Mother of pearl for a woman's body. Which stones are ideal for Taurus women?

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign woman stone characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

When choosing stones for a Taurus as a gift, you need to take into account that representatives of this sign greatly value material wealth. Therefore, a talisman that attracts money and success in work is suitable for the sign. Jewelry with turquoise will be a good amulet for Taurus, both men and women..

This gem promotes financial well-being and comfort. Turquoise is suitable for many zodiac signs, but it will give Taurus confidence in their decisions and free them from their inherent slowness and fear of making a mistake.

Taurus people move headlong towards achieving their goals. On this path, they often encounter envious people, whom a talisman with topaz will help them resist. This stone protects the sign from slander, envy and negative energy. Topaz has magical properties that protect its owner from illness.

Topaz able to protect Taurus from depression or melancholy. Astrologers do not recommend wearing a yellow-colored stone unless it is inherited. Taurus, like many other signs, is suited to blue topaz.

For a Taurus man, topaz becomes a source of generosity and prudence. A talisman with this mineral protects family life representatives of this zodiac sign, helps them fight their own jealousy and stubbornness.

Another useful Taurus stone is blue or blue . Talismans with it will help the sign cope with the unbridled desire for sensual pleasures.

Sapphire will slightly limit its owner, directing excess energy in a more rational direction. The mineral is very useful for Taurus families; it maintains trust and love between spouses.

Choosing as a talisman gems, Taurus often intuitively stops at emeralds. These minerals are very suitable for the slightly selfish and overly economical Taurus. Emerald teaches its owner to enjoy not only material values, but helps to develop kindness and generosity. A talisman with an emerald drives away dark thoughts and energizes you.

Suitable Stones for Taurus Women

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their owner to her goal. The strongest talisman for beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help you achieve success in the material sphere and will contribute to building a happy marriage.

Women of Taurus zodiac sign sometimes find it difficult to realize their plans because of the fear of slipping up. Talismans with turquoise will give them courage and determination. The stone protects against flattery and deception, to which women of this sign are so susceptible. In addition, turquoise is a strong talisman for women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not allow one to give up in difficult situations.

Lucky stones for female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional sphere and in your personal life.

White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

According to the horoscope, it will be very useful for a Taurus woman cacholong. The stone is able to lift its slightly down-to-earth owner above ordinary everyday life. Women of this sign often cannot show their feelings for children or a loved one.

Cacholong will help them become more open and emotional. This mineral promotes conception and a favorable course of pregnancy.

Many astrologers consider cacholong an ideal amulet for Taurus women.

For an unmarried woman, opal will be a good talisman. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deception and disappointment in love. For those who are focused on their career or study, opal is also useful, as it helps in communicating with superiors and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Stones for Taurus man

For a Taurus man, a talisman with agate. Any color of this stone has a beneficial effect on representatives of the sign. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps the male Taurus to significantly improve his financial situation. For such a materialist as the man of this sign is, agate will be a reminder that besides career, there are other aspects of life.

For Taurus men, whose activities involve influencing other people, it is useful to have jewelry or a product with cacholong.

This mineral will make sometimes callous and mercantile politicians, doctors, and teachers more humane and noble. In addition, cacholong attracts good luck to its owner in all financial matters.

Suitable stone for a Taurus man - emerald. The gem fights greed and harmful addictions. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral promotes creative impulses, which the down-to-earth representatives of the sign lack. In addition, emerald makes its owner more open and sociable.

Which gems are best to avoid?

Some astrologers do not advise Taurus to wear amethyst. There are some exceptions to this rule. Amethyst is suitable for representatives of the sign born before May 1st. In addition, Taurus children can sometimes wear the gem. The stone will increase attentiveness and help you concentrate on your studies.

Amethyst is known for its ability to fight bad habits. Taurus, in pursuit of a pleasant life, may become captive of drunkenness, gluttony or other harmful excesses.

Amethyst becomes very useful for Taurus during such periods of life. But having gotten rid of bad habits, you need to stop wearing the mineral. Taurus can also sometimes wear an amethyst, which has been passed on through generations for many years. It is not advisable for a woman of this zodiac sign to wear jewelry with amethysts.

Stones for Taurus should not have strong energy. What gemstones should not be worn by representatives of this zodiac sign? Astrologers classify the following as undesirable minerals: heliotrope, amber, pyrite, obsidian. You should also be careful with yellow topaz, rubies, jade and rock crystal.

Stones for other zodiac signs:

Taurus Stones

Against the background of the entire horoscope, the unshakable, strong and reliable Taurus looks like a real rock, which does not care about life’s whims. It’s not for nothing that he was initially depicted with his feet buried in the ground. This best describes the character and habits. It is difficult to break him, to win him over to your side, and he does not tolerate changes, especially frequent ones. However, only those who do not know him closely will call him sedentary and slow. This is a calm and balanced person until they start putting pressure on him. Innate stubbornness allows for endless arguments. I'm ready to die, but I won't change my mind.

The horoscope considers him mercantile, since he obeys the elements of the earth and is drawn to everything material. Taurus will never go hungry, because he has a natural magnetism for money. Where there is wealth, there is the zodiac. He prefers luxury, and therefore is ready to work hard to achieve his goal.

It should be understood which stone is suitable for Taurus to balance his strengths and weaknesses. The horoscope is interesting because it manages to be original even in its shortcomings. So you can’t call him greedy, rather a lover of collecting material assets. He will happily lend a significant amount to a friend, but he will never give up an old, battered book. And the more you insist, the more important it becomes. Suitable the stones will reveal his true essence and protect him.

Stones for Taurus by date of birth

The period from 21.04 – 01.05 is subject to the influence of Mercury. And this, as you know, is the magical money god. To attract his favor, use amazonite, tiger's eye, agate, amethyst, carnelian and aventurine. You can keep them in sight or place them as an amulet around your neck.

The moon illuminates those born from 02.05 – 11.05. The horoscope guarantees a happy outcome with turquoise, opal, chalcedony, rock crystal, coral and chrysoprase. For the best effect, they are inlaid into a pyramid shape, which will instill peace in the owner. And those placed in a ring will bring harmony to the home.

Saturn takes over from 12.05 – 20.05. Such people, oddly enough, find peace exclusively next to jewelry. Since the planet carries the energy of destruction and gloominess, Taurus who appeared at this time is susceptible to depression. A beautiful diamond, garnet, sapphire, emerald or aquamarine will help. Moreover, it is not necessary to purchase. A preventive trip to the jewelry store is enough and ordinary contemplation will dispel the sadness that has fallen.

It is useful for Taurus to keep an emerald at home, because it is a talisman of family happiness. It enhances marital fidelity, unites a couple, promotes procreation, and inspires optimism and hope. A good sapphire is important for the soul. He is unique because he chooses to help or not. If you have evil thoughts, then it will remain an ordinary decoration, but if you are noble and worthy, it will strengthen your reputation and help in making the right decisions.

