Why it itches - signs. Why it itches - signs: right, left eye, finger, palm, ear, lip, nose, eyebrow, chest, head, legs, body

According to popular wisdom, it will not be difficult for a knowledgeable person to make a forecast for the near future. Such people will immediately answer the interlocutor’s question: why is it itching? The nose, neck, arms, stomach, as well as other parts of the body that suddenly itch can become harbingers of success, profit, failure or tears. You may experience sensations on or inside your body that make you want to scratch. What signs does fate send through this category of folk signs?

Why does your head itch?

What will he tell you about? popular interpretation to a person interested in what and what itches when it comes to the head? The general interpretation predicts a quarrel. Any reason can serve as a pretext, so knowing the interpretation of a folk sign, you can avoid an unpleasant moment. If it itches near your right ear, then you will be expected to useful advice, near the left - someone older will give it to you, the back of the head - portends complex thoughts. Intensity also matters: the more it itches, the more difficult it will become to resolve the conflict.


Just like when your ears burn or the tip of your nose itches, this folk sign is on the list of the most popular and familiar to many. A symbolic omen promises those with itchy eyes radically opposite states - from tears and grief to joy and a date with a loved one. The reason that the eye twitches is overwork or severe nervous tension, and if it begins to itch or water, it is necessary to exclude inflammation or contact foreign body.

If you want to scratch your eyes spontaneously and this action is short-term, then the popular interpretation of the sign says that the right eye itches for tears, and the left eye for joyful events. The days of the week can influence the interpretation of an omen. The approach is simple: if the letter “p” appears in the name, for example, Wednesday, but not Friday, then itchy eyes promise joy, and the rest of the days of the week predict tears. Good news at work - that's why my left eye itches on Tuesday.


When your earlobe itches, the sign predicts worsening weather: expect strong winds or bad weather. People's forecast Regarding personal life, it promises a new addition to the family or receiving unexpected news. When interpreting, it is worth paying attention to which ear is itching: if the right one, they say unpleasant words about you or scold you, and the left ear traditionally itches or burns in those who have received praise from unfamiliar people, work colleagues, and superiors.


Often the appearance of this sign is felt so that the bridge of the nose itches, so you want to scratch your nose. Popular belief says that soon good news will come knocking on your life. If the right nostril suddenly itches, then this foreshadows the birth of a son from one of your good friends, and the left nostril itches for the appearance of a girl. Those who have itching under their noses should be wary, as this portends ingratitude. An itchy tip of the nose is a familiar sign to many: get ready for a feast with strong drinks.


Expect a guest who will come from afar to visit you - this is the most common interpretation when eyebrows itch. This visit is associated with the best intentions, because the guest will appear with gratitude for the kind attitude that you once showed. For a girl or woman, an itchy right eyebrow predicts a meeting with a man, while the left one predicts communication with representatives of the same sex. If you have itching between your eyebrows, then you have to communicate with a married couple.


A sure sign of why your forehead itches is that the time has come in your life to make a serious decision. Those whose foreheads are very itchy should prepare for an unexpected conversation with the opposite sex. There is a possibility that your significant other has decided to break up and end the relationship, and is determined to do so decisively. This sign warns of an unpleasant encounter with a door frame, so if you don’t want to get bruised, then be careful. The most pleasant interpretation is that your dream will come true in the near future.


Time for kissing is what will soon come for those who suddenly want to scratch their lips. Signs indicate that another person will be the initiator of a pleasant event. If a girl’s upper lip is itchy, then a prominent man will kiss her, and the lower lip portends that a woman, for example, a mother or friend, will kiss her. According to folk superstitions, it matters not only when the lips itch, but also when they burn or begin to twitch. Get ready for a serious conversation if the tip of your tongue itches.


Flaming cheeks predict tears, resentment and negative statements about you from loved ones. You should expect unpleasant events if your left cheek itches, because this indicates an imminent division of property, a quarrel over a will, but everything will be resolved peacefully. For pregnant women, such a sign announces the birth of a girl. When your right cheek itches, this sign is positive, because your loved one is thinking about you, whose intentions are the most sincere.

