How did the life of ballerina Anastasia Kolegova turn out? In the ballet reservation

I apologize for the short break I took over the weekend, because I was completely absorbed in racing))))
Today a story, or rather a collection of information, will be about Anastasia Kolegova.
So, as always, an excerpt from the biography:

Born in Chelyabinsk. Graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya.Vaganova in 2000, class of L.Kunakova.

Since 2000, she has performed with various ballet companies: the St. Petersburg Ballet Theater of Konstantin Tachkin, the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater (Vilnius), the St. Petersburg Ballet Theater of Boris Eifman.

Laureate of the International Ballet Competitions in Rieti (Italy, 2000) and Varna (Bulgaria, 2002).

Winner of a diploma and a special prize at the competition of young ballet dancers “Arabesque” for the best performance of a part to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky ( Perm Theater Opera and Ballet, 2002).

She performed the main roles in the ballets “Giselle”, “Corsair”, “La Bayadère”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Swan Lake”, “Raymonda”, “Don Quixote”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, in ballets by George Balanchine and many others.
She toured in Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Finland, Japan, Australia.

Reviews of her performing skills have repeatedly appeared in the media. Here is one of them: “Fantastic technique, grace, elegance, beautiful appearance Anastasia Kolegova and her impeccable performance of her solo parts literally blew up the hall with prolonged applause and shouts of “Bravo.”

Some facts from the ballerina’s personal life:
The former vice-governor of Leningrad, and now a member of the Federation Council from the Northern capital, Sergei Tarasov, decided to tie the knot again.

As reported by the Academy of Sciences "Operational Cover", this afternoon the senator will submit an application to the Wedding Palace on the Promenade des Anglais. As expected, Sergei Borisovich’s chosen one was the ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Anastasia Kolegova. They have been together for several years.
Let us add that Tarasov’s first wife was Varvara Vladimirova, the daughter of actress Alisa Freundlich and director Igor Vladimirov. From that family the senator had two children left - daughter Anna and son Nikita.

According to the agency, the wedding is scheduled for October 10. The celebration will take place in a narrow circle of friends and relatives - only 23 people are invited. Let us remind you that on July 15, at five minutes to the moment, the newlywed celebrated his anniversary: ​​Sergei Tarasov turned 50 years old.
50-year-old member of the Federation Council Sergei Tarasov married 27-year-old ballet dancer of the Mikhailovsky Theater Anastasia Kolegova. The gift to the bride was a shot from a cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Today, grief has befallen many: in the tragedy on the Nevsky Express, some lost a brother, some a mother or a father. Ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Anastasia Kolegova lost her husband. Sergei Tarasov, a former St. Petersburg senator and now chairman of the board of Rosavtodor, died on the spot in the explosion. He was in the first carriage (numbering began from the end), which was the most damaged during the terrorist attack. There were practically no survivors in that carriage.

And what a beautiful couple they were! – friends remember with bitterness today. “We didn’t know about their romance for a long time.” He looked after me very nicely. We saw that some admirer carried armfuls of flowers to her after the performances. And they wondered: who is he? Later it turned out that it was Sergei Tarasov.

In the party they said that for the sake of the beautiful Kolegova, Tarasov divorced his first wife Varvara Vladimirova, the daughter of Alisa Freundlich and director Igor Vladimirov. Their common son Nikita has already entered the Shchukin School, and daughter Anna is in 10th grade.

The magnificent wedding of Kolegova and Tarasov took place on October 10 this year. The young people submitted their application on 09.09.09 - on “Three Nines Day”. And the registration itself took place on 10.10 at 10 hours 10 minutes. Probably, the newlyweds hoped that a wedding with such magical numbers would bring them happiness. But the magic didn't work.

Sergei Tarasov planned to work in the capital. He began to spend almost all his time in Moscow. But on weekends he always returned to St. Petersburg.

So on this ill-fated Friday I went by train. True, his wife was not at home: Anastasia went on tour to Japan.

“We don’t know if Anastasia knows about the tragedy,” people around her told KP. “They started calling her immediately after they found out about Tarasov, who was traveling on this train. But her phone is turned off. But all the world's media are covering this disaster, so Nastya, as soon as she finds out about it, will immediately fly to St. Petersburg.

Friends joke darkly: Kolegova has become a rich widow. But they add: she herself would give anything if only her beloved husband was alive.

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In 1982 he graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in shipbuilding and ship repair.

