When you can't find yourself in life. How to find yourself in life: another effective method

Most people do not know how to find themselves in life, why they are here on planet Earth. This leads to a whole range of negative feelings, ranging from depression, disappointment and stress, to rage, guilt and despair.

How to find yourself in life - three components:

  1. Determining your Key Competence;
  2. Determining your Ways of Expression;
  3. Spiritual development.

Step #1 - Determine your Core Competency

To understand how to find yourself in life, you need to define your Core Competency - it's simply what you're really good at. Defining your Core Competence means combining your strengths, skills and dreams.

#1 Describe your strengths

Initially, a strength means something that you are born with, something that you love to do, and that sometimes brings you pleasure after you do it. Below are four points to help you identify your innate strengths:

  1. I feel confident when...
  2. People I trust have said that my strengths include...
  3. Special ACTIONS that people I admire take...
  4. ACTIVITIES I can do to express my strengths...

#2 Write down your skills

Your strengths and your skills are different. Strength is what you are given from birth, and skills include the activities you perform that reveal this strength.

For example, you are very sociable. You can convince anyone to do anything. This is an innate strength. In this case, your skills might include the following: trading, recruiting, teaching, or television and radio broadcasting.

  1. I know I'm doing really well...
  2. People tell me they appreciate or like it when I...
  3. I love to do...
  4. ACTIONS I can take to improve my skills...

#3 Determine your desires

What can you do to make your dreams come true? What steps can you take to achieve what you dream of? Do you notice how we constantly perform some action in order to take the next small step?

Don't wait until you know absolutely everything, but start moving forward. Most people live like this, waiting for the situation to be ideal, only then are they ready to act. You need to understand that life is not perfect and that you just have to take action.

  1. If money were no obstacle, I would...
  2. I'm happiest when...
  3. I'm pleasantly excited when...
  4. ACTIONS I can take to make my dreams come true...

Step #2 - Determine your modes of expression

Now, in order to understand how to find yourself in life, you need to answer the question, how will you manifest and express your strengths, skills and dreams? How would you like to express yourself in life? This is exactly what I want to do. This is exactly what I want to express, who I really am.

#1 Find out who you really are!

You can ask your loved ones, friends or coach to help you answer this question. The question "Who am I?" is probably the most ancient question known to mankind.

Think about whether you can answer this question in one word or phrase? Reach out to yourself and express who you truly are.


Who am I really? ________________________________________________________________

#2 Know your roles

Once you figure out who you are, you need to explore your roles. These are the roles you currently play, as well as the roles you would like to play.

Your roles are different from your job. Your roles include more than just work related stuff. For example, you may have the role of mother or father, brother or sister, spouse or friend - these are all your personal roles.

Then you can also act as a salesperson, craftsman, trainer or educator - all of these roles may be included in your job.

What about those roles that you would like to perform in order to fulfill your dreams?

When interviewing hundreds of very happy people, each of them became like this in their own way, there was one similarity. They are all doing the same thing: expressing who they are to the highest degree and having fun doing it. If they can do it, then you can do it too!


Key roles in which I perform or would like to perform: ______________________

#3 Decide to continue what you started

This The most important reasons, according to which you want to do something. Why did you decide to persist in what you started? As you move forward, you will be bombarded with things you never expected.

It happened to me, it happened to others, and it will happen to you. But when you decide to continue, you become fundamentally inflexible. That’s when you will go beyond positive thinking, beyond motivation, and just do what you need to do.

What do you want to do? You may not realize it yet, but you need to understand it. Why? Because if you don't do this when you encounter the first difficulties you encounter, and there will be many, then without a strong desire to do what you want to do, you will give up.

If you turn around and go back, then, as far as I understand, you didn’t really want it. The answer is to know when you encounter a large number difficulties, move in a certain direction.

Perhaps you really should choose a different path. The more connected you are to your intuition, to your Real Self, the more you will know when you should move in one direction and when you need to take a different path. And return to the first step to answer your question, how to find yourself in life.


