Toastmaster for a birthday at home. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) “A star named ....”

The scenario for a woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings” with elements of theatricalization is addressed to those who do not want to grow old at heart and prefer to enjoy every new day rather than sigh over the years they have lived.

Cool pranks, surprise moments and unexpected transformations will not only create a festive mood, but will also charge the birthday girl and her guests with optimism for a long time.

The best gift from friends

Birthdays can be celebrated in different ways. What will it be? A banquet, a stylish party, a picnic with a trip to nature - it’s up to the birthday girl, who will be responsible for a lot of different troubles in organizing the reception of guests.

Those invited can significantly ease her plight by taking the preparation entertainment program on yourself. And this will be the most best gift for any birthday you can think of.

In order for “Miraculous Changelings” to come as a complete surprise to the hero of the occasion, the script and the preparation process must be kept strictly secret until the significant day. Of course, you will have to take care of costumes and props, find time for rehearsal, and record music, but the pleasure of executing the script ideas will certainly more than repay all the effort.

Hall decoration

The room in which you plan to celebrate a significant date should be decorated. There is no need for special decorations for our scenario. But balloons, garlands, posters with wishes will give the hall a ceremonial look and create a festive atmosphere from the very threshold.

DIY costumes and props

Theater experts say that a good costume can save even a disastrous performance. There is little demand from home-grown artists, but costumes play no less a role in amateur staging than on the professional stage.
To implement the “Miraculous Changelings” scenario, you will need to create a number of vivid images from various historical eras.

Ancient Greek poet

The role of the ancient Greek singer of lyrical songs according to the script is reserved for the husband or young man heroines of the holiday. His appearance in such an unexpected role should make an indelible impression on her.
To do this, take a white sheet, wrap it around the body and secure the ends on the shoulder with a pin, forming beautiful coattails. The result will be a robe similar to a tunic - the traditional dress of the inhabitants of ancient Hellas.

We put on homemade sandals on our feet, which are cardboard soles with long strings attached, similar to beach slates. You can get by with simple sandals, and in the warm season nothing prevents the singer from appearing barefoot.

The head will be crowned with a wreath made of wire closed in a ring and laurel leaves glued to it with tape. A lyre in the hands of the poet, cut out of cardboard, will give the image a finished look.

Medieval witch

Belted wide dress to the toes, loose and disheveled long hair, on the belt there is a bunch of dry grass... We are not sure that in the Middle Ages women who were accused of witchcraft looked exactly like this. But it is possible to create an image in your imagination and embody it with the help of ordinary and simple things.

You should also prepare witchcraft props - a bottle filled with any liquid (elixir of immortality) and tea bags with signed labels:

  • From the evil eye;
  • From damage;
  • Erysipelas;
  • From evil spirits;
  • From moths;
  • For a love spell;
  • For wealth;
  • For good luck;
  • For triplets.

Crowned Empress

Very bright image, for which a fluffy ball gown, high hairstyle, jewelry and a scepter are suitable.
From corrugated paper you can make a high collar and fan.

The simplest option is to wrap the royal in a robe made of a plain silky fabric, and place a homemade foil crown on her head. You should also prepare a scroll of paper rolled into a roll with the text of the decree that Her Majesty will announce in festive table.

Lord of Time

The Lord of Time, who is also the co-host of the event, according to the scriptwriter’s plan, is a wanderer in baggy clothes with a bag on his shoulder and a staff in his hands. He has a thick beard made of cotton wool or fur and a wrinkled hat.

He has the amazing ability to travel through time. All you need to do is turn the arrows of the old alarm clock.

You can come up with your own options for decorations, because designing costumes is a creative matter, giving wide scope for imagination.

And the music sounds...

The most serious attention should be paid to the musical accompaniment of the event. When preparing the dance part, it is necessary to take into account the musical preferences of the birthday girl and her guests.

Thus, for an older audience it is appropriate to include melodies of the last century in the program. It is clear that the tastes of the older and younger generations will diverge.

If a group of different ages gathers at the table, both old and modern rhythms should sound.

Another thing is the selection of music for performances and competitions. Here you should be guided by different rules.

The melody should convey the mood of the moment, emphasize the character of the theater characters, and give the action a national or historical sound where the script requires it.

For musical arrangement The script “Wonderful Changelings” will require a number of the following soundtracks:

  1. Nino Rota "Romeo and Juliet" (instrumental music).
  2. "Sirtaki".
  3. “Dance of the Knights” (advertising for Nissan Murano, remix).
  4. Fanfare for the herald's exit.
  5. Entering the Queen (fanfare).
  6. A. Rybnikov “Music of Love and Space” (lyrical melody).

It is necessary not only to record these melodies, but also to determine the person responsible for the sound. He must know the script well in order to avoid problems with the musical accompaniment.

You can use other soundtracks at your discretion. The main thing is that the music expresses the idea inherent in each scene.

Cool script for a woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings”

Leading: Dear friends! A wonderful occasion has brought us together today at this festive table. It is not customary to talk about a woman’s age out loud, but in this case, this law does not apply, because our dear ... (name) is timeless. I propose to raise the first toast to the forever young birthday girl!


Leading: Attention, attention! We received a very unusual guest for our holiday. He travels around the world and calls himself the lord of time.
Nobody knows who he is, where he comes from and where he is going. We are a hospitable people and therefore cannot let a person go hungry! Please come to the table!

Lord of Time: Thank you, good people! Honor and praise to the hospitable house and its hostess. I know what joyful event she is celebrating today, and it is no coincidence that I found myself in this place and at this time. I was sent on a mission to convey greetings to...(name) from different time dimensions.

Leading: (addressing the audience) This all sounds very strange. He seems to say hello himself!

Lord of Time: Yes, yes... I've been traveling in time for a long time, meeting different people, I attend royal receptions and the shacks of the poor.
The people there know the birthday girl well; there are legends about her virtues. The ancient Greeks considered ... (name) the daughter of Zeus himself.
Medieval troubadours composed odes in her honor. Renaissance brush masters paint portraits from it. And recently, in the palace of a patron of the arts, I saw a naked female statue with wings - an exact copy of... (name)!

Leading: Sorry, but this is really hard to believe!

Lord of Time: Modern people too rational and often mistake me for a crazy person. For this reason, I reveal my gift only to a select few. I know that...(name) still believes in fairy tales and is waiting for a miracle. And that's why I want to show her something...

He takes an alarm clock out of his bag, rotates the hands and says:

One, two, three, four, five,
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

(You can amuse guests even more if you pull out a tuft of beard each time with the words of the spell “Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh”, “Mana-mana-tyts-tyts-tyryrym”, etc.)

Phonogram No. 1 sounds.

The birthday girl's husband appears in the image of an ancient Greek poet. He plucks the drawn strings of the lyre and reads to a muffled melody, drawing out the words:

I saw you by chance
And immediately he seemed stunned.
Cupid, flying over us,
Shot a dozen arrows at me.

