External electronic document management. Electronic document management systems

Based on EOS products, it is possible to implement various external document flow schemes in electronic form.

Interaction with remote departments, external contractors and permanent contractors

Access to the system for remote departments, external contractors and contractors interacting with the organization on an ongoing basis can be organized:

  • In the "DELO" system - using the "DELO-WEB" subsystem, which provides access to the EDMS from any computer connected to the Internet. Flexible configuration of access rights allows you to limit access of remote users to internal information stored in the EDMS "DELO";

    Based on the EOS for SharePoint system - by creating a closed web portal for third-party contractors, automating the process of approval and provision of documents. The system allows you to organize both internal and external document flow on one portal, flexibly limiting access rights for user groups and individuals;

Interaction with external EDMS

  • Intercorporate electronic exchange of documents – through integration with EDI operators. Allows you to organize interaction in electronic form with any number of counterparties, regardless of what exchange services they are connected to and what EDS they use

Integration with EDI services is used in business processes for exchanging documents (contracts, acts, invoices, invoices, correspondence, etc.) with customers and suppliers, reduces shipping time and costs, and makes it possible to minimize paper archives. Services automatically record the fact of sending/receiving a document.

  • Legally significant electronic document flow with any third-party organizations using an electronic signature (ES).
  • Interaction with the document management system using the “Electronic Interaction Server” (EES) option. Suitable for companies that exchange a large number documents. The option automates the exchange of electronic documents and ensures transparency of their processing in organizations participating in the document flow.

Features of the SEV option

  • automatic receipt of documents from other organizations;
  • automatic check for repetition of the received document;
  • automatic registration in your EDMS of a document received via CMEA;
  • automatic linking;
  • automated dispatch;
  • automatic generation of information about progress and execution;
  • automatic receipt of reports from document recipients;
  • flexible configuration of exchange rules.

A document is information presented in a form that corresponds to its content and purpose. A document is created for a purpose, by someone for someone. But the source of the document and/or its addressee will not always be a person. The modern level is when it is possible and necessary to effectively and practically include machines and mechanisms in the control loop.

The process, features and speed of document movement depend on its form, content and functioning of the “movement environment”. Its success, economic performance and social efficiency depend on how well the document flow in an organization is set up, and this is the quality and life of the company.

About documents and document flow

Administration, form and procedure of document flow using the example of an organization are not regulated by law. There are GOSTs, by-laws and mandatory recommendations. Regarding accounting documents, papers for obtaining a loan or medical reports, there are legal norms.

A document is not always a strict written form. It could be:

  • a form in which in a certain way specific fields that have precise semantic and syntactic content are filled in;
  • a page made according to a specific form for a specific application (letter, order, technical specification, staffing table, ...);
  • free form (an explanatory note from an employee, gratitude for labor achievements, a resolution on an application, ...).

All three versions of documents can be presented in paper or electronic form and, thanks to the availability of technical and legal tools, they are absolutely equivalent, although there are still cases where only a paper form is possible.

Despite the lack of legislative regulation of the form and content of documents and document flow, there is a strict, generally accepted and non-discussed practice of creating, moving, storing or destroying documents, which every organization is free to adapt to itself in absolutely any way.

An ideal example of document flow in an organization

It is fundamentally impossible to achieve the ideal:

  • in any area of ​​life and activity,
  • at any time,
  • at any point in space,

since each new approach makes it possible to see new horizons. There is a desire and need to follow them. Document management is no exception. On the contrary, it is an indicative and living example of dynamic recording of the process of information movement.

It does not matter at all how the information is recorded: on paper or electronically. Currently, both forms have the same legal meaning, although in some cases the paper version has advantages.

An example of document flow in an organization that respects itself, its field of activity, respects government agencies, its partners, suppliers and consumers (clients), is not necessarily always given to an electronic system that controls, records documents and ensures the cycle of their movement from the moment appearance (creation) until the moment of storage or destruction.

Not all organizations understand that many documents can be executed directly by machines and mechanisms without human participation, just as not all sources (authors) should be only people.

The usual understanding in the vast majority of cases is at the level of a simple “signal idea”, when the program is entrusted with reporting only the occurrence of events.

Internal and external circulation of documents

Both circuits are important for a successful organization. The external turnover has a static meaning, and the internal one has a dynamic meaning.

The better the company management understands this circumstance, the more promising the system electronic document management it chooses. Those who want to show an ideal example of the movement of business papers in an organization write their own information system.

Documents can be primary and secondary. The latter always have a history of movement within the organization.

By analyzing the application of knowledge about a document and its use, it is possible to evaluate the company's functional characteristics, socio-economic indicators and time parameters. This is important for both partners and consumers.

Paper but effective or electronic but acquired

Uniqueness is characteristic not only of a person, but also of an organization. Moreover, each person values ​​his individuality and strives to emphasize it in every possible way through clothing, behavior, education, and so on.

A company purchasing a ready-made information system is an ideal example of document flow in an organization, which deprives it of its own identity and forces employees to dress in “other people’s clothes.”

Better to trust own employees work with paper media the old fashioned way, rather than imposing on them an outside but modern opinion about documents and their use. Each employee is an important element of the organization’s functionality, and not a researcher of the effectiveness of other people’s ideas and designs of third-party document flow.

Priorities, dynamics and functionality

The external contour of document flow is always limited, unpretentious and characterized by static stability. By and large, it should be given no more importance than it deserves. For example, what is the point of “putting your soul” into relations with the tax authorities, regulatory authorities or partners. You can somehow diversify the process of exchanging information with advertising agencies, but this ultimately takes on a static, everyday form.

