How to control and inspire people at a distance. Suggestion of thoughts: how to do it? Telepathic hypnosis technique! Telepathy is for the elite

Suggesting one's own thoughts to another person at a distance has long worried humanity.

Everyone would like to be able to inspire a loved one correct life attitudes.

Is this possible?

What is it?

The transmission of thoughts at a distance is in psychology for everyone famous name - telepathy.

Using this technique, you can exchange with another person not only thoughts, but also feelings, emotions, desires, you can even make some settings.

Exchange of information can be mutual, that is, a telepath is capable of receiving other people’s thoughts at a distance. Often this happens without the participation of the recipient's consciousness.

Telepathy is the object of close study by specialists around the world. There is already some data on how you can learn to transmit thoughts and discover telepathic abilities in yourself.

Is telepathic communication possible?

The intense fascination with telepathy began in the mid-nineteenth century. Then magic salons began to open en masse, and magicians who appeared out of nowhere began their march across the country.

In the first half of the twentieth century, scientists first became interested in telepathy. The Rhine couple from America conducted an experiment that ultimately did not prove the existence of telepathy, but marked the beginning of serious research into this phenomenon.

During the last decade of the twentieth century, Edinburgh scientists concluded that the transmission or reception of thoughts at a distance possible only during an altered mental state. A person is in such borderline states, for example, before going to bed or during a bright outburst of anger.

To date, world scientists have already conducted large number experiments that led to some conclusions.

It turned out that most often people have the opportunity to exchange thoughts in close emotional contact.

Russian academician Kobzarev Yu.B. explained the phenomenon of telepathy in his own way. He claims that during the appearance of thought, charged particles are launched into space, which are given the name “psychons.” Psychons accumulate in clumps that are captured by people with a family or emotional connection.

Technique for transmitting thoughts at a distance in this video:

Is it possible to feel a person who is far away?

A series of experiments showed that a person is a different person. Many of us have experienced similar feelings. when we are thinking about a person and he appears in the room or does something that we were just thinking about.

A similar connection at the telepathic level occurs between close people who are strongly connected to each other at the emotional level.

This usually happens between parents and children, between spouses and lovers. These people spend a lot of time together, communicate often and know almost everything about each other.

Mentally, they can talk to each other and consult, imagining what they would do close person in a certain situation.

Why do I feel from a distance?

If you feel a person from a distance, it means he is of great importance to you.

You often think about him, experience positive emotions and are on the same page.

If the person is your relative, then everything is obvious. And if the one you feel at a distance is not a close person, then you have to special attitude: rekindled love or affection.

You often mentally talk to him, feel his mood with the help of intuition. Surely, you want to be close to the person, but so far you have not succeeded in this, so the subconscious finds a new way out and you begin to feel the person even at a great distance, trying to fill your emptiness associated with his absence.

Also, such a situation indicates that you have strong potential, with the help of which you can develop telepathic abilities, because you feel the world subtly.

Often a person sees signs and feels another at a distance in front of important event in life that will require making difficult decisions.

How to do this?

To feel another person, you need tune in to his wave and summon a phantom. There are various ways to implement this:

Before you start visualizing the image, you need to get ready to work, because under normal everyday conditions, telepathic communication will be minimal. Immerse yourself in a state of complete relaxation, calm all your thoughts and consciousness, do not think about anything extraneous.

Mind control

With the help of telepathy, you can control a person’s consciousness at a distance. You can instill in him the necessary thoughts that will lead to the desired consequences, and even give some orders.

Using the technique of instilling thoughts, you can make a person sympathize with you if you constantly send him love signals and thoughts, and confess your love.

With the help of thoughts you can even heal a person. Mothers have a tremendous ability for this. They are connected to children by a thick emotional “rope”.

If they feel worried about the child, if they they wish with all their might that the child gets well, and try to instill in him thoughts about speedy recovery, a miracle can happen.

If you want to try to heal a person from a distance, mentally send to him a warm energy ball that has healing powers.

Imagine how the ball will reach the target and begin to exert therapeutic effect on the patient.

Imagine that he is getting better, that he is beginning to rejoice and experience positive emotions.

With the help of the power of thought, a person can be moved to take any action. For example, you quarreled with a loved one and want him to call you.

