Lysobact tablets instructions for use reviews. Lizobakt is an effective and safe local antiseptic for children and nursing mothers

Throat diseases are a common problem in childhood. That's why topical issue For mothers, it becomes possible to choose medications that are effective, but at the same time safe for the baby’s health. This is exactly what Lizobakt belongs to - tablets produced by the Bosnalek company in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Lizobakt refers to antiseptic and antibacterial drugs for topical use. It has anti-inflammatory, protective effects and is considered a natural immunomodulator. This is achieved thanks to the composition of lysobact, which includes:

  • lysozyme, the so-called salivary enzyme, capable of destroying many pathogens (bacteria, fungi and viruses), as well as increasing resistance to them, that is, enhancing local immunity;
  • pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, which protects and heals the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • as well as excipients (lactose, gum, magnesium stearate, sodium saccharinate and vanillin).

The components listed above make the drug not only effective, but also safe. Therefore, the question of whether children can have lysobact disappears by itself.

The indications for use of lysobact include infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, larynx and gums, namely:

  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis, stomatitis, herpetic lesions;
  • catarrhal phenomena in the upper respiratory tract (soreness, swelling and sore throat, cough);
  • erosions on the oral mucosa;
  • prevention of candidiasis.

If we talk about sore throat, then this antimicrobial agent can only be used as an auxiliary in the main antibiotic therapy. By the way, lysobact, when used together with antibiotics, only enhances the therapeutic effect of the latter.

Lizobact - how to take medicine for a child?

The medicine is available in the form of lozenges. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention before using lysobact, at what age it is recommended. According to the official instructions, the prescription is possible for a child from two to three years of age who can independently dissolve the tablet. This method of administration for lyzobact is explained by the fact that the working environment of the main substance - lysozyme - is the oral cavity and the saliva produced, so the tablet cannot be swallowed. Otherwise, the desired sky effect will be achieved.

However, the composition of the product allows the use of Lysobact for infants and children under 2-3 years of age. Only in this case, the required amount of medicine must be thoroughly crushed and poured into the mouth, without giving water for half an hour. Only a doctor can prescribe Lysobact to an infant.

Lizobact: dosage

Children aged 3 to 7 years are given 1 tablet three times daily. Patients aged 7 to 12 years are usually prescribed 1 tablet, but 4 times a day. Children over 12 years of age should be given 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Maximum The duration of treatment with the drug is 7-8 days.

If the doctor decides to use lysobact in the treatment of a child under 3 years of age, the single dosage is usually ½ tablet.

Lizobact: side effects and contraindications

In general, the antiseptic is quite well tolerated by the patient’s body, and therefore no side effects are observed. In rare cases, allergic reactions to the prescribed medication may occur in the form of a rash. Therefore, the only contraindications for Lyzobact include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. If you find any allergies in your child (rash, runny nose, conjunctivitis, shortness of breath), it should be discontinued.

In case of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the ENT organs, doctors recommend promptly resorting to conservative treatment. Lysobakt's abstract reports that this medical drug is a powerful antiseptic that productively kills pathogenic flora, relieves sore throats, and accelerates recovery.

Lizobact - instructions

The medication is available in the form of lozenges, relieves anxiety symptoms and provides a gentle, targeted effect on the site of pathology. If the patient is prescribed Lyzobact, the instructions must be studied first. The drug is prescribed equally for children and adults, and has a number of equally effective analogues. Before starting a treatment course, be sure to talk with your doctor and study the instructions for use.


According to its pharmacological characteristics, it is a local antiseptic that destroys pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial nature. Chemical composition Lysobact combines two active components - lysozyme hydrochloride (20 mg) and pyridoxine hydrochloride (20 mg). The first is an enzyme that disrupts the integrity of the membranes of dangerous microorganisms; the second is vitamin B6, necessary for the productive restoration of damaged mucous membranes. The active components are distinguished by hypoallergenic properties, but in the presence of allergic reactions it is recommended to replace Lizobact with an analogue.


The drug is an important component of successful conservative therapy for most ailments of ENT practice. If a doctor prescribes the medicine Lizobact, the indications for use may be as follows, reflected in the instructions:

  • stomatitis;
  • herpes;
  • gingivitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • formation of aphthae on the mucous membrane;
  • sinusitis of catarrhal form;
  • erosive lesions of the mucous membrane;
  • inflammatory processes of the gums and larynx.

Lizobakt during pregnancy

Since antibiotics are prohibited during pregnancy, local antiseptics can be used, which are no less effective in practice. The enzyme lysozyme destroys the structure of the pathogenic infection, but does not penetrate the placental barrier and does not harm intrauterine development. Lizobact is prescribed to pregnant women under the supervision of a specialist; correction of daily dosages according to the instructions is possible. There are no restrictions throughout the entire period of gestation, side effects are minimal.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, it is also possible to prescribe the drug Lizobact - the instructions for use allow such conservative treatment for young mothers. Lysozyme quickly relieves sore throat, suppresses cough, facilitates general well-being, without harming the quality and quantity breast milk. Lysobact does not penetrate into the child's body during breastfeeding, so this prescription according to the instructions is appropriate for this category of patients.

For sore throat

For tonsillitis, this is only an auxiliary treatment that can be prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics. The price of the tablets is affordable, and the result of the prescribed conservative therapy will pleasantly please you within 2-3 days. Lysobact prescribed for angina accelerates the destruction of pathogenic flora, while promoting the restoration of the affected mucous membrane. One package is enough to ensure positive dynamics of a characteristic ailment.

How is Lizobact taken? A single dose of medicine for sore throat is 2 pills, dissolved up to 4-5 times a day. Do not drink with water and do not combine with meals. Instructions for use indicate that the course intensive care determined by an otolaryngologist, but on average treatment can last up to 2 weeks. Lysobact, or rather its active components, penetrate into the systemic bloodstream in small concentrations. They adapt imperceptibly in the body, the metabolic process is observed in the liver, while inactive metabolites are excreted by the kidneys.

Lizobact - instructions for use for children

This prescription is also suitable for a child, but it is important to determine the daily dosage of the medication with your doctor. If Lyzobact is prescribed for children, the instructions for use indicate that patients from 3 to 7 years old can dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth three times a day. A child from 7 to 12 years old – 1 pill four times a day. The difference is just one technique, but the differences are really noticeable. If you take the medicine according to the instructions, it quickly helps the child and mother recover.


The product is effective and is available in every pharmacy. Before taking Lizobact, an individual consultation with a healthcare professional is required. According to the instructions and numerous reviews, it becomes obvious that this medication for a sore throat helps and is not suitable for all customers. There are contraindications and side effects that limit the number of people willing to use this valuable acquisition. You can choose cheap analogues, but it’s better not to save money. If Lizobact is prescribed, the contraindications in the instructions for use are as follows:

  • individual lactose intolerance;
  • impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • age restrictions up to 3 years;
  • increased sensitivity of the body;
  • be careful when breastfeeding, pregnancy.

Side effects are extremely rare and are expressed by local reactions in the form of urticaria, skin rash, itching and hyperemia skin. The instructions for Lizobact indicate that at an early stage of treatment, allergic reaction, which requires immediate adjustment of the prescribed dose or complete replacement of the medication. It is important not only to read the instructions for use, but also to consult a doctor unscheduled.


This medication is not cheap, but purchasing it will not ruin a working person. On average, the price starts from 280 rubles. The cost of antiseptics in the online store is much cheaper, and the pharmacological properties are no weaker. Based on patient reviews, it can be understood that drug prices in the provinces are also cheaper and more affordable for patients.

Lizobakt - analogues

If the medication does not help for more than 7 days, it’s time to find a replacement. According to reviews, Lizobact’s analogues are no weaker, and some even guarantee stable healing effect. Similar in pharmacological properties are Faringosept, Imudon, Cameton, Grammidin, Laripront, Ingalipt, Hexoral, Hexaliz, Strepsils, Sebidin. Their use is not compatible with food and alcohol, otherwise health problems cannot be ruled out. However, initially it is better to buy Lizobact - detailed instructions promises for use get well soon at any age.

Modern pharmaceutical product, which has a powerful antiseptic effect on the tissues of the oropharynx - Lizobakt tablets. What does this medicine help with? It is especially popular among specialists in otolaryngology and dentistry. The instructions for use recommend taking the drug "Lizobakt" for gingivitis, stomatitis, and herpes.

Active and auxiliary components: release form and composition

The manufacturer produces the pharmaceutical product "Lizobakt" in the form of round tablets with a score on one side. Each may have a whitish or yellowish color. For protection, the tablets are placed in special blisters - 10 pcs. in everyone. A cardboard package can contain up to 3 such blisters.

Lizobakt tablets, which help cure inflammation of the oral mucosa, contain the following active ingredients:

  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride, 10 mg;
  • Lysozyme hydrochloride – in a volume of 20 mg.

They provide the required antiseptic effect, helping to create high local immunity.

The auxiliary components listed are magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, as well as gum tragacanth and vanillin with sodium saccharinate. This composition is designed to provide the medication with maximum therapeutic effect.

Main pharmacological action

Since the antiseptic effect is observed from the use of the medication only locally, it was adopted by otolaryngological and dental specialists. The creation of local immunity is due to the active substances included in the drug "Lizobakt", the instructions for use confirm this:

  • antiseptic Lysozyme controls parameters of tissue immunity;
  • the anti-aphthous effect is assigned to Pyridoxine, while negative influence the properties of Lysocyte are not observed.

That is why this combination of medicinal substances is considered optimal. The medication is quickly eliminated from the intestinal loops, while its biologically active form can be deposited in the structures of the liver, as well as muscle fibers and elements of the central nervous system.

Pyrodoxine is metabolized by the liver, and Lysozyme is excreted from the human body by the kidneys.

The drug "Lizobakt" - what do these tablets help with?

Since the pharmacological agent "Lizobakt" is a local antiseptic, its main indication for use is the treatment of pathologies of the mucous membrane of the larynx, gums, and oral cavity, usually of infectious and inflammatory etiology:

  • damage to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory structures;
  • erosive defects of the oral cavity of various origins;
  • gingivitis and aphthous ulcerations;
  • complex therapy of oral lesions with herpetic elements;
  • various courses and etiologies of stomatitis.

Only a specialist should determine the need to use Lizobakt in a particular case. Self-medication can sometimes make you feel worse.

Medicine "Lizobakt": instructions for use and dosage regimen

The medication, produced in the form of tablets, is intended for local use, and therefore it is recommended to dissolve them slowly. The melted mass should remain in the oral cavity for the maximum period.

In pediatric practice, children 3–7 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day, and from 3 to 12 years old, the dosage is increased to 4 times a day. From 12 years of age and older, the medication can be taken 2 tablets four times a day. The total duration of the course is at least 8–10 days.

Use during pregnancy

Since the pharmacological agent “Lizobakt” does not contain any toxic substances, it is quite acceptable to use it in the treatment of oral pathologies in women during the period of pregnancy. No terratogenic impacts were noted.

However, in the first trimester, when the main formation of the organs of the future baby occurs, it is better to abstain from all medications, including the drug “Lizobact”. Already from the second trimester there are no such contraindications to its use. By the time of birth, you should still give it up, although this is not stated in the instructions.

Contraindications and negative effects

According to the instructions attached to each cardboard package, the list of main contraindications for taking the drug “Lizobact” includes:

  • pediatric category of patients up to three years of age;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the “Lizobakt” product, from which these tablets can cause allergies;
  • severe lack of lactose;
  • hereditary lactose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Among the possible negative effects from the use of the drug "Lizobakt" are indicated:

  • increased photosensitivity;
  • dermatolesions - for example, urticaria;
  • much less often - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

Timely discontinuation of the drug promotes its rapid removal from the body and correction of well-being.