The priority of our own information processing system, an important part of which is always electronic document management, is beyond any doubt. But everyone always feels sorry for the time and money to create their own system.

Combination classic options“one es” or “galaxy”, which never do without “ixel” and a couple of third-party local economic or accounting programs coupled with your own website to have feedback and documents (orders, complaints, proposals, ...) from clients and partners - the usual state of affairs, employees are constantly busy with routine, and there are no costs.

The dynamics of the production process can only be ensured by the effective implementation of its own functionality. Only in this capacity is electronic document management in an organization an example worthy of imitation, and in the context of implementing one’s own business idea - excellent dynamics of production, economic and social indicators.

Regulations on the organization's information system

Any organization is an information system that arises and exists in a similar environment. Documents are received from outside the organization; documents are also required to be created internally, some of which are regulated and mandatory.

A simple document flow chart for an organization is an example of how everyone usually does it. Regulations on work rules, daily routines, and responsibilities of employees are the usual norm, but very few people are developing “Regulations on the organization’s information system.”

From an objective point of view, the leaders of an organization can be guided by anything, write any regulations and job descriptions. But the effectiveness and practicality of this rule-making depends only on how well the internal regulatory arsenal meets the requirements of reality.

Regulations on documents and their movement

The document flow system of an enterprise is an integral part of the company’s information sphere, as a result of which the “Regulations on document flow” is an annex to the “Regulations on the organization’s information system,” but it is very important and connects all its components into a single information organism.

If management intends to create an ideal example of document flow in an organization, then it is really engaged in developing a successful business, with the goal of making a profit and improving the well-being of employees.

The peculiarity of the current state of affairs in the field of software development, in particular at the forefront, in the field of distributed information processing (examples of Internet programming), is that it is almost impossible to create a mobile self-adaptive application.

The task of electronic document management in an organization is a simple but illustrative example. Here the dynamics are characteristic:

  • incoming and outgoing documents;
  • algorithms for processing internal and external business papers.

Writing code that can vary according to changes in data and algorithms is very difficult. The investment of time and resources is not available to every organization.

Electronic document management in dynamics

Organization of document flow in an enterprise using the example of an electronic version task is relevant, simple, indicative and practical. The challenge comes from the process of designing code that can change dynamically. Development time is also an issue.

The procedure for document flow deserves attention using the example of an organization belonging to the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, Russian Post, etc. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to design the system in exact accordance; it is enough to take the structure and content of documents as a basis, and use the general processing logic.

Then document flow in the organization = example + features of your own business idea. To a first approximation, the result will not be practical, but as soon as the first implementation of the tasks is put into operation, the cycle of solving them will become irreversible and with due attention the result will be achieved.

Creating an information system capable of processing dynamically changing information is, first of all, the dynamics of the creation process itself.

Until a mechanism for adequately changing incoming, outgoing and internal documents is created, and the code has the ability to change independently without the participation of a programmer, it will not be possible to talk about the fact of creating an electronic document management system.

However, come up with and implement your own system to fully ensure information processes organization is the same as making its success brilliant and perfect.

Document flow is the movement of documents from the moment they are created to the moment you finish working with them.

The organization of document flow has much in common with the organization of a mechanical conveyor. At one time, the introduction of assembly line assembly, along with product typification and standardization of parts, led to a significant increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of the production process and marked the beginning of mass production. True, the rhythm set by the conveyor led to an increase in the intensity of work and the nervous tension of workers.

Document flow at the enterprise

The organization of document flow is based on the same principles as a mechanical conveyor: the movement of documents must have minimal returns to previous stages, documents must be sent to performers in accordance with their responsibilities in order to avoid duplication of operations.

Document flow diagram

Document flow diagram

There are external and internal contours of document flow.

The external contour begins with incoming (external) documents that arrive at the enterprise from the outside. These may be orders from higher authorities, orders, resolutions, letters from customers’ partners, etc. The received documents are registered by secretaries and then sent for execution.

Incoming documentation is documentation received by the enterprise from other organizations. Outgoing documents are documents that an enterprise (organization) sends to other enterprises. Outgoing documentation is documents that contain information generated at the enterprise for the purpose of transferring it to other organizations: letters, certificates, reports, orders, telegrams, telephone messages, etc.

Document flow the movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are received or issued until the completion of execution or dispatch.

There are three main documentation streams:

– documents arriving from other organizations (incoming);

– documents sent to other organizations (outgoing);

– documents created in the organization and used by the organization’s employees in the management process (internal).

Document flow is integral part DOU, the purpose of which is information support for the activities of the institution, its documentation and storage of previously created management information. The preschool educational institution directly depends on management decisions, the documentation support of which as a process includes three components: information support for decisions, that is, providing the decision with information (documents), documenting the decision and monitoring its implementation. The main components of this process are: obtaining initial information, setting a goal (task), searching for the necessary information (reference work), developing a solution (drafting a document), its approval, editing, production, certification, sending (transfer to the addressee), monitoring execution solutions. The volume of document flow is determined by the number of incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the institution for a specific period (year, quarter, month, day). The rational organization of document flow involves taking into account the following principles: straightness, continuity, rhythm, parallelism, proportionality. The principle of direct movement of documents requires that the movement of documents be carried out along the shortest path. The simplest form of movement of document flows corresponds to the linear arrangement of structural units. The principle of continuity in document flow is the continuous submission of documents to the level where a decision is made on them. This principle is incompatible with the “staling” of documents, their accumulation in one instance. The principle of rhythmic document flow means uniform movement of document flows. The principle of parallelism means performing separate operations to process a document as it moves. The main purpose of this principle is to reduce the time it takes to complete a document. Parallel execution of individual operations significantly speeds up both document flow and execution of the document as a whole. The principle of proportionality assumes proportional, uniform loading of document movement channels. The principle of independence and responsibility in working with documents is important. This principle means that in all actions - direction, distribution, coordination, signing, etc. - it is necessary to be strictly guided by the functions of the institution and its parts, and the competence of employees. The existing structure and functions of the institution, forms and methods of management activities have a significant impact on document flow. Therefore, the prompt passage and execution of documents, in addition to purely clerical reasons, are hampered by organizational shortcomings, the lack of a clear delineation of responsibilities between officials, and insufficient clarity of the functions of some institutions and their individual structural divisions.

