How beautiful it is to avoid questions. How to answer awkward questions? Bonus: what to do if the interlocutor does not calm down

Coconut Water Benefits Healthy Skin and Hair: Using Coconut Water

Coconuts are very popular in India. In South India, coconut oil is best oil for healthy and strong hair. Coconut water has a thin sweet taste with a nutty taste. Coconut water is a light pick-me-up that makes a great water substitute, but there's more to it than just the benefits of coconut water. It is used in many different dishes made with coconut around the world.

Coconut Water: Benefits for Health, Skin and Hair

Benefits of Coconut Water for Weight Loss

Has benefits in weight loss naturally, as it has much less calories, hence, when taken orally, it helps in weight loss. It also curbs your appetite and thus you will eat less as you will feel full. It is not only low in calories, but also high in minerals, vitamins and water.

Body hydration

Coconut water has a fairly high amount of water, along with nutrients, this coconut water is in a great way to increase body hydration. It can be taken throughout the day instead of water. Coconut water also helps in improving the overall functioning of the body.

Coconut water benefits the body by maintaining energy levels without making you feel sluggish.

Blood pressure

Coconut water has sodium and potassium, which help maintain electrolyte balance in the body, thus helping to maintain normal blood pressure.


Relieves fatigue

Coconut water is enriched with electrolytes, which instantly help overcome body fatigue. Daily use coconut water is healthy and helps you feel fresh and alive.


Water has compounds and nutrients that are very important in enhancing the body's immunity.


Benefits of coconut water during pregnancy. Coconut water maintains good electrolyte balance, thus helping to reduce high blood pressure. It is rich in minerals and also helps in various life processes. It energizes the body during pregnancy and also helps prevent urinary tract infections. Coconut water also helps prevent morning sickness, acidity and constipation.

Diabetes mellitus

Drinking coconut water regularly helps regulate blood sugar levels after meals. Morning is best time to drink coconut water.

Cardiovascular Health

People with high blood pressure have low potassium levels and high level sodium, which is the cause of too much salt in food. Coconut water has benefits in reducing high blood pressure as it has rich potassium content, which helps maintain blood pressure. Coconut water also benefits the heart by removing cholesterol, which forms plaque inside the arteries, which can lead to arteriosclerosis.


Coconut water also has benefits for gastrointestinal digestion. Coconut water has mild laxative properties; In addition, it also has dietary fiber, which helps to overcome constipation and regulates proper bowel function.


Water is also very helpful in reducing acidity and it also protects the stomach lining in case of stomach ulcers.

Benefits of coconut water for skin

Water has skin lightening properties and is also an excellent mild skin bleach. Thanks to this, it can be used to make the complexion brighter and fairer, and to clear up acne at home. In addition to that, coconut water is also used to tone oily acne-prone skin.

Acne marks and blemishes

Coconut is an excellent remedy to treat acne marks and dark spots due to acne. Acne is a common problem faced by teenagers and adults. It takes a lot of time for acne marks to disappear. But with the benefits of coconut water, these marks can be removed at home.

How to use coconut water to get rid of acne?

Take 2 teaspoons of coconut water and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix both ingredients and apply on marks and pimples. Leave this on for 20 minutes and wash off with water. This should be done three times a week for best results.

To brighten facial skin

Coconut water is beneficial in lightening the complexion. Moreover, coconut water makes fine, dull complexion brighter with 2-3 uses. It's perfect to add instant shine to your face.

Coconut for glowing skin

To get glowing skin using coconut water, you can make an instant mask for glowing skin. Take 3 teaspoons of coconut water and add half a teaspoon of glycerin. Mix them and use on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes and notice the instant glow on your skin.

Brightens skin

Coconut water also makes your skin fair with the help of besan and turmeric. Mix 2 teaspoon flour and add 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder. Mix them with coconut water and make a paste. Apply and let it dry. After that, wash it off. Use 3 times daily to get fair skin.

Use as a facial scrub

Mix 3 teaspoons coconut milk with one teaspoon rice flour and use this to gently scrub your face. This will brighten the skin while exfoliating to reveal new, more youthful skin.


