Automated artillery reconnaissance complex penicillin. Why do Penicillin complexes worry the US military?

To operate effectively, artillery requires various reconnaissance means. With their help, it is necessary to monitor the results of shooting, as well as determine the location of enemy batteries. Nowadays, to solve such problems, specialized radar stations are used that can track the flight and impact of projectiles or missiles. In the near future, reconnaissance artillerymen will have to begin operating a new reconnaissance complex that uses other detection methods. The promising automated complex 1B75 “Penicillin” is capable of performing all its tasks by processing audio and visual information.

Nowadays, the main contribution to the work of artillery reconnaissance is made by specialized radar stations. They are able to track the flight of their own and enemy projectiles, determining their launch and impact points. Identifying the point of impact of your projectile allows you to adjust the aiming of the guns to successfully hit the target, and information about the launch site of the enemy is intended to organize a retaliatory strike. Reconnaissance radars cope with their tasks, but are not without shortcomings. First of all, they are susceptible negative influence electronic warfare equipment or strikes using anti-radar.

AZTK 1B75 "Penicillin" in position

In the distant past, special speaker systems. As it turned out, the use of sound vibrations and visual information is quite capable of finding application in modern conditions. However, now we are talking about other principles for receiving and processing data using a modern component base.

Several years ago, development work with the code “Penicillin” began in our country, the goal of which was to create a fundamentally new automated sound-thermal complex (AZTK) for artillery reconnaissance of the army level. According to the technical specifications, information about flying and falling projectiles should have been collected using seismic sensors and infrared cameras. The use of radar equipment was excluded.

The development of the Penicillin project was carried out at the Vector Research Institute (St. Petersburg), part of the Vega radio engineering concern (a division of Rostec). Other industry enterprises could be involved in the work. Serial production of products should begin in the near future; it was planned to entrust it to enterprises of the Russian Electronics holding (also part of the Rostec state corporation).

For the first time about the existence of the new AZTK 1B75 “Penicillin” general public told in March 2017. By this time, the enterprises participating in the project had completed the development technical documentation, and also built a prototype of the complex. Testing of equipment also began at one of the test sites. Russian ministry defense These circumstances allowed the military department not only to tell the public about the promising development, but also to show it in action. However, the bulk of the data about the new intelligence complex was not subject to disclosure.

Model of the complex at the Army 2018 exhibition

In May last year, representatives of Ruselectronics clarified information on the Penicillin project and also announced some new information. In addition, the latest and plans for the near future were published. It was reported that at that time the 1B75 product was completing state tests. In the near future, it was planned to carry out the required procedures, after which mass production could be launched. The start of assembly of serial complexes is scheduled for early 2019.

Subsequently, materials on the Penicillin AZTK project, including a model, were demonstrated at the Army exhibition. It is curious that the models shown this year were noticeably different in appearance from the prototypes that were tested and became the “main characters” of the news last spring. However, the general architecture of the complex, its functions and capabilities remain the same.

The automated complex of sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance 1B75 "Penicillin" is mobile system on a self-propelled chassis, capable of monitoring the situation in a given area and identifying the operation of enemy guns or monitoring the firing accuracy of its artillery. By using fundamentally new methods of operation, the complex solves its problems without unmasking itself with any radiation. All main devices of the complex, with the exception of communications, operate exclusively in receive mode.

The promising AZTK is built on the basis of an automobile chassis with the appropriate characteristics. So, prototypes, tested last year, were based on the KamAZ-63501 vehicle. This year at the exhibition they showed a mock-up of a reconnaissance complex based on a different chassis. Available data suggests that Penicillin equipment can be installed on base cars of different models. Only the carrying capacity and dimensions of the loading area matter.

Optoelectronic module "Penicillin-OEM" in working position

The prototypes were built on the KamAZ-63501 chassis. It is an all-wheel drive four-axle vehicle designed for mounting various target equipment or other payload. The machine is equipped with a 360 hp diesel engine. and is capable of carrying cargo on the frame total mass up to 16 t. Maximum speed on the highway exceeds 90 km/h, regardless of the type of payload.

In the case of “Penicillin”, a new unit is mounted on the chassis, behind the cab of the cabover configuration, which includes a support for the mast device and boxes for storing special devices. A unified van body is installed behind it, accommodating automated workstations, special equipment, etc. The chassis is also equipped with four hydraulic jacks. A pair of such devices are located next to special equipment, the other two are located at the rear of the machine.