You have the grace of a Naiad
Floated with just one glance,
And I felt alternately
Chills, fever and large hail.

I thought that the goddess herself
Came down to earth from above,
I wanted you
Go to kiss the footprints.

Struck by your greatness,
The whole world froze to stone,
An eagle fell from the sky to the ground
And the formidable lion purred.

A wonderful moment has passed
Many years have passed since then,
But for me another goddess
It won’t, it didn’t, and it doesn’t...

Leading: This story is surprisingly similar to the novel... (name) and... (husband's name), isn't it? Sit down, dear sir, at the table and help yourself.

Ancient Greek singer: Yes, I see you have a feast like a mountain and wine like a river! But why isn't anyone dancing?
In our ancient Greece Nowadays a new dance is in fashion. His movements are so simple that I can teach you them right now.

Shows a set of sirtaki movements and steps, guests are invited to a dance break. Phonogram No. 2.
Continuation of the feast

Leading: (looks carefully at the ancient Greek character) Well, I don’t know if there’s any catch here. I have a vague doubt that I have already seen this poet somewhere...

Lord of Time: About such people in ancient times they said: “His distrust was so great that he already seemed suspicious to himself.”
And for our birthday girl, miracles are just beginning. The sorceress of the seventh generation, Sorcerer Baba, wants to congratulate her. Let's go to the gray Middle Ages.

One, two, three, four, five
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

Phonogram No. 3. Baba the Sorcerer appears. Reads the text quickly, like a spell.

I see everything, I know everything,
I'm removing the damage
I read thoughts
I can bewitch any guy
Do you want a handsome man?
Do you want a sideways one?

Whose children will I conjure,
I'll just blow on the water.
Who needs a potion for idleness,
Who needs the horse, who gets the bridle...
I cook herbs for days.

And our birthday girl
You won't find anything more beautiful in the world
I give her a complex elixir,
At least there's water in the bottle.
Has stood for ten centuries,
Who will drink -
He will be immortal!

Lord of Time: Real magical gift! Yes, what a nuisance. There are skeptical citizens at this table. They refuse to believe in miracles.

Sorcerer-woman: My magical gift is easily verified. Let the birthday girl think of any word, and I’ll stand outside the door. Let's see what comes of this.

Leading: Attention, friends! Let's begin the session of exposing medieval magic!

During the absence of the Witch Woman, the heroine of the holiday makes a word.

After the “clairvoyant” returns, the presenter lists different words, until he names the one that the hero of the occasion wished for. It is at this moment that the clairvoyant will shout: “Here it is.”

The session can be repeated several times with the same result. The secret of the trick is simple. The presenter and the Sorcerer Baba are in cahoots. They established in advance that the previous word before the hidden one would certainly begin with the letter M. For example, the presenter lists the dishes: borscht, vinaigrette, pizza, meatballs, herring under a fur coat, Korean carrots...
The sorceress already knows what will happen next favorite dish birthday girls.

After the competition, she presents the guests with a potion - signed tea bags.

Continuation of the feast.

The sorcerer-woman and the ancient Greek singer quietly leave the room and return to the table in disguise.

Phonogram No. 4 sounds

Leading:What else is this?

Lord of Time: These sounds come from the 18th century, straight from the imperial palace.
Let's hurry to the court, otherwise we won't have our heads blown off! The Great Empress herself wants to see the birthday girl with her retinue.

One, two, three, four, five
Turn back time,
Through mountains and plains,
Oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of the earth
Move it back!

Phonogram No. 5. The Empress appears.

Empress: Dear sirs and madams! I have gathered you on a joyful occasion for our entire fatherland - name day... (name). And I want to immediately announce my royal decree.

Decree of the Most Serene, Most Powerful, great empress Ekaterina Alekseevna autocrat.

For considerable merits, and for glorious deeds, I wish to express my royal favor to the girl ... (name), who, without sparing her belly, serves the Russian land with faith and righteousness.
By his example, he teaches others how to love a husband, honor father and mother, and raise foolish offspring to their feet. Every day is full of work, like a bee.
Therefore, I command that my lazy ministers should be driven out of the courtyard, and in their place ... (name) put.

I give the red maiden an ermine fur coat from the Tsar’s shoulder and a pair of bay horses so that they can be regularly delivered to the Tsar’s service. And since her rank has improved, I order you to show ... (name) every respect and bow low with your forehead when you meet.

I command you to have fun on this occasion with music, lush tables, with overseas caviar - zucchini, with cannon fire.
Don’t pour too much wine for the guests, so that they don’t wander around the city squares with red noses and confuse other people. And if anyone betrays the sovereign’s word, he will be whipped and hung on a rack, as if it were not common for others to do so.

The imperial order must be carried out exactly and without delay.

...(date) from the Nativity of Christ.

Empress: And now I wish you fun.

Lord of Time: Her Majesty cannot be contradicted. Everyone plays!

Empress: Parsley, my fool, is the inventor of all sorts of riddles. He composes on the fly, and then makes a wish for everyone. So I composed it for your holiday. I will give royal gifts to the smart people who are the first to find the answer.

  • What is not in Paris, but is in Moscow, not in the Seine, but is in the Neva? (answer: letter “B”)
  • It takes Vaska the bell ringer 15 minutes to climb the bell tower. How long will it take him to do this, if he takes a clerk and a clerk with him? (answer: 15 minutes)
  • Yashka the Serf was running across the field in the pouring rain. There was no dry thread left on it. As soon as I wrung out my trousers, a whole tub of water leaked out, but not a single hair on my head got wet. How can this be? (answer: Yashka was bald)
  • The serf Glasha collected 6 apples in the garden. And since she is not a greedy girl, she gave Grishka half to the groom. She treated me, therefore. How many apples did she have left after that? (answer: 5 and a half)
  • The landowner was traveling to the village in a carriage drawn by three horses. On the way he met the same 3 carriages. How many carriages were traveling to the village? (answer: one carriage)
  • There were 5 rowan trees growing. Each has 5 large branches. And on these large branches there are 5 small ones. On the branches of those small ones there are 5 bulk apples growing. How many fruits will gardener Proshka collect from the trees? (answer: none. Apples do not grow on rowan trees)

Empress: How much I love meeting smart people in my state. For this, I allow the sovereigns to kiss my most illustrious hand, and I order the empresses to give each of the gingerbread from the royal table that the ambassadors had left over from the reception.
And now I’m retiring to the bedchamber. I'm kind of tired of you. (Leaves)

Lord of Time: It’s time for me to hit the road too. Low bow for the good-natured welcome. They warmed, fed, and gave water to the tired wanderer.
For such cordiality I want to thank you with small gifts that I collected throughout the world. Let everyone choose a gift to their liking.