Water is also used for anti-aging skin care and regular use of coconut water helps in improving skin elasticity which minimizes the appearance of fine lines, thus making the skin look younger.

Face mask with coconut water

Prepare an anti-aging face mask with coconut water. You will need 2 grapes and coconut water. Cut the grapes in half and squeeze out the juice. Take about one teaspoon of grape juice and one teaspoon of coconut water. Mix them and apply at night. This best product anti-aging skin care that you can find without any preservatives.

Moisturizer with coconut water

Coconut water is an excellent moisturizer for oily skin as it does not have too much oil. It has a light and watery consistency that is ideal for hydrating oily skin. Simply apply some fresh coconut water to your skin and let it absorb into your skin.

Coconut water toner

The tonic really tones, revitalizes and restores the skin. If your skin is flaky or dry, a toner will provide sufficient hydration so your skin feels supple and soft. This water tones the skin well.

How to make this toner

Take 10 teaspoons of coconut water and 10 teaspoons of rose water. Add 2 teaspoons of glycerin and mix everything thoroughly. Place everything in a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Use it twice daily to hydrate dull and dry skin. Just take 5-7 drops and massage into your skin. It can be used for up to 5-7 days. Next, you will need to make a fresh batch of coconut water for this toner.

Controls acne

Coconut water can also be used as a face mask to control acne and get rid of acne quickly and at home.

How to use for acne:

Take one teaspoon of fuller's earth also known as multani mitti and use coconut water to make a paste. Apply this to your skin and let it dry completely. After that, wash it off. It softens the skin and prevents acne.

To remove tan

Water has benefits in removing tan skin. Regular use of coconut water helps get rid of tan and the skin regains its original color.

Benefits of coconut water for hair

Not only does water have health and skin benefits, but coconut water also has some very good benefits for hair. Here are some worth trying.

Natural hair straightening

Coconut water also shows good results in hair straightening.

It also has benefits in managing dry, unruly hair. With regular use, your hair will be healthy.

Hair damage

This water can help prevent and reverse hair damage due to heat, dryness and harsh weather conditions. Take some coconut water and mix it with yogurt. Use to massage your scalp and hair. Wash after an hour.

Dandruff Control

Dandruff can be uncomfortable and it also makes your scalp dry and itchy.

Argan oil and coconut water to prevent dandruff.

Take half a teaspoon of neem oil and mix with 10 teaspoons of coconut water. Mix and massage into scalp. Wash your hair after one hour.

Coconuts are called nuts, but they are actually the drupes of coconut palms. For residents of tropical regions, coconut palms are very important, since all parts of the palm tree and its fruit are used by humans for different purposes.


Palm trees, the fruits of which we call coconuts, belong to the Palm family, genus Coconut.

Palm trees grow up to 20 meters in height and begin to bear fruit from the age of three.

The coconut palm is the only palm species that feeds on seawater.

The diameter of its trunk is up to 45 centimeters. The trunk of the tree is smooth, and at the base it is widened and slightly inclined, often with supporting roots. The leaves of the plant are dense and long (up to six meters), pinnately dissected. The palm tree blooms with yellowish small flowers collected in panicles.

Palm fruits are represented by drupes weighing up to 3 kg, which often have a round shape and a hard surface, and inside there is fleshy white pulp (copra) and coconut juice.

In young coconuts there are:

  • outer shell,
  • fibrous part (it is called coir),
  • internal protective hard shell,
  • pulp (copra),
  • coconut water.

You can't tell by the size of a nut about its internal structure because there are huge coconuts with a large number coir, so there are small fruits with a lot of coconut water.

The fruits on the palm grow in groups (on average 15-20 coconuts in one group) and fully ripen in 8-10 months. Every year 60-200 fruits are obtained from one fruiting tree.


Many people mistakenly believe that brown and green coconuts are different types nuts, but in reality they are just fruits at different stages of maturity. Young fruits have a green or yellow peel, and the nuts become brown after full ripening and appropriate processing (the outer shell is removed and the coconuts are dried in the sun).

Where does it grow

Coconut palms are native to the Malaysian archipelago. Now the trees are common in tropical regions of both hemispheres - in India, the Philippine Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand and other places.

They are found both wild and cultivated.

