Unusual horoscope: What are the zodiac signs afraid of? Horoscope of fears. What are the zodiac signs afraid of?

Fears by zodiac sign

There is nothing to scare fearless and decisive Aries at first glance. Most of all, these hot natures are afraid of boredom, routine and monotony. A constant thirst for achievement and movement forward rushes Aries straight to another victory, and any slippage on this path is perceived by them almost as defeat. Life without a certain amount of extreme is boring even for the calmest representatives of this sign, and routine even appears as a frightening life prospect.

Thorough and practical Taurus often shudder at the mere thought of a financial crisis. The prospect of barely making ends meet frightens representatives of this sign, forcing them to feverishly strengthen their rear and put aside supplies. Despite their love for luxury and bliss, Taurus are ready to work tirelessly to strengthen their own “golden fund”. Piggy banks, bank accounts and valuables simply put aside in reserve are the best cure for the most common fears of Taurus.


In the personal rating of Gemini's fears, loneliness and the inability to find a soul mate undoubtedly lead. It is vital for a person born under the sign of Gemini to communicate almost daily with other people - friends, colleagues, neighbors. Yes, periods of loneliness and reluctance to contact anyone happen in the lives of these people, but they still do not last long. But forced silence, the need to constantly hide someone’s secrets and ghosts own loneliness look quite scary to most Geminis.

Sensitive and emotional Cancer, more than anything else, is afraid of getting hurt or inflicting it on a loved one. The subtle nature of Cancer needs a fairly strong “psychological shell”, which not all representatives of this zodiac sign have. Cancers can also be oppressed by the need to be in front of other people for too long, or to maintain tedious contacts with unfamiliar interlocutors. The need to follow a strict framework of rules and obey a strict routine also frightens Cancers with an exorbitant burden of responsibility, often completely far-fetched.

Lovers of being the center of attention, Leos simply cannot stand the lack of interest in themselves. The lack of compliments, applause, and at worst - flattering confessions and likes on social networks - this is what scares Leo the most. In second place on the list of Lion's fears is the inability to purchase luxury items, status jewelry and visits to public events. To some, all this may seem like tinsel glitter, but Leos are very partial to their image. Praise Leo, recognize his merits in some matter, and there will be one less fear in his soul!

Virgos, by their nature, lead in the anxiety rating among all zodiac signs. However, an almost philosophical understanding that much is beyond their capabilities helps Virgos appear calm and even impartial in moments strong excitement. But most of all, clean and tidy Virgos are afraid of various diseases, especially those that arise due to violation of hygiene rules. Catching a cold in the midst of an epidemic or becoming a victim of seasonal vitamin deficiency - these are a couple of typical nightmares for Virgo.

Diplomats and aesthetes, Libra fears most of all manifestations of rudeness and tactlessness - both in relation to themselves and in general to all the people around them. Due to their natural tact and ability to get along with even the most conflicted representatives of the human race, Libra is surprised and cannot find an explanation for their impudence and impudence. This is perhaps what scares them the most. Aesthetics is no less important for Libra, so they will make every effort to ensure that you never catch them in an unkempt state. No matter what happens, Libra will try to look stylish and beautiful in any situation.


It is not easy to describe the fears of Scorpios, because representatives of this sign hide their fears and worries better than others. Being very curious by nature, Scorpios fearlessly venture into unknown areas. But most of all, Scorpios are afraid of showing their own weakness and making this fact publicly known. Scorpios carefully create an image of their own invulnerability and the last thing they want is to be caught in a depressed or frightened state. The passion of Scorpio's nature does not prevent them from being completely faithful to their partner, but betrayal from the outside loved one Scorpios are truly afraid.

Sagittarians cannot stand pessimism in all its manifestations and are most afraid of situations of hopelessness and lack of prospects. Always aimed at new accomplishments and achievements, Sagittarius categorically do not like stagnation in business, despondency and despair of loved ones. These states can easily be transmitted to Sagittarius himself, but at first his natural optimism and cheerful disposition will help him out. If Sagittarius remains in a sad state of mind for a long time, it means that he urgently needs a new goal - bright and worthy of moving towards it, sweeping away all obstacles on the way.

The instability of life situations and manifestations of optionality in the people around them frighten responsible and purposeful Capricorns the most. If you promised Capricorn to help with his request or finish something within a specific time frame, then you will have to keep your promises or forever lose Capricorn’s trust. Representatives of this sign, due to a certain natural gloominess, are sometimes afraid to dream and set bright goals for themselves. Fear that beautiful dreams will be shattered harsh reality, is sometimes so strong that Capricorns have to overcome internal barriers and fight excessive prudence.

