How the AK 47 works. All Kalashnikov assault rifles and their tactical and technical characteristics

For firing from the AK-74 assault rifle, 5.45 mm 7n6 and 7n10 cartridges with ordinary (steel core), tracer and armor-piercing incendiary bullets are used.

Automatic or single fire is fired from the machine gun. Automatic fire is the main type of fire from a machine gun. It is fired in short (up to 5 shots), long (up to 10 shots) bursts and continuously. When firing, cartridges are supplied from a box magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds.

The most effective fire from an AK-74 assault rifle is fired at a distance of up to 500 m.

Tactical and technical characteristics of AKM and AK-74


Caliber, mm

Cartridge, mm

Initial bullet speed, m/s

Sighting range, m

Magazine capacity, pcs. Patr.

Rate of fire, rds/min.

Combat rate of fire, rds/min.

when firing single shots

when firing in bursts

Machine length, mm

without bayonet

with attached bayonet

Barrel length, mm

Machine weight without bayonet, kg

with empty magazine

with loaded magazine

Weight of bayonet with sheath, kg

The range to which lethality is maintained is

bullet action, m

Direct shot range

along the chest figure (height 50 cm), m

along a running figure (150 cm high), m

Number of rifling in the barrel bore, mm

The machine consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

    barrel with receiver, with sighting device, butt and pistol grip;

    receiver covers;

    bolt frame with gas piston;

  • return mechanism;

    gas tube with receiver lining;

    trigger mechanism;

  • store

Main parts and mechanisms of the machine

IN machine gun kit includes:

    accessories (cleaning rod and pencil case with accessories)

  • shopping bag.


Belt and shopping bag

The automatic action of the AK-74 is based on the use of the energy of powder gases diverted from the barrel to the gas piston of the bolt frame.

Interaction of machine parts and mechanisms.

When fired, part of the powder gases following the bullet rushes through the hole in the upper part of the barrel into the gas chamber, presses on the front wall of the gas piston and throws the piston and bolt frame with the bolt to the rear position. When moving back, the bolt turns, unlocks and opens the barrel, removes the cartridge case from the chamber and throws it out, and the bolt frame compresses the return spring and cocks the hammer (puts it on the self-timer).

The bolt frame with the bolt returns to the forward position under the action of the return mechanism, the bolt sends the next cartridge from the magazine into the chamber and, turning, closes and locks the barrel, and the bolt frame removes the self-timer protrusion (sear) from under the self-timer cocking of the trigger. The bolt is locked by turning it to the left and inserting the bolt lugs into the cutouts of the receiver.

Purpose and design of machine parts and mechanisms.

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet. The inside of the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right.

Muzzle brake compensator serves to increase the accuracy of combat when firing bursts from unstable positions (on the move, standing, kneeling), as well as to reduce recoil energy.

Front sight base has a stop for a ramrod and a bayonet-knife handle, a hole for a front sight slide, a front sight safety device and a retainer with a spring.

Gas chamber serves to direct powder gases from the barrel to the gas piston of the bolt frame.

Sighting device serves to aim the machine gun when firing at targets at various distances. It consists of a sight and a front sight.

Stock and pistol grip serve for convenience of automatic operation.

Coupling serves to attach the forend to the machine gun. It has a forearm lock, a sling swivel and a hole for a cleaning rod.

Receiver serves to connect the parts and mechanisms of the machine gun, ensure the closure of the barrel bore with the bolt and lock the bolt; the trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver. It is closed with a lid on top.

Receiver cover protects parts and mechanisms placed in the receiver from contamination.

Bolt carrier with gas piston serves to activate the bolt and trigger mechanism.

Gate serves to send the cartridge into the chamber, close and lock the barrel bore, break the primer and remove the cartridge case (cartridge) from the chamber. The bolt consists of a frame, a firing pin, an ejector with a spring and an axis, and a pin.

Trigger mechanism serves to release the hammer from cocking or cocking the self-timer, striking the firing pin, ensuring automatic or single fire, stopping firing, preventing shots when the bolt is unlocked, and putting the safety on the machine gun.

Trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver, where it is attached with three interchangeable axes, and consists of a hammer with a mainspring, a hammer retarder with a spring, a trigger, a single fire sear with a spring, a self-timer with a spring and an interpreter.

