Signs of the Zodiac, planets that control the Signs of the Zodiac, characteristics of the Signs of the Zodiac, what is a typical representative of a zodiac sign, what is the sign of the zodiac. Astrology

Libra - Libra. September 23 - October 23. Seventh . Its symbol is two scales. This means the desire for stability, harmony, awareness of the highest Law of the universe, and objectivity of judgment. Libra symbolizes the sunset. Air sign, cardinal, diurnal, warm, humid.

Typical representatives of the sign Libra

Such people strive for balance, harmony, order and beauty. Their activity is associated with the desire for peace, hence their peacefulness (there is no desire to worry and quarrel). Libras strive to resolve conflicts through compromise. If they can’t do it, they leave and shy away.

They do not like and avoid scandals. They are endowed with a refined view of the world, love beauty, nature, are highly impressionable, sensitive, and receptive to nature and everything beautiful. They are reasonable and diplomatic. These are romantics, very amorous. They love company and easy pastime. They are courteous, kind, noble, pleasant to talk to.

Advantages in character- know how to appreciate goodness and be grateful. They are talented, ambitious, impressive and trust their first impressions when meeting people. Characterized by sincerity in love, friendship, marriage.

Characteristic lack of confidence in one's own strengths. With a partner they become more self-confident. At the same time, they achieve high positions through partnership and cooperation. They do not like physical labor, but have a penchant for social activities.

Negative features of severe solar damage: may lose good opportunities in life due to lack of confidence in their strength (this is a lack of energy). Because of this, inconstancy, variability, and betrayal are possible. Such people constantly need approval. This is a painful desire to be recognized, because the will is weak. Sublime theories are only in the head, not in practice. Isolation from reality and commercialism are possible.

Weakness(vulnerability)– feel bad without a partner, it is difficult to make decisions on your own without consulting your partner or other people.

Planets in the zodiac sign Libra

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Libra (rising sign)

Others see you as a compliant, gentle, harmonious and generally wonderful person. You are sociable, easily enter into a conversation, sincerely say what you think, but do not impose your opinion, outwardly you are inclined to agree and give in, nod your head as a sign of approval during a conversation, your speech is expressive, intonated, with pauses, beautiful, moderate gestures. You don't like being alone and don't feel comfortable when you have to rely only on yourself. Marriage has special meaning for you. You always avoid extremes in anything. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to magnetism.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday.
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects- combinations of harmonious colors, arrangement of bouquets, connection with various fabrics and materials.


Assessment, examination, tendency to be in tune with our Self, always a symbol of an acquaintance, issues of marriage and business cooperation, consulting and legal procedures, social and public activities, humanities and architecture, jewelry and design, fashion and beauty salons, culture, painting, sports associated with beauty and grace.

Business - consulting and PR companies, marriage and legal agencies. Raiders, opponents, competitors.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

The personal planet Venus is responsible for beauty and the feeling of love.

Venus function- symbolizes our sensual emotions - what we like and what we don’t like. Shows our ability and ability to love another person, as well as express our feelings in art, literature, poetry.

Qualities of Venus– this is our attitude of love towards people, nature, art. How deeply we can experience feelings of tenderness, be soft, affectionate, pliable and flexible.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, recognition of ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, what he likes, what attracts him, what are his artistic, aesthetic and ethical (for men - erotic) aspirations.

Seventh - VII house

Spouse. DSC - Sunset

Planets in the Seventh House

The seventh house is identical to the sign Libra and the planet Venus.

Seventh house in the horoscope, cooperation and co-authorship, the process of taking into account the interests of partners, competitors and opponents, issues related to marriage and personal relationships, legal matters, rights and equality, cultural entertainment. A time of love and harmony, reconciliation and cooperation, the ability to get along or not get along with people, competitions, tests, competitions. Serious agreements and contracts, recommendations and consultations.

Seventh housedefines personal relationships of a person, his connection with other people, partners (including marriage). Analysis of the seventh house through relationships with other houses answers questions such as:

  • what are the main motivations for marriage
  • will there be a marriage or not?
  • there will be an early marriage, a late marriage, with disruptions or delays
  • how many marriages will there be
  • what kind of marriage partner will he be?
  • can widowhood
  • if there are indications of misalliance (a person lower in position, education or age)
  • financial motivation for marriage
  • whether the partner will be of foreign blood or a foreigner
  • marriage is for love and love is the main motivation
  • tendency to destroy a marriage or friendship with a partner
  • the possibility of a fictitious marriage or secret relationship
  • adultery, etc.

Unfavorable 7th house rivalry, enmity, conflicts, obstacles in marriage, love relationships, struggle with competitors, communicating with people through conflict or denial, inability to get along and reconcile in relationships, difficulty in expressing oneself in relationships with others - fighting, swearing, fighting. Inconsistency in relationships, eternal problems and bad luck with partners.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Libra

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen to different points of view, to look at an issue from a different point of view. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you are more likely to try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than highlight differences. You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in anything. You have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personifying the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and fairness. You really want to be loved, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily influenced by other people's opinions, especially in your youth. You are so eager to please that you often neglect interests and feelings just to avoid offending others. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style. From the furnishings of your home to your clothing choices, everything should be aesthetically pleasing, not just functional or utilitarian.
Your shortcomings: You have a tendency to become extremely dependent on your partner - to the point that you may not be perceived as an independent person outside of the relationship. The problem for you is to find a balance between being yourself and being another person. Characterized by vanity, vanity, exaggerated self-image, fear of work, and lack of independence.

Allegory for Libra

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Libra, I give a mission of service so that a person can remember his responsibilities towards other people, so that he can learn cooperation, as well as the ability to think about the other side of his actions. I will place you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra retreated to its place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Libra - Venus - Seventh House:

Sociability, mutual understanding, beauty, grace, art, business proposals, official marriage, wife or husband, contracts, alliances. Peacekeeping, consulting, PR promotion, betting, official agreement, proposals on a competitive basis. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Libra, Sun in Libra, Synthetic sign Libra, Libra zodiac sign, Libra talisman stone, planet Venus, Seventh house, functions and quality of Venus

Gemini - Gemini. May 21 - June 20. Third . This is a symbol of opposing mental processes, the interpenetration of spirit and matter, the connection between rhythm and form. Air sign, mutable, diurnal, warm.

A typical Gemini sign

The Mercury type is alien to deep emotions and experiences, as well as deep philosophy. Such people strive to learn and do as quickly as possible. Therefore, their training is quick and superficial. Characterized by a craving for something new. For these people, the learning process itself is interesting, and not its final result. They are diplomatic, with a lively mind, and easily grasp new ideas.

Gemini - a breath of thought, the ability to do a variety of things at the same time, painless switching from one to another, intellectual strength, versatility and activity. Organizational skills, interest in information.

Advantage in character - intuitive and recipient of the necessary information, well-read and informed, curiosity in everything, knows how to find the right word, eloquent and cunning, commercial and intermediary spirit.

They are characterized by wit, react quickly in conversation and are good conversationalists. They easily make connections and easily break up with others. Driven by curiosity and curiosity, but without depth, “What I bought for, I sold for.” They don’t delve into the depth, the essence of the matter.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun: excessive fussiness and fussiness, nervousness, talkativeness and superficiality of actions, unreliability and fickleness of views, fickleness and scattered character, chaotic and disorganized thoughts, a tendency to lie and deceive, make fun of your interlocutor, be inaccurate in meetings, insincerity can become a vice. They may resort to lies and cunning. This is not out of anger, but to make everyone feel better.

Weakness - vulnerability - chaos, frivolity.

Planets in the zodiac sign Gemini

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Gemini (rising sign)

You are very lively, speak quickly, are sincere, sometimes overly talkative and may seem frivolous to other, more serious individuals. But you have a strong personal charm, and because of this, all your sins are often forgiven. The character is light, changeable, the mood is fickle. During a conversation, they tend to gesticulate, shake or tap their feet, and their hands may shake nervously. You are terribly curious, always running to where something is happening. You feel bored when there is no one to talk to and there are no new events. You develop well under the influence of your environment, communication, and contacts.

Patron planet Mercury

In the physical world- Mercury corresponds to the force of rotation, bipolar electrical force.

  • Ruler of the day of the week– Wednesday
  • Numbers 7 and giving a total of 7. For example 7, 16, 25, 34, 52, 115, 250
  • Substances- mercury, magnesium, alkaline acids.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with paper, information media, emerging and disappearing cases.

Key words:

Opening and hiding paths, mental navigator, figuring out connections between things, the ability to find ways and get out of the most difficult situations, ingenuity and agility.

Humorist, two-faced, versatility of thinking, game of chance, intelligence and talent of an inventor, spiritual and creative factor, speaker, student, philosophical abilities.

Memory, wealth of thoughts, numbers and numerology of the alphabet, psychosomatics, mental characteristics of a person, vitality of the body.

Browser, microblogs, content, messaging system, Spam. Brokerage and publishing activities, kiosks of printed materials, street trading, information service bureaus, transport services, psychotherapy, everything related to words and languages.

Small business, mediation, speculation from hands, instant sales, street advertising from words, flyer distribution, SMS payment, cyber intermediaries.

Manifestation of Mercury in the horoscope

Personal planet - Mercury is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, mobility and dexterity.

Mercury function- this is interconnection, interchange, i.e. the design of thoughts, everyday practical mind.

Qualities of Mercury- ease, curiosity, ability to make quick changes.

The location of Mercury in the Zodiac sign shows how thinking, intelligence, ability to contact people are manifested, and whether there is dexterity and speed in solving problems. Mercury imparts psychological inclinations to the ability to make decisions and express one's thoughts to others.

Mercury in the houses of the horoscope indicates the type of thinking and learning ability, what kind of education suits a person better, what type of activity appeals to him, from which area he will receive more valuable experience. You can also determine his immediate environment, his disposition to communication and contacts.

Third - ΙΙΙ house

Information. Movements. Mobility. Connections

Planets in the Third House

There may be planets in Third house: .

The third house is identical to the sign of Gemini and the planet Mercury.

Third house in the horoscope it symbolizes the way of thinking, assimilation (in books, audio, video, infographics), mental and intellectual property, exchange of ideas, rhetoric, changes and moves, short trips, visits. This is the receipt and transmission of information, acquaintances on the street or in transport, superficial communication, telephone conversations, inquiries, any method of obtaining information, preliminary agreements and mediation.

Third house - encourages us to learn, to make attempts, to repeat, to relearn, and then to set off again in search of knowledge.

3rd house includes news by mail, telephone, Internet, correspondence, constant subscription to news, working with newspapers, establishing contacts in various forms, short-close trips within the city, region, courier and brokerage services, correspondence, copyrights, advertisements, IP address, link, CEO, copyright, analytics, propaganda activities, fragmented vision of things.

Unfavorable manifestation of the 3rd House: increased nervous excitability, aggressive manifestation of contacts through the interaction of the Internet, telephone, correspondence, in public places. Overexcitation of the nervous system greatly affects the understanding of how and what to do in everyday affairs. Increased danger in transport, on short trips, through careless speech. There may be frequent losses and forgetfulness of various items, inability to organize your management, rumors, gossip, and useless connections interfere with harmonious development. Problems with assimilation and awareness of knowledge. Neighbors, brothers, sisters, casual acquaintances do not do anything or interfere with business.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: passenger car, train depot, airplane ramp, magazines, social media post, atlas, hardware (computer), library, highways, brother, bicycles, reports, messages, sms, chat, mail order, record of court decisions, maps (geographic), cassettes (audio, video), copy machine, books, xerography, contracts, licenses, players, mother of an employee or employee, memorandums, place of residence of maternal aunt (uncle), location determination, primary education, sellers, players, profession , paternal aunt (uncle) career, transportation, writing, literary profession, supplier, postman, mailbox, postal services, courier, radios, advertisers, letters, pilot's permit, law, license, reporters, reputation of employee, employee; sister, employees (workers), neighbors of a government official, querent; reference books, notes, students, tests, textbooks, fax machine, ephemeris, exams, encyclopedia.

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Gemini

You are always learning something and seem like a young, lively person, no matter how old you really are. Your mind is always active, curious, flexible, open to new knowledge. You may feel a bit scattered because you have so many ideas that it's hard to keep track of them all. You crave variety, change, food for thought and an active social life. You are always a fresh and interesting conversationalist. You enjoy meeting and interacting with many different people. They are friendly, love to flirt, charming, easy-going and playful. Even if you are not feeling well, you can never tell from your appearance that you are having a hard time, you never look gloomy, you have a sense of humor, and it may seem that you take things lightly that others consider very important. Consistency and reliability are not your qualities. Your strengths are a quick mind, eloquence, ability for languages, sophistication and sophistication in society, sociability, talkativeness, the ability to build bridges between people and ideas.
Your shortcomings: You may be excessively talkative (bragging, idle talk) if you do not have a job or activity where you can use your mental, verbal skills. Characterized by nervousness and fussiness if things do not move quickly enough.

Allegory for Gemini

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Gemini, I give unanswered questions so that you can bring everyone understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why people talk or listen, but in your search for the answer you will discover my gift of Knowledge."

And the Twins retreated back to their place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

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Tags: Sun in Gemini, astrology, Gemini zodiac sign, patron stone, Gemini talisman, keywords, Mercury planets, Third house, Allegory for Gemini, function and quality of Mercury

On the one hand, everyone knows which planet rules which zodiac sign. On the other hand, each astrological school considers this issue in its own way. Naturally, I have my own opinion on this matter.

But first, let’s consider the question of where the Russian land came from in the first place and where the idea of ​​which planet rules and which sign came from.

Before the opening of the so-called The “telescopic” or higher planets had one ruler for each sign of the Zodiac.

First, we determined which signs govern the Luminaries - the Moon and the Sun. The Moon rules Cancer, and the Sun rules Leo. These signs were placed in the center. Then it turned out that there were 10 signs of the Zodiac, and 5 planets. This determined how control was distributed between them.

The Moon is the fastest planet, and it and the Sun are in the center. Next, we divide the remaining planets according to their average speed of movement per day. We get the following series: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

Following the central signs of the Moon and Sun are Virgo and Gemini. They are ruled by Mercury, because... it is the fastest remaining planet. Additionally, Mercury moves fastest in these two signs.

Next come Libra and Taurus, and in terms of speed of movement - Venus. Accordingly, she is the ruler of these two signs. Well, it moves faster in them.

The next signs are Sagittarius and Pisces, and the planet is Jupiter.

The list is completed by Capricorn and Aquarius, the planet is Saturn.

For many centuries, astrologers used this system, and it suited them. But then the telescope was invented and Uranus was discovered. Uranus is a planet, which means it must rule some sign of the Zodiac. He was made co-ruler of Saturn in the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.

The same thing happened when Neptune was discovered. He was made co-ruler of Jupiter in the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius.

Then Pluto was discovered and made co-ruler of Mars in the signs of Aries and Scorpio.

Then Chiron was discovered, and they decided to make him co-ruler of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra. But nothing came of it, because... Chiron is not a planet, but a planetoid, i.e. it's an asteroid, just a very large one. It is believed that this is an asteroid that has “lagged behind” some comet, which is why it has an elongated orbit. In my opinion, Chiron has much more properties as an asteroid than as a planet. Thus, Chiron has exaltation (Sagittarius), but no signs of control. Its place is between planets and asteroids, because It is still not an asteroid, but also not a planet, but a planetoid.

Then Proserpine was discovered. Those astrologers who classify Chiron as a planet gave her control over Virgo and Gemini. But, if Chiron is not a planet and does not control signs, then Proserpina becomes the co-ruler of Venus in the signs of Taurus and Libra. And then it turns out that there must be another planet, the “higher octave” of Mercury, which together with it will take control of Gemini and Virgo. In fact, even Proserpina has not yet been discovered as a celestial body. Honestly, I don't know where her ephemeris came from, but it works. Proserpina is responsible for genetic engineering and genetic modeling. I think that Proserpina is a favorable planet, because... Thanks to IVF, many childless couples were able to have children. It is believed that Proserpina is a transpluto, i.e. a planet whose orbit lies beyond the orbit of Pluto. There, beyond the orbit of Pluto, there are a lot of different celestial bodies that do not belong to the Solar System. Among them may be Proserpina, the mythical Isis, and many other transplutons. Surely there is a place there for the last planet, which they are in no hurry to “discover” because Chiron was successfully introduced in its place... or Proserpina, changing places with Chiron.

Then different astrological schools appeared, and they decided to systematize the issue of the rulers of the Zodiac signs in their own way. Because, from their point of view, it is not an order when one sign is ruled by two planets at once. There are 12 signs, there are also 12 planets, for a total of one planet per sign. The standard for them in this regard is Leo and Cancer, which actually have one ruler each.

In some astrological schools, only one planet was considered the ruler of each sign. In others there are two, but with the difference of night or day birth, and retrograde. True, the following question arises: what if the planet is stationary? This happens rarely, only a few days a year, but it happens. In general, there are as many opinions as there are schools. But I do not belong to any school because I have my own opinion on this matter, different from them, and do not want to accept the opinion of any of the schools.

I came to the conclusion that every zodiac sign (except Cancer and Leo) has a ruler and co-ruler. The ruler is the household planet, and the co-ruler is the higher planet. They are distributed accordingly as follows:

Cancer is the ruler of the Moon, there is no co-ruler.
Leo is the ruler of the Sun, there is no co-ruler.
Gemini and Virgo - ruler Mercury, co-ruler not yet revealed.
Taurus and Libra - ruler Venus, co-ruler Proserpine (but she is still weakly active, so she can not be taken into account).
Aries and Scorpio - ruler Mars, co-ruler Pluto.
Pisces and Sagittarius - ruler Jupiter, co-ruler Neptune.
Aquarius and Capricorn - ruler Saturn, co-ruler Uranus.

How do these planets work? In my opinion, the influence of the ruler and co-ruler is distributed in the same way as the load on the right and left hands of a right-handed person. The right hand is the ruler, the left is the co-ruler. A person performs most actions with his right hand, but if suddenly for some reason it fails, then he will begin to perform the same actions with his left hand. You can change the load by learning to use your left hand in the same way as your right. In the same way, the life of the native is influenced by the lord and co-ruler in the sphere of the house they rule.

The manager acts stronger and more often, but if suddenly for some reason he is inactive, the action of the co-manager is activated instead. Moreover, if in the natal the ruler is damaged, and the native has various problems in his life, then with appropriate training the qualities of a co-ruler can be developed. This can be compared to when a left-hander is taught to write with his right hand because everyone writes that way, or when a right-hander, wanting to develop his creative abilities, learns to write with his left hand.

Of course, the manager acts more powerfully. But this does not diminish the importance of the co-manager. There are cases in life when it is necessary to act with both hands at once - in the same way, a ruler and a co-ruler can act simultaneously.

The question arises: how to determine which person will have a stronger ruler, whose co-ruler will act stronger, and who will have them together, and in what situations. So: it is impossible to determine this at this stage! Because which of the planets will become leading and when depends on various reasons, upbringing and on how the person himself lives and what qualities of this or that planet he is accustomed to relying on in life. What is more developed in him will act. But at the same time, each person can develop those qualities of the planet that he needs by constantly acting in the appropriate area. This is called working out the planet.

The special beauty is that you can work out those qualities of the planet that are closest and most pleasant to you, and at the same time receive dividends on the properties of the same planet in several areas at once that were not worked out, but were really necessary.

Virgo - Virgo. August 23 - September 22. Sixth Zodiac. Its symbol is the fields of Hymen, a sheaf of ears. This symbolizes the purity of conception, human virtue, criticality, practicality, and help. Earth sign, mutable, nocturnal, cold.

Typical representatives of the Virgo sign

Virgos- both deep emotions and deep philosophy are alien. Emotions are stable and even. They are diplomatic, with a lively mind, and easily grasp new ideas. They usually have excellent business skills, are punctual and economical.

Very hardworking and efficient. When performing work, they are distinguished by accuracy, pedantry, methodicality and thoroughness. Characterized by rationality, practicality, prudence and the desire to always bring the matter to the final result. These are good scientists, doctors, people of mental work.

Character Advantages– practicality. Virgos are materialists who base everything on sober and cold facts. For them there are no accidents, there is a step-by-step solution to cases, accuracy and precision. Characterized by the ability to analyze the situation, hard work, the ability to obey and serve others in order to achieve one’s goal. Happiness is brought more by profession than by love and family.

