Russian body armor: protection classes, design, history. How and what body armor is made of. Excellent degree of protection against gunfire.

(Funds personal protection ) is aimed at achieving a unified order in the field of security. Designed for this purpose certain rules and provisions intended to be universally reusable.

Objectives of NIB standardization:

  • Achieving optimal regulation in the field of life safety and health of citizens.
  • Creation of classification systems for armored clothing.
  • Ensuring the quality of products.
  • Security maximum level development of the specialization in question.

This leads to the following standardization tasks:

  1. Establishment of accurate and correct standards systems that will be based on comprehensive target programs. Programs should determine the basic requirements for the design of armor protection equipment, their production technology, necessary materials and quality of raw materials.
  2. Creation of a unified system for assessing the quality of information security systems, as well as optimal methods of control and testing.

In a nutshell, standardization is necessary for the most efficient production of high-quality NIB and their further safe use.

A little history

For the first time, people began to talk about the standardization of armored clothing in 1984, when the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union developed “General Technical Requirements for PPE.” These requirements were not widespread in the country, because at that time they were still in effect only within the walls of this department.

The peak of popularity of NIB can be safely considered to be the late 80s - early 90s, when, due to the unfavorable situation in the country, an increasing number of consumers began to think about their safety. This combination of circumstances gave a sharp impetus to the development of standardization of armor protection. However, then it was not possible to come to a single decision, so the norms and procedures depended entirely on belonging to one or another department.

Time passed, and the country needed to develop a single, targeted set of rules and regulations in the field of personal protection. Soon the first State standard for armored clothing - GOST R 50744-95 - was put on public display. Then, together with GOST, a certification system for PPE products was created. Based on test reports and studies various kinds documentation, a special certificate of conformity was issued. Today, several companies issue certificates.

IN different countries Each country has its own standards for personal protective equipment. Let's consider the main types of standards:

  • GOST R 50744-95 (Russia)
  • NIJ (USA),
  • DIN (Germany),
  • CEN (European standard)

Classification of body armor and armored clothing in general

Personal armor protection equipment in various countries classified depending on the protective properties of the armor.

US Body Armor Classes (NIJ 0101.03)

  • Type I (22 LR; 380 ACP). This armor protects a person from being hit by a bullet from a 22 caliber long rifle. The first class provides protection against lead bullets with a modified tip, the mass of which does not exceed 2.6 g, the impact speed should not exceed 320 m/s. In addition to the 22 gauge, the Type I holds the 380 ACP (FMJ RN), which fires metal-jacketed bullets. The mass of bullets should not exceed 6.2 g, and the speed should not exceed 312 m/s.
  • Type II A (9mm, 40 S&W). This armor protects a person from a 9 mm blunt-pointed bullet containing a metal shell. The mass of the bullet is 8.0 g, and the speed at impact is 332 m/s. In addition to the 9mm bullet, the second type of armor provides protection against a 40 S&W caliber bullet with a solid metal jacket. The mass of the bullet is 11.7 g, and the speed at impact is 312 m/s. In addition to the listed threats, this type of armor is capable of protecting the owner of the bulletproof vest from the types of weapons specified in the first paragraph.
  • Type II (9mm 357 Magnum). This armor provides protection against a 9 mm blunt-pointed bullet containing a metal shell. The mass of the bullet is 8.0 g. The difference with the second class is only in the impact speed. Here its parameter is 358 m/s. In addition, a bulletproof vest helps when shooting from a 357 Magnum, where the bullet is in a soft shell. The mass of the bullet is 10.2 g, and the impact speed will be 427 m/s. Protects against threats from the first and second points.
  • Type IIIA (High Velocity 9mm, 44 Magnum). This armor provides protection against a 9 mm blunt-pointed bullet containing a metal shell. The mass of the bullet is 8.0 g. The difference with the third class is only in the speed of impact of the bullet. Here its parameter is 427 m/s. In addition, the body armor saves you when shooting from a 44 Magnum with a bullet mass of 15.6 g and a speed of 427 m/s. Protects against threats from the first, second and third points.
  • Type III (rifle). A special protection class designed to protect against a 7.62 mm blunt-point bullet with a metal jacket (M80). The bullet mass is 9.6 g, and the bullet impact speed is 838 m/s. This class fully complies with the requirements of the previous paragraphs.
  • Type IV (armor-piercing rifle). And the last type of armor. This armor provides protection against 30 caliber armor-piercing bullets (M2 AR). The mass of such bullets is 10.8 g, and the minimum speed upon impact is 869 m/s. The fifth class provides protection against the threats that were listed in the previous paragraphs.

Armored clothing and body armor in Russia (GOST)

In the domestic standard, there is a similar division of armored clothing into classes. Let's consider the classes of Russian GOST:

  • Body armor first class capable of protecting a person from soft low-velocity bullets, for example, sports 5 and 6 mm cartridges or from pistol 6.35 mm Browning bullets, as well as from some types of bladed weapons. The maximum weight of such armor does not exceed 1.5-2.5 kg.
  • Body armor second class provides protection against pistol and revolver bullets in PSM, PM, and Nagan jackets. Also the second class of protection removes lethal action with shot from a hunting rifle and some types of bladed weapons. The maximum weight of such armor should not exceed 3-5 kg. Second class body armor is made from 7-10 layers of fabric. They can be disguised under clothing or even made in the form of ordinary fur clothing such as a jacket or raincoat.
  • Body armor third class characterized by the presence of rigid armor elements and softening linings. The design of body armor consists of 20-25 layers of fabric. Extensive curved plates can be used as rigid armor elements. This class is intended for protection against TT pistol bullets, which have a steel core, as well as for protection against reinforced pistol and revolver bullets such as Magnum. Body armor of the third class prevents the lethal effect of bullets from smooth-bore hunting rifles. The maximum armor weight is 6-9 kg. Usually worn on a uniform.
  • Body armor fourth grade similar in design to third class body armor, but with some differences. The main emphasis in this class is on protecting the chest and part of the abdomen from medium-caliber bullets. The body armor protects against 5.45 and 7.62 mm bullets that have a soft core. The maximum weight of body armor should not exceed 10 kg. The type of armor in question is usually used in law enforcement agencies.
  • Armor fifth grade designed to repel impacts from non-armor-piercing bullets of 5.45 and 7.62 mm caliber. The firing range of conventional bullets here does not exceed 5 m, with armor-piercing bullets - 10 m, and protects against pistol shots at point-blank range. The weight of body armor can vary from 11 to 20 kg.
  • Sixth grade involves providing protection against damage from an SVD sniper rifle. 7.62mm and 57-BZ-231 cartridges with a BZ bullet will not be able to penetrate body armor. The armor also eliminates the lethal effect of the 7.62mm 7N13 cartridge and the 7.62mm 7-BZ-3 cartridge with the B-32 bullet. Bullet speed in this class can reach 800-835 m/s.
  • The last class related to the Russian GOST is special class, which protects against direct blows from bladed weapons with an impact energy of 45-50 J.

Other countries

In other countries, there is a similar division of standards by class. Depending on the damaging effect of the bullet, DIN (Germany) distinguishes the following classes:

Protection classes CEN (European standard):

Compliance of classes with various standards

The classes of different countries overlap, so it is possible to compare them with some degree of approximation. For example, American 4th grade roughly corresponds to our 6A. Thus, depending on the danger of exposure (the design of the ammunition, the energy of the bullet), the design of the body armor is created.

GOST (Russia) NIJ (USA) DIN (Germany) CEN (Europe)
1 I L BR1
2 II - IIIA I BR2, BR3
2a II SG1, SG2
3 II BR4
5 BR6

How can we explain such a variety of NIB protection classes in Russia?

As can be seen from the table, the most comprehensive standards are GOST of Russia and CEN of Europe - these standards take into account all the nuances of dividing armored clothing into classes. Russian standards are in no way inferior to foreign ones and fully comply with modern safety requirements. Moreover, Russian GOST R 50744-95 is the most stringent standard in the world, which is reflected in the requirements for the characteristics and parameters of armored clothing. For example, the extra-barrier displacement, in accordance with the Russian standard, should not exceed 20 millimeters, while in Western countries and the USA a higher extra-barrier displacement is often allowed.

First of all, a large number different types small arms. It is important not only to effectively protect a person, but also not to overload him. For example, if a police officer is engaged in maintaining order in a public institution, he is unlikely to need protection from a rifle bullet. Crime statistics suggest that such a police officer may need protection from, traumatic weapons, Makarov pistol and TT. It is unlikely that he will need protection from armor-piercing sniper bullets. Thus, a policeman, security guard or cash collector needs a bulletproof vest that does not protect against all types of small arms.

Secondly, a balance must be maintained between human mobility and security. A high degree of protection makes a fighter’s equipment heavier, he becomes much less mobile and turns into an excellent target. Therefore, you should strive to put less on a person, taking into account the likelihood and degree of threat. The more detailed the classification, the higher the accuracy of choosing the necessary protection. At the moment, specialists are continuing to work on NIB standards, so there may soon be even more classes.

Read about the materials from which armored clothing is made.

The category of passive bodily protection includes protective vests of protection class 1-6 and others. Body armor - individual protective agent, designed to ensure human safety when exposed to cold and firearms. Improving from century to century, civilization finally came up with a special fabric, from which they began to sew “soft” armor, making modern body armor from it. Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce universal protective kits for special forces, law enforcement officers and security services, and protective vests for “civilian” use - as a rule, inconcealedexecution, or also called hidden carrying. A bulletproof vest, a special protective jacket, can withstand a blow from a knife, a baton, the impact of a traumatic weapon, and its main purpose is to protect against shots from a firearm. The history of the manufacture of “bullet cuirass” is replete with various inventions and extraordinary solutions to increase bodily protection. For example, boron carbides were used, together with corundum and silicon carbides, and they are still used to make body armor for the Russian army. Unlike metals, when hit by a bullet, this material does not create fragments - which then need to be removed by surgeons from the body of the protected person; when hit by a bullet, this material crumbles into harmless “sand” (like car glass).

concealed armored suits

In addition to some basic general-arms (infantry) models, the army and special services also have a huge number of special armored body protections in service: from protective kits for pilots to those similar to space suitssappers, reinforced with a special frame - which must withstand not only fragments, but also a blast wave. You can’t do without some oddities: in fact, body armor has always been “cut out” for men, but now women are joining the army en masse, whose figure, as you know, has some differences. Meanwhile, they promise to make another revolution in the production of body armor. For example, the Dutch company Heerlen announced the development of Dyneema SB61 fabric made from polyethylene fiber, which, according to it, is 40% stronger than Kevlar. And specialists from the University of Delaware and the US Army Research Laboratory (USA) proposed a completely original idea of ​​“liquid armor”. Their experimental sample is a Kevlar fabric impregnated with STF material - a mixture of microscopic quartz particles and polyethylene glycol. The point of the innovation is that quartz particles, having penetrated the fibers of the fabric, replace inconvenient inserts.armor plates.

Classiness of body armor .

Typical civilian body armor is classified as class 1–3.Firstclass of body armor, made of several layers of fabric, will protect you from being shot from a pistol like the PM and Nagant - but no more! In addition, it can easily be pierced by a stiletto or an awl that passes throughKevlarfabric, pushing its fibers apart (as through chain mail links).

Co. second gradebulletproof vests include a fairly thick and dense vest, reinforced in vital places with thin inserts (usually metal). They are designed for TT pistol bullets and pistol models chambered for 9 mm.

Third classbulletproof vests are less comfortable bulletproof vests equipped with armor plates. They are designed to protect against shots from light machine guns - there is not an automatic Kalashnikov assault carbine, but submachine guns such as PPSh, Uzi, Kochler-Koch, etc. All three classes are concealed body armor that is worn under a shirt, sweater, or jacket. If you wish and have additional funds, they will be made to order for you, in any style and color. Quite often, customers ask for them to be made in the form of a regular suit vest or women’s corset, sometimes to be disguised as a jacket or jacket. This is necessary mainly for aesthetic reasons, so as not to shock others - if its owner public figure. It should be noted that body armor has a wider range of owners than it seems at first glance. For example, in Israel they are sometimes ordered for children - for obvious reasons. And in the UK they want to put body armor on police dogs.

Fourth and fifth grade bulletproof vests are already classified as professional, combat - and they are intended for the army, police, and special services. They are worn on top of suits, they are thick and quite heavy “cuirasses” promise that this body armor will protect not only from fragments of a grenade exploding nearby, but will also withstand bullets from Kalashnikov, M-16 and even sniper rifles. But not at point-blank range, but from a distance of several hundred meters, and besides this, the hoop should be simple, and not with an armor-piercing core - which passes through the Kevlar threads just like an awl and pierces the plates.

As with the military cuirass, after the appearance of body armor in the army, civilians also wanted to have them. The excitement for them arose immediately after Korean War— soldiers returning home told many fantastic stories about “magic vests.” As a result, arosemyththat a simple fabric body armor is completely impenetrable. Moreover, tales appeared about certain “armored shirts- which turned out to be a common scam. Judge for yourself: the shirt is made from just one layer of fabric, which is not enough even to protect against a miniature Browning. To protect yourself, you need to wear at leastKevlar padded jacket .

Here is one of the impenetrable myths about body armor - theoretically, you can put a plate in a body armor that can withstand even a bullet from a heavy machine gun. But this will not save the soldier in any way. And here's why. Armor, be it steel,Kevlaror composite, it just delays a bullet or fragment: only part of its kinetic energy is converted into heat during inelastic deformations of the vest and the bullet itself. However, the momentum remains. And when a pistol bullet hits a bulletproof vest, it causes a blow that can be compared to a good hook from a professional boxer. A bullet from a machine gun will hitarmor platewith the force of a sledgehammer - breaking ribs and beating off entrails. That is why, even under steel cuirasses and breastplates, soldiers put padded jackets or homemade pillows under their steel cuirasses and breastplates - to at least somehow soften the blow. Now shock-absorbing pads made of porous spring materials are used for this. But they help only partially. It’s not hard to imagine what will happen when hit by a 12.7 mm bullet. It is unlikely that even the most experienced surgeon can mend a poor fellow with minced lungs and a crumbling spine. That's why the gainbullet resistanceIt is advisable to wear a bulletproof vest only up to a certain point - beyond which it is simply better not to tempt fate.

Now let’s look at some models of body armor made in Russia and abroad. There are special protective kits for anti-terrorist units. They include body armor, headgear, steel collar, and a face mask made of bulletproof glass.

Types of body armor

Body armor for concealed wear (Class-K) provides protection against bullets from pistols and submachine guns of all types, hunting rifles, AKM and AK-74 assault rifles from a distance of 5 m, except bullets with a hardened core.

This protection is providedarmored elements, located on the chest and back. Without additional armor elements, the vest provides protection against damage from bullets of caliber 5.6 mm, 6.35 mm, 7.65 mm, 9.0 mm, 11.43 mm, hunting rifles, stabbing blows with a bayonet and cutting objects. Weight - 1.7 kg. Weight of additional armor elements:

first type - 2.8 + 0.1 kg;

second type - 5.6 + 0.1 kg;

Body armor (Walnut 2) - 2nd class of protection, provides protection against pistol bullets of caliber 5.6 mm, 6.35 mm, 7.65 mm, 9.0 mm, 11.43 mm, hunting rifles from a distance of 5 m;

Body armor for concealed wearing (Nut-3) - a business option. Protection area - 50 dm2, weight - 1.5 kg;

Body armor for concealed carry (Nut-4) - 3rd class of protection, provides protection against all types of pistol bullets. Protection area: total - 42 dm2, main - 18 dm2, weight - 6.5 kg;

Body armor for concealed carry (Orekh-5) - 4th class of protection, provides protection against bullets from all types of pistols, hunting rifles, AKM and AK-74 assault rifles. Protection area: total - 42 dm2, main - 18 dm2, weight - 8.0 kg;

Body armor for concealed wearing (Nut-7). Protection area - 44 dm2, weight - 2 kg;

The universal body armor (Kora-2) provides protection against bullets from pistols, submachine guns, hunting rifles, all types of machine guns and bladed weapons. Protection area - 0.28-0.47 dm2, weight - 7-19 kg;

Body armor for concealed wear (Kora-3), provides protection against bladed weapons;

Field protective jacket Mirage with module. Provides protection against bullets from all types of pistols, sawed-off hunting rifles and edged weapons. The sleeves of the product protect against bullets from PM type pistols and bladed weapons. Module protection area - 45 dm2, weight - 12 kg. The product includes: a module with steel plates, sleeves, a camouflage jacket;

A universal bullet-resistant body armor (Corundum) provides protection against bullets from pistols and submachine guns of all types (modification-1), and from bullets from AKM and AK-74 assault rifles (modification-2). Protection area - 55 dm2, weight - 10 kg, dimensions - 850 x 480 mm2;

Body armor (executive) (Gran-P), provides protection from bullets from PM and APS pistols, revolvers (TOZ-38) and other rifled firearms of less or equal power;

Body armor (Gran-2), provides protection against bullets from pistols and revolvers of caliber 5.6 mm, 7.62 mm (except TT and (Mauser) pistols), 7.63 mm, 9.0 mm and 11.43 mm;

Body armor (Gran-3) provides protection against bullets from TT and (Mauser) pistols, calibers 7.62 mm and 7.63 mm.

Body armor CORUND - VM

The product consists of two modules with protective elements - fabricmade from ballistic fabric. Modules include: chest with crotch apron and collar, back with collar and sides. Both vest modules are equipped with damping elements that increaseinjury safety and ergonomics of the product, as well as external pockets forarmored elements. Armor elements are installed in the pockets of the chest (2 pcs.) and dorsal (1 pc.) modules of the body armor. Steel armor elements are installed in anti-ricochet covers. The sidewalls and back module can be additionally equipped with steel armor elements of protection class 2, 3 or 5.

Universal body armor "CORUND" (Russia)

Provides all-round protection of the torso, shoulders and neck according to class II. Consists of a back, chest and yoke with a collar, an apron to protect the stomach and groin. Protectivearmor panelsmade of aramid fabric such as "Kevlar". In the pockets of the fabric part of the back and chest, additional steel armor panels (2 or 4 mm) are provided, providing protection for vital organs in 111-IV and V classes. "

Protection area, m2 - 0.55

Vest weight, kg - 3.5

Armor panel dimensions, m - 0.27x0.33

Weight of sets of additional armor panels made of special steel

1 mm thick, kg - 2x1.4

Weight of a set of additional armor panels made of special steel 4 mm thick, kg - 2x2.9

Shockproof protective complex "Shield" (Russia)

Designed to protect personnel of special law enforcement units from blows (with sticks, thrown objects, etc.) and bladed weapons. Composition of the complex: body armor "Kora-3",Shockproof shield "Stained Glass-M", Shockproofhelmet “Mask-2”, shockproof shields for protecting limbs “Shield”, product “Glove”, stick “PR-90”, product “Veil”, special boots, storage bag.

Overall dimensions (packed), mm 800x600x400

Weight, kg 17.0

Universal body armor with increased bullet resistance "ZUBR" (Russia)

A bulletproof vest based on soft armor with an increased area of ​​protection for the shoulder girdle allows the installation of additional armor elements. Weight, depending on the size and level of protection, ranges from 3.4 to 9.9 kg. The total protection area is 54-59 dm2, steel armor elements are 18 dm2, ceramic armor elements are 15.6 dm2. Protection level - 38 Sp.RN Ltad, PM 9 mm, Colt 11.43 mm. With additional steel armor elements - 357 Magnum, TT 7.62 mm, Para 9 mm, UZI 9 mm. With additional ceramic armor elements - AK-74, AKM (includingheat-strengthened core), M16A1.

Protective set THREE-PIECE SUIT (Russia)

Provides protection for vital organs from the effects of 5.6 caliber pistol bullets; 6.35; 9.0; 11.43 mm and piercing blows with a bayonet-knife of an AKM (AK-74) assault rifle. The vest is made in the form of a multi-layer structure, tailored exactly to the figure and placed in a decorative case. Protection of the shoulder area is provided by an armored element made of Kevlar fabric placed in the jacket. Additional protection for the groin area is possible.

Vest protection area, m - 0.46

Vest weight, kg - 2.3

Anti-shock armor vest "KIRAS-1" (Russia)

Purpose: police, security, guard posts, collection services. All-round protection of the torso and shoulders from damage by cold piercing and cutting weapons (bayonet, dagger, sharpening). The collar protects the neck from glancing blows.

Collector's body armor "KORA-I" (Russia)

The product "Kora-I" is intended for use by employees of security, security, collection services and departments special purpose. Protective elements are armor elements with a thickness of 2 and 4 mm. The product consists of two main parts: an external cover and a protective module made of nylon fabric, in the pockets of which armor elements are placed. The body armor has a groin apron. Available in two versions. The "Kora-I" body armor, equipped with armor elements 2 mm thick ("Kora-I-44"), provides protection against bullets from pistols of 5.6 mm caliber (Margolina, Walter-Olympia), 6.35 mm (Beretta- Minx", TK), 7.65 mm ("Valte; PP", "Browning"), 9.0 mm (PM, "Grand" revolver), 11.43 mm ("Colt" pistol), as well as sawn-off hunting shotguns guns 12 - 16 npi calibers fired from a distance of 5 m (protection class IV). The Kora-I body armor equipped with 4 mm thick armor elements ("Kora-I-55") reliably protects against bullets from AKM and AK-47 assault rifles when fired from distance 5 m (protection class V). The body armor "Kora-I" is manufactured in one standard size and, using belts with a textile fastener, is adjusted to a male figure of size 48 - 56 with a height of 164 - 188 cm. The body armor vest Kora-I is made in one standard size and, using belts with a textile fastener, is adjusted to a male figure of 48 - 56 sizes for heights 164 - 188 cm.

The universal vest Kora-2-55 protects against bullets from all types of pistols, AKM and AK-74 assault rifles.

weight - 20 kg;

protection area – 47;

Concealed body armor Kora-1M.

Provides protection for class II, and for vital organs in classes IV and V. The main element of protection is a ballistic armor panel made of Kevlar type fabric. It is equipped with additional armor panels made of steel with a thickness of 2 mm or 4 mm. Completed in classic style and is fixed on the shoulders and sides with Velcro-type textile fasteners.

protection area, m2 - 0.46;

weight of the vest, kg - 2.3;

armor panel dimensions, m - 0.27 x 0.33;

weight of a set of additional armor panels, kg:

Protection class IV - 2.8; Protection class V - 5.6.

The protective vest Kora-1P protects against bullets from 9mm pistols PM, APS and other domestic systems that have equal or less muzzle energy, edged weapons and thrown objects.

Basic tactical and technical characteristics:

weight - 2.7 kg;

protection area - 46 dm. sq.

Bark-2 - provides a body protection area = 38.1 dm/2, retains its performance characteristics at t = -30s to +30s.

Under operating conditions, the overlap between protective body armor remains equal to 15 mm. Weight of the product without a packaging bag = 11.5 kg, weight of the metal part = 9.5 kg.

The product "Kora - 2" consists of two main parts:

External cover.

A protective module in the pockets of which metal body armor is placed.

The bulletproof vest is manufactured in two types, in standard height sizes with adjustment, with a chest circumference of (92 - 104) cm and a height of 164 - 182 cm. The product ensures a person’s mobility when crawling, running, jumping, driving a vehicle, and allows for targeted shooting.

There are pockets on the outside of the vest cover: on the chest under the product.

"Bird cherry 6 - 7"; "bird cherry - 10"; and a pocket for two AK-74 magazines, on the back of the case for a flask and an individual bag.

The chest and back of the body armor are connected by adjustment straps on the sides of the shoulders.

After 10 years of operation of the product, 3 years of direct operation and 7 years of storage in a warehouse are subject to write-off, and the body armor is disposed of.

A 3-year warranty is provided: 1 year in stock and 2 years in operation.

The universal vest Kora-2 (1st configuration) protects against pistol bullets of all types.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

weight - 10 kg;

protection area - 26;

continuous wearing time up to 4 hours.

Light body armor Kora-3.

A vest with closed sides provides protection against edged weapons (class 1), as well as against shotgun and grapeshot charges from hunting rifles from a shooting distance of 15 m.

It is fixed using textile fasteners of the "Contact" type on the shoulders and aluminum alloy fasteners on the sides. The protection elements are plates made of aluminum alloy or fiberglass measuring 100x100 m, inserted into the pockets of the fabric carrier.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

protection area, m2 - 0.4;

weight, kg - 3.2.

Universal bulletproof vest "KIRAS-ZM-05" (Russia)

Purpose: army, special forces. Protection against fragments and bullets of all systems of pistols, revolvers, submachine guns, shotguns and AK-47 5.45x39BZ, AKM 7.62x39BZ, rifles (7.62x51 NATO, FMJ; 5.56x45 FMJ; 30-06 FMJ) . The body armor has three types of armor: fabric ballistic package; circuit boards with armor elements; ballistic panels. The collar protects against splinters and ricochets. Additionally, the body armor is equipped with an apron.

It may be noted that in lately Due to the increased demand for body armor, a lot of fakes have appeared and, as a result, overall quality bulletproof vests that flooded the Russian market fell sharply. While evaluating one of these “body armor,” experts from the Steel Research Institute once discovered that it used ordinary food-grade aluminum as protective elements. Obviously, such a vest did not protect from anything other than being hit by a ladle.

Therefore, in 1995, a significant step was taken in the field of personal body armor - the appearance of GOST R 50744-95 (link), which regulates the classification and technical requirements for body armor.

Progress did not stand still, and the army needed new body armor. The concept of BKIE appeared ( basic kit individual equipment), in which body armor played a significant role. The first project of the BKIE “Barmitsa” contained the theme “Visor” - a new army body armor to replace the body armor of the “Beehive” series.

As part of the “Visor” theme, body armor vests 6B11, 6B12, 6B13 were created and put into service in 1999. What is uncharacteristic for Soviet period, these body armor have been developed and manufactured by a significant number of organizations and differ significantly in their characteristics. Body armor 6B11, 6B12, 6B13 are produced or were produced by the Research Institute of Steel, TsVM Armokom, NPF Tekhinkom, JSC Kirasa.

In general, 6B11 is a body armor of the 2nd protection class, weighing about 5 kg. 6B12 - provides protection for the chest according to the 4th protection class, for the back - according to the second. Weight - about 8 kg. 6B13 - all-round protection of the 4th class, weighing about 11 kg.


To equip elite special forces Russian army A unique combat protective kit has been developed - the Permyachka BZK. In modern warfare, up to 70 percent of all injuries occur to the extremities and head, and a significant proportion of these injuries are caused by exposure to shell fragments, mines and grenades. While traditional body armor and helmet protect only the torso and head of a soldier, which is no more than 35% of the total surface area of ​​the body, a combat protective kit is capable of providing differentiated protection of at least 90% of the surface area of ​​the soldier’s body.


Placement and transportation of weapons, ammunition and other ammunition

All-round protection against shell fragments, mines, grenades over an area of ​​180-200 sq. dm,

Which corresponds to approximately 90% of the body surface area

Protection of vital organs from damage from small arms bullets

And also

Protection from thermal factors,

including short-term exposure to open flame

Protection from exposure to adverse meteorological factors


The basis of the suit, depending on the version, consists of overalls or a protective jacket and trousers. The torso is protected more reliably by lightweight anti-fragmentation vest; to protect vital organs from damage from small arms bullets, the body armor is reinforced with a removable steel or ceramic armor panel; other elements of ballistic protection included in the kit - helmet, protective mask and goggles, safety boots. The universal transport vest provides convenient placement of ammunition and equipment. Scrupulous ergonomic design of the kit and the use of special underwear ensure comfort even when conducting combat operations in hot climates and high humidity.

Well, a few words about Ukrainian-made body defenders.

Types of body armor



The defense is provided with two packages of armored fabric of the Twaron type. The protection is from the PM and Nagant revolver.


Body armor is a means of individual protection of the torso and the most important human organs when exposed to cold steel and firearms, as well as ammunition fragments. A bulletproof vest not only protects from enemy fire, but also allows you to use your own weapons more boldly and effectively.

There is a special set of requirements for protective body armor in Russia, which are defined by GOST R 50744-95. The total protection area of ​​the body armor must provide protection for at least 90% of the area of ​​vital organs in the dorsal and frontal projections. The area of ​​bulletproof reinforcement armor panels must be at least 22 dm2.

The design of the body armor consists of the following elements:
- outer cover with fastening and adjustment system,
- main armor elements,
- shock-absorbing pad,
- armor material as part of a shock-absorbing pad and cover.

Outer cover forms appearance body armor (poncho type) and consists of a chest and dorsal parts, which are connected to each other by shoulder and waist belts, allowing the body armor to be adjusted to the user’s figure. This design of the body armor makes it easier to access the human body when injured and reduces the required number of standard sizes, although it reduces the comfort of wearing, as well as side protection. Recently, instead of adjusting straps, vests are increasingly using zippers, buttons or Velcro. The material of the cover has a heat-resistant and waterproof fabric base that serves to accommodate ballistic panels. The cover can be equipped with pockets similar to a vest, and items placed in its pockets can, in some cases, serve as additional protection.

Inside, the body armor is equipped with a shock-absorbing pad (damper) with special channels to improve ventilation and provide additional comfort to the user. In addition, this damper structure reduces the armor impact of bullets and shrapnel on the human body.

Body armor protection classes

Body armor varies in terms of application capabilities, as well as protection classes. The domestic classification according to Russian GOST R 50744-95 includes 10 classes: special, 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 6, 6a. Moreover, the higher the class, the better and higher the level of protection. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a represent the level of protection against pistol and rifle bullets from rifled weapons. At the same time, protection of a certain class implies protection from means defined by smaller classes, that is, protection from any lesser threat relative to the one for which the body armor is designed. Private security companies mainly use protection classes 3 and 4.

Class 0 (or “special”) - determines protection against edged weapons.

1st class - protects against soft unsheathed bullets of 5.6 mm, from pistol bullets of 6.35 mm "Browning", PM - at point-blank range, from buckshot and small fragments weighing up to 2-3 g, from edged weapons like bayonet-knife, dagger, sharpening. The protected area is 30-40 dm2, weight - 1.5-2.5 kg.

2nd class - protects against shell bullets from pistol and revolver cartridges such as PSM, PM, TT, Nagan - at point-blank range, from shot from a hunting rifle and from edged weapons. These body armor are made of 7-10 layers of fabric with a density of 6-10 kg/m2 of protected area. Weight - 3-5 kg.

3rd class - protects against bullets from AKM and AK-74 assault rifles at point-blank range, from a regular bullet from a TT cartridge with a steel core, bullets from reinforced pistol and revolver Magnum cartridges, bullets from smooth-bore hunting rifles, as well as from all types of bladed weapons. The protected area is 40-60, the density of the protective material is 12-15 kg/m2. There are pockets for additional plates. Weight - 6-9 kg,

4th class - protects against conventional AK-74 assault rifle bullets (heat-strengthened steel) at point-blank range, from bullets of 5.45 and 7.62 mm caliber with a soft core at a distance of 10 m. Average material density - up to 30 kg/sq.m . Typically, class 4 body armor is obtained from class 3 by replacing armor elements. Weight - about 10 kg,

5th class - protects against AKM with a PS bullet (heat-strengthened steel core, hardened steel), SVD with an LPS bullet (heat-strengthened steel core, hardened steel) at point-blank range, AK-74 with BS (armor-piercing carbide), non-armor-piercing bullets 5.45 - and 7.62 mm cartridges at a distance of 5 m, armor-piercing - 10 m, pistol - at point-blank range. Such models are popularly called “Anti-Kalashnikov”. The density of the material is up to 35 kg/m2, the protected area is 40-60 dm2, but can be increased by fastening the neck and groin sections. Weight - 11-20 kg.

6th class - SVD with TUS (heat-strengthened steel), SVD with BS or B-32 (armor-piercing carbide). This class of body armor is intended mainly for special forces and law enforcement agencies.

Body armor of classes 1 and 2 are of the “flexible” (“soft”) type and are usually designed for concealed wear under clothing. The same classes include civilian samples of armored clothing, designed as fur jackets, vests, sweaters, and fur coats. Class 3-4 body armor has plug-in “hard” armor elements and a shock-absorbing lining (damper) that absorbs dynamic shock. There are also NIBs with differentiated levels of protection.

Damaging properties from weapons and ammunition when they hit a person wearing a bulletproof vest, according to the nature of the impact, they are divided into penetrating and dynamic. Penetrating lesions occur when a bullet penetrates the body. Dynamic - from a blow to the body due to the sudden stopping of a bullet by the vest’s shield.

The reliability of body armor is mainly determined by two criteria: the ability to prevent or reduce to a safe level penetrating and dynamic injuries, since they can be traumatic and fatal.

There are 3 levels of damage to body armor:
- Maximum permissible (MA) - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, but the fabric of the vest, together with the bullet, is embedded in the body, or is pierced by the bullet at the end, i.e. with loss of destructive power.
- Medium (C) - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, its fabric does not penetrate the body.
- Minimal (M) - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, its fabric does not penetrate the body.

The dynamic impact of a bullet on a person using a bulletproof vest is in all cases reduced to a safe level due to an increase in the area of ​​its perception and/or the time the bullet stops.

For body armor there are 4 main standard sizes (chest circumference / height):
- 1st - 96-104 cm / up to 176 cm,
- 2nd - 104-112 cm / 176-182 cm,
- 3rd -112-120 cm / over 182 cm,
- 4th - 120-130 cm / St. 182 cm.

The whole variety of protective materials used in body armor can be divided into 5 types:
- textile (woven) armor;
- metal armor;
- ceramic armor;
- composite armor;
- combined armor.

In accordance with the materials used, the design of the body armor can be “hard” (hard), “soft” or a combination. Most often, NIB uses a combined type of armor, consisting of hard parts of the structure - metal plates and soft armor, which is fabric bags (body armor).

Soft body armor vests consist of protective packages based on 15-30 layers of ballistic fabric made of super-strong and lightweight aramid fibers (such as Nomex, Kevlar, Terlon, SVM). Such body armor provides satisfactory protection only against low-energy destructive elements (ordinary bullets from low-power pistol cartridges) and bladed weapons. The threads in aramid fabrics are stretched under the influence of a bullet and due to their high burst energy, dampening its speed and holding it in the mass of the body armor. In this case, there is always no ricochet and no fragments are formed. However, many experts are not very happy with the protection effectiveness of vests made from aramid fibers, and for good reason.

Body armor of a rigid (solid) design is used to protect against more powerful destructive elements - fragments and bullets with greater kinetic energy. The design of such NIB has, in addition to the “soft” component, hard armor - special armor plates consisting of alloys of steel, titanium, aluminum, manganese, ceramics, ultra-high modulus polyethylene (UHMWPE), and nanomaterials. The armor elements are placed overlapping in special anti-fragmentation anti-ricochet pockets, from which they can be easily removed and others can be inserted, thereby changing the protection class of the body armor. The most massive protective (ballistic) packages are able to withstand ordinary bullets from modern machine guns ( assault rifles) chambered for cartridges 5.45 x 39, 5.56 x 45, 7.62 x 39 when shooting at close ranges (tens of meters).

Metal armor elements are usually made from steel “44” thick:
for 1st class - 1mm, for 2nd class - 2.4mm, for 3rd class - 4.3mm, for 4th class - 5.8mm, for 5th class - 6.5mm, for 6th 1st class - 15mm.

The twofold difference between classes 2 and 3 in thickness is determined by the fact that class 2 protects against a TT pistol with an energy of 508 J, and class 3 protects against AKM, the muzzle energy of which for the same caliber is almost 4 times greater. The difference of more than 2 times in thickness between classes 5 and 6 is due to the fact that a regular SVD bullet breaks when it hits a steel plate, but an armor-piercing one pierces it. Therefore, for protection against small arms TUS and BS, steel as a front layer of protection is not effective and instead ceramics are used, when a bullet hits it, it first flattens and then tries to push through the steel plate.

Depending on the degree of protection and the armor materials used, body armor has both different weight. By weight, body armor is divided into light (up to 5 kg), medium (5-10 kg) and heavy (over 11 kg).

The main disadvantages of body armor

Certified NIBs must ensure that injuries caused by bullets of their class will not be fatal. Russian GOST requires that injuries do not exceed the 2nd degree of severity, i.e. the person received nothing more than a serious bruise. However, no body armor provides 100% protection against more serious injuries and damage. For example, when hit by a bullet that exceeds the NIB protection class, a situation is possible where the body armor will stop the bullet, but the person will receive fatal injuries. The strong impact of a bullet on a bulletproof vest can cause a person to lose consciousness, receive serious concussion injuries, and even lead to death. The dynamic impact of a medium caliber bullet can knock a person down. And if a bullet hits the chest, solar plexus or heart, the force of the impact can cause not only contusions and bruises, but also fractures of one or more ribs and even death.

Also dangerous are parts of deformed bullets, fragments of a ballistic package, as well as any parts torn off when a bullet or fragment hits a bulletproof vest, which can ricochet and hit a person in any open part of the body.

Except the mentioned shortcomings, most body armor has problems with behind-the-armor or behind-the-armor bullet displacement. The armor displacement appears when a bullet hits the body armor. According to Russian standards, this displacement should not exceed 20 millimeters. According to experts, in many cases of death, if there were no armor protection and if the bullet had not hit vital organs, the person would have remained alive. It is not uncommon for an AK-74 or M16 rifle bullet to pierce a bulletproof vest, change direction and pass through the entire body. Even if the vest does not break through, but the armor bends inward, this can cause serious concussion injuries, even death.

By the way, the latest bullets with a core of increased hardness, as well as Teflon-coated bullets, can penetrate any of the known types of body armor that are not equipped with special additional protection. And practically no modern body armor can protect against armor-piercing bullets from rifle-machine-gun cartridges when shooting at close range. This is the limit for body armor, because... In addition to the increased mass of the special equipment, the impulse from the absorbed energy becomes unbearable for a person.

The materials used in the NIB also cause serious criticism from specialists. The main disadvantage of aramid fabrics is that their protective ability decreases sharply with increasing speed of the piercing element. They practically do not protect against bullets and fragments flying at speeds over 500 m/s, although they are extremely effective against secondary fragments and slowly flying elements. A serious disadvantage of aramid fabrics is that they pass sharp thin elements between the fibers, such as a stiletto, sharpening, awl, etc., which easily pierce almost any number of layers of aramid fabric. Also, the disadvantages of armid fiber include the fact that the material loses its properties when wet. Aramid fibers, by themselves, absorb moisture, losing up to 40% of their strength, which weakens protection. Only very recently did fabrics begin to be impregnated with various resins (epoxy, polyester).

One day, everyone may need body armor. Some need it to protect themselves from business competitors, others from a very jealous spouse, and still others just want to return home peacefully. evening time. But it is necessary to understand that such a design will not save lives if it is chosen incorrectly. The cost of an error is significant, which is why it is necessary to take into account every nuance.


Most often, a concealed body armor vest has two layers of protection - Kevlar fabric running along the entire perimeter and a plate, which is necessary to stop a bullet from a machine gun or machine gun. It is important that it has an excellent ventilation and shock-absorbing system (externally represented by inserts in the form of permanent vertical stripes). The fabric from which the protection is made must be waterproof and heat-resistant.

Selection criteria

When choosing a concealed body armor, you need to consider the likely threat. It’s one thing if a person wants to protect himself from a neighbor with whom he has quarreled, and he has a hunting rifle. And it’s a completely different matter when you need to protect a businessman who has probable cause to fear competitors at work. Therefore, the main question that you need to ask yourself when choosing is why the protective clothing should protect. Depending on the spoken answer, the material, weight, thickness and other important parameters of the future design will be selected. Be sure to determine the characteristic data:

  • required protection class;
  • is a person ready to carry extra pounds;
  • choose aramid fiber or need something denser.


A concealed body armor vest is considered very convenient protection and has the following parameters:

  • does not require additional clothing for camouflage;
  • there are no various elements unloading (pockets, as well as the systems thanks to which they are attached);
  • no variety of safety belts;
  • the color does not differ from ordinary everyday clothing;
  • all fastenings do not protrude and are fastened on the back or sides;
  • the body armor itself is very thin and is quite easily attracted to the body;
  • should allow a person to perform at least the simplest actions;
  • when sitting down at the table, it does not rise to the chin and does not stick out.

Types of body armor

Protections that can be worn under clothing are divided into the following types:

  • for loose clothing (raincoat, jacket, jacket);
  • for wearing under light and thin things (shirt, sweater);
  • disguised as upper decoration;
  • universal, they are recommended to be worn both under and over clothes;
  • modular, they have the possibility of changing the protection class;
  • disguised as army garb.

Body armor protection classes

There are different characteristics depending on what weapons the attacker can use.

1. “BR1” - will help protect against traumatic weapons.
2. “Br2” - can help protect oneself from a “TT” pistol, which means it will save lives in the popular version of an assassination attempt in a situation where the killer attacks the victim in the entrance and at the same time hits the torso several times, and then quickly disappears.
3. “Br3” - will help provide protection against a Yarygin pistol with an exposed steel core. There is also a possibility that you won’t be able to get AK-74 and AKM bullets with a non-heat-strengthened steel core. Most often used for collection service workers.
4. "Br4". It will stop bullets from an AKM or AK-74 assault rifle, only with a heat-strengthened core. Such a weapon is used very rarely in Russia, but exceptions are still possible.
5. “Br5” is relevant if there is a possibility of a hit from a sniper rifle.

Comfortable to wear

Lightweight body armor "Br1 and 2" fit well and reliably to the body and have a small thickness of up to 1 cm. Such armor hides perfectly under a T-shirt or weightless shirt, so it can be worn at any time of the year, including when it’s hot. Models “Br4 and 5” are thicker and heavier and are more difficult to hide, which is why they are often worn under a coat, windbreaker or jacket. This kind of armor is not suitable for wearing to work in the office or hot weather to the street. Of course, “Br5” is much more reliable than “Br2”, but it is not as comfortable and it is difficult to wear it every day. And there is another danger in this, since after several days of putting on such protection, a person will get tired and will be left without any concealed body armor at all.

Who are they suitable for?

Most often, such a device is used by those who do not want anyone to know that they have such a design. There can be many reasons for this. Among them is often a reluctance to disturb family and friends, as well as to demonstrate to colleagues and business partners kevlar body armor. But the main goal is still the same; the attacker should not know that his victim is wearing armor. In this case, he will almost certainly choose to inflict several wounds to the torso. If the attacker knows about the protection, he will definitely try to hit the head.

Class "Br1" and "Br2" are easy to hide under a shirt. Most often, such protection is used by bodyguards, businessmen, and those who are interested in transporting expensive goods. Much less often, but still they are bought by private individuals to calm their own fears. It is widespread to provide them to people undergoing witness protection programs.

Requirements for the latest body armor

  1. Such clothing should fit firmly to the figure. a certain person, and also not hinder his movements.
  2. The design must have a ventilation system, external and internal pockets in order to carry weapons and other necessary things.
  3. The design must be resistant to atmospheric phenomena and their changes.
  4. The materials from which the best concealed body armor is made must undergo preliminary testing for reliability and other parameters.
  5. Such designs come only with markings indicating the class, trademark, batch number, size, and release date of the clothing.

Kevlar body armor

Kevlar is a commercial aramid filament developed by DuPont. It is much stronger than steel at the same weight, which allows it to be used in soft elements of armor protection. On at the moment Most companies produce their own aramid materials, and the word “Kevlar” has become generally accepted for all known aromatic polyamides.

Thanks to the soft thread, such designs are best suited for concealed carry. Unfortunately, maximum class protection that is available to this material - first and second, it helps protect against pistol bullets. For better protection and higher level, such body armor is equipped with special plates, which in turn slightly unmasks the design.


  1. "Bodyguard-A" is a well-known Russian body armor that has first class protection, it has plates in the set, so if there is a need, you can purchase second class protection. It hides well under thin clothing. Using a belt, you can adjust the product in the shoulder area. Similar fastenings are also present on the sides, thanks to which the armor can be tightened at the waist.
  2. Body armor "Cossack 4M S-01" It is considered excellent protection against light knife blows. It is also the most basic option for simple protection. Distinctive feature comfort stands out. This product does not show through under clothing, so you can easily wear it all day long, since it weighs only a few kilograms. It consists of a special mesh on which first-class armor packages made from Tvaron fabric are attached.
  3. "Comfort 1U-1U Barrel"- This is a high-quality body armor for concealed carry against a knife. This model has excellent side protection. There are fabric armored packages over the entire surface. The product is listed as first class protection. The weight is literally 2.3 kg. This design is liked by many consumers for its ease of wearing and excellent ergonomics. Another feature is the fairly large covered area of ​​protection on the sides, right up to the armpits, so the risk of injury to the side is reduced to zero. You can also get a second class of body armor protection; for this you need to install additional armor packages on the product.
  4. Another great option from a similar series is "Comfort 1M-1M UNI". It can also be worn under fairly thin clothing. It even has its own brand name - “invisible”. The storage area is very large, and it literally weighs 1.5 kg. It belongs to the first class of protection, but through the use of aluminum plates, this figure can be increased.
  5. An excellent foreign option is Greek body armor ELMON Hybrid IIIA, which is also intended for concealed carry. This composition is considered a hybrid, as it is made from 3 different fabrics. The weight is literally 1.6-1.8 kg, but it, in turn, already belongs to the third class of protection. It is very easy to wear for a long time, since it has a layer of air between the body and the surface of the product.


There are many cases where, as excellent protection, instead of body armor, products were sold to customers that do not have any degree of savings. In order not to get caught in such a tricky situation, you need to carefully consider the choice of brand, and also require all certificates of quality compliance. It is recommended to ask for shot samples and test reports for inspection. Excessive whimsicality and meticulousness should not confuse anyone in this case, since the thing being purchased is necessary to save the life of someone who will be wearing it in a difficult situation.


There are stories related to body armor, but should everyone believe them one hundred percent?

If the bullet does not penetrate the product, then no physical harm is caused to the human body. This is not true, because part of the kinetic energy is still transferred to the fighter’s body. As a result, the soldier receives minor hematomas or abrasions, or severe injuries, which include organ ruptures and bone fractures. Sometimes such damage can even be fatal. The injury that will occur depends entirely on the bullet and its caliber, as well as various other characteristics.

You need to check the quality of the body armor on yourself. Doing this is strictly prohibited. There are many recorded cases where the product perfectly contained a bullet, but did not save from severe concussion injuries.

Body armor is a means of individual protection of the torso and the most important human organs when exposed to cold steel and firearms, as well as ammunition fragments. A bulletproof vest not only protects from enemy fire, but also allows you to use your own weapons more boldly and effectively.


There is a special set of requirements for protective body armor in Russia, which are defined by GOST R 50744-95. The total protection area of ​​the body armor must provide protection for at least 90% of the area of ​​vital organs in the dorsal and frontal projections. The area of ​​bulletproof reinforcement armor panels must be at least 22 dm2.

The design of the body armor consists of the following elements:

Outer cover with fastening and fitting system,

Main armor elements,

Shock absorbing pad,

Armor material as part of a shock-absorbing pad and cover.

The outer cover forms the appearance of the body armor (like a poncho) and consists of chest and back parts, which are connected to each other by shoulder and waist belts, allowing the body armor to be adjusted to the user’s figure. This design of the body armor makes it easier to access the human body when injured and reduces the required number of standard sizes, although it reduces the comfort of wearing, as well as side protection. Recently, instead of adjusting straps, vests are increasingly using zippers, buttons or Velcro. The material of the cover has a heat-resistant and waterproof fabric base that serves to accommodate ballistic panels. The cover can be equipped with pockets similar to a vest, and items placed in its pockets can, in some cases, serve as additional protection.

Inside, the body armor is equipped with a shock-absorbing pad (damper) with special channels to improve ventilation and provide additional comfort to the user. In addition, this damper structure reduces the armor impact of bullets and shrapnel on the human body.

Body armor protection classes

Body armor varies in terms of application capabilities, as well as protection classes. The domestic classification according to Russian GOST R 50744-95 includes 10 classes: special, 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 6, 6a. Moreover, the higher the class, the better and higher the level of protection. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a represent the level of protection against pistol and rifle bullets from rifled weapons. At the same time, protection of a certain class implies protection from means defined by smaller classes, that is, protection from any lesser threat relative to the one for which the body armor is designed. Private security companies mainly use protection classes 3 and 4.

Class 0 (or “special”) - determines protection against edged weapons.

1st class - protects against soft unsheathed bullets of 5.6 mm, from pistol bullets of 6.35 mm "Browning", PM - at point-blank range, from buckshot and small fragments weighing up to 2-3 g, from edged weapons like bayonet-knife, dagger, sharpening. The protected area is 30-40 dm2, weight - 1.5-2.5 kg.

2nd class - protects against shell bullets from pistol and revolver cartridges such as PSM, PM, TT, Nagan - at point-blank range, from shot from a hunting rifle and from edged weapons. These body armor are made of 7-10 layers of fabric with a density of 6-10 kg/m2 of protected area. Weight - 3-5 kg.

3rd class - protects against bullets from AKM and AK-74 assault rifles at point-blank range, from a regular bullet from a TT cartridge with a steel core, bullets from reinforced pistol and revolver Magnum cartridges, bullets from smooth-bore hunting rifles, as well as from all types of bladed weapons. The protected area is 40-60, the density of the protective material is 12-15 kg/m2. There are pockets for additional plates. Weight - 6-9 kg,

4th class - protects against conventional AK-74 assault rifle bullets (heat-strengthened steel) at point-blank range, from bullets of 5.45 and 7.62 mm caliber with a soft core at a distance of 10 m. Average material density - up to 30 kg/sq.m . Typically, class 4 body armor is obtained from class 3 by replacing armor elements. Weight - about 10 kg,

5th class - protects against AKM with a PS bullet (heat-strengthened steel core, hardened steel), SVD with an LPS bullet (heat-strengthened steel core, hardened steel) at point-blank range, AK-74 with BS (armor-piercing carbide), non-armor-piercing bullets 5.45 - and 7.62 mm cartridges at a distance of 5 m, armor-piercing - 10 m, pistol - at point-blank range. Such models are popularly called “Anti-Kalashnikov”. The density of the material is up to 35 kg/m2, the protected area is 40-60 dm2, but can be increased by fastening the neck and groin sections. Weight - 11-20 kg.

6th class - SVD with TUS (heat-strengthened steel), SVD with BS or B-32 (armor-piercing carbide). This class of body armor is intended mainly for special forces and law enforcement agencies.

Body armor of classes 1 and 2 are of the “flexible” (“soft”) type and are usually designed for concealed wear under clothing. The same classes include civilian samples of armored clothing, designed as fur jackets, vests, sweaters, and fur coats. Class 3-4 body armor has plug-in “hard” armor elements and a shock-absorbing lining (damper) that absorbs dynamic shock. There are also NIBs with differentiated levels of protection.

The damaging properties of weapons and ammunition when they hit a person wearing body armor, according to the nature of the impact, are divided into penetrating and dynamic. Penetrating lesions occur when a bullet penetrates the body. Dynamic - from a blow to the body due to the sudden stopping of a bullet by the vest’s shield.

The reliability of body armor is mainly determined by two criteria: the ability to prevent or reduce to a safe level penetrating and dynamic injuries, since they can be traumatic and fatal.

There are 3 levels of damage to body armor:

Maximum permissible (MA) - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, but the fabric of the vest, together with the bullet, is embedded in the body, or is pierced by the bullet at the end, i.e. with loss of destructive power.

Medium © - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, its fabric does not penetrate the body.

Minimal (M) - the vest is not pierced by a bullet, its fabric does not penetrate the body.

The dynamic impact of a bullet on a person using a bulletproof vest is in all cases reduced to a safe level due to an increase in the area of ​​its perception and/or the time the bullet stops.

For body armor there are 4 main standard sizes (chest circumference / height):

1st - 96-104 cm / up to 176 cm,

2nd - 104-112 cm / 176-182 cm,

3rd -112-120 cm / over 182 cm,

4th - 120-130 cm / St. 182 cm.

The whole variety of protective materials used in body armor can be divided into 5 types:

Textile (woven) armor;

Metal armor;

Ceramic armor;

Composite armor;

Combined armor.

In accordance with the materials used, the design of the body armor can be “hard” (hard), “soft” or a combination. Most often, NIB uses a combined type of armor, consisting of hard parts of the structure - metal plates and soft armor, which is fabric bags (body armor).

Soft body armor vests consist of protective packages based on 15-30 layers of ballistic fabric made of super-strong and lightweight aramid fibers (such as Nomex, Kevlar, Terlon, SVM). Such body armor provides satisfactory protection only against low-energy destructive elements (ordinary bullets from low-power pistol cartridges) and bladed weapons. The threads in aramid fabrics are stretched under the influence of a bullet and due to their high burst energy, dampening its speed and holding it in the mass of the body armor. In this case, there is always no ricochet and no fragments are formed. However, many experts are not very happy with the protection effectiveness of vests made from aramid fibers, and for good reason.

Body armor of a rigid (solid) design is used to protect against more powerful destructive elements - fragments and bullets with greater kinetic energy. The design of such NIB has, in addition to the “soft” component, hard armor - special armor plates consisting of alloys of steel, titanium, aluminum, manganese, ceramics, ultra-high modulus polyethylene (UHMWPE), and nanomaterials. The armor elements are placed overlapping in special anti-fragmentation anti-ricochet pockets, from which they can be easily removed and others can be inserted, thereby changing the protection class of the body armor. The most massive protective (ballistic) packages are capable of withstanding ordinary bullets from modern machine guns (assault rifles) chambered for 5.45 x 39, 5.56 x 45, 7.62 x 39 cartridges when fired at close ranges (tens of meters).

Metal armor elements are usually made from steel “44” thick:

for 1st class - 1mm, for 2nd class - 2.4mm, for 3rd class - 4.3mm, for 4th class - 5.8mm, for 5th class - 6.5mm, for 6th 1st class - 15mm.

The twofold difference between classes 2 and 3 in thickness is determined by the fact that class 2 protects against a TT pistol with an energy of 508 J, and class 3 protects against AKM, the muzzle energy of which for the same caliber is almost 4 times greater. The difference of more than 2 times in thickness between classes 5 and 6 is due to the fact that a regular SVD bullet breaks when it hits a steel plate, but an armor-piercing one pierces it. Therefore, for protection against small arms TUS and BS, steel as a front layer of protection is not effective and instead ceramics are used, when a bullet hits it, it first flattens and then tries to push through the steel plate.

Depending on the degree of protection and the armor materials used, body armor have different weights. By weight, body armor is divided into light (up to 5 kg), medium (5-10 kg) and heavy (over 11 kg).

The main disadvantages of body armor

Certified NIBs must ensure that injuries caused by bullets of their class will not be fatal. Russian GOST requires that injuries do not exceed the 2nd degree of severity, i.e. the person received nothing more than a serious bruise. However, no body armor provides 100% protection against more serious injuries and damage. For example, when hit by a bullet that exceeds the NIB protection class, a situation is possible where the body armor will stop the bullet, but the person will receive fatal injuries. The strong impact of a bullet on a bulletproof vest can cause a person to lose consciousness, receive serious concussion injuries, and even lead to death. The dynamic impact of a medium caliber bullet can knock a person down. And if a bullet hits the chest, solar plexus or heart, the force of the impact can cause not only contusions and bruises, but also fractures of one or more ribs and even death.

Also dangerous are parts of deformed bullets, fragments of a ballistic package, as well as any parts torn off when a bullet or fragment hits a bulletproof vest, which can ricochet and hit a person in any open part of the body.

In addition to these shortcomings, most body armor has problems with armor or behind-the-barrier displacement of the bullet. The armor displacement appears when a bullet hits the body armor. According to Russian standards, this displacement should not exceed 20 millimeters. According to experts, in many cases of death, if there were no armor protection and if the bullet had not hit vital organs, the person would have remained alive. It is not uncommon for an AK-74 or M16 rifle bullet to pierce a bulletproof vest, change direction and pass through the entire body. Even if the vest does not break through, but the armor bends inward, this can cause serious concussion injuries, even death.

By the way, the latest bullets with a core of increased hardness, as well as Teflon-coated bullets, can penetrate any of the known types of body armor that are not equipped with special additional protection. And practically no modern body armor can protect against armor-piercing bullets from rifle-machine-gun cartridges when shooting at close range. This is the limit for body armor, because... In addition to the increased mass of the special equipment, the impulse from the absorbed energy becomes unbearable for a person.

The materials used in the NIB also cause serious criticism from specialists. The main disadvantage of aramid fabrics is that their protective ability decreases sharply with increasing speed of the piercing element. They practically do not protect against bullets and fragments flying at speeds over 500 m/s, although they are extremely effective against secondary fragments and slowly flying elements. A serious disadvantage of aramid fabrics is that they pass sharp thin elements between the fibers, such as a stiletto, sharpening, awl, etc., which easily pierce almost any number of layers of aramid fabric. Also, the disadvantages of armid fiber include the fact that the material loses its properties when wet. Aramid fibers, by themselves, absorb moisture, losing up to 40% of their strength, which weakens protection. Only very recently did fabrics begin to be impregnated with various resins (epoxy, polyester).