Diclofenac Grindeks ointment instructions for use. Diclofenac ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies



Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


Active substance: sodium diclofenac - 1 g.

Excipients: dimexide, polyethylene oxide - 1500, polyethylene oxide - 400, 1,2-propylene glycol.

pharmachologic effect

Diclofenac has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effects due to inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins, which play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation. For rheumatic diseases, it reduces pain in the joints at rest and during movement, as well as morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, and helps to increase range of motion. When applied externally, diclofenac penetrates the skin and accumulates in the underlying tissues (subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue, joint capsule and joint cavity).


Indications for use

Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (articular syndrome with rheumatism and exacerbation of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, inflammatory processes of ligaments, tendons, sciatica, lumbago). Muscle pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin. Post-traumatic inflammation of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system (ligament damage, dislocations, bruises).


Hypersensitivity to diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pregnancy, lactation, children (up to 6 years).

special instructions

Directions for use and doses

Apply the ointment externally in an amount of 2-4 grams, depending on the area of ​​the painful area, in a thin layer on the affected area and gently rub into the skin 3-4 times a day. The ointment should be applied only to intact areas of the skin, avoiding contact of the drug with the eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds.

Side effect

In rare cases, itching, redness, rash, and local burning may occur.


When the ointment is used externally, an overdose is unlikely. However, when applying the ointment to large areas of the skin and with prolonged use, the possibility of systemic side effects of diclofenac cannot be completely excluded.

Interaction with other drugs

When using diclofenac ointment, interaction with other drugs is minimal. However, it should be remembered that with simultaneous use of diclofenac with potassium-sparing diuretics, an increase in the concentration of potassium in the blood is possible; with “loop diuretics” - reducing their diuretic effect; with other NSAIDs - increased risk of side effects. Diclofenac, when used simultaneously, may cause an increase in the concentration of digoxin and lithium in the blood plasma.

Diclofenac ointment is a quick help for swelling and pain. According to the instructions, it is intended for the treatment of arthritis and injuries. Diclofenac is available in the form of solutions, ointments or their analogues - gels. How does this product work? And can I use the painkiller for a long time?

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal non-hormonal medicine

The main active ingredient in the ointment is diclofenac. This is an anabolic (pain reliever) from the category of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The main thing that can be understood from the complex abbreviation is that diclofenac is not a hormonal drug. This means that its use does not have as many side effects, contraindications and restrictions on use as hormonal ointments.

The term "steroid" is often regarded as a designation "hormone" or "steroid hormone". The drug name “non-steroidal” means “non-hormonal drug”. Diclofenac, along with aspirin and ibuprofen, is the three most well-known non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Diclofenac is used when pain and inflammation develop. It has gained wide popularity in the pain relief of joint inflammation.. Arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica, lumbago, lumbago.

At the same time, diclofenac not only reduces sensitivity, but reduces the inflammatory process that caused this pain. How does it work? A non-steroidal substance inhibits the action of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. By doing this, it stops the synthesis of other substances (hormone-like prostaglandids), which stimulate the development of inflammation.

Note: prostaglantides are not only responsible for the level of inflammation and pain. They also perform several other functions. For example, they control the synthesis of gastric mucus to protect the stomach walls from hydrochloric acid. Therefore, long-term oral use of nonsteroidal drugs (for example, diclofenac) can lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Several forms of medications are produced based on diclofenac. These are enteric-coated tablets, injection solutions, ointments and gels for external use, eye drops and rectal suppositories.

As part of the preparations, the non-steroidal drug is administered in the form of two compounds - diclofenac sodium and diclofenac potassium. Most medications contain diclofenac sodium. Some manufacturers give external preparations the name diclofenac sodium ointment (for example, Belarusian Borisov Plant, Ukrainian Farmak). The potassium form of diclofenac is most often used in tablets for oral administration. In this form, diclofenac is absorbed more efficiently and enters the blood faster.

Let's look at two external preparations with diclofenac - skin ointment and gel.

Diclofenac ointment: composition

Diclofenac ointment is so popular that it is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. Among the Russian manufacturers there is diclofenac ointment Akri (produced by the Akrikhin plant, Russia), and there is diclofenac ointment Akos (pharmaceutical company Sintez, also Russia). Among foreign analogues, the Israeli version of the ointment is known - diclofenac Teva (ointment-gel).

Diclofenac ointment contains 1% of the active substance. In addition to NSAIDs, the drugs contain dimexide, succinic or lactic acid, preservatives.

How much diclofenac ointment costs is determined by the manufacturer of the medicine. Considering that the active ingredient in the ointment is the same, different types of anesthetic with diclofenac differ only in auxiliary components and countries of origin.

Almost all diclofenac ointments contain 5% dimexide. This component is also is anti-inflammatory. It activates metabolism and thereby accelerates the elimination of toxins that are formed during inflammation. He also has some antimicrobial activity.

Diclofenac ointment: instructions for use

The instructions for use of diclofenac position it as a symptomatic medicine. That is, to use it, it is not necessary to conduct a full examination. It is enough that there are symptoms of inflammation - pain, redness, swelling. This means that an anesthetic ointment is needed.

