The planet is in agony. What's really happening to the Earth's climate? The true causes of the global economic crisis

The material presented here is compiled from two sources.
The full text of the main one is located:


- The real causes of the global financial crisis.
- What's really going on?
- “Controlled collapse” of the global economy.
- “Controlled collapse” of the Russian economy.
- What will happen next?
- Reasons why you cannot store and save your savings in dollars or euros, as well as rubles, yuan and hryvnia.
- Ways to save your money.

The main and only reason for the collapse of the world economy is the overproduction of the main world currency - the US dollar.

Since 1971, when the dollar was no longer tied to the gold content provided by the US gold reserves, dollars began to be printed in unlimited quantities. The purchasing power of the dollar was ensured not only by the US GDP (as happens in every normal country), but also by the GDP of countries around the world.

Everything would be fine, but those states whose economies began to ensure the strength of the dollar have never had and do not have control over the volume of dollar emission. The US government really does not have this control. Only the US Federal Reserve has this right.

The US Federal Reserve System (in other words, the US Central Bank) is a private organization owned by 20 private US banks. It's theirs main business- print world money. To achieve this, the current owners of the Fed have spent a lot of time - decades, or rather centuries, and efforts - here the 1st and 2nd World Wars and the Bretton Woods agreements of 1944, etc. and, of course, the very creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1907.

Thus, a group of private individuals finally received the right to issue dollars into circulation, determine the volume, timing of issue, etc. From 1971 to 2008, the volume of dollar supply in the world increased tenfold, exceeding many times the real volume of commodity supply in the world.

This state of affairs was exclusively beneficial, first of all, to the owners of the Federal Reserve System as a private organization, and secondly, to the United States itself as a state. We will talk about the benefits of the owners of the Federal Reserve System a little later, and the benefits of the United States include the opportunity in general since 1944, and especially since 1971, i.e. Over the past 37 years, living beyond one's means, i.e. largely at the expense of the rest of the world.

So the US GDP is 20% of world GDP. True, this figure is not completely correct, because... The United States includes a number of indicators in its GDP, for example, the cost of certain types of services that other countries do not include in their GDP. If recalculated by general rules, then from 20% this figure will decrease to approximately 15%. Well, okay, let it be 20%. And the USA consumes 40% of what is produced annually in the world. A question for those who know how to think: if someone produces 20% (or 15%?) and consumes 40%, then someone should pay for it?

Someone who really pays is the rest of the world, which gives America its goods in exchange for unsecured pieces of paper. At the same time, there is a huge redistribution of world wealth in favor of the United States.

By the way, the more you look at what is happening in the world, the more you become convinced that nothing is new in this world. Everything either happened in history or was described in fairy tales. For example, the exchange of real assets for candy wrappers is similar to how Manhattan was bought from the Indians for beads and other rubbish with a total value of $24. And the ability to live at the expense of others and at the same time be the strongest was described in the fairy tale about Philip, who sucked juices from other, weaker plants.

It is not my task to condemn the Federal Reserve, the United States of America as a state, or anyone else. There is no need to judge anyone, you just need to see the world exactly as it really is. A true picture of the world will allow you to understand what is really happening, what will happen, and what can be done so that the crisis either does not affect you at all or affects you as little as possible.

The question arises: why did the Fed need to produce more dollars than needed for the normal functioning of the world economy?

Indeed, if all countries that voluntarily “embedded” their economies into the mechanism of maintaining and ensuring the purchasing power of the dollar had the right to control the emission of the dollar, then nothing bad would happen to the world economy. The real dollar supply would correspond to the real volume of assets that would have to be backed by dollars.

But the whole point is that if you are a private individual and have the right to print a dollar, backed by the economy of the whole world, then, unless of course you are a saint, like Mother Teresa, and the Fed bankers are not saints, then you are simply obliged to start overproducing the dollar , as it gives you fantastic opportunities. This is exactly why the Fed was created, this is why everything was done to make the dollar become a world currency. Your overproduction of the dollar is yours and only your product. Moreover, the best product in the world. In terms of profitability, it surpasses any other type of making money. Drugs, prostitution, arms trafficking are just fun for suckers compared to the ability to issue a dollar.

The Fed received this opportunity, or rather did not receive it, but earned it by right.

A huge amount of intellect (the most magnificent brains), a huge amount of effort, money and years of hard work were spent on this right; several crises and a couple of world wars were organized for this purpose.

Overproduction of the dollar is needed to get rich (why else is it needed?). With this almost virtual money you can buy non-virtual, very real, liquid property (companies, factories, gold, and other assets).

Some of the money should be spent on maintaining US strength. The owners of the Fed are the brains. But the brain, even with money, is practically defenseless against brute force. Therefore, the brain needs a very strong, but not just strong, but the strongest body in the world. The USA is such a body. For this reason, no expense was spared to ensure that the body had the strongest army in the world, the most well-fed people in the world.

Therefore, additional volumes of consumption of goods by the US people, not earned by the US economy, have always been paid for.

By the way, significant funds were spent on providing “affordable” loans - consumer loans, including for housing. Those. you haven't earned anything yet, but they've already given you a house, a car, etc. True, under the obligation to work to repay the loan for 30 years. It was possible to pay for all this (issuing huge volumes of loans) only through the unsecured issue of dollars. At the same time, those who were “in the know” (the owners of the Federal Reserve System) knew very well that they would not have to return this money to the consumer in full, because the stage of “controlled collapse” will come and everything will change, including the dollar will collapse.

But that will happen later, but for now: in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s - everything is fine, there is still time before a controlled collapse.

By the way, I often hear many people gloating:
- Hooray! The dollar will fall, the US economy will collapse and this will be the collapse of the US!
One thing you need to understand is that the brain, by and large, doesn’t care about the body.

The brain has created a body for itself, but it is not fundamentally connected with the body; it can create several more bodies. The brain will never lose if one of the bodies has to be killed or severely weakened. Yes, the brain is only partially based in the USA, the rest of the brain is in England, France, Italy, etc.

By the way, now the brain, instead of one body, will create more bodies - a multipolar world. One of the new bodies will be Russia. It is possible that this new body will exist in the form of a union state of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and, perhaps, Kazakhstan.

The fact that Russia will be strengthened and enlarged is almost certain because the brain has certain objective requirements for each new pole of the world (body) - in terms of population, territory, economic power, military power. Unfortunately, there is no merit of Russia itself in the upcoming strengthening of Russia, but this is a separate topic.