Why will I persistently continue the work that I always want to do? __________

There are many paths to success. Ask yourself why you don't stop until you get where you want to go. Will you give up or will you continue to pursue your dreams?

Since ancient times, people have been asking themselves the question, how to find themselves in life? After all, his life depends on how early a person realizes his purpose. This article provides seven simple ways how to find yourself and at the same time save time, which is better spent on realizing your main goal life goal.

Remember your childhood dreams

Trying to find themselves in the gray whirlpool of everyday life, people very often slide into a depressive abyss, completely forgetting about bright colors life. But, after all, there was a period of carelessness, dreams and fairy tales. Childhood! And each of us during these years wanted to become someone when we grew up. I imagined myself as a specific hero while playing with my peers.

Perhaps children's dreams contain a hint that will help everyone find themselves in life. In those years, we still didn’t know a lot about it, and, dreaming of becoming an astronaut, we didn’t even imagine the existence of an otolaryngologist or merchandiser, but our main interests were laid precisely then. This means that there is a rational grain in trying to remember your childhood dreams, talking with your parents or those people who took the main part in your upbringing. Perhaps this conversation will make key adjustments and tell you how to find your true and authentic self.

Analyze your skills and abilities

Instead of constant sadness and philosophizing, like “I can’t find myself in life,” it’s better to spend significantly less time just trying to get to know yourself. Set aside at least one evening or any other time of day for introspection. Take a walk in the park, go fishing, or stock up on cookies and wrap your head in a blanket. The main thing is that it helps you relax and tune into a dialogue with yourself.

Ask yourself a question about your calling in life and try to hear the answer of your subconscious, which, quite likely, contains information that can help a person find himself. What kind of work interests you? What's nice to do? What to do? Analyze representatives of which professions most often appear in your favorite films and television shows. Who is interesting to read about and learn something new? And most importantly, at such a moment a person must be honest with himself! It is important to answer the question, what can he do? After all, any of us is sure to be able to do something better than others.

Understand what environment it is comfortable to be in

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.” After all, all the space around us, every person with whom we communicate, shapes us as a person. Therefore, when trying to find yourself, it is advisable to use not only introspection, but also look at those people who are nearby. First of all, this concerns friends, because relatives and work colleagues are not chosen, but those with whom to be friends are a conscious decision. It is easier to analyze others emotionally than to analyze yourself, so it is worth looking for yourself in life through the knowledge of others.

Think about what you like to do in your free time

Work, study, and household responsibilities are not always chosen by us voluntarily. Sometimes people are forced to do something not by their own will, but by coincidence. But sooner or later it appears free time and how a person conducts it depends on him personally. At such moments, you should listen to your desires. Where do you want to go, where do you want to be? In a noisy campaign at a party, or in a secluded place with a cup of tea. Read a book or ride your bike like the wind somewhere along a country road?

Perhaps understanding your interests and hobbies will help you better know and find yourself. By the way, most truly wealthy people achieved success when they did what they loved, turning their hobby into work. This is how the world came to know many great writers, artists, performers and representatives of other creative professions.

Educate yourself and expand your worldview

New knowledge is one of the best ways find yourself and your place in life. For example, how can a person determine that he wants to become a marketer if he has never even heard such a word? Or perhaps, on the contrary, having heard about a village in the Himalayas, someone will decide to sell their entire business and go there in search of universal harmony and peace. And there he will find true happiness, far from the bustle of the city, imperfect laws and daily responsibilities.

To come to such decisions, you need to know that they exist at all. And without constant self-education this is not possible. And sometimes “I can’t find myself,” say people who simply don’t know enough about all the opportunities open to them in this world.

Understand what makes you feel happy

Another reliable way to find yourself is to understand what exactly in this life gives you a feeling of joy and helps you become happy. After all, you cannot deceive your inner microcosm. By the way, there is a term called “procrastination syndrome”, simply laziness! This concept is a kind of evolutionary adaptation that prevents us from wasting time on unnecessary things.