What does diclofenac ointment help with? It treats and reduces pain in joints and soft tissues. Successfully relieves inflammation in any musculoskeletal disorders(surgeries, injuries, inflammation due to joint degeneration, neurological pinching). Used in several areas of medicine - orthopedics, neurology, traumatology. Let's list where diclofenac is in demand:

  • Injuries of joints and periarticulars.
  • Joint pain of any origin.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders (in the spine, arms, legs, neck, fingers, etc.).

The composition is also standardly recommended for minor injuries - bruises, sprains. As an ointment for bruises, diclofenac guarantees a reduction in pain. This is especially necessary in the first hours after receiving an injury (if it is a bruise). In case of overvoltage (soreness) the use of ointment becomes necessary the next day after training.

When the ointment is applied topically, diclofenac is concentrated in the joints. Its amount in joint tissues is 20 times higher than in the blood. Therefore, external treatment with ointments (creams, gels) turns out to be very effective.. It introduces medicinal components close to the site of inflammation. And ensures their concentration in inflamed tissues.

Effect of the ointment

Diclofenac pain relief ointment reduces swelling in the area of ​​joint inflammation. Thanks to this, the mobility of the joint increases. It bends and extends more fully, turns better, and movements are performed with less pain.

The composition of the ointment is equally effective on any human joints. Yes, diclofenac ointment with cervical osteochondrosis allows you to reduce pain when turning your head, as well as eliminate headaches. For lumbar pain diclofenac returns the body to a vertical position, relieves painful stiffness in the lower back. In general, diclofenac ointment for the back is used for various pains - pinched nerves due to osteochondrosis, lumbar pain of radiculitis, herniated vertebral discs, lumbago.

Diclofenac ointment for osteochondrosis can reduce inflammation, pain and swelling. However, it does not act on the main cause of inflammation - compression of nerve endings by salt outgrowths (osteophytes). Therefore, stopping the action of diclofenac may lead to a relapse of inflammation. Thus, ointment or tablets with diclofenac or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug are a temporary symptomatic treatment measure. But not the main therapy for osteochondrosis.

The main effect of diclofenac is expressed in reducing swelling and pain, reducing inflammation. A secondary effect of diclofenac is a decrease in temperature (antipyretic effect).

Three types of external preparations are produced based on diclofenac - ointment, cream and gel. Each of them is intended for a specific application. Cream - for quick absorption and slight pain relief (for bruises). Ointment - for long-term action and for the treatment of joints(osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, other joint inflammations).

The gel form has an increased concentration of diclofenac. It contains 5% of the active ingredient. Also contains lavender oil. The gel is used to quickly and effectively relieve muscle pain.

What does the instruction and use say about diclofenac gel? The gel is prescribed:

  • for any muscle pain;
  • with sprained ligaments;
  • for muscle swelling due to joint degradation (arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, lumbago).

Diclofenac ointment has wider application. It is used not only for muscle and joint pain, but also for migraines, abdominal pain (colic, proctitis), and inflammation of the ENT organs. Thus, the ointment is a more universal long-acting preparation. Gel - a more effective treatment for muscle pain.

How to use diclofenac ointment?

The composition of the ointment is applied to the area of ​​localization of pain and inflammation(on the joint, ankle, foot, or calf muscle, or on the neck, lower back). During the day, apply a thin layer to the pain site 3-4 times, lightly rubbing it into the skin.

Important: diclofenac ointment, cream and gel can only be applied to skin without wounds, abrasions, cracks, or other damage.

Can diclofenac ointment be applied to children with muscle-articular or other pain? The manufacturer limits the use of the ointment to 6 years of age. It is strictly not recommended for younger children to use the ointment. For those over 6 years old, the ointment can be applied to areas of pain no more than 2 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications of diclofenac ointment

  • Use diclofenac ointment with caution during pregnancy. Especially not recommended in the last trimester.
  • For ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs.
  • In case of disturbances in the functioning of the excretory and filtering organs (liver, kidneys).
  • With a tendency to bleeding and with hemophilia.

Side effects with external treatment with diclofenac are rare. They occur if the timing of administration is not met (if the ointment is used for a long enough time, 1 month or more). In this case, itching, rash, and redness may occur. There are usually no other side effects from external ointment (gel).

Diclofenac (along with many NSAIDs) thickens the blood and increases its ability to form blood clots. This means it increases the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and other vascular problems. However, this only occurs during long-term internal treatment (with tablets or injections). In such cases, diclofenac can provoke ulcerative conditions. What else is important to know:

  • Do not drink alcohol together with NSAIDs (diclofenac)..
  • It is better to take diclofenac with food. Be sure to drink it with water (at least half a glass).
  • Do not exceed the dose (even if there is no desired analgesic effect).
In many European countries, systemic treatment with diclofenac (injections and tablets) is prohibited. This is explained by the fact that long-term use of the substance increases blood viscosity and promotes the formation of blood clots. Which can result in a stroke or heart attack. The risk of increasing vascular diseases, according to foreign experts, is about 40%.

In Russia, diclofenac is on the national list of essential drugs. It is sold without a doctor's prescription and its price is quite affordable.

What else is important to know about the drug? Systemic treatment must be treated with caution. Do not uncontrollably swallow pills or use suppositories with the drug for longer than 2 weeks.. As for ointments and gels, these local treatments do not penetrate into the general bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect. When applied correctly, according to the instructions, ointment with diclofenac is practically harmless (although it is not recommended to be used for longer than 3 weeks).

