The latest Russian military developments in small arms. New weapons of the Russian army

In total, the forum included 78 foreign defense enterprises from 14 countries. National expositions were organized by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, Slovakia and South Africa.
The demonstration program, which unfolded on the territory of three clusters, involved more than 190 weapons, military and special equipment. Aviation is presented at the airfield in Kubinka, ground equipment - at the Alabino training ground. Here, on Lake Komsomolskoye, there is a water cluster, where one of the main new products is underwater robots. Small arms are presented in the Multifunctional Fire Center area.

Microwave sniper rifle

© Press service of the Kalashnikov concern

The latest development for high-precision shooting. Semi-automatic sniper rifle Chukavina (microwave) is available in two calibers - 7.62 x 54 mm and 7.62 x 51 mm (the latter is also known as .308 Win, very popular in the world market). At the same time, in caliber 7.62 × 54 mm, it is compatible with SVD magazines. In the basic configuration, the microwave is equipped with a telescopic butt with an adjustable cheekpiece.
According to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern (part of Rostec) Alexey Krivoruchko, this development has a very bright future, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard, as well as export partners, are interested. There are great prospects in the civilian market. “We are already conducting some of the civilian tests this year and hope to begin testing these rifles for law enforcement agencies in the near future,” he said in an interview with TASS.
The microwave differs from conventional small arms primarily in its layout. The designers decided to move away from the traditional design with a receiver closed with a lid. The new layout simplifies the mounting of optics, collimator sights, night and thermal imaging attachments and other sighting systems.

BMD-4M with the Sinitsa combat module

The Sinitsa combat module is an improved combat compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle - BMP-3, which retains a powerful set of weapons consisting of a 100-mm cannon - the 2A70 launcher, a 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun.

BMD-4M airborne combat vehicle with the Sinitsa combat module © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

The BMD-4M with Sinitsa is designed for transporting units of the Airborne Forces, conducting combat from a vehicle and providing fire support. Its total combat weight does not exceed 14.3 tons. The crew consists of three people; transportation of four paratroopers is allowed. The BMD-4M can be parachuted with the combat crew inside. The previously developed version of the BMD-4M was equipped with the Bakhcha-U fighting compartment.

Medical armored vehicle "Tiger"

The medical version of the BMA Tiger-Aibolit armored car was created by the Military Industrial Company (MIC). This machine was made on an initiative basis.

Armored medical vehicle (AMV) "Tiger" © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

Tank support combat vehicle "Terminator"

The vehicle was involved in demonstrations at the Alabino training ground. It became known at the forum that for the first time the Russian Ministry of Defense bought a tank support combat vehicle in the interests of the Ground Forces.

Tank support combat vehicle "Terminator-3" in Syria. @WaelAlHussaini

Created taking into account the military operations that took place in Afghanistan. The BMPT based on the T-90 tank is capable of identifying a hidden threat and destroying it before the main tank is hit. struck. Crew - five people. Firepower provide two 30-mm automatic cannons, one machine gun, two AGS-30 grenade launchers and four Ataka-T anti-tank guided missiles.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-87

Presented at the exhibition for the first time. The new armored personnel carrier, designated BTR-87, was developed by the Military Industrial Company. It received a front-engine layout, in which landing and disembarking of troops is carried out through the rear doors. Somewhat similar to the BTR-4 of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-87 © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS
BTR-4 Ladya (Ukraine)

“The BTR-87 is an initiative development work. There may be a stern exit for paratroopers with a hinged door, as shown in the example at the exhibition, or we can make a very convenient folding ramp, again in the stern. This is the main difference between the BTR-87 and the BTR-82A, where troops land through hatches located on the sides of the hull,” Alexander Krasovitsky, general director of the military-industrial complex, told TASS.
The new vehicle is equipped with the chassis of the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier. The BTR-87 is a four-axle all-wheel drive amphibious vehicle with an 8 x 8 wheel arrangement. The BTR-87 received a combat module, the armament of which includes a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, and four anti-tank guided missiles.
According to the developers, the BTR-87 has already passed a number of tests and is now being presented to the Ministry of Defense in order to open development work in the interests of the military department.

Motorcycle for special forces

The presentation of a silent motorcycle developed for was held as part of the forum.

Motorcycle IZH for special forces © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

According to the head of the company, the range of motorcycles produced by the concern will be very wide. “We will make different models, of different classes, but the emphasis will be on electric motorcycles,” he explained. The plans include the production of other electric vehicles.
As previously reported, the concern has developed an electric motorcycle for the traffic police and police departments. The charging range of such a car is 150 km. Maximum power - 15 kW. The first samples will be handed over to the Metropolitan Police at the end of August.

Armored communications vehicle "Tiger-US"

Presented at the exhibition for the first time. This vehicle will be able to transform into a control and reconnaissance center, a secure communications center, or mobile center data processing.

Armored vehicle "Tiger-US" © Alexey Panshin/TASS

According to Voentelecom CEO Alexander Davydov, the system has unprecedented characteristics and is capable of replacing up to 70% of bulky and different types of command and staff vehicles and complex communications hardware, while providing much richer functionality and significantly improved tactical and technical characteristics with a multiple reduction in purchase costs and service.
It also became known that at the concept level, Voentelecom considers this communication and control machine to be unmanned, controlled by artificial intelligence, which independently determines the route based on the situation in the theater of military operations.

Buggy "Chaborz" M-6

Airmobile multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle (buggy) “Chaborz” M-6 © Marina Lystseva/TASS

New six-seater buggy "Chaborz" M-6 presented training center special forces of Chechnya.