Palm trees grow well on sandy soils sea ​​coast.

The leaders among coconut fruit production are:

  • Indonesia,
  • Philippines,
  • India.

Collection method

Palm fruits are harvested either unripe or fully ripe.

The picked fruits, which ripen in the 6-7th month, are young coconuts. They have green shell and a lot of liquid inside.

From these coconuts, coir is extracted - a fibrous shell used in furniture production.

To harvest mature coconuts, the fruits are picked 10-11 months after flowering.

After peeling off the outer layer and drying, we get the familiar brown coconuts.

Copra, juice, and other products are obtained from such coconuts.

Read about how to open a coconut correctly in our other article.


What can you do with it?

How to choose and where to buy

You can now buy coconuts in supermarkets, grocery stores, and markets.

Traveling around exotic countries, tourists often do not miss the opportunity to try young coconuts. In this case, it is better to choose round fruits, since they have more juice than oblong ones.

When choosing a ripe fruit, shake it a little - the presence of a gurgling sound will indicate that the coconut was not damaged during transportation. In a ripe fruit, the pulp separates well and is soft (you can easily grate it). If you have difficulty removing the flesh from the shell, then you bought an unripe coconut.

Do not buy fruit if it:

  • with cracks;
  • does not gurgle;
  • covered with spots;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

To learn how to choose a coconut, watch the following video.


  • Closed coconuts have no smell; open coconuts have a smell, but not a strong one.
  • It is obtained from the fruits of coconut palms large number healthy products, starting from the fibrous shell used for furniture production, and ending with oil used in cosmetology.
  • Especially in demand culinary properties coconuts Juice and pulp are added to soups, baked goods, desserts, salads, meat dishes, sauces, etc.
  • Coconuts are also used in medicine.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 gr. coconut pulp contains:

  • 364 kcal;
  • 3.9 g protein;
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates;
  • 36.5 g fat;
  • 9 g fiber.

Coconut water (juice) from young fruits is a low-calorie product.

100 g of such liquid contains:

  • only 14-19 kcal.
  • less than 1 g protein,
  • about 3 g carbohydrates,
  • 0.2 g fat.

Chemical composition

Coconut fruits are rich in:

  • vitamins (C, E, B-group, H);
  • minerals (all elements important for humans);
  • vegetable fats;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates.

Useful properties

  • Coconut contains a high content of organic iodine, which is easily absorbed. Nuts are recommended to be included in the diet of people who have iodine deficiency.
  • The fruits also contain a lot of selenium, a strong antioxidant with anti-cancer effects, which also strengthens the immune system and improves health. cardiovascular system. That is why coconut and pistachios are recommended for elderly people. In addition, selenium is important for sexual performance.
  • Coconuts are rich in lauric acid (it is especially abundant in coconut water and oil obtained from the fruit), which has an effect against viruses and microbes.
  • The coconut fruit is a source of cytokines known for their anti-carcinogenic activity and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • The balanced ratio of sodium and potassium in the milk obtained from the coconut fruit makes this drink good remedy against hypertension and heart disease.
  • Coconuts contain a unique hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Coconut juice has an antipyretic effect.
  • Products obtained from coconuts have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.
  • Eating fruit pulp improves digestion.
  • Due to the effect of coconut on the reproductive system, the fruit is considered an aphrodisiac.
  • Applying coconut pulp to the wound stimulates their healing.

Learn more about useful and medicinal properties oh coconut you can from the following video of the program “Live Healthy!”.

Harm and contraindications

  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Juice (water)

The juice (water) extracted from coconuts should be drunk as soon as you receive it, since in the air it healing properties and valuable substances will be lost.

This is a refreshing, satisfying and tasty liquid with many useful characteristics:

The taste of coconut juice varies; this characteristic is influenced by both the variety of the fruit and the country where it grows. The juice can be, for example, sickly sweet, sour, sweet and sour.


In cooking

Recipes involving coconut itself are not popular.

Coconut fruits are especially often used in Thai cuisine. In Thailand, coconut is a common ingredient in soups, porridges, and desserts. Nowadays coconuts are in demand as an ingredient different dishes, all over the globe.