A fun lottery is being drawn.
The role of the drum will be played by a hat, from which guests will take notes one by one. Each participant must read the text out loud, and the Lord of Time will announce and award prizes.

Didn't sleep all night, counting sheep?
Here's a candle for this occasion.
The aroma will fill the house
And will bring you a sound sleep. (aroma candle)

Matches are needed always and everywhere
At home in the kitchen, on a picnic.
Striking a match is a simple matter,
And grilled meat tastes better than raw meat! (box of matches)

Start your day with a cup of coffee
From dawn to dawn
You'll be like an electric broom
With a battery inside! (coffee bag)

It is very important to wash your face
In the mornings and evenings,
And to the unwashed piglets
Shame and disgrace! (soap)

If you lubricate the handles with cream
Without regret, from the heart,
They'll become like cat's paws
Silky and soft. (hand cream)

If you want a sweet life,
You can eat some chocolate.
It's better to eat one piece at a time
To get through the doorway. (Chocolate)

Be like a minister
Write down your plans in a notebook,
Get into the system quickly
The cycle of one’s affairs. (Notebook)

Take a notebook,
To write music.
The Case of Mozart and Bach
Someone has to continue! (music book)

A rattle is a trifle,
Might come in handy soon.
News will arrive from the maternity hospital,
And the folder is all ready! (beanbag)

It's hard to think of a more useful present,
Why waterproof adhesive is durable “Moment”.
Firmly adheres rubber to skin
So it’s impossible to tear it off later. (Glue “Moment”)

Continuation of the feast.

Final scene. Takes place towards the end of the event. Phonogram No. 6.

Leading: A letter has just arrived addressed to the traitor. It is strange that there is no stamp or seal on the envelope.

The birthday girl opens the envelope and reads out the text. The melody of phonogram No. 6 will give the scene a touching lyrical sound.

Dear...(name)! Don’t be angry that you haven’t heard from me for so long. All the years of our separation, I continued to travel around the world.
And now I am writing to you from the distant future. It's amazing. Earthlings fly to the Moon and Mars. Robots live among people. There are no wars and cures for serious diseases have been found.

By the way, I was very pleased to meet you again on your anniversary. So much time has passed, but you have not changed. The same charming smile, kind heart and broad soul.

I saw happy faces family and friends who came with flowers and congratulations. Your inquisitive and cheerful grandchildren brought me complete delight.
And what wonderful words did you say at the festive table: “The secret of my longevity is not at all in the elixir of the Witch Woman, but in the fact that I have the most strong family and the most reliable friends!

Birthday – important holiday. And you can’t spend it in a gray, boring, ordinary way. But what can we come up with to make this day memorable for a long time, so that guests do not spend time in boring conversations, looking for a new suitable topic, but unite in exciting games and competitions, jokes, being charged with positive energy and drive for a long time? Three bright and cool scenario for a girl who will help turn her birthday at home into an extravaganza of emotions and joy are waiting for you further in the article.

Scenario 1 “Land Through the Looking Glass”

The hall is decorated with mirrors, fancy elements reminiscent of alchemist's tools - a large glass ball, flasks with multi-colored liquids, decorative candles. The room is in twilight and muffled mystical music is playing. There are laid tables against the wall, but now they are hidden from everyone by a screen. Before people take their seats, they must pass the Alchemist's control.

  • ALCHEMIST (leader 1):

    - Hello, dear guests, hello good people. For what reason did you come here, to my castle, to my abode of mysteries and secrets?

    (Something appears from the depths of the hall shaggy, eccentric, but endlessly cheerful - a resident of another reality, Let's just call him, Presenter 2)


    - How about you, oh wisest, oh most talented, knower of riddles nature and the secrets of distant stars, the language of animals and birds and the fact that Alla Pugacheva is going to organize her twentieth concert in honor of her farewell to the stage, and you don’t know something so important! After all, today is the most amazing day!


    - Which one? Don't languish! You know I don't like puzzles!


    - Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of earthly girls, the kindest and sweetest! Here she is! (points to the hero of the occasion)

  • ALCHEMIST (looking closely):

    - Yes, yes... now I understand why the stars in the sky today shine brighter than usual. Now I understand... But who are these people?

  • HOST 2

    - Well, you are a aunt! Forgive me, these are our beauty’s guests! Who also want to congratulate her.


    - I got an idea!


    - You! Again he with his ideas. Now he’s coming up with something that won’t be ready until nightfall... Oh, honey, I feel like I won’t be able to eat any cakes today. And I love them so much...


    - Don't gundi. Here's what I came up with. Now we will find out what thoughts our dear guests came with. (addressing the guests) Please choose one ball from those hanging on the wall (points to the wall where the balls are previously hung).

  • (Leader 2 encourages those gathered to choose their balls, then the Alchemist takes out a needle and approaches the first person with the ball, pierces it. Inside the ball there is a rolled up note with a wish or some kind of joke)

    - So, so... what is this guest thinking about? (Reads) “There is no more wonderful and kinder friend in the world than our birthday girl!” Yes, that's a good idea. Please come in and take your place at the table.

    (So ​​the Alchemist goes to everyone and reads out loud the note stored inside the ball, or gives this right to the one holding the ball.

    Notes should be kind and funny, without negative statements.

    After reading, everyone sits down at the table. After the feast, good wishes and songs accompanied by a guitar, a series of fun competitions begins).


    — Many of you probably know that the word has enormous power. I propose to do this: we will now wish something kind, good for our birthday girl, but not just like that, but by doing hedgehog. What is it? You tell me. I'll explain. We take an apple and stick a match into it along with a wish. The result will be a cute hedgehog, a talisman for our beauty’s happiness. So, let's go!

  • HOST 2

    - Now, let's play! I thought of one word, and now I’ll quickly draw it as best I can. Of course, I’m not much of an artist, but I’ll still try. Your task is to guess what word I originally had in mind! Whoever guesses first will receive a prize.


    - And now I would like to check how well you know our birthday girl! (Takes her behind the screen and returns with a mysterious expression on her face) So, you must answer correctly simple questions. What color was our beauty’s blouse (dress, skirt). What color are her eyes? What color is her lipstick and eye shadow (if any). What she loves most. What he dislikes most. What kind of music does she listen to? Do you think she has a dream, and if so, what is it?

    (Questions can be different, funny and simple. The person who gives the most correct answers receives a prize)

  • HOST 2

    - Yes, you know our birthday girl well. But it seems to me that we sat too long at the table. It's time to joke and have fun. Well, get up, I’m announcing the start of a new competition!

    (The essence of the next competition is as follows: guests are divided into two teams, one stands against the other, in two ranks. The competition is something like a relay race, but not
    sports, but theatrical,
    that is, the presenter asks those first in the row some simple task, for example, to portray friends who have met after a long separation or, conversely, inveterate enemies and people must try to portray the task. Then they go to the end and are the second in the row to complete the task, and so on until the end of the row. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the competition. There are no winners here, friendship wins, and as a sign of this, all participants in the game are awarded souvenirs).


