How a nuclear strike will be delivered to Novosibirsk. How to survive a nuclear war

Everyone is concerned about the growing number of nuclear weapons, and it's not hard to see why. It must be said honestly that if even one nuclear bomb is dropped on your city, it is highly unlikely that you will survive. But there is still a chance, so it would be useful for you to know what to do in the event of a thermonuclear explosion.

Well, first of all, you need to prepare. You need to discuss all evacuation routes with your loved ones. Choose a few places on the outskirts of the city where you can meet after the incident.
Set up a hiding place that you can use in case of emergency. There should be a supply of bottled water in the cache, warm blankets, canned food, a radio and a first aid kit, especially if someone in the family is unwell. If you have a secure cellar or basement, make sure that you can easily get down there and that it has everything you need for the first time.

This is the main thing you should know about preparation, and now what to do directly during the explosion.
Stay away from the explosion radius, this is the most dangerous place, no one and nothing will survive here. Even a bunker won't save you. You must be more than 5.7 km from the epicenter. Avoid places that could be potential targets for a nuclear attack.

Let's say you're far enough away that you see a bright light as a nuclear bomb explodes. Do not look at the flash - otherwise you will go blind, as it will look like an artificial Sun, which is much closer than the real one. Remember to walk away from the flash, not look at it.

If you are in a high-rise building, run deep into it and take cover somewhere there. You will only have a few seconds before the shock wave hits. Let's hope that this building will be far enough from the explosion site that it won't be leveled. Do not stand near windows, as you may be riddled with glass shards.
Cover your ears with your hands. If the shock wave is powerful enough, your eardrums may fail and rupture.
If the building stands, you will need to remain deep within it for several hours, perhaps even all day. This way you will be protected from ionizing radiation and the resulting cloud of radioactive fallout; they will not penetrate to you through so many layers of concrete or brick.

If you're not inside a building, you might be in trouble. If you breathe in air contaminated with radiation, you will suffer from radiation sickness. The best thing you can do is to find somewhere enclosed where outside air will not enter. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth. Radiation contamination is especially difficult to avoid, but let's hope the wind blows in a different direction.
According to mathematical calculations, if you are far enough from the center of the explosion, but are in unreliable shelter, then it is better to run to a more protected place - you will have no more than 30 minutes to do this, otherwise lethal dose radiation is guaranteed to you.
After the explosion, the radiation level will be extremely high, but a few hours after the explosion it will decrease much. The outside world will still pose an incredible danger, so you will need to move on, leave places contaminated with radiation. But while the radiation particles settle, you will have to wait at least 12 hours before leaving your shelter.
If possible, remove outer clothing such as a coat or jumper - this will remove up to 90% of the radioactive particles that have settled on you and may save you from mortal danger. Simply leave the clothes somewhere or throw them in a metal container to stop the radiation.
Once you are at a safe enough distance, take a shower to wash away any remaining radiation particles. Clear your nose and wipe your face with a clean, damp cloth.

If an explosion catches you on the street, fall face down on the ground and cover your head with your hands. It is better to take cover behind a metal object or structure, this can protect you from radiation. After things calm down, do whatever you can to find shelter from the fallout.
If you survived the explosion, don't relax. You still have to go through a post-apocalyptic landscape, confront the looters and try to build a new society. Good luck, survivor!

However, knowing the character of the Russian people, we can assume that capitulation will not follow and you need to be prepared for anything.

In 2003, Eksmo publishing house published Nikolai Yakovlev’s book “CIA vs. USSR,” which aroused the interest of the reader. Russian citizens learned from it about the US planned nuclear strikes on Soviet Union. Their order was distributed in a certain order.

The first missiles carrying nuclear weapons were supposed to hit the capital of the state - the city of Moscow. It was followed by attacks on Gorky - present-day Nizhny Novgorod, Kuibyshev - present-day Samara, Sverdlovsk - present-day Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Saratov. The eighth city on the list of planned attacks was Kazan.

Significant changes have taken place since the times described by Yakovlev. Atomic weapons have undergone major modernization. Russia adopted a new military doctrine, military space forces appeared, NATO approached the country's borders. The aggravation of the international situation has put the world before the line beyond which the Third World War could begin. world war.

A nuclear strike on Nizhny Novgorod and Sarov is the No. 1 threat in the event of the outbreak of World War III

The Nizhny Novgorod region has a large concentration of military units, schools and military-industrial complex enterprises on its territory. One of the closed cities in the region, Sarov, is the nuclear center of the country. This is the place that is known to many under the code name Arzamas 16. Academician Sakharov was once exiled to this city.

It has always been under the close attention of all intelligence services in the world, and was subjected to various sabotage attacks in peacetime, one of which in 1988 led to an explosion at the Arzamas railway station, which claimed the lives of 91 people and destroyed 1/3 of the city. If World War III breaks out, then nuclear strike Sarov will also be applied.