It is worth thinking about why a person takes on some tasks with joy and pleasure, while he is too lazy to even think about others. ? Perhaps it makes sense to exclude from your daily to-do list those that bring negative emotions. Or, just try to change your attitude towards such work.

Draw your own world

An original way to find yourself is to draw own world, in which I would like to live. Think about your desired environment, work, friends, hobbies, and generally your ideal self! Feel free to let your imagination fly in any direction, without any restrictions or rules. It is advisable to fulfill only one condition - a person needs to feel happy in an imaginary world! Then you should compare your fantasy with reality. See what's missing in real life to make your desires come true.

Perhaps not so much? Determine the main guidelines that a person not only would like, but could also improve. As a result, instead of fantasies and dreams, a rough action plan will appear. Next, all that remains is to review it again, leaving the most important things and begin to implement it. It's important to remember that real world is also created by ourselves, our thoughts, words, actions. And no one else has the right to prevent a person from finding himself in life, just as no one else is obliged to help him in this! This is a personal task for everyone and therefore a person must cope with it himself, first in his head, and then in reality.

This article discusses seven ways to find yourself, understand your purpose and the meaning of life. The main thing in this search is to rely on your heart and mind, as well as your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, take a closer look at the people around you, realize what exactly causes a feeling of joy and happiness. If someone does all this, then finding himself in this world will not be difficult for him. And having gained this understanding, everything else will be much easier to put into place.

We continue the topic of finding your calling (). If you are still looking for yourself and don’t know what to do in life, then this article is for you. Let's figure out what the reasons for this situation might be and how to change it.

Let's start with the fact that people cannot find themselves for two main reasons. Either you are a very versatile person and don’t know what to choose, or you think that you are not attracted to anything at all. Let's consider the first situation. People who have a lot of interests, favorite things, hobbies, cannot find themselves precisely because of the complexity of choice - they are torn between several directions in life. If you are just such a person, then we can only congratulate you - life is never boring for you and people are always interested in you. Your passions are the voice of your abilities. You can develop yourself in many areas and this is your advantage. The difficulty is that a large number of interests creates a “swan, crayfish and pike” situation, when you scatter your energy simultaneously on many things that are in no way related to each other. As a result, you will not get good results anywhere by scattering your efforts on one thing, then on another, then on a third. Mastery can only be achieved in that activity to which you devote maximum of your time. , attention and hard work. Therefore, make your choice as soon as possible, otherwise you will remain standing still.

Analyze which of your favorite activities could become your profession, your main activity. Look in every direction you like. In each case, imagine that this is your job, and monitor your feelings - if you could do this all day, five days a week, would you be able to charge money for it. Whatever option suits you best permanent job, then choose. Leave other favorite activities as hobbies. Do these simple reflections, and everything will become clear to you right away.

Next, begin to act in the direction you have chosen to finally make sure that your decision is correct. It is in the process of activity that you will finally understand whether this is your business or not yours. Get additional education if necessary. If you need new knowledge, take, for example, courses or engage in self-education.
The main thing is to start developing in what you have chosen, take small practical steps every day. Just tell yourself: “This is what I do in life. Now". Nobody says that later you won’t be able to change your decision. You can always change it. You just need to start moving towards something, choose from it large quantities your favorite activities to do one thing and start devoting maximum of your time to it.

Now let's talk about the second group of people. About those who generally have a vague idea of ​​what they want. As a rule, they quickly lose interest in everything, live as if by inertia and have already stopped believing that they have their own calling, or never believed in it. I declare with all responsibility that it cannot be that a person does not have a calling. Each person has his own calling. Understand that you are unique, there is no one else like you! In nature, there are no two identical snowflakes, just as there are no two identical people. Even twins, although they look similar on the outside, are completely different, unique personalities on the inside. And every person has some unique hidden talent, often more than one. Your task is to find your talents, to understand what your main feature. After all a person is happy when he is not just a faceless cog in the system, but when he can give his uniqueness to the world.