He was secretary of the Komsomol committee of the faculty, head of the department of the Oktyabrsky District Committee of Komsomol, deputy director of the Lenexpo company.

In the 90s, his career developed rapidly. Head of Department, Deputy General Director, General Director, Chairman of the St. Petersburg public organization"Admiralty Perspective".

Since 1998, Tarasov became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly and its chairman.

At the same time, he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of International Relations.

Since November 12, 2003, he has been the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, a member of the city government. Responsible for the policy of St. Petersburg in the fields of science, education, culture and media, youth policy and sports.

In 2008-2009, he was a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Education and Science, a member of the Federation Council Commission on Youth Affairs and Tourism and a member of the Federation Council Commission on Culture...

On October 15, 2009, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he became Chairman of the Board of the State Company “Russian Highways”.

Mariinsky ballerina for the first time - about how she stole rich St. Petersburg senator Sergei Tarasov from her family

Soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet Anastasia KOLEGOVA in this year celebrated its 35th anniversary. The general public started talking about her in the fall of 2009, after the young ballerina became the wife of 50-year-old Sergei TARASOV, senator of St. Petersburg and former son-in-law of People's Artist Alisa FREINDLICH. The couple got married on October 10, and on November 27, Sergei Borisovich died in the crash of the Nevsky Express train, which was blown up by terrorists.

- Nastya, have you always wanted to become a ballerina?

I was born in Chelyabinsk into a simple family: my father is an athlete, my mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature. And I fell in love with ballet thanks to my aunt. It was she who brought me to Swan Lake at the age of five. Since then I began to dream about the stage. In the third grade I went with her to St. Petersburg and entered the Vaganova School. Lived in a boarding school.

- Was it difficult?

Stuff happened. struggled with overweight, because at home I was used to eating buns and pasta, but competition with other girls spurred me to change, become better, and study even more. After graduating from college, I was not immediately accepted into the desired Mariinsky Theater. Six long years had passed before that, and I didn’t really want to dance in the corps de ballet. I worked in different theaters and came to the Mariinsky Theater as a soloist. I was 24 years old then.

Immediately after registering their marriage, Nastya and Sergei Borisovich went to the Peter and Paul Fortress. The midday cannon salvo that day sounded in their honor. Photo: ITAR-TASS

You have been serving in this leading theater of the country for eleven years, but have not received an honorary title: you remain the first soloist, and not a prima ballerina, like, say, Oksana Skorik, who is seven years younger. Does the lack of a patron bother you? After all, your husband Sergei Tarasov tragically passed away.

For five years now, my documents for the title have been lying with the administration, but my status still will not be increased. Why? Question for the theater management. I understand perfectly well that I am already overripe, and a little more - and it will be ridiculous to give me a title. These are probably behind-the-scenes games. On the other hand, each person has his own destiny. I have to be honest and admit that if my husband were alive, I would have had everything long ago. But most importantly, I would be loved and happy, I would give birth to a child... Alas, God only gave me and Seryozha six years together.

The public learned about Anastasia Volochkova thanks to her active PR. The world started talking about Diana Vishneva after there was talk that Roman Abramovich himself was patronizing her. And if you look into history, it becomes clear that it is unlikely, for example, that we would now remember the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya if she had not had an affair with Emperor Nicholas II .

- Kshesinskaya she was a pretty, well-built dancer, nothing more. She looked great on stage only at the beginning of her career, and then everything went away. I completely agree with you: if not for her affair with NikolaiII, no one would even remember her today. About Volochkov everything is clear too. As for Vishneva, then even before meeting Abramovich she was known and loved all over the world. And when he began to sponsor Diana, the attitude towards her in society changed for the worse. The name of the oligarch cast a shadow on her reputation, however, nothing can spoil Diana. And if you go back to me, I was happy on a personal level for too short a time.

Top officials, lawyers, and businessmen loved to ride the Nevsky Express, which was blown up by terrorists on November 27, 2009. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Loving but decent

You met your future husband at 21. As I understand it, at that time he was married to Alisa Freundlich’s daughter and raised two children with her.

Yes, Seryozha and I met in 2003, in the same company. He was then responsible for culture in St. Petersburg. In addition, my mother-in-law and wife are actresses, so I have always been close to creative circles. 23 years older than me. But I didn’t notice this difference at all. She fell in love with him very quickly and strongly and, like a woman, began to open up for the first time. Of course, I had affairs before him, but very short ones, no more than a month. When she realized that this was not serious, she broke off the relationship herself. And with Seryozha, everything coincided: common interests to art and incredible personal feelings. Yes, he had a family with two children. Plus there is a daughter Olya from her first marriage. I know exactly what Varvara Vladimirova(daughter Freundlich and second wife Tarasova. - Ya. G.) filed for divorce from Seryozha after learning about our relationship with him. I, sad as it may sound, became a homewrecker, playing a fatal role in the destruction of their marriage.