The center of the region itself, Nizhny Novgorod, is the fifth most populous city in Russia. More than 1.2 million people live here. It is of strategic importance as a center for transport communications and stands at the junction of two great rivers of Russia - the Volga and Oka.

The city is home to military-industrial complex enterprises, military schools and serious formations of the Russian Armed Forces.

Possible nuclear strike on Nizhny Novgorod

According to media reports, Polish pilots are practicing attack skills against Russia, including a nuclear strike on Nizhny Novgorod using bombers.

A nuclear strike on Nizhny Novgorod is planned only against air defense units. It will be carried out by cruise missiles from surface-based ships and submarines located in northern seas and the Mediterranean. Taking into account the high level of equipment of the air defense troops, it can be assumed that a large part of the population will be able to survive as a result of a partial repulse of the attack.

Nuclear attack on Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk

In the declassified US plan to launch a nuclear strike on the USSR, which is now widely available to the reader, Chelyabinsk, along with Magnitogorsk and Miass, was included in the list of South Ural targets to be destroyed. While making these plans atomic weapons was somewhat different from what exists now among the warring parties. The US nuclear arsenal was 10 times greater than that of the USSR.

Many residents of Chelyabinsk know firsthand what nuclear weapons are. Here during the Second World War he began to forge nuclear shield modern Russia. The danger of an attack on the city is increased by the fact that an underground storage facility has been built near Chelyabinsk nuclear waste, the location of which is well known to all intelligence services in the world and not only to them. This information, as they say, has long become an “open secret.” Disputes about the reliability and strength of floors in the event of an atomic charge have been going on for the second decade. The conclusion of the majority is that they will not withstand a nuclear strike on Chelyabinsk. There is talk about possible reinforcement of the vault sarcophagus.

What will the nuclear strike on Chelyabinsk be aimed at?

Today, more than 1.1 million people live in Chelyabinsk. Turbines for the Armata, Iskander and Vladimirov, protective equipment and much more necessary for the country’s defense complex are produced here. The city is a major transport hub on the road connecting Europe and Asia. There is no need to wait for a miracle if the Third World War breaks out.

Nuclear attack on Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg is the fourth most populous city in Russia. It is home to more than 1.4 million people. The city stands at the intersection of 6 federal highways, and the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through it. The majority of urban industry consists of military-industrial complex enterprises.

Produced in the city of Yekaterinburg artillery systems weapons, the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant is the most major manufacturer electronic systems, which are used in military and civil aviation, surveillance systems, thermal imagers, satellite equipment and other areas important for Russia.

The former Sverdlovsk has been of great importance for the domestic defense industry since the Second World War. The loss of industry and transport infrastructure, if the Third World War happens and a nuclear strike is delivered to Yekaterinburg, could take the country out of the global economy for a long time. Therefore, the protection of Yekaterinburg from a nuclear attack is of great importance.

When delivering a nuclear strike on the city, cruise missiles will be used, which should hit air defense units and Trading ICBMs aimed at the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation. Likely strikes could come from submarines and surface naval vessels. The type of hypothetically planned attack on Yekaterinburg is ground.

The convenient location of the city in the interior of the country gives a small head start in time to take measures to save the population. You need to understand that air defense systems will shoot down missiles at distant approaches. This does not exclude the possibility of defeat and destruction of the city, but provides a chance for salvation.

Nuclear attack on Kazan

A possible nuclear strike on Kazan has not lost its relevance. Today the population of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is more than 1.2 million people. The city has one of the largest river ports on the Volga. Kazan is a large transport and logistics center. 3 passes through it federal highways and 2 motorways.

Probable targets and scenario for a nuclear strike on Kazan

In the event that World War III breaks out, 4 nuclear warheads will probably be dropped on Kazan. Air defense units should come under attack. Cruise missiles from surface ships and submarines are aimed at them. Their estimated arrival time is 30 minutes. An aircraft factory, a gunpowder factory, a railway station and a port may be attacked. They will be attacked by aircraft based in Europe and Turkey.

During the Soviet era, quite a lot of bomb shelters were built in the city, many of which were abandoned and littered. Those shelters that are intended for the evacuation of a certain circle of people are in excellent working condition. They include the leadership of the city and the republic, the military command and some groups of specialized specialists and their families.

In addition to the local elected elite, guest workers have a chance to escape. Many of them are settled in shelters by employers who save on the costs of their resettlement. Some shelters after the liquidation of the USSR were privatized, repeatedly resold and turned into warehouses, shops and cafes. According to journalistic raids, the city prosecutor's office carried out its checks and came to shocking common man conclusions - strategic federal property was illegally sold to private individuals and various kinds companies.

Those who think that a nuclear strike on Kazan will lead to 100% death of the population are mistaken. At least half of the residents will survive.

The best place for evacuation may be sparsely populated settlements far from large cities, highways and military installations. You need to be prepared for long pedestrian crossings.

The safest source of food after the defeat will be canned food. You can independently combat the received dose of radiation by taking iodine and calcium. This will significantly support the body. It is unlikely that anything else will be available to the majority of the population.

Nuclear attack on Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is rightfully considered the center Russian science. It houses military-industrial complex enterprises engaged in the production of rocket, space and aviation technology. It is the third largest city in Russia by population and thirteenth by area. It is among the targets that would be targeted by a nuclear attack in the event of the outbreak of World War III between the United States and Russia.

The location of the most powerful scientific and industrial potential in the interior of the country is not accidental. Russia's significant size, compared to other states, gives it a chance to retain part of its production and intellectual potential. Military-industrial complex enterprises have not only a ground part. Many production facilities and laboratories are located at considerable depths from earth's surface. They are able to withstand the destructive force and power that atomic weapons possess.

A significant part of the population will die if a nuclear strike is carried out on Novosibirsk. Missiles aimed at Siberian cities have a flight time of 15 minutes. Radars scanning regions of Russia located east of the Urals.

The list of objects to be destroyed in the city probably includes a telecommunications center and repeaters. A nuclear attack would most likely be launched by three-stage Trident-type ballistic missiles powered by solid fuel. The mass of the charge that this atomic weapon has is 100 kT and 475 kT. The flight range of the missiles, depending on the type of carrier, is 7400 km, 7600 km and 11000 km. Such nuclear weapons are in service with US Ohio and Vanguard class submarines.

Nuclear attack on St. Petersburg

Speaking at a conference in St. Petersburg in 2011, former boss NATO Anderson Von Rasmussen assured its participants that an attack on the northern capital of Russia from the bloc with atomic weapons was unlikely. But is it worth believing those who are increasing their military power near the borders of Russia, calls it his enemy No. 1 and models options for the Third World War? The entire history of the existence of a state indicates that it must always be ready to repel any blow from potential opponents.

NATO forces located in the Baltic countries pose the greatest threat to the northern capital of Russia. Territorial proximity to these states significantly reduces the time for defense and retaliation. Five kilometers from Lithuanian Siauliai is located military base, which hosts the aviation of the North Atlantic bloc. Estonia provided NATO with an airfield in Ämari, Latvia - in Narva and Liepaja. The flight time from these bases to St. Petersburg is 15 minutes! The speed of a missile with nuclear weapons is significantly higher than that of bombers. Russia has only 1-2 minutes to strike back.

What targets are planned to be attacked?

The plan for World War III, developed by the Americans, provides a list of targets and cities subject to mandatory destruction. When delivering a nuclear strike on St. Petersburg, the following will be hit first:

1. air defense facilities and military bases;

2. telecommunication centers and repeaters;

3. transport (highways, railways, airports) nodes;

4. strategic heat, water and energy supply facilities.

The concept of a nuclear strike on St. Petersburg includes a cruise missile attack. Type of explosion - ground.

The precision of nuclear weapons allows for a ground explosion within the boundaries of Nevsky Prospekt. This form of impact somewhat reduces the radius of damage compared to explosions that occur on the ground. Mainly it damaging factor is heat stroke caused by a flash of light. The damage radius is 10-15 kilometers. In the area of ​​the explosion, it will be possible to take shelter at the Ploshchad Vosstaniya, Spasskaya, Ligovsky Prospekt and Dostoevskaya metro stations. The stations Nevsky Prospekt, Akademicheskaya, Moskovskie Vorota and Lenin Square will be completely crushed, along with other structures located in close proximity to them.

Within a radius of 3-4 kilometers from the center of the explosion, evaporation and incineration of organic bodies will occur. If possible, when diving into the metro, you should take it with you. drinking water. Within a radius of 20-25 km, all wooden surfaces will burn and plastic will melt. Forest fires will occur outside the ring road.

If there is a nuclear strike on St. Petersburg, the city will be lost forever. Rescue efforts will involve relocating survivors beyond the 100-kilometer affected area. The restoration of the city will not be possible for several decades, or even hundreds of years (remember the Chernobyl tragedy at the nuclear power plant).

Nuclear attack on Moscow

Most likely, a nuclear strike on Moscow will be delivered around 18:00.

This assumption is explained by the following reasons:

Eighteen o'clock in Moscow corresponds to 10 o'clock in the morning in Washington. At this time, all civil servants are at work and ready to begin solving combat missions. An earlier start to the operation could attract the attention of intelligence services in other countries. In a war where all calculations take place in minutes and seconds, it is very important not to attract the attention of enemy special services ahead of time.

The later period of the onset of the attack is complicated by the peak load on telephone lines. In the morning hours of Washington time, the bulk of American citizens are at work and can be compactly evacuated. Russians are on their way home from work at this time. Transport arteries are overloaded, the city is stuck in traffic jams. A nuclear strike on Moscow at this time would result in maximum losses and lead to greater chaos.

The most likely yield of a thermonuclear weapon that could be used in World War III is in the range of 2-10 megatons. In general, the power of nuclear warheads is limited by the possibility of delivery vehicles for the latter, and is also determined by the large power of the city of Moscow itself and the fact that central intelligence and defense enterprises and units are concentrated here, and along the perimeter of the capital there are belts of aviation and missile cover systems and, at the same time, primary the fact that the shelters of both the government and presidential apparatus and services of the Ministry of Defense have a high degree of security, because they will be the main target for the alleged enemy, which the United States can become.

Let us note how much time will pass from the moment of notification of the “Nuclear Alert” signal until the most damaging strike:

About 14 minutes, if ground-based nuclear weapons launch vehicles are launched from the American continent;

About 7 minutes, in the case of launching atomic weapon launch vehicles from naval missile carriers, which are based under water and located in the North Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic.

The data above coincides with the arrival time ballistic missiles, which are directed in supra-atmospheric space along ballistic trajectories with a speed of 28,000 km/h or 7.9 km/sec, that is, the first cosmic one. In fact, in combat conditions, it is possible to predict some battles and communication delays, which can reduce the warning time to a couple of minutes.

No later than 6 minutes after the first warning signal of a nuclear strike is sounded, all entrances to the shelter will be closed and blocked, even if there are people who will not have time to get into them and there will be large number. When trying to delay the closure of entrances by any persons, it is recommended to use any means, including the use of firearms, against everyone without exception or delay.

Note that the Moscow metro is the most best option from all possible shelters.

Due to the accuracy of modern guidance systems, the epicenter of the explosion will be located within the boundaries of the Boulevard Ring, the affected area is the Kremlin-Lubyanka-Arbat area. This particular area is key for the United States in neutralizing Russia during the Third World War, since the main administrative and military control centers in the state are concentrated there.

Within a radius of 20-25 km from the epicenter of a nuclear weapons explosion in Moscow, all plastic, wood and painted surfaces and plants facing the explosion will ignite, metal roofs will burn out, stone, glass, brick and metal will be melted; Glass will evaporate, window frames will burn, asphalt will catch fire, and wires will melt. The city of Moscow within the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road will be engulfed in an active fire, and a ring forest fire will occur outside the Moscow Ring Road. Forest park areas and well-developed areas will be fully ignited. The reservoirs of the Moscow and Yauza rivers will evaporate, and top layer The Khimki reservoir will boil.

Based on materials from

Novosibirsk is rightfully considered the center of Russian science. It houses military-industrial complex enterprises engaged in the production of rocket, space and aviation equipment. It is the third largest city in Russia by population and thirteenth by area. It is among the targets that would be targeted by a nuclear attack in the event of the outbreak of World War III between the United States and Russia.

The location of the most powerful scientific and industrial potential in the interior of the country is not accidental. Russia's significant size, compared to other states, gives it a chance to retain part of its production and intellectual potential. Military-industrial complex enterprises have not only a ground part. Many production facilities and laboratories are located at considerable depths from the earth's surface. They are able to withstand the destructive force and power that it possesses.

A significant part of the population will die when applied to Novosibirsk. Missiles aimed at Siberian cities have a flight time of 15 minutes. Radars scanning regions of Russia located east of the Urals.

How a nuclear strike will be launched on Novosibirsk

The list of objects to be destroyed in the city probably includes a telecommunications center and repeaters. A nuclear attack would most likely be launched by three-stage Trident-type ballistic missiles powered by solid fuel. The mass of the charge that this atomic weapon has is 100 kT and 475 kT. The flight range of the missiles, depending on the type of carrier, is 7400 km, 7600 km and 11000 km. This is found on US Ohio and Vanguard class submarines.

Damaging factors

Atomic weapons have incredibly great destructive power, which is made up of four components - light (thermal) radiation, shock wave, radiation and electromagnetic pulse. A nuclear strike on Novosibirsk will destroy most of the population. It is difficult to survive such an attack. But the experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki shows that some of the city's residents will be able to escape.

The light (heat) wave will cause fires and evaporation of organic bodies that will fall into the center of a nuclear strike or be in its immediate vicinity. The shock wave will destroy buildings and structures. Radiation will cause contamination of soil and water, the decontamination of which will take decades. Electromagnetic pulse will damage all electronic devices and communications.

Spread speed shock wave 18 kilometers in 35 seconds. Complete destruction occurs within a radius of 5.5 km from the epicenter of the explosion with a power of 25 megatons. Each increase in charge power increases the range of the nuclear weapon. The spread of radiation fallout depends on the direction and strength of the wind.

What to do in case of a nuclear attack?

In the event of World War III, every city in the Russian Federation has evacuation plans and warning systems that should warn the population about a nuclear attack. Those who do not know where the bomb shelters and gathering places for evacuation of the population are located will have to deal with their own rescue.

To do this you need to find shelter for yourself. You shouldn't have much hope for the Novosibirsk metro. The city's metro, which turned 30 years old in 2015, is not deep enough or strong enough to withstand the force of a nuclear strike if you find yourself at the epicenter of an explosion. Seven stations, fourteen substations and 300 km of underground tunnels and pipelines cannot provide shelter for the two million people who make up the city's population. However, if there are no other ideas, this is your only hope.

Hearing an alarm signal that a nuclear strike is expected on Novosibirsk, a person must find shelter for himself. It could be the basement of a building, sewer wells, an enclosed space - an internal corridor, a bathroom or a storage room. All cracks in them are sealed with a wet cloth. If the room is equipped with windows, then you need to lie on the floor with your feet facing the window and cover your head with your hands. To protect the body from fragments, you can cover it with a table, cabinet or some other solid body.

When traveling in a vehicle, in the event of a nuclear alarm, you must leave it or lie down between the seats. When in nature, you need to find a ravine or some kind of depression in the ground as a shelter. You need to lie in cover with your back to the city.

At the moment of notification that a nuclear strike is being carried out on Novosibirsk and it has begun, metro employees will be required to immediately close the entrance to the metro. Obstruction of their action or the occurrence of panic is stopped through the use of weapons by persons responsible and authorized to carry out these actions. All escalators are switched on for descent, trains stop moving, stations are disconnected from external power sources.

At what time could a nuclear strike be launched on Novosibirsk?

The time difference between Novosibirsk and Washington is 11 hours. The optimal time at which World War III could start for the White House is considered to be 10 a.m. local time. Therefore, the probable time at which a nuclear strike could be launched on Novosibirsk could be between 21 and 22 hours. At this time, most city residents are at home. The shelter that needs to be found in a short time from the start of the warning to the explosion can be a person’s house or apartment.

If you try to leave the city in time, you should be aware that a fire will start in the forests surrounding the city.

Novosibirsk bomb shelters in case of a nuclear attack

According to data available in the information sphere, in the Novosibirsk region there are more than 1000 bomb shelters and about 2000 basements suitable for use as shelters. Evidence from independent experts suggests that the only city bomb shelter capable of withstanding nuclear weapons is the mayor's bunker. It can accommodate 150 people. All other shelters do not correspond to the type of qualification assigned to them.

PRU - anti-radiation shelters are located in the basements of buildings or in adjacent structures. The capacity of shelters is from 50 to 1200 people. Many of them are currently cluttered basements. In the Dzerzhinsky district there is a shelter for 80 people.

There are no more than 10 exemplary shelters. They are located in the territories of various industrial enterprises. The shelters are equipped with an autonomous power supply system, water supplies, and working toilets. Most factory bomb shelters are equipped with GP-5 gas masks, but many of them have expired suitability.

As they say - If there is a gun hanging on the wall, will it ever fire?. The same can be said about the stockpiles of nuclear weapons in different countries. It sounds terrible and sad, but a nuclear explosion may not necessarily occur as a result of military aggression. This can happen due to improper storage and transportation, due to testing errors, or quality.

Let's hope that our society is smart enough to never start a nuclear war. But you still need to know how to behave in any life situation, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with these rules.

1. Nuclear Threat Alert

At modern means communication and notification, it is simply impossible not to find out about the impending danger. Here you can object that the people will find out about everything last, when it is already useless to save themselves. But if the incident is really serious, you will find out about it even from a neighbor, or even from a cat.

Immediately turn on the TV or radio and listen carefully to the information about and further instructions. The main thing is to listen to everything to the end and not give in to panic.

2. Bomb shelter

When you hear a long siren signal, know that you have about 10 minutes to hide in a safe place. If you live in a metropolis, take cover, but keep in mind that after the alarm, the entrance to the metro will close in 5 minutes. In addition, under many high-rise buildings built in Soviet era, there are bomb shelters. Even if they were converted a long time ago for other purposes, the walls remained the same and they will save you from trouble.

If you are far from any bomb shelters or basements, or simply start to panic, take cover in any building or behind a stone wall, cover your head with your hands and open your mouth. Remember: under no circumstances look at the explosion, even if you are far from the epicenter. You might go blind from the flash. Taking a selfie is the stupidest idea.

3. About shelter classes

From messages on the radio or from the Internet (here it is better to do this in advance) you will learn about the location of bomb shelters in your city. It is important to understand what their labeling means. The shelter class is determined by its ability to withstand overpressure from the shock wave: A-I (0.5 MPa), A-II (0.3 MPa), A-III (0.2 MPa) and A-IV (0.1 MPa). The first 3 are intended for valuable specialists and military personnel. But do not despair, because often it is these objects that are subject to further attack.

4. Threats of a nuclear explosion

People who were “lucky” to be at the epicenter of the explosion nuclear bomb, do not survive. can withstand an explosion, but the blast wave will destroy all living things. If you see a huge crowd of people trying to get into a bomb shelter in panic, it’s better not to jostle with them, but quickly hide in some basement. This way you will have a better chance of saving your life.

5. Nuclear bomb explosion

In conditions of a nuclear threat, the main task is to survive at the moment of a nuclear missile strike. Therefore, don’t even think about wasting time collecting jewelry and a wardrobe for all occasions. All you have to do is take the documents.

Survivors of the explosion urgently need to move away from the epicenter of the explosion. In this case. The military will create special items, where they will provide the necessary assistance, identify the victims and restore order.

6. Radiation

If you were in a bomb shelter at the time of the nuclear explosion, then stay in it for a few more days. The fact is that what will be on the surface is enough to kill a person. After only 3–4 days, especially dangerous radioactive substances will reduce their killing effect. The longer you take refuge in a shelter, the greater your chances of staying alive and healthy.

7. In case of destruction of the shelter

If the bomb shelter is partially destroyed, you should not stay in it, even if there is a sufficient amount of water and food. Main reason the same - radiation. explosion epicenter area.

8. Radiation precautions

When going to the surface, follow these instructions. Protect your respiratory system with a gas mask or construction mask; in extreme cases, a damp cloth will do. If possible, avoid traveling during windy conditions. It is better to drink bottled water that was packaged before the explosion. If there is none, you can drink from sources flowing towards the epicenter of the explosion, and not vice versa.

Try to cover all parts of your body so that radioactive dust does not fall on them. Until you leave the affected area, hide from the rain. Every drop can be deadly.

9. Decontamination

Upon arrival in a safe area, immediately take a bath, change clothes and the instructions given by doctors. Don’t panic and, if possible, help others cope with trouble.

The faster you leave the affected area, the greater your chances of surviving and staying healthy. But if your strength has left you, remember: you shouldn’t lie on the ground. And try to avoid low areas.

The domestic system "Perimeter", known in the USA and Western Europe as “Dead Hand”, is a complex for automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike. The system was created back in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. Its main purpose is a guaranteed retaliatory nuclear strike even if the command posts and communication lines of the Strategic Missile Forces are completely destroyed or blocked by the enemy.

With the development of monstrous nuclear power, the principles of global warfare have undergone serious changes. Just one rocket with nuclear warhead on board could hit and destroy command center or a bunker in which the enemy's senior leadership was located. Here we should consider, first of all, the US doctrine, the so-called “decapitation strike”. It was against such a strike that Soviet engineers and scientists created a system of guaranteed retaliatory nuclear strike. Created during the Cold War, the Perimeter system entered combat duty in January 1985. It is a very complex and large organism that was dispersed throughout Soviet territory and constantly kept many parameters and thousands of Soviet warheads under control. Moreover, to destroy a country like the United States, approximately 200 modern nuclear warheads are sufficient.

The development of a guaranteed retaliatory strike system in the USSR also began because it became clear that in the future electronic warfare systems would only be continuously improved. There was a threat that they would eventually be able to block the regular channels for controlling strategic nuclear forces. In this regard, a reliable backup communication method was needed that would guarantee the delivery of launch commands to all launchers nuclear missiles.

The idea arose to use special command missiles as such a communication channel, which instead of warheads would carry powerful radio transmitting equipment. Flying over the territory of the USSR, such a missile would transmit commands to launch ballistic missiles not only to the command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces, but also directly to numerous launchers. On August 30, 1974, the development of such a missile was initiated by a closed decree of the Soviet government, the task was issued to the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, this design bureau specialized in the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Command missile 15A11 of the Perimeter system

Specialists of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau took the UR-100UTTH ICBM (according to NATO codification - Spanker, trotter) as a basis. A warhead with powerful radio transmitting equipment specially created for the command rocket was designed in Leningradskoe Polytechnic Institute, and its production was undertaken by NPO Strela in Orenburg. To aim the command missile in azimuth, a fully autonomous system with a quantum optical gyrometer and an automatic gyrocompass was used. She was able to calculate the required flight direction during the process of placing a command missile on combat duty; these calculations were retained even in the event of nuclear impact on the launcher of such a missile. Flight tests new rocket launched in 1979, the first launch of a rocket with a transmitter was successfully completed on December 26. The tests carried out proved the successful interaction of all components of the Perimeter system, as well as the ability of the head of the command missile to maintain a given flight path, the top of the trajectory was at an altitude of 4000 meters with a range of 4500 kilometers.

In November 1984, a command rocket launched from near Polotsk managed to transmit a command to launch to a silo launcher in the Baikonur area. The R-36M ICBM (according to NATO codification SS-18 Satan) that took off from the silo, after testing all stages, successfully hit the target with its warhead in a given square at the Kura training ground in Kamchatka. In January 1985, the Perimeter system was put on combat duty. Since then, this system has been modernized several times; currently, modern ICBMs are used as command missiles.

The command posts of this system appear to be structures that are similar to standard missile bunkers of the Strategic Missile Forces. They are equipped with all the control equipment necessary for operation, as well as communication systems. Presumably they can be integrated with launchers command missiles, but most likely spaced out on the ground at a sufficiently large distance to ensure better survivability of the entire system.

The only widely known component of the Perimeter system is the 15P011 command missiles, they have the index 15A11. It is the missiles that are the basis of the system. Unlike other intercontinental ballistic missiles, they must fly not towards the enemy, but over Russia; instead of thermonuclear warheads, they carry powerful transmitters that send the launch command to all available combat ballistic missiles of various bases (they have special command receivers). The system is fully automated, while human factor was minimized in her work.

Early warning radar Voronezh-M, photo:, Vadim Savitsky

The decision to launch command missiles is made by an autonomous control and command system - a very complex software complex based on artificial intelligence. This system receives and analyzes a huge amount of various information. During combat duty, mobile and stationary control centers over a vast territory constantly assess a lot of parameters: radiation levels, seismic activity, air temperature and pressure, control military frequencies, recording the intensity of radio traffic and negotiations, monitor data from the missile attack warning system (MAWS), and also monitor telemetry from Strategic Missile Forces observation posts. The system tracks point sources of powerful ionizing and electromagnetic radiation, which coincides with seismic disturbances (evidence of nuclear strikes). After analyzing and processing all incoming data, the Perimeter system is able to autonomously make a decision to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike against the enemy (naturally, the combat mode can also be activated by top officials of the Ministry of Defense and the state).

For example, if the system detects multiple point sources of powerful electromagnetic and ionizing radiation and compares them with data on seismic disturbances in the same places, it may come to the conclusion of a massive nuclear strike on the territory of the country. In this case, the system will be able to initiate a retaliatory strike even bypassing Kazbek (the famous “nuclear suitcase”). Another scenario is that the Perimeter system receives information from the early warning system about missile launches from the territory of other states, the Russian leadership transfers the system to combat mode. If after a certain time there is no command to turn off the system, it will itself begin launching ballistic missiles. This decision allows you to eliminate the human factor and guarantees a retaliatory strike against the enemy even with the complete destruction of the launch crews and the highest military command and leadership of the country.

According to one of the developers of the Perimeter system, Vladimir Yarynich, it also served as insurance against the top leadership of the state making a hasty decision on a retaliatory nuclear strike based on unverified information. Having received a signal from the early warning system, the country's top officials could launch the Perimeter system and calmly wait further development events, while remaining in absolute confidence that even if everyone who has the authority to order a retaliatory attack is destroyed, a retaliatory strike cannot be prevented. Thus, the possibility of making a decision on a retaliatory nuclear strike in the event of unreliable information and a false alarm was completely excluded.

Rule of four if

According to Vladimir Yarynich, he does not know a reliable method that could disable the system. The Perimeter control and command system, all its sensors and command missiles are designed to operate under conditions of a real nuclear attack by the enemy. In peacetime, the system is in a calm state, one might say in a “sleep”, without ceasing to analyze the huge array of incoming information and data. When the system is transferred to combat mode or in the event of receiving an alarm from early warning systems, strategic missile forces and other systems, monitoring of a network of sensors is launched, which should detect signs of nuclear explosions that have occurred.

Launch of the Topol-M ICBM

Before launching the algorithm, which involves the Perimeter delivering a retaliatory strike, the system checks for the presence of 4 conditions, this is the “rule of four ifs”. Firstly, it is checked whether a nuclear attack actually occurred; the sensor system analyzes the situation for nuclear explosions on the territory of the country. After this, it is checked whether there is a connection with the General Staff; if there is a connection, the system turns off after a while. If the General Staff does not respond in any way, “Perimeter” requests “Kazbek”. If there is no answer here, the artificial intelligence transfers the right to make a decision on a retaliatory strike to any person located in the command bunkers. Only after checking all these conditions does the system begin to operate on its own.

American analogue of "Perimeter"

During the Cold War, the Americans created an analogue of the Russian “Perimeter” system; their duplicate system was called “Operation Looking Glass” (Operation Through the Looking Glass or simply Through the Looking Glass). It came into effect on February 3, 1961. The basis of the system was special aircraft - air command posts of the US Strategic Air Command, which were deployed on the basis of eleven Boeing EC-135C aircraft. These machines were continuously in the air for 24 hours a day. Their combat duty lasted 29 years from 1961 to June 24, 1990. The planes flew in shifts to various areas over the Quiet and Atlantic Ocean. The operators working on board these aircraft monitored the situation and duplicated the control system of American strategic nuclear forces. If the ground centers were destroyed or otherwise disabled, they could duplicate commands to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike. On June 24, 1990, continuous combat duty was terminated, while the aircraft remained in a state of constant combat readiness.

In 1998, the Boeing EC-135C was replaced by new Boeing E-6 Mercury aircraft - control and communications aircraft created by the Boeing Corporation on the basis of the Boeing 707-320 passenger aircraft. This car is designed to provide a backup communications system with US Navy nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), and the aircraft can also be used as an airborne command post for the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). From 1989 to 1992, the US military received 16 of these aircraft. In 1997-2003, they all underwent modernization and today are operated in the E-6B version. The crew of each such aircraft consists of 5 people, in addition to them there are 17 more operators on board (22 people in total).

Boeing E-6 Mercury

Currently, these aircraft are flying to meet the needs of the US Department of Defense in the Pacific and Atlantic zones. On board the aircraft there is an impressive range of electronic equipment necessary for operation: automated complex ICBM launch control; onboard multi-channel terminal of the Milstar satellite communication system, which provides communications in the millimeter, centimeter and decimeter ranges; a high-power ultra-long-wave range complex designed for communication with strategic nuclear submarines; 3 UHF and VHF radio stations; 3 VHF radio stations, 5 HF radio stations; automated VHF control and communication system; receiving tracking equipment in emergency situations. To ensure communications with strategic submarines and ballistic missile carriers in the ultra-long wavelength range, special towed antennas are used, which can be released from the aircraft fuselage directly in flight.

Operation of the Perimeter system and its current status

After being put on combat duty, the Perimeter system worked and was periodically used as part of command post exercises. At the same time, the team missile system 15P011 with the 15A11 missile (based on the UR-100 ICBM) was on combat duty until mid-1995, when, as part of the signed START-1 agreement, it was removed from combat duty. According to Wired magazine, which is published in the UK and the US, the Perimeter system is operational and ready to launch a nuclear retaliatory strike in the event of an attack; the article was published in 2009. In December 2011, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Karakaev, noted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists that the Perimeter system still exists and is on combat duty.

Will Perimeter protect against the concept of a global non-nuclear strike?

The development of promising instant global non-nuclear strike systems, which the US military is working on, is capable of destroying the existing balance of power in the world and ensuring Washington’s strategic dominance on the world stage. A representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense spoke about this during a Russian-Chinese briefing on missile defense issues, which took place on the sidelines of the first committee of the UN General Assembly. The Prompt Global Impact concept assumes that american army capable of delivering a disarming strike on any country and anywhere on the planet within one hour, using its non-nuclear weapons. In this case, the main means of delivering warheads could be cruise and ballistic missiles with non-nuclear equipment.

Launch of a Tomahawk missile from an American ship

AiF journalist Vladimir Kozhemyakin asked Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), how much an American instant global non-nuclear strike threatens Russia. According to Pukhov, the threat of such a strike is very significant. In front of everyone Russian successes with Caliber, our country is taking only the first steps in this direction. “How many of these Calibers can we launch in one salvo? Let's say there are several dozen units, and the Americans - several thousand Tomahawks. Imagine for a second that 5 thousand American cruise missiles are flying towards Russia, skirting the terrain, and we don’t even see them,” the specialist noted.

All Russian stations long-range radar detection detects only ballistic targets: missiles that are analogues Russian ICBMs“Topol-M”, “Sineva”, “Bulava”, etc. We can track missiles that take to the skies from silos located on American soil. At the same time, if the Pentagon gives the command to launch cruise missiles from its submarines and ships located around Russia, then they will be able to wipe out a number of strategic objects of paramount importance from the face of the earth: including senior political leadership and control headquarters.

On at the moment we are almost defenseless against such a blow. Of course, in Russian Federation A dual redundancy system known as the “Perimeter” exists and operates. It guarantees the possibility of delivering a retaliatory nuclear strike against the enemy under any circumstances. It is no coincidence that in the USA they called it “Dead Hand”. The system will be able to ensure the launch of ballistic missiles even with the complete destruction of communication lines and command posts of Russian strategic nuclear forces. The United States will still be hit with retaliation. At the same time, the very presence of the “Perimeter” does not solve the problem of our vulnerability to an “instant global non-nuclear strike.”

In this regard, the Americans’ work on such a concept, of course, raises concerns. But Americans are not suicidal: as long as they are aware that there is at least a ten percent chance that Russia will be able to respond, their “ global strike"will not take place. And our country is only able to respond with nuclear weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to take all necessary countermeasures. Russia should be able to see the launch of American cruise missiles and respond to it adequately with non-nuclear deterrents, without starting a nuclear war. But so far Russia does not have such funds. In the context of ongoing economic crisis and cuts in funding for the armed forces, the country can save on many things, but not on our nuclear deterrent forces. They are given absolute priority in our security system.

Sources of information:
Open source materials