    — What talented guests gathered today! We can assemble a real theater troupe worthy of the capital's theater stage. You did a good job in our competitions. And now I turn the dial of my time machine back to... oops! I wanted to turn it back just half an hour to watch the beginning of the holiday again, but now... we move back in time and find ourselves... in the 19th century, at the royal ball! It's horrible!

  • HOST 2

    - This is wonderful! Which of us has previously had such a wonderful opportunity to get into the romantic 19th century? Music, maestro! (beautiful music plays, dancing begins)

Scenario 2 "Dancenight"

The room is decorated in a youth style - posters, posters of famous rock stars, some attributes of active youth - headphones, CDs, sheets of sheet music and song tests. Upbeat music is playing.

Instead of tables, there are pillows and rugs scattered on the floor; a blanket is spread on the floor, on which, in a youthful, camp-like way, dishes are placed.

Scenario 3 “Funny Pun”

The hall is decorated bright pictures, tinsel, in general, everything that can be found in the house - sweets, oranges, bananas, so that the room turns into a harmonious chaos of colors, aromas, things. Dance music is playing.

The long-awaited anniversary has arrived. The birthday girl turned 55 and I want to celebrate in the best and most interesting way possible. Therefore, they often invite a toastmaster to a holiday, who will hold a birthday party according to the script.

He will come up with such anniversary competitions for the 55th woman so that the guests will have fun. Humor is very important in such a holiday. In this article we will describe several ideas with which you can involve all guests.

Table competitions

There is such a wonderful game “Who thinks about what.” It is held at the table in a cheerful and noisy company. The toastmaster brings to the guests a small bag containing cards with letters. The task of this game is to name the first word that comes to mind for the letter that the person pulled out. Out of surprise, people get confused and speak quickly and randomly. This is what the game is all about. There will be a lot of laughter and fun.

Table parties can be not only with cards. Play the game “Kiss of the hero of the day”, which is as follows: the toastmaster divides the guests into two teams (left and right sides of the table), and the birthday boy sits in the center. Now the condition of the game. The guests furthest from the hero of the day drink a glass of wine, kiss their neighbor, and he, in turn, passes the kiss to the next one in the same way. And so on until the hero of the day is kissed. However, the game begins only when the leader gives a signal, and the teams begin. The member of whose team kisses the birthday boy first wins.

There are also adult competitions on paper at the table. The toastmaster divides the guests into teams (right and left sides of the table). Then he gives everyone papers and pencils. The right side writes questions, and the left side writes answers. Then they hand over the sheets to the presenter. The toastmaster puts the questions in one deck and the answers in another. Next comes the most interesting part. One guest takes cards with a question, and the other with an answer. It turns out interesting and fun. One guest reads the question, the other reads the answer. These birthday party ones are so funny. They give a lot of emotions, laughter and fun.

Game "Cooking"

There are also new competitions for adults, which lift the spirits of guests. For example, the game "Cooking". When the guests are sitting at the table, the host names any letter, and the participants call it the name of the dish or ingredient that is on the neighbor’s plate. The one who remembered and reacted much faster than the others wins.

Competition with humor

Do you want a lot of laughter at the holiday? Then come up with humorous competitions. Adult birthdays are a lot of fun. This game helps even unfamiliar guests get closer. To do this, blindfold one person, and attach clothespins to the other on his pants or skirt in a circle, on his jacket, hair, and so on. The guest, whose eyes are closed, must find all the clothespins on the person. You will see how much humor and laughter this wonderful competition will bring.

Eat similar game. Only one person lies down on the sofa, and pieces of paper are scattered on him, and the other guest with eyes closed must find all the leaves. He examines all parts of his mate's body. These will bring a lot of positivity to every guest.

Competition with cards

This game will bring a lot of positivity not only to the hero of the day, but also to the guests. The toastmaster prepares cards with letters. For example, VOD, RMI, SKA, etc. There should be as many such cards as possible. The presenter puts them in a bag and mixes them.

Then invites guests to draw one card. For example, it says “WOD” on it. The guest must come up with three words from these letters as a compliment to the hero of the day. It could be “Valya, adored, kind.” If you pulled out “RMI,” you can come up with: “dear, sweet, amazing.” This is a fun game, especially if it's hard to come up with a compliment for a certain letter.

This fun competitions adults. It’s not boring at the table; you can have a drink, chat and play entertaining games.

Street competitions

You can have a relay race. By the way, many people remember this game from childhood. The relay race must be held outside. The host divides the guests into two teams, and the birthday girl also participates. The toastmaster selects the captains. They lead their team and are given a bag each. Opposite the teams, at a decent distance, there are two flags.

Relay task: two captains, at the command of the leader, jump in bags or on balls to the goal, touch the flag and jump to their team.

The bag is passed to the next player in line and he continues the relay. The team that runs out of participants faster and has no one to jump to the designated goal wins.

Being outside helps you bond, focus, and have a lot of fun. This can be not only a relay race, but also dancing in pairs. For example, a woman and a man stand with their backs to each other and must dance a lambada. The toastmaster can complicate the task and bind the participants. It turns out much more interesting and fun.

Game "Crocodile"

Can you suggest cool competitions, where you can’t talk, but you need to express your feelings, emotions and objects using gestures. Everyone remembers this fun and tricky game from their childhood. However, for adults it needs to be complicated. Therefore, all participants are divided into two teams, and the presenter proposes a topic. It must be complex. For example, cooking. One team is given the task of showing seafood soup with facial expressions and gestures. And the other is tomato puree soup with carrots and squid.

Can you imagine how to show potatoes, tomatoes or seafood with gestures and facial expressions? Such shows will be so much fun! Anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday are offered in order to remember her childhood and have fun from the heart.

Game "Portrait"

A wide variety of anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday are offered. The main thing is that it is fun and interesting. You can play "Portrait". To do this, give all participants markers and balloons. They must draw a portrait of the birthday girl. The person who draws the most similar drawing wins.

There is also a game called “Verbal Portrait”. To do this, guests are shown various children's photos, which should not only be of the birthday girl. Participants in the competition must guess children's photographs of the hero of the day and describe the photo in their own words. The person who guesses more photos than the other participants will win.

Dance with humor

As a rule, the script for anniversary competitions offers not only table or street games. It’s also fun to hold dance competitions. The host divides the guests into pairs: man and woman. Next, he spreads newspapers of the same size at their feet. Music starts playing and couples dance. When the song is over, they fold the newspaper in half and dance on it again. As soon as the music ends again, fold the paper in half again. And so on until the newspaper became completely smaller and it became impossible to dance.

The couple that lasts the longest wins. Sometimes couples get out of it, men take women in their arms and continue dancing. This is an entertaining and exciting competition that will only give positive emotions and memories.