Alisa Brunovna with her daughter and grandchildren. Photo by Evgenia GUSEVA/Komsomolskaya Pravda

- Why were you satisfied with the status of your mistress for a long time?

I was just very happy. In addition, Sergei gave me an apartment before our marriage. He helped financially, although I, of course, didn’t ask for anything. Probably, subconsciously, he considered this fair: they say, I’m young, and he seems to be taking advantage of my youth. But that's not true! For me he became an incredible man: he could always listen, give good advice... Immediately after Sergei’s death, a struggle broke out for this apartment of mine for two years. Varvara believed that everything should belong only to her. Thanks to fate, I still have a place to live. I will say more, the division of property and Sergei’s scandals with his second wife greatly darkened our short, but such a bright time with him.

- Did you introduce Tarasov to your parents immediately after meeting?

No, they found out about Sergei only when he proposed to me. I am a late child, so my dad and mom turned out to be older than him. And they saw perfectly how tenderly he treats me. Seryozha was a sincere person: in spite of everything, he invited both his first and second wife to his 50th birthday (the last celebration in his life). A loving and decent person - such qualities can also coexist in one person.

Anna and Alexey. Photo:

The famous "Paquita" by Marius Petipa, which balletomanes have been talking about so much, finally graces the Mariinsky Theater's poster. In fact, the theater management has repeatedly started talking about staging the legendary ballet. In order for the matter to move forward, Alexei Ratmansky had to restore Paquita (based on recordings of the Mariinsky performance of the 1900s stored in the United States) at the Bavarian Opera. The answer to Chamberlain suggested itself. True, there are rumors that they initially planned to transfer the Munich version to St. Petersburg. But there was a delay with the papers, and Yuri Smekalov received carte blanche. Be that as it may, the Mariinsky now has its own “Paquita” - with the grand pas restored with the help of Yuri Burlaki and two large acts by Yuri Smekalov.

Smekalov's choreography is very boring. Perhaps nowhere is this more noticeable than in the two acts of the big ballet - after which the third is Petipa's choreography. The Vaganova Academy taught Yuri Smekalov to dance, but did not teach him to think with dance movements at all. Why the artists raise their hands and why they make jumps, this choreographer has no idea. His only answer is that it should be. The further we go, the more we see not classical dance, but an imitation of classical dance. The movements are not just empty, they are formal and so monotonous that even the variation of the horse in the gypsy scene (an old circus act with two people covered with a horse costume) is just as monotonous as everything else, but in a completely different manner: it is not Petipa that is imitated here , and Yuri Nikulin is perceived as a stream of air and a break from pseudo-classics. Critics have said a lot about the solution to pantomime scenes, so I won’t say anything. And about certain legendary numbers of Petipa’s ballet, irreparably damaged. The dance with cloaks is given to men (in Petipa it was danced by female travesties; in Ratmansky’s version this moment is preserved, but Smekalov does not need it). The most boring pas de trois of the second act, even if restored by Burlaka, is completely in the style of Smekalov. I will never believe that Petipa was so laconic and straightforward. At first it seems that the Mariinsky Theater has taken the path of Mikhailovsky, simplifying Petipa to banalities and adapting classical dance to the capabilities of the troupe. But with each new picture, the imitative emptiness grows, devouring the brilliant discoveries of Petipa and his followers: the first act sucks the juices out of Don Quixote, the pas de trois eats the lamb from The Nutcracker with its bones, and the prison scenes (the most boring of the entire ballet) digest "Esmeralda".

Two hours of torment, like hell and purgatory, lead to authentic choreography. The grand pas rearranged by Burlaka (considerably complicated compared to the version that existed in the theater) is reminiscent of his “Live Garden” from “The Corsair” in quality and grandeur. Bolshoi Theater. Five complex variations preceding the dance of the main characters, great job corps de ballet, large children's dance- all this allows you to feel the delight that the St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet once aroused.

