The secrets of the life and death of Rockefeller Sr. have been revealed. The “dinosaur of the last century” has died: Rockefeller has done his job and can leave? David Rockefeller: “I plead guilty and I’m proud!”

Photo: David Rockefeller was always surrounded by powerful of the world this. 1952, Eleanor Roosevelt, iron lady American politics, Trygve Lie - the first Secretary General of the UN and Thomas Watson, entrepreneur, passionate admirer of Hitler and the first CEO of IBM.

Billionaire David Rockefeller died in his sleep at the age of 101. His name is strongly associated with “neoconservatism”, the Bilderberg Club, the Council on international relations USA and birth control policies. David Rockefeller died without knowing that he had had a heart transplant 7 times, and all because he did not read the Russian Internet.

David Rockefeller is the grandson of the legendary billionaire John Rockefeller. The untold wealth of this family, which began in the early years of the 20th century, and in just over a hundred years reached the size of more than 330 billion dollars, could not but become the reason for a mass of rumors, gossip and legends.

And this, of course, affected the life story of David Rockefeller, who seemed to specifically support scandalous reputation. However, until the end of the Second World War, that is, until he was thirty, David did not strive for the heights of power. He graduated from Harvard, worked as an official in the mayor's office and in New York, but less than a year later, the war began, and in 1941 he entered the military service, and at the end of the war he retired with the rank of captain. And then David suddenly becomes director of the US Council on Foreign Relations, an influential private structure that largely determines foreign policy America.

Many have heard the name of the magazine Foreign Affairs, and this publication is published by the Council on Foreign Relations.

David Rockefeller became the youngest director of the Board. A year earlier, he began working at the Manhattan Bank, which now, after merging with J.P. Morgan & Co., is called J.P. MorganChase & Co. David Rockefeller became the general director of this bank in 1961, and worked in this position until 1981, when he resigned due to reaching the age limit.

He left the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations a little later in 1984, retaining, however, the title of honorary chairman.

In 1954, David Rockefeller took part in the first meeting of the so-called Bilderberg Club, which is often called the shadow world government. Since then, he has not missed a single meeting of this organization and was a member of the Club’s governing committee, which suggests that he was at the origins of its founding.

He is also called one of the inventors of “neoconservatism,” an ideology according to which liberalism has outlived its usefulness, but is beneficial as a screen that allows the United States to pursue tough policies, even military interventions, the declared goal of which is the establishment of democracy, but the actual goal is the overthrow of competitive regimes and creation favorable conditions for the American economy.

Also, David Rockefeller has repeatedly advocated birth control, which contradicts the main commandment of all Abrahamic religions, received by Adam back in the Garden of Eden, which says: “be fruitful and multiply.” Rockefeller's position, which runs counter to these words, seriously demonized his figure.

On the Russian Internet, Rockefeller was demonized to the extreme; there are articles about him in which it is reported that the multi-billionaire owes his longevity to the fact that he received his seventh donor heart.

Rockefeller had few admirers in his homeland. The idea of ​​globalism, which is opposed by, for example current president The United States, Donald Trump, brings only one thing - new billions to those who already have a lot of them, while ordinary people, thanks to globalization, are only losing their livelihood."

On March 20, David Rockefeller (1915 - 2017) died at his estate in New York state at the age of 101. There is hardly an adult who is completely unfamiliar with this surname. This is one of my favorite characters. For the investor community around the world, this event cannot go unnoticed, because the Rockefeller family should be ranked among the most famous and influential financial dynasties. According to statistics, on the lazy blog alone, the name Rockefeller is mentioned in one form or another about 20 times. In particular, among the familiar associations with this name, Rockefeller Center comes to mind - a complex of 19 skyscrapers - a symbol of modern New York and, along with Wall Street, the business heart of Manhattan.

David Rockefeller is a legend not only of the financial world, but also a unique medical phenomenon: the man who changed seven hearts. He underwent his first heart transplant after a plane crash in 1976, in which the billionaire barely survived. The last transplant, the seventh in a row, occurred at the age of 101 years, was established absolute record world by number of transplants per person. The Rockefellers are also known for the variety of their financial interests, from ownership, and, to a passion for investing in the largest collection of insects on the planet.

Biography of David Rockefeller

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David Rockefeller grew up in the famous and incredibly influential Rockefeller family, whose founder is known as the first billionaire in history. In 1870, he founded the Standard Oil Company, from which an entire oil empire subsequently grew. By the way, its modern heir is the largest oil company in the world, ExxonMobil. It was John Rockefeller who once publicly admitted that he was ready to account for every million he earned, except the first. In the first half of the twentieth century, the Rockefellers held second place in the United States in terms of assets, after the Morgan dynasty. David's older brothers held high positions in the American government, including vice president.

Photo of John Rockefeller - founder of the dynasty

David received an excellent education, in 1940 he became a doctor of economics at the University of Chicago, founded by his grandfather. He began his career at Chase Manhattan Bank (then the largest Chase Bank in America), which later became the financial heart of a dynastic empire. Having a doctorate, he began working as a simple clerk and went to work by subway. When did the second one begin? world war, he went to fight as an ordinary volunteer, then rose to the rank of military intelligence captain in Algeria.

It will be interesting for the Russian public that David Rockefeller personally met with Khrushchev and Brezhnev, which to a large extent marked the beginning of cooperation with the Soviet Union and subsequently became one of the prerequisites for the end cold war. Chase Manhattan Bank was the first American bank to conduct transactions in the USSR and receive a banking license here.

Who is he really?

For most people, the name Rockefeller is synonymous with wealth, political and economic influence, involvement in secret club"money bag" tycoons. And there is a reason for this: 100 years ago, his family owned 3% of US GDP. For some, he is a monster of the “Masonic backstage” and a favorite character in numerous global conspiracy theories. For others - a philanthropist (patron of the arts), who gave to charity projects over a billion dollars in personal wealth.

The Rockefeller Charitable Foundation is the second largest in the world, after the Ford Foundation. The Rockefellers' fortune is estimated at $2.5 billion according to Forbes. Today famous dynasty lost its former positions, but the name of the Rockefellers is still familiar to everyone. His name is among the trustees of major universities, dozens of schools, hospitals, museums and libraries, which speaks of a passion for nurturing human aspirations. Rockefeller considered making money for the sake of money itself an unworthy occupation. He himself explained his longevity simply: the secret is love and the ability to share. When asked how to live a long life, David answered: “Live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy everything you do.” This attitude towards your life fits perfectly into the lazy blog philosophy and is the goal for many investors.

As follows from the biography, David worked all his life; this was embedded in the traditions of his family. John Rockefeller's grandfather's motto was "work and" became David's life credo. The grandfather told his grandson that if becoming rich is your main and only goal, then you will not achieve this goal. Rockefeller's aphorism is well known: “He who works all day has no time to earn money.” David and his brothers were always taught by his father and grandfather that it was wrong to assume that they were guaranteed as much money as they needed for life. They were told: money belongs to God, and we only. Like other gurus of the financial world (such as D. Soros), the Rockefellers professed a relaxed, long-term view of money as capital in the broad sense of the word, including human capital.

How to treat capital

At the same time, the Rockefeller family cultivated respectful and careful attitude to the money earned. Poverty, according to the Rockefellers, deserves sympathy, but does not deserve respect. Being poor is not honorable and a person is simply obliged to make every effort to overcome this condition and pass on his business or capital to his heirs.

I really like Father David’s phrase: “You shouldn’t be afraid of big expenses, you should be afraid of small incomes.” Also, children and grandchildren were instilled with a reverent attitude towards family and social capital as a benefit for all citizens: “Profit, which has an attractive power, creates jobs, increases well-being and gives people opportunities that no social or economic system is capable of.”

The famous tycoon and founder of the oil company Standard Oil, which made him America's first billionaire and his family one of the richest and most powerful in the history of the country.

David has always lived in luxury. For example, when he roller-skated with his brothers along Fifth Avenue, a limousine followed them: in case the children got tired, he writes. Rockefeller graduated in 1936, after which he studied for a year at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

In 1940, he defended his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago, and in 1942, a representative of the famous family entered military service as a private, where he rose to the rank of captain.

After the war, Rockefeller Sr. worked at Chase Manhattan Bank, where he became president in 1961. Chase Manhattan has long been known as the "Rockefeller Bank", although the family never owned more than 5% of its shares. However, Rockefeller was not just a manager. In the 70s of the last century, he made it “David’s Bank”, expanding its activities to international level. In April 1981, he resigned due to reaching the maximum age limit for this position.

“In my opinion, he will not go down in history as a great banker,” John McCloy, a friend of Rockefeller and former chairman Chase Manhattan Bank. “He will become a real person as a respected and devoted member of the community,” notes The New York Times.

Rockefeller's influence was felt in Washington and New York government, in art museums and best universities peace. In particular, he contributed innovation activity in public schools and providing apartments for low-income and middle-class people, the publication notes. Rockefeller was instrumental in mobilizing the private sector to resolve the financial crisis in New York in the mid-1970s.

The billionaire constantly traveled around the world, meeting with the most influential people from different countries. Thus, in his personally created catalog there are about 150 thousand names, meetings with which he conducted as statesman and a banker, writes The New York Times. Among them are Nikita Khrushchev, the President of Egypt and many other political figures.

“Few people have met as many leaders as I have in their lives,” he said about himself.

In 2002, at the age of 87, Rockefeller published an autobiography entitled Memoirs. When asked why he decided to do this, Rockefeller responded in his characteristically understated manner: “I thought I was leading quite a bit.” interesting life, so why not write about it? — quotes The New York Times.

The Rockefeller clan has always played key roles in American politics and business. David's brother Nelson even served as Vice President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. He was nominated for this post by the man who became president after his resignation.

The Rockefellers are considered by many to be the most powerful family in the world. Their competition is the Rothschilds, and conspiracy theorists call this bunch a shadow world government. In the last US elections, the Rockefellers allegedly bet on , and the Rothschilds - on .

In 2017, according to Rockefeller Sr., he became the oldest billionaire in the world. At the age of 101, he had a net worth of $3.3 billion and was ranked 581st. He did not live to see his 102nd birthday by about two and a half months.

Rockefeller Sr. remained physically active until the end of his life. According to press reports, he underwent six heart transplants. But the veracity of this information was regularly questioned. It is likely that after some time we will hear the version that Rockefeller did not die, but simply went into the shadows to rule the world from a secret refuge with his seventh or eighth heart.

In 1940 he defended his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago.

That same year, he began working in public service, becoming secretary to the mayor of New York.

From 1941 to 1942, David Rockefeller was Assistant Regional Director for the Department of Defense, Health and social security(United States Office of Defense, Health and Welfare Services).

In May 1942, he entered military service as a private and by 1945 had risen to the rank of captain. During the Second World War he was in North Africa and France, was an assistant military attaché in Paris, and worked for military intelligence.

After being demobilized, David Rockefeller began working at Chase National Bank in New York in April 1946 as assistant manager of the foreign department. Although the Rockefeller family owned a significant stake in this bank and was headed by David Rockefeller's uncle Winthrop Aldrich, David nevertheless had to climb all the rungs of the corporate ladder.

In 1952, he became the first vice president of Chase National and carried out a merger with the Bank of Manhattan, resulting in one of the largest banks in the United States, Chase Manhattan Bank, in 1955.

From 1961 to 1981, David Rockefeller chaired the board of Chase Manhattan Bank. Specialized in international banking, was close to ministers and heads of state various countries peace.

In 1981, Rockefeller retired from active management of the bank, but remained chairman of the bank's International Advisory Committee.

David Rockefeller participated in various family business projects, and in 1946 became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which advised the US State Department. He was vice director from 1949, vice president from 1950, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985, and chairman emeritus of the Council from 1985.

For many years, David Rockefeller was one of the key figures in the creation and work of international non-governmental organizations that have left a noticeable mark on world politics. The family financed important international projects: Dartmouth conferences (meetings of representatives of the USSR and America on the territory of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA), Trilateral Commission (brings together representatives of business and political circles of the USA, Europe and Japan), Bilderberg Club (annual forum of the Western elite).

David continued the Rockefeller tradition of creating and supporting charities and public organizations: Rockefeller Foundation, Institute medical research, Museum of Modern Art in New York.

He was president of Rockefeller University in New York.

On March 20, David Rockefeller, one of the world's most influential people, died at the age of 101. His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was one of those American entrepreneurs who were called “robber barons.” They built a powerful American economy. They were aggressive in business and merciless towards competitors. And incredibly rich. Many times richer than today's billionaires. Adjusted for inflation, in today's prices, John Rockefeller's then fortune is estimated at $340 billion. And he was the richest man in the world. Perhaps the richest will remain forever.

Another "robber", Andrew Carnegie, steel magnate - $309 billion. Henry Ford, the king of cars - 190 billion. What about today's numbers? Bill Gates is the richest, 75 billion. Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook - 45 billion. Just 45 billion.

David Rockefeller, John's grandson, was not so rich. But he had a very serious influence on world politics. "Bilderberg Club"; David Rockefeller is one of the founders of this club. Several hundred of the most influential people in politics, business, media mass media. Some believe that these are the masters of the world. Don't know. If the world had real masters, perhaps there would be more order in it. They gather in closed meetings where outsiders cannot enter. No official statements, no transcripts of meetings. The club's headquarters is located in New York, on the premises of the Carnegie Foundation, the same Carnegie who had 309 billion. That huge money of a century ago continues to influence the life of the world. They haven't disappeared. They turned into political power, into ideology, into control over information.

David Rockefeller was one of the ideologists of globalization - one world, erasing boundaries, infringement national sovereignty. He was even accused of acting against the interests of the United States as a sovereign country.

“For more than a century, ideological extremists have blamed the Rockefeller family for the pervasive, menacing influence they claim we exert on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and I as "internationalists" colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure- a single world, if you like. If this is the charge, then I plead guilty, and I am proud of it,” wrote David Rockefeller in his memoirs.

David Rockefeller did not hide the fact that he wanted to build a united world. Apparently, with one government - a world government. Failed. And thank God.

The mere fact that David Rockefeller died at the age of 102, after his seventh heart stopped beating in his chest, speaks of the uniqueness of this personality. The first one was transplanted to him back in 1976, 41 years ago. The approximate cost of one such operation today is at least 100 thousand dollars. Who are the people who became donors for David Rockefeller, and whether there were actually so many transplants, is kept secret, like the entire life of this family, whose power begins with John Davison Rockefeller, born in 1839 and who managed to take control of 90 % of the entire US oil industry.

Today, the Rockefeller dynasty is one of the richest and, most importantly, influential families in the world. She owns dozens of American companies, the total annual income of which is close to ten percent of the entire US GDP - more than a trillion dollars. At the same time, David Rockefeller himself was on the list richest people Earth is only in 603rd place. The Rockefellers invested their fixed capital from oil in everything - banking, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, media, electronics and, of course, war.

“I must say that the twentieth century was quite successful for the Rockefellers. It’s no secret that the Rockefellers actively participated in the preparation and outbreak of both the First and Second World Wars,” says the chairman of the Russian economic society named after Sergei Sharapov Valentin Katasonov.

The Rockefellers safely supplied fuel to the Third Reich even after the US government officially banned contacts with Nazi Germany. Accident? But during World War II, not a single tanker of the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil company was sunk by German submarines.

The Rockefeller family has been accused of organizing almost every revolution and overthrow of governments around the world over the past hundred years.

"One thing to remember simple thing. Huge number people in the twentieth century from the American establishment - political, intelligence, scientific and technical - are either from universities controlled or sponsored by the Rockefellers, or people who are closely associated with these structures,” recalls Andrei Fursov, director of the Institute for Systemic Strategic Analysis .

However, no direct evidence of the Rockefellers’ influence on the ruling elite of the Anglo-Saxon world can be found. Perhaps Harvard University, like a number of others educational institutions USA, Rockefeller openly donated many millions of dollars annually. For this he was called the greatest philanthropist in the world. At Harvard alone different times Eight American presidents studied, including Barack Obama, and 49 Nobel laureates.

“His fingerprints can be seen on many election campaigns where Rockefeller money supported the winner. He also helped European parties. For example, British Labor. He also had influence on de Gaulle's French party. And the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Rockefeller’s money has always been in politics,” says the journalist, former officer US Navy intelligence Wayne Madson.

It is worth noting that David Rockefeller communicated with equal success with Soviet leaders who did not graduate from Harvard. For example, with Nikita Khrushchev. By the way, just two months after the meeting, he was removed from the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

Rockefeller met with Mikhail Gorbachev three times - before, during and after perestroika. He had already come to Russia to see Yuri Luzhkov, and also communicated with Anatoly Chubais. What was discussed at such meetings never surfaced in the press. But it’s still difficult to believe that these were idle conversations.

"David Rockefeller accepted the most active participation in the management of such behind-the-scenes organizations as the Bilderberg Club, he already participated in the first meeting of the Bilderberg Club in 1954,” says Valentin Katasonov.

The Bilderberg Club is a closed annual conference, entry to which is possible only by personal invitation. They were sent, among other things, by Rockefeller himself. Conspiracy theorists claim that, in fact, this is an annual meeting of the world government. In total there are about 130 politicians, businessmen and bankers. The last such closed meeting took place in June last year in Dresden. But there were never any reports about the conferences. Unless it’s mentioned in Jordon Maxwell’s book called “The Matrix of Power.” In it, he quotes words allegedly said by Rockefeller in 1991.

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other major publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of confidentiality for nearly forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the whole world if it had been made public during those years. But now the world has become more complex, and it is ready to move towards a world government,” the book says.

Rockefeller himself never confirmed or denied this. But the fact that it was in 1991 that it collapsed Soviet Union, and the United States began to systematically try to rebuild a unipolar world - a fact. It is also a fact that the Rockefeller family controls the major Anglo-Saxon media.

“He was not directly behind any influential publication, TV channel or radio station. To a certain extent, he even avoided the press, like any rich man. But he undoubtedly contributed to the development of journalism as such. And what we have today, what media we have, is largely due to him,” says The Times columnist Michael Billon.

Another long-standing topic that is inextricably linked with the Rockefeller family is their multi-million dollar investment in scientific research. At the university, founded by David Rockefeller’s grandfather, so many discoveries were made that they would be enough for a dozen research centers. The discovery of blood groups, antibodies, the discovery of the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite - this is only a small part of the research at Rockefeller University.

“This is a certain organization that has been and continues to be engaged in medical and genetic research, and this research, apparently, is very reminiscent of what they were doing in the Third Reich, namely eugenics. Eugenics and the selection, as they say, of those worthy to live on this planet, and the removal from life of those who do not meet these criteria. That’s why some people directly call David Rockefeller an ideologist of global genocide,” says Valentin Katasonov.

A lot of noise was caused by the news that the Zika virus, which Barack Obama, as US President, called the main threat along with Russia, was patented by the Rockefeller Center back in 1947. Moreover, this virus is spread by mosquitoes. And Rockefeller himself was a passionate entomologist. His personal collection includes more than 40 thousand species of insects. And this only reinforced rumors about attempts to regulate the population on the planet.

“We must always remember that the Rockefellers very actively developed and sponsored a program to reduce the planet’s population and get rid of excess food. But there is one trick here. It's not just about extra eaters and the fact that resources are scarce. It's just that seven to eight billion people are very difficult to control. And the Rockefellers always proceeded from the idea that the world should be controlled from one center,” says Andrei Fursov.

It was in Rockefeller scientific center evidence of the viral nature of a number of cancer diseases. Conspiracy theorists were alarmed that after this the leaders Latin America, where there was a systemic crisis in relations with the United States, was literally covered by a cancer epidemic. Colombia and Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Evo Morales from Bolivia. The main enemy of the United States in the region, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, also died of cancer.

The phrase “Give me the right to issue and control the country’s money, and I won’t care at all who makes the laws!” is attributed to the main competitor of the Rockefeller family, the founder of the Rothschild clan, but this does not change the essence. The Rockefellers actually control a lot. Everyone knows that the US Federal Reserve has never been a government bank. This is private joint stock company, essentially lending money to the government and printing dollars. He who pays calls the tune. The only American president who tried to resist such control was John Kennedy. In 1961, he gave his famous speech, the essence of which is still clear today.

“All over the world we are confronted by a monolithic, ruthless conspiracy that is expanding its sphere of influence through covert means. And this system has built a strong, highly effective machine that carries out military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations,” the American president said then.

Shortly thereafter, Kennedy was assassinated. This can also be considered a conspiracy theory, but no other US president has even tried to encroach on the invisible but unconditional power of the Rockefellers and bankers close to them.