Sit comfortably, clear your mind, clearly imagine the person, revive his image and mentally encourage him to action. Imagine that he picks up the phone, dials a number and calls you.

Suggestion techniques

  1. Before you start relax, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and information. Sit comfortably, try to evoke in your head the image of the person to whom you want to convey your thoughts. Place his photograph in front of you and carefully look at the image for five minutes. All this time, revive the image, imagine how he talks, how he smiles or laughs.
  2. Give your full attention to the other person. If at some point you feel the presence of someone else in the room, it means that your actions are correct and you have established a telepathic connection with the desired object. Now begin to mentally reproduce the thoughts that you want to convey to him. Clearly imagine how the thought flows through the energy channel and penetrates his brain.
  3. Imagine that he hears this thought and is immersed in it. The person to whom you are transmitting thoughts will hear a certain voice in his head and it will seem to him that new thoughts were born in his brain on their own. Repeat the exercise every day for thirty minutes.

It is best to repeat the process about five times a day, then the expected effect will be much stronger.

Holding technique - practice:

About the power of thought

Thoughts have enormous power, it is believed that they represent waves tuned to a specific frequency.

These waves can be transmitted over very long distances. The person to whom the suggested thoughts are transferred is a kind of “receiver”.

The great power of thoughts is no secret to anyone: how many times do you amazing situations happened when you called a person who was dialing your number at the same moment?

There are such examples in everyone's life. Scientists claim that one information field has been created around our planet, in which all our thoughts “float”.

They are on different wavelengths, so each person picks up from the outside world only those thoughts that correspond to his personal wave.

How to suggest a thought?

In addition to the above practices of instilling thoughts, there is one more interesting technique . Free your mind, don’t think about anything, close your eyes and clearly imagine the sun’s disk. After the image of the sun has steadily appeared in your imagination, switch to the person to whom you want to send the message.

Recreate his image in your head, imagine him characteristic features, bring the phantom to life. Having tuned in to the same wavelength as the receiving person, clearly imagine on the solar disk the phrase that you want to inspire.

Be sure to use first person to overcome subconscious defenses.

The practitioner of suggestion must repeat the phrase sixteen times, and then imagine a person in the solar disk who begins to carry out a kind of order.

In this experiment you will send a message to your friend. The concept of nonlocality:

How to attract a man from a distance?

Make a man fall in love impossible with the power of thought.

Using this technique, you can only make him think about a woman, make him interested in a person and evoke positive emotions associated with the image of a lady.

The ritual must be carried out being full of strength and health. If you are sick, it is better not to resort to suggestion, as there will be no result.

Go to bed around the same time your lover is going to bed. Relax, clear your mind. You can turn on pleasant music or light some essential oils. Mentally imagine the image of a man, connect with him, penetrate his consciousness.

After that start pronounce short phrases , for example, “miss”, “think”, “remember”, each time adding given name. If the process is reproduced efficiently, soon the man will start thinking about you

How to attract someone from a distance. Working with submodalities:

How to get your loved one back?

Women often suffer greatly if their lover leaves them. They cannot come to terms with what happened and want it. With the help of suggestion of thoughts you can significantly speed up this process. To begin with, a woman must work on myself.

She should no longer feel sorry for herself and expect pity from others. She must radiate love and positive emotions so that a man with all his soul wants to return to a woman filled with harmony.

If you are tired, exhausted and miserable, you don’t even have to try to renew the relationship, because a man will not connect his life with such a lady.

After careful work on yourself, proceed to suggestion using the above methods. Visualize the image of a man in your mind every day and inspire him that he thinks about you, that he wants to call, come and eventually return forever.

How to call?

How to attract a person? If you want to call a person who is at a distance, but cannot enter into an open dialogue with him, use the power of thought.

Constantly think about the person try to instill in him the idea that he should come.

At least five times a day, perform special rituals, which consist of complete relaxation, a thorough presentation of the image of a person and instilling in him the necessary thought.

Sincere message must come from pure heart, it is then that the person receiving your thoughts will definitely respond and come.

How to act based on a photo?

The appearance of photographs made life much easier for various magicians, which read thoughts at a distance, instill thoughts and influence a person. Photography is great for instilling thoughts at a distance if it is difficult for a person to reproduce the image in his mind.