It is primarily intended for military needs and has extensive cargo transportation and installation capabilities. additional equipment. Serial production of all-terrain vehicles at the Chechenavto plant will begin after the presentation at the Army-2017 forum.
Today the volume of serial production is 30 cars per month. The vehicle is universal and adapts to various military and civilian needs.

Combat module using neural network technologies

For the first time, a new combat module using neural network technologies was presented at the Kalashnikov Concern pavilion, allowing it to recognize targets and make decisions.

A neural network is a quickly learning system that is capable of acting not only in accordance with a given algorithm, but also based on previously used experience. It also became known that this combat module could go into production in 2018 and can be installed on any vehicle.

"Gun" to combat drones

The electromagnetic “gun” “Stupor” was created by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics of the Russian Ministry of Defense to suppress unmanned aerial vehicles.

Electromagnetic “gun” “Stupor” © Dmitry Reshetnikov/TASS

The complex is designed to suppress drones, including copter-type ones, used on land and water surfaces, at a line-of-sight range. In addition, it can suppress the navigation and transmission channels of drones, as well as their photo and video cameras in the optical-electronic range.
The “gun” emits electromagnetic pulses and is primarily intended to suppress the control channel of a drone, which, under the influence of radiation, loses contact with the operator, which leads to uncontrolled flight and fall.
“Stupor” operates at a range of 2 km in a 20-degree sector. It can be charged either from the network or from a car battery.

Today the Russian army is one of the strongest in the world. Its strength is made up of professional military personnel with an excellent level special training and the latest strategic weapons. The Russian Armed Forces already have modern, effective types of military weapons in their arsenal, but the latest developments, which will soon enter service, amaze with their technical and tactical characteristics. Most of them have no analogues.

Anti-tank weapons

The Kornet-D complex is designed to strike tanks and other armored targets. Effective against targets equipped with dynamic reactive armor. A characteristic feature of the complex is that it is controlled not by wires, but by a laser beam. This allows you to hit even air targets at a distance of up to 10 kilometers.
The Hermes complex is a multi-purpose guided weapons installation. In 2012, its serial production began for arming military helicopters. "Hermes" effectively destroys single and group targets with single or salvo fire at a distance of up to 100 kilometers. This complex is a universal type of high-precision rocket artillery for all branches of the military. It is adapted for various options basing: ground, aviation, ship, stationary for coastal defense.
MGK "Bur" is a small-sized grenade launcher system with a reusable launcher and a single shot. In 2014, it was adopted by the Russian army. The main purpose of the complex is to destroy enemy personnel, unarmored equipment, and destroy shelters and structures. "Bur" includes a self-contained fiberglass housing for rocket engine and a device for launching ammunition. Its advantages: it can be equipped with different types of shots, uses different types of sights, can fire even from small enclosed spaces, is safe to handle and highly efficient in use.
RPG-32 "Hashim" - hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. Provides protection against enemy tanks and armored vehicles. Its uniqueness is that it can fire grenades of various calibers depending on the targets chosen to hit. It has a special system that deceives the active protection of the tank. It fires a false projectile, which triggers the defense, and at the same time the grenade inflicts a fatal blow.

The latest nuclear missiles

Nuclear weapons are the basis for reliable defense of the state. The most common representatives of this type of weapon are the Sotka and Voevoda ICBMs. The Topol and Topol-M missiles are now being actively introduced. Such a promising one will soon enter the Armed Forces nuclear weapons new generation, such as the Barguzin BZHRK, the Sarmat RS-28 ICBM, the RS-26 Rubezh, the RS-24 Yars.
RS-24 "Yars" is a new generation nuclear weapon. The complexes began to be deployed in 2009 after the successful completion of tests. In 2015, active equipping of combat units with these missiles began.
RS-26 "Rubezh" - strategic missile launcher. Its basis is an intercontinental ballistic missile with increased accuracy. The development and improvement of the complex has been ongoing since 2006. Since 2014, after a number of tests and modernization work, the Rubezh has been put into service missile forces strategic purpose. In the future, this missile will replace the Topol and Topol-M.
The Sarmat RS-28 ICBM is a new generation missile. According to the original plan, it was supposed to enter service at the end of 2016. In 2015, the production of the first parts for this complex began. The complex is equipped with a heavy multi-stage liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile. It differs from its predecessors in its massive means of protection against missile defense, improved flight path and hypersonic maneuvering units.
BZHRK "Barguzin" is an innovative railway missile system. At the moment, the weapon has “secret” status. Its design began in 2012 on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Its deployment is planned to begin no earlier than 2018. The complex will be based on Yars or Yars-M missiles. The BZHRK will be able to move throughout the country, covering up to 1000 kilometers per day. In addition, moving around railway tracks more economically profitable than moving an unpaved vehicle complex.

