Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Peskov - public face of non-public politics Sergei Peskov diplomat personal life

It is probably difficult now to find a person who does not know the famous diplomat Dmitry Peskov, who holds the position of press secretary of the president. The man’s path to this interesting, but very difficult position was long and quite difficult. His personal life became just as difficult, which lately increasingly discussed by greedy star stories by the public. It was the star who attracted everyone's attention to Dmitry Peskov, his and personal life.

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that the presidential press secretary was born in October, or rather on the 17th of 1967 in Moscow. He grew up in the family of a respected diplomat, Sergei Nikolaevich, who devoted most of his career to Russian diplomacy.

After graduating from school, young Dmitry was sent to study at the ISSA Institute (Asia and Africa). The young man graduated from a higher institution in 1989 and immediately, as they say, from the ship to the banquet, he got a job at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Dmitry did not work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for long, or rather until 1990. Then the young man worked as an assistant, then as a secretary at the embassy and attache. The famous leader also visited Turkey, where he worked at the embassy of his native country.

In 1999, Dmitry Peskov first appeared at a serious political event - the OSCE summit in Istanbul, however, as a translator of English, Arabic and even Turkish for President Yeltsin. After this significant event, the diplomat's career took off.

Since 2012, Dmitry Peskov has held the position personal secretary head of state of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich himself appointed him to this position.

Personal life

Dmitry Peskov known not only biography with political overtones, but also stormy personal life.

The diplomat's first wife was Anastasia Budennaya (indeed, the granddaughter of the commander). She gave birth to Peskov's son Nikolai. But years later, the marriage broke up - the girl could not stand the role of a diplomat’s wife in Turkey, where there was a limited circle of communication and movement.

The second marriage seemed stronger, but also broke up. This time, Dmitry’s wife in 1994 was eighteen-year-old Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the daughter of a diplomat and hereditary noblewoman of the Schlegel family. The husband was almost ten years older. The marriage seemed strong; the woman, despite her youth, kept the flame of the family hearth and supported her husband in his movement up the political ladder.

However, in 2012, she learned about her husband’s infidelity with the famous athlete Tatyana Navka. She was unable to forgive adultery. On at the moment the ex-wife settled in Paris, participates in charity and raises three children of Dmitry Peskov - daughter Lisa and sons Denis and Mika.

For two years his relationship with Tatyana Navka was hidden from the general public; the skater herself admits that he for a long time he was wooing her, and she wanted to keep everything a secret. In 2014, when a woman gave birth to a girl, Nadezhda, few people knew the name of her father. And only a year later, the loving couple finally legalized their relationship. The celebration, which took place on August 1, 2015, was called the “wedding of the year”; it was truly gorgeous. Registration took place in the sunny city of Sochi.

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Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov. Born on October 17, 1967 in Moscow. Russian statesman, diplomat, translator, press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Acting State Councilor Russian Federation 1st class (2005).

Father - Sergei Nikolaevich Peskov (1948-2014), Russian diplomat, worked in the Middle East.

In 1989, he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA) at Moscow State University with a degree in Oriental historian and translator.

Speaks Turkish, Arabic and English languages.

From 1990 to 1994 - duty assistant, attaché, then third secretary of the USSR embassy, ​​and then the Russian Federation in Turkey.

From 1994 to 1996 he worked in the apparatus of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

From 1996 to 2000 - second, then first secretary of the Russian embassy in Turkey.

In November 1999, Peskov became a television personality for the first time: during a visit to the OSCE summit in Istanbul, he impressed the first president of Russia as a translator from Turkish and appeared with Yeltsin on television broadcasts for all three days.

Peskov, unlike most of Putin’s closest associates, was not included in the sanctions lists of the European Union and the United States. During the period of anti-Russian sanctions, he traveled to NATO countries more than once for vacation and as a fan for sports competitions.

Dmitry Peskov's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Peskov:

Was married three times.

First wife - Anastasia Budyonnaya, granddaughter Soviet commander. In 1990, a son, Nikolai, was born into the marriage.

According to media reports, the son lives in Moscow under the name Nikolai Choles, leads a bohemian lifestyle, owns an apartment of 110 square meters. m. on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street. The media also wrote that in Great Britain a man with the same name and surname (Nicholas Choles) was convicted and spent more than a year in an English prison. Peskov’s son himself called this information a “provocation.”

The second wife is Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (married Peskova, born 1976), daughter and granddaughter of Soviet diplomats. We got married in 1994.

The marriage produced a daughter (born in 1998) and two sons - Mick and Denis.

Divorced in 2012. According to the ex-wife, they separated because of Peskov’s infidelity. Ekaterina worked as a cosmetologist. Now he lives in Paris, where he has his own apartment, is involved in charity work and collaborates with the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation.

