Complex of reconnaissance, control and communications (krus) “Sagittarius. Complex Cruz “Sagittarius” for combat equipment “Warrior” Basic set Cruz “Sagittarius”

Ground troops modern army need large quantities special equipment and radio-electronic equipment. In particular, artillery needs radar reconnaissance systems capable of monitoring the specified territory and monitoring the results of firing. Currently, the main domestic products of this class are complexes of the “Zoo” family.

Complex 1L219 “Zoo”

The development of the 1L219 Zoo radar artillery reconnaissance system began in accordance with the resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of July 5, 1981. The new radar was intended to replace equipment existing types, primarily the 1RL239 “Lynx” complex, which was actively used by the troops. The Strela Research Institute (Tula) was appointed the lead developer of the project, and V.I. became the chief designer. Simachev. Several other organizations were also involved in the work. For example, NPP Istok (Fryazino) was responsible for the development of microwave equipment, and the Tula Arsenal plant was supposed to build prototypes of the finished complex.

It should be noted that one resolution of the Council of Ministers required the creation of two artillery reconnaissance complexes at once. The Zoo-1 and Zoo-2 systems were supposed to have various characteristics and differ in some components. This meant the maximum possible unification of the two types of equipment.

Self-propelled radar 1L219 "Zoo-1"

The development of a new project at a certain stage encountered some difficulties, which led to a shift in implementation deadlines different stages. Thus, the draft version of the 1L219 “Zoo” project was completed in two years: it was ready in 1983. The following year, a technical version of the project was prepared. In 1986, the organizations involved in the project completed all work on the preparation of design documentation, but the start of construction of experimental reconnaissance complexes was postponed due to changing customer requirements.

On June 19, 1986, the Council of Ministers issued a new decree that determined the further development of radar reconnaissance systems for artillery. The military wanted to receive not only a self-propelled vehicle with a set of radio-electronic equipment, but also a number of other means. In accordance with the new resolution, it was necessary to develop new complex funds, which was supposed to include the “Zoo” car. Due to changes in customer requirements, the project developers had to re-develop some elements of the complex. Some of the radio-electronic equipment, including target detection equipment, has undergone modifications.

Due to numerous modifications, the construction of the experimental Zoo vehicle was delayed. It was released for preliminary testing only in 1988. This stage of testing, accompanied by various modifications, continued until the spring of 1990, when several prototypes were submitted for state testing. During the year, the equipment was tested in the ground forces of several military districts. During these events, all necessary information about the operation of the complex in the conditions of combat units.

During all the tests, the design characteristics of the complex were confirmed and advantages over the existing Lynx system were identified. In particular, the range was increased by 10%, the field of view doubled, and throughput automation - 10 times. Based on the results of state tests, the 1L219 Zoo-1 radar artillery reconnaissance system was put into service. The corresponding command order was signed on April 18, 1992.

The Zoo-1 reconnaissance complex was intended to monitor the indicated areas, monitor enemy artillery and monitor the firing results of its batteries. In order to ensure the possibility of combat work in the same positions with artillery, all equipment of the complex was mounted on a self-propelled chassis. The MT-LBu universal tractor was chosen as the basis for the complex. With a vehicle combat weight of about 16.1 tons, it is ensured maximum speed at 60-62 km/h. All facilities of the complex are managed by a team of three people.

An antenna post is mounted on the roof of the base chassis, made in the form of a rotating platform with a phased antenna array installed on it. In the stowed position, the antenna is lowered to a horizontal position, and the entire post is rotated along the vehicle body. The antenna array is part of a three-coordinate radar station and allows you to monitor a sector up to 60° wide in azimuth. The viewing sector in elevation is about 40°. The ability to rotate the antenna post allows you to change the observation sector without moving the entire vehicle.

The radar of the 1L219 complex operates in the centimeter range and is controlled by on-board digital computers such as Elektronika-81B and Sayver-2. All operations for tracking the specified sector, detecting targets and issuing processed information are carried out automatically. The calculation of the complex has the ability to monitor the systems and, if necessary, intervene in their operation. To display information about the situation at the commander's and operator's workplaces, black and white CRT screens are provided.

Scheme of operation of the 1L219 system

The main task of the 1L219 Zoo-1 reconnaissance complex was to detect the positions of enemy missile forces and artillery, as well as calculate the flight trajectories of projectiles. In addition, it was possible to control the firing of its artillery. The main method of determining coordinates and trajectories was tracking small-sized high-speed ballistic targets - projectiles. The station was supposed to automatic mode track projectiles, calculate their trajectories and determine the location of guns or launchers.

The automation of the Zoo-1 complex is capable of detecting at least 10 enemy firing positions per minute. At the same time, tracking of no more than 4 targets is provided. The probability of determining the position of the gun by the first shot was determined at the level of 80%.

During combat work, the complex had to determine the current parameters of a flying projectile, as well as calculate its full trajectory along a known area. After this, the automation provided information about the launch site of the projectile to the command post. Next, this information should have been transmitted to the artillery for a retaliatory strike on the enemy’s firing position in order to destroy his equipment and weapons. To determine one's own position, which is used to determine the coordinates of targets, the 1T130M Mayak-2 topogeodetic referencing system is used.

Serial production of self-propelled radar artillery reconnaissance systems 1L219 “Zoopark-1” was entrusted to the Vector enterprise (Ekaterinburg). Initially it was assumed that the 1L219 complexes would be used in missile forces and artillery at the regimental level. Each regiment and brigade had to have their own systems of this type, designed to track enemy artillery and issue coordinates for counter-battery combat.

However, the collapse Soviet Union did not allow all existing plans to be fully and quickly implemented. Serial construction of Zoo-1 vehicles was carried out at a relatively slow pace, but last years The ground forces managed to receive a certain amount of such equipment. All 1L219 stations are used in the control system of artillery formations and successfully solve the tasks assigned to them.

Complex 1L220 “Zoo-2”

A resolution of the Council of Ministers of July 5, 1981 required the development of two radar reconnaissance systems at once. The first, 1L219, was created by the Tula Research Institute "Strela" in collaboration with some other enterprises. The development of the second complex, designated 1L220, was entrusted to NPO Iskra (Zaporozhye). The objective of the second project was to create another reconnaissance complex with an increased detection range. Otherwise, the goals and objectives of the projects were the same.

As part of the Zoo-2 project, a complex of radio-electronic equipment was developed, suitable for installation on various chassis. It was planned to offer the customer two modifications at once intelligence system, mounted on different chassis. There was a project for a vehicle based on the GM-5951 tracked chassis and the KrAZ-63221 wheeled chassis. The wheel complex received its own designation 1L220U-KS. In the case of a tracked chassis, the electronic equipment was located inside a lightly armored body, on the roof of which a rotating antenna post was installed. The wheeled vehicle project involved the use of a van body with appropriate equipment.

Complex 1L220 “Zoo-2” on a tracked chassis

In terms of its general architecture, the “Zaporozhye” version of the complex resembled a machine developed by Tula specialists. It was proposed to equip the 1L220 complex with a radar station with a phased array antenna installed on a rotating base. Working in the centimeter range, the station was supposed to detect flying artillery shells.

The electronics of the Zoo-2 complex made it possible to automatically monitor the situation, search for targets and determine their trajectories, while simultaneously calculating the location of enemy guns.

After the collapse of the USSR, enterprises involved in the Zoo program remained in different countries, which led to serious difficulties in the work. Despite all the problems, NPO Iskra continued work and completed the creation of a new artillery reconnaissance complex. Due to some problems, the project had to be further refined. The updated version of the project received the designation 1L220U.

Due to the economic problems of the country, the need to finalize the project, etc. testing of the prototype of the Zoo-2 system began only in the late nineties. Based on the test results, the system was adopted by the Ukrainian army in 2003. Subsequently, Ukrainian enterprises in cooperation with foreign organizations A number of similar equipment were built and supplied to the armed forces.

According to available data, due to improvements in radio-electronic equipment, it was possible to significantly improve the characteristics of the 1L220U complex in comparison with the “Tula” 1L219. The Ukrainian-developed machine station is capable of monitoring a sector 60° wide in azimuth. The radar can detect operational-tactical missiles at ranges of up to 80 km. When used by an opponent jet systems volley fire the maximum detection range, depending on the type of missile, is 50 km. The station detects mortar mines of up to 120 mm caliber at ranges of up to 30 km. The stated ability to detect up to 50 enemy firing positions per minute.