Probably, the third performance of the premiere was not the most impressive in terms of the selection of dancers. Anastasia Kolegova (Paquita), who replaced the planned Oksana Skorik, did what she knows how to do. Xander Parish (Andres) has the right pose of a noble don and a long stride. This is where its advantages end. Ekaterina Chebykina (Christina, Paquita’s friend) stood out very much -
she has long, exquisitely Spanish arms in the first act and a decent variation in the grand pas. I also liked Maria Ilyushkina in the first variation of the grand pas. The corps de ballet that evening was more interesting than the soloists and did a wonderful job. The choreographers and directors did a good job with the Vaganovka students. Usually children knock down lines and interfere with rows, but here they danced almost perfectly.

To be honest, I don’t know what the fate of this ballet will be. I do not rule out that the hall is doomed to remain half empty for the first two acts. Or maybe not - the majority of spectators who paid for a ticket would be quite satisfied with the imitation. I myself will probably go to the whole ballet again - to see Victoria Tereshkina. Suddenly something will strike you.

Anastasia Kolegova is known not only as a ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, but also as the mistress of St. Petersburg senator Sergei Tarasov, son-in-law of Alisa Freundlich. “Seryozha and I met in 2003, in the same company,” Nastya recalls. “He was then in charge of culture in St. Petersburg. Moreover, his mother-in-law and wife are actresses, so he was always close to creative circles. He is 23 years older than me. I fell in love with him very much and quickly and, like a woman, I began to open up for the first time.”


The fact that her lover is married did not bother Kolegova. “Yes, he had a family in which two children grew up,” she says. “Plus there was a daughter, Olya, from his first marriage. I know that it was Varvara Vladimirovna (Freundlich’s daughter. – Ed.) who filed for divorce from Seryozha, Having learned about our relationship with him, I became a homewrecker, playing a fatal role in the destruction of their marriage.”

But the ballerina's happiness was short-lived. Nastya and Sergei formalized their relationship on October 10, 2009, and on November 27, Tarasov died when terrorists blew up the Nevsky Express train. “Even before our marriage, Sergei gave me an apartment,” says Anastasia. “And immediately after his death, a struggle broke out for this apartment. Varvara believed that everything should belong only to her. Thanks to fate, the housing was left to me. The division of property and Sergei’s scandals with the second "My wife really darkened our short, but such a bright time with him."

Nastya first encountered Alisa Freundlich at Tarasov’s tomb. “Until a certain moment, I saw her only on stage, and we met in connection with preparations for Sergei’s funeral,” the ballerina quotes

Sergei Borisovich Tarasov, biography, family, whose awards are described in this article, lived a short, but very stormy life. Being a born leader, he became known to the masses after he entered St. Petersburg. In 2003, he was asked to take the post of vice-governor. While working in this position, he was responsible for the city's policy in the field of science, education and youth.

By chance, this man had a rich, but, alas, short biography— Sergei Tarasov died tragically, being one of the victims of the 2009 terrorist attack. He was a passenger on the Nevsky Prospekt train, which was blown up on the way to St. Petersburg.

Sergey Borisovich Tarasov, biographical information

This man was born in ordinary family, far from politics. In the city of Frunze (which is now called Bishkek) July 15, 1959. His biography tells about this. Sergei Borisovich Tarasov was the son of simple parents. Mother worked as an engineer, father worked as a driver.

When the boy was 7 years old, the family moved to the Magadan region. Sergei Borisovich Tarasov went to first grade local school small village of Pevek. After its completion, it was decided to receive higher education at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, specializing in "Shipbuilding and ship repair".

In 1982 he graduated from this educational institution, and in 2000 he entered State Institute city ​​of St. Petersburg, where he received a second higher education in the specialty " International relations"After completing his studies, in 2006, Sergei Borisovich Tarasov defended his dissertation on an economic topic.

Active work of Tarasov

As a student at the shipbuilding institute, the young man was distinguished by his responsibility, extraordinary intelligence and thirst for active work. In 1981 he was elected secretary of the faculty Komsomol committee. Then for 5 years he held the position of head of the department of the Oktyabrsky Republic Committee of the Komsomol.

Sergei Borisovich Tarasov began to rapidly develop his career in 1986. During this period, thanks to his hard work, he was appointed deputy director of the Lenexpo company of the USSR TTP. Since 1989, he has held the position of commercial director in the Russian-German company Kompan, which was quite successful at that time. Then he works at higher levels leadership positions in companies such as UNIO and TARIS. In the last LLP until 1996 he is general director, and since 1997 begins to be closely involved in politics.