It must be placed in front of you and long time examine, trying to “revive” the image depicted in the photograph.

Here there is a certain danger for humans, who doesn’t think about the power of photography and gives it away to everyone. Never give your images to strangers who may want to harm you.

Is hypnosis possible?

Everyone knows about when the subject is directly in front of the hypnotist.

Is it possible to carry out hypnosis at a distance without the person’s knowledge? This effect on a person is called telekinesis.

This concept has no restrictions, neither spatial nor temporal. The instrument of telekinesis is a thought that can be instilled in a person even on another continent.

Almost every one of us has telepathic abilities, they only manifest themselves in varying degrees. It is possible to develop your abilities if you devote a lot of time to training and approach it with the utmost seriousness.

Remember that suggestion of thoughts can only be used in good intentions , if in this way you try to revive evil, soon it will definitely come back to you.

How do hidden suggestion techniques work? Find out from the video:

How instill dreams, fantasies from a distance... and program ideas, feelings and thoughts into your victim's head - without any words.

My cousin did not believe me that it was possible to influence people from a distance. And I had to put him through it.

Not long ago, he and I were sitting in a bar and looking for a woman to meet. There was some football match on TV that we didn't watch.

A few minutes later a wedding procession appeared at the bar. It turned out that they decided to warm up a little before the ceremony.

But here he comes attractive woman in a short blue dress. We both understand that she is from this company.

And I said to my cousin while she went into the ladies' room: “So, just imagine that you are standing behind her, that you are hugging her, as if you were actually touching her... and while you are holding her passionately, start whispering into her ear love nonsense, which, undoubtedly, she likes it."

She went to the restroom. "You're an idiot," brother said, I don’t even know why I bother myself with your nonsense. You're making fun of me again."

I don't blame him for thinking like that. I really like to prank my cousin from time to time. Like, for example, I once told him that you can relieve muscle pain by patting your head with your hand and saying: "It's okay, my bunny, it doesn't hurt."

He did just that. And it was very funny.

And after a while, that's about how long it took you to read this short story, the woman with whom he now imagined himself returns.

My cousin chalked it all up to pure coincidence, but she walked right up to him and asked, looking into his eyes: "What's the score?"

Anyway, it all ended with him going to the wedding reception with her and I wasn't invited.

Was this a coincidence, or was he actually telepathically conveying a message to her that he was a reliable, strong and very sexy man?

Who knows? I don't know how it works, but it often works. It seems like it might just be a coincidence, but my cousin now uses this strategy all the time to influence people - even if they are on the other side of the world.

I can make people call me. They wrote to me. They gave me money, etc. I did it for a long time. Why not take advantage if it works? Try it and see.

I can use this technique for business situations. I just imagine buyers lining up to buy what I want to sell.

When my Project came out, I imagined people writing me letters of gratitude about the wonderful impact my courses had had, and within a week I attracted dozens of them.

But I always ask myself in advance: “What am I willing to sacrifice in order to experience this?”

This is the MAIN question that cannot be left unanswered. You have to give in order to receive. Think about this for a minute before you continue...

There were also people who took this whole concept to a completely new level. new level and actually “mentally” seduced the one they want to be with.

Out of curiosity, I decided to test this technique. All you need is not to get excited (easier said than done) and imagine how the one you need is experiencing indescribable pleasure with you. Imagine and literally “feel” in your mind how you touch, caress and kiss this person, listening to his ecstatic moans.

Once upon a time I was very passionate about a girl. She was a little older than me. She was the ex-girlfriend of one of my older brother's friends. I was in one of my first courses at intelligence school when she asked me to look after her cat and flowers in her apartment while she was on vacation.

This was the period when I had just learned about this technique, so I chose it to experiment.

Since I was in her house and could even sleep on her bed, the energy was enough. I imagined in my mind everything that I have already described to you.

I actually still find it hard to believe what I heard her whisper the next morning: “Glebushka, honey, are you comfortable?”

Opening my eyes, I saw that she was lying next to me. Then she said: “I decided to come home early. I knew that you would be in my bed. I’m tired and I’ll just lie next to you. I promise I won’t bite.”