How to detect them? Agree, every person always has activities that bring joy, that cause pleasant excitement, inspiration, and enthusiasm. It just happens that limiting social attitudes acquired in the family, in your social circle, are so ingrained in your consciousness that for you these activities seem like something frivolous or impossible, and you do not perceive them as possible option your activities.

Think about what inspires you? What activities bring you moral satisfaction? What are you unconsciously drawn to? - You collect information about this, but keep putting it off until later. When you experience a feeling of pleasant excitement (and not a feeling of boredom), when your thoughts begin to unwind in this direction. Inspiration is the sister of vocation.

We are not now considering a situation where a person does not want anything at all, when he is depressed or apathetic. It is clear that in such periods there is no time to search for purpose. Here you just need to restore vitality, restore the desire to live.

We take the case when a person is mentally healthy, he just hasn’t found his path yet and thinks that he is not drawn to anything. In fact, this is an illusion, the inertia of the mind, the belief with which a person has become accustomed and considers it part of his personality, perceives it as his reality. Start thinking differently. Create a new image of yourself - one who knows what his purpose is. Stop rushing around and getting upset. Your image should always go ahead of reality. Think outside the box - don't be afraid of bold ideas. Repeat as often as possible: “I know what my purpose is. I know what I want to do in life. Life shows me my path, sends me signs, guides and leads me to my goal.” Or ask yourself a question, ask directly: “What is my calling? What is my main goal? Go to sleep and wake up with this question, and your subconscious will find a way to tell you the answer. In fact, all the answers are already within you. Stop looking around and look inside yourself.

Anna Handel

Probably every person at least once asked the question: how to find yourself, how to understand which path to take through life? What to strive for, where to direct your energy, what profession to choose? The questions are very simple at first glance, but finding the answer to them is not as easy as it might seem.

Why is it so hard to find your way?

Many people spend their whole lives trying to find their place in the world and still sometimes don’t find the answer. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out the reasons.

  1. Wrong questions.

To get the right answer, you need to ask the right question! Or, more precisely, to understand the right question correctly. Often, trying to find your life path, a person begins to try on different, already ready roles. For example, the question “what to do in life” is understood by some as “what profession to choose.” Or even like this: “what profession is best for me?”, “what job can I do better?”, “which job best suits my talents,” etc. The point is that we try to squeeze ourselves into ready-made frameworks, forgetting that, firstly, any choice, no matter how large, is still limited and among the options, most likely, there will not be one that perfectly matches us as an individual. And secondly, you should not look for the meaning of life in any specific social role - after all, then we subordinate our life to this role, but in a good way it should be the other way around.

There is a nuance here that is simply incredibly important! The choice of profession, activity, work is undoubtedly significant, but specialization should not be approached as an end in itself.

It would be more correct to first ask yourself “what do I want?” And only then “what to do in life to be able to get what you want?” “What kind of job or profession will this promote? “What else needs to be done to achieve his goals?"

You see, we do not put the choice of profession at the forefront. Studying to become a designer, manager or plumber does not mean turning entirely into a designer, manager or the same plumber. A profession, position, any social role is just a tool. It is wrong to identify yourself with an instrument.

This does not mean that there are no favorite professions or “life’s work.” It’s very good, just incredibly great, if work brings pleasure in addition to money, helps to discover talents and helps you feel happy.

However, work does not have to reveal talents or even be loved. But it should help achieve the desired goal as much as possible. Not always and not everyone manages to find a job they like, which would also bring a good income. Yes, this is not necessary. Work can bring in sufficient income, not disgust, not exhausting, but provide enough time to do what you love.