Diclofenac ointment: analogues

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal acetic acid derivative. Besides it, there are several other non-steroidal drugs of acid origin. This - indomethacin, ketorolac, aceclofenac. All of them are analogues of the non-steroidal diclofenac.

Here are the most popular names of ointments with diclofenac:

Ortofen (Switzerland) - ointment, which contains the same diclofenac, but without dimexide. Moreover, the concentration of diclofenac in it is higher (2% instead of the traditional 1%). Ortofen has the same mechanism of action - it inhibits inflammatory enzymes. What is Ortofen diclofenac ointment used for? It has the same indications for use as other non-steroidal substances and is also used for pain relief and the treatment of inflammation.

Voltaren (Switzerland) - gel. Its price is the highest among various medications with diclofenac. Diclofenac is included in its composition not in sodium form, but in the form of diethylamine. It does not contain a Vaseline base, but contains liquid paraffin. Due to this, Voltaren is absorbed faster and shows its effect faster. Which is better - domestic Diclofenac Acri or Voltaren ointment (gel) from Switzerland? In terms of speed of pain relief, Voltaren is better. However, this is a rather expensive drug. In addition, it contains more preservatives (allergens). Therefore, if you have a modest budget and possible allergic reactions, it is better to use a domestic product. In addition, the ointment composition has another advantage - long-term absorption and prolonged treatment.

Diklak (Germany)- NSAIDs from German pharmacists, drugs based on them more affordable than Voltaren.
In addition to diclofenac and acidic non-steroidal drugs, there are non-steroidal substances that are obtained in other ways (ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, nimesulide, meloxicam). On their basis, ointments are also produced for the treatment of joint pain. The most famous, ibuprofen ointment, is also an analogue of diclofenac ointment.

Ibuprofen ointment- prescribed for pain and inflammation in joints and muscles. What to choose, ibuprofen ointment or diclofenac? Ibuprofen has a less pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, in case of severe pain, you should not replace treatment with ibuprofen. But with normal sore throat it is quite possible.

Diclofenac is a white ointment with a slight specific odor, which is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for people who suffer from joint pain.

It is also prescribed to those who suffer from rheumatism, traumatic bruises, sprained ligaments or tendons.

On this page you will find all the information about Diclofenac: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Diclofenac ointment. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The ointment can be purchased without a prescription.


How much does Diclofenac ointment cost? The average price in pharmacies is 90 rubles.

Release form and composition

The drug Diclofenac for external use is available in the form of ointment and gel. This is what the packaging looks like in the photo. The active ingredients of these products are the same. When comparing medications, note:

  1. Ointment. It has a concentration of active substance of 1% - 0.3 g per tube weighing 30 grams. The base is oily, easy to apply, and does not stain clothes.
  2. Gel. Available in 1 and 5% saturation, it absorbs faster. With its use, in complex treatment using tablets, their dosage can be reduced. A composition with a concentration of 5% is contraindicated in cases of bleeding disorders.

The active ingredient that Diclofenac contains is sodium diclofenac (in Latin - diclofenac sodium). Among the components of the ointment there are auxiliary substances that provide its viscosity and medicinal qualities.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • propylene glycol;
  • polyethylene oxide 1500;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • polyethylene oxide 400.

Pharmacological effect

The use of Diclofenac ointment or gel as a local remedy for painful spasms of an inflammatory nature is considered an effective solution to the “pressing issue” due to the effect that the ointment has when applied topically to the inflamed area:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • analgesic effect;
  • anti-edematous effect.

The reliability of diclofenac-based ointments for rheumatic and joint pain is ensured by the fact that the drug acts on the source of inflammation both at rest and during movement. Motor capabilities improve significantly with the use of the ointment because the feeling of morning stiffness in the joint area is relieved and swelling goes away.

Indications for use

The wide spectrum of action of the ointment allows doctors to prescribe it for many diseases:

1) Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

for the treatment of articular syndrome in rheumatism and during exacerbation of gout;

  • for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • against psoriatic arthritis;
  • for osteoarthritis, radiculitis, inflammatory processes in ligaments, tendons;
  • for the treatment of sciatica, lumbago.

2) Post-traumatic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, as well as soft tissues:

  • for the treatment of damaged ligaments;
  • with dislocations, bruises.

3) Muscle pain of non-rheumatic/rheumatic origin.


These funds in both forms are not used when:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • hypersensitivity to NSAIDs in general or specifically to diclofenac sodium;
  • history of bronchospasm;
  • allergic reactions after taking acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs observed previously;
  • impaired integrity of the skin;
  • children under 6 years of age.

As for pregnancy, Diclofenac gel and ointment are prohibited in the third trimester. In the first two, it can be used for treatment according to indications, if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. But this decision is made by the doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use is contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the possibility of decreased uterine tone and/or premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus.

Use in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy is possible in cases where the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or infant.

Use during lactation (breastfeeding) is contraindicated.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that when used externally, the amount of Diclofenac ointment depends on the size of the painful area. The single dose depends on the dosage form used and the age of the patient.

Gel, ointment, spray for external use:

  • For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug should be applied to the skin over the area of ​​inflammation 3-4 times a day, for children aged 6 to 12 years - up to 2 times a day.
  • The duration of use depends on the indications and effectiveness of treatment. After 2 weeks of using the drug, the patient should consult a doctor.