Game "Broken Phone"

Probably every person remembers this wonderful and fun game. Only for adults it is more complicated and more interesting. All participants sit on the floor, creating a circle. The presenter says a word, and the player comes up with an association for it and quickly says it to his neighbor. And so on until the last participant.

For example, the presenter says in the player’s ear: “Phone.” The participant has an association with the ear and tells his neighbor: “Ear.” The next player has an association with audibility. So he says to his neighbor: “Listen.” And so on until the last participant. Believe me, this game will not leave anyone indifferent.

Game “Dress up in our store”

The presenter puts things in an opaque bag in advance. However, they should be cool: pantaloons, bras, rompers, caps, New Year's masks and more. When the music starts, the guests dance and pass the package to their neighbor. The music stops, and the participant who has the package takes out one thing by touch and puts it on himself.

The game ends when the bag is empty. The guest who wears as few things as possible wins. You can give him a pacifier as a gift. It's cool and interesting competition which will appeal to all guests.

Game "Sour Lemon"

The facilitator divides the participants into two teams and gives each captain a basket of vegetables and fruits. The game is to eat the entire contents of the basket. However, there is one caveat. Each basket contains a lemon, which someone will also need to eat.

The game starts with the captains. They choose a vegetable or fruit and quickly eat it. Only when the captain has chewed does the next participant begin the second round. The team that finishes the basket the fastest wins.

Song competition

Everyone went through karaoke. One sings, the other picks up. What if we held the same competition, only with a more complex task? Participants take water into their mouths and sing their favorite song without splashing those around them. The winner is the one who splashes the least amount of water and sings better. This is a fun and funny competition that will appeal not only to the audience, but also to the participants.

Game "Create a double"

The presenter prepares the soundtrack in advance famous singers. This could be Alla Pugacheva, Tatyana Bulanova, Philip Kirkorov and other artists. Each participant must try to impersonate their favorite singer using wigs, makeup, facial expressions or gestures.

Game "Guess Who's Here"

The presenter tells the rules of the game to the participants. The lot chooses the person who needs to be blindfolded. The rest of the guests stand in line. The participant with his eyes closed must guess the guest's hand. For more interesting game participants can exchange jewelry or jackets. Who cares? It turns out funny and fun for all guests.

Game "Unknown Object"

The presenter invites participants to guess what is in the tied bag. Whoever says it correctly will receive a prize. Participants ask leading questions to the presenter, and he can answer: “yes” and “no.”

For example, guests can ask the following questions: “Can I drink this?”, “Do I need to eat?”, “Alcohol?”, “Should I listen?” etc. The prize is the contents of the package. Therefore, it will be interesting for each participant to give the correct answer.

Game “Undress the hero of the day”

Anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday can be fun, humorous and cool. Here's one of them. The presenter takes the birthday girl out of the room, and meanwhile the participants place a pre-prepared mannequin in the center. In place of the face they attach a photograph of the hero of the day and clothes cut out of paper. When the mannequin is dressed, the birthday girl comes in and the fun continues.

The host asks the guests one by one about the birthday girl. For example, what hobby does she have, what year of birth, the birthday boy’s favorite dish, etc. The hero of the day either confirms what he heard or refutes. If the participant said something wrong, then one item is removed from the dummy. The participant who guesses the most interesting thing about the birthday girl wins.


Jubilee competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday should be organized so that the hero of the occasion (celebrant) is most often involved in them. This is where the fun lies. After all, the birthday girl should have a memory of the anniversary.

The toastmaster must choose the scenario so correctly that all guests without exception are involved in games and competitions. Then no one will want to leave this wonderful holiday. Each guest for many years will remember this day as one of the best in his life.

Anniversary - important event in the life of any person. So let's celebrate it fun and brightly!!! And they will also help you spend this holiday in an organized manner.

Script for a woman's anniversary "Anniversary - what a word it is!"

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our colleague in a solemn, festive atmosphere, beautiful woman...! Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what a word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

And there is joy and warmth in the house!

Friends and employees, without sparing words,

They want to congratulate you

On this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

Your advice is important and necessary for us.

Your family loves and appreciates you,

Hopes, your faithful friends.

We all wish you health and strength;

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without hindrance!

The girlfriends of the hero of the day come up to her and sing congratulations on the anniversary to the tune of the song “Snowfall.”

Host: There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And first we will give the floor to the director, our respected....

The director reads out and presents the welcome address and gift.

Presenter: The staff of our institution has always been distinguished by stability in personnel matters; it has always been and remains a single, united organism, friendly and efficient. And today we congratulate you... The team sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I’m Standing at a Stop Station” and gives gifts.

The host gives the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presenting gifts.

Congratulatory song (based on the song “Snowfall”)

You haven't had time yet

Drink up your autumn

It's already an anniversary

Yours has crept up and is waiting.

He is gray and wrinkled

threw it up a little

More surprises

He'll bring it to you!

Anniversary, anniversary,

This is not old age at all

This is a mature beauty

Grateful dawn!

So let's pour some glasses

And let's drink for joy.

And hours of fun

They will fly by like a moment!

Wishes today

Let them flow like a river.

Be your favorite wife

And loved by children.

For friends and acquaintances

Prepare a feast.

Everyone will come to the holiday,

Don't forget - invite!

And we also wish

To you, dear,

Long life and good luck

Big, very big.

So that in your house

There was joy and happiness

And the trouble would be for him

I avoided it!

Congratulatory song

(to the tune of the song “I’m Standing at a Stop”)

Friends and relatives are sitting

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way left behind.

The words are welcoming.

Where are your cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention

Please accept my wishes,

Live many years to the joy of everyone.

May the years be like a blizzard

Everything is turning gray,

And it warms youth, light!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,

Unchanged success,

We wish you great luck many times over.

Good health to you,

Hopes and personal happiness,

May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all your wishes will come true

And let there never be grief.

Love if you love.

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Leading: Dear colleagues! Guests of our holiday! We learned a lot today about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present yet congratulated them on the anniversary. The floor is given to the husband of the hero of the day. After congratulations, the host invites the guests to play.

Game "Associations"

The company, preferably that at least half of the players have known each other for a long time, selects a “VICTIM” and a “LEADER” from among its members. The “LEADER” goes into another room and waits until he is called or simply closes his eyes, then the choice of “VICTIM” occurs in silence. Upon arrival of the “HOST”, he begins to ask everyone in turn questions like: “If this is a car, then what?”, “If this is a flower, then which one?”, “If this is a plastic bag...”, “If this website...", etc. To which he receives the answers: “ONCE-FUCKING ZAPOROZHETS”, “CACTUS” and so on. He asks until he decides who was chosen as the “VICTIM”. If the “LEADING” guesses right, then he becomes an ordinary player, and the “VICTIM” takes his place. If not, then he goes to guess again. It is advisable not to delay the survey to 10-20 laps, otherwise the players will fall asleep and the questions will run out. The game is interesting because you learn a lot about yourself.