Small arms

Double-medium ADS machine - unique weapon, capable of firing effectively on land and under water. It provides the ability to fire from the left and right shoulder. The machine is equipped with a removable under-barrel grenade launcher and combined mounts for all types of sights. The ADS is superior to its predecessors in accuracy and firing efficiency.
SVLK-14S is a sniper weapon with a high degree of accuracy. Capable of effectively hitting targets at a distance of up to 1.5-2 kilometers. This rifle is not a fixed model; its characteristics vary depending on its purpose. Different types of sights can be attached to the barrel. The weapon has an extremely high degree of accuracy.
The 6S8 sniper complex tops the list of the best Russian large caliber rifles. The rifle was created back in 1997, but then for various reasons it did not pass all tests. After functional improvements and modernization in 2013, the complex was put into service. The rifle is designed to engage manpower, lightly armored and unarmored vehicles, and group targets at a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers. It can use a specially created cartridge, as well as the entire range of standard cartridges. It has compact dimensions and low weight, which ensures its maneuverability.
Armored vehicles and tanks
Armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles infantry, airborne combat vehicles are successfully used by the Russian military in various combat conditions. Reliable vehicles are constantly being modernized, adapting to the requirements of the terrain and maneuvering conditions.
The latest developments to enter service are the BTR-82 and BTR-82A. These modifications have an economical engine, are equipped with an electric drive with a stabilizer for controlling the gun, and are equipped with a laser sight. They have improved reconnaissance capabilities, a fire extinguishing system, and fragmentation protection.
BMP-3 is a unique military vehicle that has no analogues in the world. The equipment is equipped with mine protection and has a sealed body with all-round armor. This air transportable floating machine is capable of speeds of up to 70 km/h.
The Russian T-90 tank, especially its modification T-90 SM, is equipped with an air conditioning system, an improved fire extinguishing system, and is capable of effectively hitting moving targets.
The Armata tank, a strategic development of Russian scientists, can become a unique type of weapon. The combat vehicle is currently being tested, but military experts predict that the Armata will become the most effective tank.


Among the air defense assets, Su-35S aircraft and KA-52 Alligator and KA-50 Black Shark helicopters should be highlighted. The fighter has a unique weapons control system, hits targets with high accuracy and short terms capable of gaining air supremacy. “Alligator” and “Black Shark” are formidable military machines; so far, no country in the world has created helicopters that would surpass them in tactical and technical characteristics.
Well equipped and Russian fleet. Modern surface ships provide transportation of military and weapons. Submarines conduct brilliant reconnaissance operations, launch surprise attacks on the enemy, and protect territorial water borders.
The development of super-efficient surface-to-surface cruise missiles is also worthy of attention, including the BrahMos complex equipped with the SK310 missile, the KTRV hypersonic missile, BrahMos-II, and Zircon-S.

The situation in modern world such that the Russian Federation, in order to maintain its sovereignty and play key roles in the international arena, is forced to strengthen its combat capability. What is strengthening combat capability? This is, first of all, strengthening the Russian army with new weapons - classified types of weapons, and those that Russia sells to other countries.

This article will discuss the latest weapons developments in Russia. Some of these weapons are already in use by our troops, other new models are at the development and testing stage, and should enter service with the Russian army in 2018-2019.

Here it should be said again that Russia is currently developing and testing many types of new generation weapons, and testing new weapons in Russia is a secret matter. For obvious reasons, nothing can be said about such weapons yet. In addition, it is simply impossible to talk about all new developments in a separate article, so we will only talk about some of the most high-profile examples modern weapons Russia.

The latest weapons of Russia 2017-2018

Generally speaking, according to prominent arms experts and politicians, in the coming years the Russian armed forces should receive:

  • More than 600 aircraft different types: fighters, long-range aircraft, strategic bombers, etc.;
  • More than 1000 of the latest helicopters;
  • More than 300 new super-air defense systems;
  • New generation ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads;
  • New nuclear weapons;
  • New precision weapons (bombs, missiles, etc.), as well as latest systems guidance of such weapons, intended for high-precision shooting;
  • New weapons to destroy tanks and other ground vehicles;
  • The latest models of small arms and military equipment;
  • Various new generation military equipment, as well as other products from domestic arms manufacturers.

In addition, the Russian Armed Forces should soon receive automated command and control systems. New ones are also being developed secret weapon Russia. According to some information, the latest Russian small arms are currently being developed, the operation of which is supposed to be based on fundamentally new physical methods.

In addition, work continues to create hypersonic missiles, which are supposed to be based not on the surface of the earth, but in the airspace. It is assumed that the speed of such missiles will be 7-8 times higher than the speed of sound. This, for obvious reasons, will be Russia's newest secret weapon.

In addition, work is underway in Russia on other types of superweapons. Some of these types of Russian superweapons will be discussed below.

Russian nuclear weapons

It is known that the main shield of our country is strategic nuclear weapons. Famous ones still serve well domestic samples strategic nuclear weapons "Voevoda" and "Sotka". However, they are already being replaced with more advanced models (“Topol”, “Topol-M”).

However, in addition to those listed, Russia’s new secret weapons, that is, new models of strategic missiles, are now being actively and successfully developed and implemented. Here are just a few of them:

  • RS-24 Yars. Rearmament Russian army with such missiles, in fact, is already happening. According to the Russian command, missiles of this type will replace outdated models of strategic missile weapons (the same “Topol” and “Topol-M”);
  • RS-26 Rubezh. This complex is designed to use an intercontinental ballistic missile with increased firing accuracy. In 2014, the complex entered service with the Russian army. It is assumed that this missile will in the future replace the Topol-M and Yars;
  • BZHRK Barguzin. Since this type of weapon is not yet used in the Russian army (it is under development), there is little information about it. This new Russian secret weapon is expected to be operational in 2018;
  • Vanguard rocket launcher. This is a fundamentally new weapon, its effectiveness compared to the same “Topol-M” can be 50 times higher. The warhead of this missile is capable of flying from 16 to 25 thousand km. The missile launcher is expected to be put into service in 2018;
  • Bottom missile systems. This is, in fact, rocket launchers, located on the seabed and, accordingly, launching missiles from the depths of the sea. One of these complexes was named “Skif”. The essence of the action of such a complex is as follows. The rocket located on the seabed is in constant standby mode. When the command is fired, the missile fires and hits a surface ship or some ground target. The water column serves as a kind of shaft for the rocket. The first test launch of the rocket since White Sea was produced back in 2013. The development of bottom missile systems continues to this day;
  • Mobile missile systems. Based on the name, such complexes can be moved from place to place, which is their considerable advantage compared to stationary complexes. In Russia, work is currently underway on the creation of railway and sea mobile missile systems. One of the trial sea mobile missile systems was placed in an ordinary cargo container. The test launch of a rocket from such a complex produced a considerable effect among observers and experts.

We repeat: all this is just a small part missile weapons, adopted for service in 2017 or planned to enter the Russian armed forces in the near future.

Anti-tank weapons

As for anti-tank weapons, there are also unique samples that have no analogues anywhere in the world. Here are just a few of these samples:

  • Missile system Kornet-D. This is very effective weapon to destroy enemy armored vehicles. Since the complex is a missile system, it follows that the destruction of enemy armored vehicles is carried out by missiles;
  • Hermes complex. Its first version, called "Hermes-A", was intended to be destroyed using helicopters. The complex is attached to a helicopter, and in this way fire is fired at enemy armored vehicles. Currently, work is underway to create new variants of ATGMs, which are designed to expand and diversify the use of weapons. In particular, it is known that in the near future missiles fired from the Hermes complex should be used with anti-aircraft missile complex"Pantsir-S1";
  • MGK BUR. Essentially, this is a new and improved type of grenade launcher, which has a reusable launcher and one shot. That is, after each shot, the grenade launcher must be reloaded, as was the case in all previous versions of this type of weapon.

Other types of anti-tank weapons that are currently being worked on are classified, and therefore there is no need to talk about them in detail.

New small arms

When speaking of “Russia’s new weapons,” it is impossible to avoid mentioning the new small arms produced in the country. Missiles, planes and ships are, of course, wonderful, but it is small arms that are primarily capable of protecting the most valuable thing - the life of a soldier. Here are just some of the new models of Russian small arms:

  • Double-medium ADS machine. This is a unique new Russian small arms that can fire both in the open air and under water. In addition, the machine gun is designed in such a way that it can be fired from both the left and the right hand. The assault rifle began serial production in 2016, and it entered service with the Russian army in 2017;
  • SVLK-14S. This rifle is an exceptionally accurate Russian sniper weapon, which can effectively hit a target at a distance of up to 2 km. In addition, it is the most powerful small arms to date;
  • Lebedev pistol (PL-14). Domestic pistols are perhaps the most weak point our small arms. The famous “Makarov” has long been outdated - both in terms of its fighting qualities and in other senses, there are also complaints about other domestic pistols. Against this background, new domestic pistol, developed by designer Lebedev, looks very attractive. The pistol is very light and thin, it can be fired with both the right and left hand, it has little recoil, the accuracy of fire and the rate of fire are superior to existing domestic analogues. The pistol should enter service with both the army and the police. In addition, the designers also promise a sports version of the PL-14.

Currently, several defense enterprises in the country are working on the creation of a fundamentally new small arms, in no way similar to the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. In particular, it is already known that such a weapon will have a striking mechanism and buttstock in the stock, and such weapons are supposed to be fired with specially designed (innovative) cartridges. Such cartridges will have significantly increased accuracy and firing range, as well as destructive power. The first samples of such weapons have already arrived this year in the Russian armed forces. Massively new small arms will begin to enter the army and special forces in 2020.

Robots as Russia's newest weapon

It is clear that in the age of electronic technology, robots can (and must) also be weapons. Which is exactly what is happening. This year, Russia began creating special forces robots. According to the designers, such robots will be able to provide significant assistance to soldiers on the battlefield: helping snipers in choosing a target, delivering ammunition, and also performing the functions of orderlies - that is, finding the wounded, providing them with first aid and transporting them to medical facilities. Such robots are currently being tested.

Another combat robot (or rather a robotic military complex), which was given the name “Nerekhta”. It moves on tracks and is armed with a Kord machine gun. Initially, the robot was conceived as an artillery fire spotter, but the designers soon realized that for such a machine being just a spotter was not enough.

Currently, the Nerekhta robot can go on reconnaissance, quietly destroy an enemy pillbox, open fire with a machine gun, and thereby support its fighters. The robot is capable of moving up to 30 km per hour and is controlled via a remote control. Since the robot is equipped with an optical-electronic system, a thermal imager, a laser range finder and a ballistic computer, it is currently also successfully used as a guard for missile systems.

Currently, work is underway to improve the robot. Thus, this year an improved version of Nerekhta-2 was tested. Such a robot will be the fighter’s “squire,” that is, he will carry the fighter’s weapons and equipment. The robot can be controlled by voice and gestures. In addition, the robot will act in sync with the fighter it is serving. For example, if a fighter took aim and shot at a target, then the robot will also shoot at the same target with its weapon - for reliability and safety net.

The Ministry of Defense is deciding what weapons to equip the newest combat equipment“Warrior”, choosing between AK-12 assault rifles from the Kalashnikov concern or AEK-971 from the Kovrov plant named after Degtyarev. Bye this question is under consideration “Ratnik” is armed with modernized samples of time-tested weapons, we read further about what kind of weapon these are.

According to the developer, the Kalashnikov concern, the kit, which received the code “Kit”, will increase the combat capabilities of the machine by 1.5 times. Gunsmiths calculated this indicator using the criterion “frequency of defeat” at a range of up to 300 meters at any time of the day and in different climatic conditions.

The body kit includes several key elements. This is a new muzzle brake-compensator.

It reduced recoil and virtually eliminated the flash when firing. Infrared laser target designator. Its beam can only be seen through a night vision device. Ergonomic handle and length-adjustable stock. The receiver cover and forend are equipped with Picatinny rails. With it, you can install a collimator sight, a flashlight and a vertical handle on the machine gun for holding the weapon with your second hand.

The new modernization kit for the Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle, according to the developers, will make this proven, but no longer modern weapon suitable for use with the Ratnik.

Large-caliber sniper rifle ASVK (Kovrov)

This rifle is further development large-caliber sniper rifle KSVK. Like its predecessor, the ASVK is designed to fire 12.7 mm cartridges. Depending on the type of ammunition, a rifle can hit both manpower and lightly armored enemy vehicles.

Compared to the previous model, ASVK is lighter - about 9 kilograms versus 12.5. However, such relief was provided by shortening the barrel. And this, in turn, led to a decrease sighting range, it is 1200 meters (KSVK hits 1500 meters).

ASVK is a five-shot bolt-action rifle. It is made according to the bullpup scheme, when the trigger is located in front of the magazine and the firing mechanism of the weapon.

Upgraded sniper rifle SVDM

The main innovation of the modernized SVD is the folding bipod. The main option for sniper shooting is from a prone position. In such cases, you always have to put something under the weapon or hold it under the forend with your second hand. The bipods solved this problem; they are height adjustable.

On the receiver cover there is a Picatinny rail on which modern optical sights, including foreign production. Previously, the SVD's mounting strip was located on the side and standard sights PSO-1, 1PN93 and some others were attached to it.

A new adjustment mechanism has appeared at the “cheek” of the butt. With its help, the shooter can adjust the height and position of the “cheek” to individual characteristics.

However, the main advantage of the new rifle is its heavier barrel. Due to its thickness, it was possible to increase the accuracy of fire when overheated.

Submachine gun "Vityaz"

PP-19-01 “Vityaz” became a continuation of the “Bison” line of submachine guns, which were created by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1993. The new model was designed taking into account the requirements received from the special forces detachment internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs "Vityaz". It also received its name from the special forces.

“Vityaz” is designed on the basis of the Kalashnikov AKS-74U assault rifle, the unification of parts is 70%. In particular, the trigger mechanism, receiver and safety are identical to AK parts.

"Vityaz" is unpretentious in terms of the use of ammunition. The submachine gun can be loaded with both Russian 9x19 mm cartridges, including 7N21 cartridges with an armor-piercing bullet, and foreign Parabellum cartridges of the same caliber.

The choice of 9-mm ammunition is due to the fact that the Vityaz is intended for use in urban areas and indoors, that is, in an environment where there is a high probability of a ricochet. In this case, the 9x19 mm caliber turned out to be the most optimal - compared to 5.45 mm caliber bullets used in machine gun cartridges, the ricochet of nine-millimeter bullets is much less.

Sniper rifle SV-98

The SV-98 was developed on the basis of the 7.62 mm Record-CISM sports rifle. One of the key differences between this weapon and the SVD is the manually reloadable bolt.

This design provides greater bullet speed when fired, since the energy of the powder gases is not spent on pushing the piston of the bolt frame (as in SVD and Kalashnikov assault rifles), but is entirely aimed at pushing the bullet out of the barrel.

The rifle comes with a low-noise firing device. It is not capable of completely drowning out the sound of a shot, but it can blur its sound portrait so that the enemy does not guess the type of weapon used.

Initially it was assembled on a wooden bed. In the new version, the rifle is assembled on an aluminum stock. Thanks to this, it has become immune to climate change. Rifles with “wood” are already in service with Russian security forces; they have been used in real combat operations.

The sample shown in the photo is experimental; testing is currently ongoing.

The Russian Air Force is a branch of the Russian Armed Forces. The air force is needed to conduct reconnaissance of the enemy group, for air deterrence, and to protect strategically important objects and areas from air attack. The Air Force also has the task of preventing air attacks and defeating those areas that form the basis of the enemy’s military potential. Air force air support ground forces and the fleet, carry out landings, transport troops and material support by air.

The air force is divided into long-range aviation, military transport, front-line and army. It may include bomber, special, transport, fighter, reconnaissance and attack aircraft.

Russian aviation has gone through its own process of degradation, which began with the collapse of the USSR. Let us remember that in the late 80s of the last century Soviet Union possessed the most powerful and powerful aviation in the world. Reason - cold war, which required that there should be no lag behind the United States in any military sphere. When the USSR approached its collapse, Soviet designers managed to catch up with American engineers, and even get ahead of them in some types of aircraft. The collapse of the Union and the subsequent powerful economic crisis nullified many developments, and Russian aviation ceased to be a leader in this area.

The Russian Federation entered the 21st century with an air force that was noticeably decrepit, poorly organized, and lacking a clear concept. However, in lately The situation began to change radically and a significant turning point occurred. The Russian Air Force began to be equipped with new combat aircraft. Soviet-era aviation has undergone significant modernization; carrier-based and strategic aviation has been preserved. Today, a program to develop a new, fifth-generation fighter has been developed and is being successfully mastered. Many aircraft are successfully sold for export. This means that Russia still has powerful and significant potential in aircraft manufacturing. Since 2009, the entire Russian Air Force fleet has undergone a major overhaul and major modernization.

Today the following types of aircraft are in service with the Russian Air Force: AN-12, AN-26, AN-70, AN-124 "RUSLAN", IL-18, IL-76, MIG-21, MIG-23M, MIG-23B/M , MIG-27, MIG-25, MIG-29 (early and later modifications), MiG-31B, Mikoyan "1.44", MIG-AT, Su-17, SU-47 "BERKUT", SU-24, SU- 25, SU-27/SU-33/SU-37, SU-27IB/SU-30/SU-32, TU-22M, TU-95/TU-142, TU-160, YAKOVLEV - AERMAKKI YAK-130.

Will be put into production in 2019 strategic bomber new generation. In a year, in 2020, the development of a new interceptor will be completed, which will replace the MIG-31. Today we are developing a new combat aircraft, which has a forward-swept wing, should appear soon prototype new plane.

For 2021-2022 it is planned to launch a new strategic bomber into mass production long-range aviation PACK. Its flight tests are scheduled to be completed in 2023, at which time the new bomber will enter service with the Russian Air Force. The PAK DA should replace the TU-95 and TU-160, it will be a subsonic aircraft. The engine for the bomber is being developed on the basis of the TU-160 NK-32 engine; its turbocharger will be used. The United Engine Construction Corporation (UEC) of Russia intends to invest $220 million of its own finances in this project.

Experts often call the new generation interceptor the MIG-41. This interceptor is expected to replace all MIG-31s ​​of the Russian Air Force by 2028.

Fifth-generation fighters have already been developed, and flight tests of the T-50 PAK FA are currently underway. These fighters will begin to be delivered to the Russian Air Force in 2016.

The T-50 PAK FA began to be developed back in the late 90s; according to the project, it was supposed to be a strike fighter aircraft. But due to insufficient funding, work was carried out at an incomplete pace. In recent years, work has been accelerated, and designers are working on the project at full capacity. The T-50 PAK FA was first presented to the general public at the Max 2011 air show. Only experts know what is under the skin of a fifth-generation fighter - for the uninitiated it is a secret. However, the T-50 went on its first flight unpainted, and knowledgeable people were immediately able to draw conclusions - at least half of the fighter consists of composite materials.

The yellow trim is nothing more than aluminum. Gray cladding - composites. These materials carry several functions at once: the aircraft is lighter, which means that it is more economical and maneuverable. Radars, thanks to composite materials, also “see” the fighter less. The fifth generation of the aircraft uses stealth technology; it has a special shape, due to which it becomes less noticeable. Composites, together with a radio-absorbing coating, take the fighter to new level, and in combat with aircraft of previous generations it has an advantage. For example, a T-50 can launch a missile from a distance of 200 km, and the enemy will not even see it yet.

As a rule, 10 years pass from the first flight of an aircraft to the time it is accepted into service by the Air Force. Russian designers have been given another task - to go this route in just 5 years.

Fleet of the Russian Federation

By the end of this year, 2014, the Russian Navy should be replenished with many new ships: from boats to a nuclear submarine. The Black Sea Fleet will have to receive six diesel submarines and six patrol ships. The Caspian flotilla will be strengthened with small missile ships. At the same time, new ones were laid down at the shipyards warships for the fleet of the Russian Federation, which will be launched in a few years. Among them are Yasen and Borey class nuclear submarines.

In total, by the end of this year, the Russian Navy will receive more than 50 new ships and vessels.

Also, according to the Ministry of Defense, work is underway to create groups of strategic missile submarines in the Pacific and Northern fleets. The multi-purpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk has already been built, and the submarine has entered service with the Russian Navy. In addition to it, patrol ships and Raptor assault boats are being built, which will be released in a separate series. It will also include twelve rescue boats.

Their difference is their multifunctionality and modular type. The construction of the latest generation mine-sweeping ship has already been completed. The Navy transport "Akademik Kovalev" was launched, and the flag was also raised on the new corvette "Stoikiy".

Today, work continues to update the ship's composition, restore and develop the basing system of the Black Sea Fleet stationed in Crimea. In the near future, the fleet should receive six new Project 1135.6 ships and the same number of Project 636 diesel submarines.

The Caspian flotilla should be replenished with small missile ships of the latest generation. We are talking about Project 21631 ships, which will significantly increase the safety of the Caspian waters.

On the ropes of "Sevmash" (Severodonetsk) two nuclear submarines. We are talking about the 5th strategic nuclear submarine of the Borei class and the 4th multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Yasen class.

All Borei class nuclear submarines are armed with Bulava, the latest missile system. As a result, each nuclear submarine carries sixteen intercontinental missiles on board. The peculiarity of the solid-fuel Bulava-M is that its warhead can be divided into ten independent warheads.

The Yasen-class nuclear submarines carry Kalibr and Oniks - these cruise missiles capable of hitting targets both at sea and on land at a distance of up to one and a half thousand kilometers.

Today, the Russian Navy has 60 submarines, of which 10 are nuclear-powered strategic, and more than 30 are nuclear-powered multi-purpose. The rest are special purpose and diesel submarines.

A little about the new corvette of the Russian Navy "Stoikiy". It was laid down at Severnaya Verf in November 2006. It was transferred to the Navy in July 2014. The third corvette in the series, project 20380. The lead ship in the series is Steregushchiy. Was transferred in 2007 to the Baltic Fleet. The corvettes of this project have a length of more than one hundred meters and a displacement of 2 thousand tons. Maximum speed - 27 knots. During autonomous navigation, the range is four thousand miles.

Project 20380 corvettes are universal sea hunters and patrol boats. Their task is to destroy submarines and surface ships. Also carry out fire support landing forces, serve as a flagship in a tactical group.

Corvettes of this project are armed with 100-mm artillery systems (universal), automatic artillery systems, supersonic missiles, as well as anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. The corvette's aviation group includes the KA-27 PL helicopter.

Project 20380 ships are fundamentally new corvettes for the Russian Navy. In terms of their combat and technical characteristics, they are an order of magnitude superior to previous corvettes of their class. They are multifunctional, compact, flexible and unobtrusive. Have high level integration and automation of all systems. In addition, they have significant potential for subsequent modernization.

Ground Forces of the Russian Federation

The Russian ground forces include tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery of various purposes and capacities, anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-tank missile systems, automatic small arms, and control equipment. Thanks to a specially adopted rearmament program, by 2020 the Russian ground forces should be updated by 70%.

It is planned that 11,000 new units of armored vehicles and 14,000 military vehicles will be purchased. T-72B3 tanks that have undergone modernization, modernized BMP-2, BMP-3 and BTR-82F armored personnel carriers will also enter service.

By the end of 2015, design work will be completed, and the Russian army will receive the new generation Armata tank. Also, by this period, development work on the creation of the Boomerang armored personnel carrier and the Kurganets-25 infantry fighting vehicle should be completed.

The issue of purchasing a support combat vehicle (BMPT) "Terminator-2" for the ground forces is being resolved. This BMPT is equipped with two 30 mm 2A-42 automatic cannons, two launchers with Ataka-T missiles (supersonic, anti-tank), two AG17-D automatic grenade launchers, as well as a 7.62 mm machine gun. The special feature of the Terminator is that the vehicle can simultaneously hit three targets at once.

In addition, by 2015, the Russian ground forces should have 7 brigades equipped with Iskander-M tactical missile systems.

In two years, by 2017, it is planned to form the Arctic Command “North”, which will include two brigades. They will have at their disposal modern high-throughput vehicles- hovercraft, snowmobiles, two-link conveyors.

Already in December 2014, it is planned to conduct trial military operation of the new “Ratnik” combat equipment. The equipment includes a protection complex, modern small arms, communications and reconnaissance equipment.

Also, new unmanned aerial vehicles "Granat" and "Orlan" have already entered service with the Russian ground forces. These drones were first presented at the eleventh international exhibition IDEX-2013. The UAVs were developed and created according to the technical specifications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Today, work is underway to create an unmanned aerial vehicle of the strike type. The task of "Granat" and "Orlan" is communications, reconnaissance and electronic warfare.

In 2013 alone, about six hundred new weapons were purchased for the Russian ground forces. Among them - self-propelled howitzers"MSTA-S", as well as reconnaissance complexes, satellite communication stations, radio stations and communication devices. This year major renovation and one hundred T-72B3 tanks were modernized, the army received more than one hundred BMP-2 combat vehicles.

In 2014, more than 750 units of new weapons will be purchased. Among them are the Iskander-M (operational-tactical) and Tornado-G ( jet systems volley fire), "Typhoon" and "Tiger-M" (armored vehicles).

By the end of the year, the brigades will be equipped with new models military equipment, in no way inferior to world analogues. It's interspecies artillery complex"Coalition-SV", ATGM "Kornet", MANPADS "Verba".

Today, the number of ground forces of the Russian Federation is determined by the number of 300,000 people. During the reform, by 2020 it is planned to form more than 40 ground forces formations and reorganize 5.

A little about the new generation tank "Armata". Its serial production is scheduled for 2015; the tank should be demonstrated to the general public at the Victory Parade on May 9. It is already known that its turret will be uninhabited (unlike the T-72 and T-90), the tank will receive a new engine and chassis, the gun will be more powerful, its caliber will be 125 mm.

According to the developers, the new generation tank will have unique combat capabilities, and the Armata has no analogues in the world. The crew of the tank will be isolated from the fighting compartment, and will be located in a kind of armored capsule. The combat vehicle is fully computerized and has satellite navigation. The tank can receive information directly from the Granat and Orlan unmanned aerial vehicles, which we have already discussed. As the designers say, this is actually a breakthrough tank, which seamlessly combines modern technologies and new combat tactics.

"Armata" is designed as a single platform on which combat vehicles for various purposes can be built - from missile and artillery to engineering and ambulance.

Air defense of the Russian Federation

Today, fundamentally new systems have been developed in the Russian Federation air defense S-500 and "Vityaz" (S-350 air defense system). Air defense system "Vityaz" - new complex, having a separate combat composition. This anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS) is nothing more than the developed S-300 air defense system. But "Vityaz" differs noticeably from its prototype - and in the maximum enlarged kit anti-aircraft missiles, and the time it takes to bring the complex into combat readiness. The Vityaz was first shown to the general public at the Max 2013 air show. According to the developers, the S-350 medium-range missile system is significantly superior in its tactical and technical parameters foreign analogues and should soon replace the S-300 missile system currently in service with the Russian air defense.

The tasks carried out by the S-350 are the defense of industrial, administrative and military facilities from massive air strikes. It is noteworthy that the new anti-aircraft missile system is capable of maintaining an all-round defense regardless of the enemy’s flight altitude range - from the minimum to the highest. The air defense system can operate both autonomously and as part of air defense groups, controlled from higher command posts. The task of the combat crew is to prepare the system for operation and control the course of combat operations; the S-350 will do the rest automatically.

"Vityaz" can simultaneously fire at 16 aerodynamic and 12 ballistic targets. The maximum number of missiles that can be simultaneously aimed is 32. Effective area of ​​aerodynamic targets: range 1.5-60 km. In height - from 10 m to 30 km. Damage zone for ballistic targets: range - 1.5-30 km, height - 2-25 km. From the march, "Vityaz" is put into combat readiness within 5 minutes.

Not long ago, test launches of long-range missiles that will be part of the S-500 Prometheus system were successfully carried out. The S-500 is a promising anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS), the missiles of which can hit all types of air targets. Including tactical and, importantly, strategic missiles. Thus, the Russian air defense and ground forces will soon receive mobile air defense systems, which will have elements of missile defense.

"Prometheus" was developed by designers of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern. The complex should complement the S-300s already in service and the S-400s entering the Russian army. Once the S-500 enters service, the air defense of the Russian Federation will be significantly strengthened.

This is easily explained, since Prometheus is a new generation anti-aircraft missile systems. The system uses the principle that ballistic and aerodynamic targets are destroyed separately. The main task facing the S-500 is the destruction of ballistic and operational-tactical missiles medium range. "Prometheus" is equipped with a radar system and computing equipment that independently finds, tracks and destroys ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 3.5 thousand kilometers.

Experts note that the new Prometheus complex has the ability to detect and destroy warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles when they are on the final part of their trajectory.

The S-500 Prometheus can repel attacks even from cruise missiles (hypersonic), which cannot be destroyed by conventional missile defense and air defense systems. The complex has considerable potential - it can be used to shoot down even low-orbit satellites.

The main difference between Prometheus and foreign anti-missile systems is that the development of Russian designers is highly mobile; It doesn’t take much time to transfer it from a transport position to a combat position. The S-500 is a reliable shield in the path of enemy missiles, which is quickly installed in the likely direction of the attack.

"Prometheus" includes a mobile combat command post, radar detection systems, tracking systems, target illumination and launchers. It is planned that the S-500 will be equipped with missiles capable of destroying aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles within a radius of up to 400 km. In addition, the complex will be equipped with high-power anti-missiles with a range of up to 600 kilometers.

It is expected that part of the anti-aircraft missile system will be included in unified system Moscow missile defense. One Prometheus complex can process and fire at 10 targets simultaneously with a high probability of destruction.

In terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, the "five hundred" is significantly ahead of not only Russian, but also foreign air defense systems. As analysts note, in the United States, for example, there are no plans yet to create an air defense system that would simultaneously combine air defense and missile defense capabilities.

Space Forces of the Russian Federation

A separate branch of the military that existed in the Russian Armed Forces was called the space forces. The task is to ensure the security of the Russian Federation in the space sector. In December 2011, by a special decree of Dmitry Medvedev, the space forces ceased to exist, becoming part of the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO).

In 2014, the brigades of the Aerospace Defense Forces received 6 new Nebo-M radar systems, Sopka and Podlet radar stations. In addition, the radio engineering units of the Aerospace Defense Forces received the Kasta and Desna radar equipment, which underwent serious modification.

Today, the Aerospace Defense Forces have three regimental complexes of promising medium and medium air defense systems on combat duty. long range S-400, combat vehicles of anti-aircraft missile and gun systems "Pantsir-S" (short-range), radar stations "Sky-SVU" and "Gamma-S1M", automation systems "Fundament". Last year, 2013, the Aerospace Defense Forces received 20 new radar equipment with different modifications. Among them are “VVO”, “Sopka”, “Nebo-U”, “Podlet-K”, “Casta”.

The S-400 is called "Triumph" because this anti-aircraft missile system simply has no analogues in the world. "Triumph" can find and destroy almost all types of aircraft and helicopters, ballistic missiles and hypersonic targets. The S-400 alone can simultaneously fire at up to 36 enemy targets, aiming up to 72 missiles at them.

The S-400 hits targets within a radius of up to 400 km. It is noteworthy that the complex is capable of firing even at targets that fly very low - up to 5 (!) meters. For comparison: the Patriot air defense system developed in the USA can hit a target only at an altitude of 60 meters. "Patriot" is inferior to "Triumph" in almost all tactical and technical parameters.

It takes only 5 minutes to deploy the system. This time is enough for the S-400 to receive target designation and overtake the air enemy. Experts note that Triumph is by far the most advanced system in the world. But he needs cover, since the S-400 is heavy anti-aircraft missile system. The Pantsir-S1 complexes are used for this purpose. This is also one of the latest developments by Russian engineers and designers. Missile and gun systems"Pantsir" work perfectly on all types of flying vehicles - from airplanes to unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft. The accuracy of the complex's destruction is up to 100 percent. The rocket explodes nine meters from the target, so nothing can resist it.

The purpose of the Gamma-S1M radar station is aerial reconnaissance, guidance and tracking of air targets for the Aerospace Defense Forces. These new stations are used in automated systems air defense and air forces, as well as for rapid response in non-automated units. In addition, Gamma-S1M can be used to provide information to automated control and air traffic control posts for civil aircraft.

"Gamma-S1M" makes it possible to effectively detect enemy air attack weapons even in conditions of natural and intentional interference. The station not only detects a target, but determines its coordinates and then tracks it, recognizing the class of a single target, be it a missile or an airplane.

In November 2014, the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces successfully completed tests of new systems of the Okno optical-electronic complex. Its task is to detect space objects and monitor outer space.

4 optical-electronic stations have already been put into operation, which should find space objects and collect information about them. It is noteworthy that Okno has modern television detection equipment and new generation computing facilities, which were assembled on the basis of Russian elemental base. This makes it possible for the complex to control the entire range of altitudes at which space objects are located.

The optical-electronic complex "Window" is located in the Sanglok (Pamir) mountains at an altitude of more than 2200 meters above sea level in Tajikistan near the city of Nurek. The complex is the property of the Russian Federation and is part of the Aerospace Defense Forces. The "window" makes it possible to detect, recognize and calculate the orbits of space objects at altitudes from 2,000 to 40,000 kilometers, even if the object is only one meter in diameter. In addition, the complex can find objects located in low orbits with a flight altitude of 120 to 2000 kilometers.