Subject commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation Organization of the work of subject commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for conducting state assessments

Three-level system for coordinating approaches to assessment Coordination at FU 1) Unified assessment criteria 2) Training of leading experts within the framework of the FIPI PC 3) Coordination of the positions of PC chairmen (FIPI seminars) Coordination at RU 1) Training of PC members by leading experts 2) Use of UMMs developed by FIPI 3) Selection based on analysis of the consistency of the test Operational coordination 1) Discussion of assessment criteria on the day of the exam (coordination of approaches) 2) Consulting during the test

1. Conducting training, including practice and coordination of approaches to assessment at the regional level under the leadership of the chairman of the PC 2. Conducting a qualification test, assigning statuses to experts: senior, basic Those who have not passed the qualification test are not included in the PC 3. Taking into account the results of the analysis of PC operation and parameters consistency of the work of the commission and each expert separately, incl. in the process of verification Formation of PCs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Statuses of PC experts Leading expert status, which allows you to be the chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, manage the preparation and/or training of experts at the regional level, participate in interregional cross-checks, be involved in the consideration of appeals academic subject, check and double-check the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants as part of the PC, including as a third expert. Senior expert status, which allows you to check and double-check the completion of tasks with a detailed State Examination Answer as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third check of the completion of tasks with a detailed response from the State Examination Committee, participate in interregional cross-checks, as well as in checks as part of the consideration of an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points. Main expert status, allowing for the first or second check of the completion of tasks with a detailed answer from the State Examiner, participate in interregional cross-checks as part of the PC

Preparatory stage of the work of the PC The Chairman of the PC selects expert candidates for inclusion in the composition of the PC (hereinafter referred to as candidate experts), candidate experts must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory framework; Familiarization of the PC chairman with documentation containing statistical and analytical information on the conduct and processing/verification of materials from the previous season of the State Examination; Familiarization of the PC chairman and candidate experts with the specifications and demo versions of the State Examination Materials, which are planned to be used during the State Examination; Participation of the chairman of the PC and candidate experts in events at the regional and federal level on the organization, formation and operation of the PC, coordination of approaches to assessment;

Preparatory stage of the work of the PC Determination by the chairman of the PC of the procedure for conducting qualification tests for candidate experts, determination of threshold values ​​​​of the results of qualification tests for candidate experts; Conducting orientation seminars by the chairman of the PC, as well as seminars on coordinating approaches to assessment exam papers; Conducting qualification tests for expert candidates for inclusion in the PC by the chairman of the PC, establishing statuses for each expert included in the PC; Submission by the chairman of the PC of lists of experts included in the PC to the JIV for approval; formation and coordination by the chairman of the PC with the head of the RCIO of the work schedule of experts indicating their statuses for the correct distribution of work between the experts of the PC.

WITH teaching materials Rosobrnadzor on the formation and organization of work of subject commissions; with a schedule (appendix to teaching materials); under the guidance of leading experts, in accordance with unified approaches to assessment, agreed upon at face-to-face seminars at FIPI; using sets of manuals (Training and methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination papers). Activities for training experts in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with:

Information, organizational and technological support for the activities of the PC is carried out by the RCIO. The Chairman of the PC agrees with the head of the RCIO on the work schedule of the PC experts who check answer forms 2 and additional answer forms 2 unfilled by the Unified State Exam participants. The general management and coordination of the activities of the PC in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman. Organization of the work of the PC

Subject commissions work in premises that exclude the possibility of access to unauthorized persons and the dissemination of restricted information. In the RCIO and PC premises there are: o members of the State Electoral Commission - by decision of the chairman of the State Electoral Commission o public observers o officials Rosobrnadzor o authorized representatives of executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Organization of the work of the PC during the inspection period Carrying out operational coordination of approaches to assessing examination papers within the PC, based on previously developed approaches, taking into account the specifics of the tasks offered to the State Examination Participants in the exam. Selection of unfilled answer forms by 2 PC experts for exclusion from the array of works checked by the PC. Direct verification of detailed answers of State Examination Participants by PC experts

Rules for experts It is prohibited to: copy and take out examination papers, assessment criteria, inspection protocols, disclose information contained in the materials to unauthorized persons, carry communication means, photo, video and audio equipment. If it is established that an expert has violated these requirements, the State Examination Committee makes a decision on exclusion expert from the subject commission

The distribution of work of Unified State Examination participants among PC experts, the calculation of points for each task of the Unified State Examination paper with a detailed answer, as well as the determination of the need for verification by a third expert are carried out automatically, using specialized hardware and software tools of the RCIO. The third expert checks and assigns points for completing all tasks with a detailed answer. response, the assessment positions for which are not filled in with an “X” in the protocol form. If a significant discrepancy is established in the scores given by two experts, an additional third check is assigned. Detailed answers of the State Examination Participants are assessed by two experts (first-second checks) Organization of the work of the subject commission

Methodology for evaluating detailed answers to exam papers of Unified State Examination participants. Detailed answers of Unified State Examination participants completed only on answer forms 2 and additional answer forms 2 established by Rosobrnadzor are accepted for verification. Detailed answers of State Examination participants are assessed by two PC experts independently. Both experts checking one work independently assign points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer

The work kit of the PC expert when assessing detailed answers contains: impersonal copy forms (Form 2-RTsOI) with images of the detailed answers of the participants of the Unified State Examination (hereinafter referred to as the copy form) - no more than 20 pieces in one work kit impersonal copy forms (Form 2 -RTsOI) with images of the detailed answers of the participants of the Unified State Examination (hereinafter - the copy form) - no more than 20 pieces in one working set; form-protocol (form 3-RTsOI) of verification by an expert of the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants (hereinafter - the form-protocol); when checking oral answers in foreign languages: a list of works for listening and assessment, generated using specialized software and a machine-readable protocol for checking oral answers

Methodology for assessing detailed answers to exam papers of Unified State Exam participants Checking detailed answers of State Examination participants is considered complete when the assessment results from the protocol forms are analyzed by the RCIO software; all works have been checked by experts the required number of times

Introduction of a system for consulting experts (identifying a separate category of experts who advise other experts when difficulties arise in evaluating work) Monitoring the review process by the chairman (operational report from the RCIO) Organizing a separate workplace with the ability to access the Internet System of methodological support for PC chairmen by the Federal and development commissions (“hotline”, forum on the FIPI website) Organization of PC work

First or second checks Third check if there is a significant discrepancy in assessment during 1-2 checks Conducting interregional cross-checks Checks of oral answers of exam participants During the main processing and verification of Unified State Examination papers Checks when considering appeals Selective re-checks at the regional and federal levels Types of checks carried out by subject commissions subjects of the Russian Federation

Is not a member of the conflict commission (only involved in the consideration of the appeal) Is not an expert who has checked the work of this appellant previously Has the status of a senior or leading expert in the PC Has carried out the first or second checks of examination papers during the main examination in the current year Requirements for the PC expert involved in the review appeals Checks during appeals

Evaluates the detailed answers of the appeal work Is present during the consideration of the appeal Provides explanations to the appellant or his legal representative on the essence of the assessment of any tasks (if questions arise): detailed answers Functions of the PC expert when considering appeals Checks when considering appeals The CC applies to FIPI with a request for clarification on the criteria assessment (in the event that the involved PC experts do not give a clear answer about the correctness of the assessment of the appellant’s examination work)

Section from the regional report recommended by FIPI 1) Analysis of the work of the subject commission on checking tasks with a detailed answer: o consistency of checking (in 2015 and dynamics over the last 3 years) o typical difficulties in assessment o statistics of satisfied appeals 2) Recommendations for improving the work of regional subject commissions Selection of experts to work in the PC Additions to methodological materials for the preparation of experts Appointment of senior experts Analysis of the work of subject commissions of the Unified State Exam-2015

Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated March 11, 2014 N 02-97 On Methodological recommendations for the development of regulations on the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for conducting state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education and Methodological recommendations for the formation and organization work of subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science directs for use in the development of regulations on the state examination commission of the subject Russian Federation on conducting state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education and on the formation and organization of work of subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Application for: 36 l.

S.S. Kravtsov

on the development of regulations on the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education

The Regulations on the State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the State Examination Commission) are developed on the basis of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12/26/2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 02/03/2014, registration N 31205), taking into account these Recommendations and approved by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation implementing public administration in the field of education.

The Regulations on the State Examination Committee define the goals, procedure for the formation and structure of the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission), its powers and functions, as well as the procedure for organizing the work of the State Examination Commission. It is recommended to specify the structure of the State Examination Committee and the distribution of powers and functions, taking into account the specifics of the scheme for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter - GIA, Unified State Exam), implemented in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

GEC is created for the purposes of:

organizing and coordinating work on preparing and conducting the State Examination;

ensuring compliance with the rights of State Examination participants during State Examination.

The State Examination Committee in its work is guided by:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2013 N 755 “On the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs basic general and secondary general education, and admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems for ensuring the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education";

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2014, registration N 31205) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure);

The procedure for admission to higher education educational programs - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs for 2014/15 academic year, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01/09/2014 N 3 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02/19/2014, registration N 31352);

regulatory legal acts and instructional documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the organization and conduct of state inspection in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

individual legal acts and instructional and methodological documents of Rosobrnadzor on issues of organizational and technological support of the State Inspectorate;

other regulatory legal acts on the organization and conduct of state examinations.

2. Composition and structure of HES

The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out public administration in the field of education, annually sends to Rosobrnadzor a proposal on the candidacy of the chairman of the State Electoral Commission for approval, as well as proposals for approval of the composition of the State Electoral Commission for approval.

The composition of the State Electoral Commission is formed from among representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of education, local government bodies, organizations implementing educational activities, scientific, public and other organizations and associations, representatives of Rosobrnadzor. When forming the composition of the HES, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest.

When forming the personal composition of the State Executive Committee, it is recommended to appoint a deputy chairman of the State Executive Committee and an executive secretary. It is also recommended to form a presidium of the State Examination Committee consisting of no more than 20 people. Persons who are members of the Presidium of the State Examination Committee are vested with the authority to make collective decisions in accordance with the Procedure.

The regulations on the State Examination Committee of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are brought to the attention of State Examination participants, applicants, their parents (legal representatives), heads of educational organizations no later than 1 month before the start of the State Examination.

3. Powers and functions of the State Examination Committee

3.1. The State Investigative Committee carries out activities during the period of preparation, conduct, and summing up the results of the State Examination in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The term of office of the SEC is one year. The SES ceases its activities from the moment Rosobrnadzor approves the chairman of the SES and agrees on the composition of the SES for conducting a state inspection in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation next year.

3.2. When organizing and coordinating the work on preparing and conducting the State Examination, the State Examination Committee performs the following tasks:

organizes and coordinates the work on preparing and conducting state inspection on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

ensures compliance with the established procedure for conducting state inspection on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

ensures compliance with the rights of students and graduates of previous years during the State Examination;

3.3. As part of the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, the State Examination Committee carries out the following work:

determines and organizes the work of persons sent by organizations carrying out educational activities to work as managers and organizers of educational training, members of the State Examination Committee, technical specialists and assistants for the persons specified in paragraph 37 of the Procedure;

organizes control over the work of organizations carrying out educational activities in terms of informing students and their parents (legal representatives), graduates of previous years about the dates, places and procedure for submitting applications for passing the State Examination, including in the form of the Unified State Exam, about the place and timing of the State Examination , on the procedure for conducting the State Examination, including the grounds for removal from the exam, changing or canceling the results of the State Examination, on the recording of video recordings during the exam in the PPE and classrooms, on the procedure for filing and considering appeals, on the time and place of familiarization with the results of the State Examination, and also about the GIA results obtained by students and graduates of previous years;

makes a decision on equipping the PES with mobile communication signal suppression systems;

makes a decision on the implementation by the RCIO of the automated distribution of students, graduates of previous years and organizers among audiences;

makes a decision to replicate CMMs in classrooms in the presence of students and graduates of previous years;

makes a decision on scanning examination papers in the PPE classrooms;

collects forms, comments on violations of the State Examination procedure sent by State Examination participants, and carries out appropriate work;

accepts and reviews protocols of subject commissions on the distribution of GVE examination papers, calculation of the final points of the GVE examination work;

considers proposals on the composition of the subject commission, on the candidacies of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor;

considers information from the conflict commission about decisions made regarding students, graduates of previous years and (or) their parents (legal representatives) who filed appeals;

In order for the Chairman of the State Examination Committee to make a decision to cancel the result of the State Examination in connection with a violation of the established procedure for its conduct, requests from authorized persons and organizations Required documents and information, including examination papers, information about persons who were present at the PPE, and other information on compliance with the procedure for conducting the State Examination, conducts an investigation into violations of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, including violations identified using video surveillance materials;

makes a decision to familiarize students and graduates of previous years with the State Examination results they received in an academic subject using information and communication technologies in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection;

makes a decision on filing and (or) considering appeals using information and communication technologies, subject to compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information protection;

carries out other functions in accordance with the Regulations on the State Enforcement Commission.