The transdermal patch is used in the form of applications to the skin:

  • For adults, elderly patients and adolescents over 15 years of age, the patch is applied to the skin over the painful area for 24 hours. Only 1 patch is allowed to be used per day.
  • When treating soft tissue injuries, the patch is used for no more than 14 days, and when treating diseases of muscles and joints - no more than 21 days, unless there are special recommendations from a doctor.

If there is no improvement after 7 days and if your health worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

The side effects that occur depend on individual sensitivity, the dose used and the duration of treatment.

Allergic reactions from the skin are possible (skin rash, burning, redness). With prolonged use of the ointment and/or use of large quantities, systemic side effects may occur: from the gastrointestinal tract (pain in the epigastric region, nausea, flatulence, loss of appetite); from the central nervous system (headache, dizziness, drowsiness); from the respiratory system (bronchospasm, systemic anaphylactic reactions, including shock), photosensitivity.

If any side effects occur or if an overdose is suspected, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.


Due to the low systemic absorption when applying the ointment, an overdose is unlikely.

special instructions

  1. Apply only to undamaged areas of the skin.
  2. During the period of use, prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.
  3. Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes, mucous membranes or open wounds.
  4. Should not be used under airtight (occlusive) dressings.
  5. Caution is required when applying large amounts of the drug to large areas of sensitive skin over an extended period of time. When used with other dosage forms of diclofenac, the total maximum daily dose should be taken into account.

Drug interactions

May enhance the effect of drugs that cause photosensitization.

Use with caution with other drugs known to have hepatoxicity, for example, antibiotics, antiepileptic drugs.

Clinically significant interactions with other drugs are unlikely due to negligible systemic absorption.


We have selected some people's reviews about Diclofenac ointment:

  1. Galina. I rubbed Diclofenac ointment on my mother when she had radiculitis, so I put it on it and she feels better, she says she just felt the pain recede and then it doesn’t hurt at all. I remembered that the tube was white and blue, if I’m not mistaken, it was made by Akrikhin. By the way, after my mother’s radiculitis, I strained a muscle in my leg during training, so this ointment also saved me, it also relieves inflammation.
  2. Lena. I purchased Diclofenac sodium ointment. After a joint bruise in the knee area. I chose this solution because a significant advantage of using this ointment is that it contains natural ingredients that can affect blood flow in the muscles and restore strength to the joints. After a week's course of using this drug, the leg fatigue in the knee area subsided, and the sharp and aching pain stopped. At the same time, I would like to note that the practical use of this drug allows you to quickly influence the source of pain, since this could be felt after 2 days of use, every time before going to bed. I was able to create the best solution, with an analgesic effect.
  3. Eugene. I suffer from radiculitis. Brothers and sisters in misfortune know that the pain of sciatica is unpredictable. Therefore, having a couple of painkillers at home is a must. My choice fell on Diclofenac ointment. I saw a number of advantages in this medicine. However, in reality the medicine disappointed me. I didn't feel any effect. I don’t know, maybe the pain was too strong, but most likely the drug was very weak. I switched from ointment to tablets with the same active substance - so they are in my medicine cabinet on a regular basis and are there.


In fact, diclofenac in ointment form, 1%, is the active ingredient for many ointments; the original drug is Voltaren.

However, there are many different manufacturers of this drug under the brand Diclofenac, sometimes the name of the company is added to the name (Diclofenac-Akos, Diclofenac-MFF, Diclofenac-Akrikhin). Also analogues are ointments Ortofen, Dicloran, Diclonac, etc.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The ointment is stored in refrigerators at temperatures no higher than 15°C. Shelf life 4 years.

The drug Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The composition is produced in the form of an ointment intended for application to the skin. The product is distinguished by its ability to quickly stop the inflammatory process, eliminate local increases in body temperature and pain. The drug for external use is well tolerated by patients and rarely provokes adverse reactions.

Dosage form

The drug Diclofenac is produced in the form of an ointment intended for external use.

Description and composition

The product contains 1% active ingredient. In addition to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component, the drug also contains dimexide, succinic acid and preservatives, which ensure that the required medicinal formula is achieved.

The ointment intended for external use is white or almost white in color and has a slight odor. The active ingredient of the medicinal composition is diclofenac sodium.

Pharmacological group

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug produced by pharmacological companies in an ointment format intended for external use. Diclofenac sodium is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. The drug has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. the mechanism of influence of the composition is due to the inhibition of the activity of CIG 1 and COX 2. such substances lead to rapid activation of the processes of production of arachodonic acid and the synthesis of prostaglandins.

When used externally, the product leads to the disappearance of painful sensations at the site of use. The product helps with joint pain, and the effectiveness is manifested both at rest and during physical activity. The drug effectively eliminates morning stiffness and swelling of the joint. Can be used during the recovery period after fractures.

Indications for use

The list of indications for use of the drug can be presented as follows:

  • back pain due to inflammatory and degenerative processes;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • lumbago;
  • sciatica;
  • joint pain;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • sprain and strain of ligaments;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • bursitis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • damage to periarticular tissues;
  • bruises;
  • injuries.

for adults

The medicinal composition is actively used by patients in this group. The product is used exclusively externally to eliminate pain in the affected area. The duration of the course of exposure is set privately and can be adjusted.

for children

The drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor for patients over 6 years of age. The composition is used exclusively externally. In pediatrics, an ointment with a dosage of the active component of no more than 1% is used. The duration of the course of application is no more than 10 days.

The use of the drug in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy is possible only in exceptional cases as prescribed by a specialist in limited doses. The composition is prohibited for use in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. the active component of the composition can pass into breast milk.


List of contraindications for use:

  • allergy attacks. manifested against the background of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the product;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 6 years of age.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to certain components.

Use the product with caution:

  • hepatic porphyria;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • old age;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • hemophilia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Applications and dosages

The dosage regimen is determined depending on the size of the source of pain. A single dose of the medicinal composition is selected depending on the patient’s age and the concentration of the active substance in the ointment. The drug is recommended to be applied directly to the site of inflammation.

for adults

Children over 12 years of age and adult patients can apply the drug to the skin in the affected area 3-4 times a day. The composition is applied in a thin layer and rubbed in with light massage movements.

for children

For children aged 6 to 12 years, the composition is applied to the affected area in a thin layer no more than 2 times a day. Such restrictions are associated with the risk of absorption of the active substance into the systemic circulation.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The use of the drug in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated due to the risk of decreased uterine tone and the likelihood of premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus. In the first and second trimester, the composition can be used on limited areas of the skin, observing the rules of caution.

Use of the composition during breastfeeding is not recommended.

Side effects

The list of adverse reactions that occur during the use of the product can be presented as follows:

  • pustular rash at the site of application of the composition;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hives;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • angioedema;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • erythema;
  • dermatitis;
  • bullous dermatitis;
  • photosensitivity.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug enhances the activity of a drug that affects photosensitivity.

special instructions

The medicine must not be applied to the skin directly at the site of injury.

Do not cover the skin area with a bandage after applying the product.

The drug should not be used on sensitive skin.

The dosage regimen and duration of the course of exposure should be monitored by a physician.

Avoid getting the product into your eyes. After applying the composition, you must wash your hands.

During the period of use of the composition, it is worth protecting the skin from sunburn; the time spent outside should be controlled.


The likelihood of overdose is minimized if the composition is used correctly. In most cases, the drug does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and does not provoke systemic reactions. If you suspect an overdose, you should seek the help of a doctor.

Storage conditions

The medicine in the form of an ointment intended for external use should be stored in a dry, dark place, in its original packaging. The room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The composition should be kept away from children. The maximum shelf life is 2 years from the date of production. A change in the consistency of the composition should be a reason for its disposal.

Diclofenac ointment is available from pharmacies without a prescription.

The drug Diclofenac, produced by pharmacological companies in the form of an ointment intended for external use, has a sufficient number of analogues. Such products have a similar composition and have the necessary pharmacological parameters.


The drug Dicloberl is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of a gel and solution for intravenous administration. The injection form provides long-term pain relief. A significant drawback of the composition is the wide list of contraindications for use. The drug can be used for neuralgia.

Diclofenac gel

The drug is a full-fledged analogue of the drug produced in the form of an ointment. The product contains the same active ingredient. The advantage of this form is that it is light and easy to apply; the composition does not leave marks on clothing. The product is produced with different dosages of the active substance, 5% composition is used to eliminate acute pain.

The cost of Diclofenac ointment is on average 39 rubles. Prices range from 11 to 259 rubles.

Surely every person has had to deal with such troubles in life as pain in the joints, sprains after an active workout.

Unpleasant sensations cause considerable discomfort, constraining and limiting movements, a person is deprived of the opportunity to lead a familiar, active lifestyle. Diclofenac ointment becomes a real salvation in such situations.

Properties of Diclofenac ointment

The ointment is a derivative of phenylacetic acid and has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Due to the presence of special analgesic components in the ointment, after applying the product to the skin, an analgesic effect is quickly felt, swelling is also eliminated and joint mobility is restored.

Diclofenac ointment has a number of advantages in comparison with similar drugs: it is quickly and well absorbed, does not leave greasy stains, and has high penetrating ability.


The ointment is sold in aluminum tubes of 30 grams. One package of the drug contains:

  • diclofenac sodium – 0.3 grams;
  • polyethylene oxide;
  • dimexide;
  • propylene glycol.

The ointment is white in color and has a slight specific odor.

For what diseases is the use indicated?

For diseases of a rheumatic nature, the ointment effectively eliminates discomfort in the joints. Significant improvement is felt both in a calm state and in the process of movement.

With the help of the drug, you can get rid of the stiffness of movement that occurs in the morning, swelling and restore normal motor function.

Besides, ointment prevents the formation of substances that provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

Experts use Diclofenac in the treatment of many diseases.

  1. Inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:
    • articular syndrome due to rheumatism;
    • exacerbation of gout;
    • arthritis;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • radiculitis;
    • inflammatory processes in ligaments and tendons;
    • sciatica;
    • lumbago.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues caused by injuries:
    • ligament damage;
    • dislocations;
    • bruises.
  3. Muscle pain of various origins.


The drug has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when prescribing and using:

  • allergic reactions to individual components of the drug (diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid) or the ointment as a whole;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • rhinitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under six years of age.

How to apply the drug: instructions for use

The ointment can only be used externally. Before using the drug, you must read the instructions very carefully.

A volume of ointment the size of a large cherry (four grams) is enough to treat an area of ​​skin from 400 to 800 square centimeters. The maximum daily dosage of Diclofenac is eight grams.

The regimen for using the product is determined individually; first of all, the area of ​​the painful area is taken into account. For adults, it is acceptable to use two to four grams four times a day. For children, two grams of ointment three to four times a day is enough. For children aged 6 to 12 years, the number of procedures cannot exceed two times.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer; in the area of ​​inflammation, it is important to carefully rub the drug. You can apply the ointment no more than three times during the day. After completing the procedure, hands should be washed thoroughly. If the ointment is used to treat finger joints, for example, finger arthrosis, there is no need to wash your hands.

The duration and treatment regimen are prescribed by the doctor individually in each clinical case, while the specialist monitors the patient’s condition and the body’s reaction to the drug. However, using the ointment for longer than two weeks is undesirable.

In order to enhance the effect, doctors quite often prescribe treatment with Diclofenac in other dosage forms in addition to the ointment. You should not make a decision on taking Diclofenac tablets on your own; you should definitely consult a specialist.

Application of ointment:

  1. For bruises. In case of bruises, the ointment is used three times a day, applied directly to the site of injury. The maximum permissible single dose of Diclofenac is 2 grams. The ointment eliminates pain and reduces swelling.
  2. For osteochondrosis. The ointment should be applied two to four times three times a day. As a result, the functional ability of the joints and motor activity increase.
  3. For radiculitis and sprains. The standard regimen for applying Diclofenac to the skin is from two to four grams two or three times a day. The ointment eliminates morning stiffness in movements, swelling and pain.

With long-term treatment with Diclofenac, an increase in the activity of some liver enzymes is possible. That is why experts recommend applying the ointment as little and as rarely as possible. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. It is strictly forbidden to apply ointment to open wounds.

Possible unwanted effects

Side effects that appear during the use of the ointment depend on certain factors:

  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • degree of sensitivity to Diclofenac;
  • dosage;
  • duration of therapy.

Side effects, as a rule, are expressed in the form of allergic reactions: rash on the skin, itching, burning, slight redness.

More serious symptoms of overdose occur only with a long course of therapy in large doses.

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract:
    • stomach ache;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • loss of appetite;
    • increased flatulence.
  2. From the central nervous system:
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • feeling drowsy.
  3. From the respiratory organs:
    • bronchospasm;
    • anaphylactic shock.

If any, even minor, side effects occur, you should stop treatment with Diclofenac and consult a doctor.

Diclofenac ointment during pregnancy

To date, there are no relevant clinical studies that confirm or refute the safety of the drug for pregnant women. That is why the use of ointment during pregnancy is prohibited.

The ointment poses the greatest danger in late pregnancy (third trimester). Careless, uncontrolled use of Diclofenac can provoke premature closure of the ductus botellus, which will lead to the flow of blood into the fetal lungs, which are not yet functioning.

In addition, the use of ointment in the last stages of pregnancy leads to suppression of labor.

Interaction with other drugs

The interaction of Diclofenac ointment with other medications is unlikely, however, in some cases certain complications are possible.

  1. With simultaneous treatment with a potassium-sparing diuretic, an increase in potassium levels in the blood is possible.
  2. Concomitant therapy with loop diuretics may lead to a decrease in diuretic effect.
  3. Treatment with several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the risk of side effects.
  4. Simultaneous treatment with Diclofenac ointment and tablets leads to a significant increase in the content of lithium and digoxin in the blood plasma.

Gel or ointment, which is better?

According to many experts, the gel has more powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The gel is also absorbed faster. Patients note that the gel is more convenient to use.

Diclofenac gel has a higher concentration of the active substance - diclofenac. Thus, treatment with the gel allows you to exclude tablets from the treatment regimen and reduce the dose of the drug.

The photo shows: Diclofenac gel and Ortofen ointment (aka Diclofenac)

However, it cannot be said unequivocally that the gel is better than the ointment. High concentrations of diclofenac increase the risk of side effects and drug overdose. The gel has a larger list of contraindications, including blood clotting disorders and a predisposition to bleeding.

Note: Diclofenac gel, like ointment, is used to treat children over six years of age.


The cost of Diclofenac ointment varies depending on the manufacturer and geographical point of sale.

In Moscow, the drug produced by the Ozon company, Russia can be purchased at a price of 22 rubles, and produced by the Sintez AKOMP company, Russia at a price of 37 rubles.


Preparations based on Diclofenac:

It is difficult to identify the safest or most effective drug, because each of them has side effects and contraindications. Only a doctor can select an individual, most effective treatment regimen.

Diclofenac is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that is appropriate in many situations. It is good for joints and soft tissues. Diclofenac ointment is inexpensive, so it is used often. It is important for patients to know how to apply it correctly and for how long it is allowed to be used.

"Diclofenac" is an ointment for external use. It is usually applied to the surface of the skin.

It is sold in three sizes:

  • 40 g;
  • 50 g;
  • 100 g.

In all cases, the drug is packaged in an aluminum tube with a screw-on cap.

The medication contains the chemical substance diclofenac sodium in a ratio of 100:1. Dimexide may exhibit additional activity. It not only relieves inflammation along with diclofenac, but also accelerates the process of releasing tissues from toxins, and is also able to kill some microbes.

All other components of the ointment form its base. These are preservatives, organic acids, propylene glycol.

Pharmacological properties pharmacokinetics

Diclofenac is one of the most popular NSAIDs. All such medications are designed to fight inflammation. The active substance enters the tissue and changes enzyme activity at the cellular level. Specifically, it inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase. Next, the synthesis of prostaglandins, compounds that ensure the course of inflammatory processes, slows down.

Diclofenac helps with severe pain. Moreover, the drug does not work by blocking receptors and stopping the transmission of signals from the source of discomfort to the cerebral cortex, as happens when using traditional analgesics. "Diclofenac" acts on the main cause of unpleasant sensations, therefore it eliminates rather than dulls the pain.

Experts note that Diclofenac can not only eliminate inflammation, but also reduce body temperature due to its moderate antipyretic effect.

The drug in the form of an ointment is quickly absorbed into the epidermis and begins to work within 20 - 30 minutes after application. It does not enter the bloodstream, as happens when using injections or tablets, when the active component binds to albumin proteins and is distributed throughout the body in the blood. The medicine immediately reaches only those areas where inflammatory processes are actively occurring and lingers there for a long time, which provides a therapeutic effect.

The spent drug in the form of metabolites - glucuronide conjugates - leaves the body along with urine. Part of the drug is excreted through the kidneys in unchanged form.

What does Diclofenac ointment help with?

The drug is prescribed for joint pathologies that are accompanied by severe pain and swelling. It is important that the discomfort is caused by inflammatory processes. So, with osteochondrosis or similar diseases, the cause of pain is pinched nerve endings. In this case, Diclofenac can be used, but only as an element of additional therapy.

The list of main indications for using the ointment includes:

  • joint pain (hands, feet, knees);
  • degenerative changes in the spinal column (sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diseases of a rheumatic nature;
  • muscle pain resulting from injuries, bruises, sprains.

In all of these cases, the ointment will become an effective assistant, improving well-being and accelerating recovery.

Age restrictions for use

Medicines for external use are considered the most gentle, since they do not affect the gastrointestinal tract and do not provoke destruction of its mucous membranes. However, even ointments can be dangerous, so they should be used only after consulting with your doctor.

Diclofenac does not contain hormonal substances, however, it is not prescribed to all patients. Doctors must take into account the age of the person applying. So, the ointment is approved for adults and adolescents. It can be used on children, but they must be at least 6 years old.

Instructions for use of Diclofenac ointment

The ointment treatment process is rarely difficult. It is enough just to strictly follow the regimen proposed by the doctor or indicated in the annotation for the medication.

The ointment is applied directly to the site of pain and inflammation. A small amount is squeezed out of the tube and rubbed into the skin with light circular movements. During the day, the drug can be used no more than 3 – 4 times. For children under 12 years of age, it is better to reduce the dosage and apply the ointment only twice.

As soon as the first improvements are noticed, you need to switch to double use, and later apply the ointment only once a day to avoid excess of the active component in the tissues.

Important! Do not apply ointment to damaged skin. The drug is not used for deep cuts and abrasions. The product must not be allowed to penetrate into the wound.

Can the drug be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Hormonal drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, but non-steroidal drugs are sometimes prescribed, especially if there are indications for their use. Diclofenac ointment is appropriate during pregnancy, but precautions should be taken with this treatment.

The ointment can be used exclusively in the first two trimesters. In later stages, it is impossible to influence the synthesis of prostaglandins. These compounds are not only responsible for the formation of foci of inflammation, but also stimulate the timely onset of labor. In other words, if they are deficient, a woman gives birth much later than her due date. Because of this, the fetus suffers. It continuously grows, and the volume of amniotic fluid decreases, which is fraught with hypoxia or entanglement in the umbilical cord.

The prohibition is also due to the fact that prostaglandins are involved in maintaining the normal tone of the uterus and the formation of its muscle layer. Without them, a woman’s body simply will not be able to support pregnancy for the entire 40 weeks.

Lactation is another contraindication to the use of any form of medication, including ointments. The active substance will accumulate in the milk and be transferred to the child, which cannot be allowed to avoid disrupting the normal pace of its development.

Drug interactions with other drugs

Diclofenac is well tolerated by the body and can be combined with almost all other drugs, so there are no specific restrictions, with the exception of any medications that can increase susceptibility to UV rays. In this case, photosensitivity increases.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Diclofenac is ideal for relieving inflammation, as it causes virtually no side effects.

In the rarest cases, a local allergic reaction occurs on the skin in the area of ​​regular application, which manifests itself as:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • local temperature increase.

The listed symptoms may cause inconvenience, but they disappear on their own after stopping the ointment.

Among the signs of an overdose of the active substance is excessive thickening of the blood, which can provoke the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed with subsequent clogging of arteries or capillaries. In practice, a similar phenomenon is observed only with long-term use of tablets or injections. The ointment is considered the safest medication option, and therefore is approved in all countries.

Theoretically, Diclofenac can cause gastrointestinal pathologies associated with damage to the mucous membranes lining the tract from the inside. This is due to the fact that during treatment the amount of prostaglandins, which normally regulate the formation of protective mucus on the walls of the esophagus and stomach, sharply decreases. If it becomes too small, the shells begin to collapse. The situation can be aggravated by the intake of aggressive food or alcohol, as well as weakening of the immune system with subsequent penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and peptic ulcers develop according to this pattern.

Doctors urge not to panic, but to think sensibly. Diclofenac can indeed provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, but there are ways to prevent the development of pathologies.

  • strictly adhere to dosages;
  • further strengthen the immune system;
  • Do not use Diclofenac with alcohol.

The product in the form of an ointment is considered effective and the safest, since it does not affect either the digestive or vascular system. Side effects are minimized, so you can safely purchase the ointment and use it, but doctors warn that there are still a number of restrictions.

The list of main contraindications includes:

  • hemophilia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • severe liver pathologies;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • final trimester of pregnancy;
  • age up to 6 years.

In some cases, the ointment is allowed to be used, but you need to carefully monitor your well-being and, if it worsens, immediately consult a doctor. Such conditions include heart failure, pregnancy (1st and 2nd trimesters), and old age.

Analogues of Diclofenac ointment

Diclofenac in ointment format is an inexpensive and effective remedy, which largely explains the increased demand for it. However, pharmacies also offer analogues of the medication.

  1. "Voltaren." This is a similar medicine in a lighter form, facilitating rapid absorption into the deep layers of the epidermis. The effect is achieved due to the base of liquid paraffin and the presence of the active substance in the form of diethylamine.
  2. "Ortofen". Ointment with a high concentration of diclofenac and the complete absence of dimexide. Used for severe pain associated with inflammatory processes.
  3. "Ibuprofen." This product contains the substance of the same name. It works in a similar way to diclofenac and also helps get rid of swelling and pain.

To choose the right drug and get better quickly, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will find out the true causes of the pain and will be able to determine whether diclofenac-based ointments will help, or whether the patient will need to choose a different treatment regimen.

Elderly people suffering from joint pain, and young people who lead an active lifestyle and often encounter injuries, need an effective and safe pain reliever, therefore it is especially important for them to study Diclofenac ointment: instructions for use for adults, what it is used for and how use correctly.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The medication is made on the basis of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance Diclofenac, which in its chemical structure belongs to the group of phenylacetic acid derivatives. It is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the conversion of arachidonic acid into highly active intracellular and intraorgan regulators of prostanoids.

Acting indiscriminately, Diclofenac interferes with the synthesis of both forms of the COX enzyme. Suppression of inducible COX-2, released in response to tissue damage and triggering the body's defense response in the form of triggering the inflammatory process, leads to a weakening of the symptoms of inflammation and pain. Interfering with the synthesis of physiological prostaglandins (from the prostanoid class), which are constantly and ubiquitously present in the body, disrupts regulatory mechanisms, which causes various undesirable consequences. The ability to use Diclofenac externally allows you to avoid the development of systemic side effects. What is this topical medication used for?

By acting directly on the source of pain, the active components of the ointment provide the following clinical effect:

  • anti-inflammatory effect– suppression of the inflammatory process, reduction of clinical symptoms of inflammation. The effect is pronounced, manifested by a decrease in skin redness in the area of ​​​​increased blood flow, a decrease in pain in the joint, swelling of hyperemic tissue, a local increase in temperature, and restoration of motor activity;
  • analgesic effect– weakening or complete relief of pain that persists at rest or is provoked by movement or physical activity;
  • decongestant effect– removal of swelling of soft tissues formed after an injury, surgery or due to an inflammatory process. The effect is achieved by reducing vascular permeability and the release of exudate into the tissue.

Composition, release forms

Medicines based on Diclofenac intended for external use are produced by many companies. They often enter the market under different trade names, differing in the dosage of the main active substance and the set of auxiliary ingredients.

The holder of the registration certificate for ointment with Diclofenac is:

How does Diclofenac ointment work?

Due to the combination of high efficiency and good tolerability, Diclofenac is one of the most commonly prescribed NSAIDs. The therapeutic effect of the ointment is due to the reversible blocking of COX activity and disruption of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the pathological focus. The effect of using an external agent develops quickly, because the composition overcomes the surface layers of the skin and penetrates the damaged tissue structures of the deep layers in just 10-15 minutes.

What does Diclofenac ointment help with?:

  • reduces the severity of muscle and joint pain;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process, reduces joint swelling, restores blood circulation;
  • relieves tension and fatigue from muscle groups in the treated area of ​​the body;
  • relieves stiffness of movement in the morning or after a long rest, reduces the time required to “diverge” and develop articulation;
  • improves the functional state of joints, increases the volume and amplitude of movements;
  • in therapeutic doses does not affect the balance of anabolic and catabolic processes in joint tissues, primarily in the cartilage matrix, does not interfere with the deposition of proteoglycans, does not lead to dehydration and gradual destruction of cartilage (this side effect is typical for many NSAIDs).

At the same time, the systemic absorption of Diclofenac applied cutaneously, in comparison with other methods of administering NSAIDs, is insignificant - only about 6% of the incoming active substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation; with an equal dose of Diclofenac, the maximum plasma concentration is 100 times less than after taking the tablet. This indicator determines the risk of developing side effects. The figure may increase several times, because the degree of absorption directly depends on the size of the area treated with ointment, the saturation of skin cells with water, the fact and duration of use of occlusive dressings.

It has been established that when applied, Diclofenac freely penetrates into adjacent tissues, incl. deep, tissue of skeletal muscles, joint capsule, synovium - here its concentration is many times higher than plasma and, according to the instructions, this level is maintained for 6-12 hours. It leaves the body mainly with urine in the form of less active metabolites, a smaller part leaves through the biliary tract system.

When choosing Diclofenac or Ibuprofen, you should keep in mind that both drugs are well studied, with proven effectiveness, but Diclofenac is superior to Ibuprofen in terms of potency. The final decision must be entrusted to the attending physician.