Daughter Elizaveta lives in Paris, graduated from boarding school, studies marketing, often comes to Moscow, from July to August 2017 she worked as an adviser to the president of the Avanti company (Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism, created by the Chechen entrepreneur and politician Umar Dzhabrailov) for youth entrepreneurship).

The third wife is a figure skater. We met in 2010.

In June 2015, Peskov and Navka formalized their relationship, and. The wedding ceremony took place in Sochi at the Rodina-Grand Hotel. They spent their honeymoon in Italy.

The wedding was accompanied by a scandal associated with the fact that it cost several million.

Wrist watch Dmitry Peskov: RM 52-01 Skull Tourbillon is an exclusive model of the Swiss company Richard Mille. According to media reports, the price of this watch is 620 thousand dollars. At the same time, Dmitry Peskov’s income for 2014, according to his income statement, amounted to a little more than 9 million rubles.

According to Peskov and Navka, the watch is a wedding gift from the bride, and the price circulated in the media does not correspond to reality. According to Peskov’s friend and editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station Alexei Venediktov, the watch was given by Navka a year before the wedding on the occasion of the birth of his daughter.

Peskov’s third wife, Tatyana Navka, described her husband as “a man of manic pedantry” with “the innate nobility of a White Guard.”

He enjoys tennis, skiing and running.

Peskov has long been a chronic sufferer of asthma and has been in a life-threatening condition more than once.

MOSCOW, June 13 – RIA Novosti. Dmitry Peskov, who was Vladimir Putin's press secretary for more than 10 years, retained his post. Putin on Wednesday reassigned him to the post of deputy head of the Kremlin administration - press secretary.

“To appoint Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov as deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation - press secretary of the president of the Russian Federation,” says the document published on the Kremlin website.

Peskov first became Putin's press secretary in 2008, when he became Russia's prime minister. Before that, he held various positions in the presidential administration. First he was the head of the media relations department, then deputy, first deputy head of the press service of the head of state, and then deputy press secretary of the president. During Putin's second term, he worked as first deputy press secretary.

When Putin was elected head of state for the third time, after serving as prime minister, the president again appointed Peskov responsible for interaction with the press and deputy head of his administration.

Man of his word

The work of the presidential press secretary is actually a round-the-clock job. Peskov accompanies Putin during business trips around Russia and during official visits abroad; he conducts all his press conferences and is constantly in touch with journalists. Every day, the presidential press secretary holds a conference call, answering questions from Russian and foreign media over the phone.

Peskov’s statements are the official position of the Kremlin. Sometimes his words become the subject of discussion, and some phrases become catchphrases.

Peskov called US sanctions against Russia “international economic raiding,” and in one of his interviews he characterized relations with Washington with the word “collapse.”

He called reports of Putin's interference in the 2016 US presidential election "ridiculous nonsense." This word can often be found in his comments. For example, according to the Kremlin representative, statements about Moscow having compromising evidence on American leader Donald Trump, as well as statements about the recruitment of Ukrainian deputy Nadezhda Savchenko, were an “absolute canard” and “complete nonsense.”

Commenting on the deterioration of relations with London in connection with the “Skripal case” and Russia’s accusations of chemical attack, Peskov, hinting at their groundlessness, noted that “the insanity has gone too far.”

Peskov traditionally maintains intrigue by not voicing upcoming resignations and appointments in the Kremlin, and in his statements makes it clear that his professional principle is to work only with verified facts, and calls not to forget about the presumption of innocence.

Thus, commenting on information about thefts at the Ministry of Culture in 2016, he called on journalists “not to rush to attach any accusatory labels.” And in the same way he commented on the position of the West on the use of poisonous gas in Syrian Ghouta chemical substance in 2018. “In fact, sticking some kind of labels and issuing verdicts without any investigation has already become a good tradition among them,” Peskov said.

However, one day Peskov had to justify himself for his harsh statement. In 2012, ex-State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev on Twitter cited his press secretary’s statement that “for the sake of a wounded riot policeman, the livers of protesters should be smeared on the asphalt.” Peskov, answering the question whether he said a phrase about the liver, said: “I didn’t? Well, imagine: two men are standing in the corridor. He told me: “You’re a fool.” I answered him. Run after that and immediately dump everything in Twitter is just not manly."

Press secretary of a strict boss

In one of his television interviews, Peskov said that working with Russian leader Vladimir Putin is the success of his whole life. However, the press secretary also had to hear criticism from her manager. In an interview with the American television channel NBC several months ago, Putin said that sometimes his representative’s statements are surprising. “There’s Peskov sitting opposite, my press secretary, sometimes he carries such a “blizzard”. I watch on TV and think: what is he talking about there? Who instructed him to do this?” - said the President of the Russian Federation then.

Peskov reacted stoically to the boss’s words - this is part of the work process. “The president is a very demanding person, a demanding boss. Accordingly, this is an absolutely normal work process. Criticism is sometimes more intense, sometimes less intense. But in general, there is probably hardly a press secretary who has never been criticized by his leadership, this there can only be a press secretary who does nothing,” he said.

Peskov emphasized that in his speeches he voices the Kremlin’s position, and never expresses his private opinion.

Career orientalist

Peskov is a graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University, his specialty is historian-orientalist, referent-translator. In 1990, he joined the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 1994 to 1996 he worked at the Turkish embassy, ​​first as a duty assistant, then as an attaché and third secretary, in 1996-2000 as the second and then first secretary of the embassy.

Peskov always talks about his alma mater with pride.

Peskov speaks English, Turkish and Arabic languages. Even before becoming press secretary, he worked several times in negotiations with Turkish partners. In November 1999, Peskov translated for the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, during his visit to Istanbul for the OSCE summit. After this event, Peskov was invited to work in the Administration of the Head of State. Later, when Putin was prime minister before being elected to his first term, Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit came to Moscow. Then Peskov was sent from Ankara to translate those negotiations. To this day, if Peskov is present at negotiations where it is used Turkish, he does not wear headphones for simultaneous translation.

Peskov actively participated in the struggle for the establishment of Oriental studies as a separate specialty. In the spring of 2016, the media reported that the leadership of leading universities was asking to preserve Oriental Studies, which they were going to include in the group of “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”, as separate group specialties. Universities noted that the inclusion of the direction in “Political Sciences and Regional Studies” in connection with the transition to a new generation of educational standards could lead to the loss of opportunities for the development of the direction “Oriental and African Studies”. The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation then stated that the proposed education reforms threaten Oriental studies as a profession, and assured that the struggle to preserve this specialty will continue. Later, on the instructions of Olga Vasilyeva, the Minister of Education and Science, appointed in August, the department, together with oriental experts, created a working group to bring “Oriental and African Studies” into a separate group of areas of training.

Family man and protector

This is Peskov’s third marriage. He is married to the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka, they have a daughter, Nadezhda, and Peskov has five children in total.

His first wife was Anastasia Budyonnaya, the granddaughter of Soviet Marshal Semyon Budyonny, and his second wife was Ekaterina Solotsinskaya.

Navka said in an interview with a glossy magazine that she didn’t like Peskov at first. “Everything happened surprisingly - because it shouldn’t have happened. Really, it shouldn’t. I resisted for a long time, understanding the complexity of the situation: there is a family, three children, and in general it’s all terrible. To be honest, I didn’t even like him (Peskov) at first Well, we talked, went to a restaurant a couple of times, I thought: “No, just friends.” But he did it with elegance and persistence. It seemed like he was courting me, but he didn’t seem to say anything. that we would be together, and I called him Dmitry Sergeevich for a year. I couldn’t cross this line, only you... I didn’t call and didn’t pick up the phone. I can’t be impudently, well, there’s no way,” Navka said in an interview Tatler magazine.

She speaks warmly of her husband and says that when they are together, “flowers bloom” around him. “Mitya is simple, and I really like his simplicity. Despite all his busyness, when he comes home, he manages to nail something down, repair it, pump up the tires,” she noted, describing Peskov as “a man of manic pedantry.”

Peskov himself answers questions about his relatives strictly. “I don’t intend to discuss my family with anyone, I don’t intend to accept any information about my family from anyone,” he responded to a request to comment on critical publications that appeared on the Internet about the lifestyle of his son Nicholas Choles.

However, in 2015, almost immediately after the wedding, the president’s press secretary had to make excuses for the watch that was seen on his hand on the day of the celebration. Then the media wrote that their cost could reach 37 million rubles, which is several times greater than the annual income of a Kremlin representative. Peskov admitted that this was a gift from his illustrious wife, and he himself could not afford such a purchase.

For the sake of his daughter Elizaveta, Peskov once shaved his mustache: in 2014, they argued, and the daughter won, successfully passing the Unified State Exam, and the presidential press secretary appeared in public without his characteristic hair above upper lip. Another time, in 2016, an unexpected wardrobe detail attracted attention to him: a photo of Peskov in red pants and UGG boots appeared on the Internet. "We all live simple human life. I had a normal evening. When you come home from work somewhere after 12 at night, sometimes you can’t sleep. My wife is on a business trip. I had a fight with my child over a bad grade, and I can’t sleep. So I was in sweatpants, got into the car, and went to wash myself,” Peskov said then.

The eldest daughter Elizabeth is active on Instagram and sometimes speaks out on socio-political topics. Peskov says he is wary of this, but emphasizes that the topic is not subject to discussion outside the family framework. The president's press secretary does not support children's gadget mania, because devices discourage them from reading. Elizaveta recalled that in the 2000s, when her father was already working in President Putin’s administration, due to the lack of money in the Peskov family, he worked part-time at night as a private driver. In 2017, Peskov declared 14.343 million rubles in income, Navka brought 200.385 million rubles to the family in 2017, becoming one of the wealthiest Kremlin wives.

On weekends, the Peskovs have bath days, and when it’s snowing outside, running out of the steam room into a snowdrift naked - as the head of the family puts it, “this is a complete thrill.”

A couple of months ago, the ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov Catherine gave frank interview to journalists, in which she spoke in detail about the reasons for the breakdown of their marriage. Let us remind you that Dmitry Peskov is the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The official tries not to advertise his personal life and the only thing that has been made public is his divorce from his wife in 2012. No less important is that the ex-spouses raised three children: Lisa (16 years old), Mika (9 years old) and son Denis (6 years old).

As Ekaterina stated, their relationship deteriorated 3 years ago (2011). The husband spent most of his time at work and rarely paid attention to her and raising children. The couple gradually moved away from each other. Their relationship was filled with constant quarrels and scandals. And after a while, the woman found out that her husband was cheating on her. She was never able to forgive Dmitry for such a betrayal and she herself insisted on a divorce. Peskov tried in every possible way to return his wife, but her decision was unchanged. However, despite the separation, Dmitry and Catherine maintained friendly, warm relations.

After the divorce, the 35-year-old woman went to France with her children, but she comes to Russia quite often. Now Ekaterina Peskova is engaged in charity work and collaborates with the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation. She has a four-room apartment in the center of Paris. Until recently, Dmitry several times proposed marriage to his ex-wife, but she refused, citing the fact that she was more than satisfied with her current life.

In her interview with the Russian magazine Tatler, Ekaterina did not name her mistress, but rumors have appeared in the press more than once that Dmitry is having an affair with figure skater Tatyana Navka, who recently gave birth to a daughter. These rumors were fueled by the fact that both were spotted together more than once on public events. Despite the birth of the child, Navka never decided to name her father.

Currently, Catherine is incredibly happy. She has a large apartment in the romantic capital of France, as well as three charming children. And recently information leaked to the media that Peskova has new fan, who, by the way, has Russian roots - his ancestors were Russian emigrants.

03/08/2015 - 15:16

Dmitry Peskov is press secretary Russian President Vladimir Putin. On August 1, the wedding of Peskov and Olympic champion, figure skater Tatyana Navka took place. Dmitry Peskov - biography and personal life, wife Ekaterina Peskova, photo.

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov was born into the family of Russian diplomat Sergei Peskov on October 17, 1967. In 1989, he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University with a degree in translator and oriental historian.

After graduating from the institute, Peskov began working at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Until 1994, he was an assistant on duty, then the third secretary of the USSR Embassy. From 1994 to 1996 he worked in the apparatus of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Interestingly, in 1993 he joined the LDPR party after their successful passage to the first State Duma. Later, Peskov said that party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky sympathizes with him, since he is also a Turkologist by training.

In 2000, Dmitry Peskov was already the first secretary of the Russian embassy in Turkey. In 1999, during the visit of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Peskov was promoted: for all three days of Yeltsin’s stay in Turkey, Peskov was his translator and participated in negotiations.

After his visit to Turkey, Yeltsin called Dmitry Peskov to Moscow. In 2000, already under Vladimir Putin, he became head of the media relations department.

There is information that Dmitry Peskov served as a translator during Putin’s meeting with the leaders of Turkey. And in 2003, Peskov was entrusted with overseeing the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

In 2004, he became the first deputy of Alexei Gromov (press secretary of the Russian president). Since that time, Peskov has the right to voice one or another position of the president on any issues.

In 2008, he became chairman of the board of directors of MGTRK Mir. On April 25, Putin appointed Dmitry Peskov as press secretary of the Prime Minister (the position was approved on 04/23/15).

In May 2008, Vladimir Putin became Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Peskov, accordingly, became his secretary. Since May 22, 2012, Peskov has been the press secretary of Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation.

Biography of Dmitry Peskov - the 47-year-old official speaks Arabic, Turkish and English. He enjoys playing tennis. For a long time, Peskov has been suffering from chronic asthma.

Dmitry Peskov, personal life. Peskov's first marriage was with his wife, the granddaughter of the famous Soviet commander Budyonny, Anastasia Budenna. From this marriage, Peskov has an adult son, Nikolai.

Peskov married for the second time in 1994 at the age of 27. His chosen one was Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the daughter and granddaughter of prominent Soviet diplomats. The wedding took place as soon as Catherine turned 18 years old. However, the future spouses met when Catherine was 15 years old.

In his marriage to Ekaterina Peskova, the press secretary had three children: daughter Elizaveta (17 years old) and two sons Mick and Denis. The couple divorced in 2012. As Ekaterina Peskova herself reported, the reason was her husband’s infidelity with Tatyana Navka.