Presentation on the topic “Children's Pioneer Organization. "Who are the pioneers?" presentation for a lesson on the topic Presentation of who the pioneers are

Who is a pioneer? A pioneer is a child wearing a red tie, observing pioneer laws and traditions and always ready to defend his country and fight for justice! Pioneer is an example to all the guys! Pioneer means “first”, and real pioneers really tried to be the first in everything! Pioneers are young patriots of their country, keeping pieces of the victory banner in the form of their red ties.

Purpose of the Pioneer Organization The declared purpose of the Pioneer organization: to educate young fighters for the cause of the Communist Party Soviet Union. To the call: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” the answer follows: “Always ready!”

Charter of a Pioneer A pioneer works and studies for the good of the Motherland, preparing to become its defender. A pioneer, an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries. The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, and leads the Octobrists. A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions. The pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects his elders, takes care of his younger ones, and always acts according to his conscience.

Admission to the Pioneer organization The Pioneer organization accepts schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Admission is carried out individually, by open voting at a meeting of the pioneer detachment or squad. A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer gives him a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. As a rule, pioneers were received in a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable places, most often on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

At first, upon entering school, the child was admitted to October. After which the schoolboy proudly wore a star with a curly-haired boy on his chest. Upon reaching the age of 9, the next step followed - initiation into pioneers. And finally, in high school - the presentation of the Komsomol badge.

Pioneer uniform IN common days coincided with school uniform, complemented by pioneer symbols with a red tie and pioneer badge. On special occasions (holidays, greetings at party and Komsomol forums, meetings of foreign delegations, etc.) it was worn dress uniform, which included: red caps, pioneer ties and badges.

Hymn of the Pioneers 1. Rise with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers, children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 2. With a joyful step, with a cheerful song, We stand for the Komsomol, The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 3. We raise the red banner, Children of the workers boldly follow us! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready! 4. Rise with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers, children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always ready!

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Who is a pioneer.....

The work was carried out by students of the 6th grade of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School" with. Podjelsk Classroom teacher: Eva Ivanovna Motorina

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Children's and youth communist organizations

Oktyabryonok - students primary classes Pioneer - middle school students of the Komsomolets school - high school students, students, youth under 35 years old. The consignment

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Structure of the pioneer organization

A link consists of 5-10 pioneers, the leader is a link pioneer. Detachment - 30-40 pioneers, usually a class secondary school, chairman of the detachment's council and its flag - a pioneer elected by the detachment. Squad - pioneer organization schools, 300-400 pioneers, the chairman of the squad council is a pioneer leader or a young Komsomol teacher, and his flag leader is a pioneer elected by the squad. District Pioneer organization - all detachments and squads educational institutions district, is headed by the chairman of the council of the district pioneer organization - the head of the department of the district committee or the third secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol Komsomol. The regional pioneer organization - all detachments and squads, regional organizations of the region, is headed by the chairman of the council of the regional pioneer organization - the head of the regional committee department or the third secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol Komsomol. All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin - united all the republican pioneer organizations of the Union republics of the USSR, the organization was headed by the Central Council headed by the Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee (the last chairman of the Central Council was the Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee L. I.

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The pioneers had their own uniform (reminiscent of a scout uniform). It consisted of the mandatory wearing of a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. Was and general shape clothes. It consisted of a white (sometimes blue) pioneer shirt with shoulder straps and a patch on the sleeve and blue trousers for boys and a blue skirt for girls in the summer (especially in the summer pioneer camps) for boys, trousers were usually replaced with pioneer shorts of blue color. In addition, there was a special pioneer belt, usually light brown, with a buckle in the shape of a fire above a star. On formal occasions, white socks or knee socks were worn. In some large pioneer camps, wearing a pioneer uniform was mandatory, as well as different squads their own modifications of the pioneer uniform were introduced. In schools, pioneers were usually limited to wearing a tie and pioneer badge with their school uniform

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Logo / Badge of the Soviet Pioneers

Soviet Pioneers Uniform Tie

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Pioneer paraphernalia

The most important pioneer attributes were the squad banner, squad flags, bugle and drum, which accompanied all the solemn pioneer rituals.

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Pioneer's Solemn Promise

I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise: to passionately love and take care of my Motherland, to live as the great Lenin bequeathed, as he teaches Communist Party, as required by the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union

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Pioneer motto

“Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” - the answer follows: “Always ready!”

