Donatella Versace before and after surgery: photo. Famous, rich, but disfigured Donatella Versace: before and after plastic surgery, the diva changed dramatically

Donatella Versace is the owner of one of the most popular fashion houses in the world, VERSACHE. She is the heiress to the fashion empire of her brother Gianni Versace, who was murdered in 1997 on the doorstep of his home in Miami.

Donatella immediately began managing her brother’s fashion house; her collections were not initially received by critics, they were often compared to the work of Gianni. However, over time, Donatella's designs earned positive responses from fashion critics and the love of the public.

The tabloids are more likely to focus on the designer's appearance than on her professional achievements. The reason for this was Donatella’s excessive passion for plastic surgery.

Versace tried with all her might to delay the aging process, resorting to the latest methods rejuvenation As a result, I got so carried away that I made something strange out of my already less than ideal appearance.

Donatella before plastic surgery

As you can see from the photo, before plastic surgery the girl looked good. She had a certain “zest” that made Donatella attractive. A large nose with a hump and a massive chin gave the face a strong-willed appearance, without depriving it of femininity.

The girl stood out as expressive brown eyes Moreover, she was distinguished by her natural charm. It was rare that a man did not stare at her.

The photo shows Donatella with her brother Gianni in the 70s.

Donatella together with now ex-husband on social event in New York in 1989.

Together with his brother in 1990.

Release of Donatella in 1991. While her appearance changes over the years, her style remains the same.

4 years before unexpected death. Donatella and Gianni often appear together.

In 1994, Donatella's experiments with tanning gained momentum.

In 1996, together with Gianni.

1997, after the death of Gianni Versace.

After plastic surgery

A strong-willed woman is used to conquering heights. If she managed to build a career, then why not improve her appearance, Donatella thought.

She likes to repeat this phrase:

"If you don't look like a million, you'll never make two million."

The ambitious Italian woman began her transformation with rhinoplasty. She has already made her nose somewhat wide.

  • The next stage was circular lift faces. With the help of the operation, Donatella tightened her facial skin and removed age wrinkles.
  • The next surgical intervention saved the fashion designer from the overhanging nasolabial folds and eyelids, the skin in the chin area was also tightened.
  • For some reason, the fashion designer considered herself fat and decided to skin tightening in the abdominal area.
  • The next stage was mammoplasty. After the operation, the breasts turned into a chic bust.

At this point, Versace should have stopped. However, appetite comes with eating - Donatella decided to take action further.

The fashion designer decided to lip augmentation. The procedure was unsuccessful - the designer's face was disfigured by large, asymmetrical alien lips.

Donatella often went to the clinic for laser facial resurfacing. This led to weakening of the already thin skin from age and added several additional years to the passport age. Wanting to become young, Versace got the opposite result.

Excessive thinness and virtually no subcutaneous fat have led to facial disproportion. Frequent lip injections changed Donatella's face beyond recognition.

Donatella herself experienced weight problems. In photographs from the beach, she was frightening with her thinness.

The designer's excessive predilection for plastic surgery led to the fact that Versace not only now tops the lists of the most popular fashion designers, but also often ends up in stories where they talk about stars who suffered from botched plastic surgery.

In an interview, the owner of the fashion house said that it took her a very long time to understand that the real beauty of a person is not on the outside, but on the inside.

Donatella admits that she regrets her excessive passion for plastic surgery, but she is no longer able to fix something.

Donatella at the Versace show in New York.

Donatella in 2016.

Personal life

In 1986, Donatella tied the knot with US businessman and fashion model Paul Beck. In the same year, their daughter Allegra was born, and in 1989 their son Daniel.

Shortly after the birth of their second child, Donatella and Paul divorced. The woman plunged headlong into her favorite job. Since then, her personal life has been kept under seven locks. The tabloids write about the children of the fashionable queen, but never about the men who won her heart.

Daughter Allegra periodically suffers from eating disorders. After the murder of Allegra’s uncle, fashion designer Gianni Versace, the girl was “overtaken” by anorexia. From time to time, Donatella's daughter undergoes treatment in special clinics and gradually returns to normal life.

A luxurious woman, Donatella Versace can afford a lot. The fashion designer loves to sunbathe and often appears in public with darkened skin color.

Failures with plastic surgery do not stop Versace; she is trying in every way to regain her lost youth and beauty.

Celebrity biographies


23.05.15 13:30

Donatella herself often appears in ratings unsuccessful plastic surgery, and her daughter Allegra is on other lists (of the most anorexic celebrities). But this does not prevent them both from being one of the richest women in Europe: Donatella’s older brother did his best, leaving them his huge, luxurious Versace empire. The name of this lady has long become a household name, and the biography of Donatella Versace is of interest to everyone who follows fashion trends.

Biography of Donatella Versace

Following my brother

In the family of simple Calabrian workers - a dressmaker and a small businessman - named Versace, four children grew up: Tina, Santo, Gianni and Donatella, born on May 2, 1955. Alas, eldest daughter, while still a teenager, contracted tetanus and could not be saved. But for Gianni, as soon as he got on his feet in business, things went uphill: he managed to found his own Fashion House.

After graduation, his younger sister went “under his wing”: the biography of Donatella Versace continued in Milan. She studied knitwear, but her main concern was advertising (Gianni made her sister a PR director).

Skillful advertiser and muse

Santo also joined the family business - he had once studied at the Faculty of Economics and was now responsible for the finances of the Versace company. Donatella was also doing well: she turned out to have excellent taste, and soon she was already in the fashion world like a duck to water. She remained the main inspirer and critic of her couturier brother, and Gianni responded to Donatella with the same devotion. He founded the Versus line for his sister, and shortly before his death he dedicated the Blonde perfume to her.

Donatella Versace had her own approach to advertising: she attracted pop music and film stars to demonstrate her collections. At the shows one could see not only the British Elizabeth Hurley, but also the Americans Halle Berry, Madonna, Demi Moore - thus Donatella “launched the tentacles” of the company overseas.

Unexpected tragedy

On July 15, 1997, a tragedy struck, the cause of which still remains unknown. Gianni left his home in Miami for only a short time, was alone, without security, and was shot by a stranger. The police quickly figured out that the trigger was pulled by Andrew Kuchanan, a man who could be neither an enemy nor a competitor of the fashion designer. They found him, but already dead: He committed suicide shortly after killing Gianni.

Naturally, during the investigation, a shadow of suspicion fell on the couturier’s relatives: not only were they already well-established and occupied key positions in the corporation, but they also turned out to be the heirs of the “empire.” So, Donatella got 20% of the shares, his brother - 30%, but most of all the uncle pleased his niece, the daughter of sister Allegra (50% of the shares). The version about the malefactor relatives was not confirmed, like the other (about Gianni’s involvement in mafia money laundering), so Cuchanan took his secrets to the grave. Maybe he was just an unstable sociopath who hated the fashion world (or gays)?

The magnificent funeral of the fashion genius attracted almost two thousand fans of his talent, among whom were Princess Diana, Luciano Pavarotti, Sting, Elton John, and famous colleagues (Karl Lagerfeld and Giorgio Armani). After the funeral ceremonies, Donatella and the rest of the family were temporarily placed by the police (for security reasons) at Versace’s residence in the Caribbean.

Stay on top

But life went on, and a notable milestone in the biography of Donatella Versace was the first show after the death of her brother. The designer of the collection, presented on the anniversary of the death of the head of the corporation, was Donatella herself. Previously, critics had rather coldly received her own (first independent) collection, but this did not stop the sister of her star brother; she intended to get out of his “shadow,” however, adhering to the style he developed.

“I endured a lot of criticism, but I firmly understood: I can’t stand still, I can’t continue to copy Gianni. To stay “at the top,” you have to be constantly looking for something new!” Donatella told reporters. And indeed, without rejecting general concept, she found her “sound” - clothes from Versace became a little more practical and feminine, but the sexuality and chic left over from Gianni did not go away.

Prosperity is inevitable!

Donatella continued to collaborate with celebrity acquaintances; now Versace’s advertising “faces” were Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga.

Versace did not forget about another direction of the family business - luxury hotels and resorts in United Arab Emirates and Australia are thriving.

In 2005, Donatella’s contribution to the world of fashion was recognized with the “Designer of the Year” award, her name does not leave the pages of periodicals, and the fact that this lady is often parodied and mentioned in films and shows is also a kind of sign of success!

Personal life of Donatella Versace

Male model husband

Gianni had a passion for collecting real estate - apparently Donatella inherited it. She has several private apartments in different parts light, so the fashion designer does not have a permanent home. In her youth, Donatella married her brother’s former fashion model, American Paul Beck, and gave birth to Allegra - in 1986, three years later Daniel was born.

After the divorce, Donatella Versace's personal life is shrouded in mystery - she is a luxurious woman, and, despite her age, she can afford anything.

Do the rich cry too?

This businesswoman’s “headache” is her daughter, who has been suffering from an eating disorder for a very long time. It’s painful to look at Allegra: it seems that these arms and legs are about to break. As the fragile Italian herself says, anorexia “came over” her after the death of her uncle. It became a serious blow for a teenager. So, despite all the wealth bequeathed by her relative, Allegra cannot consider herself absolutely happy - sometimes it seems to her that the hype around their name is too heavy a burden.

Plastic surgery can make dramatic changes in a person’s appearance. The presence of defects, deformations, and asymmetries in the facial area becomes the reason for surgical intervention. However, in modern society Often, completely without any reason, they resort to using a scalpel and Botox injections. Donatella Versace is shining example excessive interest in plastic procedures.

Read in this article

A Brief History of the Life of Donatella Versace

Most famous woman modernity was born in 1955 on August 26 in the small town of Reggio Calabria. She grew up with two older brothers. The father collaborated with representatives of the Italian elite as a famous financier. Mother was a simple dressmaker.

In the 1970s, Donatella decides to follow her older brother and becomes a fashion designer. At the beginning of her career, the girl acts as a PR manager, but after a while she becomes a critic and inspirer of her brother. Donatella spoke about this period of her life more than once in interviews with famous magazines. It is thanks to this passion that a young girl enters the world of fashion.

Donatella and Gianni Versace

Her brother launched the world famous Versace campaign. The girl was the owner of the promotion, a line of perfume was released in her honor. After the death of his brother, the fashion house was predicted to die, but in the hands of the famous diva, the company only gained momentum in world markets.

On at the moment Donatella is vice president of the Versace Group. She actively invests money in charities aimed at fighting AIDS.

The woman is known for her connections. She has repeatedly attracted such people to advertise her fashion empire. famous personalities, like Lady Gaga, Madonna. Thanks to her contribution, Versace's assets increased manifold. Successful solutions, correct advertising, use of stars top echelon- all this contributed to world fame.

Despite her financial success, Donatella Versace is known for her extraordinary appearance, which is the result of repeated surgical interventions.

Addictions in youth before plastic surgery

In her youth, the girl used cocaine for 18 years and was treated for addiction. Failures in her personal life, the death of loved ones influenced her psychological state. As a result, Donatella fell into depression at that time, suffered from anorexia and used drugs.

This triggered irreversible processes in the body. Shortage nutrients reflected on the surface of the skin, which became thinner over time, loss of natural water balance. Every year, in an attempt to stop the destructive influence of time, she used more and more plastic methods: fillers, lifting. The destructive effects of the drugs, combined with repeated changes in appearance, contributed to the deterioration of her appearance.

Plastic surgeries performed by the diva

The owner of the most famous campaign in the whole world became addicted to the procedures back in 2003.

The first changes were noticeable in correcting the shape of the lips and smoothing the surface of the skin. This was followed by changes in the nose area: the diva corrected its shape, reduced its width and tip. This radically changed her appearance. The famous designer did not stop there. Plastic surgery affected the lower part of the face, the cheekbones were raised, and the skin in the lip area was tightened.

In an attempt to stop aging, Donatella corrects the oval of the face, the upper eyelids, and smoothes out facial wrinkles. Despite her beautiful figure, the girl supplements it with silicone implants and removes excess fat.

Unsuccessful results after

As a result of unjustified surgical intervention, the surface of the face has lost its natural proportions. The following is striking:

  • The neat nose after plastic surgery has increased significantly.
  • The surface of the skin has lost all its natural properties.
  • Numerous lifts and injections contributed to the asymmetrical arrangement of parts of the face.
  • Anorexia greatly deformed the oral area.
  • To restore normal lip volume it took large number hyaluronic acid.

Facial skin

The most unsuccessful operations are correction of the shape of the nose and the use of Botox. Moreover, regular peeling, polishing and other methods of cleaning the facial area contributed to changes in appearance.

The impact of the laser on the surface of the skin significantly thinned its layers. All the proportions of the face were disrupted: a narrow, small chin, pointed cheekbones and huge lips. The epithelium has completely lost its elasticity and ability to repair damaged tissue. Donatella has to maintain her current condition with additional injections. On the temples you can find barely noticeable marks from a scalpel.


Due to constant injections various substances the lips have increased excessively in volume, violating the aesthetic harmony of appearance. If you look at them in detail, you will notice that natural fillers were also used. The form is constantly changing.

Body skin color

She tried repeatedly to change her skin color. Fake tanning and then bleaching can be seen in photographs. Year after year for no reason surgery made changes that could no longer be corrected. Plastic surgery has become an addiction.

Despite this, Donatella Versace is the most famous designer in the world. She is clear example excessive passion for one's appearance and plastic surgery. Thanks to photographs, you can gradually track the destructive effects of Botox using the example of a diva.

The girl’s beliefs have always been based on the value of the external beauty of every person. However, careless handling of medical procedures leaves its marks, which over time completely change the appearance.

Useful video

To see how Donatella Versace's appearance has changed over time, watch this video:

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- sister of the famous Gianni Versace, one of the founders of the popular fashion house.

Donatella Versace: biography

Donatella was born in 1956 and was youngest child in the family of Antonio and Francesca Versace. His father was engaged in trade, earning a good income, while his mother worked as a dressmaker, sewing rich clients; people came from many nearby towns and villages to order things from Francesca Versace.

Donatella maintained close contact with her two older brothers from childhood, maintaining this connection into adulthood. There was another girl in the family, named Tina, but she died at the age of 12 from an untimely detected tetanus infection. After graduating from university, Donatella went to her brother Gianni in Florence to study knitwear and other fabrics, which they later used in their new joint collections.

Donatella Versace: house of Versace

After her two brothers opened their own company, soon turning it into a thriving Versace fashion house, Donatella became its PR director and for a long time she was responsible for advertising and photo shoots. Very soon, Donatella completely immersed herself in the world of fashion, becoming a full partner of her older brothers, common cause she owned about 20% of the shares. In 1995, when Gianni Versace launched his perfume line, he dedicated one of the best scents, named Blonde specifically for his sister, and also gives her the right to distribute the Versus line, which has become one of the internal lines of the Versace company since 1989.

Donatella Versace: the death of Gianni Versace

Currently Donatella does not have permanent place residence, moving from one mansion to another and thus making almost trip around the world, much of this is required by the cases of her late brother Gianni Versace, who was shot dead by a maniacal criminal in 1997. The brother's huge fortune was divided among his closest relatives, but the general part of the capital remained intact and requires constant supervision.

After the police found Versace bleeding, all other members of his family, including Donatella, were placed under heavy security, since the competent authorities were confident that a fanatic was at work. But very soon the criminal, who was Andrew Cunanan, was caught. True, the case did not come to court; when he was surrounded, he shot himself, leaving the purpose of his act a secret.

Three months after his brother’s funeral, Donatella released his own independent clothing line, which, however, was received extremely coolly by critics, which only fueled the designer’s passion for new job over oneself and one’s own vision of things as well. She managed to create newer ones feminine dresses and trousers, preserving the erotic hint in clothing inherent in all collections of the House of Versace. In 2010, having worked on the “Do Something With Style Award” project, Donatella received the position of “VH1 Do Something Awards”.

Donatella Versace: personal life

The designer’s personal life, despite her career successes, or perhaps because of them, did not work out; after marrying Paul Beck, she very soon became disillusioned with the marriage and the couple separated. The marriage produced two children, the eldest daughter Allegra and son Daniel.

Donatella's older brother also has two children - Antonio and Francesca. It is these children who will in the future become the heirs of all the enormous wealth of their late uncle, who, by the way, during his lifetime bequeathed to his beloved niece Allegra half of all the shares of the family enterprise, and to her brother a collection of expensive paintings, each of which represents a fortune. Young people entered into inheritance rights as soon as they turned 18, that is, the Versace fashion house has been in the hands of a new generation for several years.

Donatella Versace is the heir to the world famous fashion house. She began managing it after her brother Gianni died. was incredible talented person, and therefore, after his death, critics said that this was at the same time the death of the most fashionable house, which could not survive without Gianni. But Donatella was able to surprise everyone by taking the reins of power into her own hands and achieving no less success than her brother. Donatella Versace's collections almost always earned the approval of critics and, of course, the love of the public. The only thing that confuses many is what Donatella herself did to herself through plastic surgery. Probably, the woman did not want to grow old, but instead of rejuvenating her skin a little, Donatella got carried away and created something strange out of her already not particularly attractive appearance. Let's take a closer look at what Donatella Versace was like before and after, and which “option” is the best.

Some facts from the life of Donatella Versace

Many people don’t know anything about Donatella except that she is the owner of a fashion house. But, probably, in order to better understand this woman, it is necessary to get to know her a little better. Donatella Versace is already quite old – 59 years old. She was born in 1955 in a small Italian town. Donatella, unlike her brother Gianni, did not dream of fame. Therefore, when her brother founded his fashion house, she did not even think about joining him and entered the university at the Faculty of Italian Literature. But later she still joined her brother’s business and eventually became the company’s PR manager. And after the death of Gianni Versace, Donatella began to manage the fashion house and was again able to elevate it. For those who are interested, Donatella Versace is 164 cm tall and weighs 46 kg.

Donatella Versace before plastic surgery

Before you start making yourself plastic surgery, Donatella Versace looked very good. There was never much beauty in the woman’s appearance, but at the same time there was a certain “zest” in her face that made it quite attractive. Donatella has always been quite distinguished large nose, and even with a hump, as well as a massive chin. These two details did not give her face femininity, but rather deprived her of it. But at the same time, thanks to his natural charm, young Donatella Versace always stood out from the crowd. In addition, a woman’s wonderful advantage is her expressive eyes of a rich brown color, the look of which cannot leave you indifferent. In general, one glance at a photo of Donatella Versace in her youth is enough to understand that this is an intelligent and creative person, because only such people can be charming, even if Mother Nature has deprived them of beauty.

Donatella Versace after plastic surgery

The trendsetter and one of the most popular designers of our time experimented with herself a lot using plastic surgery. Long ago, Donatella managed to receive the “title” of a victim of plastic surgery. It is this woman who is one of the first to come to mind when they talk about absolutely unsuccessful operations. Donatella Versace, of course, injected herself. But this is the smallest and most insignificant part of her transformations. In addition, Botox has long been the remedy that almost all celebrities use as soon as they notice wrinkles on their faces. In addition, Donatella resorted to rhinoplasty, trying to correct the shape of her nose. She succeeded, although it cannot be said that her nose changed better side. Also, the head of the fashion house had breast augmentation surgery, which is also not something out of the ordinary among show business stars. And the last link in the list of Donatella Versace's surgery is changing the shape of the lips. Perhaps her worst plastic surgery, because Donatella’s lips were naturally beautiful, and what she did to herself with surgery does not look particularly attractive. But, despite the fact that Donatella Versace looked much more attractive before the operation than now, and age still takes its toll, this woman remains popular all over the world thanks to her talent and charm, which simply cannot be denied.