Beginning of a political career

Sergey Borisovich Tarasov first entered the political arena of the city back in 1994. Governor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak favored the young promising politician. It was then that Tarasov was elected as a deputy to the first Legislative Assembly of the city. Four years later, he was re-elected as a deputy. And already in 2000 he became the chairman of this Assembly. In 2002, the Admiralty District of St. Petersburg elected him as a deputy for the third time. At this time, he becomes the coordinator and representative of the Mariinskaya political faction.

His career gained rapid momentum in 2003. He becomes the vice-governor of the city and, while holding this post, Tarasov successfully oversaw issues related to the development of sports, youth policy, education, culture, science and the media.

Appointment to a fatal position

For a year, starting in 2008, he was a representative of the executive body of St. Petersburg in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. In the fall of 2008, Tarasov began working for the state company Rosavtodor. He joined the supervisory board and became chairman of the board. Since the central representative office of the company was located in Borisovich, he carried out everything weekdays in the capital. And on weekends he always returned to St. Petersburg, where his young wife, a ballerina, was waiting for him. One of these trips on the Moscow-St. Petersburg route ended tragically for the ex-governor.

Random victim of a terrorist attack

On November 27, 2007, terrible news was announced on television that train No. 166, called “Nevsky Express,” had suffered a disaster. A version was immediately put forward that the crash occurred as a result terrorist attack. Tarasov’s relatives were in relative peace, since it was known that he had a seat in the first carriage, and the news showed that the last trains had derailed.

The death of Sergei Borisovich became a fait accompli when it became clear that the numbering began from the tail of the express, and practically none of the passengers in carriage number 1 survived.

The situation was greatly complicated by the fact that the politician’s third wife, Anastasia Kolegova, was on tour in Japan at that very time. For a long time they could not inform her about the death of her husband because her phone was turned off. That night, all the world's media broadcast footage from the scene of the tragedy, and on the very first flight Anastasia returned to St. Petersburg to say goodbye to her husband, with whom she had been legally married for no more than 2 months.

With all due honors, Tarasov was buried on December 1 at the Nikolskoye cemetery, which is located on the territory of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Personal life of a politician

Tarasov officially married his third wife, a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, on October 10, 2009, although before that they had already long time were in a close relationship.

Anastasia was much younger than Sergei, but that didn’t stop the couple of lovers. Having seen her perform in the theater, Tarasov courted the girl for a long time, gave flowers and showed all kinds of attention.

After the ballerina agreed to the politician, they managed to live together for some time. At first, Sergei was simply glad that the woman he loved was nearby and did not think about officially certifying their relationship, especially since at that time he was still married to his previous wife. But it was Nastya who eventually insisted on registration, and Sergei did not resist.

They decided to postpone the wedding in the church and perform the ceremony after a few years of marriage. They got married on October 10, and Tarasov was buried on December 1 of the same year.

Children from previous marriages

Sergei lived with his second wife for almost 20 years. Being a daughter great actress Alice Freundlich and having an acting education, at one time Varvara completely abandoned her career for the sake of her husband and family. The couple had two children: the eldest son Nikita and daughter Anna. After the divorce, the couple remained on normal terms, and Varvara in no way interfered with communication between father and children. In his first marriage, the politician had a daughter, Olga.

Nikita decided to connect his life with acting and studied at the Shchukin School. At this time he lived with his father in his Moscow apartment. After the tragedy happened, the guy changed his place of residence because he could not be in a place where everything reminded him of the deceased. Nikita dropped out of school and wanted to tie his later life with politics, following the example of his father. But after some time, Nikita realized that politics was not his life’s work and resumed his studies at the Moscow Art Theater.

Tarasov's daughter, Anna, completely inherited her father's character. The girl is growing up very purposeful. She is currently studying at the university at the Faculty of International Management. In the future, he dreams of becoming a good and strong manager.

Recognition and numerous awards

On the development of the city after the collapse Soviet Union, undoubtedly influenced the most outstanding personalities St. Petersburg. Tarasov Sergey Borisovich is quite deservedly included in their number. Even after it tragic death ordinary people they remember him as one of the most adequate vice-governors in the entire history of the city.

His numerous achievements marked by the head of the country and the government. For fruitful political and social activities Sergey Borisovich Tarasov was awarded many awards, including gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation “For preparing the meeting of the heads of the Great Eight, held in the city of St. Petersburg.”

IN different periods time, the politician was awarded medals:

  • “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of the city of Kazan”;
  • "For the protection of public order in St. Petersburg" in 1994;
  • "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg."