Who are the pioneers, presentation for children. Presentation on the topic “Children’s Pioneer Organization

On May 19, 1922, in Moscow, the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere. A pioneer organization appeared at the Kotovskaya school in 1935. On May 19, the pioneer's birthday was celebrated.



Pioneer's Solemn Promise Soviet Union:

“I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the All-Union pioneer organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades I solemnly promise: to fervently love and take care of my Motherland, to live as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, as required by the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.”

Pioneer tie

How do you tie a tie? Take care of him: He's with a red banner Same colors. And under this banner The soldiers go into battle They are fighting for the fatherland Brothers and fathers. How do you tie a tie? You have a brighter face... On how many guys It's pierced with lead!.. Pioneer tie – He has no relatives! He is of young blood He became even redder.

Target pioneer organization: to educate young fighters for the cause Communist Party Soviet Union. It is expressed in the motto of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

Motto: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!”

Answer: “Always ready!”

Pioneer uniform:

IN ordinary days coincided with school uniform, was complemented by pioneer symbols - a red tie and a pioneer badge. Worn on special occasions dress uniform.

Pioneer Anthem:

The anthem of the pioneer organization is considered to be “March of Young Pioneers” - a Soviet pioneer song written in 1922.

In the 90s, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the pioneer organization also disappeared. After the collapse of the USSR, Pioneer Day ceased to be an official holiday.

Appeared at the Kotovskaya school new organization, "Star State". At school starry sky the stars were shining: Altair, Polaris, Sirius, Alpha, Omega. On May 19, the children celebrated the holiday of CHILDHOOD.

Happy Pioneer Day!

Congratulations on Pioneer Day! Let's welcome him joyfully. I wish you happiness and joy, peace, A happy childhood above all.

Extracurricular activity

"Country of Pioneers"

Target: create conditions for getting acquainted with history pioneer movement in Russia; with history pioneer paraphernalia.



    introduce students to pioneer traditions;


    promote the development of students' creative abilities;


    promote the education of civic and patriotic feelings, moral qualities personality.

Form of work organization: lesson-excursion

Methods and techniques: involvement in the past, visibility, role play, “reincarnation”, question-answer and heuristic conversations

Venue: history museum at the school.

Audience: students in grades 1-4

Duration: 40 min.

Equipment: computer, projector, flash drive with pioneer songs,

Stock material: bugle, drum, badge, pioneer uniform, pioneer laws, pioneer magazines, collection of pioneer chants.

Progress of the event

Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Materials used

    Organizational moment

Greeting students. Wishing you fruitful work

Ready for class

    Formulation of the topic of the lesson

Guys, look carefully at these items. Name these items.

Well done! Who do you think we will talk about today?

Today we will find out who the pioneers were and what they did.

The guys name the objects

Answer the question posed

Bugle, drum, tie, badge

    Studying a new topic.

The pioneer organization's birthday is May 19, 1922. It was then that the All-Russian Komsomol Conference decided to create pioneer detachments throughout the country. She announced to the world the beginning of a new childhood.

Who is a pioneer? The word "pioneer" means "advanced", "discoverer".

The pioneer organization accepted schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years.

Let's listen carefully to the song "Our Tie". Your task in this song is to find the answer to the question “Who was accepted as a pioneer?”

Only those who studied well and behaved diligently were accepted as pioneers. Admission was carried out individually, by open voting. Those who joined the pioneer organization at the pioneer line made a solemn promise to be a pioneer of the Soviet Union. A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer presented him with a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge.

Let us now read the solemn oath of a pioneer

Pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to the pioneer organization, a piece of the banner of the pioneer organization. The three ends of the tie symbolized the unbreakable connection of three generations: communists, Komsomol members, and pioneers. The tie was tied with a special knot. Let's try to learn how to tie a pioneer tie.

(distributes ties).

In addition to the tie, the symbols of the pioneer organization were a badge, a bugle and a drum.