Competition “Come on, girls!”

The presenter (by the way, he must run fast, just in case) announces a competition for the most dexterous girl. For this, he chooses 3-4 girls in skirts. A 1-2 meter long mat is placed on the floor. The girls are blindfolded and the task is explained that they must walk over the mat, spreading their legs as wide as possible, without stepping on it. The girls do this simple task. After which the presenter lies down on the mat face up and waits for the girls’ bandages to be removed. After that, he slowly gets up and dramatically announces the winner is the one who blushed the most, takes a low start and prepares to run away as quickly as possible from the angry contestants (if any show up).

"Fire extinguishers"

The players are tied to their belts with ropes, to the ends of which either matchboxes or soaked cotton wool are attached. A lit candle is placed in front of the players. Contestants need to put out the candle as quickly as possible without using their hands.

Universal anniversary script for women and men

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or life at home is bad -
But dressed, just a miracle.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our young Vladimir
Among your friends
I decided to celebrate my anniversary.

Presenter: Dear First Name Last Name, allow me to congratulate you on behalf of everyone present on your anniversary and retirement.
We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit over champagne,
To dance and sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
Brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Even if life is harsh at times,
But don't you dare give in to her.

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the rules of our evening. Our charter states:

That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.

It is announced that Vladimir Konstantinovich’s anniversary in 20__ will not be cancelled.

Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to have a glass to begin with.

It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.

Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month, after this evening they cannot be returned.

Host: I offer the floor to congratulate my colleagues and friends.
(Colleagues of the hero of the day speak.)

We congratulate you on this significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health,

And there are many sincere friends in life.

Anniversary is a special date,

Where do you mentally sum up,

What could be wrong someday?

What is expensive, you probably saved.

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And we want to wish you happiness.

Let in your home climate

There will never be bad weather.

We do not give to the birthday boy

No headsets, no rings,

You'll probably receive it warmer

Greetings from friendly hearts.

Host: And now I would like to tell you a little about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.

(The presenter writes down these adjectives and inserts them into the missing places in the text).

First Name Last Name Born in... 19.. He grew up very... as a child. For many... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his... character. In... 1950 he was accepted into the ranks... pioneer organization them. V.I.Lenin. He received his education and specialty in... 1963. In the same year he joined the ranks of our... friendly team and has not parted with us since then. He made... contributions to... the affairs of the country. The hero of the day has... appearance and... performance, which is what endeared him to the team.

Presenter: We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness,
What more could you wish for?
If we drink today,
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow we can continue again.

And now, on behalf of the Russian Department of Education, I have been entrusted with presenting a diploma to the hero of the day stating that he is truly a pensioner.

This diploma was issued to the Jubilee (Last Name, First Name) in that during his 60 years of life he completed a course of study on the topic “Know and be able to” and discovered the following knowledge:
Literature (Conversation with wife in anger.) - 4

Mathematics (Recalculation wages wife in their favor.) - 4

Geography (Wherever it takes you, everything will come home.) - 5

Music (Game on nerves.) - 3

Chemistry (Moonshine brewing) - 4

Diligence (On the right side.) - 5

Diligence (On the left side.) - 4

Based on the foregoing, recognize the comrade.... fit to travel the further path of life.
Course work on the topic “If you want to live, know how to spin” - protected at 5.

By the decision of the state qualification commission dated... 2000, to assign comrade. ... the title "Free Young Pensioner".
Host: But don't get too upset. The birthday boy is greeted by his friends.

Congratulations from friends
They say that at sixty, every birthday person is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five years.
No friends, it’s not like that at all, anyone who thinks like that is an eccentric.
At twenty years old there are holes everywhere,
No wife and no apartment,
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five only we chip in
I had to drink vodka.
At sixty you're all gone
You can give me some vodka.
At twenty-five the bag is empty,
At twenty-five it’s absolute hell,
At sixty - a savings book in rubles,
At sixty, cronyism is everywhere.
At twenty you're working hard
Like a horse or an ox
When you're sixty, you'll tell your colleagues,
You work, I'm off.
No, friends, he is very happy,
That I'm exactly sixty!
Every year he gets smarter
The years fly by like birds,
He won’t even regret that he’s sixty now!

Host: I would like to give advice to a newly minted pensioner.

Keep your family as strict as possible

Come, go and get out,

One look from you, just one word

And for them it is already a law.

And in holidays countries

In the morning, read them morals,

By lunchtime, honor severity,

And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's raise our spell,

Each one took his wine,

Let's drink to the hero of the day

And for friendly family his.

May life be rich in joys.

And happiness will not leave your doorstep.

We wish you as little worry as possible,

But they still cannot be avoided,

So there will be strength to win.

So today we have these forces visiting us. Yes, yes. Don't be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, we have internal forces visiting us, i.e. Ministry of Internal Affairs
(Some of the invitees wear a police uniform. Road signs are drawn up in advance.)

Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg (can be replaced by another city), I present memorable gifts. Since in the apartment constant movement and you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this.

Don't forget to turn off the TV

(The sign is attached to the TV screen)

Be careful there may be children here

(The sign is attached to the sofa)

Be careful, wipe your glasses"

(The sign is attached to the bathroom)

Be careful not to overdo it

(The sign is attached in the kitchen)

Caution for sharp objects (The sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the needle and thread are)

Be careful with gas and electrical appliances

(The sign is attached above gas and electrical appliances)

Policeman: Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach the signs incorrectly or confuse them. All the best

Host: May this day be solemn and holy

Today it has happened - you are sixty!

But don’t be sad, don’t think that’s the limit,

There is still a lot of work ahead of you.

From pure heart we wish you

So that everything you have in mind comes true in fate.

Go through life as boldly as before,

To celebrate more than one anniversary.

We wish you further

Never, never give up

And health for many years,

We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Presenter: We gave you gifts,

But it's no secret to anyone,

What a heartfelt gift

There is no better song.

(The lyrics of the song are printed and copied in advance. Distribute to the guests.)

To the melody of "At the spinning wheel"

Autumn has flown by

Vova gathered all the guests.

Let's sit at a feast as if

Let's talk about the anniversary.

And that's true, that's true,

The anniversary is not easy here,

Well, this needs to be measured out like this,

You shake your head.

And yours has survived,

Surprise takes over

By God they would fall in love,

It’s a pity, Lyudmila, he doesn’t.

The hero of the day needs something else,

And he works like an ox,

How will he go digging potatoes?

No one will get hijacked.

Oh it's true, it's true

This master is no matter where

And besides, we need to say,

That I'm crazy about my grandchildren.

We will not praise our wife,

The lady is not great.

Let's look at the hero of the day.

Without him, where would you be?

Why does she care?

He lives on ready-made food.

In the morning he will get up, shake himself off,

He will have a snack and leave.