One of the reconnaissance means is the Penicillin-OEM optical-electronic module. It is a stabilized platform with several types of cameras mounted on a lifting mast. IN existing form complex 1B75 is equipped with a lifting mast. When the complex is moved into working position, the mast rises vertically, bringing the cameras to the required height. In the stowed position, the mast is laid back on the roof of the van. The platform with cameras is equipped with vertical and horizontal aiming drives, providing all-round visibility in azimuth and changing the elevation angle.

Penicillin-OEM includes six television cameras and the same number of thermal imagers. They are housed in two box-shaped housings, movably mounted on a common rotating base. Both bodies have mechanized front covers that protect the optics from damage during transportation. Television and thermal imaging cameras have a viewing angle of 70° in azimuth and 10° in elevation. The signal from all 12 devices is simultaneously sent to computers and processed together. At the same time it is ensured high quality“stitching” of individual fields of vision. The cameras can operate continuously for 18 hours, after which a break of 1 hour is required.

Installation of acoustic sensors

Using the Penicillin-OEM module, the artillery reconnaissance complex must monitor a given sector and detect flashes of shots or shell explosions. By processing data from a set of cameras, automation is able to accurately determine the direction to the flash point. Calculation of data on the detected gap is carried out in real time.

The sound-thermal reconnaissance complex also has means for receiving and processing sound signals. The complex contains four devices for collecting acoustic signals, as well as equipment for processing them. The receiving device is a product with a body of a characteristic curved shape. These devices are proposed to be placed at certain positions near the complex and connected to it using cables. The main element of the receiving device is a seismic sensor, which receives ground vibrations and converts them into an electrical signal.

A shot from an artillery gun or the explosion of a shell creates a sound wave in the ground that travels over considerable distances. Penicillin's receiving devices are capable of detecting this wave, after which the automation makes the necessary calculations. The special arrangement of four seismic sensors leads to the reception of vibrations with one or another delay. The difference in the time of signal arrival makes it possible to determine the direction to the source of oscillations, as well as the distance to it. Apparently, sound reconnaissance means can be used together with optical ones, which significantly increases the speed of calculations and the accuracy of determining the coordinates of a gun or the location of a projectile impact.

According to published data, AZTK 1B75 “Penicillin” is capable of detecting firing positions or places where shells fell in an area up to 25 km wide along the front. The detection range of an enemy mortar reaches 10 km, and other types of cannon artillery – 18 km. High detection accuracy is ensured: up to 1.5 arc minutes in azimuth. To calculate the location of the source of sound waves or infrared radiation it only takes 5 s. Regardless of the conditions and intensity of artillery work, the complex can take direction of at least 90% of explosions or shots.

Data from seismic sensors on the screen of the operator's workplace

Using standard communications equipment, Penicillin is able to interact with artillery formations. It can work in spotter mode and determine where shells fall, the data of which will allow artillerymen to correct the aiming and deliver an accurate strike. When solving counter-battery tasks, the 1B75 complex must identify enemy firing positions and issue target designation to its artillerymen for a retaliatory strike. Receiving and processing data with subsequent delivery of information to consumers requires minimal time, which increases the efficiency of artillery operations.

The most important feature of the new AZTK 1B75 “Penicillin” is the ability to work at some distance from the front line. In addition, it is distinguished by the absence of unmasking factors during operation. All the main components of the complex operate only in reception mode, while in transmission mode only the radio station that provides communication operates. Thus, the enemy is not able to identify specific signs and take measures against this complex. In this regard, Penicillin has advantages over other artillery reconnaissance means that use different detection principles.

Last year it was reported that a new type of automated sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex was undergoing state tests and could go into production in the foreseeable future. IN lately There has been no negative news about Penicillin, which is a reason for optimism. Apparently, the industry has successfully completed its tasks and is currently preparing production facilities for future production of equipment.

What will be the order of the Ministry of Defense for 1B75 "Penicillin" for domestic ground forces, has not yet been specified. However, the consequences of acquiring such equipment are already clear and obvious. New assets will increase the potential of reconnaissance units and at the same time have a positive impact on the capabilities of missile forces and artillery. Rocketeers and artillerymen will be able to hit designated targets faster and more efficiently or protect their troops from enemy fire.

Based on materials from sites:



On March 22, Russian state media disseminated information about the new mobile counter-battery system “Penicillin”.
The system detects and recognizes enemy artillery fire by sound using microphones, is able to determine coordinates and transmits data to its artillery.
In normal weather conditions the system is capable of localizing the location of 90% of enemy firing guns.
Military parity

In 2019, the united holding Ruselectronics (part of Rostec) will launch mass production of the new artillery reconnaissance complex Penicillin, which detects enemy guns 5 seconds after firing. This was reported today by the press service of the holding.
"On at the moment State tests of the complex are being completed. Serial production is planned for January 2019. As part of the holding, development is carried out by " Research Vector Institute,” said Ruselectronics.
The sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex "Penicillin" is designed to search for firing positions of artillery guns, mortars, jet systems volley fire and launch positions of anti-aircraft and tactical missiles while simultaneously adjusting the firing of their artillery.
As the developers note, traditional fire adjustments are carried out by reconnaissance officers who, as a rule, work on the front line at the risk of their lives. “In contrast, Penicillin can operate at a safe distance from the enemy without operator participation in a fully automated mode, which minimizes the impact human factor", said Ruselectronics.
The complex performs combat missions in a strip up to 25 km wide. It consists of several sound receivers installed on the surface of the earth, as well as an optical-electronic module.
The system receives and processes acoustic signals from shots (explosions) and provides information about the location of the ammunition explosion, the accuracy of the hit, and also reports the location of the guns. The time to obtain the coordinates of a single target does not exceed five seconds.


Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation At the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2018" in Kubinka, she presented a model and information on the automated sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex of the army AZTK control unit (product 1B75) (OKR "Penicillin").
It is designed for reconnaissance of firing positions of artillery guns, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems and launching positions of anti-aircraft and tactical missiles while servicing the firing of its artillery.
The complex was developed at JSC Research Institute Vector.
For the first time, public information about the Penicillin complex appeared in March 2017, when a video from the Zvezda TV channel appeared. It is noted that mass production of this product will be deployed in 2019 at the enterprises of the Ruselectronics holding.


Reconnaissance range (Dr), km:
OP mortars 10
OP artillery pieces 18
SP TR 40
Reconnaissance accuracy (RMS):
by range, % Dr 0.5…0.6
in direction, md 0-02…0-03
Throughput of target coordinates, min 20…30
Reconnaissance strip, km 20

The international military forum “Army 2018” continues. A significant part of its exhibition is occupied by artillery and missile systems. Visitors can see the latest self-propelled gun"Coalition-SV", the Iskander operational-tactical complex, the 203 mm Malka cannon and many other interesting developments. But artillery is not only what it shoots, it efficient work impossible without quality products target designation and reconnaissance.

It is for this reason that at the stand of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense you can see a model of a new reconnaissance complex, which is known to the general public under the name “Penicillin”. Experts believe that its appearance can lead to the same revolution in artillery that its “namesake” once accomplished in medicine. Thanks to the complex's sensitive sensors, the military will be able to accurately determine the location of enemy batteries, while remaining invisible to the enemy. "Penicillin" will be able to detect even launchers anti-aircraft and tactical missiles.

It is planned that the reconnaissance complex will begin to enter service with the troops next year.

What is Penicillin and what is it for?

Today, enemy artillery positions are detected using radar systems. A typical example of such equipment is the Zoopark-1 anti-battery radar, which was put into service Russian army in 2008. Its operating principle is quite simple: the radar detects the trajectories of projectiles or missiles, and then the computer calculates where they were launched from. The problem is that the use of radar instantly reveals the location of the station itself, making it vulnerable to enemy fire. In addition, it can be suppressed using various systems EW.

True, there are also advantages: “Zoo” is capable of not only calculating enemy batteries, but also effectively adjusting the fire of its own artillery.

The Penicillin complex works in a completely different way. Its main part is an external optical-electronic module of thermal direction-finding equipment, designed to detect radiation in the infrared and visible spectrum from the terrain and various objects. It is located on a special rod, which unfolds during combat use.

In addition, this complex includes special sound receivers that literally “listen” to the earth, like acoustics on submarines. The information received from the sensors is sent to the receiving equipment and displays the situation in real time.

"Penicillin" is capable of detecting mortar positions at distances of 10 km, the location of self-propelled guns and towed artillery - up to 18 km, rocket launchers– up to 40 km.

Up to 30 targets can be detected simultaneously. The width of the reconnaissance strip is 20-25 km. During testing, the complex showed very high accuracy, reaching one and a half arc minutes. More precise data about its characteristics are kept secret for now.

Samples of the complex shown earlier were installed on the chassis of a KamAZ-6350 truck. At the Army 2018 forum, another version was demonstrated - using an armored car

Vladimir Smirnov, Marianna Chursina

State tests of the new automated artillery reconnaissance complex 1B75 “Penicillin” have been completed. This system allows you to determine the coordinates of enemy artillery firing positions within a radius of up to 25 km in five seconds. In addition, Penicillin adjusts the firing of fire weapons of friendly forces. Delivery of the first sound-thermal systems to the troops is expected in 2020. Experts call the key feature of the new systems the ability to as soon as possible react to enemy artillery fire and destroy it before it changes its location.

  • YouTube

In Russia, state tests of the latest automated artillery reconnaissance complex 1B75 “Penicillin” have been completed. Moreover, the first two samples of this equipment are planned to be delivered to the troops in 2020. RIA Novosti was informed about this by the press service of the Ruselectronics holding.

It is noted that the Penicillin sound-thermal complex is designed to detect firing positions of enemy artillery pieces, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems, as well as launch positions of enemy anti-aircraft and tactical missiles. At the same time, the system simultaneously adjusts the firing of friendly artillery.

The complex includes several sound receivers installed on the ground and an optoelectronic module. “Penicillin” receives and processes thermal imaging and acoustic signals from shots and shell explosions, providing data on the location of the ammunition explosion, the accuracy of the hit, and reports the location of enemy artillery.

A key feature of the new complex is that it determines the coordinates of a single target within a radius of up to 25 km in just five seconds.

"Penicillin" can carry out firing maintenance for both one battery and each battery of the division in turn. The installation also ensures interaction with subscribers automated system tactical and operational management. The radio communication range with external subscribers is up to 40 km,” Ruselectronics reported.

The optical-electronic module “Penicillin-OEM” itself, which is a complex of thermal direction-finding equipment (TPA) on a telescopic rod, includes six thermal imaging and six television cameras. All of them are placed in a single housing on a rotating and swinging base.

“The radiation that comes from objects located in the reconnaissance sector is converted by optical-electronic units of the product ... into electrical signals and transmitted to the equipment for receiving and displaying the ROV in real time,” notes the documents for the development of the module.

For the first time, the existence of the automated sound-thermal reconnaissance complex AZTK 1B75 “Penicillin” became known to the general public in March 2017. By this time, at the Donguz training ground in Orenburg region testing of a prototype has started.

It was reported that the complex is intended to replace the traditional principle of adjusting fire with the help of scouts who work on the front line at the risk of their lives.

“In contrast, Penicillin can operate at a safe distance from the enemy without operator participation in a fully automated mode, which minimizes the influence of the human factor,” Ruselectronics said.

Besides, existing complexes artillery reconnaissance are vulnerable to enemy electronic warfare and anti-radar weapons. In turn, AZTK 1B75 performs tasks without unmasking itself by external radiation.

“Artillery remains one of the important factors on the battlefield”

Previously an American analytical publication National Interest published a material entitled “Perhaps Russia has a new means of destroying (American. - RT) heavy artillery". It was about the new artillery reconnaissance complex presented at the Army 2018 exhibition.

It is noted that Western radar systems - the American Hughes AN/TSQ-51 and the Scandinavian ARTHUR - due to their characteristics, have difficulty detecting small projectiles and are subject to anti-radar measures. Non-detectability Russian system traditional methods, writes NI.

Currently, the main artillery weapons in service with the US Army are the 155-mm self-propelled artillery installation M109, towed howitzers M119 (105 mm) and M777 (155 mm), as well as several types of mortars and MLRS (HIMARS and MLRS). The firing range of most of them with conventional shells does not exceed 25 km.

According to corresponding member Russian Academy rocket and artillery sciences Konstantin Sivkov, the main advantage of the Penicillin complex is the presence of a thermal optoelectronic channel, which allows you to react to enemy artillery fire in the shortest possible time and deliver a counter-battery strike even before it has time to change location.

“According to open data, the range of the complex is 25 km, that is, within the tactical defense zone. Accordingly, light field artillery and mortars will mainly work against such targets,” the expert told RT.

In turn, military columnist for Komsomolskaya Pravda, retired colonel Viktor Baranets, noted that foreign experts rightly drew attention to the fact that Russian complex will very seriously affect the effectiveness of artillery combat.

“That’s why they called the Penicillin complex the killer of American artillery. All armies of the world have artillery pieces of different calibers and different ranges, and artillery remains one of important factors on the battlefield,” said RT’s interlocutor. “It is very important to have the exact coordinates of the location of a particular weapon, because the weapon fires several shots and immediately changes position. And if technology does not allow one to instantly detect his position, it means that the enemy will simply shift this position, and the shells will arrive, essentially, to nothing.”