Signs of what itches on the body

Why and what itches on the body - these superstitions are constantly passed on from generation to generation. Folk predictions associated a sudden impulse to scratch one or another part of the body with upcoming possible events. Just like the desire to scratch your beard, chin or little finger, such sensations come suddenly. The symbolic interpretation of what and why it itches on the body provides for such phenomena as melancholy, joy, money, and adversity. The wrist, lower back, armpit, groin, soles of the feet - everything can give insight into the future.


The largest number of signs are associated with this part of the body. Many people believe that if you itch right palm, then you should expect profit or receipt large sum money, but the left predicts expenses. An itch will tell you about an imminent meeting with someone whom you have not seen for a long time. right palm. You should be wary if you involuntarily scratched your elbow or fist. This folk sign predicts extremely unpleasant events.

Expect Huge Profits If You're Itching middle finger on the left hand. Good interpretation carries a sign for those who have an itchy index or ring finger: get ready for a quick move up the ladder career ladder or for academic success. The thumb, like the area of ​​the arm up to the elbow, itches in people who are facing life changes. If on right hand, then you will soon meet a person who will change your life, on the left - a feeling of disappointment will come regarding your soul mate.

If your chest itches

Representatives of the fair sex will be able to judge the events of the near future when their breasts suddenly itch. Communication with the subtle world indicates a violation of harmony, possible anxiety if there is a tingling or itching sensation in the sternum. If only the left breast is itchy, then the sign indicates the longing of a loved one for you, the right one indicates betrayal on the part of the chosen one.


Has your right foot itched for no particular reason? A journey awaits you, a long journey - this is what the folk sign predicts regarding the desire to scratch your foot. Superstitions arose when cars and paved roads were out of the question. Travelers had to cover distances on foot, because only wealthy people traveled on horseback. The interpretation of signs carries positive character, because overcoming the journey is associated with a joyful feast upon arrival.

An itchy heel portends a change in the weather, and the desire to scratch your knee promises good news. When it itches right leg(foot, knee, hip), then most positive predictions are associated with this. The left one always warns of negative events: a person needs to be attentive, careful on the road, he is threatened with losses and even betrayal.


Changes in weather and not the best events in life are promised by folk signs for those who have an itchy stomach. Movements from top to bottom predict that possible events will occur in the very near future, and from one side of the abdomen to the other are harbingers of circumstances delayed in time. It is considered a good omen when the navel itches - this portends a holiday or fun.


Melancholy in the soul, sadness and not at all rosy prospects bring with it the sign of an itchy back. Puzzled by the question regarding the zone, it is easy to see: the lower back is unlucky, and the shoulder blades itch due to bad weather. All superstitions associated with the area below the shoulders impose a negative character on the predictions. Only those with an itchy tailbone will be able to dodge trouble, because the lucky ones will be able to escape in time or simply avoid a collision. A quick feast awaits those with an itchy neck.


Very soon you will have to go on a date - that’s what the folk saying says. Also subtle worlds make it clear that in the coming days an important mysterious event will occur that will affect the course of fate. The fifth point begins to itch before good events concerning your personal life. If itchy sensations appear only in the area of ​​one buttock, then the right one predicts envious people or rivals with malevolent intentions, and the left one means you need to be careful and stay away from dubious adventures.

If any part of the body is very itchy, then there is no need to draw hasty conclusions and immediately look for secret meaning in what is happening. You should carefully examine the itchy area. Perhaps this is a manifestation allergic reaction or dermatological disease. Another reason is an insect bite. If redness and rashes do not appear there, then you can begin to interpret this phenomenon. It should be noted that signs are interpreted equally for men and women.

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Head, neck and face

Folk signs about itchy places on the head and face:

  • nose - to a fight or to noisy party with the use large quantity alcohol;
  • ear - you should expect a serious conversation;
  • left eyebrow- to a meeting with a deceitful and two-faced person; right - to friendly meetings and pleasant pastime;
  • auricle - to clarify relationships with loved ones;
  • palate in the mouth - to condemnation and damaged reputation;
  • left eye - a bad omen, to sadness and tears; right - to joyful emotions and pleasant surprises;
  • cheeks - to gossip and bad news;
  • forehead - to solve a long-standing problem;
  • chin - a difficult choice;
  • the back of the head - to hopeless sadness;
  • lips - to tenderness and caresses;
  • tongue - to empty chatter;
  • crown - this part of the body is associated with receiving news.