Complex 1L219M “Zoo-1”

In the early nineties, the Strela Research Institute began developing a modernized version of the Zoo-1 complex. The updated version of the complex received the index 1L219M. Some sources contain various additional designations for this complex, in particular, the name “Zoo-1M” sometimes appears. However, this “name” was later assigned to another complex of the family.

Machine 1L219M “Zoo-1”

The goal of the 1L219M project was to replace outdated equipment with new equipment with improved characteristics. For example, the CBVM was replaced. The updated complex uses computer technology from the Baguette family to control the automation. In addition, the modernization project used new system topogeodetic reference. For precise definition own coordinates, the modernized Zoo-1 vehicle received a 1T215M topographic surveyor and a GLONASS receiver.

According to the developer, in the 1L219M project it was possible to significantly improve the characteristics of the radar station. Thus, the detection range of operational-tactical missiles was increased to 45 km. Maximum detection range rockets increased to 20 km. When the enemy uses mortars of 81-120 mm caliber, it is possible to determine the firing position at ranges of up to 20-22 km.

The automation of the 1L219M complex is capable of processing up to 70 targets per minute. Up to 12 objects are simultaneously tracked. To automatically calculate the full trajectory of enemy ammunition with determination of the launch point and impact point, it takes no more than 15-20 s.

In addition to the radar equipment, crew workstations were modernized. The main innovation was the use of color monitors, which display all information about the situation in the station’s sector of responsibility. All data about found enemy firing positions is automatically transmitted to the command post and can then be used to launch a retaliatory strike.

The development of the 1L219M Zoo-1 project was completed in the mid-nineties. Tests began soon after. prototype. According to some sources, during the tests numerous shortcomings were identified, primarily related to the reliability of various units. As a result, it was decided to modify the system in order to improve the characteristics that did not meet the requirements.

Machine 1L219M “Zoo-1”

There is no exact information about the production and operation of 1L219M complexes. Some sources mention the construction of such equipment and even its use in some recent conflicts. However, there is no full evidence of this. It was probably decided not to begin mass production of the new equipment due to the lack of serious advantages over the existing one, as well as due to the difficult economic situation of the armed forces. However, the updated version of the Zoo-1 complex was demonstrated at various exhibitions.

Complex 1L260 “Zoo-1M”

The latest complex at the moment artillery reconnaissance of the “Zoo” family is a system with the index 1L260, created in the 2000s. After the not very successful project 1L219M, the Tula Research Institute "Strela" continued work on creating new radar stations for the ground forces. To date, the Strela enterprise has received the status of a research and production association and has become part of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern.

Self-propelled radar 1L261 "Zoo-1M"

The Zoo-1M complex, despite its name, is not a modernized version of existing equipment, but a completely new development. For example, the new complex contains several components that perform different functions. The main element of the complex is the 1L261 self-propelled radar station on a tracked chassis. In addition, a 1I38 maintenance vehicle and a backup power plant are involved in combat work. Auxiliary elements the complex is mounted on a vehicle chassis. According to some reports, a self-propelled radar, if necessary, can perform assigned tasks independently and without the help of additional elements of the complex.

The 1L261 self-propelled radar differs from its predecessors in a different layout of the main units. As before, all machine units are installed on a tracked chassis, which is used as a GM-5955 vehicle. An antenna post with lifting and rotation mechanisms is mounted on the roof of the building. In the stowed position, the phased array antenna is placed on the middle and rear part of the hull cover. The combat weight of the vehicle exceeds 38 tons. The operation of all systems is controlled by a crew of three people.

During the preparation of the complex for operation, the antenna rises and can rotate around a vertical axis, changing the viewing sector. The design of the phased array antenna allows the station crew to monitor objects located in a sector 90° wide in azimuth. The exact characteristics of the target detection range have not yet been announced. According to previously published data, station 1L261 is capable of determining firing position enemy artillery with an error of up to 40 m. When calculating the launch point of multiple launch rocket systems, the error is 55 m, the launch point of ballistic missiles is 90 m.

