EDO. Electronic document management: what is it and how to choose

Electronic document - is information recorded on a tangible medium in the form of a set of symbols, sound recordings or images, intended for transmission in time and space using computer technology and telecommunications for storage and public use.

Information on computer media can be recognized as an object of legal relations (a document in the legal sense) only when it is provided digital signature . At the same time, software and hardware that ensure the generation and verification of such a signature must be certified.

The electronic document must meet the following requirements:

created, transmitted and stored using software and hardware;

have the structure established by this Federal Law;

be able to be presented in a form understandable to human perception.

Electronic edition - an electronic document or a group of electronic documents that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in unchanged form, and also having imprint information.

3. Electronic document management system

All created management documents “serve” certain management functions, for example: planning, accounting, financing, reporting, operational management, staffing, etc.

Documents related to one management function are usually called a documentation system, for example: a system of organizational and administrative documentation.

Documentation system – this is a set of documents interconnected based on their origin, purpose, type, scope of activity, and uniform requirements for their execution.

Management functions in all organizations are of the same type, therefore documents for each function should be the same in type and form. Bringing documents to optimal uniformity in composition and form is called unification documents. A unified form of a document is a set of details established in accordance with the tasks being solved in a given field of activity and located in a certain order on a storage medium.

Unification of documents is one of the methods of their standardization. Standardization - this is an activity to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the sphere of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

The standards for management documentation establish the composition of individual elements of the document (details), their location and design rules.

The numerous types and varieties of documents, the complexity of their composition, the presence of special rules for giving documents legal force and other serious problems associated with management documentation necessitate the identification of a special branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents. This branch of activity is called office work or documentation support for management .

The term “office work” in Russia arose in the second half of the 18th century.

Since that time, its use has been recorded in linguistic dictionaries. The term was formed from a combination of the words “proceedings”.

National standard GOST R 51141-98 “Office work, archiving. Terms - definitions" term office work and its terminological synonym, documentation support of management (DOU), is defined as a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

Office work or system document flow , applies to the practical activities of both persons managing documents and any other persons creating or using documents in the course of business activities.

An office management system or document flow system allows you to create a resource of information about the activities of the organization, which can support subsequent activities and individual management decisions and ensure accountability to all stakeholders.

With the advent computer technology There has been a breakthrough in document management methods; it has become possible to work with documents much more efficiently, easier and faster than before. It's about not only about replacing ready-made typographic forms with electronic templates stored on a computer. Although this alone can increase office productivity by orders of magnitude.

At the same time, a breakthrough occurred in several directions at once. The first wave was caused by the Internet. E-mail, a huge number of accessible sites with a wide variety of information required a data structuring system different from that of a DBMS. “Message”, HTML, XML, “search engine”, etc. – terms from a completely different area than DBMS.

At the same time, systems for record keeping and control over the execution of orders began to develop. In these systems, the concept of a document is the main one, even if in reality only secondary information – registration and control cards – is moving. And finally, the fundamental justification for the “documentary” view of information came from attempts to introduce the very paperless technology that seemed to be doing away with it. It turned out that in order to transmit significant information over the network, it must be “certified” by a signature. But a signature, even an electronic one, is not placed under some data or set of data, but only under a document, an analogue of the paper one.

Thus, a whole area is gradually formed - document management systems (DMS). One could say document flow, and this would be correct, but, unfortunately, this word is often understood in a very narrow sense as a kind of extension of office work. The area is being formed, although it has not yet taken shape, has not become understood by everyone, “digested” in its particularity, with a clearly expressed concept, range of concepts, tasks, etc. Some of the above have already been sufficiently worked out, others are just beginning to be realized.

Electronic document management - the process of formation, processing, storage and exchange of electronic documents;

Electronic document management tools - software and/or hardware used in electronic document management;

Participants in the exchange of electronic documents - physical and legal entities, as well as government bodies of the Russian Federation and local government bodies and other bodies involved in the exchange of electronic documents;

Sender of the electronic document - a participant in the exchange of electronic documents who generates an electronic document, signs it with an electronic digital signature or another electronic analogue of a signature and sends it to the recipient directly or through an information intermediary;

Recipient of the electronic document - a participant in the exchange of electronic documents who received an electronic document addressed to him;

Intermediary in the exchange of electronic documents (information intermediary) - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who provides services related to the exchange of electronic documents between the sender and recipient of electronic documents;

Electronic archive - an array of electronic documents subject to storage in the manner established by regulatory legal acts Russian Federation;

First of all, electronic document management is beneficial from the point of view of document movement. After all, a document in computer form is just a set of codes that are easily sent over computer networks and email, are easily replicated, edited and supplemented.

Electronic documents are easily combined to form databases and knowledge bases. Electronic libraries have practically already replaced inconvenient, incomplete, limited libraries of paper documents. Electronic catalogs provide access to necessary information hundreds of times faster than is possible when working with paper or card catalogs.

Basic principles of electronic document management:

    Single registration of a document, allowing you to uniquely identify the document.

    Possibility of parallel performing operations, allowing to reduce the time of movement of documents and increase the efficiency of their execution.

    Continuity of document movement, allowing to identify the person responsible for the execution of the document (task) at each moment in the life of the document (process).

    A unified (or coordinated distributed) database of document information, which eliminates the possibility of duplicating documents.

    An effectively organized document search system that allows you to find a document with minimal information about it.

    A developed reporting system for various statuses and attributes of documents, allowing you to control the movement of documents through document flow processes and make management decisions based on data from reports.

The practice of exchanging information has long been established electronic form. In the most general case, paperless document flow is easily supported by Microsoft Office programs. Text editor Word, electronic Excel tables, PowerPoint presentation package help you create electronic documents. The Outlook mail client transports them.

Thus, even with a standard office software set, it is possible to organize electronic document flow within an enterprise and even between enterprises. But an increasing number of programmers also do not stand aside and periodically enter the game with proposals for their own systems worked out in detail.

Even a special abbreviation for such developments has been established - ASDOU(Automated management documentation systems). They provide for serious databases that require lengthy study, numerous and multi-stage checks and re-checks to maintain the confidentiality of the information created and transmitted.

An electronic document can receive full-fledged status if it is certified electronic signature (ES). An electronic signature is a set of codes that uniquely identifies the owner. The technology for creating a digital signature is quite complex, and the means for creating digital signatures can be different. Their competence is established by law. We will talk about electronic signatures in more detail in the next lecture.

Modern document automation systems support a unified (integrated) information processing technology, which contains the following components:

    multi-user DBMS;

    tools for preparing documents (text, graphic, multimedia) in the form of reports, tables, diagrams, forms, blanks;

    local networks;

    means of external communications - e-mail, fax;

    system administration tools - determining the hardware and software configuration, setting access rights to the system and its individual components, version control and access rights, notification of violations;

    macro programming tools that provide extensibility and customization of systems to specific customer requirements and capabilities.

Obviously, distributed information processing presupposes the presence of a communication environment that provides the necessary transactions, multiple access to common information resources. TO communication system , performing the functions of information delivery, the following requirements are imposed:

    reliability of delivery (excluding the possibility of loss of documents);

    increased probabilistic-time characteristics;

    the reliability of the transmitted documents;

    confidentiality of documents;

    control of message delivery and traffic registration;

    the ability to access external telematics services to transmit and receive information from external systems;

    system fault tolerance (resource reservation) 1.

There are various document management systems that perform, to one degree or another, the listed functions. When choosing a system, it is necessary to be guided by both economic and technical criteria. The continuity of existing technologies is of great importance, as well as the possibility further development and improving the system based on a single base. The issue of management and administration of the system is also essential.

Document management systems (DMS)

Document management systems (DMS) provide the process of creating, managing access and distributing large volumes of documents on computer networks, and also provide control over the flow of documents in the organization. Often these documents are stored in special repositories or in a file system hierarchy. File types that are typically supported by DMS systems include text documents, images, spreadsheets, audio, video, and Web documents. Common capabilities of ICS systems are document creation, access control, transformation, and security.

The structure of electronic document management systems usually includes the following: modules , namely:

Electronic document approval module;

Initial registration of all incoming documents and careful control of execution;

Detailed log of outgoing documents;

Electronic archive of documents;

Corporate forum;

Various organization directories;

Administration module for the entire system.

In turn matching module electronic documents are designed to perform the following tasks:

Creation of electronic documents according to templates accepted in the organization;

Creating a route for passing an electronic document;

Approval of electronic documents by all interested parties who participate in the approval;

Redistribution of powers from one company employee to another;

Document approval;

Storage of resolutions of all persons who approved the document;

Closed approvals.

Processing module performs the following operations for outgoing and incoming correspondence:

Registration of outgoing and incoming electronic documentation;

Classification of all correspondence;

Installation of control;

Issuing instructions for outgoing and incoming electronic documents;

Conducting detailed correspondence;

Sending an incoming electronic document along already created or new document routes;

Storing all connections between outgoing and incoming documents in electronic archives;

Control of the passage of electronic documents along created routes;

Filling out logs in electronic versions of organization documents.

An electronic archive in an electronic document management system was created to store information products, detailed search, selection of copies of necessary materials and accurate recovery of deleted or erroneously lost documents.

Module for control and issuance of orders performs the following operations:

Places orders in the system, department data in administrative electronic documents of the organization, minutes of meetings;

Sends instructions to employees from the head of the company, his assistant, and also ensures control over the deadlines for completing instructions;

Maintains electronic archives of organization documentation.

Administration module performs the following tasks:

Restricting the access rights of organization employees;

Checking all user actions.

Electronic document management systems that implement the above-described structure form a new generation of organizational automation systems.

Currently existing systems on the market, based on the technologies underlying them, can be divided into three groups:

1. Western-made systems. Development environments.

2. Local production systems (Russia, Ukraine), based on Lotus Domino/Notes.

3. Completely local developments.

The first group includes the following three Western systems (development environments):


Lotus Domino.Doc

The second group includes the following companies and systems:

CompanyMedia - InterTrust

OfficeMedia - InterTrust

BOSS Referent - IT Co.


Eskado Interprokom - LAN

Systems that can be classified as the third group:

1C:Archive - 1C


DocsVision - Digital Design

IIG Intravert - IIG

IT-Inco - IncoFlow

LanDocs - Lanit

Optima-WorkFlow - Optima

VisualDoc - CenterInvest Soft

Gran Doc - Granite

Case - EOS

DocManager - SoftIntegro

Euphrates Cognitive - Technologies

Effect-Office IKK - Garant International

The Delo system is intended mainly to automate the documentation support of management activities of government organizations; it provides:

control of all stages of office operations and the results of work on the main functional processes of the enterprise;

unified registration of all incoming internal correspondence, including letters and appeals from citizens, by creating registration cards.

search for registration cards and resolutions to monitor the execution of documents for the purpose of conducting reference and analytical work;

tracking the organization’s document flow, including the movement of paper originals and copies of documents, resolutions, execution reports, document approval;

control over the timely execution of instructions, requests from institutions, organizations, resolutions and instructions from management; checking deadlines for execution of documents;

obtaining information and statistical materials, summaries, reports for presentation to management;

– storage of electronic documents.

Software and technology complex “CinderellaWIN” - electronic office

registration of outgoing and incoming mail, as well as accompanying documents attached to the main document, repeated and secondary documents;

control of performance discipline over time and by performer with a reminder of control documents and deadlines for their execution;

preparation of certificates, summaries and lists on the entire volume of documents, by thematic headings, etc.;

search for any document (including an answer and a repeated one) using any known details or set of details, including contextual search by the content (name) of the document;

organizing access to electronic copies of documents.

Home Implemented solutions

Exchange of electronic documents between information systems according to CommerceML standards

With transition trade organizations accounting using computer technology, the role of information exchange in electronic form is increasing. The 1C company, with the support of technical specialists from Microsoft Corporation, has developed standards for the exchange of commercial information and the XML exchange scheme CommerceML. The use of open, generally accepted standards for electronic information exchange can significantly reduce the costs of organizing information interaction by unifying the exchange of commercial information between various organizations: both those operating in the Internet commerce market and those working in the field of traditional (off-line) trade.

The software systems "1C:Enterprise 8" are prepared in accordance with CommerceML standards electronic catalogs, price lists and documents accompanying the trading operation Order.

Catalogs, price lists and documents accompanying the trade transaction Order, received electronically and complying with CommerceML standards, can be quickly loaded into the information database. This avoids time-consuming manual entry of large amounts of information.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 program system allows you to:

  • Generate commercial offers using the system itself based on the product range available in the information base
  • Publish commercial offers and catalogs on any Web storefront that supports CommerceML standards
  • Analyze the market based on processing structured information about the product, counterparties, prices, etc.
  • Prepare and send electronic documents in XML format understandable to most systems
  • Send Price Lists to organizations (clients, partners, etc.)

Mechanisms for preparing and publishing commercial offers and catalogs on Web storefronts are implemented in accordance with the CommerceML standard, both the first and second editions. This allows enterprises to save the technologies they already use when implementing the configuration and choose the most convenient format.

It is possible to download data in the format of CommerceML standards into an XML file or send such data by email.

Not long ago I was implementing electronic document management for one of my clients. In the process, I had to explain many concepts, tell what it is, how systems of this type work. And only after that he was able to understand the essence of my proposals and approved the work plan. During the discussion, I realized that very little has been written on this topic. in simple language for a wide range of readers. As usual, I will try to explain this concept in simple language.

It is important to understand that there are two types of document flow - internal (EDMS) and external (EDM). EDI and EDMS share these concepts in principle in the Russian Federation. That is, if you are looking for a system for exchange with counterparties, then you need to look for EDI, if for internal document flow, then EDMS.

In this article I want to talk about external electronic document flow between the company and its counterparties. Internal systems Electronic document management systems are used to exchange documents between departments of one company; they are subject to a slightly different set of requirements. But I will not consider them here.

Why do you need electronic document management?

Electronic document management is a modern, convenient alternative to conventional paper documents that are used for any type of business activity.

Traditional document flow is associated with constant time delays. To start cooperation with a client, you need an invoice, often a contract, and then signed invoices, certificates of work performed, etc. All these papers are approved, they are printed, signed and sealed. After which it becomes necessary to transfer them to a business partner, where they also go through the process of approval and signing.

Next, the documents with signatures are scanned and sent by email. After which the originals are sent by courier, employees or regular mail. All this takes a significant amount of time, paper documents are sometimes lost and require corrections (which further slows down the process of receiving documents). And entire rooms are often allocated for their storage. As a result, the business experiences a lot of inconvenience, the conclusion of transactions is delayed, problems arise with accounting, since at the end of the reporting period the papers are still somewhere “in transit”. And if, after signing by one of the parties, controversial points were identified in the agreement or accounting documentation If an error is found, then the process of obtaining the correct paper document stretches even further, sometimes even for months.

Electronic document management allows you to get rid of all these inconveniences:

  • All documents are “signed” electronically using digital signatures. It's quick and easy.
  • To obtain a paper copy, simply print a copy. Interested parties receive all documentation instantly, without long waits for letters or couriers.
  • The conclusion of contracts and confirmation of completion of cooperation (invoices and acts) occurs without delays and additional efforts on the part of employees.
  • The impact of the human factor on business is reduced: documents are not lost, errors are corrected in a short time.
  • There is no need to allocate useful space for storing multiple paper documents.

In addition, electronic document management allows us to solve the problem of business reporting to the state. Previously, documents were accepted only in paper form, and company employees spent long hours traveling to the tax office, standing in lines to see the inspector, and the inspectors, in turn, processed a lot of paperwork to check the accuracy of the report and enter data into the common database.

Now all these issues can also be resolved using electronic document management. It is important to understand that in electronic form the tax service accepts reports and documents strictly established sample. Any other format will not be accepted. Therefore, when introducing electronic document management, it makes sense to check the format of the company’s internal documentation and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to the document templates.

At the first stage, the state began to accept tax returns electronically. The technique turned out to be successful. And recently, all documents are also accepted electronically.

What does electronic document management consist of?

There are 4 parties involved in this type of document flow:

  1. Supplier of goods or services. The party that generates the electronic document.
  2. Buyer or client. The party that receives the electronic document.
  3. Vendor company that provides electronic platform for document exchange and service for organizing electronic document management.
  4. State. Government agencies to which the vendor company transfers data on recorded transactions and executed documents.

How this is implemented in practice:

  1. The supplier of goods or services generates an electronic document in its own accounting system or directly in the service provided by the vendor.
  2. The document within the service is instantly sent to the recipient company, which receives it either directly in the service or in its own program connected to the service.
  3. The platform records data about the document.
  4. After “signing” (confirmation) by the recipient, the document data is sent to the tax office.

Thus, the fact of sending and receiving a document is automatically recorded. Unlike paper bags with documents that are handed over by company employees, courier or postal service, it is impossible not to receive a document electronically or to lose it. The fact that the document was received on time electronic system is recorded automatically, this data can be used in the event of a dispute, even in court.

Also, information about documents signed on both sides is automatically transmitted to tax authorities, which reduces the likelihood of accounting errors, lost paper copies or failure to include some transaction in the report, which eliminates in the future possible fines and other tax problems associated with the human factor and so common when using paper document flow.

With paper document flow, it is difficult for the company manager to control the timely receipt of each document. Most often, these issues are resolved at the level of accountants, couriers, and sales managers. As a result, paper originals do not always reach the accountant before the end of the reporting period. And this, if checked, can lead to fines and other troubles.

For electronic document management:

  • The original document is delivered instantly. No need for postal items, assistance from couriers or managers. There are no delays or associated problems.
  • The head of the company can check at any time exactly when the document was sent and received. And in case of problems associated with the lack of important documentation, employees do not have the opportunity to shift responsibility for their mistakes to “ bad job mail" and others external factors. The company employees themselves understand this. Therefore, delays and problems with sending/receiving documents after the implementation of this system become extremely rare.

To implement cooperation through electronic document management, it is necessary that both parties use software connected to any document management platform. Or, as an option, one or both parties can work directly in the service for sending and receiving documents.

Electronic signature

To organize the electronic exchange of documents, a high degree of security and protection is required. All electronic document management services use a secure connection, data encryption, and use an electronic digital signature to confirm the authenticity of the document being sent.

A digital signature is a special “electronic key” that creates a unique digital code using mathematical processing of data from a user certificate and an electronic document. Public certificates are used to verify and confirm signatures. And for generation (signing) - the user’s personal confidential “key”.

Document flow platforms (services)

Today there is a wide range of platforms providing document management services. These are Directum, ELMA, DocsVision, WSS Docs, E-COM, Diadok and many others. They all perform approximately the same functions:

  • Receiving an electronic document from the user.
  • Sending to the recipient in his account or transfer to the specified system if the recipient is working with another service.
  • Recording data about the document and shipment.

When choosing a system for your company, the most important thing to consider is the preferences of your customers. It is important here that you either work in the same system as a client that is important to you, or the service must have the ability to integrate (data exchange) between your system and a similar platform that your client uses.

In some cases, you will be able to convince the buyer to start working with a platform that is convenient for you. But very often, especially when starting cooperation with large retail chains and enterprises, they have already made their choice long ago, and one of the conditions for cooperation is the ability to work with a certain electronic document management platform.

EDI and EDI systems: what is the difference?

When choosing a document management system, many users also come across systems that do not position themselves as EDI, i.e. “electronic document management”, but as EDI (document flow for retail).

EDI systems are a special case of electronic document management. They are focused on exchanging data with trading partners or departments trading network. If, in general, any types of legally significant documents are carried out through document flow, then here the rapid exchange of commercial information between organizations is implemented, including legally significant documents necessary for trading operations.

Conventional electronic document management allows the use of any types of documents in any format convenient for the parties. When using EDI, the list of possible documents and their format are strictly regulated. There is no way to generate and transmit a document in the company’s internal format or that is not directly related to trading operations. I will talk about how EDI works, why it is used only in trade, and what its advantages are in one of the following articles.

Integration with 1C and other accounting systems

For efficient work electronic document management, it is very important that the platform you choose supports integration with your accounting system.

Why is this needed:

  • Company employees create documents in the enterprise accounting system;
  • After generation, the document is automatically transferred within the system to the manager or accountant for signature;
  • The document verified and confirmed by the manager must be submitted without distortion or manual data entry, i.e. additional time costs and possible errors in the electronic document management service;
  • If implemented correctly, data transfer occurs automatically. After clicking the “Send document” button, it is transformed into the form required for the electronic document management system automatically and sent to the service, where the document is recorded and sent to the recipient.

It is very important that your accounting system has a ready-made solution on the service side, on the basis of which your specialists will be able to implement the necessary add-on for the accounting program. If there is no such solution, then it is better not to try to implement it yourself; this is a very labor-intensive and complex process. Document management services use a digital signature, complex systems encryption. Therefore, there are no guarantees that even after all the programmers’ efforts you will get the desired result. It is better to choose another platform where you will find a suitable integration option.

Service cost

Document management services usually offer connection to the service for free. A fee is charged for sending documents. In some cases, this will be a fixed price for each document sent. Somewhere you can buy services in packages, i.e. one amount is for 100 documents, another is for 1000 per month, etc.

This issue must also be approached wisely. On the one hand, the larger the package you choose, the lower the cost of sending one document will be. On the other hand, there is no point in paying for a package of 300, 500 or 1000 documents if the document flow does not exceed 100 documents per month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all documents need to be sent electronically?

No. Using electronic document management, you will send only those documents that are most convenient to send this way. Usually these are acts of completed work, tax invoices, sometimes contracts, etc. It all depends on your needs and convenience.

Is shipping payment per document or per page?

You pay, and the system records the sending of the document. Even if your document has many pages, it counts as one billable unit.

How safe is it?

Electronic document management is completely safe. Moreover, the service providing the service is responsible for ensuring security. For this, a digital signature, data encryption, and a secure communication channel are used. The level of security is approximately the same as in your usual bank-client services.

If we have 1C installed, will all users be able to access electronic document management?

No. In addition to restricting access rights in the accounting system itself, for working with electronic documents, the connection is limited to one session on one computer. To access from another computer, you will need to connect from scratch with all passwords and other security methods.

Is it possible to use electronic document management without an electronic signature and connection to paid services?

No. Signing and using a state-certified document management service is necessary for your document management to receive legal force. You can, of course, send documents without electronic signatures to your clients using any methods through any channels. But they are not considered document flow. These are nothing more than copies for reference. In this case, you will always need to confirm them with paper originals.

Is it so difficult to use electronic document management?

Difficulties can arise only at the connection stage. But specialists are usually brought in to resolve this issue. The process of use itself is simple and convenient. The manager (responsible person) checks the document, presses the “sign” and “send” button. Those. sending documents becomes much easier than even when exchanging scans by email.

What should I do if my client does not use the platform that I use?

You have two options. You can connect a counterparty to your site, for example, at your expense. Or you can find out whether there is the possibility of integration between your electronic document management systems. If yes, just use this service. Then the document will be transmitted according to the following scheme: from you - to your system - then to the recipient’s system - and, finally, personally to the recipient. This will not affect the speed of receiving the document or the complexity of using the system.

Information exchange of electronic documents with digital signature via telecommunication channels (hereinafter referred to as the System) - a set of software and hardware that ensures the presentation of tax and financial statements And information services in electronic form via telecommunication channels, belonging to the System Participants, as well as a set of regulatory and organizational and methodological documents regulating the relationships of the System Participants..."


Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2006 N SAE-3-13/848@ "On conducting trial operation of a unified system for receiving, storing and primary processing tax returns and financial statements in electronic form via telecommunication channels" (together with the "Temporary regulations for the exchange of electronic documents with digital signature via telecommunication channels in a unified system for receiving, storing and primary processing of tax returns and financial statements")

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Electronic document information exchange system” is in other dictionaries:

    Electronic money- (Electronic money) Electronic money is monetary obligations issuer in electronic form Everything you need to know about electronic money, history and development of electronic money, transfer, exchange and withdrawal of electronic money in various payment systems... Investor Encyclopedia

    GOST R 53394-2009: Integrated logistics support. Basic terms and definitions- Terminology GOST R 53394 2009: Integrated logistics support. Basic terms and definitions original document: Interactive Electronic Technical Publication 3.3.12 Definitions of the term from different documents: Interactive Electronic… …

    Electronic customs declaration- Electronic (customs) declaration – transfer, reception and processing customs declarations for goods created in electronic form. It assumes effective interaction between customs authorities and participants in foreign economic activity (FEA)... ... Wikipedia

    International rating agencies- (International rating agencies) Rating agencies are organizations involved in assessing the solvency of entities financial market International rating agencies: credit rating countries, Fitch Ratings, Moody's, S&P, Morningstar,... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Digital signature

    EDS- Electronic digital signature (EDS) is a requisite of an electronic document intended to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using a private key... ... Wikipedia

    Electronic signature- Electronic digital signature (EDS) is a requisite of an electronic document intended to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using a private key... ... Wikipedia - Terminology RM 4 239 91: Automation systems. Dictionary reference book on terms. Manual for SNiP 3.05.07 85: 4.2. AUTOMATION 1. Introduction of automatic tools for the implementation of processes STISO 2382/1 Definitions of the term from various documents: ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Each company, especially a geographically distributed one, bears the burden of costs when using paper media in document flow with its clients. The transition to electronic document management (EDF) is a logical and important step in the development of any enterprise.

According to Mail.ru Group research, about 60% office workers They use mobile devices not only for personal purposes, but also to perform certain work tasks. Working in an office with desks littered with paper is becoming a thing of the past. The main advantage of EDI systems: the company reduces material and time costs. When all documents are electronic, there is no point in copying and printing stacks of paper.

Today, the transition to electronic document management is a step that not every manager will decide to take. According to many, there are still more “against” than “for”.

In our material, we have collected the most common arguments against the transition to electronic document exchange. And we tried to talk about the real state of affairs and the advantages of switching to electronic document management with contractors.

Myth 1. Working on paper is more reliable. It has a stamp and signature

It’s more common to work on paper. Yes, today a document in hand is a symbol of a concluded contract that can be “touched”. Many people know from their own sad experience that paper documents can be forged. As a result: financial losses, litigation and wasted nerves and ultimately the collapse of the business.

Today electronic signature a more modern and secure analogue of a paper document. An electronic signature (ES) of a legal entity is encrypted data attached to digital documents to confirm the authorship and authenticity of the information. In fact, it replaces the usual handwritten signature and blue seal of a legal entity.

With the help of digital signatures, legal entities can enter into and terminate contracts, exchange primary accounting documents with clients and partners via a data network, submit reports to government agencies via the Internet, and confirm their authorship during certification various information and so on.

What is important to know when choosing an electronic signature seller? The main thing is to give preference to accredited certification centers, which are among the leaders in the Russian market. Pay attention to the following points: how many years has the certification center been operating on the market; find out how many electronic signature key certificates are available for last year he released; if tens of thousands, then you were not mistaken.

Myth 2. It’s easier for me to stay organized with paper documents.

No matter how optimists and skeptics argue about electronic documents, no one denies the fact that the vast majority of office documents are created on computers. The reasons for such an unconditional victory of information technology are completely clear:

  • electronic documents are easy to create, edit, reproduce, distribute and forward;
  • It's much easier to search electronically necessary information, and contextual search provides opportunities that one could only dream of when conducting paperwork;
  • issues of reserving information and documents, creating insurance archives and funds, etc. are resolved more easily and with less effort;
  • In commercial activities, electronic documents, when used correctly, make it possible to significantly speed up decision-making and improve their quality.

Myth 3. I am afraid that my documents may be stolen by criminals or that the EDF operator may transfer them to third parties without my knowledge.

If we talk about the electronic document management system "Transcript" developed by Taxnet, then in it data from one counterparty to another is transmitted over the Internet via the secure HTTPS protocol. User access to the system is carried out in two modes - using a qualified electronic signature certificate and using a login-password. Data leakage from the system server is excluded: user account passwords are stored in encrypted form, and the private keys of certificates for access are stored by the users themselves. Thus, if the system user does not transfer access information to anyone, leakage of the information transferred to him will be excluded.

As for the storage and transmission of particularly confidential information, a more specialized product in this case is the “cloud” service “CRYPTOGRAMM”, also developed by Taxnet. The service allows you to store documents in a secure cloud storage, exchange information via secure communication channels, and also has the ability to conduct crypto operations remotely. Such operations include signing and encrypting electronic documents addressed to one or more recipients, decrypting data, and verifying signatures.

This means that the user can easily verify the authenticity and correctness of any signed electronic document. In addition, as an additional security tool, the service uses a two-factor authentication system using mobile device, which uses two types of factors to access the system or carry out particularly important operations.

But in any case, any EDF operator is responsible for information leakage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Myth 4. EDI is not suitable for us; my suppliers use electronic signatures from different certification authorities

For electronic document management, it is necessary to use only a qualified electronic signature (Federal Law 63 “On Electronic Signature”). Having counterparties have certificates issued by different CAs is not a problem for the implementation of EDI. For example, in the "Transcript" system it is possible to use qualified certificates issued by any Certification Authority (hereinafter referred to as CA) included in the list of accredited ones by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Myth 5. We will not be able to set up work with our counterparties - there are about a thousand of them and they are located throughout the Russian Federation

Electronic document exchange is best solution for companies with a large number counterparties.

Firstly: Switching to electronic documents from paper will reduce the time for processing and sending documents by 80%.

Secondly: Electronic document management will increase the productivity of your employees working with documents by 25%.

Thirdly, when switching to the Transcript electronic document exchange system, the time for processing documents and making adjustments to documents by accountants and managers will decrease by 75%.

These indicators indicate that it is the right decision For modern business. To work in the system, you only need an electronic signature and the Internet. To get started, invite your counterparties to the system and attach a reminder for registering in the system.

We provide our clients with sample invitation letters, getting started instructions, and help set up the document exchange process completely free of charge.

Myth 6. In EDI systems you pay for each document sent, so how is it cheaper than mail?

Indeed, some companies charge a fee for each document sent. In our decision, we took into account the fact that the transition to electronic document management should be financially beneficial for our clients. In the Transcript system, a fee is charged for the package of documents sent, which allows you to significantly save on the exchange of documents.

But until October 31st you can use special offer and work in the system for free. Details can be found at the link.

Myth 7. I don’t see any point in switching to EDI for the sake of transferring acts and invoices

As has already been noted more than once, switching to EDI is really convenient and profitable. You no longer have to spend time preparing and sending documents, and you can also save a lot by eliminating the very expensive paperwork process. You will be able to save on time spent exchanging correspondence, which will also increase the mobility and productivity of your company. Because EDI is carried out very quickly, in addition there will be no human factor, which reduces the number of errors in electronic documents to a minimum.

Almost any document can be made electronic. The Transcript system provides for informal document flow for them (contracts, important commercial information, estimates, and much more).

Files of such documents can be of any format and provided to the counterparty in one of the following file types: *.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.mht, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.jfif, * .rtf, *.pdf, *.txt, *.zip, *.xml. In general, in the system you can receive and transmit any electronic documents.

Don’t forget about the factor of security and safety of documents - in the “Transcript” system, all electronic documents are transmitted in encrypted form, which eliminates interception and substitution. And the use of an electronic signature is more reliable than any physical signature.

Myth 8. I don’t have enough counterparties to switch to EDI. This is an expensive pleasure, it seems to me

Even if your business is small today, this does not mean that you should not optimize financial expenses and take care of the productivity of your employees. If the business processes in the company are initially set up correctly and meet modern market trends, your business will grow and develop much more comfortably!

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