The scratcher gives several interpretations about neck itching:

  • My whole neck itches unbearably for a fight.
  • If you have an itch on the right side, then you should expect a magnificent feast, which may end in the use of physical force.
  • Itches on the left - to exquisite pleasures.
  • Feeling itching under the hair, in the back of the head - means a long-awaited meeting with a lover or lover.

If a girl’s whole face itches and she feels that her cheeks are burning, then behind her back someone is weaving intrigues and spreading untrue rumors.

Back and chest

If your right shoulder blade suddenly itches, it means heartfelt affection and love affairs. Left - for interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. If it itches between the shoulder blades, it means sudden weather changes. The lower back is burning - the plan is not destined to come true.

A burning tailbone portends great misfortune, but if a woman manages to restrain her impulses and does not touch the itchy spot, then she will be able to avoid trouble by a happy coincidence.

Superstitions regarding itching of the chest and abdomen:

  • ribs - to the appearance of an envious woman;
  • breasts - to mental suffering and strong experiences;
  • stomach - to a deterioration in health or a change in weather;
  • navel - for triumph;
  • collarbones - to unexpected guests;
  • itching in the armpits - a sudden illness that will drag on for a long time.

The right side itches - to repay the debt. If it itches in your left side, you will have to pay for it yourself.

Arms and legs

It is important which part of the arm or leg is itchy.

Body part On the left side On the right side
PalmTowards profitTo meet a friend
Arm above the elbowTo loveFor the enemy's visit
Fingers and wristUnforeseen expensesGreat offers
ElbowA series of sad events that will cut the ground from under a person’s feet
ShinFor long trips
HeelTo irreparable lossesTowards promotion wages or career growth
Both heels itch at the same time - a tiring and dangerous road
HipFor the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances whom the person has not seen for a long timeTo unexpected expenses up to complete lack of money
SoleTo unrestrained dancingFor walking
SoleTo the treacherous act of a friend or the betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps something very unpleasant will soon be revealedTo pleasant travels with your lover
KneeExpect unpleasant surprises

According to signs, the right palm itches for money or a pleasant meeting. The meaning depends on the day you notice the itching. But remember: each person personally creates his own future.

In the article:

The right palm itches - money signs

If you feel itching in your right hand, you can be sure that you will soon get salary increase or other financial incentive. Notice how clearly this fact is expressed.

Some believe that the stronger the itch, the more money the person will receive. If not only your palm itches, but also or even your shoulder, the profit will be of unprecedented proportions. There is a similar sign about.

Don’t plan to spend as soon as your right hand itches. Perform some manipulations to attract wealth.

Imagine that the money has already arrived to you. Make a fist, kiss it, feel how happy you are about this profit, put your hand in your pocket and only then open your palm. This ritual will bring the long-awaited wealth closer.

There is another ritual. Rub the red wooden object vigorously with your right hand and say:

I rub against the red so that it’s not in vain.

By following our advice, you will activate a positive sign program and.

When your palm itched for a meeting

Itching in this part of the body indicates that you will soon meet an old friend. Our ancestors believed that such a feeling portends firm handshake. Therefore, pay attention to close people whom you have not seen for a long time. Perhaps it's time to meet and enjoy communication.

The right hand itches not only for friendly meetings. It is possible for relatives to come from afar. It’s not a fact that you will be happy with such guests.

Why else is your right hand itching? This phenomenon can predict a business meeting. You may have to communicate with a client or business partner. Whether the conversation will be pleasant depends on your actions in the past.

Signs by day of the week

The meaning of the belief varies depending on the day you experienced the itch. Mainly it’s money and meeting acquaintances, partners or friends. But there are also exceptions.

There are many signs about itching in various parts of the body, including the right hand. Most of them have positive value and foretells meetings with friends and cash receipts. But every belief also has dark side. However, you shouldn’t focus on it - a lot depends on what you’re in the mood for.

Signs of why something itches
The head itches - to be scolded.
Your forehead itches - say hello to someone.
The back of your head itches - they will scold you.
The crown itches - to thoughts about family and related matters, and the more it itches, the more important the matters are.
The right eyebrow is for a date with a friend, or someone is praising you.
The left eyebrow means a date with a hypocrite, or someone scolds you.
Right eyebrow - you will bow to a man, left - to a woman.
The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a man, the left - with a woman.
Eyebrows itch, itchy - you will look at a guest who has arrived from afar.
Between the eyebrows - for a meeting with a married couple.
Your eyes itch (itch) - you will cry.
Itchy eyes or under the eyes - on this day you will cry or regret something.
Left eye - to joy.
The right eye is for tears.
The right eye, according to other beliefs, can itch both to tears and to joy, depending on what day the eye itches: if on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (that is, on those days whose name contains the letter R ), then to joy, and if on Monday or Saturday, then to tears. To prevent possible tears, it is necessary to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross the rubbed eyes three times.
In the ears - to a newborn or to bad weather, to the wind.
Right ear - someone is scolding.
Left ear - someone praises.
In the auricles - to condemnation, and in the right - to condemnation from loved ones, in the left - from strangers.
The whole ear itches, itches and burns: in winter it means a thaw, and at any other time of the year it means fast news.

Itching in the nose - good news.
Bridge of the nose - you will hear about the deceased.
The tip of the nose is to be honored or to drink wine (look into the glass), or to look at a drunken person, or to receive news.
The nostril itches - to the homeland: the right one - someone will give birth to a son, the left one - a daughter.
An itchy nose means old age.
The side of the nose itches means good news.
One side or the other of the nose means that what was planned will be forgotten or what has been forgotten will be remembered.
From the inside (in the nose) - to secret neighborly good deeds.
Under your nose - to refusal, ingratitude.
Mustache - for a gift, or for a delicacy, or to be a guest.
Mustache - for a date or a kiss.
Lips - to go to a hotel or to be a guest.
Lips - kissing someone.
Upper lip - kissing a man.
Lower lip - kissing a woman or a child.
Both lips itch - kissing a married couple.
Language is to speak with the wind, that is, with a person who came from the wind, with a stranger.
The tip of the tongue - to gossip and evil intentions against you. To prevent evil intentions, it is necessary to tie a strong knot on something so that the spiteful critics will also gag their mouths, or prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper) so that all evil returns to the ill-wishers.
The palate and gums are a clear, undisguised condemnation and the impossibility of identifying an ill-wisher.
The cheeks are for news, and the right cheek is for news from afar, and the left cheek is for news from close places.
Cheeks itching or burning means tears.
Beard - kissing.
Chin - someone will bow to you.
Neck - sudden preparations for the road.
The occipital side of the neck - to return from halfway loved one and conversation with him.
Clavicles - to be in an honorary meeting, visiting.
Shoulders - getting ready to go, and right shoulder- to a long absence from home, and the left - to a short absence.
Under the arms - to a mild illness, under the right - to your own illness, and under the left - to the illness of loved ones.
If your hand itches, then in order for the money to flow, you need to scratch or rub it with this hand reverse side table boards.
Right palm - to receive money (receipt will be more accurate if you scratch your palm on a tree).
Left palm- give money.
Elbow - to grief, or to sleep on someone else's bed, or to fall on it.
Right elbow - to an argument, quarrel, fight.
The left elbow is in front of a strange, unrealistic proposal.
Fingers on both hands are a sign of anemia and an indication of the need for treatment.
Sides - there will be guests or the debt will be returned.
Breasts - to grief or bad weather.
Heart (in the pit of the stomach) - to chagrin.

Back - to sadness.
Shoulder blades or between the shoulder blades - bad weather.
Spine - to a change in weather.
Lower back - to bad weather.
The stomach means sadness or a sudden change in the weather, and if it itches from top to bottom, then the change will come within a day, from bottom to top or from the side - in a day.
The navel and the area around it - either to a party, or to news from afar, or to a guest (guests) from afar.
Itching in the groin is not good.
The back itches - they praise it.
The right buttock - to illness and sadness, the left buttock - to self-interest.
Knees - pray on your knees in someone else's church.
Right knee - before the arrival of the guest rider.
Left knee - before going to difficult but profitable work.
Under the knee - the owner (head of the family) has a journey ahead, most likely a long one.
The legs below itch - it means rain.
My veins itch to be on the road.
Sole - walking along an unfamiliar road.

The soles itch when you have to work with your feet or when you have to go on foot to the road.
Right sole - go on any road.
Singing sole - do not go on any road.
Heels in summer - for rain.
Heels in winter - to the thaw.
The cat scratches behind the ear - to the guests.
The pig is itching - for warmth.
A pig scratching itself on something means bad weather.

The head is one of the most important parts of the body. It is believed that an itchy head portends quarrels. To avoid swearing, it is recommended to wash it to wash away bad thoughts.

The area near the temples itches for failure in seemingly win-win situations. There is also a positive sign. Your head may itch for purchases or gifts.

Why does your left or right eye itch?

From a physiological point of view, the left eye is responsible for performance, and the right eye symbolizes the emotional side of a person. For left-handers, the sign works the other way around.

According to folk wisdom, the right eye itches means positive changes in your personal life. At this time, you can safely make appointments and make acquaintances. IN evening time the sign promises a prophetic dream.

If the area near the right ear itches, then you should wait for wise advice. And itching around the left ear, on the contrary, promises a willingness to help loved ones in solving impending problems.

According to European experts, the right eye itches for material wealth.

Why is your left eye itching? Alternatively, to difficult work.

The left eye is a harbinger of difficult work, which will take a lot of effort and energy. In the West, they believe that the left eye itches due to overwork or hidden illnesses.

The sign also speaks of ill-wishers and the evil eye, which should be feared. In the east, on the contrary, they believe that the left eye itches for change and new discoveries.

If your eyes itch at the same time:

  1. You need to be wary of betrayal by loved ones.
  2. Emotional turmoil is possible.
  3. The long-awaited meeting will happen soon.

Itching of the right or left eyebrow is a sign

In the old days it was believed that itching of the right eyebrow portends happy events, such as the birth of a child, recognition of successes, fateful meetings.

The left eyebrow, on the contrary, warns of danger. You should be attentive to those around you.

Unfavorable acquaintances are possible, which will lead to misfortune in the future. It is not recommended to plan long journeys.

Good omen, when both eyebrows itch. This portends a replenishment in the budget, cash gain, salary increase.

Why does your forehead itch?

The forehead area is associated with human mental activity, which explains the rubbing of the forehead while thinking about any issues.

The upper part of the forehead itches for betrayal. There is a belief that “horns grow.” If there is no other half, then betrayal from the people around you is possible.

Itching in the bridge of the nose promises a successful solution to long-standing issues. And if your forehead itches in the middle, then you need to be prepared for important meetings and negotiations.

Itchy ear - what does it mean?

Ears belong to the organs of hearing, which justifies the connection between the signs about them and discussions and negotiations.


  1. Right earlobe. Itching for a big quarrel. It can be smoothed out with the help of restraint and weighty arguments. Itching may also indicate worsening weather.
  2. Right ear inside. Those around you will learn the truth, which will excite them and lead to gossip. Don't focus on the situation.
  3. Right ear outside. You can expect pleasant surprises and profits. Free girls will meet their other half.
  4. Left earlobe. Itching for a conflict in which he has to play a conciliatory role. A scandal may affect relationships with colleagues, which will lead to problems with superiors.
  5. Left ear inside. Indicates squabbles in the environment, for which you will have to make excuses. On the other hand, the situation will show the true colors of friends.
  6. Left ear outside. Presages money expenses and repayment of old debts. Showdowns with relatives and friends are not excluded.

The nose itches - a folk sign

Why does your nose itch? folk superstition, judged based on the itchy area. The tip of the nose itches for fun gatherings.

Left wing portends bad news. But there is no need to worry about them, the situation will be resolved in a positive way.

The right wing, on the other hand, promises good news. Itching of the bridge of the nose portends serious illness or death. Trouble is possible.

Each nostril also has its own meaning. The right one itches for joyful events, and the left one portends misfortune.

For couples who are expecting a baby, itching of the right nostril portends the birth of a girl, and the left one - the birth of a boy. The whole nose itches due to a fight or conflict.

Itching above the lip - meaning

If you're itching place above the upper lip, then you should expect condemnation and betrayal. You will also have to deal with the ingratitude of your acquaintances.

In people dependent on meteorological indicators, upper part lips itches when the weather changes for the worse.

Why do the upper and lower lips itch?

According to popular belief, if your lips itch, wait for kisses. But few people know that this only applies to the upper lip.

Also itchy upper lip portends a romantic date that will mark the beginning of a strong relationship. In the east, it is believed that the sign indicates the receipt of a sweet gift.

Lower lip itches for praise, after which a promotion at work and consolidation of status in society is possible. If there is a task that has been put off many times, then it’s time to get started.

If your lip itches after a romantic evening, you should expect a successful development of the relationship.

Cheeks itching - why?

According to the teachings of Buddhism, right cheek itches long journey . For the patient, the sign promises get well soon.

U married couples a conversation will take place to help clarify the reasons for the discontent. After this, the long-awaited reconciliation will come.

The right side of the face is filled with good energy, which means an excess of emotions in the body. At this time, it is necessary to restrain yourself so that the outburst of energy does not lead to misunderstanding of loved ones.

The area of ​​the face on the left side is responsible for the romantic mood. For single people, this sign promises success in communicating with the opposite sex, and for those in love, a wave of positive emotions.

For those who are far from home, the sign predicts a quick return. Both cheeks itch for tears, but they won’t necessarily be from grief.

Why does your tongue itch?

Tongue and talkativeness can be considered synonyms, so all signs about an itchy tongue are related to communication.

An itchy tip of the tongue indicates gossip behind your back.– at this time you need to be careful, as ill-wishers are planning to spread rumors; the middle is about the desire to slander an innocent person; The root of language is conflict.

It is important not to give in to provocations and keep your feelings under control.

Itching in the mouth and teeth - what does it mean?

The sign indicates an ill-wisher who wants to specifically slander. At the same time, he will act behind his back, and his name will remain secret.

What does it mean when your chin itches?

Since ancient times it has been believed that jealous people have itchy chins. Over time, this sign was indeed confirmed. If a loved one behaves unusually, then you should think about his loyalty.

Free people will have a long-awaited vacation at home. If you fail to plan a vacation, then good news is expected.

Why does your neck itch?

First of all, the sign warns of upcoming events. What they will be depends on the person. By carefully studying the surrounding factors, you can avoid impending troubles.

The front of the neck itches for a cheerful feast. Even if there are no events planned in the near future, it is worth preparing for unexpected invitations. A festive meeting is inevitable.

The reverse side of the neck promises unfair punishments. At this time, you should not tempt fate and get involved in dubious companies.

An itchy elbow is a sign

According to Russian superstitions it was considered good sign, when both elbows itch. This meant that global changes in life were approaching.

In most cases, positive events are expected, but there may be situations in which you will have to fight for happiness.

The right elbow portends favorable moments. Free girls will receive gifts and attentions. Representatives of the fair sex in love can prepare for the trip.

The sign warns men of the appearance of envious people. For both sexes, itching of the right elbow may indicate a move.

The left side of the body is considered a harbinger of misfortune, therefore left elbow itches, causing problems. It is necessary to establish relationships with relatives; their help will be needed to eliminate troubles.

What does it mean when your finger itches?

Left hand:

Why the wing of the nose itches: Left - foretells bad news, Right - promises good news.

Right hand:

  1. Thumb. Girls tickling thumb talks about receiving gifts, perhaps even wedding ring. A salary increase or bonus is predicted in the near future.
  2. Index finger. The outcome of recently started cases depends solely on the person who has itching index finger. It is worth preparing for the envy of ill-wishers.
  3. Middle finger. Just like on the left hand, it foretells profit.
  4. Ring finger. Itching for big expenses that will bring emotional satisfaction. The ring finger is associated with marriage, which explains the sign of receiving a proposal for girls.
  5. Little finger. It is recommended to postpone important matters.

My hand itches - folk signs

The left hand is a harbinger of material well-being. The more it itches, the more profit you can expect.

In order not to miss the opportunity to get rich, you should clench your hand into a fist, put it in your pocket and open it, simulating folding money.

The right hand itches for successful negotiations. The sign is based on the fact that during a meeting or a successful transaction, right hands are shaken.