3.3.1. As part of the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, the Chairman of the State Examination Committee carries out the following work:

organizes the formation of the composition of the SES and submits it for approval to Rosobrnadzor;

coordinates the proposals of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education:

on the personal composition of the leaders and organizers of the PES;

for technical specialists and assistants for persons with disabilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities, persons who studied at home for health reasons, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, where the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health measures are carried out, for those in need of long-term treatment;

at the places of registration for taking the Unified State Exam;

by location of PET and the distribution of students and graduates of previous years between them;

organizes the formation of the composition of subject commissions, submits for approval to Rosobrnadzor candidates for chairmen of subject commissions, upon the proposal of chairmen of subject commissions, determines candidacies of members of subject commissions sent for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor;

makes a decision on sending members of the State Examination Committee to the PPE, RCIO, subject commissions and the conflict commission to monitor the conduct of the State Examination;

considers issues of the emergence of a conflict of interest in relation to persons involved in conducting state inspection, takes measures to prevent the emergence of a conflict of interest, including making a decision to remove these persons from work related to conducting state inspection;

makes a decision to conduct the state examination in compulsory academic subjects ahead of schedule for categories of students and graduates of previous years in accordance with the Procedure;

coordinates the decision of the members of the State Examination Committee to stop the exam in the PES or individual classrooms of the PES;

considers and makes decisions on acts submitted by members of the State Examination Committee on the fact of a malfunction, disconnection of video surveillance equipment or lack of video recording of the exam;

3.3.2. As part of the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, members of the State Examination Committee carry out the following work:

ensure compliance with the established procedure for conducting state inspection;

ensure delivery of examination materials to the PPE;

in the case of using CMM on electronic media in encrypted form, they are present and control the process of receiving the code for decoding the CMM from the RCIO by the head of the PPE, organizing the decoding, replicating on paper media of the CMM and packaging examination materials for conducting the Unified State Exam;

exercise control over the conduct of the State Examination in the PPE, RCIO, subject commissions and the conflict commission;

draw up acts of removal from the exam and remove persons who have violated the established procedure for conducting the State Examination from the PPE, acts of early completion of the exam by a State Examination Participant for objective reasons, these acts are sent on the same day to the State Examination Committee and the Regional Center for Examination for accounting when processing examination papers;

draw up reports on the fact of a malfunction, disconnection of video surveillance equipment or lack of video recording of the exam, these acts are submitted to the chairman of the State Examination Committee on the same day;

upon completion of the exam, they prepare a report on the Unified State Examination in the PPE and send it to the State Examination Committee on the same day.

on the same day, Unified State Examination papers are delivered to students, graduates of previous years from the PPE to RCCOI, and State Examination Examination papers are delivered to places determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education;

when scanning examination papers directly in the classrooms, if such a decision is made by the State Examination Committee, members of the State Examination Committee exercise control over the scanning of examination papers in the classrooms in the presence of students and graduates of previous years and transfer the scanned images of examination papers to the RCIO, an authorized organization for subsequent processing;

interact with the head and organizers of the PES, public observers, officials of Rosobrnadzor, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education, present in the PES, RCIO, subject commissions and the conflict commission on issues of compliance with the established procedure for conducting the State Examination;

in case of detection of violations of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, decisions are made to remove students, graduates of previous years, as well as other persons in the PPE from the exam;

in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee, a decision is made to stop the exam in the PES or in separate classrooms of the PES.

3.4. As part of the consideration of the results of the State Examination, the Chairman of the State Examination Committee carries out the following work:

considers the results of the State Examination and makes decisions on approval, change and (or) cancellation of the results of the State Examination

makes decisions on admission (re-admission) to the State Examination Test in cases established by the Procedure.

3.5. The State Examination Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with state education authorities at various levels, the council of university rectors, educational organizations, the Republican Center for Educational Institutions, and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Testing Center".

The State Investigative Committee interacts with public observers, federal public observers and federal inspectors in order to ensure control over compliance with the established procedure for conducting state inspections.

4. Powers of the chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary and members of the State Examination Committee

The Chairman of the State Executive Committee, approved by Rosobrnadzor, exercises general management of the work of the State Executive Committee, determines the work plan of the State Executive Committee, distributes responsibilities among the members of the State Executive Committee, conducts meetings of the State Executive Committee, approves working documentation, and monitors the implementation of State Executive Committee decisions. The Chairman of the State Examination Committee is personally responsible for decisions made.

The Deputy Chairman of the State Executive Committee ensures coordination of the work of the members of the State Executive Committee, subcommittees, prepares draft documents submitted for consideration by the State Executive Committee, and monitors the implementation of the State Executive Committee’s work plan.

The executive secretary of the State Examination Committee keeps minutes of the State Examination Meetings, organizes the paperwork of the State Examination Committee, monitors the timely submission of materials for consideration at the State Examination Meetings, and is responsible for the safety of documents and other materials considered at the State Examination Meetings.

The Chairman, his deputy, and members of the State Executive Committee are responsible for the compliance of the activities of the State Executive Committee with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Organization of work of the State Examination Committee

The State Electoral Commission holds its meetings in accordance with the work schedule approved by the Chairman of the State Electoral Committee. If necessary, the chairman of the State Electoral Commission may appoint an extraordinary meeting of the State Electoral Committee.

Decisions of the State Executive Committee are made by a simple majority of votes of the Presidium of the State Executive Committee. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the State Election Commission is decisive. Decisions of the State Executive Committee, including the sole decision of the chairman of the State Executive Committee, are documented in protocols signed by the chairman of the State Executive Committee, the deputy chairman of the State Executive Committee and the executive secretary of the State Executive Committee.

Decisions of the State Examination Committee, within the scope of authority, are binding on all organizations, educational organizations and persons involved in the preparation and conduct of the State Examination. The organization of execution of decisions of the State Examination Committee is ensured by administrative acts of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education.

Based on the results of the work of the State Examination Committee this year, a certificate is being prepared about the conduct of the State Examination in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including information about the composition of participants, the results of the State Examination, and any problems that have occurred. The certificate is signed by the chairman of the State Electoral Commission, the deputy chairman of the State Electoral Commission and sent to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, and Rosobrnadzor.


* a conflict of interest is understood as a situation in which the personal interest of a person involved in conducting a state examination or his close relatives affects or may affect the objective performance of the duties assigned to him and in which a contradiction arises or may arise between the personal interest of this person and the legitimate interests of students , their parents (legal representatives), other interested parties, which could lead to harm to these legitimate interests of students, their parents (legal representatives), other interested parties

Teaching materials
on the formation and organization of work of subject commissions

List of symbols, abbreviations and terms

ATE Administrative-territorial unit
DB Database
GIA State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education
HES State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
Unified State Exam Unified State Exam
ERBD Single distributed database
ZSPD Closed data network
IR Individual kit for Unified State Examination participant
Images of exam papers, sample exam papers Images of texts of detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants, used at the stages of preparation and certification of PC experts
Expert qualifications The level of knowledge, abilities, skills (competence) characterizing readiness to perform activities to check tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination
Qualification test Test to establish the expert's qualification level
CMM Control measuring material
QC Mediation board
Machine-readable forms of PPE Forms PPE-13-02, PPE-18 (see Consolidated collection of forms for Methodological materials for preparing and conducting the Unified State Examination at exam sites in 2014)
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
MOOO Local government body exercising powers in the field of education
Educational organization Organization carrying out educational activities
HIA Unified State Exam participants with disabilities
OIV Executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education
PC Subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
The procedure for conducting the State Examination The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration N 31205)
PPE Point for the Unified State Examination
Rules for the formation and maintenance of FIS/RIS Rules for the formation and maintenance of a federal information system to ensure the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems to ensure the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 N 755
RICE Regional information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education
Detailed answers Answers of exam participants to exam paper assignments with detailed answers
Rosobrnadzor Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science
RF Russian Federation
RCIO Regional information processing center
SbF Consolidated collection of forms for Methodological materials on the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination at examination points in 2014
Expert status Confirmed expert qualification level
Unified State Exam participant/exam participant/participant Students admitted in the prescribed manner to the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the form of the Unified State Examination, graduates of previous years admitted to passing the Unified State Exam
Member of the State Examination Committee Representative of the State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
FIPI FGBNU " Federal Institute pedagogical measurements"
FIS Federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education
FPK Federal subject commission. Subject commission created by Rosobrnadzor
FCT FSBI "Federal Testing Center"
Experts Persons who meet the following requirements: - compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books, and (or) professional standards; - work experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years); - availability of a document confirming receipt of additional vocational education, which includes practical classes (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.
EM Exam materials

* Part 14 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30 , Art. 4036).


This document has been developed in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts on the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam:

1. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”;

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2013 N 755 “On the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education";

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education.”

I. General provisions on the activities of subject commissions

1.1. Checking the detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants is carried out by subject commissions (hereinafter referred to as PC) for the relevant academic subjects.

1.2. The PC of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation creates an EIV for each academic subject in accordance with clause 14 of the Procedure for conducting the State Examination.

1.3. In its activities, the PC is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosobrnadzor and OIV, including the “Regulations on subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.”

1.4. The general management and coordination of the activities of the PC in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman, including submitting to the State Examination Committee proposals on the composition of the PC and on the candidacies of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor (hereinafter referred to as FPK).

1.5. Chairman of the State Examination Committee regarding the activities of the PC:

a) submit candidates for chairpersons of the PC for approval to Rosobrnadzor no later than a month before the start of the State Examination;

b) organizes the formation of PC compositions;

c) determines, on the proposal of the chairmen of the PC, candidates for members of subject commissions sent for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor.

1.6. The composition of the PC for each academic subject is formed from persons who meet the following requirements:

Availability of higher education;

Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

Having experience working in educational organizations (at least three years);

Availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor;

Availability of the results of a qualification test organized and conducted in the manner established by the OIV.

A specialist who has not passed the qualification tests in the current year is not allowed to be included in the PC, and also cannot take part in checking the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants in the current year.

1.7. The OIV and the State Execution Committee of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation provide PCs with work premises that are located in close proximity to the RCIO in compliance with all information security requirements.

1.8. Information and technological support for PC activities is provided by RCIO.

1.9. In the event of situations not covered by these Methodological Materials, the decision is made by the chairman of the PC and/or the head of the RCIO within their competence, with mandatory subsequent informing of the State Examination Committee.

1.10. During the period of organizing and conducting the Unified State Exam, the PC checks the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants, completed on answer forms No. 2 (including additional answer forms No. 2).

1.11. During the organization and conduct of the Unified State Exam, the distribution of functions between PC experts is carried out depending on the status assigned to the expert based on the results of the qualification test: leading expert, senior expert, main expert.

1.12. Processing times for exam materials.

Processing of EM, including verification of detailed responses from the PC, must be completed within the time limits determined by the Procedure for conducting the State Examination:

In Russian language and mathematics - no later than six calendar days after conducting the relevant examination;

For other academic subjects - no later than four calendar days after the relevant exam;

For exams that are held ahead of schedule and at additional deadlines - no later than three calendar days after the relevant exam.

II. The procedure for forming a PC

1. Draft amendments to regional regulations

1.1. The procedure for training PC experts, as well as the formation of PCs (including the procedure for assigning status to experts) requires the formation of a package at the regional level regulatory documents regulating the organization of work of subject and conflict commissions.

1.2. The package of regional regulatory documents includes:

Regulations on the state examination commission in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on the subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

The procedure for forming a subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (including the procedure for preparing experts, assigning statuses to experts, as well as analyzing the work of the PC in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Possible wording of paragraphs of the Regulations on the State Examination Commission in a subject of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the subject commission of a subject of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the conflict commission of a subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account changes in the organization of the work of the PC, are given in these methodological materials.

1.3. The Procedure for forming a subject commission in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation should reflect, among other things:

Requirements for the experience of experts in checking detailed answers of Unified State Examination participants (for assigning statuses);

Indicators of consistency of assessment based on the results of the qualification test and their significance (for assigning statuses);

The procedure for assigning statuses to experts;

The procedure for admitting experts to pass the qualification test;

Description of the qualification test format for experts;

The procedure for forming and analyzing PC operation.

1.4. The timing of each of the activities for the training of experts and the formation of the PC is established at the regional level within the framework of the requirements for the timing determined at federal level.

An approximate schedule of activities for the training of experts and the formation of subject commissions is given in these methodological materials.

2. PC expert statuses

2.1. An expert can be assigned one of three statuses: leading expert, senior expert, main expert.

Leading expert - a status that allows you to be the chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, manage the preparation and/or training of experts at the regional level, participate in interregional cross-checks, be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, check and double-check the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants as part of the PC, including as a third expert.

Senior expert - a status that allows you to check and double-check the completion of tasks with a detailed Unified State Exam answer as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third check of the completion of tasks with a detailed Unified State Exam answer, participate in interregional cross-checks, as well as checks as part of the consideration of an appeal about disagreement with assigned points.

The main expert is a status that allows you to carry out the first or second check of the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam as part of the PC.

2.2. To assign one or another status to an expert, it must be established that his qualifications correspond to:

Requirements for experts determined by the Procedure for conducting State Examination;

Requirements for experience in assessing examination papers of Unified State Examination participants;

Requirements for the results of the qualification test;

Requirements for the consistency of work during the inspection in the previous year and for the values ​​of the statistics of satisfied appeals.

2.3. Only experts with the status of leading or senior experts can be included in the lists of experts submitted to Rosobrnadzor by the chairman of the State Economic Committee for inclusion in subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor.

3. Coordination of approaches to assessing exam papers of Unified State Exam participants at the federal and regional levels

3.1. To ensure uniformity of approaches to assessing detailed answers from Unified State Examination participants, a three-level system for coordinating approaches to assessment is used. Measures to harmonize approaches to assessing detailed answers from Unified State Examination participants are carried out at the federal and regional levels.

a) Coordination at the federal level includes a number of measures to create uniform approaches to assessment among experts who claim the status of leading experts. Activities include: discussion of approaches to assessment and typical difficulties of experts during assessment, assessment of samples of examination papers by specified specialists remotely, analysis of assessment results, and conduct of qualification tests.

b) Coordination at the regional level is ensured by the use of approaches to assessment agreed upon at the federal level in the process of training experts. The training of experts should be carried out under the guidance of specialists with the status of leading experts, and include practical exercises in assessing the detailed answers of graduates.

c) Prompt coordination of approaches to assessment between PC experts immediately before checking the work, carried out on the day the examination of exam papers of Unified State Exam participants begins.

3.2. Activities to harmonize approaches to evaluating detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants at the federal level are organized by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI" and are carried out in two stages: correspondence and full-time.

a) Correspondence stage (held from November to December). At this stage, specialists applying for the positions of chairmen and deputy chairmen of the PC (for assignment of leading expert status) evaluate works from the interregional bank of works. For this purpose, a special Module of the Internet system for distance training of experts “Expert Unified State Exam” is used (the formation of an interregional bank of work is carried out by FIPI from images of examination papers selected by the heads of the PCs of the subjects of the Russian Federation that caused difficulties and/or disagreements during assessment during the verification of detailed answers of participants in the Unified State Exam 2013) . The results of this stage are used to carry out the next (face-to-face) stage of approval.

b) In-person stage (conducted in the form of seminars from January to March). At this stage, specialists who have passed the correspondence stage participate in seminars to coordinate approaches to assessing the detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants.

During the seminars, when discussing approaches to assessment, a set of images of answers to individual tasks and entire works is formed, which will then be used to conduct qualifying tests for experts in the Internet system "Expert Unified State Exam".

3.3. Activities to harmonize approaches to evaluating USE exam papers at the regional level are organized by the OIV. Coordination is carried out during the preparation of experts in accordance with educational programs and using methodological manuals for the preparation of Unified State Examination experts posted on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI" (

3.4. When preparing experts at the regional level, the Internet system for distance training of experts “Expert Unified State Exam” and the materials posted in it can be used.

4. Qualification requirements for assigning expert statuses

Leading, senior or main expert statuses are assigned depending on the expert’s qualification level.

To assign one or another status to experts, the following qualification requirements are established.

4.1. Requirements for the education of experts and their work experience in educational organizations are established by the Procedure for conducting the State Examination:

Availability of higher education;

Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

Having experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least 3 years);

Availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, which includes practical training in assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.

4.2. To be assigned the status of a leading expert, experience in organizational work in a PC or GEC is required. The absence of such experience is allowed in the case when the PC consists of less than 10 people.

4.3. The statuses of leading expert and senior expert can only be assigned to experts who have experience in assessing detailed answers of Unified State Examination participants. To be assigned the status of a leading expert, assessment experience must be at least 3 years. Requirements for experience in assessing detailed answers of exam participants are established by the OIV. Lack of testing experience is allowed only for newly organized PCs in foreign languages ​​(in cases where a regional PC in the corresponding academic subject has not previously been created in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

4.4. The values ​​of assessment consistency indicators determined based on the results of qualification tests must correspond to the values ​​determined by the JIV for assigning experts to each of the statuses. Recommended consistency indicators and their values ​​based on the results of qualification tests for assigning each status to experts are given in.

A methodology for analyzing the consistency of the work of experts and analyzing statistics of satisfied appeals about disagreement with the assigned score is being developed by the OIV. The results of the assessment consistency analysis are used in the preparation of experts.

Consistency indicators and their values ​​based on the results of the analysis of PC operation when checking tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination in the previous year and statistics of satisfied appeals are established by the OIV.

5. Organization of qualification test

5.1. The format for conducting qualification tests for experts is determined by the JIV.

5.2. The procedure for admitting experts to undergo the qualification test is established by the JIV.

5.3. The qualification test for assigning expert status is carried out annually.

5.4. Information about the results of the qualification test and the status assigned to experts is entered into the regional/federal register (regional federal/information system).

5.5. The qualification test can be carried out directly in the Internet system for distance training of experts “Expert Unified State Exam”. Qualification tests to determine the status of experts in each academic subject are recommended to be carried out using the Internet system for distance training of experts "Expert Unified State Exam" (selection of works for creation measuring materials carried out by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI") or similar resources developed by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. The procedure for attracting experts to work in the PC

6.1. The PCs are formed from among leading experts, senior experts, and key experts.

The numbering of subparagraphs is given in accordance with the source

c) Only experts with the status of leading expert can be appointed as chairmen and deputy chairmen of the PC.

d) Experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert or senior expert in the current year may be appointed to conduct the third inspection.

e) Only experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert or senior expert in the current year can be involved in the consideration of appeals regarding disagreement with the assigned score.

f) Only experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert or senior expert in the current year can be involved in re-checking the examination papers of Unified State Examination participants.

g) Only experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert and senior expert in the current year can be invited to participate in interregional cross-checking.

III. Organization of checking detailed answers

7. Methodology for assessing detailed answers to exam assignments

7.1. Detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants are assessed by two independent experts.

7.2. Both experts independently, based on the results of the check, assign points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, developed by FIPI and provided by the FCT.

7.3. If a significant discrepancy is established in the scores given by two experts, an additional third check is assigned.

7.4. A significant discrepancy for each academic subject is determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject.

7.5. The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the PC from among the PC experts who are members of the FPC and who have not previously checked this examination paper.

7.6. The third expert checks and assigns points for the completion of all tasks with a detailed answer, the assessment positions for which are not filled in with an “X” in the protocol form. The third expert is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the examination work of the Unified State Examination participant.

7.7. The distribution of work between PC experts, the determination of final points for the detailed answers of Unified State Examination participants to the tasks of the examination work, as well as the determination of the need for verification by a third expert are carried out automatically, using specialized RCIO software.

7.8. The resulting points for detailed answers are determined automatically based on the following provisions:

If the scores given by two experts are the same, then these scores are final;

If an insignificant discrepancy in the scores given by two experts is established, then the final scores are determined as the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts, rounded in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding;

If a significant discrepancy is established in the scores given by two experts, then an additional third check is assigned.

7.9. The third expert's scores are final.

8. Procedure for checking detailed answers

8.1. We accept for verification detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants, completed only on answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2, the form established by Rosobrnadzor, and filled out in accordance with the “Instructions for filling out Unified State Exam forms.”

8.2. The detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants are checked by PC experts, guided by the criteria for assessing the detailed answers.

8.3. Detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants are assessed by two PC experts independently. Both experts checking one work independently assign points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.

8.4. Before the start of the work of the PC, the chairman of the PC receives from the head of the RCIO the criteria for assessing detailed answers received from the FCT on the day of the exam.

8.5. The expert is provided with a PC expert working kit, which contains:

Anonymized copy forms (form 2-RTsOI) with images of detailed answers from the Unified State Examination participants (hereinafter referred to as copy forms) - no more than 20 pieces in one working set;

Form-protocol (form 3-RTsOI) of verification by an expert of detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants (hereinafter referred to as form-protocol).

8.5.1. The copy form is an image of answer form No. 2 of the Unified State Exam participant and additional answer forms No. 2, if they were filled out by the participant, in the registration part of which the following are indicated:

Copy form code;

Information about the expert appointed to check the copy forms of the work kit (last name, first name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Date of the exam;

Protocol number and line number in the protocol corresponding to this copy form code;

CMM option number;

Page number and number of pages completed by the Unified State Exam participant in answer form No. 2, including additional answer form No. 2,

Region code.

8.5.2. The protocol form is a table that indicates the codes of the copy forms of the received work kit and the fields for the expert to enter points for answers. The registration part of the protocol form indicates:

Information about the expert appointed to check the forms (last name, first name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Name of the academic subject;

Date of the exam;

Protocol number;

Region code.

8.6. The protocol form is a machine-readable form and is subject to mandatory automated processing at the RCIO.

8.7. Work kits are generated (printed) for each expert at the RCIO, taking into account the PC work schedule.

8.8. The Chairman of the PC receives ready-made working sets of experts from the head of the RCIO.

8.9. Experts check the work and assign points to the appropriate fields of the protocol form in accordance with the criteria for assessing detailed answers.

8.10. After completing the verification of the work of each work kit, the completed protocol form and copy forms of the work kit are transferred to the RCIO for further processing.

8.11. After automated processing of protocol forms in the RCIO, the RCOC software in automatic mode without the participation of the operator, analyzes the results obtained from checking the work by experts. As a result of this analysis, work may appear that requires an additional third check. Work is sent to the third check in the event of a significant discrepancy in the assessment of the detailed answers of the exam participant by two different experts.

8.11.1. A significant discrepancy in each academic subject is determined by the assessment criteria and is included in the automated processing algorithm.

8.11.2. The work assigned for the third check can only be checked by an expert who is a member of the Faculty of Education and Training in the relevant academic subject.

8.11.3. On the form-copy of the work assigned for the third check, in the registration part for the information of the third expert, the points assigned by two experts who checked this work earlier are indicated. The third expert conducts the assessment according to the assessment positions indicated in the protocol form. Evaluation items that the third expert does not check are filled in with “X” symbols in the protocol.

8.12. The verification of the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants is considered complete when all the work has been checked by experts the required number of times, and the assessment results from the protocol forms are analyzed by the RCIO software.

8.13. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC and (or) his deputy records the number of works that caused the greatest disagreement during evaluation. This work will be further used to conduct training for PC experts next year.

8.14. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC requests statistical information from the head of the RCIO on the progress of checking the detailed answers. In this case, the chairman of the PC is provided with information both on the number of works checked one, two or three times, on the number of works awaiting the first, second or third check, and the number and percentage of works assigned to the third check. The PC chairman uses the results of statistical reports to optimize the organization of PC work.

8.15. When conducting an interregional cross-check, images of answer forms No. 2 received from another constituent entity of the Russian Federation are checked by PC experts in the general queue of works of Unified State Examination participants.

8.16. During the period of operation of the PC, from the moment of receipt of the evaluation criteria for detailed answers from the RCIO until the end of checking the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants, all premises in which the PC operates must be provided with a system of continuous video surveillance and video recording.

8.17. The organization of video surveillance in PC premises is provided by the OIV.

9. Organization of PC work during re-checking of Unified State Exam results

9.1. When the State Examination Committee or Rosobrnadzor makes a decision to recheck a number of works of Unified State Examination participants, the recheck is carried out by PC experts who are members of the FPC.

9.2. RCIO enters information about the Unified State Exam participants, whose works were sent for recheck by decision of the State Examination Committee, into the RIS and generates (prints) sets of documents for recheck.

9.3. The set of documents for re-verification contains:

Copies of answer forms No. 2, including additional answer forms No. 2;

Copies of protocol forms for checking detailed answers;

A recheck protocol form containing an expert opinion on the correctness of the assessment of detailed answers to the tasks of this examination paper;

Option of a CMM performed by an exam participant.

9.4. The Chairman of the PC receives the prepared kits from the head of the RCIO.

9.5. PC experts recheck the received work and fill out a recheck protocol form.

9.6. The chairman of the PC submits the completed re-inspection protocols to the State Examination Committee for approval.

9.7. Ensuring the recalculation of points based on the results of the recheck based on the recheck protocols is carried out by the RCIO together with the FCT within the framework of its competence.

IV. Rules for the chairman and members of the subject commission

10. Rules for the chairman of the PC

10.1. Preparatory activities

10.1.1. Preparatory activities to determine the composition and qualifications of PC experts are carried out in accordance with the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, methodological materials of FIPI, and regulatory and methodological materials of OIV.

10.1.2. No later than 14 days before the start of processing Unified State Exam materials, the chairman of the PC for the relevant academic subject agrees with the head of the RCIO on the work schedule of the PC during the processing of EM for this academic subject.

10.1.3. No later than 14 days before the start of processing Unified State Exam materials in the relevant academic subject, the chairman of the PC transfers to the head of the RCIO the work schedule of the PC experts for planning the appointment of experts to check the work; in the same document, the chairman of the PC indicates for each expert of the PC whether he is a member of the FPC.

10.1.4. The Chairman of the PC agrees with the head of the RCIO on the work schedule of experts checking blank forms;

10.2. At the stage of checking answer forms No. 2, the PC chairman must:

10.2.1. obtain from the head of the RCIO a complete set of criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer and the required number of sets of criteria for experts;

10.2.2. receive the number of work sets required for verification by experts as detailed responses are processed and verified at the RCIO;

10.2.3. Before starting work, experts are briefed in accordance with the received assessment criteria for completing assignments;

10.2.4. distribute experts to workplaces in the provided classrooms;

10.2.5. ensure that only authorized persons are present in the audience - in addition to experts and the PC chairman, the following may be present in the audience:

Head of RCIO (or his deputy);

Member of the State Examination Committee;

Officials of Rosobrnadzor or OIV carrying out an on-site (inspection) check of the procedure for conducting state inspection;

Public observers accredited in accordance with the established procedure;

10.2.6. provide each expert with a set of criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer for each option and a working set for verification;

10.2.7. ensure a working atmosphere and discipline in the work of the PC: during work, experts are prohibited from:

After completion of the work, bring out work kits and/or parts thereof, as well as criteria for assessing the completion of tasks, texts of CMM tasks, etc.;

10.2.8. within the framework of their competence, resolve issues arising from experts, and, if necessary, resolve issues related to the competence of the RCIO, coordinate their decisions with the head of the RCCO;

10.2.9. control the quality of completion of protocol forms by experts and promptly transfer protocol forms and copy forms to the RCIO;

10.2.10. promptly resolve any difficulties that arise for experts;

10.2.11. if the working kit, for a number of objective reasons, was not completely checked by the expert, then it is necessary to inform the head of the RCIO about this and hand over this kit with the verification protocol to him;

10.2.12. copy forms of the entire working set, not fully checked by the expert, should be transferred to the head of the RCIO for reassignment to other experts;

10.2.13. upon completion of the work of the PC, submit to the head of the RCIO all the criteria for assessing answers to tasks with a detailed answer, issued for testing;

10.2.14. upon completion of the inspection, receive from the head of the RCIO a package of documents on the results of the PC’s work:

Number of works checked by each expert;

Number of works sent for the third review;

Information about the experts who showed greatest number discrepancies in assessment results;

10.3. when considering appeals about disagreement with the assigned Unified State Exam scores (hereinafter referred to as an appeal based on the results)

10.3.1. receive from the executive secretary of the CC an appeal kit for the Unified State Exam participant;

10.3.2. receive from the head of the RCIO the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the KIM option for which the Unified State Examination participant who filed the appeal took the exam;

10.3.3. appoint to review the appeal experts who are members of the FPC, which has not previously verified this work, and transfer the above materials to them;

10.3.4. find out from the responsible secretary of the CC of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation the time for consideration of the appeal;

10.3.6. promptly transmit to RCIO for Rosobrnadzor, FCT information about possible incorrectness of tasks with the obligatory indication of the number of the CMM version, the task and the content of the comment;

The decision on the correctness of the task and on the change in points for Unified State Examination participants if the task is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If a task is recognized as incorrect, all Unified State Exam participants who completed this task will have their points recalculated.

11. Rules for PC experts

Experts must:

11.1. on preparatory stage undergo training and confirm qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the established procedure for conducting State Examination, methodological materials of FIPI, as well as regulatory and methodological materials of OIV.

11.2. undergo training in advance on the content and technology of assessing detailed answers, within the time frame determined by the chairman of the PC.

11.3. Experts who have not confirmed their qualifications and/or have not undergone instructions are not allowed to check detailed answers;

11.4. while checking extended answers

11.4.1. at the direction of the PC chairman, take seats in the provided classrooms;

11.4.2. receive working kits for testing;

11.4.3. maintain discipline while working;

11.4.4. During work, experts are prohibited from:

Change jobs independently;

Use communications equipment, photo and video equipment, portable personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others);

Without good reason leave the audience;

Negotiate, unless we are talking about consultation with the chairman of the PC or with an expert appointed by the decision of the chairman of the PC as a consultant;

Upon completion of the work, submit work kits and/or parts thereof, as well as criteria for evaluating detailed answers;

If an expert has questions or problems, he should contact the chairman of the PC or the head of the RCIO (his deputy), who resolve them within their competence;

11.4.5. start checking long answers, following these rules:

The fields of the protocol form should be filled out in printed capital letters with a black gel pen strictly within the fields of the protocol form;

Using a pencil (even for rough notes), pens with light ink and putty to correct what is written is unacceptable (the presence of stylus or putty on the form being scanned can lead to serious damage to the scanner);

The corrections made must be interpreted unambiguously, all corrections are recorded and certified by the expert’s signature (the corresponding entries are made below in the protocol form);

If the Unified State Examination participant has not started completing the task, then in the field in which the score for the given answer to the task should appear in the protocol form, the mark “X” should be placed;

If the Unified State Examination participant has begun to complete the task, then in the corresponding field(s) of the protocol form the corresponding score(s) should be entered from zero to the maximum possible, specified in the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer;

If the Unified State Examination participant completed an alternative task, then the number of the alternative task chosen by the Unified State Examination participant should be entered in the corresponding field of the protocol form;

11.4.6. after completing the filling out of the protocol form, put the date and signature in the appropriate fields of the protocol form and transfer the work kit to the chairman of the PC for transfer for processing;

11.5. when checking empty answer forms No. 2:

11.5.1. receive instructions from the head of the Regional Center of Education;

11.5.2. view images of blank answer forms No. 2 from the screen;

11.5.3. if there are notes, signs, drawings or marks on the image that can be regarded as a response to a task with a detailed answer or confirmation that the Unified State Exam participant started the task or had the opportunity to complete it, but did not complete it for some reason, certify (check in software) that the image is filled;

11.5.4. in the absence of records related to the answer to the tasks, certify (mark in the software) that the image is not filled in;

11.5.5. images identified by at least one of the checking experts as completed are sent to the PC for verification.

Images identified by all checking experts as blank refer to answers to tasks that the Unified State Exam participant did not begin. In this case, automated responses through RIS are scored zero points for completing each task with a detailed answer;

11.6. when considering appeals about disagreement with the assigned Unified State Exam scores:

11.6.1. receive from the PC chairman copies of answer forms No. 2, forms-protocols for checking work by experts, criteria for assessing the completion of a task with a detailed answer to the KIM option, according to which the Unified State Examination participant who filed the appeal took the exam;

11.6.2. review the appellant's work, as well as analyze previous work evaluations;

11.6.3. Find out from the chairman of the PC the time for consideration of the appeal and arrive at the specified time at the CC;

11.6.4. if the appellant or the CC has any complaints about the evaluation of detailed answers, provide appropriate explanations;

11.6.5. draw a conclusion on the correctness of the evaluation of the detailed answers for which the appeal was filed;

11.6.6. In case of detection of errors or incorrect tasks in the CMM, it is necessary to report this to the chairman of the PC with the obligatory indication of the number of the CMM version, the task and the content of the comment.

The decision on the correctness of the task and on the change in points for Unified State Examination participants if the task is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If a task is recognized as incorrect, all Unified State Exam participants who completed this task will have their points recalculated in accordance with the administrative act of Rosobrnadzor.

These indicators can be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of academic subjects.

Indicator: The percentage of tasks/assessment criteria for which the expert’s assessments did not coincide with the assessments developed when agreeing on approaches to assessing detailed answers.

Indicator: Percentage of assignments/evaluation criteria in which the discrepancy was 2 or more points for the assignment/evaluation criterion

Appendix 2

Recommended changes to the Regulations on the state examination commission in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and to the Regulations on the subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Section of the Regulations to be amended Formulations
Subject commissions for a general education subject include specialists who meet the following requirements: - presence of higher education; - compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards; - work experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years); - availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor - availability of the status of leading, senior or main expert.
Section "Structure and composition of PC" The functionality available to the expert is determined by the status assigned to him: - the leading expert has the right to be appointed chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, manage the preparation and/or training of experts at the regional level, participate in interregional cross-checks, be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, carry out checking and double-checking work as part of the PC, including as a third expert. - a senior expert has the right to check and double-check the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third check of the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam, be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, and participate in interregional cross-checks; - the main expert has the right to carry out the first/or second check of the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam as part of the PC.
Section "Structure and composition of PC" The third expert is appointed automatically from among the members of the subject commission who have the status of leading expert or senior expert, who have not previously checked this examination paper.
Section "Structure and composition of PC" When organizing the exchange of exam papers of Unified State Examination participants between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert or senior expert in the current year are involved in checking such works.
Item “The Chairman of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam carries out” During the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam, the Chairman of the PC carries out: - organizing annual training (training seminars) for specialists, taking into account the results of the analysis of the consistency of the work of experts and statistics of satisfied appeals; - submission to the State Examination Committee of proposals on the composition of subject commissions, on the candidacies of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor; - organization of coordination of approaches to assessment between experts, carried out on the day of the start of checking the examination papers of Unified State Exam participants; - selection of experts to be recruited to work in the conflict commission, from among the experts who have been assigned the status of leading expert or senior expert this year; - selection of examination papers of Unified State Examination participants that caused difficulties in assessment.
Clause “The Chairman of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam is obliged” During the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam, the Chairman of the PC has the right to participate in annual seminars on coordinating approaches to assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam, organized by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI".
Clause “A member of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam is obliged” During the period of preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam, a member of the PC is obliged to undergo an annual qualification test, based on the results of which the expert can be assigned one or another status.

Recommended changes to the Regulations on the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Appendix 3

Sample schedule
carrying out activities for the training of experts and the formation of subject commissions

Event Term
1. Amendments to regulatory documents at the regional level Until February 17
2. Evaluation of works from an interregional bank by specialists claiming to be leading experts November December
3. Collecting information about participants applying for positions of PC leaders in face-to-face seminars to coordinate approaches to assessing detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants December
4. Conducting face-to-face seminars to harmonize approaches to assessing detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants January February
5. Providing to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI" lists of candidates for chairpersons of the PCs formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Until March 1
6. Approval by Rosobrnadzor of candidates for chairpersons of the PCs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Until March 10
7. Preparation of PC experts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for checking exam papers of the Unified State Exam 2014 February March
8. Assigning statuses to PC Unified State Exam experts March
9. Formation of PCs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation until April 01
10. Formation of PCs created by Rosobrnadzor Until April 01
11. Carrying out operational coordination of the assessment of detailed answers The first day of checking work on the subject
12. Selection of examination papers of Unified State Examination participants that caused difficulties in assessment for inclusion in the interregional bank of papers In the process of checking work

Document overview

The procedure for forming the structure of the GEC is considered. The main powers are listed. The commission organizes the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, makes decisions on admission to certification, generates the necessary reporting, considers proposals for the composition of the subject commission, etc. The term of office is 1 year.

As a rule, the State Examination Committee holds its meetings according to schedule. Based on the results of the commission’s work this year, a certificate is being prepared about the conduct of the State Examination in the region, including information about the composition of participants, the results of certification, and about the problems that have occurred.

The composition of the commission is formed from persons who meet the following requirements. Availability of higher education. Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in reference books and (or) professional standards. At least 3 years of experience working in educational organizations. Availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers. The person has passed a special qualification test.

Procedures for checking and processing examination materials have been regulated. In Russian language and mathematics, the latter must be completed no later than 6 calendar days after the exam. For other academic subjects - no later than 4 calendar days. For exams that are held ahead of schedule and at additional deadlines - no later than 3 calendar days.





Unified training materials for training chairpersons of subject commissionsUnified State Exam 2016


Unified educational materials for the training of chairmen of regional subject commissions of the Unified State Exam 2016 in chemistry are intended for full-time and remote training of subject commissions for assessing tasks with a detailed answer, which are part of the control measurement materials of the unified state exam in chemistry.

IN educational materials provides schematic information about the regulatory framework and stages of work of the subject commission, brief recommendations on overcoming typical problem situations assessment. The materials contain images of examination papers for organizing qualification tests of PC experts.

© Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, 2016

Incoming control. 6

Module 1. Regulatory framework for the work of the subject commission. 7

Module 2. Organization of the work of the subject commission. 25

Harmonization of approaches to assessment.. 25

Expert statuses. 26

Stages of work of subject commissions. 28

Analysis of the quality of work of the subject commission. 34

Module 3. Solving typical problem situations in assessing long-form answers 36

Module 4. Forms of reports on detection of violations of the examination procedure 40

Module 5. Materials for organizing qualification tests of experts PC 44

Final control. 73

Scroll symbols, abbreviations and terms

Form protocol

Protocol for checking by an expert the results of completing exam tasks with a detailed answer

State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education

State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Unified State Exam

Images of exam papers, sample exam papers

Images of texts of detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants, used at the stages of preparation and certification of PC experts

Expert qualifications

The level of knowledge, abilities, skills (competence) characterizing readiness to perform activities to check tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination

Qualification test

Test to establish the expert's qualification level

Control measuring materials

Conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014, registration No. 31205)

Regional information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education

Detailed answers

Answers of Unified State Exam (GVE) participants to exam assignments with detailed answers


Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science

Expert status

Confirmed expert qualification level

GIA participant

A student admitted in the prescribed manner to the State Examination, a graduate of previous years, studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, a student receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, admitted to take the Unified State Exam

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements"

A person who meets the requirements of paragraph 21 of the Procedure

Incoming control

1. What types of inspections are carried out by the subject commission?

2. What formal requirements for the qualifications of a specialist, according to the Procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, allow him to be recruited as a PC expert?

3. What tasks are solved when training experts by the chairman of the PC?

4. What statuses of experts are defined by the Methodological Recommendations for the formation and organization of PC work...?

5. What requirements must the leading expert meet? senior expert? main expert?

6. What is the importance of briefing experts by the chairman of the PC before the start of checking examination papers?

7. What basic rules should the PC follow when checking examination papers?

8. What function do PC experts perform when considering appeals of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam?

9. By what parameters is PC operation analyzed?

Module 1. Regulatory framework for the work of the subject commission

The procedure for training PT experts, as well as forming a PT, requires the formation at the regional level of a package of regulatory documents regulating the organization of the work of the PT and QC.

The composition of the package of regional documents is presented in Diagram 1.

Scheme 1

Methodological recommendations for the formation and organization of work of subject commissionssubject of the Russian Federationwhen conducting state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education (Appendix 9 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 25, 2015 No. 01-311/10-01), section 3

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, ensure the conduct of the State Examination (see Diagram 2):

Scheme 2

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (Appendix to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 000 dated January 1, 2001), clause 14.

Channels for informing students and their parents (legal representatives), graduates of previous years on the organization and conduct of the State Examination are presented in Diagram 3.

Scheme 3

The composition of the PC for each academic subject is formed from persons who meet the following general requirements(see diagram 4):

Scheme 4

Methodological recommendations for the formation and organization of the work of subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education (Appendix 9 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 25, 2015 No. 01-311/10-01), section 2, clause 7.

The general management and coordination of the activities of the PC in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman. General Features Chairman of the PC are presented in Diagram 5.

Scheme 5

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (Appendix to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 000 of 01/01/2001), clause 22.

During the period of organizing and conducting the State Examination, the distribution of functions between the PC experts is carried out depending on the status assigned to the expert based on the results of the qualification test: leading expert, senior expert, main expert (see Table 1):

Table 1

Methodological recommendations for the formation and organization of the work of subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education (Appendix 9 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 25, 2015 No. 01-311/10-01), section 2, paragraph 14; section 3.

The process of assessing detailed answers to exam assignments is presented in Diagram 6.

Scheme 6


On approval of the Regulations on organizing the work of subject commissions during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the Perm Territory in 2018

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400, I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on organizing the work of subject commissions during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as GIA-11) in the Perm Territory in 2018.

2. To establish that in 2018, subject commissions for general education subjects check the examination papers of GIA-11 participants in the Perm Territory.

3. The regional information processing center (hereinafter referred to as RCPI), when providing organizational and technological support for the activities of subject commissions in 2018, shall be guided by this Order.

4. Recognize as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory of February 21, 2017 N SED-26-01-06-203 “On approval of the Regulations on organizing the work of subject commissions during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the territory of Perm region in 2017".

5. The Department of Organizational, Legal and Personnel Work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory should publish this Order in the Bulletin of Laws of the Perm Territory, legal acts of the Governor of the Perm Territory, the Government of the Perm Territory, executive bodies state power Perm Territory and post it on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

6. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Perm Territory L.S. Sidorova.


Regulations on organizing the work of subject commissions during the State Examination-11 in the Perm Territory in 2018

By order
Ministry of Education
and science of the Perm region
dated January 16, 2018 N SED-26-01-06-18

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2013 N 755 "On the federal information system for ensuring the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education" ;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure);

methodological recommendations for the formation and organization of work of subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education, sent by letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 27, 2017 N 10-870;

decisions of the State Examination Commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission).

The Regulations define the goals of the activities of subject commissions (hereinafter - PC), their powers and functions, the rights and obligations of members, as well as the procedure for organizing work.

I. Introduction

1. List of symbols, abbreviations and terms

Form protocol

Protocol for checking by an expert the results of completing exam tasks with a detailed answer

State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education

State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

State final exam

Unified State Exam

Images of exam papers, sample exam papers

Images of texts of detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants, used at the stages of preparation and certification of PC experts

Expert qualifications

The level of knowledge, abilities, skills (competence) characterizing readiness to perform activities to check tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination

Qualification test

Test to establish the qualification level of a subject commission expert

Control measuring materials

Conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Educational organization

Organization carrying out educational activities

Executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education: Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory

Subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Regional information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education

Detailed answers

Answers of Unified State Exam (GVE) participants to exam assignments with detailed answers


Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science

Regional information processing center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Consolidated collection of forms for Methodological materials on the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam in PPE in 2018

Expert status

Confirmed expert qualification level

GIA participant

A student admitted in the prescribed manner to the State Examination, a graduate of previous years, studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, a student receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, admitted to take the Unified State Exam

FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements"

Federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education

Subject commission created by Rosobrnadzor

Federal State state-financed organization"FCT"

A person included in the composition of the PC by the executive document of the executive authority

Exam materials

2. General provisions on the activities of the PC

2.1. Checking the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants (including oral answers) is carried out by the PC in the relevant academic subjects.

2.2. The PC creates an OIV for each academic subject in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Procedure.

2.3. Candidates for chairpersons of PCs created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are submitted for approval to Rosobrnadzor by the chairman of the State Examination Committee within the time limits specified in Appendix 2.

2.4. The formation of the composition of the PC is organized by the chairman of the State Examination Committee on the recommendation of the chairmen of the PC no later than two weeks before the start of the State Examination.

2.5. In its activities, the PC is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosobrnadzor and OIV, including regulations on subject commissions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.6. The PC ceases its activities from the moment of approval of the executive leadership of the chairmen of the PC for conducting the State Examination in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation next year.

2.7. The general management and coordination of the activities of the PC in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman. The composition of the PC for each academic subject is formed from persons who meet the following requirements:

1) presence of higher education;

2) compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

3) work experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years);

4) availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor;

5) the presence of positive results of a qualification test organized and conducted in the manner established by the OIV.

2.8. The OIV provides the PC with premises for work, which are located in close proximity to the RCCOI or at the RCCOI. Such premises must exclude the possibility of access to them by unauthorized persons and the dissemination of restricted information.

2.9. The executive committee, on the recommendation of the chairman of the PC, approves a list of additional tools and materials (for example, a non-programmable calculator, dictionaries, etc.) acceptable for use by experts in the premises where the PC operates during the assessment of work.

2.10. In the premises where the PCs are located, the OIV ensures the placement of a special workplace with access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to provide the opportunity to clarify the facts stated in the examination papers of the State Examination Participants (for example, checking with information from sources, checking the names given by the State Examination Participants , facts, etc.).

2.11. In rooms where PCs are located, there may be:

members of the State Electoral Commission - by decision of the chairman of the State Electoral Commission;

citizens accredited as public observers in accordance with the established procedure (hereinafter referred to as public observers) - optional;

officials of Rosobrnadzor, OIV, exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education - by decision of the relevant authorities.

2.12. Information, organizational and technological support for PC activities is provided by RCIO.

2.13. In the event of situations not provided for by these Methodological Recommendations, the corresponding decision is made by the Chairman of the PC and/or the head of the Regional Center for Educational Inspection within the framework of their competence, with the obligatory subsequent informing of the State Examination Committee about the decision made.

2.14. During the period of organizing and conducting the Unified State Exam, the PC checks the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants, completed on answer forms No. 2 (including additional answer forms No. 2), and the oral answers of Unified State Exam participants in foreign languages.

2.15. During the period of organizing and conducting the State Examination, the distribution of functions between the PC experts is carried out depending on the status assigned to the expert based on the results of the qualification test: leading expert, senior expert, main expert.

2.16. Processing time for EM.

Processing of the Unified State Examination and State Examination forms, including PC checking of the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants, must be completed:

1) in the Russian language - no later than six calendar days after the exam;

2) in mathematics (profile level), GVE in mathematics - no later than four calendar days after the exam;

3) in mathematics ( a basic level of) - no later than three calendar days after the exam, verification of detailed PC answers is not provided;

4) for other academic subjects - no later than four calendar days after the relevant exam;

5) for exams that are held early and during reserve periods - no later than three calendar days after the relevant exam.

2.17. The organization of video surveillance and video recording in the PC premises is provided by the OIV.

2.18. The procedure for forming a PC:

Members of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the GIA-11 are required to participate in annual training seminars (consultations), culminating in a qualifying test at the federal level “Expert Unified State Exam”. As measuring materials, samples of tasks performed by GIA-11 participants from previous years, which have passed calibration assessment at the federal level, are used.

Based on the results of the qualification test, the State Examination Committee of the Perm Territory makes a decision on admission to testing and assigning the expert a category: leading expert, senior expert or main expert.

The functionality available to an expert is determined by the category assigned to it.

Leading expert - a status that allows you to be the chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, manage the preparation and/or training of experts at the regional level, participate in interregional cross-checks, be involved in the consideration of appeals on an academic subject, check and double-check the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants as part of the PC , including as a third expert.

Senior expert - a status that allows you to check and double-check the completion of tasks with a detailed State Examination Answer as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third check of the completion of tasks with a detailed State Examination Answer, participate in inter-regional cross-checks, as well as in checks as part of the consideration of an appeal of disagreement with assigned points.

The main expert is a status that allows you to carry out the first or second check of the completion of tasks with a detailed State Examination Answer, and participate in interregional cross-checks as part of the PC.

To assign one or another status to an expert, it must be established that his qualifications correspond to:

requirements for experts determined by the Regulations;

requirements for experience in assessing examination papers of State Examination Participants;

requirements for the results of the qualification test;

requirements for the consistency of work during the inspection in the previous year and for the values ​​of statistics of satisfied appeals.

Qualification requirements when establishing categories of experts:

for leading experts: higher education; At least 3 years of experience in the education system; experience in assessing examination papers of GIA-11 participants; participation in a seminar for leading experts at the federal level; positive results of qualification tests conducted at the federal level using uniform measuring materials and uniform requirements for the assessment procedure (in accordance with Appendix No. 1); the absence of negative statistics on the verification of works in the PC and on the results of appeals of GIA-11 participants;


for senior experts: higher education; At least 3 years of experience in the education system; advanced training on issues of assessing examination papers of GIA-11 participants; experience in assessing examination papers of GIA-11 participants; positive results of qualification tests conducted at the regional level using measurement materials common to all constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in accordance with Appendix No. 1), agreed upon with leading experts of the Perm Territory, and uniform requirements for the assessment procedure; the absence of negative statistics on the verification of works in the PC and on the results of appeals of GIA-11 participants;

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated April 11, 2018 N SED-26-01-06-316)

for the main experts: higher education, work experience in the education system of at least 3 years, advanced training in assessing examination papers of GIA-11 participants, positive results of qualifying tests (in accordance with Appendix No. 1) conducted at the regional level in a uniform manner for all subjects of the Russian Federation to measurement materials agreed upon with leading experts of the Perm Territory, and uniform requirements for the assessment procedure; absence of negative statistics on checking works in a PC (for those with experience in PC).

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated April 11, 2018 N SED-26-01-06-316)

Using additional mechanisms to control the quality of experts’ work:

for leading experts - analysis of statistics of satisfied appeals, analysis of the consistency of the work of the PC;

for senior experts - analysis of statistics of satisfied appeals, analysis of the consistency of the work of PC experts;

for experts - analysis of the consistency of the work of PC experts.

Establishing a procedure for attracting experts to work:

The PCs are formed from among leading experts, senior experts, and key experts:

Only experts with the status of leading expert can be appointed as chairmen and deputy chairmen of the PC;

For the third check, experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” in the current year, who have not previously checked this examination paper, may be appointed;

to consider appeals about disagreement with the assigned score when controversial issues arise regarding the assessment of the detailed answer of the GIA-11 participant, only experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” in the current year and who have not previously checked this examination work can be involved;

To conduct a double-check of examination papers of State Examination Participants initiated by the State Examination Committee, only experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” in the current year can be involved;

To conduct a double-check of the examination papers of State Examination Participants, initiated by Rosobrnadzor, only experts who are members of the commission created by Rosobrnadzor can be involved.

3. Qualification requirements for assigning expert status

3.1. The status of leading, senior or main expert is assigned to all experts included in the PC (except for the chairman of the PC), depending on the expert’s qualification level. The Chairman of the PC is assigned the status of a leading expert without participating in qualification tests.

3.2. To assign one or another status to experts, the following are established by paragraph 21 of the Procedure:

presence of higher education;

compliance with the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

having work experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years);

availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.

3.3. To be assigned the status of “leading expert”, experience in organizational work in a PC or GEC is required. The absence of such experience is allowed in the case when the PC consists of less than 10 people. Experts who are not appointed by the deputy chairman or chairman of the PC and who have passed qualification tests with a result corresponding to the status of “leading expert” are assigned the status of “senior expert”.

3.4. The statuses of “leading expert” and “senior expert” can only be assigned to experts who have experience in assessing detailed responses of State Examination Participants. To be awarded the status of “leading expert”, assessment experience must be at least 3 years. Requirements for experience in assessing detailed responses of State Examination Participants are established by the OIV. Lack of testing experience is allowed only for newly organized PCs in foreign languages ​​(in cases where a PC in the relevant academic subject has not previously been created in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

3.5. The values ​​of assessment consistency indicators determined based on the results of qualification tests must correspond to the values ​​determined by the JIV for assigning experts to each of the statuses. Recommended consistency indicators and their values ​​based on the results of qualification tests for assigning each status to experts are given in Appendix 1.

3.6. A methodology for analyzing the consistency of the work of experts and analyzing the statistics of satisfied appeals about disagreement with the assigned points is being developed by the OIV; the minimum list of areas for analyzing the work of the PC is given in Appendix 3. The results of the analysis of the consistency of assessment are used in the preparation of experts.

3.7. The qualification test for assigning expert status is carried out annually.

3.8. Qualification tests to determine the status of experts in each academic subject are carried out using the Internet system for distance training of experts "Expert Unified State Exam" (the selection of works for the creation of measuring materials is carried out by FIPI).

3.9. Experts who have not passed the qualification tests this year are not allowed to be included in the PC and cannot take part in checking the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants in the current year.

4. Organization of checking detailed answers

Methodology for assessing detailed answers to exam assignments

4.1. Detailed answers from GIA participants are evaluated by two experts.

4.2. Based on the results of the first and second checks, experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the Unified State Examination paper with a detailed answer, for each answer to the tasks of the GVE examination paper. The results of each assessment are entered into the protocol for checking the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants by an expert.

4.3. If a significant discrepancy is established in the scores given by two experts, a third check is scheduled.

4.4. A significant discrepancy in the scores given by the two experts is defined in the assessment criteria for each academic subject.

4.5. The third expert is appointed automatically from among the PC experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” this year, who have not previously checked this examination paper.

4.6. The expert carrying out the third check is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the examination paper.

4.7. The third expert checks and assigns points for the completion of all tasks with a detailed answer, the assessment positions for which in the protocol form are not filled out automatically when the protocol form is printed.

4.8. The distribution of work of USE and GVE participants between PC experts, the calculation of points for each task of the USE examination work with a detailed answer, as well as the determination of the need for verification by a third expert are carried out automatically, using specialized hardware and software tools of the RCIO and FCT.

4.9. The calculation of the final grade for the GVE work is carried out by an expert in accordance with the criteria for assessing responses to GVE assignments in the relevant academic subject and is recorded in the protocol, which is then transferred to the RCIO for further processing.

4.10. The Chairman of the PC sends in advance to the OIV information about the need to adopt local acts containing a list of technical means and reference materials on paper, authorized for use by PC experts in the relevant academic subject.

4.11. No later than 14 calendar days before the start of EM processing, the chairman of the PC and the head of the RCIO will agree on the work schedule of the PC during the period of EM processing in the relevant academic subject, based on the current requirements for the timing of EM processing.

4.12. No later than 14 calendar days before the start of the exams, the chairman of the PC transfers to the head of the RCIO the list of the PC and the work schedule of the PC experts for the appointment of experts to the RIS to check the work.

4.13. The roster of the PC, transferred to the head of the RCIO, must necessarily contain information about the status of each member of the PC (main expert, senior expert, leading expert) to ensure the possibility of automated assignment of examination papers for the third check, recheck and check of appeal works to experts. The Chairman of the PC agrees with the head of the RCIO on the work schedule of the PC experts checking images of answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2 allegedly not filled out by Unified State Exam participants.

4.14. Detailed answers from Unified State Examination participants, completed only on answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2 of the form established by Rosobrnadzor and filled out in accordance with the “Rules for filling out Unified State Examination forms” are accepted for verification.

4.15. The part of the examination work that follows after at least one page on the Unified State Examination Participant that is not completed Unified State Exam forms, is not allowed for assessment (completion of tasks, the answers to which are posted on this part of the examination paper, are assessed as tasks for which the Unified State Examination participant did not start answering - with an “X”).

4.16. The chairman of the PC, before the start of the work of the PC, receives from the head of the RCIO the criteria for assessing detailed answers, as well as additional schemes for assessing answers when checking answers in foreign languages, received from the FCT on the day of the exam (or the next day after the exam if there is a significant time difference in the subject of the Russian Federation). Federation with Moscow time), and carries out, for at least 60 minutes, operational coordination of approaches to assessing the detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants to each of the tasks with a detailed answer, based on the received criteria. It is recommended to carry out repeated operational coordination of approaches to assessment after each expert has checked the first few works to clarify and specify the agreed approaches to assessment.

4.17. In order to ensure the most coordinated work of the experts, the chairman of the PC may appoint from among the experts with the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” consultants to whom the PC experts can contact if difficulties arise when assessing the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants. Workplaces of consulting experts should be organized in the premises where the PC works, so that consultations do not interfere with the work of other experts.

4.18. In order to ensure the most objective assessment of the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants, the chairman of the PC or an expert appointed by him can use specially equipped workstations in the PC premises with access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to ensure that experts can clarify the facts stated in the examination papers of the State Examination Participants (for example, reconciliation with sources, checking the names, names, surnames, facts, etc. given by GIA participants).

4.19. The detailed answers of the GIA participants are checked by PC experts, guided by the criteria for assessing detailed answers and approaches to assessing detailed answers agreed upon in the PC.

4.20. Detailed answers from GIA participants are assessed by two PC experts independently. Both experts checking one work independently assign points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.

4.21. The expert who evaluates the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants is provided with a PC expert work kit, which contains:

Anonymized copy forms (form 2-RTsOI) with images of detailed answers from Unified State Exam participants (hereinafter referred to as the copy form) - no more than 10 pieces in one working set;

Form-protocol (form 3-RTsOI) of checking by an expert the detailed answers of Unified State Exam participants (hereinafter referred to as the form-protocol);

When checking oral answers in foreign languages ​​- a list of works for listening and assessment, generated using specialized software, and a form-protocol for checking by an expert tasks with an oral answer (form 3-RTsOI-U).

1) The copy form is an image of answer form No. 2 of the Unified State Exam participant and additional answer forms No. 2, if they were filled out by the Unified State Exam participant, in the registration part of which the following are indicated:

Copy form code;

Information about the expert appointed to check the copy forms of the work kit (last name, first name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Date of the exam;

Protocol number and line number in the protocol corresponding to this copy form code;

CMM option number;

Page number and number of pages completed by the Unified State Exam participant in answer form No. 2, including additional answer form No. 2;

Region code;

Points assigned by two experts who previously checked this work (in the case when the work is sent for a third check).

2) The protocol form is a table that indicates the codes of the copy forms of the received work kit and the fields for the expert to enter points for answers. The registration part of the protocol form indicates:

Information about the expert appointed to check the forms (last name, first name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Name of the academic subject;

Date of the exam;

Protocol number;

Region code.

4.22. The protocol form is a machine-readable form and is subject to mandatory automated processing at the RCIO.

4.23. Work kits are generated (printed) for each expert at the RCIO, taking into account the PC work schedule.

4.24. The chairman of the PC (or his assistant(s) - for large PCs located in several rooms) receives ready-made working sets of experts from the head of the RCIO (or an RCCO employee authorized by him).

4.25. Experts check the Unified State Examination papers and assign points to the appropriate fields of the protocol form in accordance with the criteria for evaluating detailed answers.

4.26. If an expert has difficulty assessing the work, the expert can get advice from the chairman of the PC or a consulting expert appointed by the chairman of the PC.

4.27. The numbers of the most typical works that caused difficulties during the assessment are written down by the expert for transmission to the chairman of the PC.

4.28. After completing the verification of the work of each work set, the completed protocol form and copy forms of the work set are transferred to the RCIO for further processing by the chairman of the PC (or his assistant(s) - for large PCs). After automated processing of protocol forms in the RCIO, work may be identified that requires a third check.

4.29. The work is sent for a third check if there is a significant discrepancy in the scores given by the two experts:

1) a significant discrepancy in scores for each academic subject is determined by the assessment criteria and is included in the automated processing algorithm;

2) the work assigned for the third examination can be checked only by an expert who has been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” in the current year, who has not previously checked this examination work, and who has experience in the first, second and third examinations in the current year;

3) on the form-copy of the work assigned for the third check, in the registration part for the information of the third expert, the points assigned by two experts who checked this work earlier are indicated. The third expert conducts the assessment according to the assessment positions indicated in the protocol form. The assessment items that the third expert does not check are filled out automatically in the protocol when the protocol form is printed.

4.30. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC and (or) his deputy records the numbers of the works that caused the greatest disagreements or difficulties among the experts during the evaluation (based on the works checked personally and (or) the works whose numbers were written down by the experts during the evaluation process) . Information about the numbers of such works will need to be transferred to FIPI after receiving the corresponding request. These works will be analyzed and used to improve assessment criteria, conduct training for PC experts and harmonize approaches to assessing examination papers.

4.31. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC requests statistical information from the head of the RCIO on the progress of checking the detailed answers. At the same time, the chairman of the PC is provided with operational information on the number of works checked at the current time one, two or three times, on the number of works awaiting the first, second or third check, as well as on the number and percentage of works assigned to the third check, and other information , which allows you to determine the quality of PC operation and the need for additional approvals with PC experts. The PC chairman uses the results of statistical reports to optimize the organization of PC work.

4.32. If necessary, the Chairman of the PC provides additional clarification on issues of coordination of the work of the PC. The Chairman of the PC sends to the State Examination Committee and the Executive Committee a proposal to remove from work experts who violate the requirements of the Procedure, ignore agreed upon approaches to evaluating work during the inspection process, systematically make errors in evaluating work, or violate the inspection procedure. Final decision on the issue of removing an expert from work in the PC, the IIV accepts after a review of the situation has been carried out by the State Examination Committee.

4.33. When conducting an interregional cross-check, images of the works of Unified State Exam participants received from another constituent entity of the Russian Federation are checked by PC experts in the general queue of works of Unified State Exam participants. At the same time, members of the PC are not provided with information about the works from which constituent entity of the Russian Federation were assigned to the PC experts for verification.

4.34. During the period of operation of the PC, from the moment of receipt of the evaluation criteria for detailed answers from the RCIO until the end of verification of the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants, all premises in which the PC operates must be provided with a system of continuous video surveillance and video recording.

4.35. At the time of leaving the PC premises, each PC member hands over all materials, including the received criteria for assessing detailed answers, to the person who ensures that copies of the criteria for assessing detailed answers, appointed by the OIV, are recorded.

4.36. If an expert identifies cases of violation by an exam participant - the author of an examination paper being checked by an expert - of the established Procedure (if it is discovered that the examination paper was not completed independently (for example, it was discovered that the work was done in supposedly different handwritings, tasks were solved different options, the text of the work coincides with the text in other works, etc.) the expert notifies the chairman of the PC about the discovered fact. Together with the chairman of the PC (if necessary, with other experts who discovered these facts), he draws up a free-form report indicating the work number and a description of the discovered facts. The Chairman of the PC sends a memo with the attachment of the specified act to the Chairman of the State Examination Committee for conducting an internal investigation and making a decision. The expert who discovers such a fact evaluates the work in accordance with the evaluation criteria for detailed (oral) answers, except for the cases specified in the evaluation criteria for detailed (oral) answers and expert memos.

4.37. The verification of the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants is considered complete when all the works are checked by experts the required number of times (determined by the RCPI software), and the assessment results from the protocol forms are analyzed by the RCPI software.

4.38. Upon completion of the work, each PC expert submits all materials, including the received criteria for evaluating detailed answers, to the person who ensures that copies of the criteria for evaluating detailed answers are recorded, appointed by the OIV.

4.39. Features of checking detailed answers of GVE participants:

Each GVE work is checked by two experts. When checking participants' answers to oral exams, experts are given access to a single repository of audio recordings of answers. The results of the work verification are entered by experts into standardized work verification forms (see "Extended task verification form"). Standardized work review forms are not machine-readable and cannot be processed automatically.

The experts convert the participants’ primary scores into a mark according to a five-point assessment system and make a mark in the first field of the protocol (see “Rules for filling out the protocols of experts of the GVE subject commission”), while the marks “0” and “1” are not used or processed.

After filling out the expert protocol forms, they are processed in a standard mode, similar to the processing of forms.

The final final mark is determined as the arithmetic mean of two marks given by the experts who checked the work.

The results of checking the participants' work are automatically saved in the RIS.

Organization of PC work during re-checking of State Examination results

4.40. Until March 1 of the next year, on behalf of Rosobrnadzor or by decision of the State Examination Committee, PCs may recheck individual exam papers of State Examination Participants who passed the State Examination on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad.

4.41. By decision of the Executive Committee, the PC conducts a recheck of individual examination papers of State Examination Participants who passed the State Examination on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The re-check is carried out by PC experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” this year, who have not previously checked the work data, and who have experience in the first, second and third checks in the current year.

4.42. RCIO enters information about the State Examination Participants, whose works were sent by decision of the Joint Executive Committee for re-checking, into the RIS and generates (prints) sets of documents for re-checking.

4.43. The set of documents for re-verification contains:

copies of answer forms No. 2, including additional answer forms No. 2;

copies of protocol forms for checking detailed answers;

a recheck protocol form containing an expert opinion on the correctness of the assessment of detailed answers to the tasks of this examination paper;

version of the CMM performed by a participant in the Unified State Examination;

criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer of the CMM option performed by the exam participant.

4.44. The Chairman of the PC receives the prepared kits from the head of the RCIO (or an employee of the RCIO authorized by him).

4.45. PC experts recheck the received work and fill out a recheck protocol form.

4.46. The chairman of the PC submits the completed re-inspection protocols to the State Examination Committee for approval and to the head of the RCIO (or the RCIO employee authorized by him) for entering information on the results of the re-inspection into the RIS.

4.47. Ensuring that information based on the results of the recheck is entered into the RIS with further transfer to the FIS for the purpose of recalculating points is carried out by the RCIO together with the FCT within its competence.

5. Analysis of PC work

5.1. Upon completion of the State Examination and examination of the examination papers of the State Examination Participants, an analysis of the work of the PC is carried out.

5.2. Analysis of PC operation is carried out in accordance with the procedure for analyzing PC operation (the minimum list of areas for analyzing PC operation is given in Appendix 3).

5.3. Analysis of PC operation is carried out on the basis of information provided by RCIO.

5.4. In order to ensure the analysis of the PC operation, the group of experts analyzing the PC operation is provided with access to the CMM within the time frame and in the manner established by the OIV.

6. Rules for the chairman, members of the PC, executive secretary of the PC

6.1. Rules for the PC chairman when organizing preparatory events

Preparatory activities to determine the composition and qualifications of PC experts are carried out in accordance with the Procedure, methodological materials of FIPI, these Methodological Recommendations, regulatory and methodological materials of OIV.

Chairman of the PC:

during the period of preparation and conduct of the State Examination, it has the right to participate in annual federal-level events to improve approaches to assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Exam, organized by FIPI;

during the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, it provides organizational and methodological support for the annual training (training seminars on harmonizing approaches to assessment) of experts, taking into account the results of an analysis of the consistency of the work of experts and statistics of satisfied appeals in previous years;

no later than 14 days before the start of processing materials, the State Academic Inspectorate for the relevant academic subject forms and coordinates with the head of the Regional Center for Education and Science a work schedule for PC experts to plan the appointment of experts to check the work;

in the same document indicates the status of each PC expert to ensure automated assignment of work to inspections in accordance with the status of each PC expert;

coordinates with the head of the RCIO the work schedule of experts checking forms recognized as blank.

6.2. Rules for the chairman of the PC at the stage of checking the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants

The Chairman of the PC must:

obtain from the head of the RCIO a complete set of criteria for assessing detailed answers, familiarize yourself with the received criteria, prepare for a seminar to coordinate approaches to assessment;

Ensure that only authorized persons are present in the PC premises. In addition to the experts and the chairman of the PC (his assistant - for large PCs), the audience may include members of the State Examination Committee (by decision of the Executive Committee), officials of Rosobrnadzor, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education (by decision of the relevant bodies) , public observers;

conduct an operational seminar to coordinate approaches to assessing detailed answers to each of the tasks with a detailed answer (lasting at least 60 minutes), based on the obtained criteria for assessing tasks with detailed answers, as well as on agreed approaches to assessing detailed answers developed at the federal level ( it is recommended to carry out repeated operational coordination of approaches to assessment after each expert has checked the first few works to clarify and specify the agreed approaches to assessment);

obtain the required number of sets of criteria for experts, as well as additional schemes for assessing answers when checking answers in foreign languages;

distribute experts to workstations in rooms allocated for PC work;

provide each expert with a set of criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer for each option and a working set for verification;

provide consultation to experts on issues of assessing examination papers;

public observers;

provide a working atmosphere in the PC;

resolve issues arising from experts within their competence;

control the quality of completion of protocol forms by experts and carry out prompt exchange of protocol forms and copy forms with the RCCO;

organize interaction with the head of the RCCI (the RCCI employee authorized by him) in the event that the working kit, for a number of objective reasons, was not fully checked by the expert, and transfer this kit with the verification protocol to the RCCI;

hand over to the head of the RCPI (the RCPI employee authorized by him) forms-copies of the entire working set, not fully checked by the expert, for reassignment to other experts;

control the quality of the work of the PC experts, send to the chairman of the State Examination Committee and the Joint Executive Committee a proposal to remove from work in the PC experts who violate the requirements of the Procedure, ignore agreed approaches to assessing work during the inspection process, systematically make errors in assessing work or violate the inspection procedure.

6.3. Rules for the PC chairman upon completion of the PC work

The Chairman of the PC must:

hand over to the head of the RCPI or the person appointed by the OIV, who ensures that copies of the criteria for assessing detailed answers are taken into account, all the criteria for assessing answers to tasks with a detailed answer, issued for the test;

upon completion of the inspection, receive from the head of the RCIO (the RCIO employee authorized by him) a package of documents on the results of the PC’s work:

the number of works checked by each expert;

the number of works sent for the third review;

information about the experts who showed the greatest number of discrepancies in the assessment results;

other information related to PC activities, if necessary.

6.4. Rules for the chairman of the PC when considering appeals about disagreement with the assigned GIA scores

6.4. Rules for the chairman of the PC when considering appeals about disagreement with the assigned GIA scores.

The Chairman of the PC must:

receive from the Chairman of the Committee the appeal kit of the GIA participant before the meeting of the Committee;

receive from the head of the RCIO the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer of the KIM version, according to which the GIA participant who filed the appeal took the exam, before the CC meeting, organize the work of PC experts to establish the correctness of assessing tasks with a detailed and (or) oral answer and (or) the need changes in points for completing a task with a detailed and (or) oral answer;

appoint PC experts who have been assigned the status of “leading expert” or “senior expert” in the current year, who have experience in the first, second and third inspections in the current year, to review the appeal, and transfer to them the above materials;

find out from the executive secretary of the CC the date, place and time of the meeting of the CC, as well as the presence of the appellants and (or) their parents (legal representatives) at the meeting of the CC to consider appeals;

send the PC experts appointed to consider the appeal and who took part in the work to establish the correctness of the assessment of detailed and (or) oral answers and (or) the need to change the scores for completing tasks with a detailed and (or) oral response of the appellants, to the CC for a meeting of the CC at the specified time (if the appellants and (or) their parents (legal representatives) are present at the CC meeting);

transfer to the chairman of the CC the appeal sets of documents and the conclusions of the PC experts after the PC experts have carried out the relevant work to establish the correctness of the assessment of the examination work on the same day;

promptly transmit to FIPI information about detected incorrect (in the opinion of the PC chairman) tasks with the obligatory indication of the CMM version number (or CMM number), the job number and the content of the comment.

The decision on the correctness of the task and on the change in points for the State Examination Participants who completed it, if the task is recognized as incorrect, is made at the federal level. If a task is recognized as incorrect, all GIA participants who completed this task will have their points recalculated in accordance with the administrative act of Rosobrnadzor.

6.5. Rules for PC Experts

While working, experts are prohibited from:

independently change jobs;

copy and remove from the premises allocated for PC work copies of examination papers, assessment criteria, forms-protocols for checking examination papers, as well as disclose to unauthorized persons the information contained in these materials;

have with you and/or use communications equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, portable personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others), except for a specially equipped workplace on the PC premises with access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to ensure the possibility clarification by experts of the facts stated in the examination papers of the State Examination Participants (for example, checking with sources, checking the names, titles, facts given by the State Examination Participants, etc.);

leaving the audience without a good reason;

negotiate, if we are not talking about consultation with the chairman of the PC or with an expert appointed by the decision of the chairman of the PC as a consultant.

Experts must:

at the preparatory stage, undergo training using FIPI educational and methodological materials and confirm qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure, these Methodological recommendations, as well as regulatory and methodological documents of OIV;

undergo training in advance on the content and technology of assessing detailed answers within the time frame determined by the chairman of the PC;

immediately before checking the work, participate in an operational seminar conducted by the chairman of the PC to agree on approaches to assessing detailed answers to each of the tasks with a detailed answer.

Experts who have not confirmed their qualifications and/or have not been instructed and/or who do not participate in the operational approval seminar are not allowed to check detailed answers.

While checking long answers:

At the direction of the PC Chairman, take seats in the provided classrooms;

Receive test kits and assessment criteria;

Maintain discipline while working;

Contact the chairman of the PC or a person appointed by the chairman of the PC as a consultant if you have questions or problems when assessing examination papers;

Fill out the protocol forms, guided by the following rules:

The fields of the protocol form should be filled out in printed capital letters with a black gel pen strictly within the fields of the protocol form;

The use of a pencil (even for rough notes), pens with light ink and correction fluid to correct what is written is unacceptable (the presence of stylus or correction fluid on the form being scanned can lead to serious damage to the scanner);

The corrections made must be interpreted unambiguously, all corrections must be recorded and certified by the expert’s signature (the corresponding signatures are placed at the bottom of the protocol form);

The part of the examination work that follows after at least one page not completed by the State Examination Participant is assessed as an answer to a task that the State Examination Examination Participant did not begin to complete (with an “X” sign);

If the GIA participant has not started completing the task, then in the field(s) in which the score(s) for completion should be entered of this assignment in the protocol form, you should put the sign “X”;

If the GIA participant has begun to complete the task, then in the appropriate field(s) of the protocol form the score(s) corresponding to the evaluation criteria should be entered from zero to the maximum possible, specified in the criteria for evaluating the completion of tasks with a detailed answer;

If the Unified State Examination participant completed an alternative task, then the number of the alternative task chosen by the Unified State Examination participant should be entered in the corresponding field of the protocol form;

Put the date and signature in the appropriate fields of the protocol form and transfer the work kit to the chairman of the PC for transfer for processing after completing the filling out of the protocol form.

When checking supposedly empty answer forms No. 2:

receive instructions from the head of the RCPI (the RCPI employee appointed by him) and the chairman of the PC about checking the supposedly empty answer forms No. 2; view screen images of supposedly blank answer forms No. 2;

if there are notes, signs, drawings or marks on the image that can be regarded as a response to a task with a detailed answer or confirmation that the Unified State Exam participant started the task or had the opportunity to complete it, certify (mark in the software) that the image is completed ;

if there are no entries related to the answer to the tasks, certify (mark in the software) that the image is not filled out.

Images identified by at least one of the checking experts as completed are sent to the PC for verification.

Tasks with detailed answers are counted as tasks that the exam participant has not started, if the images of answer forms No. 2 of this exam participant are determined by two checking experts to be unfilled. In this case, automated responses through RIS are scored zero points for completing each task with a detailed answer.

When considering appeals about disagreement with the assigned GIA scores:

receive from the PC chairman the appeal kit of the State Examination Participant who filed the appeal, as well as images of the examination work, a form-protocol for checking the tasks with an oral response by an expert (form 3-RTsOI-U), copies of the protocols for checking the examination work of the State Examination Participant and the evaluation criteria for this work;

before the CC meeting, review the appellant’s work, as well as analyze the previous evaluation of the work;

give a written opinion on the correctness of the assessment of the appellant’s examination work or on the need to change the scores for completing the task with a detailed and (or) oral answer with a mandatory indication of the specific assessment criterion to which the score they assign corresponds;

find out from the chairman of the PC the date, place and time of the meeting of the CC and arrive at the specified time at the CC (if the appellants and (or) their parents (legal representatives) are present at the meeting of the CC);

if the appellant or the CC has questions regarding the evaluation of detailed answers, provide appropriate explanations. The recommended time for explanations on the issues of assessing detailed and/or oral answers of one appellant is no more than 20 minutes;

in case of detection of errors or incorrect tasks in the CMM, it is necessary to report this to the chairman of the PC with the obligatory indication of the CMM version number, the task number and the content of the comment.

The decision on the correctness of the task and on changing the points of the State Examination Examination participants if the task is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level.

If a task is recognized as incorrect, all GIA participants who completed this task will have their points recalculated in accordance with the administrative act of Rosobrnadzor.

Rules for the executive secretary of the PC

The executive secretary of the PC is appointed from among the employees of the RCIO or attracted employees under a civil law agreement.

The executive secretary keeps documentary records of the activities of the PC in each subject:

1. Receives from the head of the RCIO a register of packages with anonymized copies for verification.

2. Issues packages and protocols to experts and keeps a list of issued packages in the journal of issuance and acceptance of packages.

3. Accepts packages and protocols from experts after verification and keeps a personal record of accepted packages and protocols in the log of issuance and acceptance of packages.

4. Checks the protocols for completeness and correctness.

5. Submits protocols for processing and packages to the responsible employee of the Regional Center for Processing, in accordance with the register of received packages - to the head of the Regional Center for Information Processing.

Appendix 1. Recommended assessment consistency indicators for assigning expert status

Annex 1

Indicator: the percentage of tasks/assessment criteria for which the expert’s assessments did not coincide with the assessments developed when agreeing on approaches to assessing detailed answers.

Maximum value of the indicator

Leading expert

Senior expert

Main Expert

Russian language

Foreign languages

Social science



Computer Science and ICT



Appendix 2. Schedule of activities for the preparation of experts and the formation of the PC, summing up the work of the PC

Appendix 2


Preparation of PC experts for checking the 2018 GIA exam papers, conducting qualification tests, assigning status to PC State Examination Experts

Until the end of March 2018

Providing lists of candidates for PC chairmen to FIPI

Approval by Rosobrnadzor of candidates for PC chairmen

Formation of PC

FIPI webinars for PC experts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on harmonizing approaches to assessing detailed answers of State Examination Participants

May-June 2018 in accordance with the Unified State Exam schedule

Carrying out operational coordination of the assessment of detailed answers in the PC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

After receiving the evaluation criteria for detailed answers

Selection of exam papers of Unified State Examination participants that caused difficulties in assessment for inclusion in educational materials FIPI

In the process of checking work

Analyzing PC operation

July 2018

Sending information to FIPI about the numbers of works that caused difficulties during assessment

July 2018

Conducting CPCs in further education programs for expert training (24.0)

February 2018

Appendix 3. Minimum list of areas for analyzing PC operation

Appendix 3

The analysis of the work of the PC is carried out in order to optimize the work of the PC in checking the detailed answers of the State Examination Participants, its maximum objectivity, the development of uniform requirements and approaches to the assessment of examination papers, minimizing the subjectivity of the checking experts.

When analyzing the operation of a PC, it is necessary to pay attention to the following areas of PC activity:

1. Conditions for conducting the inspection:

the location of the PC in/outside the building of the RCIO, the number of buildings, premises where the PC is located;

number of audiences during PC operation;

carrying out operational coordination of approaches to assessing detailed answers on the day of receiving the assessment criteria before the start of the inspection (whether it was carried out, duration, whether there was a need for additional approval during the inspection process);

the work of expert consultants appointed by the chairman of the PC during the work of the PC, their number, the principle of distribution among premises, the scope of consultation (consultation of experts located in the same room/auditorium; consultation on assessing answers to certain tasks, etc.);

the presence of a specially equipped workplace in the PC premises with access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to ensure that experts can clarify the facts stated in the examination papers of State Examination Participants; the demand for this workplace;

other (if conditions are identified that significantly affect the quality of PC operation).

2. The number and proportion of PC experts with the status of leading, senior, and main expert.

3. Qualification of experts (compliance with the requirements of the Procedure, the number of experts whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of the Procedure, reasons for including such experts in the PC).

4. Total inspections carried out by the PC (separate inspections by the first and second experts, third inspections, inspections of appeal work, re-inspections by decision of the JIV).

5. The total number of PC experts involved in checking work at different stages of the state inspection (early, main and additional).

6. The total number of PC experts involved in checking appeal works. The principle of selecting experts involved in the consideration of appeals.

7. Statistics on the consideration of appeals about disagreement with the assigned points for detailed answers (total number of appeals filed, the number of satisfied appeals regarding changes in points for detailed answers, the number of works with lowered results on appeal, increased results on appeal, minimum and maximum changes in points, main reasons for upholding the appeal).

8. The total number of experts who carried out the third check.

9. The share of work sent for the third check after checking in the PC, i.e. excluding empty work ( average throughout the commission).

10. The maximum and minimum value of individual indicators of experts “proportion of work aimed at the third check”.

11. Maximum and minimal amount works verified by one expert.

12. List of experts who regularly (more than 5% of checked works) allow significant discrepancies in the scores given by other experts in their assessment:

cases of significant difference between the sum of scores of the first and second experts; analysis of the situation, identified reasons, decisions made (advanced training, changes in functionality within the PC, exclusion from the PC, etc.);

Example 1.

N evaluation positions

Sum of points

Expert 1

Expert 2

In the example given, the difference between the sums of points given by the experts is 17 - 6 = 11 points. The situation indicates a clear discrepancy in the work of PC experts. It is necessary to identify the systematic nature of this situation for each of the experts of the pair, the reasons.

Example 2.

N evaluation positions

Sum of points

Expert 1

Expert 2

Expert 3

In the example given, there is no difference between the sums of points given by the experts: all 3 experts gave a total of 11 points. Nevertheless, the situation of discrepancy in the assessment is obvious: Expert 2 gave points that for each individual assessment position differ from the points assigned by Expert 1 (16 points) and Expert 3 (16 points). Regarding the results of assessment by Expert 1 and Expert 3, we can say that these results differ by 1 point in only two assessment positions out of 12, which indicates that these experts support common approaches to assessing work.

cases of significant differences in points awarded for each assessment item; analysis of the situation, identified reasons, decisions made (advanced training, changes in functionality within the PC, exclusion from the PC, etc.);

Example 3.

N evaluation positions

Sum of points

Expert 1

Expert 2

Expert on appeal

In the above example, the experts during the audit came up with a very consistent result. However, on appeal, the score is changed to 7 primary points relative to the final score based on the results of the assessment of two experts. It is obvious that there is either a situation of inconsistency in approaches to evaluation by the expert who checked the work on appeal, or the presence of procedural violations or the interest of this expert.

other cases of discrepancy in the work of experts, their description, quantitative indicators; analysis of the situation, identified reasons, decisions made (advanced training, changes in functionality within the framework of the PC, exclusion from the PC, etc.).

13. The planned number of PT experts next year, the planned number of experts who have the right to carry out a third check, re-check, review of appeal works (experts with the status of a senior or leading expert), expected indicators of consistency in the work of experts for assigning the status to PT experts during qualification tests .

14. Planned changes in the processes of training experts, the formation of the PC, the organization of the procedure for evaluating work relative to the previous year.

15. Main conclusions.