before baby suits gave way to baby jeans, T-shirts, turtlenecks, shirts and jackets. All these attributes are “colored” not only in the colors familiar to boys - blue, gray, black, green, but also in bolder ones - red, orange, yellow, burgundy. Raphael and Leonardo love clothes with patterns - be they images of technology, dinosaurs, animals or cartoon characters - from "Cars", "Sesame Street", "Mickey Mouse" and other films. But my favorite print is great love which is not so much Raph's affection as Leo's, is the stripe. Perhaps in this way the boy will pass on his love of sea adventures and adventures? Quite possible. But one thing can be said for sure - he loving parents will support the baby, as well as his brother and sister, in any endeavor.

The Baldwin brothers are very similar to each other. Their fates are also similar, because each of them decided to connect their lives with cinema. Do you know how many Baldwin brothers there are? There are four of them, and they are all very talented and attractive. If an acting dynasty in the generally accepted concept is a series of generations passing on professional skills to each other, then the Baldwin brothers are a special phenomenon that does not fit into this definition. You will find a photo and biography of each of them in this article.

Baldwin family

In total, the family of Carol Baldwin and Alexander Ray had six children. Elizabeth is the eldest child. She was born in 1955. After this, the boys Alec, Daniel and William were born. Then, 10 years later, another girl was born, who was named Jane. Youngest son, who appeared last, Alexander and Carol named Stephen. Both Baldwin sisters have nothing to do with cinema. However, in the world of cinema the name Baldwin is very famous. The brothers, whose filmography includes many works, all as one decided to become actors. And they all succeeded. Their fame came in the 1990s, but today they continue to act in films, delighting fans with new works. At the age of 55, in 1983, Alexander, the head of the Baldwin family, died of lung cancer. And his wife is still alive and heads her own foundation to fight breast cancer.

How did it happen that all the Baldwin brothers, so different in character, found their calling in cinema? Let's at least briefly analyze the path that each of them took.

Alec Baldwin

The first representative of the family we will talk about is Alec. He is the oldest of the Baldwin brothers and perhaps the most famous of them. He was born on April 3, 1958. Alec Baldwin graduated from Washington University, where he studied at the Faculty of Political Science. Then he studied at New York University, at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. In addition to filming, the eldest of the Baldwin brothers is involved in directing, producing, and also creates scripts for films.

His film career began in 1980 with participation in the filming of the TV series Doctors. However, his first fame came thanks to his role in another series - “Quiet Marina”, broadcast from 1984 to 1986. At the end of this successful project, Alec began to receive offers from various producers.

The most famous of the Baldwin brothers was the first main role received 8 years after the start of his career, starring in the film "Beetlejuice". The most famous works of this actor can be considered “The Hunt for Red October”, “Mercury in Danger”, “Elizabethtown” and “The Aviator”.

Alec Baldwin received an Emmy Award on September 21, 2009 for the television series 30 Rock, where he played the lead role. And in 2011, on February 14, he was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. However, his main award is the Oscar for Best Actor, which he received in 2003 for the film Brake. His rewards don't stop there. He received three Golden Globes, two Emmy Awards, and four awards from the Screen Actors Guild.

Alec's personal life

Many people know about his 3-year romance, and then his wedding with actress Kim Basinger (pictured below). In October 1995, a daughter was born into the family, who was named Ireland Elise. 9 years after marriage, the couple decided to separate. At the same time, the question of guardianship of the daughter for a long time remained open. The couple resolved it through the courts.

In 2008, the book “A Promise to Ourselves” was even published, which Alec published together with Mark Tabb. It describes Baldwin's 7 years of struggle for the right to participate in the fate of his daughter. The fact is that in 2000, after a divorce, the court sentenced him to limit the ability to see his child. Alec states that ex-wife spent $1.5 million on lawyers, thanks to whom it was possible to achieve such a court decision.

His second wife was Hilary Thomas, a yoga instructor. In 2012, on June 30, the couple got married in New York. And on August 24, 2013, Alec’s second daughter, Carmen Gabriela, was born. Most recently, on June 17, 2015, son Rafael Thomas was born.

Latest films with Alec

Alec's acting career, despite the turbulent events in his personal life, continues to develop rapidly. New films with his participation appear. In 2015 alone, for example, Still Alice, Aloha and Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation were released. And a full one would take up a lot of space. By the way, it is known that Alec is a vegetarian. However, his position is not shared by the rest of the Baldwin brothers. A photo of the next one is presented below.

Daniel Baldwin

Who is he, and you can tell a lot of interesting things about him. Daniel was born on October 5, 1960. The future actor studied at Ball Sturt University, at the Faculty of Psychology, but abandoned his studies after a year. Daniel made his screen debut in 1988, taking part in the filming of the film Too Good to Be True. His best films include “Vampires”, “Mulholland Rock”, “Lonely Justice”, “Steal Candy”, “The Pandora Project”, “Grey Gardens”, “Paparazzi”, etc. In total, he starred in more than a hundred films and TV series.

He began working as a producer and director in the early 2000s. Daniel's projects include the following films: “The Naked Witness”, “The Tunnel”, “Fall”, “Dark Reality”, “On the Edge”, etc. In 2009, he moved to Oregon (Lake Oswego), where he launched his own production company . Daniel also repeatedly participated in television reality shows.

Daniel's personal life

As for the actor’s personal life, it must be said that the other Baldwin brothers are inferior to him in achievements on the personal front. Daniel has been married three times. His first wife was Cheryl, a school friend, who gave birth to his daughter Callie. His second wife, Elizabeth, gave him a second daughter. From 1995 to 2005 he lived in civil marriage with Isabella Hoffman, an actress with whom Daniel had a son, Atticus. And in July 2007, Baldwin married Joanne Smith, with whom he has two more daughters, Avis Ann and Finley Ray Martino (born in 2008 and 2009, respectively).

William Baldwin

Born February 21, 1963. He studied at the University of Binghampton, at the Faculty of Political Science. The young man was a professional wrestler and also tried himself as a fashion model before becoming an actor. His debut role was in the film “Born on the Fourth of July.” William won audience recognition by starring in the films “Sliver,” “Virus,” “Fair Game” and “Backdraft.”

Since 1995, the actor has been married to China Phillips, a singer who performed in the band Wilson Phillips before her marriage.

Stephen Baldwin

Stephen Baldwin is the youngest of the brothers, he was born on May 12, 1966. The future actor was promising as a child opera singer, however, he left singing lessons quite quickly. He studied at the Academy of Dramatic Art. Stephen began his film career with the film The Amazing Mr. Hickey. The actor's fame was brought to him by the films "The Flintstones in Rock Vegas" and "Last Turn to Brooklyn." In addition, Stephen proved himself as a director and screenwriter. As a director, he has directed three films to date. The last of them was released in 2012 (“The Price of Wealth”). The production work is somewhat more extensive - six films.

Outside film set Stephen prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. He is an ardent supporter of the gospel, and also enjoys classical billiards and spends a lot of time with his family. In 2001, after rethinking his own life, the actor became a Christian. He began to act as an organizer of several Christian missions, and is currently actively working to spread the Gospel.

Stephen is married to Kennia Deodato. They have two daughters. One of them became a dancer and model. Baldwin Jr., along with William, is the owner of the restaurant. In addition, he is the head of the Center for Extreme Skateboarding.

It turns out that the Baldwin brothers, so similar in appearance, are very different internally. Each of them came to popularity and fame in their own way. And the achievements of each of them are worthy of attention. And together they are a unique phenomenon in the cinematic world.