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Pioneer Anthem

The anthem of the pioneer organization is considered to be “March of Young Pioneers” - a Soviet pioneer song written in 1922 by two Komsomol members - pianist Sergei Kaidan-Deshkin and poet Alexander Zharov

Rise like fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers - children of workers! The era of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared! With a joyful step, with a cheerful song, We stand for the Komsomol, The era of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers - always be ready! We raise the red banner, Children of workers - boldly follow us! The era of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared! Rise like fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers - children of workers! The era of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared

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A pioneer - a young builder of communism - works and studies for the good of the Motherland, preparing to become its defender. A pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries. The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, and leads the Octobrists. A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions. A pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects elders, takes care of younger ones, and always acts according to conscience and honor. A pioneer has the right to: elect and be elected to pioneer self-government bodies; discuss at pioneer gatherings, rallies, meetings of councils of detachments and squads, in the press, the work of the pioneer organization, criticize shortcomings, make proposals to any council of the pioneer organization, up to the Central Council of the Higher Professional Education named after V. I. Lenin; ask for a recommendation from the squad council to join the ranks of the Komsomol.[

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Pioneer practice

Collection of waste paper Collection of scrap metal View of the formation and songs Help for pensioners (Timurov movement) Game "Zarnitsa" Game "Leather Ball" Game "Golden Puck" Pioneerball Young helpers traffic Young naturalists Classes in sports clubs and sections Raising service horses and dogs (in the 30s.

Who is a pioneer? A pioneer is a child wearing a red tie, observing pioneer laws and traditions and always ready to defend his country and fight for justice! Pioneer is an example to all the guys! Pioneer means “first”, and real pioneers really tried to be the first in everything! Pioneers are young patriots of their country, keeping pieces of the victory banner in the form of their red ties.

In the USSR, the pioneer organization was formed by the decision of the All-Russian Komsomol Conference on May 19, 1922. Until 1924, the pioneer organization bore the name of Spartak, and after Lenin’s death it received his name.

Purpose of the Pioneer Organization The declared purpose of the Pioneer organization: to educate young fighters for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. To the call: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” - the answer follows: “Always ready!”

Charter of a Pioneer Pioneer - works and studies for the good of the Motherland, prepares to become its defender. A pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend to pioneers and the children of workers of all countries. The pioneer looks up to the communists, prepares to become a Komsomol member, and leads the Octobrists. A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization and strengthens its authority through his deeds and actions. A pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects elders, takes care of younger ones, and always acts according to his conscience.

Admission to the Pioneer organization The Pioneer organization accepts schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Admission is carried out individually, by open voting at a meeting of the pioneer detachment or squad. A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer gives him a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. As a rule, pioneers were received in a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable places, most often on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

Pioneer uniform On ordinary days, it coincided with the school uniform, complemented by pioneer symbols - a red tie and a pioneer badge. On special occasions (holidays, greetings at party and Komsomol forums, meetings of foreign delegations, etc.) a dress uniform was worn, which included: red caps, pioneer ties and badges.

Girls: Boys: White blouses, blue skirts, white socks and white shoes. White shirts with gilded buttons and sleeve emblems, belted with a light brown belt with a gilded buckle, blue trousers and dark shoes. Pioneer dress uniform

Hymn of the Pioneers 1. Rise with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers - children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared! 2. With a joyful step, with a cheerful song, We stand for the Komsomol, The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers - always be ready! 3. We raise the red banner, Children of workers - boldly follow us! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared! 4. Rise up with fires, blue nights, We are Pioneers - children of workers! The time of bright years is approaching, The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared!

The anthem of the pioneer organization is considered to be “March of Young Pioneers” - a Soviet pioneer song written in 1922 by two Komsomol members - pianist Sergei Kaidan-Deshkin and poet Alexander Zharov.

Pioneers in the Great Patriotic War With the onset of the Great Patriotic War, the pioneers sought to help adults in everything in the fight against the enemy both in the rear and at the front, in partisan detachments and underground. The pioneers became scouts, partisans, cabin boys on warships, and helped shelter the wounded.

Marina Rusanova
Lesson summary "Pioneerism"

Lesson summary on the topic« Pioneerism»

Target: to form an idea of ​​history in younger schoolchildren pioneer organization.


1. Introduce attributes and symbolism pioneer organization.

2. Develop creativity and artistry.

3. Develop the ability to fit into a role.

4. Cultivate interest in history and respect for ancestors.

5. Introduce achievements pioneer organization.

Materials and equipment: Presentation « Pioneer organization» , bugle, drum, banner, ties, caps, flags.

Progress of the lesson:

The phonogram of a bugle and drum sounds

The bugler and drummer come out

Educator: Detachment, line up for the ceremonial line dedicated to the opening of the shift!

Follow me, march!

Children line up in a semicircle

The banner is being carried out

Educator: Our squad!

Children: Young pioneers!

Educator: Our motto!

Children: We are loud, we are curly

We don't need peace of mind

We are romantics, we are dreamers,

Pioneer combat detachment.

Poetry: 1. Pioneer! Always be brave

Don't waste your words.

And check your words with deeds

Be ready!

All: Always ready!

2. Without learning, without science

Labor will not give you fruit

Develop both your mind and your hands

Be ready!

All: Always ready!

3. With a joyful and clear look

Know how to distinguish good

Stand bravely for friends

Be ready!

All: Always ready!

4. I, you, he, she - pioneer country!

Together a friendly family!

In a word "We"- one hundred thousand "I"!

Big-eyed, mischievous,

Red-haired, brave and funny,

Friendly and cheerful,

In cities and villages!

Educator: Who walks together in a row?

Children: Our pioneer squad

Friendly, brave, dexterous, skillful.

We all live in Tolyatti,

"Berezhok" we won't let you down!

Educator: Who's tired? Don't get tired!

Who's behind, don't keep up!

Mood at 5

All laws must be followed

Sing a song!

Song "Raise the fires!"

Educator: Once! Two!

All: In order!

Educator: Three four!

All: Line up!

Educator: Five, six - for charging

Come out everyone!

Exercise with checkboxes.

Presentation « Pioneer organization»

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  • March 1926 - The pioneer organization began to be called - All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. Until 1924, the pioneer organization bore the name of Spartak, and after Lenin’s death it received his name

Symbols pioneer organization

  • pioneer banner;
  • squad flag;
  • pioneer tie and badge;
  • bugle, drum

Pioneer Banner

  • Pioneer Banner - a red banner on which the pioneer badge and the motto “Be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!” are depicted. Two Orders of Lenin were pinned to the main banner of the All-Union Pioneer Organization.

Red flag – this is also a reminder of the shed blood of the pioneers themselves. The red banner is a banner the color of a blazing fire.

  • On ordinary days, the pioneer uniform coincided with the school uniform, complemented by pioneer symbols - a red tie and a pioneer badge. On special occasions (holidays, greetings at party and Komsomol forums, meetings of foreign delegations, etc.) a dress uniform was worn. They proudly wore a red tie on their chest - a piece of the red battle flag. At the pioneer's tie three ends are a symbol of the unity of the party, Komsomol and pioneers.

Pioneer badge

  • Pioneer badge had the shape of a five-pointed star, in the center of which is Lenin’s profile, below it the motto “Always ready!”, above the star there are three tongues of flame .

  • Horn convenes the pioneers. His signals accompany rituals. The troop's bugler is a responsible pioneer assignment. The bugler must be able to perform drill techniques with a bugle and give signals: “Listen everyone”, “Gathering”, “To the banner”, “March”, “To the line”, “Alarm” and some others.

  • Purpose of the drum - accompany the formation during campaigns, processions, and parades. The drummer of the detachment must be able to perform drill techniques, perform “March”, “Rot”.

  • Greeting the pioneers - fireworks. Giving a salute, the pioneer raises his elbow bent right hand in front of you, so that your hand is slightly above your head. A palm raised above the forehead meant that the pioneer’s public interests were higher than his personal ones.
  • The salute is given only if the pioneer is wearing a tie.

Pioneer motto

  • On call:

“Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!”

  • - the answer follows:

"Always ready!"

Procedure for admission to the pioneer organization

  • The pioneer organization accepted schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Admission was carried out individually, by open voting at a meeting of the pioneer detachment or squad.
  • Those who joined the pioneer organization at the pioneer line made a solemn promise to be a pioneer of the Soviet Union. Pioneers were received in a solemn atmosphere. As a rule, during communist holidays, most often on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.


  • Solemn promise of the pioneer of the Soviet Union:

I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades, solemnly promise: to passionately love and take care of my Motherland, to live as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches, as required by the Laws of the Soviet Pioneers Union".

Laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union:

  • Pioneer devoted to the Motherland, the party, communism.
  • Pioneer preparing to become a Komsomol member.
  • Pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor.
  • Pioneer honors the memory of fallen fighters and prepares to become a defender of the Fatherland.
  • Pioneer best in studies, work and sports.
  • Pioneer - honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing for the truth.
  • Pioneer - comrade and leader of the October.
  • Pioneer - a friend to the pioneers and children of workers of all countries.

  • In 1991, the pioneer organization, like the Komsomol, ended its existence. At first, attempts were made to reform it, but it was not possible to create a children's and youth organization on the same scale. Many other public organizations appeared - successors to the pioneer one, formed with the participation of children and in their interests.
  • The new Union of Pioneer Organizations appeared in 1992 as a non-governmental public organization, independent from political parties and movements. International Children's Union public associations"SPO-FDO"
  • Today the motto of the pioneers is: "For the Motherland, goodness and justice."

Pioneer – it's a bright tomorrow.

Pioneer – This is sunrise.

Pioneer – this is loyalty and brotherhood.

Pioneer – these are flights of thoughts.