Aquarians fear most of all being misunderstood by loved ones and friends. For representatives of this sign, mutual understanding is vitally important, sometimes flowing into understanding each other without words. Aquarians in their thoughts are often ahead of their surroundings and therefore have every reason to fear that their reasoning will seem to someone far from life and frivolous. Do not criticize or ridicule the ideas of Aquarius, even if they sometimes seem to you somewhat eccentric and divorced from practice.

Dreamy and sentimental Pisces are often afraid to show precisely these qualities of their nature. Sometimes these fears manifest themselves in relationships with the closest people. Fears of appearing too weak to their partner, reluctance to entrust their dreams to a friend or girlfriend, fear of ridicule and reproach - all this forces Pisces to carefully hide their weaknesses and try to look stronger than they really are. But, building an image invulnerable man It is useful for Pisces to remember that strength is often hidden in what is considered to be weakness.

Useful tips

We all have some special fears associated with different areas of life: some are afraid of something in work, are afraid of not measuring up to something or being worse than someone else, others have fears and phobias in personal life and in relationships with partners.

If you would like to have a good understanding of the psychology of the opposite sex, start studying them weak points: for example, fears! You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and will be able to use this knowledge as a weapon and control.

Read also: Horoscope of fears: what are women of different zodiac signs afraid of in relationships with men?

Most men do not particularly show their fears when communicating with women: they are used to hiding emotions and subconsciously don't want to look weak. Fears, on the other hand, help them develop.

For example, if a man is afraid of losing his beloved because of his deplorable financial situation, he will do everything to achieve recognition to earn a good life for his partner and not let her leave. There are also those who succumb to fears and do not want to get rid of them, do not want to move forward, but this is already too difficult a case.

Fears of men

ARIESFear #1: being incapacitated, weak, and losing leadership in a relationship.

The Aries man is purposeful and very active; he loves to be first in everything and always, including in relationships. If his partner begins to impose her will too actively and makes decisions for him, this may ends badly for both.

Men of this sign are very afraid of losing their opportunity to be at the helm, they are used to acting first, taking pressure and deep down they are very afraid of refusals. They love to be irresistible in the eyes of a woman and love admiration, so they are afraid that the woman won't be proud of them and will not obey them, will not give them leadership. However, this is not Aries’s strongest fear.

Aries men are much more afraid of losing their physical strength, so they can often be found in the gym or jogging in the parks. There is strength - no need for intelligence– this is just about them. Unfortunately, some of them are ready to use force in relationships. At best, it will be protecting your other half from threats from the outside, at worst - self-affirmation through physical violence.

TAURUSFear No. 2: being insolvent and receiving less than a woman

Men of this sign are great materialists and are used to finding stable and clear sources of income. They are afraid that one day they will lose such sources and find themselves, as they say, “at the bottom.” This kind of fear forces Taurus to always have something for a rainy day.

If we take relationships with women, a Taurus man should feel that he has so much money that his other half depended on him at least a little. If a woman gets more and is ready to share her money with him, this usually melts Taurus, making them insecure and pathetic.

Usually they are afraid of being financially dependent on loved ones. Well, of course, if it's not some kind Taurus gigolo, which sometimes also happens, or if his upbringing does not suffer, and he can live at the expense of his wife without remorse. It is better to stay away from such men.

GEMINI Fear No. 3: being uninteresting to your partner

Geminis are perhaps the most flighty and fickle men in the entire Zodiac and in relationships with women love variety. For some, this is expressed in an endless change of partners, for others - in an interesting pastime with one partner.

By by and large, Gemini does not tolerate and even be afraid of monotony and boredom in a relationship, but most importantly, they are afraid of becoming an uninteresting interlocutor, lover, and person in general for their partner! That is why Gemini men will be resourceful, full of humor, and charming in relationships, so that God forbid their lovers do not get bored.

Are men afraid?

CANCER Fear No. 4: being rejected and unwanted, being lonely

Cancer – pair type Without a relationship, these men cannot feel complete, so they usually always have families and rarely remain lonely bachelors.

The fear of being unwanted and rejected usually makes Cancers indecisive and timid, however strong desire to have a family is able to overcome any fears, so Cancer is most often ready to propose and lead his beloved down the aisle.

But how good a protector and breadwinner he will be for the family is a moot point. At best, if this responsible person , the fear of losing his family, being rejected because of his laziness or indecisiveness can force him to move forward and achieve certain heights.

LEO Fear No. 5: fear of betrayal, fear of not being the one and only

Leos are very proud and adore themselves. They feel comfortable in relationships in which they a certain pedestal stands out, which they easily climb, feeling that they are proud of them and blowing away the specks of dust from them.