Coconuts and products made from them are added to:

  • soups;
  • salads;
  • desserts;
  • creams;
  • cocktails;
  • fish and meat dishes;
  • pies.

Sugar is also obtained from the fruit.

The most commonly used coconut products in cooking are:

  • milk,
  • shavings,
  • oil,
  • flour.

As an example, here is one very tasty and popular recipe for candies with coconut flakes, which can be easily prepared at home.

Candies "Raffaello" at home

50 gr. butter melt and add 400 gr. condensed milk. Add 200 gr. coconut flakes and mix everything. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.

50 gr. Place almonds in boiling water, remove the shell and fry in a preheated oven to 160º for about 15 minutes.

Take the mixture from the refrigerator and form it into balls, placing an almond in the middle. Roll each candy in coconut flakes (all candies need about 50 grams).

In medicine

Due to its medicinal properties, coconuts help:

In countries where coconut palms grow, their fruits are used for diarrhea, ear pain (drops are made from the pulp), ulcers and wounds on the skin (the shell is burned and the ashes are applied). The roots of coconut palms are used to prepare a decoction with diuretic properties and an anti-scurvy remedy.


Only fully mature nuts germinate, so a store-bought nut that may have been picked while still unripe may not be suitable for growing.

To germinate a coconut at home, place it in a pot filled with soil - the fruit should not be positioned vertically, but sideways (“eyes” up, since it is from them that the sprout will emerge).

Coconut sprouts quite slowly - up to five months. To grow palm trees, you need a warm tropical climate.

  • IN sea ​​water coconut shells are not damaged - if the nuts fall into the water, they can float long time, and after being thrown ashore in suitable climatic conditions will sprout and give life to new palm trees.
  • Stains that appear on clothes from the fibers of young coconuts cannot be washed off.
  • The juice of overripe fruits has the ability to cleanse the intestines well. Its taste is reminiscent of cow's milk.
  • Once upon a time in India, during the launching of a ship, they smashed it against the side. coconut– if the fruit did not break, it was a bad sign.
  • Palm trees grow in the Seychelles, the fruits of which look like 2 fused coconuts. Their weight can exceed 20 kg.
  • In southern Thailand, trained macaques help collect coconuts.

7 reasons to drink coconut juice.

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Coconut juice is the number one drink according to vacationers in the tropics.

“Lying on a sunny beach under an umbrella, listening to the sea surf, calmly sipping coconut juice from a straw - what else do you need from this hectic life, eh?”

It is this picture that has long become an advertising symbol of a paradise vacation in the tropics. A coconut, a beach and a beauty in a red bikini... But let’s take a break from dreams and stereotyped ideas for a few minutes. Indeed, in addition to all this, coconut juice has many beneficial properties. So you can combine business with pleasure, and this is my favorite combination. Stay in touch - the most interesting things are below.

Don't confuse coconut juice with coconut milk. Milk is a derivative of coconut pulp, and the juice is a clear and pleasant-tasting liquid.

In many countries, sports drug manufacturers have already begun actively promoting coke juice as the number one sports drink, and not without reason.

Coconut juice replaces sports drinks and has many medicinal properties. This is partly true. Coconut contains essential substances that the body loses when dehydrated. But it does not contain them in the same quantities as sports drinks. Therefore, seasoned athletes need to drink a lot of coconuts. And for athletes, one coconut is quite suitable from time to time. Let's not get distracted and go straight to beneficial properties these wonderful cokes, or rather juice.

Seven reasons to drink coconut juice and its beneficial properties:

1. Prevents dehydration.
Various minerals including potassium contained in the juice help maintain fluid levels in the body's cells and fluid levels in the blood. For the same reason, according to reviews of many vacationers in the tropics, this best drink during a hangover.

2. It helps the nervous system and brain function.
Since the juice contains an electrolyte (mineral solution), it helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and prevents muscle spasms and cramps.

3. Heart and kidney health.
Reduces the risk of hypertension, strokes and helps resolve kidney stones.

4. Slows down aging.
Contains the substance cytokinin, which protects cells from cancer and slows down aging.

5. Improves digestion.
Improves digestion and metabolism due to the content of bioactive enzymes. Helps with the absorption of food and medications.

7. This natural product.
The last, and one of the most significant reasons. Coconut juice is a natural product. If I choose a drink between the liquid contained in a tetra pack and the liquid in a freshly broken coconut that grew on a nearby palm tree, then I choose the coconut.

I don't know if research has been done or if there is scientific proof all these properties. Since I found most of all this information on the Internet and did not check it myself. But I know for sure that coconut juice is at least not harmful. And from mine personal experience it perfectly removes thirst. We drank it constantly during our (Cambodia) trip.

As they say, don’t let yourself dry out – coconut (C)…

  • Thanks to its healing and wound-healing properties, coconut water is a healing and tonic elixir.
  • Thanks to its high potassium and antioxidant content, coconut water is a drink for athletes.
  • Coconut water can restore the minerals and fluids that we lose during exercise.
  • Coconut water is the most natural way to replenish electrolytes in our body and prevent dehydration.
  • Coconut water is best way quench your thirst for children and adults.
  • Thanks to a whole set useful substances and properties, coconut juice is beneficial for expectant mothers and babies.

Coconut juice for beauty

1 For youth

  • Coconut water contains cytokines and lauric acid, two important elements used in cell growth and regulation.
  • Coconut oil contains 39-54% lauric acid.
  • The presence of cytokines in coconut water, substances that fight aging, make the skin look younger.
  • It has anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic properties that help minimize skin aging.
  • Coconut juice balances pH levels and keeps connective tissue hydrated and strong.

2 Whitens teeth. Coconut water regulates blood circulation and prevents plaque formation.

Coconut juice for skin care

Used as a toner, this amazing product leaves your skin looking radiant, beautiful and healthy.

Drinking coconut water as a drink improves your skin from the inside out.

3 Skin moisturizing. Suitable for all skin types.

4 Coconut water treats tired and dry skin and gives glow to the skin. Moisturizing with natural coconut juice will give your facial skin radiance and smoothness.

5 Oxygen enrichment. Coconut water is effective in restoring blood circulation in the body, thereby allowing the skin to breathe easier and receive enough healthy oxygen, which in turn promotes a healthy and flawless complexion.

6 Protects against infections. It has antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties that protect the skin.

Coconut juice can be applied directly to the skin or mixed into bathing water. Both methods are largely capable of controlling the infection.

7 An excellent product for oily skin. Easily removes fat, makes the skin tone more even and matte, and provides a natural glow to the skin.

8 Against acne and dark spots. Regular use of coconut juice will help you cope with acne, blemishes, dark circles under the eyes, and helps smooth out wrinkles.

9 Whitens skin. Thanks to these properties of coconut water, the skin acquires a more even color.

10 Antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are excellent protectors of our skin from free radicals that are formed in the body as a result of stress.

Stress, in turn, reduces blood flow to the skin and contributes to the aging process. Coconut water removes free radicals from the body, increasing skin vitality.

For beautiful and strong hair

11 Against hair loss. By improving blood circulation in the scalp, hair follicles are strengthened.

12 Against dry and damaged hair. Massaging your scalp and using a coconut water hair mask before bathing will make your hair soft, smooth and manageable.

13 Against brittle hair. Lauric acid contained in coconut juice nourishes and strengthens the hair roots, making hair stronger and stronger.

14 Moisturizes hair from the inside. Coconut water has the ability to penetrate the hair, conditioning it from the inside. Coconut juice can be used to wash your hair.

15 Promotes hair growth. Thanks to all its beneficial properties, it helps strengthen and grow hair.

16 Gives hair shine. Being a source of vitamins, nutrients and minerals important for hair - potassium and iron, it maintains the strength and shine of hair.

Coconut juice for weight loss

17 Reset overweight. Coconut water turned out to be very effective means in the fight against overweight. Green coconut juice is considered as one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Because this natural drink, it does not contain any chemicals..

18 Increases metabolic rate. Regular consumption of coconut water increases your metabolic rate, which helps you burn sugar much faster. As a result, insulin in the human body burns faster. Thus, a person gets more energy and loses fat faster.

19 Increases energy. If necessary, replenishment nutrients, coconut water is the perfect energy drink. It contains less sugar and sodium, but is high in potassium and calcium chloride, which helps hydrate and rejuvenate the body.

20 The electrolyte balance of coconut water matches that of human blood plasma. Drinking coconut water after a workout helps replenish your body with potassium and magnesium.

Coconut water is beneficial for expectant mothers and babies

It is not surprising that thanks to such wonderful properties and a range of useful substances, coconut water is useful during pregnancy.

21 Antibacterial properties. Being a natural sterile drink, coconut juice is especially beneficial for pregnant women. The juice improves the immunity of mother and child. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of water prevent diseases and infections during pregnancy.

22 Baby's health. Coconut water increases amniotic fluid levels and improves general condition fetal health.

23 Against acidity problems. Pregnant women often suffer from acidity problems, and medicines should be avoided at this stage. Coconut water is the best natural remedy against increased acidity and heartburn.

24 Diuretic properties. Its powerful natural diuretic properties help treat urinary tract infections naturally.

25 Completely natural product. A natural and delicious product, coconut juice does not require flavorings, colors, sugar, fructose syrups or other chemical ingredients.

26 Nutritional properties of coke water. The growing body receives a unique boost from the colossal amount of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants contained in coconut juice.

Coconut juice is one of the best sources for maintaining health and well-being during pregnancy, as it charges the mother and baby with vitamins, provides fiber, and improves immunity, which is important for the health of both.

Coconut water as a prevention and treatment for many ailments

27 Against the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

28 Coconut water is rich in magnesium and potassium, which is beneficial for people who suffer from low blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of heart attacks.

29 Coconut water also helps increase good cholesterol levels, making it a great way to maintain good health cardiovascular system.

30 Against kidney stones. Thanks to the potassium in its composition, coconut water helps in dissolving kidney stones.

31 Improves digestion and metabolism. Coconut water consists of bioactive enzymes such as folic acid, phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, oxidase-Za, RNA polymers and so on.

These enzymes help in easy digestion of food and improve metabolism.

32 Coconut water contains more minerals such as calcium, manganese and zinc than some fruits such as oranges.

Coconut juice is a good source of B vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and folate.

The human body requires their replenishment from external sources and, therefore, they become especially important for the human body.

33 Against dehydration. Coconut water is used in the treatment of dehydration caused by dysentery, cholera, diarrhea and indigestion.

34 Against muscle cramps. One of the biggest benefits of coconut water is that it prevents muscle cramps. Coconut water is high in potassium, a deficiency of which causes cramps.

35 Strengthens bones. Coconut water is rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy bones, muscles, and tissues.

36 Strengthens nervous system. Coconut oil consists of vitamin B derivatives, riboflavin, thiamine and pantothenic acid, which help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

37 Diuretic properties. Coconut water is an effective diuretic.

38 Bloating. Treating and preventing bloating is one of the main health benefits of coconut water. In most cases, it minimizes flatulence and makes you feel more comfortable.

39 Controls diabetes. Regular consumption of coconut water improves blood circulation in the body. Coconut water helps dilate blood vessels, which become smaller in diabetes due to the formation of plaque on them.

This property of coconut juice helps fight atherosclerosis.

40 Neutralizes infection. Green coconut juice is the best medicine for several diseases such as constipation, heartburn, dengue fever and dysentery as it can neutralize toxins.

41 Antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in coconut water help fight free radicals; it also helps reduce swelling in the arms and legs.

Helps overcome the toxic effects of antibiotics and sulfa drugs. Thus, coconut water is very beneficial for patients as it helps in easy absorption of medications.

42 Reduces blood pressure. Electrolyte imbalances can lead to high blood pressure.

Coconut water contains a perfect balance of electrolytes, hence it can be used as a balancing mechanism.

43 Mixed with lemon juice, coconut water not only helps with dehydration, but is an anthelmintic for children and adults.

Now that you know how healthy and affordable coconut juice is, try drinking it regularly to feel the difference.

And not only coconut juice, coconut oil, milk and pulp have beneficial and rejuvenating properties.

A unique product to take internally and externally to feel healthy and look beautiful to the tips of your nails.

The price of green coconut in Thailand is 15-25 baht per nut.