The bugle called the pioneers with the following signals: “Listen, everyone,” “Gathering,” “To the banner,” “March,” “To the line,” “Alarm,” and some others. The detachment's bugler - this was a responsible pioneer assignment, he had to be able to carry out drill techniques with a bugle and give signals: “Listen everyone”, “Gathering”, “To the banner”, “March”, “To the line”, “Alarm” and some others.

The drum accompanied the formation during campaigns, processions, and parades. The drummer of the detachment (he, like the bugler, was elected by the assembly or council of the detachment) had to be able to perform drill techniques, perform the “March”, “Fraction”.
Hey drummer,

Drum harder!

Beat the drum

Don't spare the drum!

What did the pioneers do? A lot of useful things were organized by the pioneers: collecting waste paper and scrap metal, the game “Zarnitsa”, pioneer ball, hikes, excursions, rallies, songs around the fire, the Timur movement.

During the Great Patriotic War, the pioneers sought to help adults in every way in the fight against both in the rear and at the front, in partisan detachments and underground. The pioneers became scouts, partisans, cabin boys on warships, and helped shelter the wounded. Tens of thousands of pioneers were awarded for military merits And , four were posthumously awarded the title- , , And

(small information about the pioneer heroes).

Guys! Bow your heads!

Raise your hands in salute!

Shut up, drum!

And, heart, beat slower!

Mentally let them stand in front of the line

Those killed in war are heroes! (minute of silence)

The pioneers had their own laws, which they respected and observed. These rules are written in front of you on pieces of paper. Are these rules still relevant today?

The anthem of the pioneer organization is considered “" - Soviet pioneer song written intwo Komsomol members - pianist and poet

Let's try to sing this song together.

The pioneers have a motto: in response to the call of the communists and Komsomol members “Pioneers, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!”, the pioneers answer: “Always ready!” and give the Pioneer salute. You are now pioneers.

Pioneer always be brave

Don't waste words

And test the word with action - Be prepared!

Always ready!

Without learning, without science

Labor will not give you fruit

Develop both your mind and your hands - Be prepared!

Always ready!

Pioneers, in the fight for the Motherland, goodness and justice, be prepared!

All: Always ready!

A pioneer detachment cannot be imagined without a chant. A chant is a children's chant. Let's learn one of them:

One, two
Together in step
Three, four firmer step
If necessary, sound the alarm
This is the only way we can do it
Our motto: “Always ready!
More to do less words

Listen to the song and answer the question posed

One of the students reads the oath: “I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise: to passionately love and take care of my Motherland, to live as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, as required by the Laws of Pioneers Soviet Union"

Children are divided into pairs and learn to tie a pioneer tie.

They listen to the recording of the pioneer bugle “On the Line”.

Those interested try to play the drum

Volunteer guys talk about Timurovites of past years

View a presentation about pioneers - heroes.

They read the laws of pioneers, highlight

Children stand up and march in place and sing a song.

(words are displayed on the screen)

Children answer “Always ready”

Prepared 1st grade boys perform

Disc with a recording of the pioneer song “Our Tie”


Pioneer ties

Pioneer badge, bugle, drum

Fragment of the film “Timur and his team”

Pioneer Laws


Consolidation of the material, initial check of mastery of the material

Let's see if you're paying attention today. Let's do a quiz:

    What does the word "pioneer" mean?

    When is Pioneer Day celebrated?

    Who were accepted as pioneers?

    What do the three ends of a tie represent?

    Name the pioneer heroes?

    What were the pioneers who helped the elderly and disabled called?

Answer quiz questions

Summing up

Pioneer Day – you are not just a date.
You are a holiday of childhood, a holiday of kindness!
The boys brought you a gift,
Solemn vows and flowers!

Born in battle, you were always first.
In battle, labor, everywhere ahead,
You are our life, you are not a legend at all,
Entered into the history of the country!

Our school has organized children's public associations and assets. And each of them, like the pioneer organization, creates, creates, strives to understand this world, and takes an active civic position. These are volunteers, activists of the school museum. I wish you always strive for knowledge, participate in events, do good deeds

4th grade students performing.

Pioneer Laws

    A pioneer - a young builder of communism - works and studies for the good of the Motherland, preparing to become its defender.

    A pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries.

    The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, leads October

    A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions.

    A pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects elders, takes care of younger ones, and always acts according to conscience and honor.

    A pioneer has the right to: elect and be elected to pioneer self-government bodies; discuss at pioneer gatherings, rallies, meetings of councils of detachments and squads, in the press, the work of the pioneer organization, criticize shortcomings, make proposals to any council of the pioneer organization, up to the Central Council of the Higher Professional Education named after V.I. Lenin; ask for a recommendation from the squad council to join the ranks of the Komsomol.

The All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin is a mass amateur communist organization of children and teenagers of the Soviet Union, a replacement and reserve of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union. ALL-UNION This means that it included pioneer organizations of fifteen fraternal republics of the USSR. All the pioneers of the country are united friendly family. IN THE NAME OF LENIN The life and struggle of V.I. Lenin is the most striking and inspiring example for every pioneer. To study like Lenin, to work like Lenin, to love the Soviet Motherland - this is the highest duty of the young Leninists of the Land of Soviets. COMMUNIST This means that under the leadership of communists and Komsomol members, together with the entire people, young Leninists take part in the construction of the most just society on Earth - communism. MASSIVE Pioneer detachments were created everywhere. Most of the guys were between 10 and 15 years old. SELF-ACTIVE means an organization in which the pioneers act themselves. CHANGE AND RESERVE OF THE KOMSOMOL Every year the pioneer organization recommends the best of the best pioneers to the ranks of its combat leader, the Leninist Komsomol. "Change he's on his shift! - these were the words on the pioneer banners of the first detachments. CHILDREN'S Pioneer organization - organization of children and teenagers.

Who is a pioneer? A pioneer is a child wearing a red tie, observing pioneer laws and traditions and always ready to defend his country and fight for justice! Pioneer is an example to all the guys! Pioneer means “first”, and real pioneers really tried to be the first in everything! Pioneers are young patriots of their country, keeping pieces of the victory banner in the form of their red ties.

Purpose of the Pioneer Organization The declared purpose of the Pioneer organization: to educate young fighters for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. To the call: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” the answer follows: “Always ready!”

Charter of a Pioneer A pioneer works and studies for the good of the Motherland, preparing to become its defender. A pioneer, an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries. The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, and leads the Octobrists. A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions. The pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects his elders, takes care of his younger ones, and always acts according to his conscience.

Admission to the Pioneer organization The Pioneer organization accepts schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Admission is carried out individually, by open voting at a meeting of the pioneer detachment or squad. A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer gives him a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. As a rule, pioneers were received in a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable places, most often on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

At first, upon entering school, the child was admitted to October. After which the schoolboy proudly wore a star with a curly-haired boy on his chest. Upon reaching the age of 9, the next step followed - initiation into pioneers. And finally, in high school - the presentation of the Komsomol badge.

Pioneer uniform On ordinary days, it coincided with the school uniform, complemented by pioneer symbols with a red tie and a pioneer badge. On special occasions (holidays, greetings at party and Komsomol forums, meetings of foreign delegations, etc.) a dress uniform was worn, which included: red caps, pioneer ties and badges.

Hymn of the Pioneers 1. Rise with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers, children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 2. With a joyful step, with a cheerful song, We stand for the Komsomol, The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 3. We raise the red banner, Children of the workers boldly follow us! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 4. Rise with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers, children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready!

Traveling around the country of Pioneer


1. Business card

Introduce your team's pioneers.

2. Let's get acquainted.

  • You need write a story about your team using words in the text that begin with only one a certain letter. When performing this task, creativity, humor, and ingenuity are encouraged.
  • Assignment to the 1st team.
  • Letter P.
  • Key words: teachers, pioneers, hello, example, positive, wonderful, jumping, helping, offering, traveling, singing, inviting? (suggested words can be changed by cases, numbers, etc.)
  • Assignment to the 2nd team.
  • Letter Z.
  • Key words: here, hello, health, earthlings, fun, law, toothy, bosom, groovy, sit, amuse, recommend (the suggested words can be changed by cases, numbers, etc.)
  • Assignment to the 3rd team.
  • Letter D.
  • Key words: children, friends, squad, motto, discussion, demonstrate, do, give, act, give, kind, businesslike, happy, good-natured (the suggested words can be changed by cases, numbers, etc.)

3. Crossword puzzle “Pioneer country”.

  • You have to solve a crossword puzzle for a while, its theme is “Pioneer Country”.
  • Competition "Crossword"
  • Horizontal:
  • 1. Report from the commander on the readiness of the detachment.
  • 4. A piece of the Red Banner, a sign of belonging to a pioneer organization.
  • 7. Greeting the pioneer and a sign of his loyalty to the Fatherland.
  • Vertical:
  • 2. She is our friend and comrade, with her we have more fun in life.
  • 3. A symbolic drawing displaying the name and motto of the detachment or squad.
  • 4. The sonorous brother of the drum.
  • 5. The most interesting fees, sing, play and dream.
  • 6. An organized unit in a pioneer organization.

"Pioneer Country"


5. Emblem

4.Knowledge (comic questions for ingenuity)

  • What is the finger dance called? (Ballet)
  • What is high-speed photo viewing called? (Movie)
  • How many doors are there on the second floor of our school? (10)
  • When do we look at the number “3” and say “15”? (On the clock during the day)
  • What does the expression “far away lands” mean? (3 times 9 = 27 km)
  • Name the only tree of the desert (Saxaul)
  • What is the name of the juice that hardens in the air? (Resin)
  • What kind of fish is found in the Red Sea? (None, because the sea is very salty)
  • What kind of animal, like a bird, lays eggs and feeds its children with milk? (Platypus, echidna)
  • Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, coins were issued that depicted a horseman with a spear. What were they called? (Copecks)
  • Name a composer who was simultaneously a chemist, a surgeon, and a military man. (Borodin)
  • What five letter word has five o's? (Again)
  • What are the flowers in the sky called? (Firework)
  • What animals “fold” their teeth? (Snakes)
  • What do elephants have and no other animal? (Trunk)
  • What knocks without hands, burns without fire? (Heart)
  • What grows in the garden, is it put in vinaigrette, is it used on dresses? (Peas)
  • What fish have weapons on their noses? (Sword, saw)
  • If a chicken stands on one leg and weighs 2 kg, how much does a chicken standing on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
  • Which animal has the most teeth? (The slug has 30 thousand)

5. From the history of the Pioneer organization

1.What day is considered the birthday of the pioneer organization?

2. In what year did the first pioneer detachments appear in Voronezh?

3. Name the motto of the modern Pioneer organization.

4. Name the laws of the pioneers.

5. Name the symbols and attributes of the pioneer organization.

6. Whose name did the pioneer organization bear before it was named after V.I. Lenin.

7. The highest body of pioneer self-government.

8. Name the pioneer newspaper. In what year was the first issue of the newspaper published?

9. What event marked the beginning of the Timur movement?

10. Name the pioneers awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

11. When was the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin?

12. Name the first all-Union pioneer camp.

13. What is the name of the favorite military sports game pioneers?

14.Name a pioneer song that became the anthem of the pioneers for many decades.

From the history of Pioneer

2. end of 1922

3. For the Motherland, Goodness and Justice

4. Unity of word and deed, friendship and camaraderie, honor and conscience, care and mercy

5. Red banner, tie, bugle, drum

6. name of Spartak


9. A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and his team”

10. Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik, Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov

12. "Artek"

13. "Zarnitsa"

14. “Let the blue nights fly like fires”

6. Good works.

Write down what you have done in two years and then

what will you do this year?

7. Friendship Competition "Reliable Friend"

  • Make up a proverb
  • Make up a proverb

Option 1

1. Without a friend...

2. Who likes to lie.. .

3. Friendship is like glass: ...

Option 2

4. For friendship ...

5. Not everyone you meet ...

6. Strong friendship ...

Option 3

7. The bird is strong with its wings... .

8. For a friend ...

9. A man without friends... .

Reliable friend

1. Without a friend and there is a blizzard in the heart.

2. Who loves to lie he cannot be mistaken for a friend.

3. Friendship is like glass: If you break it, you won't put it back together.

4. For friendship no distances.

5. Not everyone you meet dear friend.

6. Strong friendship and you can’t cut it with an ax.

7. The bird is strong with its wings, and a person with friendship.

8. For a friend seven versts is not the outskirts.

9. A man without friends like a falcon without wings.

8. Sports: Do you know?..

Do you know?..

  • 1.Winter Olympic sport, which is a high-speed descent from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a controlled bob sleigh .
  • 2. Type of sport And active recreation , whose goal is to climb to the top mountains .
  • 3. Team event sports, in which the goal is to score ball V gates opponent with legs or other parts of the body (except hands) more times than the opposing team.
  • 4. Winter sport, team sports game ice area, during which members of two teams alternately launch special heavy weights across the ice granite shells (" stones") towards the target marked on the ice (" Houses"). Each player is armed with a special brush with which he can rub the ice in front of a moving stone.
  • 5. View sports, in which two players compete, who, using rackets, send the ball to the opponent’s side so that he cannot reflect it.
  • 6. Sports team game With ball which is necessary throw your hands into the opponent's hoop with a net (basket) .
  • 7. A sport that includes performing various exercises without an object, as well as with an object.
  • 8. A winter sport in which two teams try to hit puck target - gates enemy using clubs .
  • 9. Winter olympic sport, which combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.




4. Curling


7. Rhythmic gymnastics

9. Biathlon

9. Symbolgrad: Figure it out!

  • The letters in these words are mixed up. Read these words and write them down. For each correctly named word, the team receives 1 point.
  • 1. NRGO ________ 5. RABANAB ____________
  • 2. LAFG ________ 6. STULGAK ____________
  • 3. MEAT________ 7. CONZA ____________
  • 4. TULAS________ 8. CHOZNAK ____________


1. Horn 5. Drum

2.Flag 6.Tie

3. Banner 7. Badge

10. Pioneer alphabet From the proposed options, choose the correct answer: Pioneer greeting: a) hello b) fireworks c) handshake The main document according to which the activities of the pioneer organization are carried out: a) regulations b) Charter c) decision The case that the detachment gives to the pioneer: a) direction b ) task c) order Supreme governing body squad (detachment): a) gathering b) rally c) meeting Symbol of the pioneer organization: a) council b) tie c) drum Association of pioneers of the whole school: a) collective b) squad c) asset Affairs passed on from generation to generation over the course of for a long time: a) symbolism b) ritual c) tradition What is the basis of the pioneer organization? a) unit b) detachment c) squad

Pioneer alphabet


5. Tie

6. Squad

7. Tradition

11. Comic

12. Competition “Cryptographers”

  • Assignment to the 1st team.
  • 16,9,15,14,6,17/ 2,6,17,6,7,6,19/ 18,3,15,6/ 5,15,2,17,15,6/ 9,13, 31/ 5, 15, 18, 19, 15, 9, 14, 18, 19, 3, 15/ 15, 17, 4, 1, 14, 9, 8, 1, 23, 9, 9.

Assignment to the 2nd team.

15, 9, 14, 13, 6, 16/8,1,2,14,18,9,18,17,31/ 14,2,14/ 3,17,6,22/ 11,19,15/ 14,20,7,5,1,6,19,18,31/ 3/ 16,15,13,15,26,9.

  • Assignment to the 3rd team.

15, 9, 14, 13, 6, 16/ 22, 14, 8, 31, 9, 13/ 17, 3, 14, 6, 10/ 14, 16, 4, 1, 13, 9, 8, 1,23,9,9/ 18/ 19,3,1,7,6,13,9,6,13/ 14,18,13,14,17,9,18,17,31/ 11/ 18, 16,19,5,19.


  • The pioneer takes care of his good name, dignity of the organization (law of honor)

2. The pioneer takes care of everyone who needs help (law of care).

3. A pioneer is the owner of his organization and treats work with respect (the law of the owner).