Gouache composition for admission to art school. Should I go to art school? NOU Training Center "Delta-Prometheus"

    Drawing a closet is not difficult at all!

    Essentially this is a set geometric shapes in 3D projection.

    The little ones can draw a front view of the cabinet. A video lesson on drawing a cabinet to help kids:

    And for older children (including adults), it is better to draw a closet in compliance with all drawing rules:

    • actual sizes
    • correspondence of values
    • parallelism, etc.

    Here is an example of a correctly drawn cabinet:

    Drawing an ordinary wardrobe can be done quite easily. Let us highlight the following stages:

    First stage. We draw a regular rectangle; you can use either a ruler or simply draw with lines without it.

    Second stage. Let's draw the left wall of the cabinet, essentially it will be another rectangle at an angle.

    Third stage. In the very first rectangle, we draw straight lines at different distances, so we will have cabinet shelves.

    Fourth stage. Now let's draw vertical lines, thus we will have doors.

    Fifth stage. We take colored markers and decorate the closet in three stages:

    This is what the final cabinet looks like:

    When drawing a wardrobe, the most important thing is to decide on the style of the wardrobe: it is clear that a modern wardrobe is much easier to depict than some wardrobe in the style of Louis Katorz.

    We, traditionally, offer the path of least resistance: a prefabricated style cabinet in the simplest figure. Paint program:

    Rice. 1 - above: we determine the scale, designate the maximum upper and lower dimensions of the cabinet.

An art school or college is an institution of secondary vocational and additional education in a creative direction. These educational institutions are very popular among modern youth. But what to do?

Art school

Art school is educational institution, providing additional education to school-age children. Education begins at the age of 9 and continues for 4-5 years.

Basic admission rules

Enrollment is carried out according to the following rules:

  • entrance exams are held from the beginning of June to the end of August (it all depends on the conditions of a particular educational institution);
  • applicants who successfully passed painting and composition are enrolled in 1st grade;
  • after the end of the examination stage, meetings are held for parents, where the following are discussed: class times, list necessary materials, work plan for the year;
  • schoolchildren who did not pass the competitive selection can begin studying at on a paid basis(to be discussed separately with the school administration).

Admission requirements

If your child has expressed a desire to enroll in art school, then check out the requirements for all applicants:

  • age from 9 years;
  • no medical contraindications;
  • the ability and desire to learn and learn something new.
entrance exams are painting and composition

List of documents for admission

The following documents must be provided:

  • an application for admission to the school addressed to the director, written by parents or legal guardians;
  • SNILS;
  • 2 color photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
  • certificate from the school and clinic about the student’s health status.

Entrance exams

For admission to an art school, there are entrance exams described below.


The painting exam involves completing a still life, which consists of 2-3 objects. The applicant must correctly arrange the composition on a sheet of paper, correctly convey the proportions, volume and color of all objects. The test is carried out over 3 academic hours. You must bring with you:

  • Whatman paper format A 3;
  • eraser;
  • masking tape (for securing the paper to the easel);
  • watercolor paints;
  • small and medium size brushes.


The entrance exam in composition involves performing a sketch on a given topic with the obligatory inclusion of a human figure or the silhouette of an animal. The student must correctly express his idea, arrange everything correctly and proportionally compositional elements on a piece of paper. The duration of the test is 3 academic hours. You need to take the following with you:

  • felt-tip pens (at least 10 pcs);
  • colored pencils (at least 12 pcs);
  • album in A 4 format;
  • 3 simple pencils: hard (H), soft (B) and hard-soft (HB);
  • eraser

Art school

A school is an educational institution that provides secondary vocational education to young people and girls who have completed 9 grades. The duration of training is 3 years 10 months.

Admission conditions

  • Submission of an application to the admissions committee is allowed no later than the end of June;
  • entrance exams in all subjects are held simultaneously on one day;
  • Evaluation of work is carried out according to the system: “pass-fail”;
  • drawings completed during the exam are not returned to applicants;
  • to enroll in the school you need to score at least 2 credits;
  • If an applicant receives only 1 credit, then he has the right to apply for a paid department of an art school.

Requirements for applicants

The following requirements are required for admission:

  • age from 15 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • graduation from an art school or studio (not a prerequisite);
  • no contraindications for health reasons;
  • completion of 9th grade of secondary school.