Let's return to the Fed.

So that the unsecured part of the dollar issue does not put pressure on the commodity market and does not lead to the depreciation of the dollar, which will inevitably happen if there are significantly more dollars in circulation than commodity assets in the world, the brilliant minds of the owners of the Federal Reserve System came up with excellently effective ways of tying up and freezing a significant part dollar mass in virtual goods.

First of all, the stock market was used for this. From being just normal, it has been turned to a large extent virtual. Indeed, company shares are worth money. But the main and almost the only investment value of shares in a normal market is determined by the profitability of the enterprise, i.e. the opportunity to receive income in the form of a portion of the company’s profits distributed among shareholders. The higher the annual return on invested capital, the higher the value of shares. This is how things work in a normal stock market.

The situation will be different in the virtual stock market. They will explain to you that profit is of secondary importance. Those 2, 3, 4 or 5% of profits that a corporation earns and 10, 20 or 50% of these profits are distributed to shareholders special significance Dont Have.

The main thing is the growth of capitalization, and, accordingly, the growth of share prices. It is important that the value of your shareholding grows. This is the investor's main income. In fact, this is the main trick for suckers. And don’t be upset that among the suckers were very smart and strong people. In fact, we are deceived as much as we ourselves want to be deceived. Unfortunately, this rule is universal, applies without exception and applies even to the smartest people.

The following happens in the virtual stock market:

Here is a businessman who has earned one or several million dollars. He begins to think about where to invest the money: for example, to build a new plant. To do this, you need to come up with high-quality products that will be in demand, find land for construction, build the plant itself, hire staff, train them, buy raw materials, produce products, advertise them, sell them, etc. This is a large expenditure of personal labor, time, and nerves, and as a result, only a few percent of the profit on the money invested will be received. At the same time, work and effort must be invested constantly, every day, every month and every year. But here an alternative appears - the “sweet” stock market. You don't have to do anything. You just need to pay money and the purchased shares will increase in price every year, or, more precisely, you will be “drawn” annually by 10-15% of the original price. No special “headache”, no special costs, effort, energy and intelligence.

Everything is simple and clear, like free cheese in a well-known technical device. Well, how can you not be deceived and start believing all sorts of economic “gurus” who explain that the main thing is not the profitability of the enterprise, but the growth of the market value.

Indeed, for those who have turned the stock market into a virtual one, this is actually the main thing, because... the stock market, based on the valuation of shares, based on the actual profitability of the enterprise, can “recycle”, “bind” the dollar in volumes tens of times smaller than the market based on the growth in the stock market value. For the organizers of the virtual stock market, this is truly important, because... the bill runs into tens of trillions of dollars.

By the way, options, futures and similar stock rubbish are from the same show called “virtual stock market”.

Therefore, making life easier for themselves, it was profitable for even very intelligent businessmen to be deceived and believe in the stock market. In fact, in such a market, real, hard-earned money was turned into virtual money.

For those who came up with this trick with the stock market, in addition to the task of “pulling” dollars, such a market simultaneously solved other fantastically profitable problems and provided the opportunity for huge earnings.

Because if you control the key moments of this market, have significant funds (if you print dollars, you have no problems with money - you can always give yourself loans of any size for an almost unlimited period), you yourself organize the news to which the market will react and you decide the time and order in which this news is presented, then you will earn fantastic money. At the same time, for you this money, unlike the suckers who are also trying to play on the stock exchange, will not be virtual at all and your real profitability will not be 10-15 virtual percent, but real 40, 50, 60,..., 100%. And so on from year to year.

The main thing is that you know exactly when you will crash this market, having withdrawn your money first. In the meantime, from year to year you will be buying up controlling stakes in truly profitable enterprises, so that when everything collapses, a very large part of the real assets will remain in your hands.

For other players, the stock market is comparable to playing Russian roulette, only in a tougher version: when out of 6 cells in the revolver drum, five are occupied by cartridges. This is also a game, and there will even be winning suckers, but there will be very few of them, because... the results are determined by the initial conditions of the game.

In reality, the stock market is only 1-2% supplied with money. Those. Investors will be able to withdraw only 1-2% of the money without losses, because... this market is virtual and from the moment of its creation it was not envisaged that investors would be able to leave it en masse and withdraw at least what they actually paid upon entry.

It's like a bank from which depositors have decided to withdraw money. Such a bank immediately comes to the brink of bankruptcy. But, a normal bank must have assets that exceed its liabilities, and when the bank does not have enough cash to return money to clients, then the bank is obliged to return the missing amount from the sale of assets in order to fulfill its obligations to clients. In any case, the bank will return at least 80-90% of the money to depositors.

But on the stock market there is none of this, here no one owes anything to anyone, they are not going to give anything away and will never give anything away.

The bottom of the stock market is the real value of the stock, determined by the real profitability of the enterprise. This cost is tens of times less than the cost of shares on the virtual market.

Therefore, when they say that the United States will use $700 billion to save the stock market, and experts say that this should be enough, it makes me smile.

To save the virtual stock market, you need to print 100 trillion. dollars, for the entire value of this market. But if you print them, the dollar will collapse 10 times. Therefore, no one is going to save the stock market in the form in which it has existed for the last decades. It's simply physically impossible.

He has already played his role, completed the tasks that were set before him and is no longer needed by his creators.

Of course, the creators of this market are very smart people and up to a certain point will show that there is a struggle on the market to save it, and sometimes it will grow for several days (by the way, the creators of this virtual market will be able to earn money from this again and again, i.e. .k. they determine the time and volumes of growth). So there can be no outside winners in this game.

By the way, have you ever wondered what “smart” experts and no less “smart” analysts on TV screens actually tell you about the reasons for the rise or fall of stock prices or oil prices?

For example, someone with looking smart tells you on the Vesti channel (or on any other Western channel) that the price of oil has increased by $10 per barrel, because Information was released that oil reserves in US oil storage facilities were 1 million barrels less than expected. Who “expected” and how much, and why should the level of these “expectations” be the starting point for estimating published reserves? No one is trying to answer this, but this is another question from the same performance.