The scale of management based on scientific and technological progress requires the mechanization of office work at all its stages. Mechanization of office work processes involves the use of technical means to perform documentation and document processing operations. Electronic equipment has become a real necessity when solving problems of documentation support for enterprise management. In the computer era, the traditional definition of a document needs to be clarified, since nowadays documents can be messages received by e-mail, sound files, or videos. Therefore, the document can be defined as follows: a document is a collection of information accessible to human perception . There are many programs for creating and editing official documents. Despite the rapid development of electronic documents, experts believe that a number of organizational and technical difficulties will not allow them to completely replace and eliminate traditional documents from circulation in the foreseeable future.

Questions for discussion

1 What sections does the control card file consist of?

2 What deadlines for the execution of documents do you know?

3 What official removes a document from control?

4 What is the object of document execution control?

5 What elements does the registration index of a document consist of?

6 Place the “control mark” on the documents.

7 From what moment is the execution period and control over the execution of the document calculated?

8 What is the procedure for extending the deadline for execution of a document?

9 What is the purpose of document flow?

10 What documents allow you to analyze and improve document flow?

11 What is document flow?

12 Describe the concept of “Nomenclature of Cases”.

13 Describe the concept of “Business”.

14 What is document registration?

15 Indicate the main stages of office work.

16 Name the stages of working with documents that are typical for document flow.

17 What does the concept of “Formation of cases” include?

18 Who carries out the preliminary review of documents?

19 By what principle are documents selected for storage or destruction?

20 Based on what criteria are case nomenclatures built?

21 Define examination of the value of documents.

22 What are the tasks of document examination?

23 What types of case lists are developed by institutions?

24 What groups can the storage periods for documents established by the lists be divided into?

25 What requirements must be observed when binding or filing files for permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and for personnel?

26 How are sheets numbered in a file?

27 What data is indicated on the title page of the permanent storage inventory?

Electronic document management must be a holistic, comprehensive management technology that ensures the basic processes of working with electronic management documents (incoming, outgoing and internal) in compliance with the requirements for their registration and certification.

From the standpoint of organizing documentation support for management, two levels of organizing the implementation and use of electronic document management elements can be distinguished: document flow within the organization and external communications of the organization.

When organizing the use of internal electronic document management, any organization faces the following questions:

In what formats to create and store electronic documents;

How to combine use electronic documents with elements of traditional office work and document flow.

The need for electronic exchange of documents between organizations leads to the existence in practice of various options for combining elements of traditional and electronic document management in external communications, from simplified options to complex technologies.

Complex technologies for external electronic document management combine the registration of documents in a corporate system with the entry of their files, sending them to recipients by e-mail, automation of the procedure for registering documents received by e-mail in the corporate system of the organization receiving the documents, and also ensure the use of cryptographic protection means, including EDS. When using digital signatures in external electronic document management, it is important to pay attention to the following issues:

Determine the list of persons in the organization who will use the digital signature;

Select a specific crypto package and resolve key certification issues.

The interaction of two or more corporate systems within the framework of interconnected document flow technology involves solving a number of problems of varying complexity. The most complex problems are predominantly technical in nature and relate to ensuring, on the one hand, the interaction of corporate systems of several organizations and departments, and on the other, information security and information protection in computer networks. This set of problems lies in the field of activity of specialists in informatization and technical information protection.

As for the activities of documentation support services, organizational and methodological interaction between organizations participating in electronic document management will be required, including in matters of unification of document forms, recording formats, and document flow principles. All this is necessary to achieve maximum clarity in your work.

For the successful implementation of electronic document management in external communications of organizations and interdepartmental information exchange, it is necessary to use general principles, standard solutions, as well as coordinated actions of developers of automated systems. Further conceptual development of the policy in the field of automation of document flow in the government apparatus, ensuring interaction and compatibility of the systems used is required.

Classifications of electronic document management systems

Classification of EDMS is possible depending on specific tasks, a certain “niche” occupied within common system document flow. The features of such products are determined by specific concepts and models of enterprise business processes, which is the basis for automation of various areas of office work. In this case, experts identify such groups of solutions as WorkFlow systems (business process automation technology), office management systems, and electronic document archives.

collective document processing systems and integrated document management systems.

Term WorkFlow characterizes systems aimed at automation large number business processes of the company, while specific gravity each of them is small. WorkFlow allows you to work with business processes whose content is subject to constant changes and additions. Important feature is the ability to work with unstructured data.

These systems make it possible to strictly regulate the directions of document flow depending on the type of document and the values ​​of its details, automatically sending the document to a specific executor when pre-formulated conditions arise.