Let's explain with an example. You dream of traveling a lot. And you decide that it would be nice to combine business with pleasure and learn to be a guide. You get the profession of a guide, learn a lot foreign languages(for which you do not have the slightest inclination and are difficult to achieve), then get a job in a travel agency in the specialty you have received. But in practice, it turns out that it is not always possible to visit the places that you, and not the clients, wanted, and in general, the work of a guide turns out to be tedious and does not bring any satisfaction.

On the other hand, you could do entrepreneurial activity, even if it doesn’t develop your natural talents, you can work on a flexible schedule and have enough free time and money to travel the world.

  1. Imposed values.

As paradoxical as it may sound, people sometimes themselves do not know what they really want. This is due to values ​​imposed from outside. Imposed by society, school, friends and parents. Many young people and girls choose their path in life not because they want it, but because their dad wants it so. Or mom. Or because the child was constantly told from childhood, for example, what good doctor he will become and he simply does not have any other ideas about choosing a profession.

Learn to understand what you need and go from there.

Most suitable job not necessarily the one that pays the most. A high salary may be associated with unsuitable working conditions that leave no room for self-development, sports, or leisure. On the other hand, working with low wages can allow you to have a good extra income and, moreover, leave enough free time for what you love. It is worth practicing an integrated approach to choosing a job and, listening to the advice of others, always make the decision yourself.

  1. The choice is “once and for all.”

You should not look at your profession as a death sentence. There is also nothing wrong with working in one place for a while and then trying yourself in something else. The world does not stand still, keep growing and you too. Be willing to learn, experience new things, and improve.

It happens that a person is happy to do something, but over time the enthusiasm dries up. The job that once brought so much satisfaction no longer seems as attractive as it once did. Then perhaps you should take a closer look at something else? Happiness does not have to be in one thing, it can be in a change of activity - any one profession is unlikely to reveal your full potential. Don't be afraid of change.

  1. Lack of internal harmony.

One of the most common mistakes is the search for happiness in material goods. The point is not to give up on them, or even that it is wrong to strive for them. Everyone has to earn money and obtain material goods. It is normal and quite natural to strive to earn more. However, one should not assume that money and happiness are the same thing. You can be very rich and very unhappy.

Neither money, nor a car, nor shares, nor beautiful women/men will bring you happiness if there is no harmony in your soul. Happiness cannot be outside, it is inside.

Possession material assets And social status do not make people happy on their own. Only the one who has found harmony of soul and body is happy.

Finding yourself in this life sometimes becomes one of the main missions of a person. Why does a person want to know his purpose? Because then his life makes sense. If there is something for which he lives, then life becomes meaningful. If available, a person understands what he needs to do, in which direction to go, what to do. This is why some people feel lost when something they valued and considered their meaning in life is disappointed or devalued, disappears or dies.

The online magazine site understands that it is important for absolutely every person to have a meaning in life. What is it? This is an understanding of what a person lives for. Many people think that it is. In fact, it is created and acquired. The main meaning of life is to create it for yourself. It is not a person who is born with the meaning of life, but first a person appears who, already in the process of his life, gives himself meaning.

Often the meaning of life lies in other people, activities or hobbies. Purpose is the type of activity in which a person can be useful to others. This is something he can do and enjoy.

How to find yourself in life?

Many people are looking for themselves in this life. Lack of self-determination causes a person to have mixed feelings and a nervous state. If a person does not know what he wants, who he wants to work with, what interests him, then he feels like a lost kitten in big forest. The more time he is in such uncertainty, the greater the likelihood of a state of apathy and lack of joy.

How can you find your place? Universal method- try. Try everything that attracts you. You shouldn’t stop yourself with thoughts about what will take, how long it will take, and how profitable it will be. If something attracts or interests you, try it. Your task is not to fall in love, but to understand whether this is your occupation, person or hobby. You should not force yourself, otherwise it will only lead to a loss of strength and mood. If you feel that something is not yours, it is better to look for something new.

People often hit closed door. They think that if they knock for a long time, it will open. But in nature there is a simple law: if the door does not open immediately, then it is not yours. Often what is yours you get quickly. For example, remember how easily you got a job or how quickly you formed a relationship with former partner. There have been situations in your life when everything worked out very easily. This suggests that you have been knocking on your door. But if you knock and the door does not open, then you should switch to another one.

To find yourself, you need to try. Many people worry about the idea that they will find their purpose very late or never at all. They think about time, which is very short, but they want to have theirs right now. But if you think like that and don’t do anything, then, of course, time will pass, and as you sat without clear ideas about yourself, you will continue to sit. It's not a matter of time, but whether you're willing to look. While you live, you must act. And after death, other issues will be resolved.

So, try it. Don't knock on one door for too long if it doesn't open. Don't think about time: it's never too late, everything always happens on time.

How to find your purpose?

Purpose is rarely given to a person from birth. There are those who know what they will do all their lives. But usually a person searches for himself. Purpose must be invented, found, or created for yourself. What is meant here is that a person should pay attention to what inspires him, gives him a feeling of joy and happiness.

You don't need to pay attention to other people's opinions. Ignore even what people close to you tell you. Destination is a personal matter that other people may not know about.

Purpose must be sought or created, which depends on the person’s temperament and mentality. Where you feel good and joyful, you need to look for your purpose.

How to find purpose in life?

When does a person wonder about the meaning of life? Why does a person constantly find himself in unpleasant situations? Why is he harming his health? bad habits: why does he give up sleep for money? Many questions can be asked as to why a person becomes increasingly unhappy and self-destructive. Every person can find a period in life when he simply did not know what he was living for, without completely thinking about himself. And the reason for this behavior is simple: the person is unhappy and joyless.

When a person is unhappy, it means that there are no things in his life that make him happy. But at the same time, there are factors that make him even more sad, depressed, and destroy himself mentally, morally and physically. Remember, when you are unhappy, you don’t think about the consequences of your actions. You simply do what comes to mind, only then noticing what consequences it led to.

The main goal of life is to live happily. And if you are unhappy, then it is safe to say that all your actions and actions are aimed at destroying yourself. You may get involved in bad habits, communicate with bad people, create for yourself serious problems. In other words, if you don't do yourself happy man, then all your actions are aimed at destroying your own life. It is a law of nature that states that the weak individual is subject to destruction, since only the strongest survive. And the strongest in this case are those people who consciously make their lives happy.

What does it mean to make your life happy? How to live happily? Only you can answer this question. Happiness is what makes you happy, inspires you, gives you energy and the desire to act. Happiness is your dreams and goals that you want to achieve. Happiness is when you are calm and confident in yourself, in your life and that you have everything you need. Happiness is when you feel happy inside about the way your life is.

Each person has his own desires and factors that make him happy, so it is impossible to say what exactly you need to do to be happy. Only you can say what happiness is for you. And on the basis of this you must achieve this happiness. You must make your life happy yourself. Do not wait for mercy from fate or demand something from other people, but make sure that your life has everything you need. You must achieve happiness, not other people must make you happy. At the same time, remember: if you do not pursue your happiness, then you will engage in destruction, that is, self-destruction as a weak individual. Therefore, only you can choose whether you will make yourself happy or self-destruct. And this will be your responsibility alone. No one will be to blame for your unhappiness, but you will be responsible for what decisions you made, what actions you did and what you didn’t do to become happy.

What to do with your life?

It is very difficult to find yourself in life if you rely on the opinions of others. While you are trying to do what is accepted and encouraged, you cannot pay attention to what you like. A purpose is something you personally enjoy, even if it involves sweeping yards or growing flowers.

Sometimes a person just needs to give up everything that is valued in society. To figure out what to do with your life, you need to figure out what you like. What did you dream about as a child? What are you good at? What do you like to do? This is what you need to do to find your inner happiness and harmony.

A lot has been said about the importance of setting and achieving life goals. If a person does not set himself a specific task that he will complete, he plunges into a state of boredom, loneliness and suffering. Idleness is the absence of a life purpose. However, idleness should not be confused with rest, when a person gains strength, energy, restores health and plans next steps. It is in idleness that a person begins to be sad, yearn and even invent various ways so that other people will pay attention to him. For example, he begins to break windows, laugh at or bully someone, join a group of aimless people like him, etc.

A life goal organizes a person. She gives him the direction in which he will move with the desire to achieve happiness. But the goals may be different. Vedic knowledge divides goals into material (money, home, work, people, etc.) and spiritual (educating oneself). And depending on what goals a person chooses and where he directs his energy, he gets one or another result.

The Vedas clearly say that the pursuit of material goals leads to suffering, grief, loneliness, anger, resentment, and so on. Even the desire to be close to a loved one is a material goal, since a partner is a material object like everything else. Moreover, another person is a separate person who exists and acts independently of similar people. This is why, according to the Vedas, many people suffer from unhappy love, lack of children, or the ill will of others. Due to incorrect goal setting, a person gets unpleasant results. And this is in no way refuted by the real state of affairs and the real stories of people.

The Vedas also clearly speak about spiritual goals, which always lead a person to perfection, development and inner fulfillment. Spiritual goals are the only aspirations that a person should pursue. What could they be? The most diverse. For example, become more self-confident, develop positive qualities character, learn to love yourself and others, etc.

To understand why realism and Vedic knowledge in this regard do not contradict each other, one must understand this. Pay attention, where does a person who sets material goals look for his happiness? In the outside world. In other words, if the outside world provides him with all the goods that a person needs, then he will be happy. A person who sets spiritual goals for himself focuses on the happiness that is within himself. He does not depend on the outside world (what other people will say, whether they will love him or not, etc.), since all his happiness is concentrated in him. He strives to make himself such that he can be happy and give his wealth to others, and not adjust the world to suit him so that he is comfortable. Do you feel the difference?

Let's turn to love. A material person wants to find a loved one in order to be loved. A spiritual person first tries to comprehend love for himself, so that later he can love his partner. A material person wants to have children because it’s necessary, that’s what everyone does, age is running out, etc. A spiritual person perceives the appearance of children as a consequence of his love and the love of his partner, which created something new and beautiful - a child. Do you feel the difference?

As long as you focus on material goals, you cannot be sure of anything. At any moment, another person can leave you without even asking your permission. The business may fail and money may be stolen. While you believe that happiness is in the outside world, you strive to catch up with it, get it, fight it off, etc. You cannot be sure of anything, since you have put yourself in a dependent position on external circumstances. As long as the world is comfortable for you, you are happy, as soon as something does not go as you would like, you have negative feelings and emotions.

Realism and Vedic knowledge do not contradict each other at all, since both of these directions say and prove the same thing. While a person is trying to grasp his happiness in the outside world, he cannot be sure that it will last forever. But as soon as a person concentrates on himself and improves himself, he becomes more confident because he knows that everything depends only on him. A material person asks, but a spiritual person does everything himself. A material person waits, but a spiritual person does not waste time, because he has everything. A material person is sad and offended by the world when he loses what made him happy, but a spiritual person understands that all failures are his mistakes, shortcomings and oversights that need to be eliminated in himself. Feel the difference!

Work and personal life - how to find balance?

To find inner balance, you need to do what you like. There are people who don't like to work. There are people who don't need a family. Forcing yourself to devote time to uninteresting areas of life means forcing yourself.

Balance can be found when you enjoy doing what you have. You can easily balance your work and personal life if you value both areas equally and dedicate your time to both.

Bottom line

Finding yourself sometimes becomes very difficult, because the people around you and society want to direct a person in a direction that is beneficial to them. But it can be bad for the person himself. All that remains is to obey yourself and go where you feel comfort and happiness.