First, about this 1 million barrels itself. For the Brent brand this is approximately 131 thousand tons (roughly - about 2,500 railway tanks of oil). In fact, this is the amount of oil that the United States consumes in 1 hour. In 2005, the United States consumed about 21 million barrels of oil per day. Now - about 24 million barrels. 1 million barrels is equal to 1/8760 of the United States' annual oil consumption, or approximately 0.012% of annual consumption. In money, this million is worth 100 million dollars (at a price of 100 dollars per barrel). Moreover, these 100 million dollars are not lost, they have not gone away, they have not disappeared. They simply did not have time to transport them to the oil storage facilities. By the way, it’s not a fact that they didn’t have time to deliver them, and they really aren’t in storage yet. There is simply informational news for the market. This “shocking news” causes an increase in the value of the volume of oil produced per year in the world by 228 billion dollars ($10 × 7.6 barrels per ton × 3 billion tons).

You yourself can evaluate the mental qualities of the “experts” who explain to you why the price of oil has increased by 10 dollars per barrel. The same applies to 99% of any other news from financial experts from the stock markets. And now you can figure out for yourself who earned how much from this news.

Now about the high price of oil. In the last 8-10 years, the only reason for high oil prices was that high prices during this period solved the same problems as the stock market - to tie up the dollar supply, but, unlike the stock market, in a real product.

Oil is the ideal choice for tying up huge amounts of money. You can make a mistake in choosing an object and increase the price of a product, which, if the price increases too high, buyers will refuse to buy. Oil is practically the only commodity that no one will ever refuse to buy. Even an ordinary citizen driving his own car is practically impossible to put on a tram or metro again. He would prefer to remain half-starved, but with the money saved he will buy gasoline and continue to use the car. By the way, 69% of oil is processed into gasoline and diesel fuel. At the same time, money is connected not only with oil big companies, but also ordinary citizens, since in the last 10 years ordinary citizens have become too much money on hand, and these funds also began to pose a premature danger to the dollar - the main commodity of the owners of the Fed.

In addition to directly tying up several trillion dollars, high oil prices are also the ideal remedy rising prices for all other groups of goods (food, engineering products, etc.), because Everywhere there is an energy and transport component in prices.

This additional price increase made it possible to tie up several trillion more dollars each year.

So, the only reason for extremely high oil prices in the last decade was the direct interest of the United States, or rather those who printed the dollar. It was necessary to delay the collapse of the pyramid for several years and be well prepared for the “controlled collapse” of the world economy.

And in order to raise prices high and give a convincing explanation for this, the war in Iraq was organized, allegedly to obtain “cheap oil.” The Americans did not come there to control its oil, but to ensure that Iraqi oil did not reach the market for several years, and instability in this region contributed to the rise in world oil prices.

It was very funny to watch in the spring-summer of 2008. behind reports that a special commission in the US is looking for stock market speculators who are to blame for the excessively high oil prices that are affecting the US economy. By the way, the speculators were never found.

Don't blame the owners of the US Federal Reserve. It's just very smart people who have created for themselves great, simply fantastic opportunities (financial, political, and military) to influence our world. They are not required to take on God's responsibilities and care for all humanity. They did not sign up for this and have no such obligations to anyone. They simply do their business and create mechanisms for the growth and prosperity of this business. The purpose of this article is not to condemn anyone, the purpose is to show the world as it is and to help save money for those who, through their hard work, have earned and accumulated money that is quite small by today’s standards: from 100 thousand to 1-2 million dollars. You won't be able to save this money under your pillow. But more on that later. In the meantime, let's continue.

By the way, do you know how the so-called “exchange” prices for gold are determined?

Do you think that there is trading on the gold exchange and the balance of supply and demand prices is the exchange price? You are wrong. The price of gold is determined by very smart and respected people (I write this without jokes, completely seriously, because the people who created this mechanism are, of course, very smart and influential).

The price of gold is determined by members of the Rothschild family, who gather in their London mansion and, based on exchange orders, the “origin” of which only they know, determine how much gold should cost. By the way, I mentally applauded them 6-7 years ago when they slowly lowered the price of gold to $250 per troy ounce. Then, as if by magic, a lot of articles appeared that gold had ceased to serve as a treasure and provide part of the gold and foreign exchange reserves, and that the central bank had to get rid of gold. As a result, the central banks of Switzerland and England each sold half of their gold reserves to investors, if I'm not mistaken - something like 2,500 tons (try to guess who bought them). Moreover, it seems that this was not the case only with the central banks of England and Switzerland. I couldn’t really follow the situation then, because... I didn’t have the Internet, and little was written about it in newspapers and magazines.

Then, within 3 years, the price of gold rose to over $1,000 an ounce.

Now it fluctuates around 750-800 dollars, but don’t worry, when it becomes necessary, it will quickly rise to 2 and 3 thousand dollars per ounce. Or rather, not dollars, but some other money that will replace the dollar.

Everyone can imagine what it would be like for him in terms of personal wealth if he had the right to determine the price of gold for the whole world. Did he need to engage in any other business or is this business worth all other types of business combined?

Now we need to talk about what is happening in the world now and what will happen next.

A “controlled collapse” is now occurring. You need to understand that nothing terrible is happening for the creators of the virtual stock market. Everything goes according to plan. This stage of “controlled collapse” should also bring huge profits and strengthen the position of Fed owners around the world. The collapse stage is inevitable, because the laws of physics have not been repealed, and any financial pyramid will definitely collapse. This Egyptian pyramids may stand for centuries, but financial pyramids will certainly collapse.

It would have collapsed a little later, after 2-3 years, but then the process would have become uncontrollable and could have harmed the interests of the creators of the pyramid. Active preparations for a controlled collapse have been going on for many years. The thing is that during this stage it will be necessary to buy up the most important and most profitable enterprises for next to nothing, and for this it will be necessary to strictly control all financial flows and be able to suppress those that will threaten the interests of the acquisition of enterprises (for example, which may help an enterprise that is interesting to buyers survive until the crisis is over).

Was there such preparation? Can we see traces of her? Was. In the mid and second half of the 90s, banking secrecy practically disappeared. The official reason for the fight for the abolition of bank secrecy is the need to combat tax evasion. Under the threat that the banking markets of the USA, Canada and other countries would be closed to banks in Switzerland and other countries where banking secrecy was declared, almost all states abandoned banking secrecy as such.