This is why any Leo is afraid of being... well, let's say, not the only one for his beloved. Treason for any Leo - a knife in the back of his irresistibility and uniqueness. After all, this means that his qualities are not good enough for his partner and she is looking for someone else. Cheating on Leo is the same as killing him. Usually they do not forgive this and immediately erase the offender from their lives. Usually they will remember these grievances for a long time, sometimes all their lives.

This is why Leos try to be special and unique for their partners, so that she can even there was no thought about cheating. In most cases they succeed.

A man is afraid to love

VIRGO Fear #6: open your soul too much, be too frank, fear of repeating negative experiences

Virgo men do not like unnecessary words and revelations. They are mostly faithful and devoted to their partners and demonstrate this through their behavior, their actions, and be open about your true feelings They don’t like it with their other half.

Virgo men can sometimes remain single because afraid of love. They may not even be as afraid of relationships as they are of love and strong affection and the fact that they will have to admit it. Therefore, among Virgo men there are often those who generally deny such a concept as love.

Read also:Fears and phobias of famous people

Moreover, they are simply afraid that if they are too open, it might harm them. They don't want to appear weak, don't like sentimentality, and are usually not very romantic. Sometimes women are ready to forgive them for this for the sake of a reliable shoulder, which they are ready to offer to their other half.

Another very strong fear of Virgo men in love and relationships is repetition of some experienced problems that he had encountered in the past. This fear follows from the first: “I opened my soul, but they spat on it. Now I’m afraid they’ll spit on me again.” This fear is very difficult to eradicate; only the most patient and very loving woman can help him get rid of it.

Men are afraid of women

LIBRA Fear No. 7: being abandoned by your partner, fear of loneliness

The Libra man prefers to be in a couple than without one. He not alone in life, because he prefers to consult with someone and not take full responsibility for making decisions only on himself.

He is confident in his irresistibility and loves romance. He is sure that women are delighted with this. This is probably how it is: for Libra men easy for a woman to like, but it’s not always possible to keep her near you.

Libra men are sure that they are the smartest and most beautiful, and so afraid of being abandoned. This lowers their self-esteem too much, especially if they are abandoned for someone else.

SCORPIO Fear #8: Losing male strength and male charm, not being able to satisfy your woman

Many men have a fear of being ineffective in bed, but for Scorpios it is especially strong. This is probably why Scorpios do everything to be the best as far as intimate life.

In addition, they usually have impressive experience, because this side of relationships with women occupies first place. If their beloved does not completely satisfy them, they try to correct it, teach and guide. However, you cannot change temperaments, no matter how hard you try. Scorpios are very temperamental, so they prefer to see the same women in their bed.

Scorpio needs to hear the highest rating his qualities and advantages in his intimate life, this raises his self-esteem and makes him very strong.

A man's fear of a woman

SAGITTARIUS Fear #9: being funny and ridiculed, being compared to someone from the past

Sagittarius is perhaps the most optimistic sign Zodiac, devoid of most of the fears that are characteristic of other signs. Typically, such men do not worry or dwell on their problems, but boldly move forward for new impressions and new experiences. However, they also have some concerns in the relationship.

Like other fire element zodiac signs, Sagittarians are afraid of being compared to someone else from women's past. And the point is not even in comparison, but in the fact that someone may be better. If a Sagittarius feels uncomfortable around the woman he wants to be with, because he fears that his predecessor was somehow cooler, more agile, but most importantly, smarter, this will make him very worried.

This is why Sagittarians don't like it so much stories about exes in any form. They prefer their partners to look forward rather than backward, and will do everything in their power to become the best and only for their woman.

CAPRICORN Fear No. 10: losing respect and authority in the eyes of a woman

Capricorns seek authority and recognition in everything from work and professional achievements to their personal lives. Their biggest fear is lose some authority, with whom they exist in a relationship from the very beginning.

They usually achieve this authority in the eyes of their lovers through work and recognition of their professional merits, because it is known that Capricorns work hard and stand firmly on the ground, so they can usually support not only yourself, but also their families. He is scared if a woman stops respecting him. For him, love does not even play the same role in relationships as respect.

Why are men afraid of relationships?

AQUARIUS Fear #11: Losing freedom and independence

Aquarians are considered one of the worst husbands, value their freedom and independence very much. If Aquarius feels that they are putting limits on him in a relationship, that they are trying to control him too much, he exaggerated sense of freedom simply destroys relationships, even if there is love. No Aquarius can stand dependence, so they will do anything to get rid of it.

The fear of losing freedom is often accompanied by a rejection of the family altogether, because where there is a family, there is responsibility and a sense of duty. Aquarius would rather be alone than loaded with similar cargo. Only a very understanding woman, and one who herself knows the taste of freedom, can understand such men and live calmly with their fears without interfering.

PISCES Fear #12: losing love, losing empathy and understanding in relationships, losing reliable rear in the person of a woman

A man born under the sign of Pisces is afraid of quite a lot in relationships. But first of all, he is afraid lose feelings. For him, being in love is very important, it is the basis of everything. Usually his feelings are deep and strong, and he demands the same from his other half. He is afraid that the other half will not take care of, pity and cherish him, and he will be deeply unhappy if a woman treats him without due attention.

Pisces men are often not strong representatives of their gender; their sensitivity and strong vulnerability make them vulnerable to danger. This is the type of man in whose eyes you can see tears in moments of despair or failure. The Pisces man is afraid that a woman will not act as a reliable shoulder in those moments when he needs moral support.

Surely, each of us has read more than one publication about the advantages of our zodiac sign, and felt proud if some celebrity was born under the same sign. But it’s even more important to learn about our deepest fears, which we unconsciously deny, but the recognition of which helps to curb them.

The information below can shed light on the reasons for such fears and help us achieve success and well-being.

Aries (March 21 – April 19). Fear of pushing someone away

Aries are often associated with people who hate losing. The irony is that deep down they are afraid of losing friends while fighting in the next battle for victory, but the realization of such a loss very often comes a little late.

Aries is the sign of warriors who will not miss to take part in a glorious fight. But having taken part in it, they, without realizing it, will confront those they love. The consequences lead to their loved ones leaving, making Aries feel like a victim (battles are in their blood, but they do not consciously strive for them). Ultimately, Aries will go into conflict again, and this time to win, but by doing so he begins another round of the vicious circle.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20). Fear of living in lack

Taurus is one of the Earth signs distinctive features which is practical caring and materialism. They dream of building a career so as not to find themselves in a situation where they lack something. Taurus' biggest fear is the feeling that you are no longer surrounded by luxury goods, regardless of their cost and size. Financial exhaustion leads to a fear of sacrificing. Taurus values ​​a comfortable and stable life, and breaking established habits is very painful for them.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20). Fear of saying the final word

Gemini is an Air sign. Its symbols are the satellites Castor and Pollux, although they are in constant doubt. Geminis are creative people and are always ready to offer great idea. But the most difficult thing for them is to accept one idea while rejecting another equally good one.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22). Fear of being far from home and leaving your comfort zone

Cancers are absolute agoraphobes who rarely leave a safe place. The irony here is that their own comfort zone becomes a trap for them. And this is the main paradox of agoraphobia. Entering uncharted territory will benefit Cancer both physically and emotionally.

Leo (July 23 – August 22). Fear of being left behind

Leos are famous for their charisma, charm and leadership qualities. They love to be the center of attention and the public adores them. The biggest fear of this zodiac sign is the fear of being unnoticed and left without attention. Peer recognition is important for Leos great value. If they don't get it, they won't take it very well.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22). Fear of being imperfect

All Virgos have a tendency towards excessive cleanliness, which borders on the development of obsessive-compulsive syndrome. This obsessive desire for purity and perfection can have serious consequences.

Basically, those born under this sign are negative and practical people who cannot stand far-reaching unrealistic hopes. They cope with such pessimism only by maintaining constant cleanliness and organization.

Libra (September 23 - October 22). Fear of loneliness

Libras are true romantics and ideal lovers because they idolize their partners. For them, there is nothing sadder and truly scary than spending time alone. Libras are faithful monogamous people.

Finding themselves alone, they plunge into a state of deep depression. Romantic relationships help those born under this sign survive, while without them Libra quickly becomes depressed.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21). Fear of intimacy

You must have heard that all Scorpios are very secretive, thoughtful and sensitive people. They are probably the most sensitive of all the zodiac signs because they are not able to express their emotions to the extent that they experience them.

Their fear stems from their two other fears: fear of abandonment and fear of losing who they are while in a relationship. They end up pushing their other half away or simply withdrawing from them emotionally.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21). Fear of enclosed spaces/claustrophobia

Sagittarians are true explorers and are willing to sacrifice anyone and anything to achieve their goal. Anything that interferes with their freedom is automatically blacklisted. And freedom here means not only visiting different places. Sagittarians can hardly be called faithful lovers - in relationships they want more and more freedom, right up until they completely destroy them, blaming the other half.

A long stay in one place or in a pair with one person affects Sagittarius like kryptonite on Superman.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19). Fear of making a mistake

All Capricorns are workaholics who always readily take on difficult tasks. But they are afraid of making a mistake by doing something unusual. Like Leo, those born under this sign chase success and are ready to go to great lengths for it. Their biggest fear is being ignored or making the wrong decision.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18). Fear of relationships and binding organizations

Like Sagittarius, Aquarians are afraid of being trapped. Only in their understanding, work, relationships, and family are a trap. Corporate office job, boring marriage and settled life family life not for them, and therefore they will do everything possible to avoid this type of “claustrophobia”. Aquarians also try to avoid situations where their level intellectual development is subject to doubt, and decisions change.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20). Fear of responsibility

Like Peter Pan, Pisces just don't want to grow up. They are happy in their fairytale delusions and enjoy idleness when they do not have to answer for their actions. If you want to get them out of their comfort zone, simply assign them to deal with outstanding bills or pay off debts.

Boundless creativity prevents Pisces from becoming full-fledged adults. This is why many representatives of this zodiac sign develop alcoholic and drug addiction. This is how they try to drown out the discontent of those around them, who constantly remind Pisces that it is high time for them to grow up and mature.

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Astrologers claim that the constellation under which a particular person was born affects not only his personality and character traits, but also the fears that haunt him throughout his life. It doesn't hurt us to know about our own weaknesses and vulnerable places other people. Maybe then we will learn to better understand ourselves and those around us. So…


Aries have incredible talent: with their entire appearance they can show strength of character and independence from other people's opinions. Their main phobia is connected with this - Aries's greatest fear in life is that they will not be able to achieve their goal. They fear that everything could collapse in one moment. In addition, Aries are afraid of loneliness and inaction.


The older Taurus gets, the more fears and complexes they acquire. The main fear of this zodiac sign is the loss of stability. It is a real disaster for them to be left completely alone without a means of subsistence. In addition, Taurus are afraid of new acquaintances. Deep down, they consider themselves not interesting enough to have many friends.


Geminis are perhaps the only ones from the entire zodiac circle who are devoid of any complexes. However, they still have fears. They are afraid of losing the meaning of life, which lies in their favorite business and loved ones. Geminis are afraid of loneliness, and they constantly need to feel needed and useful.



Cancers are complex individuals. Moreover, their complexes replace each other at the speed of light. Today they don’t like their appearance, tomorrow they don’t like the way they behave in society. The whole catch is that Cancers are constantly afraid of falling in the eyes of others; they react very violently to people’s opinions. In addition, Cancers are afraid of losing financial stability. They are afraid to change something in their lives because they have difficulty coping with any changes.


Outwardly, Leos give the impression of being fearless and confident people. However, they still have fears and complexes. They consider themselves ideal, but deep down they realize that they are imperfect and have many shortcomings. This is where their main fear comes from - the fear of losing and being left out of work or on the sidelines.


Virgo's weak point is considered to be dependence on the opinions of people around them; they also have a fear of gossip, ridicule and ridicule. Therefore, it is difficult for Virgos to be leaders; they are unable to concentrate and clearly do many tasks at the same time. They are characterized by unpunctuality and inertia.



Libras constantly have complexes about their insolvency and position in society. Even if they have reached great heights, this is never enough for them. Libras are also afraid of being misunderstood. But their main fear lies in their capabilities. They are afraid of any undertakings and think: “Can I do it?”


Scorpios are proud people who feel superior to others, which means that they try with all their might to hide their fears. But they have them. Scorpios are very afraid of being left idle. In addition, they are afraid of everyday routine and life. Therefore, Scorpios try to hide all their complexes and fears under the guise of power, coldness and unprincipledness.



Sagittarius is very afraid of confined spaces, restrictions on freedom and the acquisition of knowledge. Sagittarius will not stand it if someone restricts his freedom. Also, people of this zodiac sign are afraid of being out of work. That is why they make every effort to occupy good position in society and gain stability.


Capricorns often suffer about their external shortcomings, but over time they begin to perceive themselves as they are. They can also create complexes due to their excessive restraint and inability to find an approach to people. Capricorns are afraid of losing all their achievements, afraid of being left without money and friends.


Aquarius is afraid to be like everyone else. Get lost in the gray mass and not stand out. Aquarians are sociable, but they need time to spend alone. But here’s a paradox: left alone with himself, Aquarius begins to experience the fear of being alone and out of work.


Pisces is the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac. They are naturally soft, vulnerable, sensitive, romantic and indecisive. They are superstitious, so they may be afraid of everything that goes beyond rational ideas about the world. Oddly enough, all their lives they are afraid of being punished for something.