Trigger with mainspring are used to strike the striker. The trigger serves to keep the hammer cocked and to release the hammer. The single-fire sear serves to hold the trigger in the rearmost position after firing, if the trigger was not released when firing a single fire.

Self-timer with spring serves to automatically release the trigger from cocking the self-timer when firing in bursts, as well as to prevent the trigger from being released when the barrel is open and the bolt is unlocked. The translator is used to set the machine gun to automatic or single fire mode, as well as to put the safety on.

Return mechanism serves to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position. It consists of a return spring, a guide rod, a movable rod and a coupling.

Gas tube with barrel lining consists of a gas tube, front and rear connecting couplings, a barrel lining and a metal half ring. The gas tube serves to guide the movement of the gas piston. The barrel guard serves to protect the machine gunner’s hands from burns when shooting.

Shop serves to place cartridges and feed them into the receiver. It consists of a body, a cover, a locking bar, a spring and a feeder.

Bayonet knife attaches to the machine gun before an attack and serves to defeat the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

Sheath used for carrying a bayonet-knife on a waist belt. In addition, they are used in conjunction with a bayonet for cutting wire.

Affiliation serves for disassembling, assembling, cleaning and lubricating the machine. Accessories include: cleaning rod, cleaning rod, brush, screwdriver, drift, pin, pencil case and oiler.

      Purpose, combat properties and general device PM.

The 9 mm Makarov pistol is a personal weapon of attack and defense, designed to defeat the enemy at short distances.

The first damn thing is lumpy. This saying fully reflects the beginning of the path along which the Kalashnikov model 47 assault rifle went. In 1946, the Soviet government announced a competition for the development of automatic weapons chambered for 7.62 caliber.

At the first stage of the competition, drawings of the future weapon were presented. Among many drawings, the commission selected three candidates for further testing, among them were the drawings of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.

Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-47 (photo)

The history of the creation of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

“There are wonderful weapons, so beautiful that you want to pick them up and hug them.”
"Mikhail Kalashnikov - a soldier who knows how to draw"

Suzanne Viau, 1991

To participate in the second stage, which took place in November 1946, Kalashnikov produced 5 samples, called AK-46. Three copies had different properties, AK-47 with a wooden stock and two with a metal folding stock. The cocking trigger and the bolt cocking hook were located on the left side of the receiver, there was also a fire mode switch and, separately, a fuse.

The machine consisted of two main parts:

  • first- barrel with fore-end, receiver and magazine socket;
  • second- trigger box with butt, pistol grip and trigger guard.

During assembly, the parts were connected with a pin passing through the holes in the receiver and trigger boxes. When testing the AK-47 without a stock, none of the competition participants satisfied the conditions for reliability and accuracy of fire.

All subjects were sent for revision.

The AK-46 has undergone a radical redesign.

The cocking hook was moved to the right side. The fire mode switch and safety have been combined and also moved to the right side.

When in the “on safety” position, the switch closed the cutout on the receiver cover for moving the cocking hook and prevented dust and dirt from getting inside. The receiver cover began to completely cover the trigger mechanism. The machine gun stock and bolt frame were combined with a rod. The barrel length was reduced by 80 mm.

In this form, the AK-46 entered final testing. Thanks to the changes made, it was possible to increase the reliability of the weapon and reduce firing failures, but the accuracy of fire remained below the requirements. Despite this, the commission decided to allow the AK-46 into production, and in the future solve the problem of high accuracy of fire.

a decree was issued Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the adoption of the AK-47 and AKS-47

On July 18, 1949, a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the adoption of the AK-47 and AKS-47 (with a folding stock). The cost of manufacturing the first batches was very high, since the receiver was made by milling and there was a large percentage of defects.

Subsequently, the receiver began to be stamped, which had a positive effect on production costs. Changes were regularly made to the design of the AK-47 to improve its performance characteristics. And in 1959, production of AKM began (Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-47, modernized).

Performance characteristics of the AK-47

AK-47 weight

The first AK-47 models , those produced before 1959 were significantly heavier than subsequent ones. This was due to the technology of manufacturing the receiver.

  • weight without bayonet and magazine was 3.8 kg;
  • weight with attached empty magazine 4.3 kg;
  • weight with loaded magazine - 4.876 kg;
  • weight with attached bayonet and loaded magazine 5.09 kg.

AKM had the following weight indicators:

  • with an attached empty magazine - 3.1 kg;
  • without a bayonet, with a loaded magazine - 3.6 kg (AKMS - 3.8 kg)

Depending on the model of the machine, its weight also changes. Short barrel models are lighter than regular models. The use of plastic instead of wood in the manufacture of the butt and forearm, as well as the replacement of the steel magazine with a plastic one, significantly reduced the weight of the machine gun and the ease of use. However, the AKS47 and AKMS models weighed a little more due to the presence of a steel folding stock.

The device of the AK-47 assault rifle

The combat AK-47 consists of the following main parts:

  • trunk;
  • receiver;
  • sighting device;
  • receiver cover;
  • butt and pistol grip;
  • bolt carrier with gas piston;
  • gate;
  • return mechanism;
  • gas tube with receiver lining;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • forend;
  • shop;
  • bayonet knife.

The modernized AK-47 differs from the design of the AKM and subsequent models in the absence of a muzzle brake-compensator, a greater arc curvature of the magazine and a low position of the butt heel in relation to the line of the weapon.

The device of the AK-47 assault rifle


The barrel is fixedly fixed to the receiver without the possibility of its detachment. The barrel is rifled, with 4 grooves running from left to top to right, which serve to impart rotational movement bullet. There is a chamber in the breech of the barrel, and a post with a front sight at the opposite end. In the center of the barrel there is a hole for removing powder gases.


The receiver serves to collect all parts and mechanisms into a single whole. The trigger mechanism is placed inside the receiver.

Sighting device

Serves to point the weapon at the target when firing.

Receiver cover

Serves to protect the internal parts of the receiver from contamination.

Stock and pistol grip

Serve for ease of handling weapons.

Bolt carrier with gas piston

Necessary for actuating the bolt and trigger mechanism


It sends a cartridge into the chamber, locks the barrel during a shot, breaks the primer and removes the cartridge case from the chamber after the shot.

Return mechanism

Using a spring, it returns the bolt carrier and bolt to the forward position.

Gas tube with barrel lining

The tube serves to direct the movement of the gas piston, and the pad protects your hands from burns.

Trigger mechanism

It is placed inside the receiver and serves to release the bolt and strike the firing pin. Provides firing in single or burst modes. Allows you to put the weapon on safety.


Protects hands from burns and provides convenience when using weapons.


Serves to place cartridges in it and feed them into the receiver.

Bayonet knife

In a close position, it is used to defeat enemy personnel in hand-to-hand combat. When unfastened, it's like a knife.

Operating principle

To understand the principle of operation of the AK-47, it is necessary to understand three stages in the operation of the mechanisms of this machine gun.

Stage 1: position of parts and mechanisms before loading

The firing mode switch is in the “safety” position and closes the cutout in the receiver cover along which the bolt hook moves. The gas piston with the bolt frame and bolt, under the action of the return spring, are in the extreme forward position. The bore is locked with a bolt. The trigger is in the extreme forward position.

Stage 2: position of parts and mechanisms during loading

To load a weapon, you need to attach a magazine with cartridges, move the fire mode switch to the “automatic fire” position, and move the bolt to the rearmost position by hand. At the same time, the bolt unlocks the bore, the trigger is positioned on the firing trigger.

The bolt, which is pulled back all the way, should be released; under the action of a spring, it moves forward from its rearmost position, with its lower plane it pushes the upper cartridge out of the magazine, sends it into the barrel bore and locks it there.

Stage 3: firing a shot

The shot is fired by pressing the tail of the trigger. The trigger, under the action of the mainspring, strikes the firing pin, which breaks the cartridge primer with its striker. The energy from the broken primer ignites the gunpowder in the cartridge case. From the sudden ignition of gunpowder, the bullet begins to move along the barrel. As soon as it passes the gas outlet hole, part of the energy of the powder gases goes into this hole, where they press on the piston, which moves the bolt frame back, dragging the bolt along with it.

Moving back, the bolt ejects the empty cartridge case and releases the chamber.

Shots in the "automatic fire" mode will continue as long as the trigger is pressed or until the cartridges run out.

To fire shots in the “single shooting” mode, you must press the tail of the trigger for each shot.

AK modifications

As already mentioned, in 1949, two types of assault rifles were adopted - AK-47 and AKS-47. The second option was equipped with a metal stock folding down.

AKS-47 - tactical

These modifications were replaced in 1959 by the AKM - a modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle. It was lighter, more reliable and easier to handle. Due to changes in the production technology of the receiver it is also cheaper.

Which was modified, which made it possible to improve the characteristics of the Kalashnikov in terms of such a parameter as accuracy of fire. At the end of the barrel there was a thread for installing a compensator or muffler. A mount for an under-barrel grenade launcher has also appeared.

Among the varieties was, as before, the Kalashnikov AKS-47 assault rifle with a folding metal butt. These models, equipped with night vision devices, were called AKMN and AKMSN.

Modification of AK-47 (AKM and AKMS)
Automatic AKS 47

In 1974, the AK-74 chambered for 5.45 mm caliber was adopted. The design of the AK-47 has changed to accommodate a smaller caliber cartridge, which has a positive effect on the tactical and technical characteristics of the weapon. When firing a lighter bullet, weapon vibrations decreased, which, along with the use of a new muzzle brake-compensator, increased shooting accuracy.

On November 7, 1974, during a traditional parade, units of the Soviet armed forces were equipped with hitherto unknown small arms. The airborne troops marched solemnly with the new Kalashnikov AK 74 assault rifles. This was an improved version of the Kalashnikov AK 47 assault rifles, adopted in 1949, or their AKM and AKMS versions produced since 1959. Weapons experts could immediately distinguish new model from Kalashnikov assault rifles of 7.62 mm caliber. known and sold all over the world for more than a decade and a half.

The assumption of observers of the military parade that the new machine gun was equipped with small-caliber cartridges was correct. However, they were mistaken when they thought that the weapon first introduced by the airborne troops was intended for special units. After some time, the machine gun was already included in the equipment of the marine corps, motorized infantry units, artillery and other units of the Soviet army.

There are several modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, designed for small caliber cartridges 5.45x39, as well as 7.62x39 caliber. The Kalashnikov AK 74 assault rifle was supplied with a stationary butt made of wood or plastic, the AKS 74 with a frame-shaped shoulder rest folding on the left side, made of steel or light alloy. The dimensions, weight and firing power of both models are identical. The AKS 74 assault rifle with the shoulder rest extended has the same length as the AK 74 version with a wooden stock - 736 mm. A bayonet can be attached to a special holder at the foot of the front sight of both versions. In addition, there is a version with an underbarrel grenade launcher, as well as a short version called AKR - for paratroopers. The modified weapon, equipped with a heavier and longer barrel and high-capacity magazines, was called the Kalashnikov RPK 74 light machine gun.

8 GDR standard models were produced under license in a slightly modified version under the same names. Automatic machines of the AKS 74 model produced in the GDR have a shoulder rest of a different shape, which folds not on the left, but on the right side.

The design and principle of operation of small and large caliber identical. Some differences in parts are due only to the use of cartridges of different sizes and power.

The Kalashnikov AK/AKS 74 assault rifle operates on the principle of using the pressure energy of powder gases and has a rigidly fixed barrel that is locked by turning the bolt. The length of the barrel without a flame arrester is 415 mm, the pitch length of the barrel rifling is 196 mm.

To supply ammunition, horn magazines made of special colored fiberglass are used, which can also be used for light machine gun RPK 74. The edges and bottom are reinforced with metal. The capacity of a standard magazine is 30 rounds, but there are also specialty stores for 20 and 40 rounds of 5.45×39 sample M 74, developed for weapons of this system.

It is most effective to shoot in short bursts of 3 to 5 shots; single and automatic fire is possible. Setting the fire mode, locking and removing the safety is carried out like other modifications of Kalashnikov assault rifles using a combination lever. The practical rate of fire with automatic fire is 90 rds/min, the effective range is 400 m. The sighting device includes an open sector sight with a V-shaped rear sight and a block front sight with side protection. The sight is installed in 100 m increments in the range from 100 to 1000 m. The length of the sighting line is 375 mm.

Designed according to the principles of aerohydrodynamics muzzle brake cylindrical shape has a length of 80 mm. Through its holes (two on top, one on the right) part of the powder gases escapes, thus the weapon is stabilized when firing in bursts. The remaining gases exit through the muzzle, which significantly reduces recoil. In addition, the muzzle brake functions as a flash suppressor.

Experts around the world evaluate the Kalashnikov AK/AKS 74 assault rifles as very reliable, easy to maintain and effective weapon. Aiming and shooting takes much less time than other weapons, such as the US M 16 automatic rifle. One of the advantages is also the possibility of disassembly without tools, which is carried out simply, as for Kalashnikov assault rifles large caliber. And only the fire mode setting lever gave reason for criticism.

Small caliber Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS 74 U - a modification with a folding metal shoulder rest and a shortened barrel (200 mm).

The experimental machine gun of the AG-043 series, which is exhibited in the Moscow Military Museum under inventory number 6622, is very similar to it. It was developed by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov, designer self-loading carbine Simonov SKS 45, and at one time took part in a very short small arms competition.

The AKS 74 U model assault rifle has a flash arrester that reduces recoil and functions as an expansion chamber. Thus, the gas pressure (the gas piston is located near the chamber) is significantly reduced. Due to the short barrel, the muzzle velocity is lower than that of other 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle models. Sighting range- 400 m.

The AK 74 and AKS 74 assault rifles can be used with a device for firing rifle grenades. A special attachment is screwed in place of the muzzle brake.

Photographs from 1985 indicate that there was a version of the AK 74 assault rifle, complete with a very short grenade launcher. This device, only 350 mm long, is attached directly in front of the magazine under the barrel of the machine gun. It consists of a 40 mm caliber tube, a handle with a hole for thumb arrow, trigger device and sight mounted on the left side of the machine gun barrel.

This simple design for rifle grenades 101 or 118 mm long, weighing 250 or 266 g can be operated by a shooter wearing winter gloves. Range - from 420 to 450 m.

Characteristics: Kalashnikov AK 74 assault rifle
Caliber, mm - 5.45
starting speed bullets (v0), m/s - 900
Weapon length, mm - 940
Rate of fire, rds/min — 600

Weight when charged, kg - 4.00
Weight without magazine, kg - 3.15
Full magazine weight, kg - 0.85
Empty magazine weight, kg - 0.53
Cartridge - 5.45×39
Barrel length, mm - 415
Rifling/direction - 4/p
Sighting range, m — 1000

Characteristics: Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS 74 U
Caliber, mm - 5.45
Initial bullet speed (v0), m/s - 800
Weapon length, mm - 420
with folded shoulder rest - 675
Rate of fire, rds/min - 800
Ammo Feed - 30 round arc magazine
Cartridge - 5.45×39
Barrel length, mm - 200
Sighting range, m — 500
Effective range, m - 400

Model 1947) is a combined arms weapon that began to be supplied to the Soviet military in 1949. Designed in 1947 by Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, in whose honor it received its name.

Brief information about the machine

The combat AK-47 (as well as its modifications, created all over the world in various versions) is by far the most common and popular in a huge number of countries. The AK-47 type (that is, itself, as well as similar designs) includes one fifth of all small arms on our planet. Almost sixty years have passed since the creation of the machine, and it has already read more than seventy million copies in various versions.

Currently, about fifty foreign armies use the 1947 model Kalashnikov assault rifle as an official combined arms weapon. Its only competition is assault rifle American production under the name M16. Nevertheless, it was produced on a relatively modest scale: only eight million copies. And only 27 armies in the world use

Many experts agree that the AK-47 is the benchmark for how easy small arms should be to maintain, as well as how reliable they should be in combat. The performance characteristics of the AK-47 can tell that the ammunition used for it was 7.62 caliber cartridges, which are currently used, for example, in the 1947 model sniper rifle, which served as the basis for the development of such modifications as the AKM (modernized) and AK-74 (model 1974). Also, the device of operation was used as the basis for the Kalashnikov machine gun and smooth-bore rifles of the Saiga type.

How it all began

In 1943, on July 15, at the initiative of representatives of the Soviet armed forces, a meeting was held. Representatives also took part in it Technical Council, located at the People's Commissariat of Defense Soviet Union. Then leading experts first started talking about the need to create a new weapon based on a certain base. She was introduced by the trophy German machine gun, which became the prototype of the StG-44. The lightweight American-made M1 self-loading carbine was also taken into account. Both guns used 7.92 and 7.62 caliber cartridges respectively. Thus, the engineers were given the task: to develop a weapon that would become a valid analogue to the German competitor, but would use a reduced caliber.

First samples

They were created in a fairly short time. Then only one month had passed since the meeting. Pilot production of the machine gun was established only in March 1944. There were some prerequisites that contributed to the construction of the performance characteristics of the AK-47. We cannot help but mention them.

We are talking about the events of 1943. Then the first drawings appeared that were planned to be implemented in connection with the use of an intermediate cartridge of 7.62 caliber. They were carried out jointly by engineers Semin and Elizarov. They were sent in advance to organizations that took part in the development of a new type of weapon. Then we were talking only about the caliber 7.62 to 41. However, during the relevant operations it was changed to 7.62 to 39, which also affected the performance characteristics of the AK-47.

Simonov self-loading carbine and Kalashnikov assault rifle

In those days, engineers tried to create not only automatic small arms with an intermediate cartridge. The development complex included a self-loading and non-self-loading carbine, and then it was calculated that the performance characteristics of the AK-47 should have provided the ability to suppress enemy force at a distance of at least four hundred meters. Such characteristics were characteristic of weapons that used rifle ammunition. But it turned out to be overly powerful, heavy, and, as a result, expensive. At the same time, such indicators exceeded the corresponding parameters of almost all submachine guns, and this, first of all, was the advantageous difference.

As a result, it turned out that the development of new small arms made it possible to re-equip the entire army, to change (completely!) the individual arsenal of each soldier. Up to this point, it included such weapons as the Shpagin submachine gun, the Mosin rifle, and the Tokarev self-loading rifle. There were also machine guns built on the design various systems, including foreign ones.

Problems in development and process termination

As mentioned earlier, some effort was devoted to developing a repeating rifle. However, this process was stopped relatively soon. The basis for this was the obvious obsolescence of this concept, its replacement with a newer one that corresponded to the realities and needs of the corresponding period. By the way, the production of the Simonov self-loading carbine did not last long. To be more precise, already in the early fifties last century work on its creation at factories was stopped, and production forces were redistributed. The reasons were simple: manufacturability turned out to be low. At least, significantly less than the newly developed machine. The fighting qualities were also lower. We can trace a similar situation in the case of the Degtyarev machine gun. In 1961, its production was stopped, and the conveyors were switched to the creation of the Kalashnikov light machine gun. It was a widely unified model.

Competitions and model selection

The performance characteristics of the AK-47 became one of the most important parameters that influenced the choice of this particular type of small arms. But what were the alternatives and which weapon almost managed to take a historical place instead of the development of Mikhail Timofeevich?

Test results presented in 1944 showed that the most optimal was an assault rifle called AS-44. It was developed by gunsmith Sudaev. Later, when the model was finalized, it was decided to release this small arms in a small limited series. In the spring and summer of the following year, military tests were carried out at the training grounds, which revealed some shortcomings. In general, no claims were made to the weapon as a means of destroying enemy forces. But the army leadership considered that the soldier needed a reduced weight of the machine gun for greater mobility, so the engineers were forced to look for solutions in this direction. However, Sudaev died suddenly.

AK-47 tests

The search for solutions to the AS-44 was stopped, and in 1946, the command of the army units announced another round of tests. This time the legendary gunsmith Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov took part in them, who by that time had already achieved success in the relevant direction. He managed to create several quite interesting weapon designs. More specifically, Kalashnikov developed two submachine guns. One of these weapons was designed using a bolt-deceleration system. The self-propelled carbine, created by Mikhail Timofeevich, fed on cartridge packs. By the way, he was the closest competitor to Simonov’s carbine, but still lost to him in the competition.

Assembly, disassembly and main characteristics

Partial disassembly of the AK-47 has the following sequence. First, the magazine is disconnected. The cleaning rod and pencil case are removed from the butt. You should tighten the bolt and fire a test shot. After this, the bolt box is removed, the return spring, the bolt mechanism and the bolt itself are removed. The last step is to disconnect the gas release mechanism. The assembly order is reversed.

The characteristics of the AK-47 can indicate that the machine is designed for shooting at targets at different distances. Sighting range - 800 meters. The maximum range of a bullet is 3 kilometers. The caliber of the AK-47 is 7.62 millimeters. The initial flight speed of the ammunition was 715 meters per second. Characteristics of the AK-47 can show that the loaded machine had a mass of 4.8 kilograms. The power source was a box-type magazine designed for 30 rounds.

How much does an AK-47 cost?

You need to understand that such a question is posed incorrectly. It is, of course, possible to purchase a firearm version of a machine gun, but the user must understand that this is a criminal offense. However, if you are interested in how much a non-combat type AK-47 costs, that is a completely different matter. In fact, accurate models of these weapons are currently sold in souvenir shops for a couple of thousand. You can also purchase a pneumatic AK-47. It will cost a little more - 7-10 thousand rubles. However, the pneumatic AK-47 can be used for target shooting at a shooting range, as well as for playing airsoft.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was born on November 10, 1919 in the village of Kurya Altai Territory in a large peasant family. Already in his childhood, Mikhail was interested in technology and, according to him, for a long time tormented himself with the idea of ​​​​creating a perpetual motion machine.

In 1938, Kalashnikov was drafted into the Red Army and, after completing the course for junior commanders at the division school, received the specialty of a tank driver. Already during his military service, Kalashnikov showed himself to be an inventor. He improved the design of the tank, among other things, making a device for firing a TT pistol through the slots in the tank turret.

Great Patriotic War Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov started as a tank commander. In October 1941, near Bryansk, he was seriously wounded and shell-shocked. After this, an event occurred that determined further activities designer. When, with other wounded people from the enemy rear, they made their way to their own, almost the entire detachment was shot by the Nazis with machine guns. Kalashnikov and two comrades survived, being sent on reconnaissance. Since then, the thought has not left him that if they had machine guns, the outcome of the battle would have been different. And he decided to create this weapon.

Already in the hospital, Kalashnikov began making drawings of a new weapon; he continued to work on it during his leave for injury at the depot at the Matai station in Kazakhstan, where he worked before the army. There, a working model of the new submachine gun was created, which was later modified in Moscow. And although, according to the test results, the new machine gun did not show advantages over the then known PPD and PPSh (Degtyarev and Shpagin submachine guns), and neither it nor the light machine gun and self-loading rifle additionally created by the gunsmith went into production, but the master was noticed and acquired the necessary experience, and his weapon attracted attention with its design and layout.

In 1945, Kalashnikov took part in a competition to create an assault rifle chambered for the 1943 model, and after testing in 1947, the design of his weapon was recognized as the best. The following year, it was decided to produce a pilot batch of AKs in Izhevsk, and Kalashnikov was sent there. After the release of the pilot batch mass release deployed at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, where there was extensive experience in developing new weapons. From now on, the name Kalashnikov is forever associated with Izhmash.

By the time the AK went into mass production in 1949, hundreds of changes had been made to its design to simplify production. Since then, several generations of this weapon have come out.

When developing the first generation assault rifles (AK, AK-47, AKS-47), the problem was solved of adapting powerful hand-held automatic weapons to an intermediate cartridge - between pistol and rifle - 7.62x39, which at that time was a big breakthrough in the weapons system.

The second generation of assault rifles (AKM, AKMS, AKMN) appeared as a result of modernization in the areas of increasing firing accuracy and manufacturability. Machine guns of this generation were mass produced and replaced the submachine guns (PPSh, PPS), machine guns and rifles that were previously in service.

The third generation (AK-74, AKS-74, their modifications) replaced the second; the assault rifles were designed to be chambered for a reduced caliber 5.45x39. The AK-74 has one and a half times more portable ammunition without increasing its weight. In the early 1990s, when the introduction of electronic and optoelectronic technology into small arms became increasingly important, the AKS-74U assault rifle with the Kanadit-O laser sight was created.

The fourth generation began with the AK-74M assault rifle, which had everything features previous machines.

But it was on its basis that during the era of conversion in the early 90s of the last century, the development of machine guns for three calibers of cartridges began:

AK101, AK102 chambered for the 5.56x45 cartridge standardized in NATO countries;

AK103, AK104 chambered for 7.62x39;

AK105 chambered for 5.45x39.

The designations have also changed: if previously the numbers indicated the year of development, now the numbers of the “hundredth series” machines are serial number weapon models. Advantages of the “100th series” assault rifles: more durable locking unit, lower recoil impulse, better accuracy automatic shooting, use of plastic for impact resistance environment, folding stock, the ability to install an under-barrel grenade launcher without adjustments (AK101 and AK103).

The latest developments in this generation are the AK107 and AK108. The first is designed for the 5.45x39 cartridge, the second for the “NATO” 5.56x45 cartridge. At external resemblance with the AK-74M they have a different design scheme and operating principle of automation. In particular, the stroke of the moving parts of these models is shorter than that of the base model; they have their own geometry of the cartridge case ejector window, as a result of which the rate of fire is automatic mode higher by a third.

But the main difference between these two models is the principle of balanced automation. The basic principle of operation of the AK-107 and AK-108 assault rifles is the use of energy from combustion gases of gunpowder, when part of the gases is directed from the barrel bore to the gas engine. The gas chamber does not have one working cylinder and piston, as before, but two cylinders and two pistons, while the opposite movement of the pistons is synchronized using a gear. As a result of this device, the recoil force is reduced.

When firing in mode “3” (short burst with three rounds cut off), a special device, after three shots, intercepts the trigger and holds it until the next pull of the trigger. Due to this design, new models of assault rifles provide an increase in accuracy of fire from an unstable position by 1.5-2 times compared to the AK-74M.

In addition to machine guns, many models of machine guns have been developed and produced based on the AK-47, including manual, easel and tank ones. It is possible to install night and optical sights on machine guns and machine guns. But that’s not all: a series was created based on the AK-47 hunting rifles“Saiga” and the “Bison” submachine gun, designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov’s son, Viktor.

The most unusual incarnations of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

Possible arrangement of a screw magazine for Korean automatic machines. Gun blog TFB estimates that such a magazine can hold between 75 and 100 rounds of ammunition..

PP-19 "Bison"
It was developed in 1993 by the son of Mikhail Kalashnikov, Viktor, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The submachine gun is based on a shortened and folding version of the AK-74. The PP-19 auger magazine holds up to 64 rounds of 9 mm caliber. In addition, the “Bison” was also produced chambered for 7.62 mm (like TT pistols).

Developed by the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau as a competitor to the PP-19. The submachine gun is designed for 9 mm caliber and with a screw magazine holds up to 64 rounds.

A folding version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, designed for Airborne troops. The photo shows an assault rifle with a drum magazine from the RPK (Kalashnikov light machine gun) for 75 rounds. In addition, the machine gun in the photo is equipped with a silencer, which is quite rare on AKs and their copies..

Pakistani AK
The photo shows a Pakistani version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, equipped with a telescopic butt, as well as Picatinny rails for installation additional equipment. The machine is equipped optical sight, bipedal and foregrip.

Galil ACE
A version of the Israeli Galil assault rifle, developed for the Colombian military. Galil itself was designed by Israeli Military Industries engineers based on Finnish machine gun RK 62, which in turn is a derivative of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, produced under license in the Czech Republic.

RK 62
The production of this machine gun was launched in Finland in 1960. Technically, the assault rifle is almost no different from the Kalashnikov assault rifle. External differences more noticeable: the machine gun received a metal butt and a plastic forend. RK 62 was created for the standard 7.62x39 mm AK cartridge.

AMD 65
Hungarian clone of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Equipped with a folding stock and an additional handle under the fore-end.

Polish development of 1996, based on the Tantal assault rifle and designed for the NATO 5.56 mm cartridge. The photo shows a version from 2004, equipped with Picatinny rails for mounting additional equipment, a front handle and a translucent magazine to control cartridge consumption. The Tantal assault rifle, adopted for service in 1988, is again based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Semi-automatic rifle. Created by the Chinese company Norinco on the basis of the Type 56 - a Chinese clone of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Zastava LKP PAP
Sports gun from the Serbian company Zastava Arms. Created on the basis of a Kalashnikov assault rifle chambered for a standard 7.62×39 mm caliber cartridge.

The photo shows a homemade modification of the Romanian semi-automatic rifle SAR-1, made on the basis of the same Kalashnikov assault rifle. The rifle is equipped with a front handle integrated with the forend, as well as an optical sight.