Right or left palm itches - meaning

According to the Russian folk version, everyone knows why the palm itches. The left palm itches for money, the right palm itches for acquaintance. These are the most popular interpretations of signs.

The sign about the left hand warns that you will have to part with loved ones.

What does it mean if your wrist itches?

The left wrist itches for trouble. An emotional state will push a person to act rashly. This could be a quarrel, a fight, relationship problems, even arrest and prison.

Sign associated with right wrist, portends praise and receiving well-deserved awards. Serious decisions may have to be made. But don’t be afraid, they will bring joy in the future.

Itchy chest - why?

For both men and women itching of the left breast predicts changes in communication with a loved one. Free people should take a closer look at their surroundings. Recent acquaintances can develop into a serious relationship.

For men, the sign promises financial well-being.

For women, the sign about the right breast indicates relatives who are waiting for support. Girls who are in a quarrel with their other half can expect a quick reconciliation. For men, itching indicates excessive roughness.

Itchy armpits - folk signs

It's arrived favorable time for beginnings - that's why my left armpit itches.

For shy people, this is a sign that it is time to gain self-confidence and achieve success. The time has come to analyze your personality and combat shortcomings.

The sign of the armpit on the right side warns of new things. Also, the right armpit may itch in a person who cannot defend his point of view.

Why your stomach itches - a sign

There are two opposing interpretations of this sign. On the one side An itchy belly symbolizes dissatisfaction.

A bad mood leads to conflicts in the family, misunderstandings at work, and a deterioration in general condition.

These problems can be solved by taking control of your emotional state. The second option insists on the arrival of great happiness and prosperity in all areas of life.

What does it mean if your back itches?

Regardless of which area is itchy, itching of the back is explained by the prediction of sadness and disappointment.

Melancholy may appear for no apparent reason and depression may develop. This does not apply to those with moles on the back. They are considered lucky amulets. The spine itches when the weather changes.

Butt itches - why?

It’s not for nothing that they say “find adventures to the fifth point.” Popa warns about unplanned trips. The sign warns against deception for personal gain.

Why do thighs itch?

The sign foretells the arrival of guests. If you haven’t been able to visit old friends for a long time, then they themselves organize a meeting.

You should be careful in money matters. Deception or unexpected waste is possible. There may also be bad news.

Itchy knees - what does it mean?

The stronger the itching in the left knee, the more radically the weather will change. In the near future you will have to do uninteresting work, but you will be generously paid for it.

The sign about the right knee says that all old issues will soon be resolved. In this case, participation in the decision is practically not required. We should also expect good news.

Why do your feet itch below the knees?

Most of the signs about legs are related to movement. Left leg warns about unsuccessful trips, demotion, material and emotional losses.

The right leg predicts events exactly the opposite. It is necessary to open up to new acquaintances and accept invitations to events. All this will entail limitless possibilities and discoveries.

Itchy foot - meaning

Women's feet itch during marriage and pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that soon you will have to run after the child a lot.

For men who are not burdened with a serious relationship, the sign foreshadows thoughts of betrayal. Whether it actually takes place depends on the endurance of the person himself.

Fate has in store for family guys a pleasant surprise in the form of a promotion at work.

When your left foot itches, a busy day with your second half is expected. Itching is also observed when there are unfinished tasks that will entail losses.

Before a conversation with an influential person, my right foot itches. As a result of the meeting, important issues will be resolved positively.

Itchy heel - Russian sign

Both heels itch when the weather changes. IN summer time According to the sign, rain is expected, and in winter time On the contrary, warming.

Heels are also considered harbingers long journey. How the path turns out depends on which heel is itching.

P the right heel, as a harbinger of good luck, promises a successful journey, which will bring both moral and monetary satisfaction.

For girls and guys who are not burdened with relationships, the right palm itches for a romantic date. For family people, this sign predicts success in business.

If your left heel itches, you should avoid any travel.. They can cause material losses.

What to prepare for if one or another part of the body itches, say numerous folk beliefs. Some people unquestioningly believe in omens, while others don’t even think about it.

In any case, a person’s life is in his hands and even the worst prediction can be corrected with positive actions and thoughts.

What itches for what (folk signs):

Why does the left and right hand itch: