Irina Agibalova before and after losing weight. Irina Agibalova regrets plastic surgery

Irina Agibalova is the most famous TV grandmother in Russia, the star of “House-2”, born on November 1, 1964 in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan).

Life before "Home"

Irina’s life was not boring even before the project. She was always active and was never afraid of change. After graduation high school Irina entered the pedagogical institute with a degree in chemistry and biology, which she successfully completed and got a job in a regular high school.

By this time, she had already managed to get married and even give birth to her eldest daughter, Olga. Husband Yuri is a military engineer who served in those years in long-range aviation. Actually, the service of a guy from the Moscow region brought him to distant Semipalatinsk, where he met his fate. But in 1998, shortly after the birth of their second daughter, the family decided to move to Yuri’s parents in Shchelkovo.

In my youth

At first, Irina still got a job at school. But the teacher’s salary was not enough to provide for the growing children, and soon Irina began to build a business career. Having changed several positions, in 2008 she became director of Pharmacia LLC. Yuri gets a job in a design bureau and makes successful career in Moscow.


The Dom-2 project came to the Abigalov family in 2007. Or rather, Irina’s eldest daughter Olga then came to his site, who liked Andrei Cherkasov, and she decided to try to build a relationship with him. After some time, the youngest, Margarita, “pulled up” to the frontal place.

With daughters

The whole country was shocked when the sisters began to compete for one guy. No one still knows whether it was a publicity stunt or whether both really managed to fall in love with the local macho, but this love triangle made all its participants super popular. By the way, Olga Cherkasova could not be retained, and she flew out of the project.

Rita, on the other hand, was not very compliant and often quarreled with Cherkasov about this. As a result, she also soon left the project, but returned after some time. Then another participant drew attention to her, and Rita again became part of the love triangle.

As a result, she found herself pregnant from her new lover Evgeniy Kuzin. The couple got married live on air, and in December 2009 they had a son.

Irina's exit

It was very difficult for Margarita to work live on air with her baby. And then Irina appears on the perimeter, who mainly takes care of her grandson. At the same time, she is not too fond of her son-in-law, since she has always given preference to the more courageous and independent Cherkasov.

Naturally, she constantly interferes in the life of the young family, making it so unbearable that Margarita soon leaves the project.

Irina herself, who has already become, albeit scandalously famous, the star of the show, is in no hurry to leave the set. In addition, the stylists managed to do a great job on her, she lost overweight, noticeably younger and learned many TV tricks.

True, during this time she quarreled with almost all the residents of “House-2”, but Irina herself did not care at all. She sincerely believed that she was educating young people, sharing her life experience with them, and this was precisely her main mission on the project.

Soon her eldest daughter Olga returned to Dom-2, and Irina herself left the project in 2013, but did not disappear from television screens. She constantly appears on the project's talk show, as well as various programs on cooking, fashion and other women's topics.

She really likes her new look and lifestyle and has no plans to change anytime soon. On the contrary, she has repeatedly stated her desire to participate in other projects, but so far she has not succeeded.

Personal life

She divorced her first husband Yuri in 1999. The scandals began when Irina went into business and practically stopped being at home and caring for her family. Yuri, accustomed to his wife taking care of the house, allegedly could not come to terms with her desire to self-actualize.

However, Irina did not remain alone for long, and in the same year she again married the director of the company where she worked and even managed to give birth to his son. This gives reason to think about the real reason The divorce was still caused by Irina’s affair on the side, which the legal spouse found out about.

The marriage with the father of the third child lasted less than a year. Already in 2000, an official divorce followed, and ex-spouse disappeared from the life of Irina and their joint son. But Yuri appeared again and began to support Irina.

With husband Yuri

A few years later, they got back together, remarried, and Yuri adopted the boy so that they could have a normal, full-fledged family, in which they still live happily.

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth November 1 (Scorpio) 1964 (54) Place of birth Borodulikha Instagram @agibalova_irina

A resident of Kazakhstan, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, became famous throughout Russia for her participation in the television project “Dom-2”. However, she was not an ordinary participant. Irina came to the project not in search of love, but in order to help her daughter care for her recently born baby.

Biography of Irina Agibalova

Irina Agibalova, nee Tarasenko, was born into a family with good income. Her father worked as a production supervisor. In addition to Irina, the family has older sister Galya, who looks after their mother and works as the head of the neurology department at the hospital.

Irina graduated from 10 classes of a regular high school in her native village of Borodulikha. After receiving her certificate, Agibalova decided to continue her studies and in 1981 she went to enter the regional pedagogical institute. Already in 1986 she received a diploma from this university.

Having received education as a teacher, Irina worked in her specialty: as a high school biology teacher in local school. Family for a long time lived in the military town of Chagan. However, in 1994 they moved to the Moscow region to live with their husband’s parents, in Shchelkovo-3. Here Irina got a job at a school as deputy director for educational work. In 1998, Irina and her family moved to Reutov, and a year later to Yuzhnoye Butovo.

After a divorce from her first husband and a fleeting union with her colleague, Agibalova leaves her old job. Since 2002, Irina has been working in a private commercial firm trading ferrous metals.

After 5 years, she gets back together with her first husband. They sell their property and move to Pavlovsky Posad.

Irina became famous after joining the television project “Dom-2” in 2010. Her youngest daughter, Margarita, while participating in the show, married Kuzin and gave birth to a baby; the new parents needed help. It was to look after her grandson Mitya that Irina was accepted into the cast of the famous television production. However, as a woman with a rather domineering character, Irina soon became more than just a nanny for her grandson. Gradually, Agibalova increasingly began to express her opinion about the project participants. Irina very zealously criticized her son-in-law, trying in every possible way to push her daughter towards a divorce.

After joining the TV project eldest daughter Agibalova, Olga, her mother with the same zeal tries to control and guide her in search better relationship. Due to excessive attention to Olga’s personal relationships with the guys on the project, the eldest daughter even experienced nervous breakdown. To restore her health, she had to resort to the help of a psychologist.

On the project, from the very beginning, Irina allowed herself to discuss and teach all participants. At first they tried not to touch her. However, when the patience of the project’s heroes ran out, Irina also began to have complaints.

For her behavior on the TV show House 2, Irina Agibalova was awarded the “Burd of the Year” award in the fall of 2011. This title was chosen for her by numerous viewers of the scandalous television project. Angry, the woman threw the glass figure towards the participants and almost hit her eldest daughter's husband with it. Fortunately, the guy managed to dodge the heavy object in time. Irina herself was extremely offended by this decision of the television audience for a long time.

When Olga gave birth to her son Kiril, the couple left the project. Also in 2013, the show's producers decided that Irina's presence contradicted the original idea of ​​the show and excluded her from the lineup.

18 Dom-2 stars who had plastic surgery: before and after photos

Personal life of Irina Agibalova

In her penultimate year at the institute, Irina accidentally met Yuri Vasilyevich Agibalov and fell in love with him. Exactly two weeks later, the couple submitted an application to the registry office. A month later, in September of the same year, the lovers got married. And a year after the wedding, the first daughter, Olga, appeared in the family. In 1990 Margarita was born.

In 1999, due to disagreements in the family and Irina’s passion for another man, she divorced Yuri. Almost immediately after this, she starts a family with a colleague. At the end of the same year, Irina gave birth to a son, Oleg, from her new husband. But this union turned out to be fragile, and the couple divorced a year later.

In 2007, her first husband Yuri made an attempt to restore the relationship. At the end of 2016, Yuri re-registered Irina’s son, Oleg, with his last and patronymic names.

On the television project “Dom-2” both of her daughters got married and had children. However, during the relationship between both daughters, Irina tried to influence their choice of partners as much as possible. Youngest daughter, Margarita, Agibalova constantly tried to turn her against her chosen one. Irina tried in vain to prove to her daughter Evgeniy’s failure as a husband and father, leading Margarita to divorce. Agibalova incredibly strongly wanted the place of her son-in-law Evgeniy to be taken by another participant in the television project, Andrei Cherkasov. At one time, the guy actively courted Margarita.

In the relationship with her eldest daughter, Olga, Irina also tried to build everything in her own way. The woman tried in every possible way to quarrel with her daughter and Andrei Kadetov. At the same time, attempts to bring Olga together with Sergei Ermakov were too obvious and simply tired of both young people. As a result, Olga chose Ilya Gazhienko as her husband.

Latest news about Irina Agibalova

Having become famous, Agibalova began to write her own blog. The subject of her posts and videos consists entirely of fashionable and interesting tips for women. She also runs her own culinary blog, teaching various culinary intricacies.

Quite quickly, the woman took care of herself, radically changing her image and seriously losing weight. Now she is often invited to participate in various television shows. Irina remembers House 2 quite warmly. The post-show of this TV show also regularly invites the former participant to visit to discuss changes within the project and the couples’ relationships.

As the practice of show business development in the countries of the former shows Soviet Union, after just six months of constantly being on screens, the “star” has a desire to improve his appearance. We are talking about losing weight, and about the style of clothing, the manner of speaking, and, of course, about plastic surgery.

Watching Dom-2's latest episodes, you can see how reality show participants change their appearance in an effort to become a Pi star:

During the reality show Dom-2, more than fifteen participants modernized their appearance by resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. This number is only those who agreed to advertise this event. And how many of those who decided to keep their “artificial” improvements secret?...

As a rule, surgical intervention concerns breast augmentation and liposuction, but there is also correction of individual parts of the face: ears, chin, nose, and so on. Below you can see "before" and "after" photos. plastic surgery rating participants and presenters of the Dom-2 project.

1. Daria Pynzar had a breast augmentation. After giving birth, like any nursing mother, her breasts increased by a couple of sizes, which the girl really liked and soon she decided to undergo plastic surgery so that the size of her breasts would remain unchanged. It is worth noting that her husband Sergei Pynzar was not at all against it.

2. Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova - comprehensive facelift. The elder Agibalova began to look noticeably better. Reading reviews about yourself in social networks, she decided that it was time for her to get herself in order.

3. Margarita Agibalova - breast lift. After pregnancy, Rita only needed a breast lift. At least, during the broadcasts of the project, she reported that she did not increase her breast size...

4. Evgenia Feofilaktova - breast augmentation, cheiloplasty. From the first day of her stay at House-2, Zhenya tried to show herself as the most beautiful girl project. She soon realized that in order to truly live up to this title, she needed to make a number of improvements.

5. Vlad Kadoni - penis enlargement. Vlad most likely took this step to attract attention to himself, because on air the organizers of House-2 showed how the doctor tried to dissuade him from the operation, saying that his “size” was more than normal.

6. Nelly Ermolaeva - otoplasty. Nellie is a very creative person. She understood that after the project she would continue her career and she needed to change the shape of her ears, which she always hid with her hair.

7. Elena Bushina - rhinoplasty. During her time on the project, Lena was very embarrassed by the shape of her nose, and after seeing the results of her colleagues, she also resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

8. Inna Volovicheva - figure correction, breast lift. Inna is probably the most outstanding participant of House-2. She managed to change her appearance so that now she earns a lot of money from it, telling everyone about the secrets of her weight loss...

9. Alena Vodonaeva - breast augmentation. Alena from the very beginning television career She understood that to achieve results she needed to look good. Vodonaeva’s new breasts had quite an impact on her development in show business.

10. Svetlana Davydova - lipofilling. Perhaps Sveta had the most unsuccessful visit to a plastic surgeon. Davydova’s pleasant appearance changed for the worse: huge lips and protruding cheekbones made her face rough and asymmetrical.

11. Anastasia Kovaleva - breast augmentation. Nastya was a very bright participant in Dom-2, who was among the most beautiful participants in the reality show. When on the air of Dom-2 the participants said that the girl had enlarged her breasts, her fans were never surprised.

12. Erica Kisheva - gender reassignment surgery. Erica - outstanding personality not only at Dom-2, but throughout Russia. The girl was once a man who engaged in sexual services in order to earn money for all the plastic surgeries and become a girl.

14. Ksenia Borodina - breast augmentation. There was no official statement that she had a breast augmentation. But, judging by appearance, many experts who are also her fans claim that there was plastic surgery.

15. Ksenia Sobchak - rhinoplasty, chin plastic surgery. Ksyusha changed the shape of her nose even before the project, but she took care of her chin already as the host of House-2. There is no confirmation that she had plastic surgery, since the girl went to expensive European clinics.

There are a lot of rumors all the time around the reality show Dom-2. The latest of them indicate that the organizers of the project decided to ban plastic surgery on participants. Most likely, this is due to the fact that fans want to see people like them on screen, and not like “ordinary” show business stars.

All women, of course, want to be beautiful and desirable. AND slim figure- just one of the few steps towards the appearance of your dreams. We will tell you how Irina Agibalova lost weight and what is the secret of her diet.

Where did it all start?

Viewers of “House-2” watched with interest the transformation of the middle-aged participant, the “grandmother” of the project, Irina Agibalova. For the first time she appeared on the screens as a moderately plump plump woman (as the woman herself admits, she weighed 106 kg), but in a very short period of time Irina Aleksandrovna lost more than 30 kg! Naturally, the ladies were alarmed and began to look for this lady’s miraculous diet and wonder how Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lost weight. But, as it turned out, the secret is quite simple.

What is gastric banding: the essence of the procedure

This method surgical intervention has long been practiced both in Hollywood and in domestic show business. Diva Russian stage Alla Borisovna Pugacheva has more than once admitted her reverence for this procedure, and younger stars have transformed themselves using this method. No, we're talking about not about liposuction. We are talking about gastric banding - this is the very answer to the question of how Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lost weight. Many women are frightened by the very name of the procedure, let alone even talking about its implementation.

There's really nothing wrong with that. Bandaging is effective way fight against obesity, which consists of applying a band (a special ring that narrows the stomach, dividing it into small and large) on the upper part of the stomach. Thanks to this procedure, due to the reduction in stomach capacity, saturation occurs very quickly, which means that the amount of food consumed is noticeably reduced - as they say, food simply “doesn’t fit.” Banding is performed quickly, laparoscopically. The operation is performed without any incisions, through punctures in the abdominal wall, which means scars and stitches are reduced to a minimum. After this operation, the patient needs to reconsider his attitude to his diet - he needs to completely give up empty calories (milk chocolate, soda, ice cream), eat a lot of protein foods, chewing them thoroughly.

Results of the operation

Irina Agibalova “before” and “after” the operation - these are really two different people. As she herself admits, it was scary to go under a surgical knife, but after discussing all this with a highly qualified surgeon, the woman was convinced that there was nothing wrong with bandaging. In addition, after the operation you can eat almost everything as before. As Irina Agibalova says, the operation took place in literally half an hour, after which there was a rest for 3 hours, and the next day she already went to filming in “Dom-2”.

A distinctive advantage of banding, as the woman admits, is that after the operation it is not necessary to torture yourself with increased physical activity - you can maintain your figure by exercising several times a week for half an hour.

Diet after surgery - what is possible and what is not

As it turned out, the secret of how Irina Agibalova lost weight is very simple! But, as the star of the Dom-2 project admits, she couldn’t do without a diet. After the operation, Irina Alexandrovna adhered to a special diet:

  • breakfast: sweet coffee, with cereals and a glass of milk;
  • lunch: grilled white meat, fresh vegetable salad with dressing olive oil or soy sauce, unsweetened green tea;
  • snacks: a piece and freshly squeezed fruit juice; cold green tea with ice;
  • dinner: low-fat vegetables of your choice, a cup of sweet coffee.

Thanks to such a diet, the woman reduced her diet by 2 times, but at the same time, the consumption of useful micro- and macroelements did not decrease. The body survives such a diet without stress.

Expert opinion about this method of losing weight

According to one of the leading surgeons at one of the Moscow clinics, bandaging has long gained incredible popularity abroad. After 40 years, it becomes increasingly difficult to monitor your weight, and you no longer have the strength to deplete your body with diets or grueling workouts. Liposuction is not a very successful method of getting rid of extra pounds, since it only gets rid of the fatty layer (which may return over time). But the method that Irina Agibalova chose is very effective. The operation takes place in less than an hour and does not require long rehabilitation period(like liposuction), its contraindications are minimal, and the results last a lifetime. In addition, if you wish, you can remove the bandage from the stomach, but then the weight will return to its previous state - you will want to eat as before.

Liposuction does not provide as many possibilities, and it can also have very serious consequences. The weight returns after liposuction, but there can be no talk of it after liposuction. That is, according to the surgeon, the way Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lost weight is a very effective, simple method that does not require serious physical activity, which means suitable for women any age.

Life after surgery

Irina Aleksandrovna admits in her interviews that without physical exercise and simply cannot remain active. She likes to swim in the pool, exercise on a stationary bike and treadmill. Agibalova is also actively involved in creative activity- advertises clothes and plans to promote his own fashion brand. A woman does not forget to take care of her family - her beloved husband, children and grandchildren also require attention.

The daughters admire their mother - the way Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lost weight is surprising even for them. On top of everything else, Irina Alexandrovna loves family gatherings with her daughters, their husbands and children in a big country house. Agibalova completely excludes rumors and talk that she managed to lose weight due to an illness that tormented her for a long time. There is no talk of illness - the woman looks happy and healthy, and most importantly, she feels young and sexy.

// Agibalova I.A.

Why did Agibalova I.A. lose weight?

The amazing weight loss of House-2 participant Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova can be explained simply - she had an operation aimed at narrowing her stomach. Read and watch the interview with Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova about the surgical method of losing weight.

Photo by Agibalova I.A. before and after weight loss

Question: Irina Aleksandrovna how did you manage to lose weight?

Answer from Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova: I actually lost weight as a result of surgery, but we are not talking about liposuction at all. I had a gastric band performed. To be honest, before I went to the clinic, I didn’t even consider this weight loss option. Like many women, I considered such operations to be something scary and was sure that only liposuction could help me.

After talking with a bariatric surgeon, I was convinced that banding is indeed relative. easy way lose weight. What was especially important for me was that they practically guaranteed the result and told me that I could eat whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted and at the same time I would lose weight. I was limited only in the consumption of ice cream and sweet soda (Coca-Cola, etc.).

The bandaging operation was really very easy. After it, I rested for about 3 hours in the clinic, and the next day I went to another shoot on the Dom-2 project. No one even noticed my absence.

Question: How Agibalova I.A. Have you decided to have surgery to lose weight?

Doctor of Medical Sciences, bariatric surgeon Vadim Viktorovich Fedenko answers:

In the method we proposed, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova was captivated by the fact that we could confidently promise her weight loss on schedule, without the use of diets or any other restrictions and without intense physical activity, and she could decide for herself how many kilograms to lose weight.

Gastric banding surgery is widely used today both in our country and abroad. Gastric banding is recognized as the most physiological, safe and effective method treatment of overweight and obesity. The operation is performed without incisions, does not require long-term rehabilitation and is easily tolerated by patients.

Banding takes only 20-30 minutes and guarantees not only the rapid achievement of the desired goals, but also the preservation of the results for life.

The operation is reversible. If the patient wishes, we can return his stomach to its original state, but, of course, then the weight will return

Video interview with Agibalova I.A. before gastric band surgery

Video interview with Agibalova I.A. 1.5 years after bariatric surgery. A detailed story about the new lifestyle and nutrition after weight loss surgery:

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