Drill training basic terms and definitions poster. Drill training for students


System is a synonym for such concepts as organization and order. That is why it was the system (combat training) that came under attack from criticism at one time. Let's remember the press and the statements of a number of figures from the pedagogy of the times of perestroika and the beginning of “democracy”: “drilling”, “militarization of childhood”, “levelling of personality”.

The main educational task of drill training is to form and consolidate among the Youth Army members a respectful attitude towards drill training as the most important traditional attribute of military service. This task should be decided not only in drill classes. Rituals will also contribute to the active formation of a respectful attitude towards drill training. This rituals associated with carrying and lifting State flag, Banner of your club, association, during ceremonial formations of Youth Army members on significant dates in the life of the country and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, during the guard of honor at monuments, obelisks and memorial signs, formations before the start of classes at the club, during military sports games, when giving military honor to their leaders, instructors, military personnel, consultants of military sports games and each other, in all cases wearing the Youth Army uniform. The atmosphere of a solemn ceremony and paramilitary competition encourages the Youth Army members to master drill techniques and skills. Participation in rituals will generate emotional uplift among the Youth Army members.

Drill - The subject is purely practical. The theoretical (verbal) element is used mainly to explain certain concepts and the order of performing drill techniques. Otherwise, classes are conducted through demonstration and training. The methodology for conducting such classes is based on the well-known principle of “do as I do,” when students exactly copy the execution of a drill by the leader.

Training is important component drill training. They have a strong educational impact on students. Repeated repetitions of a drill technique require persistence, perseverance, and other strong-willed efforts to achieve its impeccable execution. It is recommended to introduce elements of play, competitiveness, and a kind of competition into training, which involves mutual assistance and at the same time the desire to achieve a better performance of a technique than a friend.

The drill stance, as you know, is the main element of drill training, on which all others are based. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that taking a drill stance becomes a habit for students in all classes, when communicating with each other, as well as when addressing squad leaders, platoon commanders, leaders, and instructors. To do this, you need to carefully observe the behavior of students and each time gently remind them of this. The platoon commander and squad leaders must set an example.

Combat training includes not only individual drill training, but also drill coordination of units (sections, detachments) during their joint actions. Combat training contributes to the successful solution of tasks of tactical training of units, increasing their combat readiness. It is no coincidence that the close relationship between the drill training of soldiers and their combat and tactical skill is expressed briefly, but filled deep meaning rule: “Good in the ranks, strong in battle.” The fairness and wisdom of this rule are confirmed by the experience of the Great Patriotic War, when excellent drill training and high combat skill of personnel made it possible for our units and units to carry out the most difficult tasks. combat missions with minimal losses and in a short time.

In drill training classes, not only the primary skills of being in the ranks, drill bearing and dash (beautiful posture and firm gait), agility and endurance are developed. Along with this, collectivism and comradely mutual assistance, a sense of unit coherence, discipline, neatness and smartness, speed of reaction, and the ability to transfer one’s will to a group of comrades are fostered. Since the creation of Russian regular army Peter I considered the military formation to be the most important place for a soldier. Neither the officer nor the private had the right to behave arbitrarily in the ranks, much less leave it without permission. When teaching military formation, in peacetime it is necessary to teach soldiers not to rush anywhere and not to be late for anything, because in wartime it will be too late to develop such a habit. This idea belongs to the famous Russian military theorist and teacher General M.N. Dragomirov. It has not lost its meaning even today.

In drill training special place are occupied by classes in which students master the techniques of giving a military salute. These techniques demonstrate almost all the basic elements of drill training; drill stance, marching step, turns, putting your hand on the headdress. This is not just a drill, but one of the types of military rituals that includes mutual greeting of military personnel upon meeting as a mandatory act of military politeness, as well as an expression of respect and military honor. historical monuments, memorials. The ritual of military greeting and rendering of military honors expresses the observance by military personnel of military ethics, which refers to such a capacious concept as military honor. Military honor is a moral concept that characterizes moral qualities and the principles of a warrior (military team), his behavior and attitude towards the performance of military duty. Military honor also presupposes the respectful attitude of each soldier towards his rank, position, duties and his comrades in military labor. Honor necessarily presupposes loyalty this word, which is an important criterion for the moral maturity of a warrior. Honor is always honesty with yourself and your comrades in big and small things. Military honor is organically linked to another category of military ethics - military duty.

When learning to perform drill techniques with weapons “on the belt”, “on the chest”, “behind the back” and others, the educational task is to form in them a respectful attitude towards their personal weapon - a machine gun, a reliable and effective means of defeating the enemy in battle fire, butt and bayonet in hand-to-hand combat. Without this respect and love for weapons, it is impossible to learn how to correctly perform drill techniques, and, consequently, to wield them easily and skillfully in the ranks and in battle. As a rule, for those guys who have not clearly and correctly learned how to perform drill techniques with weapons, the machine gun always seems to get in the way, becomes superfluous, and hampers their movements. Improper handling of a weapon can result in injury.

Drill training disciplines young men, develops diligence, composure, smartness, neatness and drill bearing, and is important for preparing high school students of general education and vocational educational institutions for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
All exercises together must be performed by individual students with the same accuracy and the same amount of effort (as if there was one student standing in front of the teacher).
Drill training is a subject of training for military personnel, the purpose of which is to develop their drill bearing, smartness and endurance, the ability to correctly and quickly carry out commands, drill techniques with and without weapons, as well as prepare units for coordinated actions in various formations. Drill training is organized and conducted on the basis of the Drill Regulations of the RF Armed Forces.
The basis of drill training for students is single drill training, i.e. correct execution of drill techniques by each student.
To teach successfully, the teacher must constantly improve his personal drill training and methodological skills, carefully prepare himself and his assistants for each lesson, personally conduct an exemplary demonstration of drill techniques and actions, promptly notice and correct mistakes made by students, and constantly improve drill training in other classes. according to life safety, using all formations and movements for this.
At the first lesson, the teacher conducts a formation calculation, students take places in the formation depending on their height (by rank). In the future, all life safety classes should begin with the formation of young men and inspection of their appearance.
To conduct drill exercises, a carefully prepared construction site is required. It is better to conduct classes on an asphalt area or path.

It is advisable to teach drill techniques and actions in the following sequence:
an exemplary demonstration of the technique of performing the technique or action being studied;
students performing (learning) the shown technique or action at the command of the teacher or independently;
training in quickly and accurately performing a technique (action);
checking the implementation of the technique (action) by each student.
To familiarize yourself with a technique (action), the life safety teacher shows it, tells where and for what purpose it is used, gives a command to perform the technique, shows an exemplary technique of execution in general and in sections, and gives a brief explanation. The life safety teacher must demonstrate all the techniques and actions so that all students can clearly see him.
Simple techniques are learned as a whole, complex techniques are learned in sections, sometimes using preparatory exercises.
Training in performing a technique includes its conscious repetition and consolidation until students acquire strong skills. First, trainees should be trained at a slow pace, and then at a normal pace. Students can practice in pairs, giving commands one at a time. Errors made by individual students must be eliminated during training, addressing special attention for the statutory performance of techniques.
Comments should be made not to the entire system, but to certain students. It is advisable to call a student who made a mistake when performing a technique and ask him to repeat the technique. If he once again makes a mistake when performing a technique, the life safety teacher must again tell and show the technique for performing the technique, and then seek to consciously perform it.
To determine the degree of mastery of the technique and the accuracy of the execution of the studied technique or action during the lesson, the life safety teacher checks the execution on command. A life safety teacher must know and prevent typical mistakes when performing drill techniques and actions.
Each subsequent lesson builds on the previous one, consolidates it in conjunction with the techniques being studied and generally summarizes the content of the section “Fundamentals of drill training”; it is a basic component of high-quality mastery of the course for a young soldier in the army, because the programs used in the army are focused on that level of pre-conscription training that general education and special education should provide educational institutions. This ensures continuity in the program requirements for training young people for military service and the successful training of a young soldier without additional time investment, which is very important when service periods are shortened.
Parade on November 7, 1941 on Red Square

Victory Parade 1945

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Parade 2009, Moscow

‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏ ‏‏‎‏‎‏‏‏‎‎ ‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‏ ‏‏‎YouTube Video‎‏‎‎‏ ‎

Signal regiment drill review

‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏ ‏‏‎‏‎‏‏‏‎‎ ‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‏ ‏‏‎YouTube Video‎‏‎‎‏ ‎

Drill song

‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏ ‏‏‎‏‎‏‏‏‎‎ ‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‏ ‏‏‎YouTube Video‎‏‎‎‏ ‎

Youth review of formations and songs-2009.

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Sample reference summary look here

Drill techniques and movement without weapons
1 Formations, commands and responsibilities of a serviceman before formation and in formation. Execution of commands: “Stand at attention”, “At ease”, “Refuel”, “Headdress (Headdress) – REMOVE (PUT ON).” download
2 Combat stand. Turns in place. download
3 Movement in marching steps, turns in motion. download
4 Movement in marching steps, turns in motion. Commands given when making turns. Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. Order in performing a military salute out of order. download
5 When a serviceman breaks down and approaches his superior, he returns to duty. download
6 Breaking down and approaching the boss, returning to duty. Combat step. Walking step. Running movement. Step designation in place. Commands given when moving, changing the speed of movement, stopping movement and moving single military personnel. download
7 Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. download
Drill techniques and movement with weapons
1 Port. Performing techniques with weapons on the spot. download
2 Port. Performing techniques with weapons on the spot. Techniques with a machine gun, carbine ( light machine gun). The order of execution and the commands given for their execution. download
3 Turns and movement with weapons. Performing a military salute with a weapon. download
4 Turns and movement with weapons. Turns with the weapon in the "foot" position. Movement with the weapon in the “at the foot” position. Movement with a weapon in the “on the belt”, “on the chest”, “behind the back” position. download
5 Movement on the battlefield while operating on foot. Execution of the commands “Lie down”, “For battle”, “Get up”. Movement at an accelerated pace or running, dashing and crawling. Commands for movement and the order of execution of various methods and techniques of movement. download
Drill training
1 Combat stand. Turns in place.
Formation of squad, platoon and company on foot
1 Build a branch. Deployed and marching formation of the squad. Rotations of the compartment, opening and closing in place and in motion. Reorganization of a squad from deployed formation to marching formation and vice versa. Performing a military salute in formation on the spot and on the move. download
2 Platoon formations. Deployed and marching formation. Reorganization of a platoon from single-ranked to double-ranked, from deployed to marching and vice versa. Reforming a platoon in marching formation. Performing a military salute in formation on the spot and on the move. download
3 Drill review of a company (group, battery). A company (group, battery) goes out for parade review in marching formation. Reformation into a deployed two-rank formation. Meeting of the battalion (division) commander. Checking the availability of personnel, the appearance of military personnel, the condition of equipment and weapons. Single combat training. Combat coherence of units. Passage in a solemn march. Walkthrough with song. download
Formation of a squad, platoon (company) on vehicles
1 Commands and actions of trainees according to them. The order of formation of a squad, platoon (company) near vehicles. Table of signals for machine control. Boarding and placing personnel in the vehicle, disembarking from the vehicle. Training in following machine control signals. download


conducting a practical lesson on life safety

in drill training

Topic: No. 2.3. Drill

Lesson 2.3.2 Drill techniques and movements with and without weapons.

Purpose of the lesson:

Study the execution of drill techniques - a drill stance and turns on the spot.

Improve students’ skills when performing turns on the spot in formation at the command of a leader;

Check and evaluate the implementation of proven drill techniques.

Time: 90 minutes

Place:Construction site.

Method: Practical lesson

Study questions: 1. Training in performing a drill stance.

2. Training in performing the drill technique of turning on the spot.

Teaching aids:

Life safety, training manual SPO, V. Yu. Mikryukov, ed. "KnoRus", 2010

General military Charters of the Armed ForcesRussian Federation, approved By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on November 10, 2007, Siberian University Publishing House: 2010.

1.Introductory part: 10 minutes

Check availability of trainees, appearance, readiness for classes.

Announce the topic, purpose, educational issues classes.

Indicate the significance of the topic being studied.

Main part: 70 minutes

1 study question: 35 minutes

Front standis the main element of drill training. It is accepted on command "BECOME" or " SMYRNO" At this command, you should stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, when making a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, and also when giving commands.

On command " FREE» become free, weaken the right knee or left leg, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk. On command " refuel", without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment; If necessary, go out of commission and seek permission to contact your immediate superior. Before the team refuel"The command is given" FREE».

Turns in place are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Half-turn” right", “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn” left", “Kru-GOM.”

Turns around, to the left, half a turn to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

    the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg;

    second appointment - the shortest route put the other leg on.

Procedure for conducting the training

Front stand

For training correct execution COMBAT STAND The leader forms the group in one line and, coming out in front of the middle of the line, begins to work on the educational question, observing the following methodological sequence:

Sequence of training

actions of the lesson leader and students

I. Introduces students to drill techniques:

Calls a drill

Drill stand

Explains where and in what cases this drill technique is used

The combat stand is accepted in following cases:

    on command;

    when giving and receiving orders;

    at the report;

    during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation;

    when performing a military salute;

    when issuing commands.

Conveys the commands by which the drill is performed

The combat stance is taken according to the commands: "BECOME" or "SMIRNO".

Shows exemplary performance of the drill as a whole

To demonstrate a drill technique, the leader commands:“I’m showing. I give myself a command. Look." Gives the command: "SMIRNO"and shows the execution of a drill position.
Then he turns to the right, takes the position
"FREE"and again on command"SMIRNO"takes a combat stance. Consistently turning to the formation with the left and right sides, he displays the formation from all sides.

Finalizes the procedure for performing drill procedures in accordance with the requirements of the Drill Regulations

When performing a drill on command"SMIRNO" need to:

    stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet;

    straighten your knees, but do not strain them;

    raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly;

    pick up the belly;

    turn your shoulders;

    lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs;

    keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin;

    look straight ahead;

    be ready for immediate action.

If the drill is performed on command "STAND UP" then before performing the above elements, you must quickly take your place in the ranks (get into formation).

II. Learns drill technique:

III. Conducts drill drills as part of the unit:

The commander conducts training in performing a technique as part of a unit according to commands “STAND UP”, “ATTENCY”, as well as by any other preliminary command. When starting training, he gives the command "SEPARATE" and then, having designated the construction site, he commands, for example: “Squad, in one line (in two lines) – STAND UP.”
By prior command "Branch" all trainees immediately turn to face the commander, take the “at attention” position and wait for the next command, ready to quickly and clearly execute it. Military personnel take their place in the ranks according to executive command "STAND UP." Once the formation begins, the commander breaks ranks and monitors the actions of the trainees, paying attention to the speed at which they take their place in the formation, to the interval, alignment and correct execution of the formation. To check whether the drill stance has been taken correctly, the leader orders the servicemen to raise their toes. If the position of the combat stance was taken incorrectly by someone, that is, the body was not moved slightly forward, then this action will be performed easily. To eliminate this error, the leader orders the military personnel who made the mistake to rise to failure on their toes, and then, without changing the position of the body, that is, leaving it slightly forward, lower themselves onto their entire foot. If in this case the position of the combat stance is taken correctly, then when the toes are raised again, this action will be impossible to perform. Having eliminated all identified deficiencies, the drill leader continues training on command "SMIRLNO" guided by methodological recommendations stated above. The training continues until the drill technique being studied is mastered to the point of automaticity.

Study question 2: 35 minutes

"Turns on the spot"

Item No.

Actions of the training leader

Actions of the trainees

Typical errors

I build the group in one line and open the line of students into four steps. To do this I issue commands, for example: “Squad (group), in one line – STAND”, “Squad (group), four steps to the right – SUMMARY-DOWN.” I go out to the middle of the formation and confirm that the turns are being made on the spot:

    single military personnel in all classes, when approaching and leaving the commander, as well as when being placed in formation;

    units in classes and during formations and movements.

Turns in place are performed on command “Napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Kru-GOM” .I show in an exemplary manner the order of making turns on the spot. To do this I command: “I’m showing. I give the command to myself. Look." To turn right I give the command "Right". To turn left I give the command "Left". To turn around I give the command “Kru-GOM.” I generally perform turns on the spot at a set pace. If it is impossible to demonstrate the order of performing drill maneuvers in an exemplary manner, I call the most trained serviceman to demonstrate them. In this case, he performs drill techniques at my command.

They are built at the place I indicated (to my left) in one line according to the state (ranking). Open for the specified number of steps.

While in a single-rank formation, they observe the actions of the training leader (the most trained serviceman), remember the commands and the order of performing the elements of the drill.

I begin training turns on the spot as a whole as part of the squad (crew), for which I sequentially, and then in any order, give commands “Napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Kru-GOM” .I monitor the actions of the trainees and seek to eliminate the mistakes they have made. If one or more trainees perform a turn or its element incorrectly, I give a command "RESIGN" , I point out the error and give a command to repeat the drill. If the student repeats the mistake, then I take him out of action, point out the error, give a command to perform the drill, teach him, eliminating all incorrect actions in the process of executing the command. The military personnel who are in the ranks at this time perform the same technique that the trainee called by me from the ranks performs. At the end of the training of the serviceman who made a mistake, I order him to get into formation and, if necessary, call another serviceman out of formation for training. I evaluate the execution of a practiced drill technique and fill out a control card. At the command of the training leader, I begin working on the next training question.

Students carry out commands. To perform the technique "Right":

    turn sharply on the right heel and on the left toe, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, maintaining the correct position of the body, do not bend the knees or swing the arms while turning;

    The left foot is placed next to the right in the shortest possible way so that the heels are together and the toes are turned out to the width of the foot.

To perform a reception "Left":

    turn sharply on the left heel and on the right toe, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, maintaining the correct position of the body, do not bend the knees or swing the arms while turning;

    The right foot is placed next to the left foot in the shortest possible way so that the heels are together and the toes are turned out to the width of the foot.

To perform a reception "All Around":

    turn sharply on the left heel and on the right toe, moving the body slightly forward, without bending the legs at the knees and without swinging the arms while turning;

    In the shortest possible way, place the right foot next to the left so that the heels are together and the toes are turned out to the width of the foot.

Errors were made while performing a drill:

1) the body is turned prematurely (by preliminary command);

2) legs bend at the knees;

3) waving the arms;

4) the head tilts down;

5) the chest drops or the stomach protrudes;

6) the body leans back;

7) the turn is carried out not on the heel, but on the entire foot;

8) when turning around, an incomplete turn is made;

9) the leg is not placed in the shortest way and at the same time the body swings.

Learning drill in divisions

Dl I turning right for divisions the command is given: “To the right, according to divisions, do – ONCE, do – TWO.”
By account “do it – ONCE” turn towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe, maintaining the position of the body, as in a combat stance, without bending the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg. Turn the heel of the back foot and the toe of the front foot so that after the end of the turn, the toes are turned out to the width of the foot.
By account "do - TWO" Place your left leg in the shortest possible way without bending it at the knee.
For turn left

“To the left, in divisions, do – ONCE, do TWO.” By account "do it ONCE" turn on your left heel and right toe, transfer the weight of your body to your left leg, maintaining the correct body position, without bending your knees or swinging your arms while turning. By account"do - TWO"Place your right foot next to your left so that the heels are together and the toes are turned out to the width of the foot. Forturning around for divisions the command is given:“Around, according to divisions, do it - ONCE, do it - TWO.” By account “do it – ONCE”turn sharply on your left heel and on your right toe, without bending your knees, moving your body slightly forward. Waving your arms around your body is not allowed. By account"do - TWO"In the shortest possible way, place your right foot next to your left so that the heels are together and the toes are turned out to the width of the foot.

Final part: 10 minutes

Remind the topic of the lesson, educational questions, indicate how the goal of the lesson was achieved

Tag the best

Give a self-study task .

Lesson leader:

Construction and drill techniques. Movement without weapons

Prepared by:

Organizer of the NVP Secondary School named after. Kh. Bizhanova

Tlekeev Ernat Erlanovich

  • Combat training is one of the most important subjects of training and education. It disciplines the trainees, develops in them excellent drill training, the ability to quickly and accurately perform drill techniques, instills accuracy, dexterity and endurance.
  • Drill training is improved through classes in tactical training, fire, physical training and in other classes, during formations, movements, everyday life, as well as during drill reviews (formation and song reviews).

Objective of the lesson:

Create a system of differentiated education and training in drill skills, the desire to master drill techniques as best as possible for the further transfer of knowledge and experience to their students.

Lesson objectives:

Educational objectives:

  • know the basic provisions of the Construction Regulations;
  • be able to competently and professionally conduct drill training classes, develop in trainees the ability to perform both single drill techniques and act as part of a unit (class).

Educational tasks:

  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.
  • Cultivating accuracy and discipline.
  • Fostering pride in your team, your city, your homeland.

Developmental tasks:

  • Development of special static endurance, strong-willed qualities, stress resistance.
  • Development of coordination.
  • Development of muscle memory.
  • Development of tactical thinking.

Formation and drill techniques

Movement without weapons

Build - the deployment of military personnel, units and units established by the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

Line - a formation in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

Masha line n - formation in which vehicles are placed one next to the other on the same line.

Wing - right (left) end of the formation. When the formation rotates, the names of the flanks do not change.

Front - the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (vehicles - with the frontal part)

Back side of the formation - the side opposite to the front.

Interval - the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

Distance - the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

Tuning width - distance between flanks.

Building depth - the distance from the first line (the soldier in front) to the last line (the soldier behind), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (the vehicle in front) to the last line of vehicles (the vehicle behind).

Two-rank system - a formation in which military personnel of one rank are located behind the head of military personnel of another rank at a distance of one step (an outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, the names of the ranks do not change.

Row - two military personnel standing in a two-rank formation behind each other’s heads. If the soldier in the first rank is not standing behind the head of the soldier in the second rank, such a row is called incomplete.

When turning a two-rank formation in a circle, a soldier in an incomplete row moves into the line in front.

Single-rank and double-rank systems can be closed or open. In close formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows. In open formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander.

Deployed formation - a formation in which units are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or double-rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander. The deployed formation is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, as well as in other necessary cases.

Guide - a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving as the head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (units, vehicles) coordinate their movement according to the guide.

Closing - a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving last in the column.

The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and are also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; There can only be executive teams.

The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

At any preliminary command, servicemen in formation take a formation stance, while moving they move to a formation step, and outside the formation they turn towards the commander and assume a formation stance.

The executive command is given after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is, if necessary, mentioned in the preliminary command.

For example: "Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP." "Private Alimov, cru-GOM."

To cancel or stop the reception, the "RESERVE" command is issued. This command assumes the position that was before the technique was performed.

The formation of units is carried out using the command “STAND”, before which the order of formation is indicated.

For example: “Squad, in one line - STAND.”

At this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the established interval and distance, and take a formation stance.

Drill stand

The combat stance is taken upon the command “STAND” or “ATILITY”. According to this

command to stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, when making a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when performing a military salute, as well as when giving commands.

At the command “FREE”, stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk.

At the command “REFUEL”, without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment; If necessary, go out of commission and seek permission to contact your immediate superior.

Before the command “REFUEL” the command “FREE” is given.

Turns in place

  • Turns on the spot are performed using the commands: “Right-WAY”, “Left-WAY”, “Cru-GOM”.
  • Turns around and to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.
  • Turns are performed in two steps:
  • the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg;
  • The second technique is to put the other leg in the shortest way.


The movement is performed by walking or running.

The walking movement is carried out at a pace of 110 - 120 steps per minute. Step size - 70-80 cm.

The running movement is carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. Step size - 85-90 cm.

The step can be combat or marching.

The marching step is used when units pass through a solemn march; when they perform a military salute on the move; when a serviceman is out of commission and when returning to duty, as well as during drill classes.

The walking step is used in all other cases.

Movement in a marching step begins with the command “DROOM STEP MARCH” (in the movement “DROOM STEP - MARCH”), and movement in a marching step begins with the command “STEP - MARCH”.

At a preliminary command, move the body slightly forward, transfer its weight more to the right leg, maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot in full step.

When moving in a marching step, bring your leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make a movement near the body: forward, bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back to failure in the shoulder joint. Fingers are bent, keep your head straight, look ahead.

When moving at a walking pace, move your leg freely, without pulling your toes, and place it on the ground, as during normal walking; make free movements around the body with your hands.

When moving at a marching pace, on the command “Attention”, switch to a marching step. When moving at a marching pace, on the command “FREE”, walk at a marching pace.

The designation of a step in place is made using the command “In place, step MARCH” (in the movement “IN PLACE”).

According to this command, a step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15-20 cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with your hands in time with your step. On the command “STRAIGHT”, given simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, do right foot take one more step in place and start moving with your left foot in full stride. In this case, the first three steps must be combat.

A command is given to stop the movement.

For example: "Private Alimov - STOP."

At the executive command given simultaneously with placing the right or left foot on the ground, take another step and, placing the foot, take a combat stance.

To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: “WIDER STEP”. “SHORT STEP”, “MORE STEP”, “HALF STEP”, “FULL STEP”.

For example: "Private Alimbekov. Two steps to the right (left), step MARCH."

To move single military personnel a few steps to the side, a command is given.

For example: "Private Alimov. Two steps to the right (left), step - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing your foot after each step.

A command is given to move forward or backward several steps.

For example: “Two steps forward (backward), one step at a time - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot down. When moving to the right, left and back, there is no movement of the arms.

Turns in motion

Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Round - MARCH”.

To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground; on this command, take another step with the left foot (one count of times), move the right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left, and sharply turn towards the left hand on the toes of both feet (on a count of two), continue moving with the left foot in a new direction (on a count of three).

When turning, the movement of the arms is made in time with the step.

Performing a military salute

To perform a military greeting in a place outside the formation without a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), turn in his direction, take a formation stance and look into his face, turning your head after him.

If a headdress is worn, then, in addition, apply it in the shortest way right hand to the headdress so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, middle finger touched the bottom edge of the headdress (at the visor), and the elbow was on the line and height of the shoulder. When turning the head towards the boss (senior), the position of the hand at the headdress remains unchanged.

When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military salute, put your head straight and at the same time lower your hand.

To perform a military greeting while moving outside the formation without a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), at the same time as placing your foot, stop moving your arms, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the boss (senior), put your head straight and continue moving your hands.

When wearing a headdress, simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand on the headdress, left hand hold motionless at the hip; Having passed the boss (senior), at the same time as placing your left foot on the ground, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

When overtaking a superior (senior), perform the military salute with the first step of overtaking. With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

If a soldier’s hands are full of a burden, perform the military salute by turning his head towards the commander (senior).

Planned results

In drill training, trainees know:

  • building elements;
  • text of the military oath;
  • duties of the commander and serviceman before the formation and in the ranks;
  • order of commands;
  • the procedure for performing a military salute without weapons;
  • procedure for morning inspection;
  • the procedure for performing a military salute;
  • the procedure for conducting a drill review;

Trainees are able to:

  • accurately perform drill techniques (actions) according to divisions;
  • accurately perform drill techniques (actions) in general;
  • give commands clearly;
  • move at a marching pace;
  • move half a step;
  • perform a drill stance and turns on the spot:
  • make turns while moving.

  • Drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 1998 No. 4156)

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A two-rank formation is a formation in which servicemen of one rank are positioned behind the heads of servicemen of another rank at a distance of one step (an outstretched arm placed with the palm of the hand on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, the names of the ranks do not change.

Slide 13

Row - two military personnel standing in a two-rank formation behind each other's heads. If the soldier in the first rank is not standing behind the head of the soldier in the second rank, he is called incomplete. When turning a two-rank formation in a circle, a soldier in an incomplete row moves into the line in front

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Column - a formation in which military personnel are located behind each other's heads, and units (vehicles) are located one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to build units and units in deployed or marching formation.

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Marching formation - a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander. The marching formation is used for the movement of units when marching, marching in a solemn march, singing, and in other necessary cases.

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The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and are also transmitted using technical and mobile means. Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column to unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers. In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander. Commanders of units from a company and higher in the marching formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to leave the ranks only to issue commands and check their execution.

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The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them. At any preliminary command, servicemen in formation take a formation stance, while moving they move to a formation step, and outside the formation they turn towards the commander and assume a formation stance. When performing techniques with weapons, the name of the weapon is indicated in the preliminary command, if necessary. For example: "Vending machines on - CHEST." “Machine guns on - re-MEN”, etc.

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The executive command (printed in large font in the Charter) is given after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately. In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is, if necessary, mentioned in the preliminary command. For example: "Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP." "Private Petrov, cru-GOM." The voice when giving commands should be proportionate to the width and depth of the system, and the report should be pronounced clearly, without a sharp rise in voice.

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Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and vehicle commanders (seniors). When transmitting a command by signal, the “ATTENTION” signal is first given, and if the command relates to only one of the divisions, then a signal indicating the number of this division is given. Readiness to accept a command is also indicated by the “ATTENTION” signal. Receipt of the signal is confirmed by repeating it or giving the appropriate signal to your unit.

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To cancel or stop the reception, the "RESERVE" command is issued. This command returns to the position that was before the technique was performed.

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During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move along divisions, as well as with the help of preparatory exercises. For example: “Machine gun to the chest, in divisions: do it ONE, do it TWO, do it THREE.” “To the right, by division: do it ONCE, do it TWO.”

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When forming national teams, they are drilled into units. For calculation, military personnel line up in a single-rank or double-rank formation and are calculated according to the general numbering, as specified in Art. 85. After this, depending on the size of the team, companies, platoons and squads are sequentially calculated and commanders of these units are appointed. To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit, by order of the commander, can be built in a common column of three, four or more. In this case, the construction is carried out, as a rule, according to height.

Slide 28

The formation of units is carried out using the command “STAND”, before which the order of formation is indicated. For example: “Squad, in one line - STAND.” At this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the established interval and distance, and take a formation stance.

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When issuing commands for units of military branches and special troops, instead of the names “squad”, “platoon”, “company”, “battalion” and “regiment”, the names of units and units adopted in the military branches and special troops of the branches of the Armed Forces are indicated.

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The commander is obliged to: indicate the place, time, order of formation, uniform and equipment, as well as what weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary; check and know the presence of subordinates of your unit (unit), as well as weapons, in the ranks, military equipment, ammunition, funds personal protection and entrenching tools; check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and its correct fit; maintain formation discipline and demand accurate execution by units of commands and signals, and by military personnel of their duties in the formation; when giving commands on foot, take a combat stance on the spot; when building units with weapons and military equipment, carry out an external inspection of them, as well as check the presence and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correct fastening of the transported (towed) material and the stowage of property; remind personnel of safety requirements; When driving, observe the established distances, speeds and traffic rules.

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A serviceman is obliged to: check the serviceability of his weapon, the weapons and military equipment assigned to him, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment; carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate any noticed deficiencies; know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; do not disable (the machine) without permission; in the ranks, do not talk or smoke without permission; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately, without interfering with others; transmit orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

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Municipal educational institution Zhizdrinskaya high school №1

Combat training is one of the main subjects in the training and education of military personnel. It is organized and conducted on the basis of the Construction Regulations Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Drill training includes: single drill techniques without weapons and with weapons; coordination of units when operating on foot and in vehicles; drill reviews of units.

During drill classes, military personnel are instilled with accuracy, discipline and attentiveness, and the ability to perform single drill techniques and actions as part of a unit is developed. The criterion for drill training of military personnel is military culture and discipline, readiness to skillfully act in the ranks and in battle.

The drill training of soldiers is improved through classes in tactical, fire, physical training and other classes, during formations, movements and in everyday life.

§1. Construction and management

To successfully perform techniques and actions in military formations, it is necessary to have an understanding of the formation, know its elements, the order of commands, responsibilities before the formation and in the formation.

Build- the deployment of military personnel, units and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles. The system has the following elements:§ Wing- right (left) end of the formation. When the formation turns, the names of the flanks do not change.§ Front- the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (vehicles - with the frontal part).§ Back side of the formation- the side opposite to the front.§ Interval- the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.§ Distance- distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.§ Tuning width- distance between flanks.§ Building depth- the distance from the first line (the serviceman in front) to the last line (behind the serviceman), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (the vehicle in front) to the last line of vehicles (behind the vehicle). Depending on the purpose of the formation There are deployed and marching ones. Line- a formation in which units are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or double-rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander. The deployed formation is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, as well as in other necessary cases. Line(or single-rank deployed formation) - a formation in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at set intervals. Two-rank system- a formation in which military personnel of one rank are located behind the head of military personnel of another rank at a distance of one step (an outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, the names of the ranks do not change. Two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation behind each other’s heads constitute row. If the soldier in the first rank is not standing behind the head of the soldier in the second rank, such a row is called incomplete. When a two-rank formation turns in a circle, a soldier in an incomplete row moves into the rank in front. Single-rank and two-rank formations can be closed or open. in close formation military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows. open formation military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander. Marching formation- a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander. The marching formation is used for the movement of units when marching, marching in a solemn march, singing, and in other necessary cases. Column- a formation in which military personnel are positioned behind each other, and units (vehicles) are located one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to form units and units in a deployed or marching formation. A serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving at the head in the indicated direction is guides(the rest of the military personnel (unit, vehicle) coordinate their movement according to the guide, and the serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving last in the column is called trailing.Formation control carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means. The command is divided into preliminary and executive; There can only be executive teams. Preliminary command is presented clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them. At any preliminary command, servicemen in formation take a formation stance, while moving they move to a formation step, and outside the formation they turn towards the commander and assume a formation stance. Executive team delivered after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. Upon an executive command, it is carried out immediately and accurately. In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called out in the preliminary command, if necessary. For example: "Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP." “Private Petrov, cru-GOM.” To cancel or stop performing a technique, give the command “ RESIGN" At this command, the position that was before the maneuver is assumed. Each serviceman is obliged to firmly know, skillfully and conscientiously fulfill his duties before the formation and in the ranks. Before formation, a serviceman must:§ check the serviceability of your weapon, the weapons and military equipment assigned to it, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;§ carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a comrade eliminate noticed deficiencies. While in service, a serviceman is obliged:§ know your place, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it;§ while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance;§ comply with safety requirements;§ do not break down (the machine) without permission;§ in formation without permission, do not talk or smoke;§ be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately without disturbing others;§ convey orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Questions and tasks

1. Tell us about the elements of the system.

2. What formation is called deployed (marching)?

3. Define the concepts “line”, “row”, “column”.

4. How is the formation controlled?

5. What are the purposes of the preliminary and executive commands? What actions do military personnel perform upon a preliminary (executive) command?

6. Name the responsibilities of a serviceman before formation and in the ranks.

§2. Drill techniques and movement without weapons

2.1. Drill stand Drill stand(Fig. 54) is the main element of drill training. She is accepted on command" BECOME" or " SMYRNO". At this command, you should stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain; raise your chest, and move your whole body forward a little; tuck your stomach; turn your shoulders; lower your hands so that your hands, palms facing inward, are at the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without pointing your chin out straight ahead; be ready for immediate action; " FREE"stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk. On command" refuel", without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment; if necessary, break ranks, seek permission from your immediate superior. Before the command " refuel"the command is given" FREE".The command is given to remove hats" Hats (headdress) - REMOVE", and for putting on - " Hats (headdress) - WEAR"If necessary, single military personnel remove and put on the headdress without a command. The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with the star (cockade) forward (Fig. 55). 2.2. Turns in place Turns in place executed using the commands: " Right», « Half a turn to the right», « Left», « Half a turn on the left», « Kru-GOM"Turns around, to the left, half a turn to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe. Turns are performed in two steps:§ first move - turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing leg; § second technique - put the other leg in the shortest way. 2.3. Movement The movement is performed by walking or running. Movement in steps carried out at a pace of 110-120 steps per minute. Step size - 70-80 cm. Running movement carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. The step size is 85-90 cm. The step can be marching or marching. Combat step used when units pass through a ceremonial march; when they perform a military salute on the move; when a serviceman approaches his superior and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, as well as during drill training. Walking step applies in all other cases (when performing a march, moving during classes, etc.). Movement in marching steps begins at the command " Marching march - MARCH"(in motion" Stroyev - MARCH"), and moving at a walking pace - on command " Step by step - MARCH".On a preliminary command, move the body slightly forward, transfer its weight more to the right leg, maintaining stability; on an executive command, start moving with the left leg in a full step. When moving in a formation step (Fig. 56), extend the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15 -20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot. With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow. was at the level of the hand; back - to the fullest extent in the shoulder joint, keep your head straight, look in front of you. When moving in a walking step, move your leg freely, without pulling your toes, and place it on the ground, as when walking with your hands; make free movements around the body. When moving at a walking pace on command " SMYRNO"go to a formation step. When moving in a formation step on command" FREE"walk at a walking pace. Running begins on command" Running - MARCH". When moving from a place, upon a preliminary command, move the body slightly forward, half-bend the arms, moving the elbows slightly back; on the executive command, start running from the left leg, make free movements with the hands forward and backward in the rhythm of running. To transition from a step to a run. at the preliminary command, bend your arms halfway, moving your elbows slightly back. The executive command is given simultaneously with placing your left foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left leg. To switch from running to walking, the command " is given. Step by step - MARCH". The executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. On this command, take two more steps at a run and start moving with the left foot. The designation of a step on the spot is made on the command " On the spot, step - MARCH" (in motion - " ON SITE").On this command, a step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15-20 cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with the hands in time with the step (Fig. 57). At the command " DIRECTLY", given simultaneously with placing your left foot on the ground, take another step with your right foot in place and start moving with your left foot in a full step. In this case, the first three steps must be marching. To stop the movement, a command is given. For example: "Private Petrov - STOP ". At the executive command given simultaneously with placing the right or left foot on the ground, take another step and, placing the foot, take a combat stance. To change the speed of movement, the commands are given: " WIDER STEP", "IN SHORT STEP", "MORE OFTEN STEP", "LESS STEP", "HALF STEP", "FULL STEP". 2.4. Turns in motion Turns in motion executed using the commands: " Right", « Half a turn in direction», « Left", « Half a turn on the left», « All around - MARCH".To turn right, half a turn to the right (left, half a turn to the left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step from your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction. To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing your right foot on the ground legs. At this command, take another step with your left foot (a count of one), move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning sharply towards your left hand on the toes of both feet (a count of two), continue moving with your left foot in a new direction (in a count of three). When turning, the movements of the arms are made in time with the step.

Questions and tasks

1. Tell and show how the drill is performed.

2. Tell us about the actions of military personnel following the commands “At ease”, “Refuel”.

3. Show how the removed headdress holds up.

4. What commands are used to perform turns on the spot? Practice and demonstrate turns on the spot.

5. How is marching done? Practice and demonstrate the movement with a marching step.

6. What commands are used to change the speed of movement?

7. What commands are used to make turns while moving? Practice and demonstrate turns in motion.

§3. Performing a military salute, breaking ranks and returning to ranks. Approaching and leaving your boss

3.1. Performing a military salute without weapons on the spot and on the move To perform a military greeting in a place outside the formation without a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), turn in his direction, take a formation stance and look him in the face, turning your head after him. If the headdress is worn, then, in addition, , put your right hand to the headdress in the shortest possible way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headdress (at the visor), and the elbow is on the line and height of the shoulder (Fig. 59). When turning the head towards the chief (senior), the position of the hand at the headdress remains unchanged (Fig. 59). When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military salute, put his head straight and at the same time lower his hand. To perform a military salute while moving outside lined up without a headdress three to four steps before the boss (senior), at the same time as planting your feet, stop moving your arms, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the boss (senior), put your head straight and continue moving your hands .When wearing a headdress, simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand on the headdress, keep your left hand motionless at the hip (see Fig. 60); Having passed the chief (senior), at the same time as placing your left foot on the ground, put your head straight and lower your right hand. If a soldier’s hands are full of a burden, perform the military salute by turning your head towards the chief (senior). 3.2. Failure and return to service A command is given for the serviceman to disable the ranks. For example: “Private Ivanov. LEAVE SO MANY STEPS” or “Private Ivanov. COME TO ME (RUN TO ME).” A serviceman, hearing his last name, answers: “I”, and on the command to leave (call) out of order answers: “Yes.” At the first command, the soldier steps out of line for the specified number of steps, counting from the first rank, stops and turns to face the line. On the second command, the serviceman, having taken one or two steps straight from the first rank, turns in the direction of the commander as he walks, approaches (runs up) to him in the shortest possible way and, stopping two or three steps later, reports his arrival. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. Private Ivanov has arrived on your order.” When a serviceman leaves the second rank, he lightly places his left hand on the shoulder of the serviceman in front, who takes a step forward and, without putting his right foot forward, steps to the right, allowing the outgoing serviceman to pass. , then takes his place. When a serviceman leaves the first rank, his place is taken by a soldier from the second rank standing behind him. When a serviceman leaves the column in twos, threes (fours), he breaks ranks towards the nearest flank, first turning to the right (left). If a serviceman is standing nearby, he takes a step with his right (left) foot to the side and, without placing his left (right) foot, takes a step back, lets the out of line serviceman pass and then takes his place. A command is given to return the serviceman to duty. For example: “Private Ivanov. GET IN FORMATION” or just “GET IN FORMATION”. By command “ Private Ivanov"a serviceman standing facing the line, hearing his last name, turns to face his superior and answers: “I am,” and on command " BECOME IN WORK", if he is without a machine gun or with a machine gun in the “behind his back” position, puts his hand to his headgear, answers: “Yes,” turns in the direction of movement, lowers his hand with the first step, moving at a marching pace, takes the shortest route to his place in formation. If only the command is given " BECOME IN WORK", the serviceman returns to duty without first turning to his superior. 3.3. Approaching and leaving your boss When approaching a superior out of formation, a serviceman moves to a formation step five or six steps ahead of him, stops two or three steps later and, at the same time as he puts his foot down, puts his right hand on his headgear, after which he reports his arrival. At the end of the report, he lowers his hand. When leaving the commander, the serviceman, having received permission to go, puts his right hand to his headdress, answers: “Yes,” turns in the direction of movement, lowers his hand with the first step and, having taken three or four marching steps, continues to move at a walking pace. Questions and tasks

1. Show how to salute on the spot and while moving out of formation without a headdress and with a headdress on.

2. What commands are given to force a serviceman out of action and to return him to duty? What actions does the soldier perform according to these commands?

3. Show the order of leaving the first and second ranks and returning to duty.

4. Show the procedure for approaching the boss and leaving him out of formation.

§4. Branch buildings

4.1. Line The deployed formation of a squad can be single-rank or double-rank. The formation of a squad in a single-rank (double-rank) formation is carried out using the command " Squad, in one line (in two lines) - STAND UP". Having taken a formation stance and giving a command, the squad leader stands facing the front of the formation; the squad is lined up according to the staff to the left of the commander in one or two ranks. A squad of four people or less is always lined up in one line. If necessary, align the squad on the spot team " BE EQUAL" or " To the left - LINE".On command" BE EQUAL"everyone, except the right flanker, turns their head to the right (the right ear is higher than the left, the chin is raised) and aligns themselves so that everyone sees the chest of the fourth person, considering themselves to be first. On command" To the left - LINE"everyone except the left flanker turns their head to the left ( left ear higher than the right, the chin is raised). When leveling, military personnel can move slightly forward, backward or to the sides. Upon completion of the leveling, the command " SMYRNO", along which all servicemen quickly put their heads straight. When aligning a squad after turning it around, the command indicates the side of alignment. For example: "To the right (left) - ALIGN." At the command " FREE"and on command" refuel"on the spot, military personnel can stand freely, loosen their right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from their place, do not lose attention and do not talk. On command" Branch - DISCOVER"servicemen are out of formation. A command is given to assemble the squad" Branch - TO ME", according to which the servicemen run to the commander and, at his additional command, line up. Squad turns are carried out simultaneously by all servicemen in compliance with the commands and rules established by the Military Regulations. After the squad turns in a two-rank formation to the right (left), the squad leader takes half a step to the right (left ), and when turning around - step forward. To move the squad, the following commands are given: " Squad, walking (marching, running) - MARCH". If necessary, the direction of movement and the direction of alignment are indicated in the command. For example: "Separation, on such and such an object, alignment to the right (left), at a step (marching step, running) - MARCH." At the command " MARCH"all military personnel simultaneously begin to move from the left foot, maintaining alignment and maintaining intervals and distances. If the side of alignment is not indicated, alignment is made towards the right flank with a glance without turning the head. To stop the squad, the command is given" Department - STOP".To change direction by stepping over the shoulder, the command is given" Branch, right (left) shoulder forward, step - MARCH"(on the go - " MARCH").On this command, the squad begins to enter with the right (left) shoulder forward: the flanker of the approaching flank, turning his head along the front, walks at full pace, adjusting his movement so as not to push the rest to the stationary flank; the flanker of the stationary flank indicates a step in place and gradually turns to the left (to the right), in accordance with the movement of the approaching flank; the rest, maintaining alignment along the front with their gaze towards the approaching flank (without turning their heads) and feeling with their elbow the neighbor on the side of the motionless flank, take a smaller step the closer they are to the motionless flank. .When the squad makes the approach as necessary, the command "is given" DIRECTLY" or " Department - STOP".To rebuild a squad from one rank into two, the first and second ranks are first calculated on command." Department, for the first and second - PAY OUT".On this command, each soldier, starting from the right flank, in turn quickly turns his head to the soldier standing to his left, calls his number and quickly puts his head straight; the left flank does not turn his head. A calculation is also made according to the general numbering, for which team " Department, in order - PAY OUT". In a two-rank formation, the left-flank of the second rank, after completing the calculation of the formation according to the general numbering, reports: " Full" or " Incomplete"The reorganization of a squad on the spot from one rank to two is carried out by command" Squad, in two ranks - BUILD UP".On the executive command, the second numbers take a step back with their left foot, without placing their right foot, a step to the right to stand at the back of the head of the first numbers, and put their left foot. To rebuild the squad on the spot from a closed two-rank formation to a single-rank formation, the squad is first opened at one step, after which the command " Squad, in one line - LINE UP".On the executive command, the second numbers go to the line of the first, taking a step to the left with their left foot, without putting their right foot, step forward, and put their left foot. 4.2. Marching formation The marching formation of the squad can be in a column one at a time or in a column of two. The formation of a squad in a column one (two at a time) on the spot is carried out by the command " Section, in a column one at a time (two at a time) - STAND UP". Having taken a formation stance and giving a command, the squad leader stands facing the direction of movement, and the squad is lined up according to the staff in a column of one or in a column of two. A squad of four people or less is built in a column of one. Rebuilding the squad from a deployed formation to the column is carried out by turning the squad to the right at the command " Branch, right-VO"When turning a two-rank formation, the squad leader takes half a step to the right. The formation of a squad from a column into a deployed formation is carried out by turning the squad to the left at the command" Branch, nale-VO"When a squad turns from a column of two, the squad leader takes half a step forward. The squad is reorganized from a column of one into a column of two by command" Squad, in a column of two, in steps - MARCH"(on the move - "MARCH").At the executive command, the squad leader (director) walks in half a step, the second numbers, going out to the right, take their places in the column in time with the step; the squad moves in half a step until the command" DIRECTLY" or " Department - STOP"The reorganization of the squad from a column of two to a column of one is carried out by command" Squad, in a column one at a time, step by step - MARCH"(on the go - " MARCH").At the executive command, the squad leader (director) walks in full stride, and the rest - in half a step; as space is freed up, the second numbers, in time with the step, enter the back of the head first and continue to move in full stride. To change the direction of movement of the column, commands are given: · " Branch, right (left) shoulder forward - MARCH"; the guide goes left (right) to the command " DIRECTLY", the others follow him;· " Squad, behind me - MARCH (run - MARCH)"; the squad follows the commander. 4.3. Performing a military salute in formation on the spot and on the move To perform a military greeting in the ranks on the spot, when the commander approaches 10-15 steps, the squad leader commands: " Department, MINDLY, alignment to the RIGHT (to the LEFT, to the MIDDLE)". The servicemen of the squad take a formation stance, simultaneously turn their heads to the right (left) and follow the commander with their eyes, turning their heads after him. When the commander approaches from the rear of the formation, the squad leader turns the squad in a circle, and then gives the command to perform a military salute. The squad commander , having given the command to perform a military salute, he puts his hand to the headdress (if he is with the weapon in the “on the belt” or “on the chest” position, the hand is not put to the headdress in a marching step towards the commander); stops and reports to him. For example: “Comrade Lieutenant. The second department is doing something. Squad commander Sergeant Petrov."The commander, who is being greeted, puts his hand to the headdress after giving the command to perform a military greeting. Having finished the report, the squad leader, without lowering his hand from the headdress, takes a step to the side with his left (right) foot while simultaneously turning to the right (to the left) and, having let the chief go ahead, follows him one or two steps behind and from the outside of the formation. After passing the chief or on the command “At ease,” the squad leader commands: “ FREE" - and lowers his hand. To perform a military greeting in the ranks while moving 10-15 steps before the leader, the squad leader commands: " Department, SMIRLNO, alignment to the RIGHT (to the LEFT)". By command" SMYRNO"all military personnel move to a combat step, and on command" Alignment to the RIGHT (to the LEFT)"simultaneously turn their heads towards the commander and stop moving with their hands or the hand not occupied by the weapon. The squad leader, if he is unarmed or with a weapon in the position “behind his back,” turns his head and puts his hand to the headgear. Upon passing the commander or on command “At ease,” the squad leader commands: “ FREE" - and lowers his hand. Questions and tasks

1. Tell us about the formation of a squad in a deployed formation.

2. Tell us about the actions of military personnel using the commands “Align” and “Left - Align.”

3. What commands are given for the movement of the compartment and during the movement of the compartment?

4. Tell us about the procedure for calculating military personnel in the ranks.

5. Perform the actions when rebuilding a squad from one rank to two and back.

6. Tell us about the formation of a squad in marching formation.

7. Perform the steps to build the compartment into a column one (two at a time) on site.

8. Perform the steps to rebuild the compartment from a column of one to a column of two.

9. What commands are given to change the direction of movement of the column?

10. Tell us about performing a military salute in formation on the spot and on the move.