List of documents for enrollment

The following documents must be provided to the admissions committee:

  • application for admission addressed to the director, written in his own hand;
  • certificate of completion of basic general education (photocopy and original);
  • diploma of completion of an art school or studio (if available);
  • passport (original and photocopy);
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificate (photocopy and original);
  • a certificate from the school, as well as a health clinic;
  • 4 color photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
  • military ID or deferment from military service (for young people entering after 18 years of age).


You can enter the school, but only after passing entrance exams described below.


Examination work on drawing involves the creation of a still life consisting of several objects (at least 3 pieces), which differ from each other in shape, color, and material. Duration: 10 academic hours. The applicant must take the following available tools:

  • Whatman paper format A 2;
  • simple pencils of varying hardness;
  • eraser;
  • masking tape (for attaching a sheet of paper to the easel).


Painting is an examination stage, which consists of a still life from life (3-5 objects). Duration - 10 academic hours. You need to bring with you:

  • simple pencils of different hardness;
  • eraser;
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes;
  • Whatman paper format A 2.


The composition task will be known exclusively on the day of the exam. Duration - 6 academic hours. To complete the work you will need:

  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • simple pencils;
  • eraser;
  • A 4 format album.

Popular art schools

In Russia, the following art schools are considered the most popular and prestigious:

  • Moscow State Academic Art School named after the memory of 1905;
  • St. Petersburg State Restoration and Art College;
  • Ryazan Art School named after Wagner;
  • College of Gzhel State University;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Art School.

In our article, you got acquainted with the basic requirements, rules for admission to an art school or college, as well as the list of documents required for admission.

Should I go to art school? "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Does your child dream of studying at an art school? Wonderful! What is needed for this? In this article we will try to answer this question.

On the one hand, studying at an art school is creative development, a platform for gaining knowledge and professional drawing skills, broadening your horizons, participating in children's creativity competitions, new friends and creative trips to the open air.

On the other hand, these are almost daily activities that require patience and concentration, responsibility and passion for your work. Completing test papers at the end of each half-year and examination papers at the end of the year. And homework - where would we be without them?

That is why it is important to weigh the pros and cons of family council. Is your child ready for such loads, will this interfere with his studies at a secondary school, will he be able to combine “art” with other hobbies, and most importantly, is he truly interested?

The first thing parents need to know is that education at an art school is structured in two directions:

ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN THE FIELD OF FINE ARTS, designed for 3 years of study for children aged 11 to 13 years;

ADDITIONAL PRE-PROFESSIONAL GENERAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN THE FIELD OF FINE ARTS "PAINTING", designed for 5 years of study for children aged 10 to 12 years.

If your child is already attending a music or sports school, is seriously involved in dancing, swimming, etc., and does not plan to give up his hobbies, then training in GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. The teaching load of this program is small - 2 times a week for 1.5 hours ( 4 academic hours per week). Main disciplines: painting, drawing, easel composition and conversations about art, one academic hour for each subject per week. The program is designed to master basic drawing skills, introduce students to basic techniques and materials, and give an idea of ​​the history of fine art. If you want to develop your child’s creative abilities, complement his personality development by getting acquainted with fine arts, then the choice is obvious.

However, if you want your child to have more serious and in-depth mastery of drawing skills, and perhaps associate this with him future profession, then you definitely need to take a closer look at PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM.

The teaching load in this case will be significantly greater - 3 days a week for 4 academic hours (from 15.30 to 18.45). As a result - 13 academic hours per week:

· Drawing – 3 hours

· Painting – 3 hours

· Basics of Composition – 2 hours

· Easel composition – 2 hours

· Flower science – 1 hour

· Conversations about art – 1.5 hours

· History of the costume - about 5 hours

With so many classes (and homework will also be added to them), it is strongly not recommended to combine studying at an art school with dancing, sports, etc. Many years of experience show that only a few can successfully combine “art” and, say, music school. Most children are faced with a choice: give up one of their hobbies due to constant lateness, forced absences (due to competitions, rehearsals for concerts, etc.), lack of time for homework. In addition, every year in a secondary school the complexity and workload of lessons will increase, and this must also be taken into account. Here it is important to immediately set priorities, because it is difficult to be successful everywhere, and doing “a little bit of everything” is pointless, since you will not achieve decent results either here or here.


So, you have made the decision: “Go for it!” And the first test is ahead - entrance examinations. What are they?

Entrance test "PAINTING" involves working with paints (gouache or watercolor, your choice) on A-3 paper. In addition to paints and paper, you need to have a pencil, an eraser, brushes, paper tape (to secure the paper on the easel), a palette and a cloth or napkin.

Examination task - “Still life of two objects against the background of draperies without folds.” Usually a still life consists of a teapot (or vase) and fruit. No more than two hours are allotted for work. The main criteria by which the work is evaluated is the correct layout, that is, the correct arrangement of objects on the sheet; correct proportions and size of objects relative to each other; the ability to convey the color of an object, lighting and volume.

TIP: First, stock up on good paints: the gouache should be fresh, that is, the consistency of sour cream. Dried or old gouache diluted with water will “kill” all the picturesqueness of a child’s work: when dry, the paint on the paper will fade, the colors will look faded. And, as a result, evaluations of such work will be low. If your child prefers watercolors (and this is a more complex technique), then you need to purchase professional watercolors. Real paints and paper for watercolors.

Secondly, look carefully at the examples given. exam papers previous years. Grades are more influenced by the child’s ability to work with color: to see its shades in an object and drapery, to convey light and shadow with color. This is much more important than, for example, a neatly but uniformly painted object. Pay the child's attention to the correct construction of objects: a crooked, lopsided teapot will not add points to the work.

Entrance test "COMPOSITION" more creative. Children do work on a given topic using their imagination. Here they can fully express their imagination. The topic changes every year and is kept secret until the start of the exam. But in any case, the task requires the presence of a human figure (or several figures). Topics from previous years: “All works are good, choose according to your taste”, “Man and animal”. The same 2 hours are given for completion. Materials and paper format are the same as for painting. The only change: instead of gouache, you can draw with colored pencils. We recommend choosing gouache. Many of the incoming children, who had previously studied in art studios, are fluent in this technique. But colored pencils, while seemingly easy to use, are actually more complex: it takes more time to work, and you need certain skills in mixing colors. So choose pencils only if the child has already drawn similar works and done it successfully. And consult with your studio teacher! Criteria for evaluating works on composition: the ability to express one’s idea; correct arrangement of figures and objects in the sheet; maintaining the proportions of the human figure; interesting color scheme.

Almost every child loves to draw, sculpt and decorate the house. Parents are faced with a difficult task: to abandon a cute hobby or develop the child’s abilities at a professional level.

When should I go to art school?

Enter vocational school possible at any school age. Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren attend preparatory courses on a commercial basis, and then, based on the results of the selection, they are accepted into a budget-funded place or continue to study for a fee. Middle age admissions: 10-11 years.

The school differs from ordinary clubs in intensive training. Classes are held two to three times a week for 2-4 hours. At the same time, students take exams and work on their own projects. Therefore, it is worth explaining to the child that this is not an additional after-school club, but a full-fledged one. educational institution.

The main reason for entering a professional institution is the desire of the child himself to connect his life with creativity, otherwise the enthusiasm will quickly fade and the child will have to be persuaded to go to lessons.

Art studio - an intermediate option

If a child loves to draw and wants to develop skills, but cannot balance the workload, then parents should pay attention to an art studio. The studios accept children on a commercial basis, and some employ experienced and distinguished teachers who can discern the student’s talent and guide him in the right direction.

Do you need an art school to enter a university?

Each higher education institution has its own admission standards. Of course, an art school provides an academic approach to drawing, but in order to progress to a specific educational level, you need to purposefully prepare with a tutor in the main areas.

We conclude that completing an art school does not guarantee admission. It is important to find an experienced art tutor who can help you cope with specific styles and directions and focuses on problems.

Repetit.ru has a database of professional tutors with prices and student reviews. You can choose a teacher yourself or trust the portal staff - the selection is absolutely free.

Pros and cons of art school

  • Opponents of training say the main disadvantage is a standardized approach to lessons. Children are taught techniques and rules, limiting self-expression.
  • Lack of mechanical skills can hinder the implementation of an idea, and this is exactly what it will help with school curriculum. It provides a basis from which the student will later develop a unique style.
  • To achieve a good result at school, children are taught to choose among the supplies: acrylic, watercolor, pencils, gouache, etc.

Cost of classes

The price of classes at an art school depends on the prestige of the educational institution and location. The average cost is 2000 – 3000 rubles per month. With proper preparation, children are placed in budget places, which are paid for from the state budget.

The cost of drawing lessons with a tutor on Repetit.ru starts from 500 rubles/hour.

The main goal of individual lessons is to help the child enter the chosen educational institution and develop abilities. When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the rating and location of the classes. You will work directly with the tutor; after completing the application, the portal staff will provide all contact information.

The website Repetit.ru presents drawing teachers, teachers for preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Examination, and Olympiads.

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