“Well, I don’t mind at all,” I answered flirtatiously.

She laughed playfully, stood up, undressed, slid under the covers with me and... However, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Again, was it because I imagined it? Did I create this myself?

Now you should already understand that your thoughts create your reality. What you think about may be reality. You can have or experience what you clearly imagine.

So, the only thing I advise you to do is try it. It works.


But it is quite obvious that I am not sharing this with you to make you believe that it works. There were simply too many circumstances in my life that seemed like “mere coincidences” when in fact they might not have been.

A friend of mine has what you might call a “talent” for attracting women. Although he is, to put it mildly, not very attractive.

But every time we go somewhere - without exception, he can sit in one place, point at a woman and say: "It's her" while she doesn't even look in his direction... And later that evening she tries to get to know him. He never did anything about it.

At least that's what I thought. One day I asked him: “What do you think about when you see a woman you would like to meet?”

And I always remembered what he said. “What any man thinks about. I imagine that we are both undressed, touching, hugging each other. We We kiss, and I am a passionate love machine."

I asked him a few more questions and it turned out that he didn't experience lust like any other man. He really had a strong passion for her.

Interesting, isn't it?

Another story:

Once upon a time, all the same teenage years One of my classmates and I found ourselves in a crowded bar. It was impossible to even move.

And so, when we sat down at our table, which everyone around seemed to consider theirs, I said: “ Fine. Let's imagine that we are both inhaling energy called get-it-all-away-from-me, and the more we inhale it, the more we feel it building up inside of us. And while it is gaining volume, pay attention to what happens when we both, on the count of three, simply release this energy within a radius of two meters, when it simply pushes everyone around us away. Ready? One, two, Fire!" .

Less than half a minute had passed, and there was no one within a radius of two meters. The space was cleared for us.

Have we really done this? Does this kind of power really exist?

It looks like it. And if it works, why not use it?

But... BUT... There is a trap here. It turned out that this so-called negative energy, which we released, brought back a lot of that “I don’t like you” energy. Later that evening, several gopniks attacked me and quickly and energetically beat all the good nonsense out of me.

Please use these techniques only to bring good to people. PLEASE follow this advice. You don’t want to drink through a straw for weeks and a half, like I had to do. It's not funny.

In reality, everything negative that you create comes back to you. Therefore, I kindly ask you to project only good things. If not THE BEST!

What happens if you exhale “everyone-to-me” energy? Try it and find out. In my first experiment of this kind, in one of the cafes, the waitresses hurried towards me, collided, stood in front of me... and each of them looked into my eyes, as if I had already hypnotized them, and they all told me something . I easily got two phone numbers.

You see, I suspect that using this skill actually entails manipulating the energy around you that you cannot see. But you can imagine that it is there and then control it. You can imagine that the energy you exhale has a certain color.
I don't know the connection between colors and their meanings. Personally, I find pink to be the most attractive color. But for people who see it as red, orange or green, the results are just as good and sometimes better.

This is more of an experimental question. I haven't perfected this technique and I certainly don't really understand how it works. I am exclusively a practitioner and the theoretical side of the issue interests me little. You don't really need to know how it works either. It just works. Use it.

So what happens when you combine your new "energy" powers with the strategies we'll explore in the next chapter?

So, there are several ways to influence a person’s thoughts from a distance. I'll talk about two. I can’t tell you about the third one, which I resort to most often, because there is something of black magic in it, and I won’t teach you that, don’t blame me. This method is only for those who have a kind heart and pure thoughts: we have already talked about the fact that the same magical rituals take on different colors for different people - for some, all the magic will be white, and for others Then even the most energetically positive rituals will turn into black and evil ones.

The first way is as follows. The action takes place on the waxing moon at night, and only at night, when Space is free - there is no noise outside the window, everyone around is sleeping, and your loved one too. The ritual should be performed completely alone. Sit at the table, place three candles in front of you, preferably white or pink color, and a photo of your loved one. Try to imagine him as best as possible, feel him next to you. When you succeed, start talking to him in a low voice. Say everything you would like to say when you meet, say what you would never dare to say... You can ask for forgiveness, you can tell him how you imagine your life together in the future, you can reveal your deepest dreams.

In short, you talk to your loved one as if he were sitting next to you. Be sure to tell him how you would like him to be and ask him to call you, almost order him to miss you and miss you. Then write your wishes on paper and burn it in the flame of a candle. Throw the ashes out the window. That's it, a signal has gone to your lover.

One of my friends, Vika, performed this ritual for several nights in a row. And then one day at three o'clock in the morning the doorbell rang. I must say that she lives alone, so she was afraid to open it. But in the end, curiosity overcame fear, and she went to the window. And what would you think - her beloved man, whom they had not seen for more than a month, was just coming out of the entrance! At that very second he turned around, looked at her window, and their eyes met. He entered the entrance again.

His first words, as soon as he crossed the threshold of Vika’s apartment, were: “I dream about you every night, and now it seemed to me that I heard your voice. So I arrived. Hello!" I was very happy for them.

The other method is more interesting and multifaceted, because with its help you can not only talk with your loved one, but also find out how one of your friends feels about you. Do this: place a thin church candle on a saucer or a comfortable candlestick (all this, of course, only happens in the dead of night) and fold your hands over it so that your palms feel warm, but are not burned by the fire. Imagine what you are holding in your hands fireball. Close your eyes and mentally place the face of the person you want to talk to in the center of this ball. You should see only his face and look at his third eye, that is, at the bridge of his nose.

Introduced? Now you can talk, ask questions, express your wishes, and so on. After the session, thank the person for not refusing to talk to you and put out the candle.

I once had such a conversation that turned out to be very unpleasant. I had just separated from my husband, and I desperately wanted to know how he felt about me, what he thought. Seeing the undisguised hatred in his eyes, I quickly put out the candle and stopped the session.

It happens that your friend or husband has already been bewitched. Honestly, it's not just bad, it's terrible. Because whoever started first most often emerges victorious in the fight. But still, don’t despair. It is not only possible to fight for your happiness, but simply necessary. I will tell you about two methods: the lapel ritual and a quarrel between a husband and his mistress, and those who know how to read between the lines will find several other ways in this chapter.

If your husband, before leaving for work, takes longer than ever to get ready, dresses up and pours cologne all over himself, this is a bad sign. Either he is in love, or he already has a mistress. You don’t know her name yet, but you can quietly put a piece of dog or cat hair in his shoe, in some fold of his coat, or even under the rug in the car and say: “Fight with her like a cat and a dog!”

One of my clients did this almost every day and finally achieved that her husband completely quarreled with his passion. You just need to wish it very sincerely.

If you know the name of your rival, I can recommend the following lapel ritual. They spend it on the waning moon in the evenings for five days in a row. Heat a small, thoroughly washed nail on gas (it’s bad on a candle; it will smoke) (no matter how angry you are with your husband, he doesn’t have to eat the oil with which the nail is lubricated). So, hold the nail with pliers until it becomes red hot, and then quickly throw it into a cup with water poured into it in advance. The nail will “hiss”, and at this time you will say such charming words directly into the cup three times.

Meet different people, some of them can be difficult to negotiate. How to implement thought suggestion effectively? Discover your ability to telepathic hypnosis!

The Powerful Powers of Hypnosis!

Hypnosis¹ is a special state of consciousness in which a person has very high suggestibility. Everything that is said is embedded in the subconscious and affects a person’s behavior.

This is the basis for some methods of getting rid of bad habits or character correction, when, for example, a subconscious attitude causes aversion to smoking or blocks some kind of panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes effective technique to introduce the desired mental attitude into another person using telepathy!

Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic influence. With its help you can instill any thoughts into another person.

The transmission of thoughts over a distance is a real thing, and scientists are gradually getting closer to recognizing it. Thought is a wave; directed in a focused manner, it always reaches the final object and influences it.

Using this technique, you will be able to instill thoughts into other people, encourage them to do what you need. This will be very helpful in situations where it is impossible to reach an agreement in a normal way.

With practice of this method, you will develop yours and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate free will: the person simply suddenly begins to adhere to a point of view that is favorable to you and acts based on it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object of suggestion is relaxed or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to influence.

It is under these conditions that it is necessary to carry out telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person: this way he will accept other people’s thoughts as his own.

This method allows you to instill love, health, any emotion in any person, you can also introduce a mental image with a specific command.

Before starting practice, you need to compose the desired image or text of suggestion, memorize it so that right moment pronounce.

1. The practitioner takes a sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually this will bring the person into a relaxed meditative state.

2. He remains aware and dives even deeper. To do this, a person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time of concentration, the practitioner will realize that his train of thought has stopped and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person to whom the thought needs to be inspired. His image needs to be presented as vividly as possible. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when meeting him live. With practice, this will create the effect of presence and increase the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the memorized text for suggestion, imagining how an energy channel is built, how it connects to a person’s head, and how a thought, repeated many times, is introduced there.

You must repeat with concentration, without being distracted by any extraneous thought! The number of repetitions of the text of suggestion is strictly individual for each practitioner: at some point he will feel that it is enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. Afterwards, the person imagines how the object of suggestion fulfills that thought, that order that was implanted in him: for example, how he approaches the phone, dials desired number and calls.

All these images need to be sent through the energy channel to the object’s head.

7. At the end, the practitioner imagines how in the object’s head the inspired commands are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice should be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn how to make powerful hypnotelepathic suggestions to anyone and watch them do what you want!


It is important to remember that all your actions are taken into account. higher powers and are your responsibility!

The law of karma³ (cause and effect) should be taken into account: everything you do towards another person comes back to you threefold. Any negativity will return, you can be sure of it!

Therefore, you need to meaningfully create texts of suggestion, based on the principle “do no harm.”

With regular practice you can develop powerful force thoughts, make your ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. In contrast to conventional hypnosis, almost no one can resist telepathic hypnosis!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis or the influence of a hypnotist, characterized by a sharp focus of attention and high susceptibility to suggestion (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of self-hypnosis

All methods of remote influence on a person can be divided into two categories: technical and mental. In the first case, radiation from psychotronic generators is used, but their influence can only induce in a person certain emotions, nothing more. It is not yet possible to order a person to perform a specific action using this method.

That is why the greatest interest is in influencing at a distance through the use of special mental techniques.

Using ISS

One of the most interesting directions remote influence on a person is associated with the use of ASC - altered states of consciousness. Past special training The operator takes a seat on a comfortable couch in a soundproof room. Soft, low lighting is used to promote relaxation.

Having relaxed and entered a trance, the operator can remotely connect to the subconscious of the person he is interested in. Since the connection occurs at the subconscious level, there is no resistance from consciousness. As a result, the operator can read any information he is interested in or give a person a task to perform a certain action.

The main difficulty of this technique is the training of operators - there are very few people with high abilities. In fact, the number of specialists of this level is counted in units. In addition, not every action can be suggested. In particular, any suggestions aimed at causing physical harm will not work. That is, you cannot, for example, force a person to commit suicide.

Therefore, this method is used to collect information and suggest some fairly simple actions. For example, you can force a person to commit tourist trip to a certain country. Hire someone, sign a contract, etc. Any actions that do not run counter to a person’s worldview and moral values ​​can be initiated.

Influence through dreams

One of the most difficult but effective methods is to influence a person through his dreams. The method of influence is based on the use of lucid dreams.

The effect is as follows: you need to enter a lucid dream, there are methods for this. In this case, the person who will be affected must also sleep at this time. In a dream, the dreamer finds the person he needs, which is also far from easy - usually there are sprites, illusory images in dreams. The dreamer needs to find real person- that is, him thin body.

Suggestion is carried out as follows: you need to approach the person you are interested in, grab him by the neck and back of the head with your left hand, and with your thumb right hand press in the center of the forehead and clearly pronounce the suggestion phrase. It should be noted that in this case it is impossible to initiate any actions destructive for a person. At the same time, suggestions aimed at benefiting the person himself work well. For example, in this way you can help him quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. You can make him treat other people well, etc. Any installation that does not pose a direct threat to the person himself will be carried out.

Of course, the use of lucid dreams to influence at a distance is only available to dreamers with extensive experience, sometimes amounting to tens of years.

Thought suggestion techniques have been used since ancient times. Legal - for treatment mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. They are used illegally by scammers. Possess some ethical techniques of suggestion thoughts It is also possible for completely harmless purposes, for example, to find mutual understanding in the family or with colleagues.


Talk to the person to whom you want to inspire some idea. You need to find a topic that will be close and interesting to your interlocutor. Listen carefully to the person, speak softly but clearly. Choose an intonation that will maximally repeat the intonation of your interlocutor, mirror his posture and gestures.

Use the basic principles of persuasive speech, which is the main tool of suggestion. Be clear and specific about what the person should do and believe. For example, you want to convince your son to clean up after himself: “You have to clean your room yourself.” Use attitudes such as: “I believe that everyone can keep their own cleanliness.” Give reasonable and logical arguments - statements that confirm that you are right. For example: “If you can clean up on your own, that means you’re old enough to go on an excursion to another city alone.” This argument, in particular, may also be a motive - after all, the son probably wants to go on this trip.

Use the magnetic gaze technique. There are several exercises that, once mastered, will allow you to inspire thoughts. For the first one, draw a black circle with a diameter of 1 cm on a piece of paper. Place the sheet at your eye level. Without blinking, look at the circle for 1 minute from a distance of 1 meter. Then move the leaf to the left 80 cm. Return to the starting position and look first at the place where the leaf was, then, without turning your head, look at the circle without blinking for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise in the same way, moving the piece of paper to the left. For the second exercise you will need a mirror. Look closely into your eyes for 1 minute. Increase the time with each workout.

Please note

When using the magnetic gaze technique, you must be aware of the ethical aspects of your influence. At the moment of influence, you are responsible for the psyche of the suggested person.

Controlling human consciousness is the cherished dream of many people, from businessmen to politicians. To some extent, they succeed in this, so you should know not only about methods of influencing a person’s consciousness, but also about methods of protection.

Video on the topic

You need to know what the tricks are psychological impact(manipulation) quite a lot. Some of them are very difficult to learn, such as NLP, and some are easy to use by most people in everyday life.

Still quite small child may show the makings of a manipulator. To get his parents to fulfill his desires, he uses such measures of psychological influence as violent crying, hysterics, and rolling on the floor. This entire “performance” necessarily takes place in the presence of “spectators”, for whom it is played. In solitude, the child's hysteria immediately stops. This suggests that he easily controls the expression of his emotions and uses them only when he needs it.

As the child gets older, he tries to manipulate his peers. Thus, a girl who does not want her friends who come to visit her to touch her toys warns them, for example, that the doll is sick and the teddy bear bites. Thus, she achieves her goals without revealing their true motive - greed, which is no longer approved in the children's community.

Of course, children's attempts at manipulation are quite transparent and do not pose a real danger to others. But adults, fully formed people, often resort to manipulation. The signs of this type of influence remain largely the same - hiding true motives, feigned expression of emotions. Moreover, to this is added the belief of the victim (and in the case of manipulation, we can talk specifically about the victim) that the manipulator acts exclusively in her interests, although in reality the opposite is true.

Drive into a corner to get what you want

There are situations when a lot depends on the consent of your opponent or on his answer, and you have to take tough measures to achieve your goal. So, in case of refusal, look at the interlocutor point blank and repeat your question again in an even voice. Under the pressure of your gaze, he will feel trapped and will be ready to change his mind.

Remain calm when voices are raised

Of course, this technique requires practice, but it's worth it. By allowing a person to speak out and at the same time without saying anything bad to him, without offending him in any way, with your calmness you will provoke in him a feeling of guilt, which he will subconsciously try to atone for.

Be closer to the aggressor to avoid attack

People who are close to each other subconsciously feel awkward when a conflict occurs. Keep this in mind and keep the aggressor as close as possible.

Call everyone by name to become the favorite in the group

The ability to establish connections is one of the fundamentals for building successful career. Use first names when communicating with colleagues during everyday communications and do not use names during conflicts. Here's a simple secret.

Good posture improves self-confidence

The trick works one hundred percent of the time. The rule of a straight back will allow you to make a more favorable impression, make you stand out among your colleagues, and also give you a feeling of inner strength.

Warm your hands before shaking hands

Dry, warm hands help create a friendly atmosphere, so be sure to make sure your palms aren't icy warm before touching someone.