Electronic signature for the trading platform etp gpb gazprombank. Electronic signature for ETP of Gazprombank (GPB) Verification of electronic signature missing oid

When you log into your personal account to request a CEP, a message is displayed « The computer is not configured . To continue, go to the computer setup page and follow the suggested steps » . After going to the setup page and installing all the necessary components in your personal account, a message appears again stating that the computer is not configured.

To resolve the error you must:

1. Add your personal account address https://i.kontur-ca.ru to trusted nodes. To do this:

  • Select the “Start” menu > “Control Panel” > “Internet Options”;
  • Go to the “Security” tab, select the “Trusted sites” (or “Trusted sites”) element and click on the “Sites” button;
  • Specify the address https://i.kontur-ca.ru in the Add the following node to the zone field and click on the “Add” button.

If this address is already present in the list of trusted nodes, you should proceed to the next step.

2. Check that the personal account address https://i.kontur-ca.ru is defined as reliable:

  • If you are using Internet Explorer version 8, then while on the authorization page, you should check whether the “Trusted Sites” checkbox is checked at the bottom of the page. If there is no checkbox, but there is an inscription « Internet", which means the address https://i.kontur-ca.ru has not been added to trusted nodes.
  • If you are using Internet Explorer version 9 and higher, then, while on the authorization page, you should right-click anywhere on the page and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, the “Zone” line should contain the words “Trusted Sites.” Otherwise, the address https://i.kontur-ca.ru is not added to trusted nodes.

If the address of your personal account is not defined as reliable, then you should contact your system administrator with a request to add the address https://i.kontur-ca.ru to trusted nodes.

3. Check if you can log into your Personal Account. If the error repeats, you should run the RegOids utility from the link. This utility will automatically configure OID settings in the computer's registry. You can also manually import one of the registry branches depending on the bitness of the installed operating system:

4. Check that administrator rights are used on the computer (to check, go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts and Family Safety - User Accounts). If the rights are insufficient, you need to give the user full rights; to do this, contact your administrator.

5. After completing step 3, you need to restart your computer and check your login to your Personal Account.

If not a single point in the instructions helps, then you should contact technical support at [email protected]. The letter must indicate:

1. Diagnostic number.

To do this, you need to go to the diagnostic portal athttps://help.kontur.ru , press the button " Start diagnostics" . Once the verification process is completed, the diagnostic number will be displayed on the screen. Please indicate the assigned request number in the letter.

2. Screenshot of the window with the error (when using Internet Explorer version 9 and higher, you must also attach a screenshot of the “Properties” window - see point 2).

3. Export and attach the following registry branches:

32-bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo
64-bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo

Steps to obtain a Non-Qualified Electronic Signature (NES) *, required to work on the ETP of JSC TEK-Torg.

* Obtaining a certificate of non-qualified electronic signature (NEP) for 1 Non-Resident of the Russian Federation and a license "CryptoPro CSP" v. 4 for 1 computer.

The data specified when registering in the personal account of the CA, as well as when placing and paying for the order in Steps 1 and 2, should not differ.
Payment is made only with the personal bank card of the intended owner of the digital signature (first and last name must match).

Before you start, check your computer requirements! Use Internet Explorer for all Steps!

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Center (CA CA)

Formation and payment of orders for the release of NEP.

  • Follow the link - https://www.cryptopro.ru /order/nonresident/?online=true and select “TEK-TORG” in “Products”.
  • Set the value 1 in the field opposite the price 10,500₽
  • Click “Add to cart”, then click “Proceed to checkout”.
  • Fill out the fields of the “Contact information” form with Latin characters and click “Continue”.
  • Review the information you entered and click “Get payment link to my email” when you are ready to pay.
  • You will receive an email to the specified E-mail with a payment link, which will be valid for only 20 minutes. Follow the link and pay with a personal bank card. If you did not manage to pay at the specified time, then repeat the above steps again.

Formation and payment of an order for the release of NEP

Creation of the NEP certificate.

  • Follow the link and log in
  • To create an NEP, click the “Create” button in the “Certificates” block
  • Click the "Submit" button.
  • Select a storage location for the closed part of the NEP. It can be saved to a computer, a USB flash drive, or a special cryptographic key. It is recommended to use a USB flash drive; to do this, select the desired “Disk” and click “OK”
  • The generation of NEP will begin; you need to move the mouse and press buttons on the keyboard in a random order.
  • Enter the password for NEP. Be sure to save it!

    *Attention! If you lose the password for the closed part of the NEP, it will not be possible to recover it. It will be necessary to pay for and create the NEP again. Create a copy of the private part of the key according to the Guide (Eng) in paragraph 2.1.7 after generating the private part of the NEP, especially if you saved it to your computer!

    The created NEP will be sent for confirmation to the Operator JSC TEK-Torg and will appear in the list of certificates. Confirmation of the release of the NEP will be only after TEK-Torg JSC receives the original documents described in step 4.

Creation of the NEP certificate

Sending the necessary documentation to JSC TEK-Torg

  • Follow the link and log in - https://cpca20.cryptopro.ru/uitektorg/1/Login.aspx
  • Print out the application for release, sign and affix the seal of the organization of which the NEP recipient is a representative, before sending.
  • Prepare a notarized copy of a document officially accepted in the country of residence of the NEP recipient, as an identification document - passport, id card or other.
  • Send scanned copies of documents by email [email protected].
  • Send the original documents to JSC TEK-Torg by mail, to the address: 115191 Moscow, Gamsonovsky lane, building 5, building 2

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Center (CA CA)

The development of information technology has made it possible to conduct auctions via the Internet without the direct presence of suppliers and tender organizers at the auction.

The electronic trading platform (ETP) of Gazprombank is a subsidiary of Gazprombank JSC. It was formed in 2012 and initially covered the oil and gas industries. Gradually, the scope of its activities expanded, and at the moment the site is one of the largest Internet resources, capable of serving many industrial sectors.

Features of the GPB trading platform

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, since 2014, Gazprombank’s ETP has been leading the TOP-3 electronic platforms where procurement is carried out under 223-FZ. Banking services are integrated into the platform system - guarantee, letters of credit, factoring and control of expense transactions.

To participate in trading on the Gazprombank ETP, a qualified electronic signature is required. Only accredited certification centers, which include the Infotex Trust company, are granted the right to produce digital signatures.

An electronic signature for the GPB ETP gives legal force to transactions and protects documents from forgery.

Electronic signature for ETP GPB

EDS for Gazprombank allows you to perform an unlimited number of transactions on electronic trading platforms. Any commercial transactions certified by an electronic signature have full legal force and provide for the liability of both parties in accordance with Russian legislation.

After issuing an electronic signature for Gazprombank’s ETP, the client is accredited at the site, after which he gains access to participate in trades and auctions.

How to obtain an electronic signature for the ETP of GPB

To obtain a qualified electronic signature certificate, you should contact the accredited certification center "InfoTecs Trust". To do this, you need to fill out an application for the production of an electronic signature certificate, pay for the service and collect documents.

When the electronic signature is ready, you will receive a notification by email, take the documents and go to any office of our company specified in the application.

The specialist will tell you how to set up a workplace and how to work with electronic signatures. Technical support will be available throughout the validity of the certificate. We help subscribers around the clock.

Gazprombank, where the largest customers make purchases. Among them are the companies of the Gazprom group, Novatek, and the Independent Oil and Gas Company NNK. Official website of ETP GPB: etpgpb.ru

ETP GPB – site No. 1 in the oil and gas sector. But the customers at the Gazprombank site are not only oil workers.

The following industries and customers are represented at the GPB site:

  • Mechanical engineering (OMZ, Uralmash, Almaz-Antey)
  • Construction (PIK group, MRTS, Spetsstroy of Russia)
  • Mining (UMMC, Mechel)
  • Metallurgy (ChTPZ)
  • Space (NPO Energomash, OJSC Russian Space Systems)
  • Airports (Sheremetyevo, Novaport airports of Russia)
  • Chemical (Uralchem)
  • Insurance (Sogaz)
  • VPK (Voentorg)
  • Housing and communal services (Rosvodokanal)
  • Microelectronics (RTI concern)
  • Agro-industrial complex (Miratorg)
  • Retail chains (M-video, Dixie, Rive Gauche)

In total, more than 2 thousand customers place purchases on the GPB ETP, and more than 200 thousand suppliers participate in tenders.


ETP GPB belongs to Gazprombank. The task of the GPB platform is to serve large clients of Gazprombank in the field of procurement activities. And Gazprombank is one of the three largest in Russia.

ETP GPB conducts tenders for state companies, corporations, government customers and commercial customers. The GPB site invests heavily and provides the highest level of security, technology and service. Among the technological features, we note integration with ERP and CRM class information systems such as SAP, Oralce, 1C. Of course, the GPB platform is integrated with the official procurement website.

The level of competition on the GPB ETP is 3 participants per purchase.

The average price reduction is 14%. The share of purchases from small and medium-sized businesses is 45%.

Trading on the ETP GPB platform

Electronic trading takes place on the GPB ETP platform:

  • Request for proposals
  • Auction (down and up)
  • Reduction
  • Contest
  • Request for quotation
  • Positional purchasing

In competitions, requests for proposals and requests for quotations on the GPB ETP, bargaining (rebidding) is provided for, when, after opening applications and announcing the conditions, participants can improve their offer, and the customer can save more.

Trading on the ETP GPB takes place both electronically using an EDS for bidding, and without using an electronic signature on the site. Application security is set by customers and may be absent.

ETP GPB has three separate trading sections:

Participation in procurement on the GPB ETP for suppliers is paid in the Gazprom section. The cost of the tariff depends on the price of the lot and varies from 15 thousand to 120 thousand rubles per year.

Participation in procurement for corporate customers (except Gazprom) is free. Payment is charged only to the winner and amounts to 6,900 rubles. This amount must be deposited as security before submitting an application for the GPB ETP. The collateral will be returned if the competitor wins.