The full composition of the complex 1L260 "Zoo-1M"

There is no exact information about the current status of the 1L260 Zoo-1M project. According to some reports, a few years ago the Russian Ministry of Defense ordered a number of such complexes, but the details of the contract were not made public. In addition, one of the stages of testing the complex could have been carried out in 2013. Official information about the Zoo-1M complex and its prospects has not yet been published.

More recently, the 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade near Moscow began to master control and communications intelligence complex (KRUS) “Strelets”. The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise Radioavionics. The tested individual complex is a kind of mobile computer. Almost any device can be connected to it.

When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the unit commander’s computer will display the necessary information about his subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier only needs to press a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander’s computer.

The unit commander will be able to easily combine the received data with electronic card area, or with a photograph of a given area received from a satellite. First, such complexes will be received and mastered by military intelligence officers. According to the designers, the Sagittarius complex is practically a mobile personal BIUS.

The Radioavionics enterprise at one time introduced the Strelets KRUS as a means of solving a wide range of problems in information support. The Sagittarius complex provides:
- combat control;
— identification of detected objects and calculation of their coordinates;
— target designation;
— generation of data for effective application personal weapons and means for close combat;

The Strelets complex is interfaced with all Soviet and Russian reconnaissance equipment. In addition, the complex interacts with inclinometers, radars, target designation devices, aiming devices and UAVs.

The complex was put into service in 2007 and is supplied serially. It goes primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our intelligence officers, having experience in operating foreign analogues “FELIN”, “IdZ-ES” and “Normans”, asked the developers to improve the existing model of the Strelets complex.

First, the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements from 2000. The designers responded with understanding to the military’s request and the modernized KRUS “Strelets” is being tested. After successful tests, the complex began to be massively provided to ground units. More than one thousand units of the Strelets complex have already entered the Russian Armed Forces.

General designer of the Radioavionics enterprise A. Kaplin, speaking about the Strelets complex, noted that the first KRUS samples were somewhat inconvenient for soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the serviceman when passing the assault strip, covered access to pouches and first aid kit.

Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks. At the moment, there are no significant comments on the use of the Strelets complex from military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly supplied.

KRUS "Sagittarius" may have several configuration levels. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of squads, up to the squad commander. The next level of equipment is intended for the platoon commander; the package includes a powerful computer complex with a multifunctional console. The third, most complete level of equipment is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

The interaction range of the complex as part of a department is about 1.5 kilometers, but any of the individual Strelets complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted via radio, and the recipient can view or listen to them after receiving them.

This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that scouts were not distracted from completing the mission and did not lose visual control. KRUS "Sagittarius" includes an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a serviceman to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the coverage area of ​​​​satellite navigation. Switching between navigation systems occurs automatically in the complex.

The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover. For example, when interacting with thermal imager "Shahin", information from it is sent to the serviceman’s indicator, which allows him to conduct accurate and targeted fire without leaving cover.

The complex also includes a “friend or foe” identification subsystem.. The range of the subsystem depends on the characteristics of the mating sighting devices. The subsystem sends a request to an unidentified object, and if the object is “its own,” the serviceman will hear an audio alert in the earpiece. If, after sending the request, the subsystem is “silent,” then the object is defined by the Sagittarius complex as “alien.”

The KRUS Strelets reconnaissance and communications complex still looks like a fantasy today, although in fact the Strelets, included in the Ratnik combat equipment program, is in service Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of “Sagittarius” is relevant, produced since 2011 and constantly improved.

According to the apt description of the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC, Alexander Kaplin, the Strelets KRUS is a personal computer with peripherals distributed over a soldier’s unloading vest. Its capabilities, like any other computer, are limited only by the assigned tasks and the imagination of the developers. The complex guarantees a solution for all information tasks that a soldier may encounter.

When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the unit commander’s computer will display the necessary information about his subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier only needs to press a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander’s computer. The head of the unit will be able to easily combine the received data with an electronic map of the area, or with

Computer screen KRUS “Sagittarius” with aircraft flying towards the target and having received target designation

a photograph of a given area obtained from a satellite. At first, such complexes were received and mastered by military intelligence officers.

The Strelets reconnaissance and communications complex (KRUS) provides solutions to the main tasks:

– combat control,
– communications and transfer of information,
– individual and group navigation,
– detection,
– coordinate measurements and target identification,
– targeting,
– generating data for the use of small arms.

It interfaces with all domestic reconnaissance, surveillance, aiming, target designation devices, radars, rangefinders, inclinometers, unmanned aerial vehicles

One of the first options, the vest version is quite primitive, there is no weight balancing and the many wires are especially “impressive”: the base platform 83t215-VR version ZHRGA.461264.008

Vest option - basic platform 83t215-VR version ZHRGA.461264.008-01 (extreme option)

Complex modules:

– AK1 – Hardware container;
The hardware container contains all the KRUS computer hardware. As standard, it is located in the unloading vest on the fighter’s left side. The computer can operate at temperatures from -40 to +60°C, and is reliably protected from water, dirt and shocks

– KPE1 – primary power supply container;
The primary power supply container, also known as the KRUS battery. To increase operating time without recharging, two or more batteries can be connected to the system at the same time. In the latest modifications of the complex, the container contains a built-in charger.

– MCNS – satellite navigation system module;
Satellite navigation system.

– TMG – telephone-microphone headset;
An active noise-cancelling headset protects the soldier's hearing from the roar of gunfire, but at the same time amplifies quiet sounds

– MIRS – individual radio communication module;

– POU – operational control panel;
The operational control panel is located on the fighter's chest in open form and gives instant access to the main functions of KRUS. The remote control is built on the finger-button principle and is controlled by touch. There is a radio push-to-talk button, a “wounded” button, a subscriber switching button, a KRUS on/off button and a programmable hot key.

– MFP – multifunctional remote control.
The multifunctional remote control gives access to all KRUS functions via context menus alphanumeric indicator. The remote control buttons are large enough to be easy to press with gloves on.

– Cables for connecting additional devices, in particular a rangefinder and goniometer.

Versions of the KRUS “Sagittarius”, depending on the purpose:

– 83t215VR-1/2 – basic/extended;
– 83t215VR-3 – rangefinder; range finder PDU-4;
– 83t215VR-4 – radio operator; VHF radio station R-168-5UN-2;
– 83t215VR-5 – operator of a satellite radio communication station; Microwave satellite radio station R-438-M;
– 83t215VR-7 – commander;
– 83t215VR-8 – radar operator; Fara-VR radar.

The complex is continuously being improved by Radioavionics specialists, and if the first backpack samples of KRUS, bristling with antennas, were a complete headache for a soldier, then the loads from placement on the Ratnik transport vest modern complex the soldier hardly notices.

Also, according to information from the Spetsmedtekhnika company, within the Strelets complex, the use of the Russian Railways vital activity recorder has begun, intended for remote medical control indicators of the functional state of a serviceman’s body, reflecting the degree of impairment of combat capability for the purpose of modern medical and evacuation measures to reduce the number of combat losses, information about the functional state collected by the registrar is transmitted to KRUS-MS by the gunner-medic, medical instructor and medical squad commander.

The Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complex is supplied primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our intelligence officers, having experience in operating foreign analogues “FELIN”, “IdZ-ES” and “Normans”, asked the developers to improve the existing model of the Strelets complex. First, the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements from 2000. The designers responded with understanding to the military’s request and the modernized KRUS “Strelets” is being tested.
The first samples of KRUS were somewhat inconvenient for soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the serviceman when passing the assault strip, and covered access to pouches and a first aid kit. Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks.
After successful tests, the complex began to be massively provided to ground units. By 2013, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had received more than one thousand units of the Strelets complex and there were no significant comments on the use of the Strelets complex from military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly supplied

KRUS "Sagittarius" can have several configuration levels. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of squads, up to the squad commander. The next level of equipment is intended for the platoon commander; the package includes a powerful computer complex with a multifunctional console. The third, most complete level of equipment is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

A built-in standard radio station with a communication frequency of ~2.0 GHz ensures the interaction range of the complex as part of a squad - about one and a half kilometers, but any of the individual Strelets complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted via radio, and the recipient can view or listen to them after receiving them. This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that scouts were not distracted from completing the mission and did not lose visual control.
KRUS "Sagittarius" operates for 12 hours on one battery (and 24 hours on two) in continuous voice communication and data transmission mode. The complex operates at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 60 °C and can withstand serious blows, immersion in water and mud.

To ensure communication between departments, tablets developed at the Scientific and Technical Center “Svyaz” (part of the “Constellation” concern) are used. Two types of tablets are offered for the work of departments: the “TT” tablet and the “AK” tablet. Both tablets are protected by technology whose standards exceed IP68, and can be kept for a short time at a depth of two meters under water.

The TT tablet is intended for commanders of infantry units. It is advisable to issue it to fighters of the “machine gunner”, “grenade launcher”, “sniper” specialties to increase their combat effectiveness. The computer allows you to determine where the unit is located and display it on the map, and with its help the commander can transmit orders. Voice data is transmitted over a secure communication channel, but it is possible to use a backup channel of the Wi-Fi standard, the information transmission speed of which reaches 11 Mbit/s.

The tablet, “AK,” is intended for personnel and supports all the basic functions of the commander’s model. The tablet acts as a digital compass with the ability to use digital maps.

KRUS includes an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a serviceman to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the satellite navigation coverage area. Switching between navigation systems occurs automatically in the complex. The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover.

At the Zapad-2009 exercises, the Strelets KRUS in Once again used for interaction with aviation, namely for giving target designations to Su-24M bombers. It looks like this: using the PDU-4 laser range finder (range 3-5 km), the coordinates of the target are determined, which are sent to the commander’s personal computer.

Next, the commander sends them on board the aircraft. The range of action using the R-853-V2M radio station is 8 km, when using a ground repeater - up to 200 km, when using an aircraft repeater at an altitude of 9-10 km - up to 300-400 km. In addition, each aircraft equipped with the SVP-24 system serves as a repeater in itself.

The Strelets and Strelets-M reconnaissance and control complexes (KRUS) for combat equipment of the military personnel "Ratnik" are produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionics".

The complex was put into operation by the Russian Army in 2007.

Tactical tablets JSC MKB KOMPAS

INTERESTING names of weapons in Russia! :)

Germany has the Leopard tank. Israel has the Merkava (War Chariot). America has the Abrams tank, France has the Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals. And we have the T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot! It’s not clear why, but it’s clear that KVN could only have been born here! :)

Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer “Paladin”. And the British call theirs “Archer” (Archer). All is well. Our guys come up and say: look here. Here are the 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Akatsiya" self-propelled howitzers, the 2S4 "Tulip" self-propelled mortar and the 2S5 "Gyacinth" and 2S7 "Pion" long-range self-propelled guns, capable of firing nuclear shells. Please smell the bouquet.

So the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile “Dragon”. And the other is called "Shilleylah" (Budgeon). Everything is logical. Then our people come up and say: look at this. Here are the 9M14M "Malyutka" anti-tank missiles, the 9M123 "Chrysanthemum" anti-tank missiles and the "Metis" anti-tank missile (with the "Mulatto" night sight). And just to make it completely incomprehensible and scary for you, we also had a rocket called “Kromka”.

And to make you think even more, we called the heavy tank support combat vehicle “Frame”.

And to make your head spin, the newest missile system We called the coastal defense "Bal".

And so that the smile never leaves your face), our most powerful 30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 “Buratino”, and our under-barrel grenade launcher GP-30 is called “Obuvka” :)!

If anything, then there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", company mortar 2B14 "Tray", mortar 2S12 "Sleigh", intercontinental ballistic missile"Courier" with a nuclear charge (please accept the courier :)), intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" with ten nuclear charges, nuclear submarine project 705 "Lira", artillery fire control system "Kapustnik", container missile control system "Phantasmagoria", self-propelled gun"Capacitor" and grenade for the 7P24 "Foundling" grenade launcher.

weapon course support system on Project 667 nuclear submarines - "Tourmaline"
system for providing missiles with air and nitrogen - "Sova"
ship-based combat missile system nuclear submarine project 941 - "Fairy Tale"
jet deck depth bomber RGB-9000 - "Pikhta"
small anti-ship missile PKURS-30s - “Mol”.....

"Vivarium" - brigade automated control system rocket artillery
(ACS-automated control system)
"Grump" - aircraft satellite communications station
(Probably it constantly gives out: “they are chattering and chattering, there is no strength left, they are completely crazy, how much can you do, huh!?”, etc. :))
Woodpecker - aviation marker radio receiver MRP-48
Raccoon - torpedo SET-65
(this one is certainly not the slaughterer of the one that lives in the pond)
Corral - anti-submarine adjustable aerial bomb KAB-250-100
Brass knuckles - hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RGM-40
Capacitor - self-propelled gun of special power SM-54
(shows Kuzkin’s mother to the terminator)
Kochkar - ASU command post tactical formation of the country's air defense forces
(what kind of word is this anyway??? :))
...looked at Yandex "KOCHKAR Novoross. Kachkar Astrakh. unladen, breeding ram" - self-critical!!! :)
Courier - small-sized ICBM RSS-40
(We sent you a note of protest. By courier:))
Lyapis - HF radio receiver R-397LK
(Trubetskoy is not there, I checked. “Gavrila was sitting at the reception. Gavrila was receiving texts...”)
Maria - 30 kt tactical atomic bomb
Metis - ATGM + Mulat - thermal imaging sight for ATGM
(and all this was invented and controlled by a WHITE man :))
Natasha - tactical atomic bomb 8U49
Foundling - 7P24 shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher
Ros - aviation GAS
(Preved to Yarovrat)
Skosok - night vision goggles OVN-1
(for the cross-eyed???)
Traumatism - medical vehicle based on BMD-3

Complex aerial reconnaissance"Tipchak" was developed by OJSC "Design Bureau Luch" in the city of Rybinsk. Work on its creation began in the late 80s. At the end of 2006 - beginning of 2007, the complex successfully passed the first stage of state tests. The Tipchak aerial reconnaissance complex with UAV-05 (formerly 9M62) is designed to detect various objects from the air, identify them, determine and transmit the coordinates of their location in real time to consumers at any time of the day at a distance of up to 40 km from the ground control point . If necessary, it can be replaced with equipment for radio engineering or chemical reconnaissance, relaying and other purposes.

The complex ensures high accuracy of the UAV following the route and the ability to install various types of equipment on it. payload, using the device autonomously (according to the program) and in direct radio control mode. Reconnaissance of ground objects can be carried out simultaneously by two aircraft. The range of the complex is determined by the range of the radio link and can be increased by installing a new one with increased capabilities.

The Tipchak complex includes 4 vehicles and up to 6 UAV-05:

— The UAV-05 “Tipchak” unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to transport reconnaissance and transceiver equipment in order to receive and transmit to a ground control station visual information in real time, both during autonomous (according to the program) and radio command flight along a given route. High technology ensures quick assembly A UAV stored disassembled and its preparation (no more than 15 minutes) for flight immediately before its use. A piston engine is used as a propulsion system in a remotely piloted reusable aircraft.

— The antenna machine is used to transmit control commands simultaneously to two UAVs, determine their coordinates using the radar method, and receive telemetry, navigation and view information. It houses equipment for controlling two UAVs and a 12-meter antenna-mast device, which provides reliable control and exchange of information with low-flying UAVs. Power supply is supplied from a three-phase AC network 380/22 V (50 Hz) or from built-in diesel generators.

— The operator machine is designed to control the complex and ensures registration, processing and display of telemetric and visual information, its correction, binding to a digital map of the area, identification of reconnaissance objects and their coordinates, as well as interaction with control authorities and consumers of intelligence information.
The issuance of a formalized report after the end of reconnaissance does not exceed 30 seconds.

— The transport-launch vehicle (TLM) is designed for storing and transporting 6 containers with UAVs, preparing them and launching them using a pneumatic catapult. When preparing the UAV for launch, the vehicle takes a position. Simultaneously with the assembly of the aircraft, the pneumatic system is also prepared, with the help of which, after installing the UAV on the catapult, it is launched.
The vehicle is a wheeled chassis based on a KamAZ vehicle with a platform with an ejection device, a control panel, six containers for UAVs, a diesel electric unit and performance monitoring equipment placed on it.
The TPM catapult ensures the take-off of a UAV weighing up to 70 kg with an acceleration of up to 12 units at the moment of lift-off. The time for deploying and collapsing the machine does not exceed 20 minutes, power consumption is 14 kW. The fuel supply for the UAV engine provides at least 30 launches.

- Car technical support serves for carrying out routine maintenance with UAVs, searching and selecting landed aircraft, their minor repairs if necessary, monitoring the performance of the UAV and delivery to the TPM for reuse, as well as transporting a supply of consumables and spare parts.

The existing configuration of the complex ensures ease of use and meets customer requirements. If necessary, taking into account the weight and dimensions of the equipment, the complex can be placed on one vehicle with a trailer and supplied in a reduced configuration. In this case it decreases total cost complex, its mobility increases, but the working conditions of the operators deteriorate significantly.

In 2007, the UAV-05 as part of the complex successfully passed state and military tests and is in trial operation. The complex can significantly increase the efficiency of cannon and rocket artillery. This is ensured by providing detailed reconnaissance information about the terrain and enemy targets, conducting reconnaissance deep in the combat area with minimal risk to personnel, reducing ammunition consumption during strikes, and improving the quality and efficiency of exchange of information between units when interacting with command and control authorities.

The main advantages of the complex are the presence of a digital noise-resistant radio link for control and transmission of broadband information, a reliable flight navigation system, and a small-sized optical-electronic system high resolution, an information and software complex for automated processing of intelligence information in real time and a modern element base.

According to information from KB Luch, a phased modernization of the Tipchak complex is currently underway in order to improve its basic tactical and technical characteristics- range up to 100:120 km, UAV flight time up to 6:8 hours, as well as in the direction of reducing the number of escort vehicles and reducing cost. The Tipchak complex is considered in the future as a base for further development— using its unified elements and technologies, it is planned to create a number of new complexes with UAVs for various purposes, small and medium range, which are extremely necessary for the modernization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as for providing security forces and industrial structures.

Thus, recently, in addition to the ground version, a sea (coastal) version of the functioning of the Tipchak complex was created, which provides a full cycle of reconnaissance and observation of the sea surface in given coordinates at any time of the day with the simultaneous use of two UAVs. The complex ensures the receipt and processing of species information in real time, and the delivery of information based on observation results to the control point.

To expand the UAV model range, capabilities and scope of application of the complex, in 2005 work began on the creation of two more aircraft - UAV-07 and UAV-08:

— the BLA-07 device, a small-sized reusable tactical UAV with a piston engine, was created to provide reconnaissance of naval targets. This is a 35-kilogram drone, the payload of which includes a combined TV/IR camera and a high-resolution digital camera.

- UAV-08 device of a normal aircraft design with a reverse V-shaped tail (90-kilogram, low-speed with for a long time flight), is the largest and most functional of the entire Tipchakov line. Its payload may include a digital dual-spectrum camera, a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system, a side-view radar, relay equipment, electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare and radiation-chemical reconnaissance.

Modification: BLA-05 / BLA-07 / BLA-08
Wingspan, m: 3.40 / 2.40 / 4.1
Length, m: 2.40 / 1.65 / 2.7
Weight, kg
-empty: —
-Max. takeoff: 70 / 35 / 90
Motor type: 1 x PD
-power, hp: 1 x
Launch: ejection/ejection/ejection or runway
Landing: parachute / parachute / parachute or runway
Flight speed range, km/h: 90-190 / 120-190 / 80-180
Range, km: 70 / 30-50 / 120
Flight duration, hours: 2 / 3 / 8
Static ceiling, m: 3000 / 3000 / 4500

Prototype UAV-05 "Timchak".

Installation of the UAV-05 "Timchak" on the lift of the transport-launch vehicle.

UAV-05 "Timchak" on a transport launcher.

UAV-05 "Timchak" on a transport launcher.

UAV-05 "Timchak" on a transport launcher.

UAV-05 "Timchak" in transport position.

UAV-05 "Timchak" in stowed position on the TBM.

Prototype of the UAV-07 complex "Timchak".

UAV-07 of the Timchak complex.

UAV-08 on the TPM of the Timchak complex. MAKS-2009, photo by Dmitry Derevyankin.

UAV-08 on the TPM of the Timchak complex. MAKS-2009, photo by Dmitry Derevyankin.

Scheme of interaction of the Tipchak complex.

List of sources:
Website of JSC Radio Engineering Concern VEGA. Complex with UAV "Tipchak".
Website "". Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch" shows at MAKS-2005 a serial reconnaissance complex with a Tipchak UAV.
Website "". "Tipchak" is being modernized.