Oh, girlfriend, don’t swear,

Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad,

Even though they are women, they are women,

There's nowhere without men

Such is our lot,

There's no need for you to be angry

We wish the hero of the day

Live another hundred years in harmony.

Host: And now we offer you a lottery.
Comic lottery

To cook borscht perfectly, you need cabbage for seasoning.


Acetylsalicylic acid will warm you up even without cognac.

Don’t even try to get angry at everyone and the nail will come in handy around the house.

You thought that there was no happiness,

Oh, what a weirdo you are

Here, buy yourself some candy,

For a nickel won

When you go for a walk,

And so that your pants don't fall off,

You must have with you

A pin made of steel


After a drink, have a snack,

The matter is very important.

Here's a sleeve for you
(Paper napkin.)

Carpet 2x3.


Here's a flower for you,

Please save

He will help you

To lure a lover(tsu).

To throw off ten years ago

You don't need to think long

Excellent will give advice

This amazing lipstick


We have provided you with hooks

Well, sew the skirts yourself


Fry, cook, boil,

Just don't add too much salt

(A pack of salt.)

To send greetings to friends, an envelope will also come in handy


Pour 100, pour 200, you can’t do it alone, let’s do it together

This nail is a gift for you.
You are the best guest today


Don't be mad at us my friend

Here's a box of matches for you


If you don’t wash your heels, you’ll cover them with a heel


You will accumulate a thousand in time

If there is a wallet


Here's your badge

Wear a brooch instead


For a good friend, there's a head of garlic


How do you tie a ribbon in a bow?

You will immediately become the first dandy


If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes with onions (Onion)

The scenario is suitable for any company that likes to have fun. Cool songs and ditties, wonderful toasts - it's all here.

The scenario is designed in the style of a royal feast of the medieval era. Every woman wants to feel like a queen at least once in her life, so this scenario is for you. The host and funny characters will brighten up the evening for the guests and the hero of the occasion.

You can order or sew suits and dresses in the style of the Middle Ages yourself.

You can also spend your birthday outdoors: near your home, in the forest or on a river.


You will need: blindfolds, a letter, paper and pen, apples, drinks, boxing gloves, candy, tape recorder, flowers.

Musical arrangement: medieval music, cuts of songs for competitions.


Birthday script for a woman “Your Majesty is the Queen!”

Leading: Greetings, dear guests. You and I have gathered at a royal feast to celebrate the birthday of our esteemed, beautiful, fair Queen (name). Today we simply must have fun, congratulate the birthday girl, give her gifts and just enjoy today!

A messenger runs in with an important message: A letter to the queen, an urgent letter!

Game "Letter"

The presenter takes the letter, but there are missing words in it. All guests, in turn, must name any adjectives so that the end result is an interesting congratulation.

On this ___ and ___ day, we want to congratulate our most ___ and ___ woman in the world. We wish her ___ health, ___ happiness, ___ success and ___ love. May all your ___ wishes come true. And today we will give you a sea of ​​___ emotions, we will pleasantly surprise you with ___ gifts. Always remain the same ___. Your ___ friends, colleagues and family.

The presenter reads out the resulting congratulation.

Leading: Let's raise our glasses to such a wonderful toast.
So that our queen does not get bored, let's ask our respected men and children to take part in the races.

Leading: Well done, riders, you control your horses well. It’s been a long time since anyone gave a toast to our queen, after all, today is her day. Since the children showed in the races upper class, let them congratulate.

Congratulations from children

The birthday girl’s children take turns congratulating their mother:

  • You know, mom, I like your hands so much, they are so gentle and affectionate.
  • And your kind and sensitive soul always understands me.
  • I will never forget how you sang songs to me in your quiet and sweet voice.
  • There is only one person in the world who will always be there and forgive all insults - it’s you, mom.
  • I am grateful to God that I have you, my dearest and most beloved mother.
  • You are like an angel, how lucky I am to have you.
  • All children in chorus: We love you, you are the best!

Leading: What have just been said, let’s drink to her, the kindest and most loving one, and to her beautiful children.

Leading: Suddenly the idea came to my mind that we shouldn’t have a knight’s tournament. The most beautiful ladies of the kingdom have gathered here, well, knights, who wants to compete for the heart of these lovely creatures?

Competition "Knight's Tournament"

The men come out and are given boxing gloves.
The leader mentally prepares the knights, gives advice on where it is better to hit and where it is forbidden.

The participants are already ready to fight for the hearts of beautiful ladies with each other. But the host gives them sweets, and the men’s task is to unwrap as many sweets as possible and give them to the women.

Leading: It was not easy to cope with such a task, but the knights still showed their mighty strength. For this, young ladies must reward their gentlemen with a dance.

Leading: We had a lot of fun, and now it won’t hurt to relax and taste the royal food. First, let's raise a glass to our queen, who is as beautiful as ever.

Suddenly the buffoons run out and start singing congratulatory ditties, while performing various tricks.

1 buffoon:
Guess who's coming to make honest people laugh. We are boys - buffoons! Patrons of the era!

2 buffoon:
Queen - you are lovely. There is no better person in the world than you. Your hair is wonderful! And you can’t take your eyes off (points to chest)…

1 buffoon:

Ruling the kingdom
Be friends with the whole world.
And an example for his subjects
Serve without a doubt

2 buffoon:

Your daughter is a sight for sore eyes,
Warrior is your little son.
Cheer up
Mom, summer and winter.

1 buffoon:

Well, the queen has a husband
Over these long years,
Neither right nor left,
He never walked!

2 buffoon:

Instantly forget all the scandals
We wish everyone well!
Fill up the glasses
Let's have fun! See you in the morning!

Leading: We didn’t order clowns, who sent you?

1 buffoon: We are not clowns, we are buffoons! The owner of the neighboring kingdom sent us to you to congratulate the queen on her name day.

Leading: If so, join us and let's celebrate together!

2 buffoon: Our king sent a message to the queen, but we won’t give it away just like that. You must figure out for yourself what the ruler of the neighboring kingdom conveyed.

Competition “Without further ado”

The buffoons try to use gestures to depict all the words that are written in the message.

Guests can take turns or guess in unison. It is best if the phrase is not too long.

For example, “Queen, you are the brightest in the whole kingdom! How happy I am that there is such an amazing woman in this world whom I love!”

Leading: Guests, let's drink to the fact that everyone has love in their lives, no matter for their husband, wife, children, animals or even money. After all, it is love that inspires us and inspires us to great deeds!

Leading: Well, ladies and gentlemen! Let's go hunting. Only it won’t be simple, not for animals, but for drink. And then I see that there is practically no more of it left on the table.

Competition "Who's Lucky"

Anyone can participate.

Cups with various drinks are placed on the table: juice, water, wine, vodka, etc. But some liquid is spoiled by salt, pepper, sugar, and fish oil.

Participants must throw round jelly beans into glasses. Whoever ends up in which glass will drink it. Competition for accuracy and luck!

Leading: Let's drink to stop drinking alcoholic drinks everyone felt good, and the next morning there was no headache!

An elegant man enters: Hello guests, I hope I'm not late! I am the singer of this kingdom and to those who do not know me, I will now demonstrate my ability to sing.

Sings a song to the tune of “The Hunter’s Song” from the movie “About Little Red Riding Hood.”

This evening is filled
Love and warmth.
How glad I am for this meeting
I haven't been here for a long time.
Now I want to congratulate
Goddess of celebration
I couldn't imagine
Such a deity.

Pa-pa-pa-pa I fell in love with you
Pa-pa-pa-pa I'll die of happiness
Pa-pa-pa-pa I'll die of happiness
There are no more beautiful people in the world.

But I'm just a little married
For many years now.

I want to tell you
That you are wonderful.
And I see it in your eyes
That I also like you.
I would like to be with you so much
Be there every time
But you understand for yourself
Your husband will hit you in the eye.

I don’t need wealth, I don’t want freedom.
I will humiliate myself - and I will get you,
But if you don't want to be next to me.
You will upset me, and I will go on a drinking binge.

Singer: Thank you everyone, it was a pleasure to sing for the wonderful queen. I do not claim your heart, because I know very well that you love your husband.
I know that I am the best poet and singer in this kingdom, and maybe even in the world. What if I'm wrong, let's check!

Competition "Let's Sing!"

Any number of people can participate.

A piece of paper and a pen are given, on which guests must write line by line. warm words birthday girl. You can remember the words from a song or poem, or you can come up with them yourself.

As soon as one person writes, he folds the paper so that others cannot see. To have a rhyme in a song, you can write a phrase so that last word was visible to the next participant.

As soon as the sheet is filled out, the birthday girl must sing the result.

Leading: It turned out interesting, let's raise our glasses to ensure that everything is as in this song.

The magician runs in with his assistant.

Magician: It seems we are late. They all drank without us.

Leading: Don’t worry, Trofim, there are still plenty of intoxicating drinks in the royal carriage.

Magician: This is good! I came to congratulate the queen and surprise her with my tricks. Just don’t judge strictly, I’m still learning.

Miracles of magic tricks

While the magician is performing tricks (they can be absolutely anything), the assistant approaches some guests (5 people) and asks them various questions regarding their lives. For example: “What is your hobby?” “What are you dreaming about?” “Where do you want to go on vacation?” etc. After this, you need to select an excerpt from the song that most closely matches the answer of one or another participant. Or it’s worth finding out details about some of the guests in advance and preparing song cuts.

Magician: And now I will demonstrate my most powerful ability. I will guess your thoughts! (He chooses any of the participants at his discretion, makes magical passes over his head and includes the corresponding excerpt from the song).

Leading: Miracles, and that’s all! If only I could learn to read minds, then I’d be making billions. Let's drink, our dear guests, so that everyone has everything and nothing happens for it!

Weather in the house

Music from the program “Weather Forecast” plays, the magician’s assistant reads the text:

Today it is clear in the kingdom, the bright sun is shining in the sky, hugging everyone with its warm rays, wanting to outdo its competitor (points to the birthday girl).

He smiles and makes everyone happy, but no one pays attention to him. Oh, that's it! He gets offended and goes behind the clouds. Crying. The rain is pouring even harder, the sun is very upset. Large drops plop into guests' glasses, filling them with an alluring substance that attracts them to themselves. Nobody pays attention to what is happening, everyone is busy drinking magical drinks.

The sky has gone completely crazy, accompanies its despondency with thunder and sparkling lightning. But all the same, the guests are cheerful, the birthday girl is happy. The storm ended, the sun came out, and a rainbow appeared.

The sun began to scorch so much that Uncle Vasya’s hair (points to the bald head of a guest) burned. And the substance in the glasses evaporated. And everyone began to panic, but fortunately, somewhere in the royal cellar several more boxes of “medicine” were found. And everyone is happy again!

Your sun was with you, may no weather change your mood in your life!

Leading: That's a toast, it's worth drinking for!

Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go, because the princess is having a party today in the neighboring kingdom. But before I go, I will read your horoscope for the following evening, so that you know what awaits you.

Funny horoscope

This unusual horoscope, and with tasks. As soon as the presenter reads about one zodiac sign, all representatives of this sign must complete some task.

  • Aries. Today you still have a lot to drink, so be on your guard, don’t get into the carriage with the first person you meet, so as not to end up in an enchanted forest the next morning. To prevent this, shout 5 times: “I’m crazy, I can do anything!”
  • Taurus. Today the person who loves you confesses his love to you. This will happen if all the Taurus come to the nearest tree and confess their love to it in an original way.
  • Twins. A surprise awaits you today, possibly monetary. Maybe the king will donate his savings and reward you for loving the queen so much! Or maybe, on the contrary, he will punish. To appease the king, find among the guests someone who is similar to you (eye color, hair, hobbies, etc.).
  • Cancer. A miracle awaits you this evening, perhaps you won’t even notice it. But know that it will definitely happen. To make this miracle bigger, burst a balloon with your teeth.
  • Lion. I wouldn’t like to upset you, but you will sleep through the rest of the evening without knowing the name of the one who will find the million today. To make sure you are the lucky one, say your congratulations to the birthday girl so that your teeth are not visible.
  • Virgo. Today you will find your prince or princess, perhaps they are hiding somewhere in the swamp. In order for you to finally find your soul mate or the love with your person of heart to be eternal, kiss the frog! (Prepare a rubber frog in advance).
  • Scales. In the evening, enjoy a pleasant walk accompanied by the Queen's retinue. Pray for a walk on fresh air didn’t turn into a fight with a passerby whom you didn’t invite to your birthday last year. Give the birthday girl some of your things, and then trouble will bypass you.
  • Scorpion. Today you have nothing to fear, you will not lose anything, but you will not gain anything either. However, there is a chance that someone will ask you for help, and as a sign of gratitude they will rid you of your enemies. Get on your knees and repent of your three sins.
  • Sagittarius. Today you will have the opportunity to spend the night in the Queen's apartment. To earn such favor, tell the birthday girl compliments with a foreign accent.
  • Capricorn. Today an apple will fall on you and you will become the most... smart person in the kingdom. Make sure nothing heavier arrives. Eat an apple without helping yourself with your hands.
  • Aquarius. Today you'll want to party until the early hours, but the Queen has a curfew. So that the holiday does not end, dance a striptease for the birthday girl.
  • Fish. Today you will want to swim in the river. But don’t rush into it. Perhaps a mermaid or a merman lives there. So that they don’t drag you into the river, but on the contrary, you pull them onto land, drink five glasses of water.

Leading: We had a lot of fun! Continue celebrating without me, but it’s time for me to go!