But just knowing that some money is going somewhere is not enough. We must be given the opportunity, if necessary, to actively influence the situation. Next step became September 11, 2001. The events that took place then solved a number of problems, but now we will highlight only one that interests us in terms of the topic of our article. As a result of these events, anti-terrorist financing laws were passed. In fact, it is not difficult to understand that terrorists are almost always financed not through banks at all, and to organize terrorist attacks, ridiculous sums are needed - usually up to several tens of thousands of dollars.

In fact, main goal The adoption of these laws was the creation of a mechanism for blocking, without court decisions, for any period (at least 20 years) any amount if there are suspicions that it is allegedly intended ultimately for terrorists. The judicial procedure in this case is inconvenient - it is long, you need to provide evidence that this is really terrorist money, and it is difficult to control the huge mass of courts around the world. Thus, a real tool was obtained to influence, if necessary, the situation during the upcoming “controlled collapse.”

I will also show other elements of preparation (using the example of Russia):

To do this, you need to understand the following: did you notice where Russia kept 90% of the proceeds from selling oil at high prices all these years? Where was the money from the stabilization (reserve) fund of Russia placed?

That's right - in the USA. This money arose in Russia due to the actions of the United States in the person of the owners of the Federal Reserve System and, in fairness, i.e. according to the “concepts”, Russia was not supposed to use them at all. Obviously, the main thing here was not that everyone knew how to act “fairly,” but that the Russian leadership had and has only one opportunity - to unquestioningly do what the owners of the Federal Reserve System need. Why this is so is a separate topic.

Remember how Russian politicians and “experts” have been explaining for several years in a row that it is impossible to immediately spend oil money on Russia’s needs, because this will cause "terrible" inflation. We need to think for several years about how to spend it, determine presidential programs and priorities, and only then, very carefully, can we begin to take money from the United States and spend it.

Why the US could spend trillions of unfunded dollars on its consumption for decades and it never caused “terrible” inflation is something the “experts” have not explained to us.

Of course, where could the “experts” come up with the idea that if you don’t eat this money, but spend it on building plants and factories that will produce goods, i.e. fill the commodity market, then there will be no additional inflation in Russia. It's too difficult for "experts" to realize this. It’s easier to say what’s ordered: about the dangers of “terrible” inflation that will arise as a result of “pumping” the Russian economy with money. It was necessary to carry out a task, the real meaning, which the “experts” did not understand - to justify why Russia keeps in the United States everything it earns as a result of high oil prices.

When Russia started spending money on presidential programs last year, I said to my friends, “Hey guys, it won't be long to wait: Russia has already been allowed to spend money.”

Well, when oil prices began to fall in August of this year, it became clear that the task of maintaining them at a high level had been solved and now the main events on the virtual stock market would begin.

Let's continue with how preparations for the controlled collapse in Russia went.

For the upcoming successful acquisition of important assets, it was important that large interesting enterprises did not accumulate significant cash reserves at the time of the market collapse in volumes that could help them stay afloat for the period of time in which the “controlled collapse” should end.

A possible mechanism for creating such hidden reserves for enterprises is through non-payment of taxes, through cashing out.

The main conflict of 2012 is preparation for the Third World War

An isolated approach to analyzing the inherently complex conflicts that are breaking out at an accelerating pace around the world is not productive. To understand what is happening and predict future events, it is necessary consider the situation as a whole. The geopolitics of the 21st century cannot be understood by looking at the number of warheads alone. Civil, "Arab Spring" in Egypt, the destruction of Libya and Iraq, the rise of China, the disaster in Japan, the Eurozone crisis, America's missile defense in Poland, Iran's nuclear program, the approaching "Latin American Spring". Taking a quick glance at this picture, we will see nothing but chaos. However, if we apply the correct interpretative model, we will immediately discover all relationships, actions and maneuvers, built in accordance with a powerful (albeit invisible) will, which silently rule today's world.

Don't trust newspapers...

It's good to be informed. But information is useless if you are not able to analyze it and put it into proper form. Too much raw data will simply overload your brain. So it's wise to stay away from flashy headlines, breaking news alerts, terrorist alerts and mainstream showbiz news. It's like an impressionist painting by Claude Monet: from a close distance you will only see a random jumble of colored dots, but once you take a few steps back, the painting will appear before your eyes in all its glory.

Abstracting from information hubbub, we need to find the right connections between events, despite the opposition of the dominant ones. By now, most of us have realized that our planet is at war. And the war is not with aliens (that would be clearer!). Our civilization is waging a civil war within itself and against itself. Reading the world press, you might think that sovereign states are at war, but everything is not so simple.

Current World War is carried out by an extremely influential, illegal, authoritarian, but very small, deeply rooted in the public and private power structures of almost every country on Earth, especially -. This one is similar malignant tumor , which cannot be removed, but you can try to weaken it and stop metastases in order to avoid the death of all humanity. Humanity needs some kind of “political chemotherapy” that can destroy the tumor that has enslaved the world.

The clearest manifestation of this disease is the sharp social and political inequality in, where 1% from the population falls on the rich who own 35% well-being of the entire country, and 90% of the population are poor, who are left with only 25% of the national wealth. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of congressmen, senators and senior officials consists precisely of that “one percent of rich people.”

Understanding hidden intentions long term plans, the main goals and secret conspiracies of the elites are especially necessary for citizens, Australia and. After all, formally, the troops of these countries rob and destroy states that are disliked by the elites on the orders of national leaders. The victims of voter errors in Argentina, Colombia, Nigeria or Malaysia are the same voters. And the fate of hundreds of millions of people, who risk being victims of bombings, drone attacks, military interventions and coups d'etat, depends on elections in the US, UK or France.

"Report from Iron Mountain"

An old book from the late sixties entitled “The Iron Mountain Report on the Possibility and Feasibility of Preserving the Peace” was allegedly written by the Hudson Institute (a future think tank) commissioned by the then US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Many people think that this book is a “duck”. However, its content is quite consistent with the events of the second half of the last century. According to the book, its authors are fifteen people from a special research group, whose names were supposed to remain, and the book itself was not intended for general public. The main conclusion of the “Report...” is that war or its likeness needed by governments to maintain their power. The book says that the causes of wars are not international conflicts and interests. It would be more logical to argue that in most cases, militant societies need conflicts and create them themselves. War is the highest manifestation of the power of the state. Because wars, real or possible, are a matter of life and death from the point of view of conservation control over society.

The “Report...” also states that production has always been associated with economic “losses.” The book argues that war is the most important tool through which artificial economic demand can be created without any political obstacles: “war and only war solves the arms problem.”

At the end of the “Report...” there is a completely logical conclusion that "world peace" not only undesirable, but also not in the public interest, because war, in addition to economic ones, also serves social and cultural purposes.

“The constant threat of war is the strong basis for the existence of government. This threat serves as a rationale for political decisions... war is virtually synonymous with national unity. The absence of wars implies the inevitable absence of state sovereignty and a traditional ethnic state.” Thus, “wars are the main evolutionary tool for maintaining an acceptable balance between population and the resources necessary for its survival. War must be considered a unique need of the human species."

So, in order to survive, having strengthened in, etc., like air, war, the threat of war and rumors of war are necessary. However, America, Great Britain and their allies do not need any kind of enemy. Give them an impressive, dangerous, “terrible” opponent. First it was Germany, then Japan, the Soviet Union, the Red Menace. Today, the bogeyman is the “terrorist threat from Islamic fundamentalists.” But gradually the sight of the secret elite is shifting towards Russia And China.


In the recent past, Russia, one way or another, played the role of a buffer, brake and wall, restraining the aggression of Western powers. When Russia becomes a buffer, the whole world suffers. Examples of this include Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Palestine. In all of these cases, Russia opposed the EU and in words, but not in reality. Western powers have always had their way, even at the UN.

But for some time now Russia is increasingly acting, as a brake on ambitions, which is especially noticeable in Iran and Syria. In November 2011 and February 2012, Russia vetoed two UN resolutions put forward by the US-UK-France against Syria. If these resolutions had passed, Syria would have suffered the same fate as Libya, which fell under the 1973 UN resolution last year. In addition, Russia rejected IAEA pseudo-reports and did not support sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. In addition, Russia has sent a significant number of military forces to the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean region to balance its military presence.

One can only guess how high the likelihood of hostilities actually breaking out was. But be that as it may, a calming effect was produced on the USA, Great Britain, France and Israel, and they were forced to delay carrying out their threats to attack Iran and Syria. back side coins is that the allies are thus forced to resort to the criminal tactics of artificial incitement civil war and the sneak revolution known as the Arab Spring.

The main question is what else will allow Russia to do before it turns into a solid wall and is unequivocally held in front of the Western powers red line? If or when Russia finally does it, Western countries you will have to either retreat or break the Russian wall. What they decide will determine whether we all take part in World War III or not.

China will also be an important factor influencing decisions, because everything said above in relation to Russia also applies to China. Global elites view China as a strategic adversary due to its rapid economic, political, demographic and military growth. In addition, China is increasing its presence in the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

But the Chinese Empire has ten thousand years of history behind it, and the Chinese think in their own way. China is biding its time, playing chess with the young American Empire. China may well decide to play the geopolitical card rather than the financial-economic card, sacrificing all its dollar reserves, only to harm the American monetary system, which the United States needs to maintain a gigantic war machine. Perhaps China will first use financial rather than military leverage?

The worst-case scenario for the West (as noted by Samuel Huntington in his 1990 Clash of Civilization theory) comes to fruition if China achieves two key geopolitical goals that it is slowly but surely approaching:

1. Reaching agreements with India and Russia on close cooperation and strengthening relations on the Asian continent.

2. Overcoming disagreements with Japan, followed by reaching agreements on close cooperation. If Japan and China develop a unified geopolitical strategy, like France and Germany after World War II (which led to the formation of the EU), then the entire Asia-Pacific center of influence, with two-thirds of the world's population, will slip out of their hands. Just imagine the union of advanced Japanese technology and Chinese material and labor resources!

Five types of war...

Back in the 60s of the last century, the authors of the “Report from Iron Mountain” proposed finding a more effective replacement for traditional wars (but, in their opinion, it was necessary to fight in any case). At the same time, future wars acquired unexpected and amazing properties. The Report's recommendations included:

1. Large-scale program space research, many of whose goals cannot be achieved (but you can pour budget money into it, as in, boosting the economy).

2. The invention of a new external enemy: a potential threat from extraterrestrial civilizations.

3. Creating a new threat to humanity, for example, pollution.

4. The use of new methods of birth control: adding chemicals to food or water.

5. Creation of fictitious, periodically alternating enemies.

Almost half a century later, some of these recommendations have been achieved (for example, the first point - military and civilian space exploration). Others are in the development and implementation stage (points two (books and Hollywood films), three and four). But the cornerstone is point number five: “creating fictional, periodically alternating enemies.” them for Lately there were plenty: Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Islamic terrorism. Now – Iran and Syria.

A serious problem for humanity is that they are increasingly resorting to covert, high-tech operations instead of direct interventions, since reports from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan did not look good on the evening news...

At the moment it is possible to highlight five types of wars, which he leads with his hands, and . The types are listed in ascending order of “psychological” component and strategic/logistical complexity:

1. Military invasion. The naked attack is of a clear territorial nature and is carried out with overwhelming military and economic superiority. According to Colin Powell's 1990s doctrine, "The United States should wage war against other powers only when victory is guaranteed by overwhelming military advantage." Can a more ruthless doctrine be imagined? Cowards shelling half the globe while sitting with a joystick at the screen in a safe place.

2. Military coup. Local authorities are captured with the help of traitors from among the military, while military, financial, information and diplomatic support is provided. The method was widely used against Latin American countries in the 50s-70s. As events in Egypt have shown, it is still used today.

3. Financial revolution. First, large international banks drive the country into a corner, saddled with unaffordable debt. When the target country is no longer able to cope with its debts, the banksters send representatives ""/" World Bank» with the support of world media and rating agencies. They bring the situation to economic and social problems, are collapsing the financial and monetary system, resulting in growing discontent among the people, which is what is required to justify regime change. This method has been tested in Latin America and is now successfully used against Greece, Spain, Italy, and Ireland. And soon they will try it on themselves.

4. Social Revolution. Consists of funding political activists with the goal of changing the ruling regime in the target country. To achieve this, the American, British and Israeli embassies provide financial, media and logistical (street riots) support to any dissidents in order to ultimately gather all forces around the desired political party or movement. In the 80s they used so-called "human rights" organizations in Latin America. A striking example Argentina's "Mothers of Plaza de Mayo" might serve the purpose.

5. Artificial civil war. Consists of funding, arming and supporting a paramilitary “opposition” opposing the government of the target country. As a rule, a “national liberation” or some other “council” is organized, around which groups of rebels, criminals and mafia unite, as was the case in Libya, Egypt and Syria. In this case, the key role is played by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD, and in the case of Libya and Syria - Al-Qaeda (CIA branch), speaking under the guise of “freedom fighters.” Such events were dubbed the “Arab Spring”, presenting them to the world public opinion under the guise of a righteous uprising of the local population against repressive, authoritarian regimes.

In fact, benefits are derived from already existing problems: regimes that have been in power for too long (Egypt, Libya), religious hostility (Shiites and Sunnis). Not surprisingly, Bassma Kodmani, “a member of the executive board and director of foreign affairs of the Syrian National Council,” attended a conference in Virginia last June.

She recently warned of a coming “Latin Spring,” driven by social and political divisions based on the huge economic gap between rich and poor. Typically, the rich are tied to the US, and the poor have leaders who naively believe that the only problem is "corporate exploiters - Yankees", missing the truly important political and social factors.

Signs of this approaching "Latin Spring" include a coup in Paraguay staged by , bought elections in Mexico, and an increasing American military presence in Colombia and other parts of the region. Often a lower level war type can progress to a higher one. For example, a social revolution can escalate into a full-fledged civil war if it suits the interests of...

What, Where, When, Why

What is the end goal behind all this? Chaos, locally sown by secret elites in certain regions and countries, fits harmoniously into the picture "new world order" V globally. Part of the wave of “chaos” is aimed at destroying countries that have preserved in one form or another national sovereignty . It was sovereignty that was common feature for all “rogue countries” - Libya, Iraq, . The same goes for new targets such as Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Ecuador. The more sovereign states will be weakened, so much the better for the global government, which needs a single planetary state of the communist type with a totalitarian structure.

All these Arab Latin American “springs”, invasions, no-fly zones, sanctions, rhetoric about “rogue states” are nothing more than preparation for its allies before an attack on Asia, i.e. before the war with Russia and China.

Of course, such a war is contrary to the Powell Doctrine. China and Russia are very strong and it is very risky to mess with them. Unless (holy holy!) they clash with each other and drag other countries into the conflict: India, Pakistan and Brazil. Let's hope that nothing like this will happen in the near future - these events are possible no earlier than 2020. And today in all hot spots we are seeing preparations for these events.

What is the reason for this? Perhaps the dollar, expanded like an empire and bloated by hyperinflation - the salvation of the powerful money bankers - has driven Western elites in the corner. It's like chess. If you see that any further moves lead to a loss, you have two options:

1. Admit defeat.

2. Knock over the chessboard... and grab the gun!

At the very end of spring, a terrible natural disaster struck Moscow, which residents of the capital are unlikely to forget in the next few decades.

On May 29, squally winds knocked down several thousand trees and caused the death of eleven people.


The hurricane damaged 140 residential apartment buildings and one and a half thousand cars.


As it turned out later, when everyone came to their senses a little, the May storm became the most severe and destructive natural disaster in Moscow in more than a hundred years - only the tornado of 1904 was worse.

Before the Russians had time to recover from the Moscow storm, the hurricane hit a number of other regions of the country. Just a week later, on June 6 in: due to heavy rain, the rivers overflowed their banks, streets were flooded and roads and bridges were destroyed. At the same time, large hail fell in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and in the Komi Republic, melt water and heavy rain simply washed away roads from the face of the region.


The worst thing is that weather forecasters promise that this is only the beginning of disasters. Hurricanes are forecast to hit all over the world Central Russia. At the beginning of summer, on June 2, St. Petersburg residents, already accustomed to bad weather, suffered another stress: during the day the temperature dropped to 4 degrees, and hail fell from the sky. So cold weather in the northern capital was in last time only in 1930. And then, suddenly, after such an “extreme” the thermometer jumped to +20 in St. Petersburg.


While the Russians are trying to hide from ice hail, the Japanese are dying from the wild heat. According to Japanese media reports, over the past week, more than a thousand Japanese citizens ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis - “heatstroke”. It's been hot in the land of the rising sun for several weeks now: thermometers show well over 40 degrees. After such an “inferno,” service employees tell reporters fire department Japan, seventeen people will remain in hospital for long-term treatment.

« The earth will fly into the celestial axis! »

So what is really going on in the world? Global warming or cooling? Or is it simply the agony of a maddened planet that cannot get rid of the “plague” of humanity? In recent decades, the most common theory has been global warming. It seems to be unconditionally confirmed by the fact that glaciers in the world are melting at a tremendous speed. They are even called the “litmus test” of climate change: after all, we don’t notice small fluctuations in the average annual temperature, but the volume of melted ice caps can be easily measured and even simply seen with the naked eye.

According to proponents of the theory global warming, 90% of glaciers in the European Alps could disappear in the next 80 years. In addition, due to the melting of Arctic ice, global sea levels may also increase significantly. And this is fraught with flooding of some countries and serious climate changes on the planet.


Researchers see the cause of global warming as human activity. They point out that carbon dioxide, methane and other by-products of human agricultural and industrial activities create Greenhouse effect, which is why the temperature on the planet rises, and the ice runs into the ocean in streams.

"The winter is coming!"

At the same time, there are now more and more supporters of the theory of global cooling. The fact that in the near future we will face cold, and not excessive anthropogenic heat, is proven by scientists from the British University of Northumbria.

Global cooling, according to their version, will occur as a result of the influence of external, rather than internal factors on the Earth's climate. The reason will be a decrease in the activity of our luminary - the Sun. British scientists, using mathematical calculations, modeled the processes occurring on the Sun and made a forecast for the coming years.


According to scientists' predictions, in 2022 we will experience a serious drop in temperature. At this time, the Earth will move away from its star to its maximum distance, which will lead to cooling. In five years, say scientists from the University of Northumbria, our planet will enter the “Maunder minimum”, and earthlings will have to stock up on down jackets and heaters in full.

The last time a temperature decline of the level that British researchers predict for us was observed in Europe in the 17th century. The most interesting thing is that this theory does not at all contradict the latest observations of meteorologists: its supporters associate the general increase in temperature and melting of glaciers with the fact that previously the Earth was at a minimum distance from the Sun.


The fact that humanity does not have that much influence on the global climate also greatly appeals to the scandalous new US leader Donald Trump. At the beginning of the summer, he announced his country's withdrawal from Paris Agreement by climate. This agreement imposes restrictions on the countries that have signed it on the amount they emit into the atmosphere. carbon dioxide. Trump said that this agreement hinders the growth of industry in the United States, and this, in turn, takes jobs away from the people. But if British scientists are right, then the US leader has nothing to worry about - the “Maunder minimum” can neutralize the damage that the policies of an industrial magnate can cause to the planet.

When the planet is torn apart

Interestingly, the battle between supporters of global warming and global cooling could easily end in an equally global draw. There is a theory according to which periods of excessive heat are replaced by phases of cold in waves. This idea is promoted by the Russian scientist, head of the department of the Siberian Regional Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute Nikolai Zavalishin.

According to the meteorologist, short periods of global temperature rise and fall have happened before. In general, they are cyclical in nature. As the scientist noted, each such cycle includes one decade of rapid global warming, followed by 40 to 50 years of cooling.


Research conducted by a Siberian meteorologist shows that the past two years - 2015 and 2016 - were the warmest in the entire history of meteorological observations. Warming should continue in the next five to six years, the scientist believes. As a result, the average air temperature will increase by 1.1 degrees.

But soon, says Nikolai Zavalishin, the warming must end. Here the Siberian agrees with the British: a phase of global cooling is coming. So, according to the Siberian theory, we still have an endless winter ahead of us.

Global warming is a myth

While most scientists blame humanity for climate change, a researcher from a Siberian institute believes that human activity does not worry the planet too much. Cycles of moderate warming and cooling, according to this version, replace each other regardless of human activity and growth in volumes Agriculture and the scope of the industry. At the same time, fluctuations average temperature on the planet are closely related to the Earth's albedo - the reflectivity of our planet.


The fact is that we receive all energy, in fact, from one main source - from the Sun. However, part of this energy is reflected from the earth's surface and goes into space irrevocably. The other part is absorbed and provides all living things on Earth with a happy and productive life.

But different earth surfaces absorb and reflect light differently. Pure snow is capable of returning up to 95% of solar radiation back into space, but rich black soil absorbs the same amount.

The more snow and glaciers there are on the planet, the more sunlight is reflected. Currently, glaciers on Earth are in a phase of active melting. However, according to Zavalishin’s theory, there is no need to worry about them - when a half-century period of cooling begins, the balance will be restored.

Which scientist should you trust? There are quite a few versions of the development of events. Some researchers even promise that in thirty years, in 2047, humanity will face an apocalypse, caused by unprecedented solar activity. For now, we have only one way to verify this statement - to personally live and see.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

Systematization and connections

Ukraine is preparing to join NATO. And America is ready to help her with this. What's happening to the world? Is this a new architecture of the world or a NATO offensive, the beginning of a war?

Everyone is so calm, as if we have a superweapon, and therefore we are not afraid of any NATO. And why do we need an army if NATO is stationed near Kursk, 500 kilometers from Moscow?

I would believe in the good intentions of NATO if there had been no bombing of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, if there had been no occupation of Iraq.

Two years ago in the program “What to do?” They talked about Ukraine's membership in NATO hypothetically. Now this is a reality without two minutes.

I served three years on a submarine, my training was in Nikolaev, and I trained in a diving detachment in Sevastopol. And now imagine that Sevastopol will become a NATO base...

What is this: power politics? or peace from a position of strength?

It seems that neither the army nor the missiles are needed anymore. Battles are very successfully won by diplomats almost without firing a single shot.

It is obvious that hot wars are not relevant now, because nuclear weapons cannot be used. There are many other ways to force the enemy to make concessions and support your policy.

Maybe Russia should join NATO? But they don’t take it. A fair question arises: Why? Maybe because they cannot live without an enemy? In the famous story “The Untamed Planet” by Harry Harrison, written back in the early 70s of the last century, the idea that the cause of confrontation and struggle is instinctive fear, and once it is overcome, peace will come, is very talentedly revealed. Or maybe they love fear?

Difference should not give rise to fear, because difference is the basis of harmony.

Why did Russia again find itself virtually alone against a united Europe, as it was two hundred and seventy years ago? Obviously, it's a matter of foreign policy. Here it is - the natural result of the collapse Soviet Union. Along with the loss of the USSR, the balance was lost, the strategic parity that ensured half a century of relatively peaceful life.

It is simply stupid to talk now about military confrontation, about fighting to the bitter end, when the forces are so unequal (1:10, or even more). Will anyone listen to the squeak of an ant under a shoe, even if that ant knows how to bite? And we keep shaking our fingers at Europe.

Of course, I am against war as a way to resolve all kinds of disputes. Wars are no longer a method of solving world problems. Or I'm wrong?

I have nothing against democracy if it does not lead to war. But NATO is actually already near Kursk, and we are reducing the period of conscription service. Where is the logic?

“If you want peace, prepare for war” - we must remember this commandment of the ancient Romans.

Does history really repeat itself at the beginning of each century and the world is redivided again? The question is not without merit, especially considering the second part of the famous film “Zeitgeist”

What is happening to the world? Is the world uniting or becoming even more divided?

Of course, the whole Earth is our home. But everyone's apartment is different. Some people live in a penthouse, while others live in the basement.

Or maybe what is happening is just an aggressive redistribution of lands and resources?

It is known that to maintain a high standard of living in the United States, all the resources of the Earth will no longer be enough. And people want more, they want to live even better.

Now we are no longer talking about conquering the country and subjugating the people, but about changing the manager according to the well-known American principle: “even if he is a “son of a bitch,” but he is our “son of a bitch.”

How should we, ordinary people, feel about this? Ordinary people don't care which government is in power. It is important for them that life be better. And it’s no longer a matter of the form of government (be it democratic republic or constitutional monarchy), the main thing for people is freedom and high level life.

I consider myself a patriot. I loved my homeland: Crimea, Pitsunda, Gagra, Sukhumi, Kyiv, Minsk. But now this is no longer my homeland. What should I love now? What is patriotism?

Foreigners manage the former Russian enterprises they own very effectively and even pay higher wages. Maybe I should love them because they provide me with a better life?

And is it worth loving those managers who, although they are Russians, cannot provide their employees with a decent standard of living, while they themselves live in other countries, and invest the surplus value earned by Russians in foreign banks and enterprises?

I love Russia, but not " strange love", which Lermontov wrote about. I love Egypt, I love Finland, Sweden, and other cities and countries.

We need to fight not for “Laptev” patriotism, but for a high standard of living. Then everything will be fine with patriotism. Compatriots in the Baltics, despite all their indignation at the status of non-citizens, are in no hurry to return to Russia, since the material standard of living there is higher; otherwise everyone would have returned long ago.

“Fish looks for where it is deeper, but man looks for where it is better.” And we must make sure that life in Russia is better, then love for the Motherland will arise by itself.

Patriotism for me begins where we are no worse than others, and ends where we claim that we are better than others.

Patriotism is not just pride in one’s country, but in the achievements of one’s people, in the fact that we were able to create something that others could not.

Not possible nowadays global peace think in parochial categories. We need images of a United Humanity without state borders and customs posts.

The world is becoming global, few will argue with this. They argue only about the models of this global world. Everyone offers their own model of the future world order. There is an American model (federal), and a European (confederal). The European one seems to me more attractive because it is fairer and is not based on the forceful method of unification.

You can accept a model of a European world structure based on a confederation, or a federal American one. The only thing that matters is under which model it will be better for ordinary people to live.

Russia has not yet been able to offer its own “Russian project” for the future world order.

You can't fight - you need to negotiate!

It is not people who fight, it is Ideas who fight with the souls and bodies of people.

The philosopher is higher than the politician (remember at least the exiled Plato, the murdered Socrates and others). And he is higher because he cares not so much about his personal fate, and not even about the fate of his people, but about the fate of the world as a whole. And now we are talking about the fate of the world, not an individual country.

Or is it all about economics, and, as a consequence, political interests rich people striving by all means to maintain their privileged position and subordinate some to the interests of others?

Are we being offered an ideology of submission or an ideology of cooperation?

If it's in Once again forceful redistribution of the world, then the world will end. If this is an attempt to unite the world, then the natural question is: on what principles? Then a child's tear is unacceptable, not like the methods of Abu Gray prison.

In this world do you have to be strong or can you be weak?

I don’t really believe in the universal brotherhood of man, although I would like to believe. I'm afraid this isn't about ensuring normalcy. living wage to every inhabitant of the planet? not in economics, but in human nature, in which there has always been and will be envy, rivalry and domination.

Will human reason prevail over the power of instinct? Don't know. I don't have much faith in the human mind. People are more animals and obey instincts. And although the human mind is a weak hope, we have no other. Is it just the instinct of self-preservation?

I am sure that any unifier of the world was guided by good intentions, which inevitably, however, lead to the hell of war. Bismarck's Germany, united by iron and blood, naturally gave birth to fascism.

“And we will try with love,” wrote Tyutchev.

Is it possible to achieve harmony without relying on transcendental Meaning? I think it's unlikely. That is why universal harmony cannot be built on a child’s tear. And this is not a Dostoevsky metaphor, this is a moral imperative, the imperative of Meaning. For I believe that moral laws are not arbitrary institutions of people, but a reflection of cosmic laws. And there is no need to sacrifice anything, especially less in the name of more - we need harmony! Harmony as equality and diversity of what is necessary. If you sacrifice the little for the sake of the greater, then how can the greater exist without the little? After all, more comes from little.

It seems to me that the universal model of human community should be based on three basic principles: 1\ the principle of individual freedom (the need for freedom), 2\ the principle of love (the need for love), 3\ the principle of solidarity based on justice (when “to each his own”).

I am convinced that a harmonious world can only be built on love. That is why and because LOVE TO CREATE IS NECESSARY!

© Nikolay Kofirin – New Russian Literature

Intellectuals write:

Over the past decades, the political elites of the Western world have confidently led their countries towards socialism, and over the past 8 years this process has not only gained serious speed, but also entered the border zone when changes in countries became clearly visible to everyone, and citizens of the Western world realized what was really happening and what it will lead to. Moreover, in practice it turned out that these political elites are not building socialism in their countries, but are actually building an international socialist international - called Globalization.

But in reality, everything is somewhat different.

The political elites of the Western world cannot lead people anywhere and build something on a global scale, because they are not a strong-willed subject. And in general, what is " political elites Western world"? Sick Clinton, at whom the whole world laughs? Obama, about whom every Russian or Iranian schoolchild knows that he starts wars and sows chaos? The leaders of the American mainstream media, who are splitting American society, are leading the United States to civil war and collapse?

If there were some objective social force in the West that wanted global liberal socialism, it would act completely differently and would do completely different things than what has been done for the last 10 years.
Firstly, she would work to improve the cultural and educational level Western society. I would be engaged in the creation and cultivation, primarily among young people, of a new supranational global culture, including new principles of relations, mass culture, etc. I would try to transform western world into a global role model - would create a brightly attractive image of the West, success stories, positive associations, etc. That is, it would make the West a kind of city on a hill, towards which the whole world should orient itself.

But in practice we see the opposite: the media talk exclusively about the problems of the United States and Europe, about the failures and failures of Western politics. The West is presented to the rest of the world as a garbage dump infested with aggressive degenerates and pederasts. In the Western countries themselves, the media are engaged exclusively in pitting people against each other, hungry for mass madness and civil war, chaos and unrest. American politicians and European bureaucrats act like weak-minded clowns and senile people. Against this background, Putin’s Russia, Iran, China and other countries with traditional ideology appear as locomotives of Culture and Progress, and Putin as the ideal of a strategically thinking world leader, strong and wise, showing people the path to a bright future.

Why is this happening?

Yes, because pseudo-intellectuals for some reason decided that in the West there is some group of people who are deciding something global. But in fact, the world is ruled not by some “elites” or “power groups”, but by social classes - read the classics. There are ruling and oppressed classes. In our time of information globalization, the ruling class is not just the totality of all owners of certain resources, but partly their collective mind, which has its own will.

So, their will is that the Western liberal-tolerant politically correct society should be destroyed, so that future generations in no country in the world will ever have the idea of ​​reviving it. Technological progress and the future of humanity must inherit traditional public relations with the primacy of a biological basis, in which alpha males are always the power, homosexuals are the social bottom and outcasts. In conditions information society, when everyone knows about everything, this basic biological fact cannot be hidden in any way - it will become the basis of the global ideology of the future.