Office systems- This automated systems constructing and monitoring the execution of document flows in accordance with the presentation of a given office flow logic in the software. That is, we are talking about creating documents in streaming mode with the possibility of weak or hard routing and tracking the life cycle of each document. Office management systems, as a rule, are focused on specific areas of application: finance, production, sales management, although the reporting generated by them permeates the entire organizational structure of the enterprise.

Electronic archives are systematized catalogs of corporate documents integrated into the enterprise information system. The conversion of paper versions into electronic ones is carried out using various methods, including flow scanning methods. Electronic archives consist directly of a document repository, software that ensures the interaction of the archive with elements of the information system: servers, applications (modular system), A also the top superstructure - the software that manages the storage and modular input/output system.

Collective document processing systems imply support for joint work with the document, including the development of document movement routes and a description of the movement scenario, determining the circle of persons involved in working with the document, setting the level of their rights and powers.

Complex systems synthesize the functions of individual applications and subsystems and imply comprehensive automation of enterprise business processes.

IDC, for its part, offers an expanded classification of EDMS, highlighting in this sector systems focused on business process automation (business process EDM), corporate EDMS (enterprise-centric EDM), content management systems (Content Management Systems), information management systems (Information Management Systems) - or portals, image management systems (Imaging Systems) and work flow management systems (WorkFlow Management Systems).

EDMS focused on business process automation (business process EDM), used for specific vertical and horizontal applications. EDMS systems provide the full life cycle of working with documents, including working with images, managing records and workflows, and content management.

Corporate EDMS (enterprise-centric EDM) provide an enterprise infrastructure (available to all enterprise users) for creating, collaborating on, and publishing documents. The basic functions of corporate EDMS are similar to the functions of EDMS focused on business processes. As a rule, solutions of this class are not intended for use only in a specific industry or for solving a narrow problem. They are being implemented as general corporate technologies.

Content Management Systems provide creation, access and management of content, delivery of content (down to the level of sections of documents and objects for their subsequent reuse and compilation). The availability of the required information not in the form of documents, but in the form of smaller objects facilitates the process of information exchange between implemented applications.

Information Management Systems or portals provide information aggregation, information management and its delivery via the Internet/intranet/extranet. With their help, the ability to accumulate (and apply) experience in a distributed corporate environment is realized based on the use of business rules, context and metadata. Portals provide access through a standard Web browser to a number of e-commerce applications (usually through the interface of an ERP system).

Imaging Systems convert information scanned from paper media and microfilms into electronic form (usually in TIFF format). This technology is the basis for converting information from all legacy paper documents and microfilms into electronic form. The basic functions of a standard image processing system include: scanning, storage, a number of image search capabilities, etc.

WorkFlow Management Systems. Systems of this type are designed to provide routing of work flows of any type (determining file routing paths) within corporate structured and unstructured business processes. They are used to increase the efficiency and controllability of corporate business processes. Workflow management systems are usually purchased as part of a solution (for example, EDMS systems or PDM systems).

The proposed classification of EDMS can also be supplemented corporate electronic records management systems. The corporate records management software market segment is already about 5 years old. Corporate records are fixed in time and immutable, providing evidence of business transactions, various rights and obligations, etc. Corporate users must determine for themselves what content should be made a corporate record (this decision requires an assessment of the future needs of their business). Enterprise solutions that require content retention include core business systems including ERP and accounting systems, email systems (e.g. MS Exchange), reporting and output management systems, e-commerce systems, collaboration software (project management systems) , online conferencing, etc.).

Factors for choosing electronic document management systems

Storage volume requirements. If you have a lot of documents (by storage volume), you need to choose a system that supports hierarchical structural storage (HSM - Hierarchal Storage Management). This mechanism stores the most actively used data on the fastest but also most expensive media, while less frequently used information is automatically transferred to slower and cheaper media.

The presence of formalized procedures that require support for their implementation and automation of control (preparation of documents of a certain type, performance of standard organizational functions, etc.).

The need for automation administrative management organization. The degree of complexity of the organizational structure.

Availability of geographically distributed units. This factor imposes certain requirements for remote access, data replication, etc.

Availability of a large paper archive. Some document management systems come with mass document entry subsystems already integrated.

The presence of a document flow system that does not meet current needs.

The need for advanced document routing and workflow management. As a continuation of this need, there is the need to support arbitrary business processes, possibly working in conjunction with application systems to support these processes.

Requirements for storage periods of documents. For long storage periods (tens of years), it is worth seriously considering organizing a parallel archive on microfilm.

Requirements for "openness" and extensibility of the system. Possibility of integration with existing information systems and use of existing equipment.

The need to store document images. Use of specific document storage formats in the organization. The need to support engineering and design tasks, and other features of the enterprise.

The need for developed information retrieval tools. Full language system support for documents available in the organization.

Security requirements (encryption, access organization, etc.). The ability to use access mechanisms already available in the organization’s information infrastructure in the document flow system.

Requirements for compliance with certain standards: internal, industry, GOST, international standards on quality control, level of organization of information storage.

Russian market of office automation systems

Depending on the technologies used, RBC analysts propose the following division of EDMS presented on the Russian market into groups:

1. Western production systems, development environments.

2. Russian systems based on Lotus Domino/Notes.

3. Completely Russian developments.

In the first group, only three Western systems are represented on the Russian market: Documentum, DOCS Open/DOCSFusion and Lotus Domino.Doc.

The second group includes solutions such as CompanyMedia and OfficeMedia (Intertrust), BOSS-Referent (IT), CINDERELLA (NTCIRM), Escado Interprocom (LAN). Analysts note the popularity of Lotus Domino/Notes-based products on the Russian market.

All other systems presented in Russia can be classified as the third group, including:


DocsVision - Digital Design


IIGIntravert -IIG

IT-Inco - IncoFlow

LanDocs - Lanit

Optima-WorkFlow - Optima

VisualDoc - CenterInvest Soft

Gran Doc - Granit

Case -EOS

DocManager - SoftIntegro

Euphrates Cognitive - Technologies

Effect-Office IKK - "Garant International" It should be noted that for now it is Russian systems, which include systems based on Lotus Domino/Notes, that control the majority of the market.

It is these software products that meet the peculiarities of Russian document flow and office work. Western systems still occupy less than 10% of the Russian market.

However, today, most enterprises use disparate software tools that are functionally aimed at automating only a number of strictly limited tasks:

Preparation of documents - Microsoft Word;

Machine translation systems - PROMT Translation Office 2000: SmarTool Mail Translator, Dictionary Editor, Electronic Dictionary, WebView, QTrans, Clipboard Translator, Integrator;

Technologies for processing economic information based on spreadsheet processors - Microsoft Excel;

Technologies for using database management systems (DBMS) - Microsoft Access;

Speech processing technologies: speech control tools, dictation tools, speech pattern identification tools - designed for computer recognition of human words and performing certain actions - Open Speech, Natural Dialogue System, Dragon Dictate;

Let's take a closer look at some of the above electronic document management systems.

Overview of the main document management systems presented in Russia

Docs Fusion and Docs Open. The developer of these products is the company Humminubird. This is one of the most popular systems in the world belonging to the class of “electronic archives”. Unfortunately, different generations and components of the product have received various names, and therefore, when familiarizing yourself with it, a certain confusion arises. Initially, there was a Docs Open system - a client-server application with a thick client. Then the Docs Fusion application server was developed, which eliminated the need for a thick client that accessed the database directly. It has two clients: the PowerDocs Windows client and the CyberDocs Web client. The Docs Fusion platform is promising for the company. For simplicity, we will further refer to the system as Docs, meaning Docs Fusion and clients - PowerDocs and CyberDocs.

Docs Open has been present in Russia for a long time and is already used in many organizations. The distributor of this product in Russia is the newly created company HBS. Docs can be effectively used in large organizations with a large number of employees (thousands of people), and in small companies, where about six people work. The system is primarily positioned as intended for organizations that intensively create and edit documents (company head offices, consulting companies, government agencies, etc.).

The PowerDocs client is a Windows interface, similar in design ideology to MS Outlook. The user can access Docs through the interface of MS Outlook itself and even in the Windows Explorer window, which allows working with Docs folders as with a regular file system. The PowerDocs client allows mobile access with the ability to synchronize when connected, including over slow lines. This function also allows you to ensure stable user operation in unstable local network operation mode. The CyberDocs client provides virtually the same functionality as PowerDocs, but through an Internet browser.

Several DocsFusion servers can be installed in one complex, and load balancing and fault tolerance are automatically implemented. This means that if one of the servers fails, users will only feel a slight slowdown in the system, but the system itself can actually provide sufficient simultaneous operation. large quantity users. Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle must be used to store system data. The file system is used as storage for the documents themselves. The HSM hierarchical data storage mechanism is supported.

The system makes it easy to integrate and interface with other application systems both at the PowerDocs client level and at the server level. Docs is an open platform and comes with development tools for creating custom applications or integrating with other systems.

The product is not intended for use in the field of engineering and design document flow; it does not have integration with CAD/CAM systems. In geographically distributed organizations, problems may arise, since the system does not have mechanisms for information replication. It provides tools to support collaboration at the workgroup level. However, for large organizations these funds are not enough.

Documentum. This is a document, knowledge and business process management system for large enterprises and organizations. In Russia it is represented by the company Documentum Services. Documentum is a platform, more than a finished product, designed for creating distributed archives, maintaining quality standards, project management in distributed project teams, organizing corporate office work, and dynamically managing the content of corporate intranet portals.

The product provides everything that a large organization needs - it is an integrated system that allows you to comprehensively solve quite wide range tasks. It includes the necessary functionality to automate business processes: routing, approval, distribution, notification and execution control. Documentum is quite scalable; all information stored in the system is managed by a dedicated server component - DocBase storage. Documentum contains mechanisms that allow you to manage the storage of information: it supports versioning, publishing, access, location of information, and provides archiving capabilities. The system can operate effectively in a distributed architecture in geographically dispersed units thanks to the implemented mechanisms for replication and synchronization of information, as well as centralized administration. Documentum comes in several “editions” focused on different tasks: creating portals, knowledge management, ensuring compliance with standards/quality management, organizing B2B (business-to-business) interactions. An important feature for many industries is the ability to fully document all events and strictly track the implementation of certain procedures.

The product includes tools that allow you to create applications in the Documentum environment, including Web applications. But to develop applications for Documentum and integrate it with other applications, you can also use external development tools: the product is built on modern open technologies. Thanks to this openness, its implementation into the existing information environment will not require significant costs for modifying the infrastructure. Documentum features powerful format support and the ability to automatically generate PDF and HTML files from any stored data. One of the advantages of using this product for industrial enterprises is the ability to integrate it with ERP and CAD/CAM systems.

Documentum has a relatively high cost of implementation due to the fact that it is a “constructor” from which the necessary functionality is assembled, and is far from the “box”, and in addition, it is difficult to learn, which is obvious reverse side its functional completeness. Therefore, equipping individual work groups or organizations with about one to two dozen employees with this product makes little sense, unless rapid growth is expected.

Of course, Documentum is one of the most powerful products, but only organizations that take the task of document automation very seriously and are willing to devote sufficient financial and intellectual resources to it can afford such a system.

LanDocs. The LanDocs system is primarily focused on office work and archival storage of documents. It consists of several components: an office management system, a document server (archive), a scanning and image visualization subsystem, an organization subsystem remote access using an Internet client or mail server.

The office management component is implemented in a client-server architecture based on an industrial DBMS: Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. Software for centralized management of document storage in an electronic archive, it is implemented as a separate server. A full-text document search module is available as a separate option, taking into account the rules of the Russian language. Postal service LanDocs is designed so that employees who have a special LanDocs client component installed can receive task messages and report on them using the standard mailbox Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes. The product is open to developers - there is an API for embedding LanDocs into third-party Windows applications. The scanning and image processing component has quite advanced functionality: it allows you to filter images, correct skew that occurs after scanning, and recognize text.

The LanDocs system is not designed to support teamwork and document creation.

Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server. The system is an electronic archive with developed tools to support collaboration. This is perhaps the first Microsoft product that can claim to be a corporate product. Supports: joint creation of documents, maintaining versions of documents, withdrawal and return of documents to the archive (check-out, check-in). It does not have a Windows client as such. To access the archive, a Web client is used (third-party developers can add their own components for it) and a component integrated into Windows Explorer, which allows you to access the archive as a set of files.

The system has built-in quite powerful indexing and search tools. Moreover, the search can be carried out both in internal information storage (files, intranet sites, Microsoft Exchange databases, Lotus Notes databases) and external (Internet). The system is capable of indexing and publishing documents that are located in the file system on local network servers. Alternatively, documents can be moved to the server's own storage (which is similar to the MS Exchange 2000 storage). Document registration data is always stored in the server storage, and there is no need to use a separate database server.

The system is quite open, various components can be added to it. Reliance on Web technologies makes such an extension technologically advanced.

The product is most effective as an information and infrastructure base for companies that rely not on hierarchical management, but on a matrix organization of human interaction and a flat management structure. For traditional companies, it can become a link in the intranet infrastructure to “revive” the latter, since the concepts embedded in this system make it possible to make the process of publishing information on the portal part of everyday work with documents, which does not require particularly complex procedures, resources and organizational effort.

Optima Workflow. Although the system is called Optima Workflow, it is more than a workflow product. In addition to the general mechanism for organizing the flow of work, it allows you to store all documents related to the process for the duration of the work. For this purpose, the Microsoft Exchange public folder mechanism is used as storage. A useful feature is to track critical paths and present a set of interrelated activities in the form of Gantt charts. However, this work can also be done in the MS Project environment using all its capabilities, since Optima Workflow allows you to export work progress data to this program.

The system automates the processes of document registration according to office work rules, implements mechanisms for annotating and collecting resolutions, and delivering reports on the execution of orders.

The fact that Optima Workflov uses Microsoft Exchange as its main storage and transport determines all its capabilities in terms of storage reliability, failure protection, the ability to use slow communication lines, data synchronization, and data access restrictions. To register document versions, a DBMS is used, which is accessed via ODBC. As already mentioned above when classifying systems, a workflow system is convenient for formalizing standard procedures for working with documents in organizations where such work is a daily practice. Since Optima Workflow uses Exchange as a server, it is easy to implement in those companies where it is already used for its intended purpose - as a mail server. You don't need to count on the fact that Optima Workflow will allow you to use Exchange as an electronic archive - there are other products for this, for example, the Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server described above. Optima Workflow only stores documents in progress until the work associated with it is completed.

"BOSS Referent". This system was developed by IT. It is aimed primarily at organizations whose management strives to optimize the activities of their employees and increase work efficiency, including economic efficiency. "BOSS-Referent" belongs to the category of systems focused on supporting the management of an organization, efficient work employees and to accumulate knowledge, and at the same time has developed additional services (more about them below).

The main purpose of the BOSS-Referent system is to create a corporate system that covers the activities of all employees at their workplaces and supports management business processes. The system supports Russian standards of office work, organizational management, control of performance discipline, tracking contracts with external organizations, approval of documents. Its distinctive feature is that, being a full-fledged document management system designed for the work of all employees of the organization, it already has all the necessary functionality for the implementation of office work. From the very beginning, it contains concepts, roles and functions inherent in organizations with a complex hierarchical, including geographically distributed, structure in Russia. Another distinctive feature of the BOSS-Referent system: it implements the functions of a CRM system, contract control, accounting material assets, streaming scanning and recognition (the FineReader system is integrated into BOSS-Referent), electronic conference and bulletin board.

Additional modules of the BOSS-Referent system include automation of the organization and planning of events, automation of the activities of the pass office at the enterprise, a report generator, and a fax server.

The system is implemented on the Lotus Notes platform. Thanks to this, in addition to the functions of BOSS-Referent, users have at their disposal all the rich functionality of the Lotus Notes environment itself, including email, data replication, the ability to work remotely, etc. BOSS-Referent is the most open system in every sense - it comes with complete source code. It is additionally accompanied by a developer's toolkit with a complete description of the functions of the application programming interface.

IT Co. has developed several assessment methods economic effect implementation of the EDMS "BOSS-Referent". Based on such estimates, it is possible to calculate the real savings from transferring electronic view processes for approving, creating, searching and storing documents, contracts, using document templates, automating processes for monitoring the execution of orders, working with contracts, etc. Such methods, along with TCO (total cost of ownership) methods, are used when evaluating system implementation projects in commercial enterprises.

"Case". The Delo system, which until recently was called Delo-96, is typical representative office automation systems and it is in this capacity that it has gained popularity in our country. She consistently supports all the rules of office work inherited from Soviet office work and adopted in Russia. The developer, the Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company, has set a course for revising the product concept towards creating a full-fledged document management system. The product supports the ideology of office work, the essence of which is the following: in order to carry out any action in the organization, you need a document to which “legs are attached,” that is, its movement is ensured. The movement of documents (even though they, of course, do not physically move) occurs due to changes in records of documents in the database. For storing documents, the EOS company recently introduced a separate product integrated with the Delo system, providing electronic archive functions. The system has a Web interface, which is convenient for organizing remote access and building intranet portals. The system has an API that allows it to be integrated with various applications. "Delo" stores accounts using an industrial DBMS - Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server; carries out full logging of user actions with documents. The latest version is integrated with the FineReader recognition system for entering data from paper documents into it. The product is primarily of interest to organizations that are faced with the need to implement formalized office work for secretarial units, offices, and general departments.

"Euphrates"."Euphrates" is a simple electronic archive with basic execution control capabilities. Developed by Cognitive Technologies. The company offers a range of products for organizations of various sizes - from a version for small offices to options for large companies. In our case, we will talk about the second option, called “Euphrates Client-Server”, in which “Euphrates-Office” is used as the client part, which is an independent product that can work independently of the server component of the system.

"Euphrates" is built in the paradigm of a "desktop" with nanks. Documents are laid out in layers, which can have any degree of nesting. Euphrates does not have its own file storage - the system only stores links to files or pages on the Internet. A proprietary DBMS is used to store document details. The product kit includes utilities that allow you to compact and archive the database of this DBMS.

Distinctive feature is the ability to open and view any document of a system-supported format using the built-in viewer, albeit without formatting and illustrations, which, however, is not a problem, since the document can be opened in an external “native” application. Unfortunately, Euphrates does not provide the ability to track the receipt and return of documents (check-out, check-in) and storage of versions, which can complicate teamwork with documents. The system allows you to describe categories of documents and assign any details to any of the categories.

To enter information from paper media, the product includes a streaming input system based on another company product - the Cuneiform text recognition system. Essentially, "Euphrates" is a means of scanning, recognizing, registering documents, assigning details to them, indexing, full-text search, assigning tasks related to the document, and monitoring their execution. This is an inexpensive solution that can be useful in a small office or in enterprises that do not have high requirements for the scalability of the information system.

Other systems. IN This section includes products, a detailed description of which would be largely a repetition of what has been said. However, this does not mean that they are in any way inferior to those described above.

The Company Media system was developed by the Russian company Intertrust based on Lotus Notes. Contains a wide range of services that support office work, collective creation of documents, execution control, contract management, project management, personnel management, wealth accounting, etc. Strength is the effective support of geographically distributed control structures through special methods that guarantee the delivery of tasks regardless of the quality of transmission lines. The system can be widely used in an organization - both as a basis for office automation and as a means of supporting the work of employees in the organization as a whole. Additional services implemented in the system make it even more attractive.

Lotus Domino.doc is an application for Notes/Domino, written by the Lotus company itself, which has a fairly developed electronic archive that allows you to implement a corporate document repository in the Notes environment. Provides version storage functions, control of document withdrawal and return (check-out , check-in). When complemented by the Domino Workflow component, it helps to implement work flows. For organizations using Lotus Notes/Domino, choosing Domino.doc may make sense. The product is inexpensive per seat, provided those seats already have Lotus Notes CALs. The Staffware product falls into the category of enterprise-scale workflow systems. Developed by the company of the same name hltp://www.staffware.com/, distributed in Russia by Vest-Metatechnology. This is a server technology for managing work flows. Typical users of Staffware (as, indeed, any other workflow system) can be telecommunications companies, large and medium-sized banks, hotels, and other organizations that carry out many regulated standard operations every day.

"Effect-Office" is a product of the St. Petersburg company "Garant International". At low price it is quite functional - it contains an electronic archive, tools for describing the structure of the organization, restricting access based on the role principle and routing documents. The main function is an electronic archive with information retrieval tools. In addition, it includes office automation tools based on technologies for routing execution control documents. The product has its own email with support for POP3/SMTP and UUCP. Distinctive feature are low requirements for equipment resources and focus on small organizations (up to 100-150 employees). In general, Effect-Office is a complete entry-level solution and can be a good choice if an organization does not have high scalability requirements or has a limited budget for information technology.

Pivot table

Here is a summary table of the properties of the various systems described in this article. Systems as large and complex as document management systems are difficult to classify. Of the many properties that are distinctive for such products, we have tried to highlight the most significant ones.

As you know, the problem of exchanging correspondence between organizations using various electronic document management systems (EDMS) is quite pressing. Document flow between two different organizations and today is carried out in paper form, which greatly complicates the prompt exchange of official information. Until now, this process looked like this: a document created in the EDMS of one organization was printed on paper, delivered by courier or regular mail to another organization, where it was scanned and entered into a new EDMS. Taking into account the fact that each of these organizations has its own document automation system, each change to a document intended for external circulation is subjected to the above-described procedure repeatedly.

The adoption of the law on electronic digital signatures partly solved this problem by legally allowing paperless exchange of documents between independent organizations. However, the lack of a unified standard for electronic exchange of correspondence was a serious obstacle to the practical implementation of this opportunity. This problem arises especially seriously during the implementation of the federal target program " Electronic Russia", one of the objectives of which is to unite state authorities with a unified electronic document management system.

The emergence of a new XML format, one of the most promising applications of which is the transition to a unified electronic document management system, will significantly increase the efficiency of organizations’ contacts with their partners, remote branches, government agencies and other external organizations.

In mid-March 2002, IT Co. was the first among the companies producing electronic document management systems to announce the completion of the development of a solution that will allow integrating electronic document management systems built on various platforms and using different data formats into a single information space.

The company's specialists were prompted to create this solution by the desire to organize the interaction of their product - the widely used BOSS-Referent system, built on the Lotus Domino/Notes platform, with other electronic document management systems. For this purpose, the BOSS-Referent system implements an XML gateway, developed taking into account the recommendations of current GOSTs and instructions in the field of documentation support for management.

Efficiency of implementation of electrical systems! swarming document flow

According to general definition, we will consider efficiency as the achieved result of activity related to the costs of achieving it.

Efficiency= Result/Cost.

As can be seen from this definition, the efficiency of an organization can be improved in at least two ways: by reducing costs and/or increasing results. Good electronic document management systems allow you to implement both options. Figuratively speaking, the implementation of such systems gives the organization the opportunity to spend less and earn more. Let's first consider the factors that help reduce costs:

Factor I - Reducing paper costs.

Factor 2 - Reducing non-productive costs of employees' working time.

Factor 3 - Acceleration of information flows.

Factor 4 - Changing corporate culture.

To assess the possible economic effect of implementing an electronic document management system, it is necessary to know how much time the organization’s employees spend on routine, unproductive operations on documents. According to Western consulting companies, the share of such operations can be up to 20-30% of total working time. Anyone who has ever tried to agree on any document in Russian bureaucratic organizations knows that this can take 60 or 70% of the working time. A fairly accurate idea of ​​such costs can be obtained by conducting a study of the existing document flow and measuring the corresponding indicators. Electronic digital signature

The problem is still quite relevant legal regime electronic copy of the document. There is a technical solution to this problem - any data presented in electronic form can be encrypted and provided electronic digital signature.

Unlike a handwritten signature, an electronic digital signature (EDS) has not a physical, but a logical nature - it is simply a sequence of symbols (one might say, codes) that allows you to uniquely link the author of the document, the contents of the document and the owner of the EDS. The use of an electronic signature has characteristic disadvantages - it requires special technical (cryptographic tools, data transfer, etc.), organizational and legal support.

In order for a sequence of characters representing a message to uniquely identify its author, it must have unique characteristics known only to the sender and recipient of the message. This is achieved by using encryption tools (a more general term is cryptography). If both parties use the same message encryption method, known only to them, then we can say that they are communicating in secure channel.

Encryption method is a formal algorithm that describes the procedure for converting the original message into the resulting message.

Encryption key is a set of parameters (data) necessary to apply the method.

The digital signature can include special data characterizing the message itself in order to exclude the possibility of making changes to it in the communication channel (any type of transportation). For this purpose the concept is used message digest.

Message digest is a unique sequence of characters that uniquely corresponds to the content of the message. Typically the digest has a fixed size, such as 128 or 168 bits, which is independent of the length of the message itself. The digest is inserted into the digital signature along with information about the author and is encrypted along with them.

However, such a mechanism cannot be considered satisfactory, since there is no one-to-one correspondence between the message text and the checksum value. It is possible to propose an algorithm that will allow a known checksum to create a new message that is different from the original one, but has the same checksum.

Modern mathematics knows special functions that do not have the property of invertibility. They allow one sequence of numbers (from one message) to be obtained from another sequence (another message) in such a way that the reverse transformation is impossible. Such functions used in cryptography are called hash functions.

A similar method is used to authenticate documents using digital signatures. The original message is processed by a hash function, after which a hash code is generated. It is as unique to a given message as fingerprints are unique to a person. This is it message digest. He is often called imprint, or imprint, similar to fingerprints. It is also sometimes called electronic seal, or stamp. The message digest is attached to the electronic signature and is then an integral part of it.

The receiving party decrypts the message, verifies the electronic signature using its half of the key, then processes the message with the same hash function as the sender, and then compares the resulting digest with the one contained in the signature. If the digests match, it means that the message has not been modified in the communication channel.



A system in the general sense is a collection of strongly connected objects that has the properties of organization, coherence, integrity and articulation.

System properties:

The connections between elements in the system are stronger than the connections between these elements and elements outside the system. This property allows you to isolate the system from the environment;

Any system is characterized by the existence of integrative qualities (the property of emergence), which are inherent in the system as a whole, but not inherent in any of its elements separately: the system cannot be reduced to a simple set of elements;

A system always has goals for which it functions and exists.

One of the characteristic trends in the development of society at present is the emergence of large, extremely complex systems (large automated, technological, energy, hydraulic, information and other complexes). On the other hand, the desire to understand the world of human habitation as a complex multifunctional system has become a reality of today. All this led to the need to define the concept of a complex system, develop methodological principles for its research, management and design.

Currently, there is no unambiguous, clear definition of a complex system. Various approaches are known and various formal signs its definitions. Thus, some scientists propose to refer to complex systems, having 104-107 elements. Ultra-complex - systems consisting of 107-1030 elements; and to supersystems - systems of 1030-10200 elements. This approach has the disadvantage that this definition complexity is relative, not absolute. Others propose that systems described in the language of probability-theoretic methods (brain, economics, form, etc.) be classified as complex.