Protection comes with jasper. The horoscope believes that everyone who is too sensitive to other people's misfortune must wear it. Taurus is used to wiping away tears, which is why they attract energy vampires. Agate set in copper develops calmness and confidence in action. It also gives intuition that reveals dishonest plans. In business, aventurine is needed, conjuring up new projects and plans.

Taurus Stone

Solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other horoscope signs. It is not for nothing that Taurus was initially depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery.

However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus a sedentary or sluggish lump. Calm and peace-loving, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with unbending stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The ability to “put your horn on the ground” is inherent in all owners of this sign.

The charming, horned, strong man is considered the most mercantile among his neighbors according to the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything he takes on. The expression “Golden Taurus” rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy his considerable needs, which consist in the love of everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical.

Even in his negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, he is rather a collector of high-quality and expensive items. Taurus can lend a friend a large sum of money without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the domain of a hoarding bull and get rich by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly watches over his goods and will not part with them voluntarily.

Taurus stones by date of birth (decade)

Taurus born from 21.04 to 01.05 are patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. The following stones will bring good luck to golden bulls born in this decade: agate, aventutine, amazonite, amethyst, tiger's eye and carnelian. Crafts made from these stones will become an effective amulet.

The strongest Moon in the sign (exalted), influencing Taurus from 02.05 to 11.05, advises them to prefer turquoise, rock crystal, opal, chrysoprase, chalcedony and corals. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and the ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

Expensive and precious stones will decorate and protect those born under the auspices of Saturn, from 12.05-20.05. The jewelry recommended to Taurus by this gloomy god of destruction will console them in moments of depression and protect them from misfortunes. The list is impressive: diamonds and emeralds, garnets, sapphires, aquamarines! Even a simple contemplation of beautiful gems will dispel the pessimist’s blues.

However, Taurus can safely “borrow” precious amulets those with whom you were born under the same sign. Of course, we are not talking about the stones themselves, but only about recommendations.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

The best amulet is emerald. Keeps marital fidelity in the house, promotes fertility, gives peace, optimism, and hope. If a person wears a ring with an emerald, evil spirits will not be able to encroach on him. Dressed at night, will keep good dreams.

Sapphire has a beneficial effect on the soul. This heavenly blue stone will not help an evil and dishonest owner, but it will not harm either, remaining a passive decoration. It helps a worthy owner make the right decisions and protects him from slander.

Neutralizes some negative energy jasper. A necessary gem for people who take other people’s misfortune to heart and are ready to listen to other people’s complaints without complaint. Repels energy vampires, protecting the health of the owner.

Everyday Defender agate. Layered chalcedony available in a variety of colors. Set in the metal of Taurus - copper, agate will give its owner confidence and tranquility. If you wear it for a long time, intuition develops, making it possible to unravel dishonesty. Develops eloquence, gives the gift of persuasion.

Will enhance the luck of a businessman aventurine. It gives the owner many ideas and plans. Successfully implemented, many Taurus projects sometimes reached national scale.

Woman's Taurus Stone

Turquoise, which has long been considered a “girl’s” stone, is loved by many girls. The sky-blue mineral will help unmarried girls attract a loved one. Hidden in the folds of a dress, a piece of turquoise will protect a girl from frivolous actions and help protect herself from lies.

Green turquoise helps married women maintain peace and prosperity in their home. A green-hued gem is a symbol of health and fertility, so it is necessary in a family who dreams of a child.

Cacholong – translated as “Milk of the sacred cow”, an attractive and mysterious pearl agate, is recommended by astrologers to women expecting a child. Helps to have a good pregnancy easy birth and the health of mother and newborn. As if supporting folk saying: “God gave a child, God will give a child,” helps ensure that families with small children have money.

Taurus stone for men

Black agate – promotes concentration of abilities, helps to discover hidden potential. A lucky amulet for a business person.

Amazonite - will also bring to its owner material well-being, confidence in decision making, helps cope with indecision.

Sardonyx is a variety of orange or brown onyx. Develops the gift of persuasion, helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates unsettled conditions and always finds a mate for a single person.

Zircon – despite its popularity among the fairer sex, is a very “masculine” stone. Gives determination in the search for truth, exposing deceptions and intrigues. Protects straightforward people from slander and controversy. It prevents liars from carrying out their insidious plans, and this also protects them, not allowing them to wallow in lies.

Stones that are contraindicated for Taurus

The only stone that Taurus should resolutely avoid and not have with them in any form is amber. The owner begins to notice the consequences of purchasing, and even more so donating, this frozen piece of resin very soon. It is not known why Taurus disliked amber, but troubles and misfortunes rain down on the owner of the yellow stone from all sides. Moreover, the negative power of amber does not weaken, and the stone arranges small dirty tricks for its unloved owner with tireless zeal.

If you want to get rid of amber, never throw it in the trash. Part with the thing that was considered an amulet with dignity. For example, Romanians leave a talisman in a visible place with the words: “You and I could not be friends. I wish you to live in perfect harmony with the new owner.” You can perform this simple ritual of deliverance, or you can give it to someone who likes the stone.

There are several more stones that Taurus does not want to wear. These include topaz, amethyst, pyrite, heliotrope, ruby.

When choosing jewelry with a stone, listen to your inner voice. If, when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in your soul, it means you have found your stone!

Stones for a woman’s Taurus: which talisman stones are suitable for this sign

Each sign of the zodiac circle has its own distinctive features. Certain character traits of zodiac signs can be influenced by patron planets and even mascot stones.

Distinctive features of Taurus

Taurus people are considered quite reliable people. You can always rely on them in any life situation. They are quite conservative and do not like changes in life. Moreover, representatives of this zodiac sign are considered very constant and unshakable people. It is unlikely that any minor problem will make them angry.

At times, Taurus may seem rather sedentary. This is due to their calmness. They prefer to do everything in a calm atmosphere, without haste and unnecessary emotions.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to force Taurus to commit this or that act. They are quite stubborn and do not tolerate coercion. Moreover, representatives of this zodiac sign are incredibly stubborn and will stand their ground to the end.

Taurus is also characterized by commercialism. They can find benefits even where there simply cannot be any. People born under this sign know how to make money.

But in order to be completely happy, Taurus needs to constantly satisfy their demands and needs. Moreover, these needs, as a rule, consist of love and craving for beauty. Taurus can spend hours admiring paintings and studying sculptures. It is worth noting that only a truly beautiful thing can please them.

However, Taurus also has negative qualities, among which selfishness and stinginess occupy a special place. However, this stinginess is expressed a little differently. For example, Taurus can hardly be called greedy when it comes to money. But they really love collecting expensive and high-quality items. Representatives of this zodiac sign can easily part with a certain amount of money, but they are unlikely to be able to give away a valuable figurine brought from a trip.

Talisman stones by date of birth

Surprisingly right choice birthstone depends not only on the zodiac sign, but also on the date on which the person was born. Most often, stones are selected depending on the decade in which the person was born.

Taurus, who were born from April 21 to May 1, that is, in the 1st decade of a given zodiac sign, should give preference to stones such as aventurine or carnelian, for example. Quartz and tiger's eye are also popular. Bloody jasper and agate will be an excellent talisman for such Taurus. All these stones interact well with the planet that patronizes this zodiac sign - Mercury.

Taurus who were born in the second decade of the zodiac sign, namely from May 2 to 11, should choose products that contain stones such as chalcedony or turquoise, coral. A product with onyx or opal would also be an excellent choice. Chrysoprase can also become a talisman for such people. The patron saint of Taurus born in the second decade of the zodiac sign is the Moon.

But Taurus, who were born from May 12 to May 20, that is, in the third decade of the sign, should pay attention to stones such as diamond or sapphire, topaz. Garnet or emerald, as well as aquamarine or tourmaline can be excellent talismans. The planet that is the patron of Taurus in the third decade is Saturn.

Talisman stone for Taurus woman

It is no secret that it is preferable to choose talisman stones not only by zodiac sign, but also by gender. Taurus women should pay attention to the following stones:

  1. White or green agate will help bring happiness and peace to the family, as well as awaken hidden creative talents in a woman. These stones can also improve mood and are excellent at relieving stress and helping to cope with depression. Shy ladies who choose agate as their talisman become more courageous and sociable. But black agate, which was skillfully inlaid into jewelry, will help the Taurus woman achieve financial well-being.
  2. But a stone like aventurine will help ladies cope with problems in business and bring good luck in this field. Moreover, this stone is considered an excellent talisman in love affairs. It is worth noting that if worn for a long time, the stone can harm a beautiful lady and make her very special and reckless. Aventurine is able to have not only a magical, but also a healing effect on Taurus women. The stone is able to cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and will also help you forget about such ailments as allergies.
  3. It is worth noting that Taurus women have such a negative quality as being susceptible to the influence of strangers. Chalcedony will help a woman protect herself from the influence of other people's energy. For women who work in a large team, this stone can become a real talisman protector.
  4. But ladies who are not confident in their abilities need to pay attention to a stone such as chrysoprase. These stones will also help get rid of laziness. They will force their mistress to act. Chrysoprase will bring good luck to creative people and help in their endeavors.
  5. Turquoise is a favorite stone of the fair sex. Unmarried girls will be able to find a gentleman if they always have a stone with them. Moreover, turquoise will be able to protect the Taurus woman from lies and rash actions. A green stone can bring peace and comfort to a married woman’s home and make the atmosphere more pleasant. Turquoise of this color will become a talisman in that family where they dream of having a baby.
  6. A Taurus woman who thinks about her beauty should definitely make sapphire her talisman stone yellow. This stone also helps cope with stress and makes a woman stronger.

Stones that Taurus women should not choose

There are also a number of stones that not only will not bring benefits, but can also harm the Taurus woman.

  1. The worst stone for representatives of this zodiac sign is amber. It is worth noting that ladies should strictly avoid this stone in all kinds of jewelry and other trinkets. Owners of this stone very soon begin to notice its negative effects on themselves. As soon as a woman buys this stone for herself, misfortunes simply begin to haunt her.
  2. You should also avoid stones such as opal. Presented as a gift, a stone can cause envy, which, in turn, will lead to other problems.

There are also a number of stones that are undesirable for women of the zodiac sign Taurus. These include heliotrope and amethyst. Taurus ladies should also treat stones such as ruby ​​and topaz with caution. A stone such as pyrite can be dangerous for the fair sex.

The whole point is that Taurus women should simply avoid too active talisman stones. It is best to give preference to those talismans that can direct their energy in the right direction.

Every woman can choose a talisman or amulet for herself depending on her zodiac sign. Some people need to wear them to curb their powerful energy and channel it in the right direction. Others want to attract good luck, gain authority in society and not experience love disappointments. What stones are suitable for a Taurus woman as an amulet?

Zodiac sign Taurus


The healing properties of malachite will help cope with ailments in the heart and lungs, and relieve depression. The stone is applied to sore spots for speedy recovery. Ladies of the Taurus sign are advised to purchase a light green mineral. It will make them more attractive in the eyes of others. To enhance the effect, the stones are framed in silver, which smoothes out the feeling of envy of others and stops their negative thoughts.


An amulet made from this mineral attracts prosperity and prosperity to the home, and also lifts the mood and improves the well-being of its owner. It is a symbol of devotion and courage.


This milky-white stone is perfect as a talisman. It helps control your emotions, preserves peace and tranquility in the home, strengthens women's health, and transforms a girl externally and internally. To enhance its qualities, you need to change the location of the stone on your body. It is perfect for those whose activities are related to politics.

If you constantly wear cacholong, the functioning of the digestive tract improves, the body is cleansed of toxins, and eye pressure is stabilized.

It is good for women who are expecting a child to have it with them. Then pregnancy and childbirth will proceed without complications. Cacholong takes care of the health of the newborn and the mother.

If you constantly wear cacholong, the functioning of the digestive tract improves and the body is cleansed of toxins


An excellent talisman would be the winner’s stone – turquoise. It is a strong amulet and has the following properties:

  • helps you make the right decisions;
  • establishes harmony in the family;
  • attracts financial well-being;
  • gives courage and riskiness.

Sky blue turquoise will help an unmarried girl find family happiness. If she hides it in her clothes, she will not allow frivolous actions and will be protected from lies.

For married girls, green turquoise will help fulfill the dream of having children, maintain health, and preserve well-being and peace in the home. It is better to choose an old turquoise talisman, it is the most effective.


Emerald will be a good helper for stubborn Taurus. The mineral gives optimism and tranquility to its owner and protects marital fidelity. It is advised to wear a ring with an emerald to protect against dark forces and nightmares. It shows its power if it was given as a gift or inherited.


For representatives of the fairer sex under the sign of Taurus, an agate talisman is perfect. This mineral has magical properties that will help its owner:

  • gain peace, confidence and success;
  • solve money problems;
  • increase vitality and become more active;
  • develop intuition;
  • become more eloquent and persuasive.

For women, it is better to choose a light-colored agate with bright stripes

For women, it is better to choose a light-colored agate with bright stripes. It is advised to set it with Taurus metal – copper. Public people often take it with them to speak in front of an audience.

Shy ladies will become bolder and more sociable with an agate talisman, and a black stone will help increase their finances.


Sapphire protects against gossip and slander, helps to make the right decisions and cope with stress. If a girl has unkind thoughts and bad intentions, the stone will be an ordinary decoration for her. Their He shows positive qualities only with worthy people. To become more attractive, it is recommended to wear yellow sapphire.


Creative ladies will be able to easily find their muse and get rid of laziness thanks to a chrysoprase amulet. This Taurus talisman helps overcome self-doubt and forces you to act.


This mineral is distinguished by its beauty and will protect the fair sex from evil forces and negative influences. It attracts happiness and prosperity. It is made from an unprocessed piece of jasper strong amulet from the evil eye, and souvenirs and crafts made from it must be had in every home to achieve family harmony and peace.

Jasper will help women who take other people's problems and experiences to heart. It neutralizes some of the bad energy and does not allow energy vampires to approach the mistress.

Talisman stones by date of birth

  • agate;
  • cornelian;
  • tiger eye;
  • amazonite;
  • amethyst.

For women of this sign born between May 2 and May 11, it is advised to purchase amulets made from stones such as:

  • chrysoprase;
  • opal;
  • turquoise;
  • chalcedony;
  • rhinestone.

Taurus, who were born in the 3rd decade, from May 12 to 20, can use the following stones as a talisman:

  • emerald;
  • aquamarine;
  • pomegranate;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire.

Some stones are contraindicated for Taurus. They can be harmful to health and attract trouble. Among them:

  • amethyst;
  • obsidian;
  • amber;
  • pyrite;
  • ruby;
  • heliotrope;
  • topaz.

When choosing jewelry or an amulet with a stone, you need to listen to your inner voice. If a person feels warmth when touching it, then this mineral suits him.

Each zodiac sign has its own amulet, Taurus' birthstone is sapphire. Although it is sometimes believed that other stones will bring good luck to this sign, for example, amazonite or amethyst, aventurine or agate, jasper and quartz. In any case, the Taurus talisman must be chosen very carefully and taking into account which planet influences a particular representative of this zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has its own amulet, Taurus' birthstone is sapphire

People born in the 1st decade of this zodiac sign are influenced by Mercury. It is believed that the attacks of melancholy that often overcome such people are the result of precisely this influence. However, Mercury compensates for this by rewarding the representatives of this decade with a brilliant mind, prone to creating their own business projects and risky ventures. And although the main gemstone for Taurus is sapphire, the above-mentioned amethyst, aventurine, quartz, and jasper will help smooth out the unfavorable influence of Mercury and enhance its positive effect.

People who were born in the 2nd decade (i.e. from May 2 to 11), although they belong to the zodiac sign Taurus, are actually under the influence of the Moon. In this case, the talisman stones are turquoise, chalcedony, onyx, coral (of course, it is neither a stone nor a mineral, but is of organic origin). The Moon gives people born in the 2nd decade dreaminess, nobility, a tendency towards idealism, but at the same time suspiciousness and indecision. To smooth out the negative impact, the Taurus stones listed above are used.

Those people who were born in the 3rd decade of the sign (i.e., from May 12 to 20) are patronized by Saturn, endowing them with ambition and unsociability, as well as a tendency toward pessimism. Therefore, such people often strive with all their might to avoid poverty and somehow protect themselves. So, in addition to sapphire, talismans for them are stones such as topaz, tourmaline and garnet.

How to choose a stone for a Taurus man?

In addition to the fact that under the influence of this zodiac constellation there are people so different from each other, we should not forget about the differences between the sexes. So the talisman for Taurus is also selected taking this factor into account. To understand which stone is suitable for Taurus men, you should remember what kind of jewelry a modern representative of the stronger sex can wear. The choice is usually small, so most often, in addition to the sapphire, which can be inserted into a ring or tie pin , astrologers advise men to also wear agate. Moreover, the color of the stone does not matter; any color will be useful for representatives of this zodiac sign. Although black agate is beyond competition. This is one of the best amulets against the evil eye and diseases. In addition, it is believed to help significantly improve the financial situation of its owner.

For a Taurus man, even if he is not a member of the 3rd decade, a stone such as an emerald is suitable, which will drive away depressive thoughts and melancholy and make its owner more open to communication. Emerald is also considered the patron saint of creative people.

What stones are suitable for Taurus women?

Talismans for women are no less varied. Astrologers believe that the stone that suits Taurus women is turquoise (although some insist that the stone is equally good for both sexes). Indeed, according to the horoscope, this stone helps to achieve material success, if only we are talking about natural turquoise, and not about its mineral and synthetic counterparts, which are generously presented today even in quite reputable jewelry stores.

For a Taurus woman, turquoise is also suitable for other reasons. Girls can wear it to get married successfully. In addition, a woman born under this zodiac sign may find it difficult to realize her talents due to indecision and shyness. A talisman for a woman with turquoise will help solve this problem. Moreover, it can be either a keychain or some kind of women’s jewelry: earrings, a ring, a bracelet.

Which stones are suitable for Taurus women can be understood based on the principles described above: that is, the talisman should compensate for the negative traits of the zodiac sign and strengthen it positive aspects. Thus, opal, even more than turquoise, helps to get married successfully, as it helps to learn how to flirt and make acquaintances easily. It also protects against deception and disappointment.

Stones and talismans for Taurus (video)

Popular stones for Taurus men are different varieties of agate, but black agate is considered especially favorable. Agates are also suitable for women born under this zodiac sign, but the recommended colors will be different. Although black agate helps in business, it is recommended to choose white and green gems. Agate is the stone of Taurus women who want to achieve recognition in the professional field. But the cacholong stone will make its owner more dreamy and romantic, depriving her of the earthiness that is characteristic of representatives of this sign. It is believed that it will also benefit pregnant women, giving them strength and improving health.

As for a stone like amethyst, it should be an addition, a talisman that will help get rid of bad habits, but you should not get carried away with jewelry with this gem. Astrologers believe that if the owner of the amulet gets rid of a bad habit, then she will also have to get rid of the amethyst.

Gallery: stone for Taurus (50 photos)

This mineral is a variety of chalcedony quartzites and has a fine-fibrous structure.

Coral is one of the amazing gems that are not minerals, but are widely used in jewelry

Properties of sapphire and its benefits for Taurus

One of the main stones for Taurus is sapphire. An amulet with this stone will bring good luck to both men and women. Sapphire for Taurus is a real gift, since it is believed to be able to cool passions. That is why in the old days it was called the stone of nuns. However, this name may have another origin. Clean and cool color Sapphire actually evokes certain associations - virginity, purity, tranquility, contemplation. If we consider other stones according to the Taurus zodiac sign, the talisman stone has these features, especially since most minerals also have cold shades.

It is interesting, however, that sapphire is not always blue. The classic color of this stone is given by transparent corundum (the so-called aluminum oxide), which actually has a bluish tint. But the deep color is the result of a combination of iron and titanium. It also happens that the traditional stones for this zodiac sign are orange. Such gems are called fancy in the specialized literature, and in general they are rare.

Much, of course, depends on the deposit. For example, in Russia (in the Urals) and in North America (USA) there are mainly blue-gray stones, beautiful, but not as spectacular as Khibiny sapphires with their dark blue tint or Australian sapphires, which are characterized by dichroism: they are under a certain at the corner they have a dark blue tint, and along the transverse line they appear green. The orange tint indicates that in addition to iron oxide, the mineral contains nickel compounds.

Most of what is known today about healing properties sapphires, applies only to natural stones that have undergone minimal processing and received the simplest cut. At the same time, today most sapphires undergo additional processing to enhance their original color. It is clear that synthetic sapphires have many beneficial properties, thanks to which they are used in medicine and the most knowledge-intensive and innovative industries. But they do not possess the properties that are inherent in natural stones.

Sapphires protect their owners from betrayal and relieve them of fear. This stone is believed to bring good luck in any travel, including business trips. True, indecisive Taurus should not wear jewelry with this stone, as this will only strengthen this drawback.

But for dreamy people, sapphire helps direct their thoughts towards a more clearly and clearly formulated goal. It gives clarity of thought, allows you to develop not only the ability to contemplate, but also attentiveness.

In ancient medicine, sapphire was credited with antidote properties; it was believed that it effectively treated the kidneys. Modern medicine uses sapphires in ophthalmology, as well as for the production of certain instruments. As for such properties of sapphire as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, representatives of this sign can try the effect of the gem on themselves. In the East, it is believed that sapphire can enhance the effect of prescribed medications. Moreover, wearing a sapphire set in classic yellow gold in the form of a ring or ring, perhaps in the form of a pendant, so that it touches the skin is considered a particularly effective remedy. In general, it is believed that sapphire also cures skin diseases.

Stones for attracting financial well-being (video)


Many people believe that the zodiac sign is just a convention, and in fact, any stone can be worn, as long as its owner likes it and can boast of a decent cut. Well, maybe none mystical properties Gems don't. Apart from, of course, the fact that legends about the properties of this or that stone were passed down from generation to generation, many of their healing qualities have been proven modern science, and the same sapphires were even produced synthetically. So even if the owner of the stone does not believe in its power, the gem still continues to do its job.

Attention, TODAY only!

When choosing a gift for a female relative or friend, or buying jewelry for yourself, you need to take into account the zodiac sign of the person who will wear the purchase. Our ancestors believed that natural stones have magical power. They were choosing stones suitable for a person by date of birth. This has been confirmed by modern research based on the study of vibrations and waves emanating from various minerals.

A correctly selected stone becomes a talisman for its owner, and jewelry with it becomes a talisman. If a piece of jewelry suits a person’s horoscope, then it reflects negative energy, strengthens his immunity, increases vital activity, develops innate talents and abilities, attracts material wealth, improves the quality of personal life, gives happiness in, sharpens intuition.

Also, it is very important to consider that stones are divided into “male” and “female”. Male stone not suitable for a woman and vice versa. So, which stone is suitable for Taurus women?

Gems for a woman born under the sign of Taurus

Precious stones are the most expensive and most beautiful minerals. They are quite rare in natural deposits.

These include natural (that is, not synthetic) diamonds, alexandrites, emeralds and:


A symbol of firmness and reliability. It is suitable for women born in the third decade of the sign of Taurus (May 11 - May 20). These women are softer in character than those born in the first and second decades.

Diamond gives them courage and perseverance. Diamond is not entirely suitable for women born in the first two decades, as it makes them less feminine and tougher. This stone attracts wealth and prosperity to the home, but at the same time you need to wear jewelry with it constantly.


Suitable for all Taurus women, but it has a particularly beneficial effect on women in their third decade. This mineral gives its owner feminine happiness, strengthens her marriage, and helps to find mutual understanding in the family. Also, it symbolizes purity, innocence, purity and protects its owner from temptations and male infidelity. Very suitable for a Taurus woman born in the year of the dragon.


Controversial stone. Its technical and craftsmanship characteristics are impeccable, but its energy is complex. It strengthens its owner, gives her the strength to cope with any misfortune in life, but at the same time he is capable of attracting troubles to her. Only very special people can wear jewelry with alexandrite. strong in spirit woman.

Also an assistant in difficult situations, but at the same time he himself does not attract them. In addition, emeralds are able to cleanse both the soul and brain of their owner from heavy thoughts, and “clear” people around him who are opposed to him.

He gives young girls happiness in love and protects them from vicious attacks, provides protection to women in marriage and motherhood, sharpens intuition for creative people and provides emotional upliftment, business women helps in entrepreneurial endeavors. He especially favors Taurus in the second (May 1 - May 10) and third decades.


Last on the list of gems. It is believed that it is contraindicated for Taurus in general, especially for women of this zodiac sign. Ruby activates base passions in a person, making him tougher, more demanding, down-to-earth, even rude. In Taurus, all these qualities are inherent in nature; it is an earthly sign, to which ephemeral “airy” concepts are alien.

Therefore, typical representatives of the sign should not wear ruby ​​jewelry. But if a Taurus woman was born at the junction of signs - at the beginning of 1 (April 20-30) or at the end of 3 decades, or in her personal horoscope the influence of the leading planets is weakened, then ruby, on the contrary, will help her gain integrity (coherence of thoughts, the ability not to waste time on little things, but also not to ignore them, the ability to preserve one’s self in difficult situations).

Semi-precious stones

Semi-precious stones are quite expensive, very beautiful and widely used for making jewelry.

The following semi-precious stones are suitable for a Taurus woman:


Relaxes and calms, gives spiritual indifference, heals not only its owner, but also his loved ones from bad habits. Simply necessary for a Taurus born in the year of the uncompromising and powerful tiger. Has a beneficial effect on those born on April 21-30.


Teaches to distinguish what is desired from what is real, gives wisdom and sharpens mental abilities, “drives away” liars and scammers. Suitable for women in their first decade.


How younger woman, the older the mineral should be. Mature stones are more powerful, while young stones accumulate magical energy over time. Turquoise protects the personal life of its owner from an envious eye, protects her from betrayal, lust and bad influence.

It is believed that if the stone changed its color, it “sucked” into itself a serious illness of the owner. The most powerful protection is provided to April Taurus.


Makes its owner merciful, understanding, soft, helps her learn to forgive and look at the world optimistically. Awakens intuition and promotes wise, informed decisions. Necessary for a woman born in the third decade of the sign.


Helps to find true friends, gives peace in the family and makes its owner friendly and responsive. Most suitable for those born May 1-11. Works best with women born between May 12 and May 21.


A “universal” stone that gives health, material well-being and peace of mind. Not suitable for soft and indecisive people of a homely nature, as well as those born in the first and second decades of the sign.

Helps you make plans and implement them, negotiate and achieve what you want, win disputes and resist pressure. This is a stone of strong natures with leadership qualities. Not quite suitable for soft and indecisive home-minded people.


Suitable for women of elegant age, it helps to feel fresher and younger, improves health and restores self-confidence.


Other minerals include inexpensive ornamental stones. Jewelry can be made from such stones, but more often they make exquisite interior items: vases, ashtrays, figurines, boxes, watches, candlesticks, glasses, lighters. It is believed that the stone then reveals its energetic potential when it is in constant contact with the owner’s body, that is, when it is worn in the form of earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, brooches.

But researchers of subtle matters believe that in many cases physical contact is not necessary. It is enough for the owner to often turn to a thing made of stone and use it. Therefore, products made from ornamental stones can also become talismans.

The following ornamental minerals are suitable for a Taurus sign woman:


Gives courage to the indecisive, and good luck to the brave. It is not suitable for reckless and desperate people, although such daredevils are not easy to find among Taurus. Corresponds to the temperament of April Taurus.


Brings peace and tranquility to the house, calms children, reconciles spouses and averts the “evil eye”.


Reduces the level of anxiety and dispels doubts, which is so important for a pessimistic Taurus. Suitable for everyone born under this sign.

Bull's eye

Reveals the talents of its owner, makes her more active and hardworking, helps her quickly and correctly resolve any issues, and also protects her from... Corresponds to the energy and temperament of an April woman.


Attracts wealth, success and fame, everything that the mercantile Taurus loves. At the same time, it gives benefits to its owner completely deservedly, since it activates best sides Her character is hard work and honesty. In addition, it protects against betrayal and gives happiness in love.


Clarifies thoughts, heals skin diseases and attracts wealth and fame. Indispensable for representatives of the sign born from May 12 to May 21.


One of the strongest magnets for the opposite sex. It will help an unmarried girl to arrange her family happiness, but for a married woman, excessive attention from men can become a problem.


Indispensable for a woman of a creative profession, as it enhances creativity, intuition and sensitivity. But it should be worn with caution by overly passionate people. Most suitable for those born in the year of the rat.


Heals mental wounds and helps manage the household so that a woman does not feel tied to her home, husband, or children. Indispensable for those whose strength is running low. Suitable for all representatives of the sign.

Which stones are not suitable?


There are minerals that representatives of a particular sign cannot wear. The sign of Taurus is no exception to this.

A Taurus woman should not use products with the following stones:

  1. – a bright “sunny” stone does not at all correspond to the even energy of a balanced, calm body. He is patronized by the quiet night moon, which makes the representative of this sign romantic and deeply feeling. And amber excites and irritates its owner, makes him superficial and inattentive, worsens his personal life, and interferes with his work and creativity.
  2. Pearl– this stone is suitable for people of the element of water (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), and since Taurus is an earth sign, pearls come into conflict with the inner “I” of its owner. It upsets any business started by Taurus, makes Taurus painful, irritable, and unlucky.
  3. Coral– also suitable for people of water, but not land. Coral pulls the rug out from under the feet of a pragmatic, down-to-earth Taurus, giving him indecisiveness and nervousness.

How to choose a stone according to your horoscope?

It must be taken into account that only natural stones created by nature itself have special properties. You need to choose your stone personally. The ideal way is to take the jewelry in your hands and hold it, listening to yourself. The stone should please the eye, but at the same time evoke a response in the soul.

This is why buying jewelry from photos in online stores is so often unsuccessful. The most best jewelry sometimes they leave a woman indifferent, and a nondescript, inexpensive product becomes her amulet for many years.

A person changes throughout his life. Its mascot will probably change too. From time to time you need to take your jewelry in your hands and “listen” to it and notice your own feelings.

If a feeling of warmth and peace arises in the soul, then the stone still corresponds to the internal state of the owner. If it becomes unpleasant to hold the jewelry, then the amulet needs to be changed.

Taurus is a very Earth sign and is responsible for the end of April and May. Despite the fact that spring is in full swing, Taurus is a symbol of stability and inevitability of the revival of nature, the development of already emerging life. Mythological prototype - Cretan bull, sacred cow Rohini in India. Taurus stones are primarily agates and chalcedony, formed in cavities deep underground, these are noble blue and white stones (especially lunar stones). Overly active stones are not recommended for Taurus, since Taurus’ internal development potential is already high, and the main task is to direct it in a constructive direction.


Loving and gentle Taurus is subject to the influence of Venus. They love physical and mental comfort very much and are willing to pay a high price for it. Taurus are great lovers of beautiful things, works of art and architecture. They can get everything they want, but they are often just lazy or don’t feel the need to put in the effort. Taurus are materialists, they know how to earn and spend. They show their feelings in the form of gifts, forgetting about compliments and recognition. Taurus will not appreciate symbolic gifts, but will be delighted with a beautiful or useful thing.

Thanks to their soft and compliant nature, Taurus often follows the lead of stronger signs. It is very difficult to anger them, but if Taurus the bull is brought to the boiling point, he will destroy everything in his path. He would rather sing than tell. Taurus like to make far-reaching plans and strictly follow them; they will stubbornly resist anyone who tries to stop them. Taurus people make good leaders who strive for the highest heights.

Solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other horoscope signs. It is not for nothing that Taurus was initially depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery. However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus a sedentary or sluggish lump. Calm and peace-loving, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with unbending stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The ability to “put your horn on the ground” is inherent in all owners of this sign. The charming, horned, strong man is considered the most mercantile among his neighbors according to the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything he takes on. The expression “Golden Taurus” rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy his considerable needs, which consist in the love of everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical. Even in his negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, he is rather a collector of high-quality and expensive items. Taurus can lend a friend a large sum of money without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the domain of a hoarding bull and get rich by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly watches over his goods and will not part with them voluntarily.

The characteristic of Taurus shows that he is full of kindness. He is gentle, but at the same time he can persistently try to impose his opinion on others or influence people by his example. At the same time, it is almost impossible to influence Taurus, but if he internally agrees with the position of the interlocutor, then subsequently he may well pass off his thoughts as his own. Lying for Taurus is an unnatural phenomenon, but in exceptional cases he can resort to this weapon. It is interesting that his speeches can inspire boundless confidence. For an earthly person, the opinions of others are very important, so Taurus tries to look good and generally tries to show that his standard of living is higher than it actually is. The constancy of Taurus is amazing. He is very devoted to his family and friends; any changes in life, including a change of environment, will make him despondent.


The name of emerald is of Persian origin. Otherwise, this gemstone is called green ice. In terms of mineralogy, emerald is green beryl with transparent crystals. This color is very appealing to Taurus, who strive to be closer to nature. Emerald is credited with the ability to normalize blood pressure, relieve joint pain and headaches, treat the stomach and bladder. In the Middle Ages, with the help of an emerald hanging at the head of the bed, they drove away melancholy and bad dreams, and modern lithotherapists confirm this property of the stone.

If a Taurus becomes the owner of an emerald, the stone helps him in the fight against vicious inclinations, getting rid of passions that destroy a person. Emerald reacts sharply negatively to rudeness and aggression and tries to neutralize these qualities in the character and behavior of its owner. When worn continuously for two to three months, such a stone can significantly improve your mood, make your character lighter, become more insightful and wise, and also help you see deception. Emerald is also useful for Taurus because it dispels the pessimism to which they are prone, makes this person more cheerful and cheerful, and gives him hope for the best.

This talisman stone protects Taurus from harmful external influence- both the owner and his home. Emerald is also considered the guardian of love, harmony between partners, peace in the home, which is very important for all representatives of this zodiac sign. But such stones for Taurus can also become “punishers” - if they see that a person does not intend to follow the path of self-improvement, indulges in vices and shows unreasonable aggression.

This is an extremely mysterious and beautiful stone. It brings unexpected luck to its owner, gives great mood and helps heartthrobs. Aventurine comes in yellow, green, brown and blue colors, and rarely red. Mica inclusions create a scarlet, golden, green glow inside the amazing stone, which looks incredibly attractive. This Taurus stone is imbued with strong magic, but working with him is quite difficult, since his energy is very capricious.

Aventurine brings good luck in gambling, however, its energy is closer to the energy of love (but love is, in a way, also a game). This is a talisman of unexpected actions and passion, mystical insights. It improves tone and cleanses the subtle bodies of its owner. A suitable gem for little Taurus. However, you should not wear aventurine very often: it can lead to carelessness, which in turn will contribute to a deterioration in financial well-being. This stone helps with heart disease, bronchitis, and allergies.

The next stone that Taurus is advised to wear is turquoise. This stone helps you realize yourself by finding best way. It is turquoise that will give you a sober look at yourself and those around you. Turquoise has a particularly beneficial effect on flighty and impulsive people - it teaches patience and strengthens fortitude. Turquoise protects against quarrels and maintains peace in the family. True, turquoise is more useful to people young. Older people can also wear turquoise, but preferably only in spring, summer and early autumn. IN winter time It’s better not to wear turquoise for years. And one more thing: turquoise can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. Be careful! It is better to wear turquoise in silver.

From Persian the name of the mineral is translated as “stone of happiness”, from Arabic - “stone that brings victory”. Muslims equate seeing turquoise with reading the Koran. One of the legends about the origin of turquoise says that the stone was formed from the bones of those who died of love. Turquoise has a beneficial effect on everyone, it helps to concentrate, find oneself, keeps one from empty dreams, gives patience and strengthens intuition, and protects against random incidents. Turquoise is a stone of peace; it gives prosperity and longevity to its wearer. The mineral is believed to be able to cure eye diseases and strengthen the heart. Turquoise enhances insight, averts the anger of those in power, and brings happiness to lovers. White turquoise is shown to be young and active, it brings happiness to those who are ready to risk everything they have for the sake of a dream. It helps those who are purposeful and risk-taking. Blue turquoise is the stone of a mature leader, a person with a clear life position and well-deserved authority. It allows its owner to lead people and gives him courage. Green turquoise is a dead stone. It is shown to people who have achieved their goals and are confident in themselves. The rest cannot wear green turquoise.

For a stable and grounded Taurus, sapphire helps strengthen morale and resilience. For all his calmness and pragmatism, the sentimental and stubborn Taurus does not share feelings and desires. If he is passionate, he will go to the end. Nothing can stop him: criticism, discomfort or inconvenience are powerless. Sapphire for Taurus will become a reliable stabilizing talisman, calming and guiding.

The sapphire talisman stone is read as one of the most suitable for Taurus. It represents chastity, fidelity, knowledge and modesty. This mineral is great for hot-tempered people, for whom it helps cool down their ardor and not make uninformed decisions. Sapphire gives its owner wisdom and strength and helps to withstand any situation. This stone is perfect for both men and women. The talisman will be most effective if you make owl eyes from this gem in the craft.

Astromine experts do not recommend very active stones for this earth sign, since Taurus has enough internal potential. Sapphire, with its soft and delicate effect, helps to reveal talents and enhances positive traits character. The closeness of representatives of the earth sign to nature makes blue, green and sapphires more attractive to Taurus. yellow flowers. Constancy and virtue, wisdom and truthfulness, which sapphire personifies, help Taurus achieve their goals and remain true to their principles. Sapphire is also suitable for Taurus as an excellent amulet against enemies.

Another Taurus stone according to the horoscope is agate, which is one of the varieties of quartz; it can be black, white, green, red, brown or blue. It is believed that this stone helps a person become more protected from any negative influence, including pathogens and viruses. If an agate with stripes is used as a talisman, then it will help Taurus or another owner to normalize work nervous system, will help cope with stress. White and black agates act as protection against injuries and other bodily harm.

Such stones become good helpers for Taurus, making their owners bolder and stronger people - not so much physically as spiritually. For Taurus, who cannot always quickly decide to take a serious step, especially if it is associated with something new, agate will give them self-confidence and make them believe in the best. The properties of agate largely depend on its natural color. The blood-red stone becomes a stimulus for Taurus to action, arouses enthusiasm, inspires serious decisions and actions, and also provides assistance in love. Stones of a less saturated red color help conflicting people find each other common language or simply improve relationships.

With the help of blue agate you can solve more easily family problems, he has the ability to harmonize relationships and smooth out the troubles of this plan. By adopting black agate, Taurus will be able to win even more victories in his life. The moss-colored color gives hope that the owner of the stone will live happily for many years without needing financially, which is always extremely important for Taurus.

Chrysoprase is an apple green, herbaceous or emerald variety of chalcedony. Chrysoprase gives Taurus the determination to start a new business, confidence in its successful implementation, and protection from failures and interference. The conservatism of this zodiac sign does not suffer from the activity of chrysoprase in the field of renewal and change, but is only supplemented by constant harmonious development personality while maintaining its core values, ideas and views.

Chrysoprase helps Taurus achieve success in business and increase his income, so it is especially useful for those representatives of this sign whose slowness, stubbornness and fear prevent them from achieving their goals, including making money. Chrysoprase helps you conquer everything with clarity and gratitude in your heart. difficult situations. Chrysoprase set in gold also protects against domestic injuries and accidents. Worn in a bracelet on the left hand, it helps against nervous diseases and is considered excellent protection from bad energies. Chrysoprase stimulates brain function, hormonal activity of glands, metabolism and tones the skin. It reduces high blood pressure, relieves depression and stress, gives peace of mind, and evens out sexual imbalance.

Chrysoprase is suitable as a general talisman so that “everything is fine.” If necessary, he will help with health problems, protect against the evil eye, tell you what to do, money matters it will also be very useful. Chrysoprase is ideal as a talisman gift for people born under the constellation Taurus.

Diamond patronizes Taurus born in the third decade (May 12-20). This stone makes a person contactable and reduces the manifestation of negativity from the outside. Diamond strengthens all energy centers. The King of Stones promotes the development of the best qualities of a person. Diamond faithfully serves its owner, reliably protects against negative energy, evil forces, and gives success in every new business, including financial. Taurus men with such a talisman will easily achieve success in business, become independent and self-confident. Women will be able to attract into life romantic relationship and love. The diamond talisman must be worn constantly, preferably in the form of a ring on the left hand, on the middle finger.

Taurus talisman - opal symbolizes wealth and a successful career. The owner of this stone will influence the people around him. It is better to buy this stone yourself rather than receive it as a gift, as it causes envy of the giver, and it is not recommended to use gold as a setting, otherwise it will bring nothing but problems and misfortunes. Also, you should not wear this mineral in proximity to other stones at the same time. Opal got its name due to its iridescent glow and remarkable brilliance. It is very useful for Taurus to have such a talisman. It guarantees wealth, success in business and good mood. The owner of the opal can telepathically influence the people around him.

People who were born under the sign of Taurus and dream of a career in politics should give preference to onyx. This stone provides powerful assistance to politically ambitious Taurus (but in this case, do not choose
black onyx). This is a unique stone that attracts good luck in business, it strengthens the spirit and will to win.
Onyx is rightfully considered the “stone of leaders”, as it gives its owner power and strength. It sharpens the mind and helps to unravel the secret plans of rivals. This stone teaches you to defend your interests and maintain your goals. Onyx promotes emotional control, which is important for sensitive and vulnerable Taurus. It will become a kind of salvation from unnecessary worries and worries.

Chalcedony will help your sign to restrain anger and anger, control yourself, and remember the importance of benevolent behavior. After any strong emotional turmoil Taurus needs time to restore his peace of mind, chalcedony, a stone of joy and tranquility, will also help him with this.

Chalcedony will help the most stingy Taurus to wean themselves from harmful greed; it will teach them to be generous in situations when it is needed, and not to skimp on showing emotions and money for loved ones.


Sapphire suits all Taurus regardless of date of birth. Astrologers and lithotherapists advise selecting gemstones for Taurus in accordance with the ten-day period of the zodiac period. The character, abilities and purpose of people differ depending on the decade in which they were born. And if there are stones such as sapphire and emerald, which are universally suitable for all Taurus, then there are also minerals that can enhance the necessary properties of a person or, conversely, protect him from negative perception and manifestation.

21.04 – 01.05 (Mercury) Taurus of the first decade is patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. Good luck to golden bulls born in this decade will be brought by stones: agate, aventurine. Crafts made from these stones will become an effective amulet and will support you in all your endeavors, freeing you from anxiety and depression.

02.05 – 11.05 (Moon) The peculiarity of the second decade, led by the Moon, makes Taurus too romantic, timid and melancholic. At the same time, they are characterized by dreaminess, nobility of thoughts and actions. Onyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opals and turquoise will help to activate the energy of Taurus. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and the ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

12.05 – 21.05 (Saturn) The third decade of Taurus is ruled by the formidable and gloomy Saturn, from which they gain pessimism, misanthropy and fatalism. They prefer loneliness to vigorous communication and strive with all their might to avoid poverty. Sapphire, diamond, emerald - the most precious minerals - will help soften the influence of the planet, get rid of damage and the evil eye, and spread your wings. Blue topaz will restore the joy of life and help overcome anxiety and fear.


For a Taurus woman, the stone should be as exquisite as she herself. Therefore, they are recommended to use transparent gemstones such as diamond, emerald. Sapphire increases intellectual abilities, helps to realistically assess the situation, maintaining calm and patience. This is very important as Taurus women are known for their fiery temperament. Wearing emeralds allows you to maintain health, helps you relax and effectively resist stress.
Knowing which stone will help Taurus quickly get rid of the blues, you can use it in appropriate cases. This is chrysoprase. It gives confidence, gives energy, helps to realize all ideas with minimal time and money.

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their owner to her goal. The strongest talisman for beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help you achieve success in the material sphere and will contribute to building a happy marriage. Women of Taurus zodiac sign sometimes find it difficult to realize their plans because of the fear of slipping up. Talismans with turquoise will give them courage and determination. The stone protects against flattery and deception, to which women of this sign are so susceptible. In addition, turquoise is a strong talisman for women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not allow one to give up in difficult situations. Lucky stones for female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional sphere and in your personal life. White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

For an unmarried woman, opal will be a good talisman. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deception and disappointment in love. For those who are focused on their career or study, opal is also useful, as it helps in communicating with superiors and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.


Stones for a Taurus man should be dense, opaque, giving a large charge of vital energy. They can be either rich yellow or light salad color. White and green agate work best as a talisman for men. This is a variegated stone, and depending on the color it is protected by different elements and planets. It is used to attract happiness, inner peace, longevity, good luck and strengthening the spirit. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps male Taurus significantly improve their financial situation. For such a materialist as the man of this sign is, agate will be a reminder that besides career, there are other aspects of life.

Aventurine is another Taurus stone that has earned fame in love affairs and business. It will add some carelessness during dull periods and help you get out of prolonged depression. It also helps with upper respiratory tract diseases. To avoid outside influence, to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage, Taurus men should take advantage of the power of chalcedony. It will help you navigate matters where a large number of people are involved, and will not allow you to lose patience.

A suitable stone for a Taurus man is emerald. The gem fights greed and harmful addictions. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral promotes creative impulses, which the down-to-earth representatives of the sign lack. In addition, emerald makes its owner more open and sociable. Onyx develops the gift of persuasion and helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates unsettled conditions and always finds a mate for a single person.


There is only one talisman stone that Taurus (especially women) need to avoid in any form, this is amber. For some reason, Amber does not like representatives of this zodiac sign and gives them troubles in all situations in which this is possible. Moreover, the amber purchased by Taurus or given to him will not be slow to demonstrate its abilities. The negative power of amber in relation to the owner does not weaken over time, and troubles will fall on the owner from all sides as long as the product with amber is with its owner. If you are a Taurus and you have a product with amber, then get rid of it, but get rid of it with dignity, after all, amber was intended to serve as a talisman. Don’t just throw it in the trash; it’s better to give it to someone who is suitable for the stone or someone who will like a product with it. In some countries, such as Romania, inappropriate amulets were left in prominent places with the wish of harmonious relations with the new owner.

There are several more gems that are undesirable for Taurus: ruby, topaz, heliotrope, pyrite. But these talisman stones, unlike amber, do not harm their owner. When choosing a product or jewelry with a stone designed to serve as a talisman, listen to your intuition. If you picked up a piece and felt a desire to keep it and felt warmth towards the decoration, then this is your stone!