Drug interactions

Medical research has revealed the following drug interactions with the drug “Lizobact”:

  • increasing the therapeutic effect of Chlorfenicol, Penicillin, Nitrofurantine;
  • increasing the impact of drugs from the diuretic subgroup;
  • decreased activity of Levodopa;
  • increased renal excretion and antagonistic action of isoniazid, pyrazinamide, as well as immunosuppressants and oral contraceptives.

It is for this reason that reviews of taking the drug “Lizobact” are somewhat contradictory. However, the positive still prevails over the negative.

Analogs of the drug "Lizobakt"

The following analogues have similar disinfectant and antiseptic effects:

  1. "Koldakt Lorpils".
  2. "Agisept."
  3. "Septolete."
  4. "Aldesol."
  5. "Drill."
  6. "Iodinol."
  7. "Inhalipt."
  8. "Iodonate".
  9. "Suprima-ENT".
  10. "Hexoral Tabs."
  11. "Pulmex".
  12. "Rinza Lorsept."
  13. "Dr. Theiss Salvia extract with vitamin C."
  14. "Stopangin."
  15. "Pharingopils".
  16. "Fukaseptol".
  17. "TeraFlu LAR".
  18. "Ascosept."
  19. "Neo sore throat."
  20. "Aseptolin plus"
  21. "Strepsils".
  22. "Anti-Angin Formula".
  23. "Septogal."
  24. "Sebidin."
  25. "Doctor Theiss Angi Sept."
  26. "Travisil."
  27. "Astrasept."
  28. "Lugol".

Which is better: Faringosept or Lizobakt?

This analogue should not be taken during pregnancy. He has more contraindications and side effects.

What to choose: “Grammidin” or “Lizobakt”?

Doctors indicate that the first analogue quickly relieves swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, and no negative effects were noted.

Which is better: “Laripront” or “Lizobakt”?

This analogue of “Lizobakt” requires more frequent administration, which makes therapy more expensive. Also, a medicine with a high risk may cause allergies. It is not prescribed during lactation and pregnancy.


For infectious and inflammatory processes of the ENT organs, doctors prescribe for children medicinal product Lizobact, which represents a pharmacological group of antiseptics for topical use. This medication destroys pathogenic flora, suppresses inflammation and relieves sore throat. The medicine is also prescribed to children in dentistry.

The drug is produced in the form of lozenges, which act directly on the site of pathology (oral mucosa). Packaged in blisters of 10 pcs. The pack contains 3 blisters, instructions for use. Lizobakt for cough can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. The average price of a medicine varies between 300-400 rubles. Manufacturer – Belarus. Brief description medications:

Pharmacological properties

Indications for use


lysozyme hydrochloride;

pyridoxine hydrochloride;

magnesium stearate;

gum tragacanth;

sodium saccharinate;

lactose monohydrate;

1. Lysozyme, being a protein enzyme, destroys bacterial flora, destroys viruses and fungi, and forms a nonspecific immune response of the mucous membranes of the body.

2. Pyridoxine forms protection for the oral mucosa from infection, but does not suppress the activity of lysozyme. Shows anti-aphthous effect.



oral herpes;

erosion of the oral mucosa;

aphthous ulcerations;

Vincent's angina;




upper respiratory tract infections;

sinusitis of catarrhal form;

inflammation of the gums, larynx;

prevention and treatment of cough reflex of various etiologies.

Information on the pharmacokinetics of this medication is not provided in the instructions for use.

Lizobakt for children

The medication is recommended for patients starting at the age of 3 years. The medicine is not prescribed to infants because there are difficulties with its absorption. The child may choke. Lizobact for children under 2 years of age is replaced with an analogue with a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the site of pathology. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Since the drug Lizobact is prescribed in combination with representatives of other pharmacological groups, before starting the course it is important to study information about drug interactions. For example, Lizobact tablets for children enhance the effect of antibiotics (penicillins, nitrofurantoin, chloramphenicol) and activate the diuretic effect of diuretics.


The optimal course of treatment with Lyzobact is 8 days. Recommended dosages for children are described in the instructions:

  • from 3 to 7 years: 1 pc. three times a day;
  • from 7 to 12 years: 1 pc. four times a day;
  • from 12 years and older: 2 tablets. 3-4 times a day.

If after 5-6 days of treatment with Lyzobact there is no positive dynamics at all, or allergy symptoms appear, further therapy with cough tablets must be stopped. Raise on your own daily dosage not required, but be sure to contact your local pediatrician for advice.

Contraindications and side effects

Lizobakt's analogs

If Lizobact medicinal lozenges are not suitable for children, or after a few days do not provide improvement in well-being, the medication must be replaced. Analogues and their brief characteristics:

  1. Faringosept. For diseases of the throat and oral cavity, this drug is approved for use in patients over 3 years of age. Available in the form of tablets with cinnamon, lemon and chocolate flavors, it is effective against pneumococci and streptococci.
  2. Grammidin. These are round tablets white with a pleasant taste, intended for resorption in the oral cavity. After taking a single dose, you should not drink; it is advisable to give the medicine to the child in between main meals. According to the instructions, the course of treatment is 7–10 days.


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In the fight against infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity, Lisobact is an indispensable medicine. The drug is safe and approved for use during breastfeeding (BF), during pregnancy, as well as for infants.

Lizobact is a drug for the treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat

Release form and composition of Lizobact

The form of the drug is lozenges with a sweetish taste.

Compound medicine, as stated in the description, includes two active ingredients - lysozyme hydrochloride (a natural protective enzyme of the body) and pyridoxine hydrochloride (one of the variations of vitamin B6).

Additional components include:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • vanillin;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • gum tragacanth;
  • Magnesium stearate.

White tablets, placed on a blister of 10 pcs. Photos of the packaging can be seen in the picture.

Packaging of Lizobact tablets

Price and analogues

The tablets can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy. How much the drug costs depends on pharmaceutical company. The average cost of the medicine is 293 rubles. for 30 tablets per package.

The drug has no exact substitutes in composition.

A good alternative could be similar lollipops or lozenges, among which there are cheap analogues:

  • Laripront - 212 rubles;
  • Faringosept – 158 rub.
  • Hexalize – 275 rubles;
  • Grammidin - 263 rubles;
  • Imudon – 580 rub.;
  • Strepsils - 280 rub.

Lysobact is good for treating sore throat

The substance is effective for mild inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the tablets relieve cough, runny nose and lacrimation - the first symptoms of viral or bacterial diseases.

Pharmacological action

The antiviral drug, thanks to the combination of two active components, has a complex effect on the affected areas:

  • inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • is a local immunostimulant;
  • protects the oral mucosa from negative impact pathogenic microorganisms.

The medicine is based on components natural to the body, and therefore has a safe effect on internal organs.

Antibiotic or not?

Lisobacter is best suited to inhibit bacterial spread in the body. The medicine relieves the first manifestations of infectious and inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity, but is not an antibiotic. This makes the antimicrobial agent completely safe for children of any age. Doctors often prescribe this remedy in combination with antibiotic drugs.

Lysobact is not an antibiotic

Instructions for use of Lyzobact

The tablets should be dissolved slowly without chewing. Do not take the medicine with water. It is recommended to take the antiseptic substance 30–40 minutes before or after meals.

How to take for sore throat (tonsillitis):

  • for children from 3 to 6 years old – 1 tablet three times a day;
  • for children from the age of seven to 12 years, the dosage increases - 1 tablet in 4 doses;
  • adults and children over 12 years of age need to dissolve 2 tablets at once 4 times a day.
The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, focusing on the patient’s condition. Typically, taking Lizobact does not exceed 9 days.

For infants and children under 3 years of age, the doctor may prescribe such tablets in combination with antipyretics and antibiotics. In this case, 1/3 of the pills should be thoroughly crushed and given to the baby with a pacifier. The effect of such therapy will be slightly lower than with self-resorption, but will still alleviate the child’s condition.

For infants, Lizobact tablets need to be crushed

For gingivitis and stomatitis, the dosages are the same as for the treatment of sore throat. Only the auxiliary drugs differ (Lizobact alone is not enough). The doctor may prescribe a mouth rinse, as well as ointment and antibiotics.

In the fight against tracheitis and catarrhal phenomena in the upper respiratory tract, the ENT specialist prescribes taking Lizobact tablets:

  • 3–4 times a day, 2 tablets for adults and children over 12 years of age;
  • For children over 3 years old, 1 tablet 3 times a day is enough;
  • The drug is rarely prescribed to infants and children under 3 years of age, as it is ineffective due to the inability to dissolve it properly (if necessary, crush 1/3 of the tablet 3 times a day).

The safety of Lizobakt allows its use during pregnancy, starting from the 1st trimester, as well as during breastfeeding.

Contraindications and side effects

The product differs from many antiseptic drugs in having minimal contraindications:

  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • hereditary lactose allergy;
  • lactose deficiency in the body.

The medicine does not cause side effects. In rare cases, skin rashes may occur. This is mainly due to ignoring contraindications.

Lysobact and alcohol - compatibility

During the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity or throat with Lyzobakt, it is recommended to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol reduces the absorption of active substances and thereby reduces the main therapeutic effect.

Alcohol and Lysobact are incompatible

Which is better and more effective?

In the absence of Lizobact in pharmacies, pharmacists often offer similar substitutes. Is it worth buying analogues? Let’s take a closer look.

Laripront or Lizobakt

The preparations contain lysozyme, but differ in auxiliary components. The drugs are very similar in their therapeutic effect, which allows them to be used as substitutes for each other. Laripront is safe for children and pregnant women. It has a more pronounced antibacterial effect, but, unlike Lysobact, does not promote the regeneration of affected mucosal cells in the mouth.

Hexaliz or Lysobact

Hexaliz is similar to Lyzobact in its main action - it relieves inflammation, swelling, fights germs and viruses. By pricing policy The product is much cheaper than the original. Therefore, it may be a good alternative for people who consider Lysobact an expensive drug.

Hexaliz is a more affordable drug than Lizobact

Lizobact or Faringosept

Faringosept is a powerful antiseptic that inhibits the growth of bacteria. The drug is most often used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and, unlike Lysobakt, is ineffective in dentistry (for gingivitis, stomatitis). Faringosept has a faster effect than Lisobact, but does not affect the restoration of the mucous membrane and does not stimulate local immunity.

Faringosept is a powerful antiseptic drug

Lizobakt or Imudon

Imudon is a means to enhance immunity. The drug is not an antiseptic, so it is not recommended for use as an analogue of Lysobact. This substance is best used in combination with antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Imudon will help strengthen the immune system

Lizobakt or Grammidin

Grammidin belongs to the group of strong antibiotics and is used against many pathogens that cause inflammation of the mouth, throat and upper respiratory tract. This drug is used when Lisobact turned out to be ineffective and did not give good results.

Grammidin is a strong antibiotic agent

Lysobakt or Tantum verde

Tantum verde is available in the form of an aerosol for spraying. The medicine has an antiseptic effect similar to Lyzobact, and is used in similar situations. The disadvantage of this product is the presence of alcohol in the spray, which is not desirable when treating children.

Tantum Verde contains alcohol

Which drug is better is determined by the doctor based on the specific situation and disease. Therefore, when choosing an antimicrobial agent, it is better to first consult a doctor.

Among antiseptic drugs, Lysobact is the safest medicine. It is widely used for inflammatory and erosive processes in the oral cavity, sore throat and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The use of tablets should be in accordance with the instructions and only after consultation with a doctor. The same applies to analogues - you cannot replace Lizobact with alternative drugs without first consulting with a specialist.