Characteristic slowness, prudence. Such people act thoughtfully and carefully check everything down to the smallest detail, so they get excellent results. The main goal is service and work. They serve their superiors, husband, wife, idea...
Emotional balance, diligence, diligence, methodicality, diligence are indicative.

Negative traits of severe solar damage- pickiness, criticism, skepticism. Cunning, suspiciousness, affectation in behavior, and caustic vindictiveness are possible.

Pettiness and prudence appear (especially in feelings), greed, callousness and callousness, formalism in behavior, vindictiveness of character, duality in nature: super-purity in everything or a dirty person of the highest category.

Criticism interferes with achieving goals. External passivity inhibits emotional contacts. These people look at everything as if from the outside and are prone to observation and analysis.

Weakness(vulnerability)- a person becomes a literalist, a formalist.

Planets in the zodiac sign Virgo

In your The planets listed below may be:

Virgo Ascendant (rising sign)

Other people see you as an independent person, but reserved, even timid and rather reserved. You have a strong sense of decency. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are very important. The first thing that strikes other people is your clear, cold, objective and unemotional attitude, and although in fact you are capable of help and care, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed that others immediately feel it. You will be happy to help others in all matters that require meticulousness and careful attention to detail. You are the type of person who prefers to be in a subordinate position, serving as an assistant, in a supporting role, rather than in a leadership role.

Patron planet Mercury

In the physical world to Mercury corresponds to the energy of thinking, intelligence.

  • Ruler of the day of the week– Wednesday
  • Numbers 7 and giving a total of 7. For example, 7, 16, 25, 34, 52,115, 250
  • Substances- mercury, magnesium and alkaline
  • Interactions and combinations of objects- medical, workers, technical
  • Affairs and responsibilities, rotation occurs in the sphere of work and the implementation of assigned tasks, the alphabet of health and hygiene.


Thoroughness, comfort, affairs and responsibilities, bureaucratic apparatus, rotation occurs in the sphere of work and fulfillment of assigned tasks

Memory, psychosomatics, psychosociology), parapsychology, health care, pharmacology and veterinary medicine, diet, intellectual sports

Commerce - small points, office work, medical services (dietology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology), librarianship, psychology, journalism, philology, exact sciences

Everything related to publishing and printing activities, equipment (copiers and faxes, risography, office equipment), retail trade, various repair and maintenance workshops.

Manifestation of Mercury in the horoscope

Personal planet - Mercury is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, mobility and dexterity.

Mercury function- this is interconnection, interchange, i.e. the design of thoughts, everyday practical mind.

Qualities of Mercury- lightness, mobility, curiosity, ability to make quick changes.

Finding Mercuryin zodiac sign shows how thinking, intelligence, ability to contact people are manifested, and whether there is dexterity and speed in solving problems. Mercury imparts psychological inclinations to the ability to make decisions and express one's thoughts to others.

Mercury in the houses of the horoscope indicates the type of thinking and learning ability, what kind of education suits a person better, what type of activity appeals to him, from which area he will receive more valuable experience. You can also determine his immediate environment, his disposition to communication and contacts.

Sixth - VI house

Evil fate. Small fortune. Health

Planets in the Sixth House

The sixth house is identical to the sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury.

Sixth house in the horoscope predetermines vocational education and the service sector, the hiring of persons to perform certain work, daily concerns and official activities, solutions to any bureaucratic, accounting, technical, documentary issues, working conditions, maintenance, workshops. It is also associated with health, treatment, prevention, medical institutions, veterinary medicine and pets.

Sixth housedefines health care, body care, work and service, routine labor and service, hired labor, self-submission (voluntary submission).

Sixth housedefines problems with hygiene, with diet, with performing forced labor, menial work, mental disorders, problem with employees (hiring), etc.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Virgo

You are very observant, intelligent, have a great desire for learning and self-improvement, but are not particularly ambitious and therefore are often satisfied with the most ordinary, not outstanding position in life. You prefer to occupy a subordinate position, to serve as an assistant, in a supporting role, rather than in the role of a leader. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are important to you. Other people see you as an independent and rather reserved person, although in fact you are capable of helping and caring, but your sympathy is not so emotionally expressed that others immediately feel it. You may appear to be more conservative than you really are, deep down. You are someone from whom people might expect technical advice or an unbiased opinion, but not emotional support. You are quite modest in your assessment of yourself, demand perfection from yourself in everything and are extremely self-critical. You see details well and get upset if something is not done quite right. Order in your environment is very important to you.
Your shortcomings: You tend to underestimate your own capabilities and experience a lack of confidence and trust in life, which restrains your spontaneity. You have a bad habit of worrying about everything, always seeing flaws, which is why excessive criticism develops.

Allegory for the Virgin

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“I ask you, Virgo, to examine everything that man has done with My Creation. You must carefully consider his methods and remind him of his mistakes, so that through you My Creation can improve. To do this, I give you Purity of Thought "

And the Virgin quietly retreated back to her place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Virgo - Mercury - Sixth House:

“I” obey - I go to hire, routine, working conditions, housekeepers, notaries, specifications, factories, production, vocational education, service obligations, the desire for mastery, rationalism, detailing.

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Tags: Sun in Virgo, Virgo zodiac sign, patron stone, Virgo talisman keywords, planet Mercury, Sixth house, Allegory for Virgo, function and quality of Virgo

I noticed that many astrologers do not have a very good idea of ​​how to determine the rulers of a particular house - especially in non-standard situations. I thought it necessary to put it on the blog so that I have something to build on. All received managers act in the same way in predictive methods. If the planet happens to be the ruler of the 8th house, then this should be taken into account, even if the planet also rules the 5th and 9th houses.

Natal astrology orbs:

Rulers of signs

Aries - Mars (rule of Pluto is studied)

Taurus - Venus

Gemini - Mercury (control of Uranus is studied)

Cancer - Moon

Leo - Sun

Virgo - Mercury

Libra - Venus

Scorpio - Mars, Pluto

Sagittarius - Jupiter, Neptune

Capricorn - Saturn

Aquarius - Saturn, Uranus

Pisces - Jupiter, Neptune

For the purposes of rectification and prognostication, the concept of a house ruler is somewhat incorrect or incomplete, since it is necessary to take into account not only the primary rulers (house, sign, natural) but also the secondary ones.

This unites the concept of the horoscope field:

1st house and Aries are the first field;

2nd house and Taurus are the second field;

The 12th house and Pisces is the 12th field.

Field managers can be divided into 6 levels:

1. Primary rulers of the house - PUD;

2. Primary rulers of the sign - PUZ;

3. The primary natural managers of the field are PEU.

4. Secondary rulers of the house - WUD;

5. Secondary rulers of the sign - university.

6. Secondary rulers formed by primary natural rulers - VEU.

Or on two levels:

1. Primary field managers (PFC);

2. Secondary field managers (SFC).

Secondary rulers are rulers formed by primary rulers, through the position of the primary rulers in a house or sign. And through aspects of connection with planets, cusps of houses and signs!

What is their fundamental difference?

Primary rulers act obsessively according to the principles of the houses they control, for example K8 in Sagittarius, which means that the primary ruler of the 8th house, including Jupiter, will be.

Which in prognostication will be very clearly manifested both on the topic of Jupiter and on the topic of the 8th house, for example, getting away with it after an accident. Ability to take large loans, good opportunities for taking out loans. The conjunction of Jupiter with an angle, in prognosis, can lead to divorce and the death of a relative with inheritance.

Secondary managers, as it were, create an opportunity, a chance to realize an event if a person really needs it. Those. carry the qualities of a sextile. They create formal astrological indicators for the fundamental possibility of an event occurring.


1. Primary home/field rulers (PUD)- This:

1. Planets in the house- these are the strongest and most important rulers of the house/field.

2. House cusp rulers

3. Rulers of the sign fully included in the house - these are also the strongest and most important rulers of the house/field.

On map No. 1, the 1st house is occupied by three signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, i.e. The 1st house is ruled by Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune.

2. Primary sign/field rulers (PLG)- This:

4. Planets in signs are added to the rulers of the sign/field: So, for example, V will co-rule 1 sign/field, but will not have the status of a strong planet as if it were simply in the 1st house. Or adds 7 signs/fields to the rulers. Or it will co-rule the 5th sign/field, but not as negatively as with Saturn in the 5th house.

5. Natural lords of the house located in the sign are added to the ruler of the sign. For example, K8 is in Gemini, Gemini is the third sign. The natural rulers of the 8th house are Mars and Pluto. We get that Mars and Pluto are added to the rulers of the 3rd sign/field. What will make such a person caustic in communication and obsessive in searching for information.

6. Signs included in a house will add the natural rulers of that house to the number fields of the signs included in the house. For example, on Map No. 1 in the 1st house included (11th sign) and (12th sign), i.e. the primary ruler Mars is added to the 11th and 12th signs/fields, as the natural ruler of the 1st house (and Pluto, if considered the ruler of Aries).

3. Primary natural field managers - EU- This:

7. Natural lords of a house/sign, for example the 7th house and Libra are always ruled by Venus - these are also the strongest and most important primary managers of the field.

4.4 - 4.6. Secondary Rulers- these are rulers formed by primary rulers: their position in the house, sign, connections of primary rulers with planets and cusps:

8. Planets from list 1-7, look at their position in house (a) and sign (b).

So in the above map No. 1: look at the ruler of the 2nd house, he is located in (add) and in the 7th house (add). We get 3 managers of 2 houses/fields.

9. Planets (PUP) in conjunction with the cusp of the house within the orbit of the planet become a co-ruler of this field. The Sun is in the 12th house, but in conjunction with the ascendant orb of the sun 7 o]. That's why

(a) the sun becomes a co-ruler (secondary) of the 1st house/field.

(b) Mars/(Pluto) (natural ruler of the 1st house) becomes the secondary ruler of the 12th house.

But that’s not all: look at which primary houses are ruled by the sun and Mars;

The Sun will become the secondary lord for houses where Mars is the primary lord.

And Mars will become the secondary ruler for houses where the sun is the primary ruler.

So in chart No. 2 the sun is the primary ruler of the 6th, 12th, 10th and 5th fields of the horoscope:

6 - in Virgo

12 - in the 12th house

10 - K5 in Capricorn

5 - natural control

This means that Mars will be the secondary ruler of the 6th, 12th, 10th and 5th fields.

It's the opposite with Mars

10. A planet, the primary ruler of the field (PUP) in conjunction with another planet within the maximum orb of these two planets adds its primary rulers to the secondary ones of the aspected planet through the aspect;

The Sun is in the 12th house with Jupiter, due to which the Sun becomes a co-ruler (secondary) of the houses where Jupiter is the primary ruler. And Jupiter, accordingly, becomes a co-ruler (secondary) of houses where the sun is the primary ruler.

Jupiter is the primary ruler of the 1st, 3rd, 9th, 12th, 7th, 11th and 10th fields.

1(in 1st house, K12 in Aries),

3 (in twins),

9.12 - (natural control),

7 and 11 fields - (K7 in Sagittarius, K11 in Pisces).

10 - K9 in Capricorn.

The Sun is the primary ruler

3,12, 5, 4 and 6 fields.

3 - in twins

12 - in the 12th house

5 - natural control

4 - IC in Leo

6 - K5 in Virgo

11. Planets conjunct the cusp of the next sign N will be the secondary ruler of the field number corresponding to the next sign/field N, and the natural rulers of the sign N will be the secondary rulers of the sign/field N-1. For example, Pluto at 27:30 Virgo is in conjunction with the cusp of the sign of Libra (7th sign). Those.

(a) we look at which primary houses Venus rules and add Pluto to them as a secondary ruler.

(b) look at which primary houses are ruled by Pluto and add Venus to them as a secondary ruler. .

Orbs are taken equal to the orb of the planet, i.e. for the sun, moon and Jupiter 7 o, for other planets 6 o

Now let's look at an example - let's find all the field managers in Map No. 3 for the 12th house/field:

1. In the 12th house there are 3 planets, , - we add them to the primary rulers;

2. K12 is added to the primary managers of the house/field;

3. The sign included in the house is, we add to the primary rulers of the house/field;

4. Add the natural rulers of the 12th house - and;

5. K11 in Pisces - add 12 signs/fields to the ruler and ;

We get the primary rulers of the 12th field: , , , , , , , , , only pluto remains.