The expert noted that the AZTK 1B75 makes it possible to determine the firing point with maximum accuracy in a matter of seconds and cover it with return fire: “This is one of the elements of the new warfare, where the speed of response to enemy fire is reduced to a minimum.”

According to Barants, foreign experts pay attention to the fact that high performance characteristics complex achieved through the use latest technologies, which so far only the Russian defense industry has.

“We need to talk about something else: that in this complex there is not a single bolt or board that we would purchase abroad. Everything in this complex is Russian, from the most basic equipment to complex electronic systems. Possessing such a complex, the Russian army receives very serious anti-artillery “ears and eyes,” which is extremely important when conducting modern combat operations, where time becomes a very serious factor,” the expert added.

“The speed of reaction to enemy fire also becomes an additional weapon of our army,” he emphasized.

“I would like to congratulate our designers, scientists, technologists, and engineers who came up with and completed this complex. We will wait for its mass entry into the Russian army,” concluded Baranets.

The new Russian sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex 1B75 “Penicillin” can become a breakthrough “method for eliminating American heavy artillery” and thereby revolutionize weapons, just as its namesake revolutionized all medicine, writes the American analytical publication National Interest.

The authors of the article note that in order to detect noise and kinetic energy, this system fixation uses four sound-thermal locators, a huge stabilization platform and an optical-electronic module. In addition, for lightning-fast information sorting, Penicillin is equipped with six conventional and six thermal imaging cameras, reports.

Experts indicate that the complex can find targets in just five seconds within a radius of up to 25 kilometers, as well as prematurely determine the location of enemy shells. As noted in the Russian Federation, the complex’s detectors are so accurate that they can even detect a door slam. At the same time, “Penicillin” is fully automated.

According to available data, one of the advantages is the low probability of its detection by enemy artillery. This is due to the fact that Penicillin does not use the elements inherent in radar electromagnetic waves. The complex was first presented in last year, it is now completing testing and is awaiting mass production in 2019.

The day before it became known that a new generation over-the-horizon detection radar station of the “Container” type had been deployed in Mordovia, which can track hypersonic missiles at a distance of three thousand kilometers.

“The radar is capable of monitoring the flights of any air targets at a distance of about 3 thousand kilometers

and can simultaneously accompany more than 5 thousand air objects various types, including small ones,” the ministry said.

The department also emphasized that the station will have to provide reconnaissance of hypersonic aerial objects over the territory of Western European states and in southwestern region.

Two months earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a video with footage of tests of the latest Russian combat robot "Nerekhta" and combat robotic systems "Uran-9". The publication was dedicated to Ground Forces Day, which is celebrated in Russia on October 1.

The Nerekhta robotic complex is equipped with a tracked chassis, an armored hull and mounts for special equipment. Three modules have been developed for the robot: combat, transport and artillery reconnaissance.

Uran-9 serves for reconnaissance, fire support of motorized rifle units and counter-terrorism missions. It is noted that the armored vehicle is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon and Ataka anti-tank guided missiles.

In June this year US Army Secretary Mark Esper said that his department precision weapons long range is considered the number one priority in modernizing the US Army.

“Even the US military hospital in the German city of Landstuhl is within range of Russian missiles.

It is at this distance rocket troops The Russian Armed Forces can hit our targets. We currently have virtually no such thing as a “deep rear.”

All our facilities in Europe could suddenly find themselves under deadly enemy fire,” this is how one of the senior US Army officers assessed the current situation.

Developers of weapons for the US ground forces said that design bureaus and industrial enterprises intend to design and put into service American army integrated series of weapons to fully comply with the priorities outlined in general outline Mark Esper.

Such a series will include a long-range precision missile, hypersonic weapons for ground forces and long-range artillery. For the latter, the task is to double the firing range of 155-mm shells and reach the kill line of 60 km.

To solve this problem, it is planned to use a longer barrel, active-missiles with ramjet engines and new materials. This, according to the developers, will allow shooting at a range of 60 km and further.

In May, Western experts analyzed how Russia plans to shoot down American F-22s and F-35s, reports NSN . It's about about the Struna-1 bistatic radar system, which is capable of tracking stealth fighters equipped with stealth technology, including the fifth-generation F-22 and F-35 aircraft of the US Air Force.