Modern matinee on March 8 in kindergarten. Dance with ribbons

How nice it is to celebrate the holidays in warm company, especially in the morning kindergarten, where there is always laughter and fun. On March 8, children will be happy to take part in the celebration, and scenarios for March 8 in kindergarten. Read on how to properly conduct a matinee on March 8 in kindergarten with scenarios for March 8 from our website.

Spring: So we came to my spring meadow. I am very glad that we will celebrate the women's holiday on March 8 here. This clearing is not ordinary, it is magical. Don't believe me? But look for yourself (matches flowers). In my clearing, flowers have already bloomed and they are not simple at all... But with a secret!

Educator: Dear Spring! Can I pick your flowers and find out their secrets?

Spring: Of course you can! After all, it was for the holiday for children and their mothers that I grew these flowers.

Educator: Then let's pick the red flower and find out what it is hiding from us (plucks a flower and hands it to Spring).

Spring(takes a flower, admires it and puts it in a basket): The guys prepared poems and songs for their mothers. Get up, congratulate!

Child 1:

We dressed up today
We'll sing and dance
Let's have fun together
Let's congratulate mom!

Child 2:

A song about mom
We'll sing now
Mom dear
Loves us deeply.

Child 3:

Listen to our song
Dear Mommy,
Always be healthy
Be always happy.

Educator: It’s spring, can I pick another flower?

Spring: Today, you can pick all the flowers.

Educator: What kind of flower should we pick?... Will they help me...( girl and boy)

Child 4: Yes! Blue flower! (goes and picks a blue flower and brings it to Spring).

Spring: This flower tells me that a couple dance will now be performed for beloved mothers and grandmothers (puts the flower in the basket).

Children dancing dance (at the choice of the music director)

The first row of lights in the hall goes out.

Educator: It was getting dark. Is it already evening and it’s time for us to leave?

Spring: No, it's not evening yet. But I still don’t understand why it became cloudy. Maybe magic flowers will help us? Let's disrupt yellow flower and he will tell us everything (plucks a yellow flower). Flower, what happened? Tell.

Spring distributes yellow ribbons to children.

Educator: Guys, we need to help the sun. Who is the most dexterous and neat? Come out.

Children who received ribbons (go to the center, place ribbons on the carpet, forming a sun circle).

Child 5:

On the eighth of March
To my beloved mom
I'll give you the sun
Golden-maned ray!

Child 6:

Let the ray touch
Mom's head
Kiss on the cheek
Gently deftly!

The light comes on.

Spring: It’s light again in our clearing and we can pick flowers again.

Educator: It’s spring, can we pick a flower now ( girl and boy).Which flower do you want to pick? Red? ( They pick a flower and give it to Spring).

Spring: Red again, which means the poems and song are heard again.

Educator: Guys, get up! And congratulations to your grandmothers!

Child 1:

Affectionate grandmother,
Still young
The most beautiful,
You are always for us,

Child 2.

Congratulations, honey,
Happy holiday to you,
“You are like the sun to us” -
Let's say lovingly!

Child 3.

I want to wish you today
To preserve health forever,
Don't be nervous, my beauty,
And remember - grandchildren love only you!

Song to grandma (at the choice of the music director).

Educator: It’s spring, but there’s only one flower in your garden bed white. It’s very interesting, what did he prepare for us? (takes off, examines). I don't understand anything ( gives the flower to Spring, goes to prepare the children for the performance).

Spring. What is not clear here? White flower prepared a fairy tale for us. Remember when I said that my meadow is magical?! Now, the guys and I will tell you, or better yet, show you, incredible story which happened in this clearing.

To the music, children go out onto the carpet, sit in a circle and sing a song.

Educator: Very an interesting fairy tale The children showed us. And there was only one flower left in the garden. And it seems to me that mothers want to pick this flower!?

Four mothers come out to sing with their children and pick a flower.

Mothers sing with their children.

Spring: Thank you, dear mothers for playing with us.

Educator: In this amazing clearing we picked a whole basket of flowers.

Spring: I have another flower, it grows in a pot here ( goes to a pot with a multi-colored flower, takes it). This flower is quite unusual ( shows the children).

Educator: Are we going to pick this flower too?

Spring: Of course we will! (picks up a flower from a pot, a bag of candies is tied to it). Look what roots this flower has grown! (gives the bag of sweets to the teacher). Dear children! Thank you for visiting my spring meadow and being cheerful and talented here. This sweet bag is for you!


Happy spring holiday!
In this bright hour,
Dear mothers,

Spring: Everyone in the world loves mom -
Little kids, big kids,
Dad loves, a hundred girlfriends.

Children: Mom is the most faithful friend!

Educator: Dear mothers! This basket is filled with talents and smiles.

Spring: The joy and fun of our children.

Children: We give it to you! ( they put a basket of flowers on the table in front of their parents, and give their mothers crafts that they made with their own hands).

Solemn music sounds.
Children come out and take turns reading poetry.

Child 1:

Child 2:

And although there are still frosts and icicles above the window,
But fluffy mimosa is already sold all around.

Child 3:

Drops sunlight, splashes of sunny color
We bring mimosa into the house, give it to grandmothers and mothers -

Children all together: Happy Women's Day!


You know, friends, there are many miracles in the world
And we can’t count them, no matter how hard you work
But I know the miracle: it is familiar to all of you -
After all, these are good fairy tales! We ask: “Come to us!”

Fairytale music sounds

Leading: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a queen and her little daughter, Snow White. The day has come when all children congratulate their mothers and grandmothers - March 8th. Snow White and her friends were diligently preparing in the castle to congratulate the queen and were looking forward to her return.

Snow White (together with girlfriends, finishing a gift for mom).

Girl 1:

What a gift for mom
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.

Girl 2:

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting.
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or we’ll wash the chair.

Snow White:

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils ( shows a portrait)

Mom appears.

Snow White: Mom mom! My friends and I have prepared a surprise for you!

Girl 3:

The snow melts in the sun,
There was a whiff of spring.
Today is a big holiday
Mom's dear!

Girl 4:

To our mothers on spring day
Spring itself sends greetings.
The sound of streams and birdsong
She gives for the holiday.
The sun shines brighter for us
IN glorious holiday our mothers!

Girl 5:

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Wear your best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up the house
Something good
Give it to your mom.

Girl 6:

Let our mothers hear
How we sing a song.
You, our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!

The girls sing a song about their mother.

Mother: How lovely! Thank you dear friends! You clean up the house, and I’ll go into the forest to pick apples for the holiday (leaves).

Girls dance.

Snow White: Now we need to clean up.

Cheerful music is playing, the girls are cleaning up - sweeping, wiping the table with rags.

Leading: The girls spent a long time cleaning up and finally, everything was tidied up and sparkling with cleanliness.

Snow White: Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to seeing you for the festive dinner!

The girls leave, Snow White is left alone.

Leading: Time passed, and mother still did not return, and Snow White began to worry.

Snow White: So much time has passed and still no mother, something must have happened! Maybe she got lost in the forest when she went to buy apples? I'll go look for her!

Upbeat music sounds.

Leading: Snow White went into the forest, and forest inhabitants met her on the way.

Squirrel comes out.


Here is a little squirrel, dexterous, fast
In a red, fluffy fur coat
I jump from branch to branch deftly
Red back, tail, head.

Snow White:

Oh, what a funny animal!
Fast, dexterous, mischievous.

Bunny jumps out.


Snow White, don't cry,
hide your bitter tears
Believe me, kindness
Your best feature.

All animals: We live together in the forest and dance and sing.

Dance of the animals.

Snow White: Animals, have you seen my mother? She went into the forest for apples and disappeared.

Squirrel: We ran past the swamp and saw her there.

Snow White: Thank you for your help! Goodbye!

The animals are leaving. Upbeat music sounds.

Leading: The forest inhabitants helped Snow White - they showed her the right path and she moved on.

Snow White:

I picked it in the field
Blue flower,
I'll bring it as a gift
Dear mom.
I'll pin it on my mom's dress.
More than anything in the world
I love mom!

A bell rings.

Snow White: What kind of ringing is so magical? Where is he from?

Butterflies fly out.

Butterfly dance

Snow White: Butterflies, you fly everywhere, have you seen my mother? She disappeared in the forest.

Butterfly: There is a clearing in the thicket of the forest, we saw it there.

Snow White: Thank you for your help!

Butterflies fly away.

Snow White: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit down to rest.


Gnomes lived in this forest
They have a hundred freckles on each nose.
And if they meet someone in the forest
Freckles will dance on every nose.

Dance of the gnomes.

Snow White: Oh, who are you?

Gnome 1: We are gnomes!

Gnome 2: And we go to congratulate grandma!

Snow White: And I go to look for my mother, she went for apples and disappeared.

Gnome 1: Let's ask our grandmother, she knows everything.

Gnome 2: We will help you!

Gnome 3: And you help us congratulate grandma.

Snow White: Of course, let's go!

Cheerful music is playing.

Leading: Snow White went with the dwarves to a wise grandmother who lived nearby.

Gnome 1: Dear grandma! We came to congratulate you!

Gnome 2:
We love our grandmother.
We are very friends with her.
With a good, kind grandmother
The guys have more fun.

Gnome 3:
Happy holiday, happy spring holiday
We congratulate all grandmothers in the world!

Gnome 4:
I’ll kiss my dear grandma very hard
After all, my granny is very, very kind!

Gnome 5:
There are many different songs
About everything in the world.
And now we’ll sing you a song
Let's sing about grandma!

Song about grandma.

Gnome 1:
Knit socks and cook dinner,
Jam knows an old secret,

Gnome 2:
Often bakes pies and pancakes
Our good one is kind.

All gnomes: Grandmother!

Grandmother: Thank you, my darlings! Who is this with you?

Gnome 1: This is Snow White, she is looking for her mother

Gnome 2: Haven't you seen her?

Grandmother: An enchanted apple tree grows in the depths of the forest; whoever eats its apple will immediately fall asleep! She probably tried magic apple and fell asleep.

Gnome 1: Thank you, grandma!

Cheerful music is playing.

Leading: The friends wandered through the forest for a long time in search of their mother and finally found her near an apple tree.

Snow White: Oh, trouble, mom is sleeping, what should I do?

Gnome 1: I know how to wake her up, I need to sing a special, magical song.

Gnome 2: Let's call all the forest inhabitants and help Snow White.

Animals and butterflies come out and sing a song.

Mother: Oh, how long I slept! Thank you all for saving me!

Smile, grandmothers,
Smile, moms,
Sing along to the song
Together with us!

Progress of the event

Children in pairs (a boy leads a girl) enter the hall to lyrical music, walk around the circle, and line up in a semicircle.

Leading: Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers, dear guests!

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women!

May you all smile today,

Your children did their best for you.


  1. Let the snow continue to swirl

And the frost is still naughty

March climbed the threshold

And spring looks out the window.

  1. Winter is over

Rejoice - spring has come!

The sun woke up first

For grandmothers and mothers

She smiled sweetly.

  1. We dressed up today

Let's sing and dance

Let's have fun together

Let's congratulate the women!

  1. Dear grandmothers and mothers,

All women in the world

Happy holiday

Congratulations children!

Let them sound in the hall today

Songs, music and laughter.

We invited mothers to the holiday

All: Our mothers are the best!

Leading: Today the holiday is dedicated to you, dear women and our lovely girls, charming and fabulously elegant.

In my opinion, our hall is so beautiful and radiant only once a year. Because there is nothing more beautiful in the world female beauty. And today women of all ages have gathered here: these are our charming girls, and dear mothers, and dear grandmothers, and charming teachers and kindergarten staff. So let's greet each other with friendly applause. (Addresses the boys.) And now, dear gentlemen, escort your partners to their seats. (Children take their places on the chairs.)

The phonogram of a hurdy-gurdy melody sounds.

Leading. What do I hear? These are the sounds of a barrel organ. And this means that our “Sharman show” begins.

The organ grinder comes in.

Organ grinder.

With an old barrel organ

I'm not breaking up

She brings joy

Drives away sadness.

It contains balls with wishes

We have it in store for you.

And we'll tell you in advance:

They will all come true.

We ask you not to be shy,

Get the ball out quickly

After all, guys, all the desires

Yours will be fulfilled.

Leading: Dear guests, the barrel organ of our fairy-tale heroes is truly unusual. It contains forfeit balls with numbers. Each forfeit number corresponds to the number of our performance. So here we go!

The organ grinder invites one of the guests to pull a ball out of the organ grinder. The guest calls the number, the host announces it. But this doesn’t matter for the show, because the sequence of concert numbers is determined in advance.

Leading : So, number__. Wonderful! We start the “Sharman Show” program with a song for our beloved mothers.

The song “About Grandmother and Mother” is performed.

Grandma's pancakes are so delicious!
Mommy's cakes are so delicious!
And for this to grandma, and for this to mommy
I will give you the first flowers for the holiday!

No, they don’t know boredom - grandmother’s hands!
And my mother knows no rest.
And for this grandma, and for this mommy
I respect you more than anyone in the world!

I congratulate you on the spring holiday!
I sing a spring song for you
I promise to be obedient all day long.

Because I love you very, very, very much!

Organ grinder: Choose a forfeit quickly

To make it more fun!

Leading: Fant number __. We're definitely going to have some fun now.

Prick up your ears children

Mommies will sing ditties.

Mothers sing ditties.

We'll sing ditties

Funny, funny!

So that there are all mothers

SATISFIED on this day!

After a delicious lunch

I’ll help mom right away.

And get up from the sofa

For some reason I can't.

So as not to oversleep in kindergarten

You have to try

I need to ask my mom

Get up at 5 o'clock!

To mom on Sunday

Don't oversleep on work

I'll set her alarm clock

And I'll slip it under the bed.

I love my dear mother

I'll give her some candy.

I'll bring it home

Mom, will you share with me?

To make mom smile

And she was pleased

I’ll draw it in her passport

Cool face.

So that mom doesn't be sad

I won't sleep at night!

I'll jump on the bed

And sing ditties.

What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

Mom is surprised!

Dad is cleaning up!

I'm also happy with cleaning


I'll break all the dishes -

Let everyone be happy!

We sang ditties for you,

How much we love you!

And now we ask you,

Let's clap now.

Organ grinder: “Sharman show” continues,

We fulfill all wishes!

Leading : Fant number___. Number 5! We are announcing a theatrical production.

"Teremok" in a new way

Everyone is happy to see it.

A house-teremok is brought into the hall.


There is a miracle tower,

He is neither short nor tall.

Who lives in it?

He is reputed to be an assistant.

Leading: To gather helpers

We need to play out the fairy tale.

Leading: Like a frying pan running across a field.

She, cast iron, is in a hurry to the tower.

She can't wait to become an assistant.

She began to knock insistently on the door.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands knocks on the door of the tower.

Host: Who's there?

Pan: I am a frying pan, let me into the mansion.

I am of excellent quality.

I bake pancakes very well.

Leading: Come on in, let's try your pancakes.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands sits on a chair next to the tower.

Leading: There is a noise on the path: a saucepan is rushing towards us,

She rattles her lid loudly.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands approaches the tower.

Pot: Look at me.

Let me into the mansion.

I will serve you with faith and truth

Cook soups, cabbage soup, and porridge for everyone.

Leading: Come visit us soon

We are glad to have such guests.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands sits on a chair next to the tower.

Leading: Across the field on a thin leg

The little boy is jumping briskly.

Mom with a ladle in her hands approaches the tower.

Ladle: What kind of tower is this?

I'll knock on it once! (Knocks.)

Let me into the mansion

And use it in the kitchen.

Leading: Can't do it without you! Come into the mansion and sit down.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a ladle in her hands.

Leading: The sieve is in a hurry and running across the field,

He stopped at the door and screamed.

Mom with a sieve in her hands approaches the tower.

Sieve: I don't sit still.

I'll sift everything and strain it.

Let me into the little mansion.

Host: Come in.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a sieve in her hands.

Leading: All assistants are in place.

So let's all get together

We will fry and cook,

And feed your children.

Organ grinder.

Don't forget about my barrel organ,

Fun ball with wishes

get it quickly.

Leading . Fant number... Today laughter, jokes, fun - everything is for you, dear women.

Let's stand together in a circle,

Let's shake hands with each other

And we will fulfill it at the same hour

Our favorite dance is the waltz.

The boys dance with their mothers.

Organ grinder:

You, my organ-organ,

Play more fun.

Wishes to all guests

Do it quickly.

One of the guests pulls out another forfeit ball.

Leading. Number...

It's time to entertain the guests

There will be a new game!

Game for boys “Is it easy to be a girl”

4 people participate. They are divided into pairs and compete to see who can put on a skirt and tie a bow for their partner the fastest. Then the players change places.

Organ grinder:

Cheerful sounds of a barrel organ

No one is allowed to get bored.

At our holiday everyone jokes,

They dance and sing loudly.

Girls dance with their mothers.

Organ grinder.

With an old barrel organ

And it’s time for me to hit the road.

We had a lot of fun!

Goodbye, kids.

The organ grinder leaves.


  1. We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

  1. We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

  1. May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

  1. We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men were smiling

From your wonderful beauty.

Children give mothers and grandmothers souvenirs made with their own hands.

The music “Path” plays, the children enter the hall, and at the end of the dance they stand in a semicircle
Child: There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus:
Children (in chorus).
This is our mothers' holiday!
Child: Today is not an easy day,
Today is Mother's Day.
And lights the fire
Snowdrops here and there.
Child : The sun washed itself in the morning
Sparkles in the sky.
Gives smiles to children,
Happy spring to all mothers.
Child: May it be a merry spring
Spreads our voices
We congratulate mothers on Women's Day
And let's sing a gentle song.
SONG about mom.
Our dear women, believe -
We are opening spring for you.
Smile and warm me up,
the warmth of your tender eyes!

Look out the window
It became a little warmer there.
The main holiday is coming
the sun greets him.

Congratulations to our mothers,
We honestly promise you:
We won't fool around
and let's forget about quarrels!

Good day, the eighth of March
Hello to our mothers!
“Mom” is a dear word,
in this word there is life and light.

We prepared, we tried,
studied a lot of songs,
And we have a surprise
you will see now!

Everything is ready for the holiday,
so what are we waiting for?
We're dancing joyfully
Let's start our holiday.

Dance (any dance)

Children sit down, Baba Yaga appears

BABA YAGA: Well, well, well, well!
They weren't expecting me!
And they didn’t invite me over.
"Let the old lady sit on the stove,
And one of them eats dry rolls.
What kind of injustice is this?
Now I’ll give you all a trepak!
Where has this been seen, where has this been heard?
To treat elders like this
And they weren’t invited to the holidays?
But they promised! At our last New Year's meeting!

Ved: You, dear Yaga,
We all apologize!
Please accept our apologies
As a sign of deepest respect for you.
After all, a magpie brought us on its tail,
It's like you were on a business trip...

BABA YAGA (interrupting):
I'll catch that magpie
Yes, I’ll fry it, what’s the use of it!?
Don't you dare offend me!
I want to tell you a lot...
I'm an enviable woman
Beautiful, visionary!
Don't offend grandma
And I’ll be good for you too!
I can sing and dance
Telling fairy tales, cross-stitching,
I can do catch-up, jumping rope, tag...
I can entertain all honest people,
Let everyone form a round dance.
In general, who is with me,
He's just a superhero!

HOST: Well, that’s great, stay Baba Yaga at the holiday and have fun with us (agrees) Stand up, guys, for a fun song.

Song at the discretion of the music director

Baba Yaga: (noticing the mommies)
What a miracle ladies
Super mommies
Beauties of Kamengrad,
They look just right!
But we won't talk
I will entertain you!
Oh, how inspiration will come to me,
I write everything in verses and poems....
And I couldn’t sleep just now, so I didn’t write anything,
All sorts of tasks and tests for you!
Why aren't there enough dads? Did Koschey eat them for breakfast?
(children's answers)
So, task one: tell me how your dads play with you?
Ved. : We’ll tell you and show you.
Children: 1. Dad congratulates mom,
He got up earlier in the morning,
And he cleans the apartment,
He ran for flowers.
2. I keep up with him
I love my mother.
I'll cook for mommy
I'm a present now.
3. And when will he return?
We'll start a game with him,
For dad to take us,
Let's play daddy truck!

Dance "Papovoz" (dance of your choice)

BABA YAGA: Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen that your dads are just awesome! But I know about something else, (casts a spell) I’ll show you this now!!!

A scene without words. To the music, one child shows the calendar.
March 7 - girls clean, cook, wash, iron, etc.
March 8 - boys take work away from girls and do everything themselves...
March 9 - the boys gave up and left, and the girls again cleaned, washed, cooked, ironed, etc.

Ved.: It was still a joke!
Don't repeat that in life!
And to my beloved mother
You should always help!
BABA YAGA : Why are you guys sad? Are you probably jealous that you don’t have a men’s holiday?

Leading: There is no Baba Yaga and the boys have their own holiday - February 23.
Baba Yaga: How? And I’m wondering why Gorynych was pouting at me, it turns out I didn’t congratulate him. Well, okay, it doesn’t happen to anyone. Gorynych will move away, it’s not until he communicates, he shows his masculine character. So what kind of holiday is this? Enlighten me!
Children: 1. I told my dad today:
If the enemy takes over the country,
If suddenly there is some kind of war,
I will fight my enemies!

2. Grandmother, mother, sister or aunt
They really need our care!
Women are the holy of holies!
We are committed to protecting them!

Dance "Bogatyrs"»

BABA YAGA: There would be no price for you all,
If instead of a poem,
Would you give me a treat?
So to speak, they would cheer up grandma’s mood.

Presenter: Just wait, Baba Yaga. We haven't given all the gifts to moms yet, there's still one more interesting dance with maracas and bells left!

(The presenter approaches, but the instruments are not there)

Presenter: Oh! What it is?. Where are our tools?(thinks)
I have a magic lantern somewhere. So he will help us find out the name of the one who did this.
The presenter walks around the hall, holding a flashlight over the faces of children and spectators.

Baba Yaga: Don't forget to check yourself!
(The presenter stops near Baba Yaga)

Presenter: So that's who stole the maracas with bells. Baba Yaga, you can’t live without your dirty tricks, shame on you. Return the tools now.

Baba Yaga: Yes, okay, don't be angry! Is the dance really interesting?(children's answer) Then I'll definitely return it now!(goes, returns and helps distribute tools)
Dance with maracas and bells
BABA YAGA: I'm a little tired
I have a pain in my leg.
I'll go away a little
And I’ll sit on a chair.

Presenter: Relax and look at our wonderful mothers who draw, sculpt, read books with their children and love to play with them. Shall we play, guys?
Game "Fish and Pebbles"(Homeland of "Kuklandia")
Game “Neighbors” (Zheleznova E.)
Dance with mom (after the dance they can give gifts)
Baba Yaga: Well, okay, I see children love their mothers. And now it’s my turn to distribute gifts (treats the children with candy)
I stayed too long with you.
Your moms are just awesome!
Cheerful, nimble, beautiful,
Well, not mothers - just a miracle!
Don't lag behind your mothers,
Imitate them in good ways.
I'm telling you all bye!
Your dear Yaga.
Baba Yaga leaves.
Presenter: Women's holiday, Spring day,
Comes in March.
We congratulate our dear mothers,
We wish you happiness!
And may the sun always shine for them!
Boredom and misfortune come to their house
Let them not wander.
And, of course, the whole year
Let the holiday last!
Let the whole world bloom like a garden
And the birds are chirping!
Children go into groups to try treats.

Give children a holiday... Is it easy or difficult? It's easy if you really want it. It’s also easy because, having created a bright, joyful holiday atmosphere full of surprises, we introduce children to the very environment in which they feel like fish in water. After all, every child in itself is the embodiment of joy in this world. This means that a holiday is natural and necessary for him.

Difficult? Yes. Because a holiday is the result of a long, multifaceted work, it is a synthesis various types activities. The holiday must be thought out and organized in detail. This is the main task of educators and teachers.

There are no trifles at a holiday. A cluttered moment, a missed action, an incorrect intonation - and children will immediately sense the falseness, hide their emotions and, worst of all, stop trusting you. Therefore, give children a real, bright, memorable holiday that would make them sound inner world for a child to discover his individuality is a lot of work.

But any work brings joy when you do something with pleasure, enthusiasm, putting your soul into it. We have everything to create a festive atmosphere: a great desire to do it; a team of like-minded teachers - creative, enterprising people; the theater studio, which is the epicenter of the festive atmosphere, the basic platform for the preparation of holiday heroes; a wonderful music hall, its decoration reminiscent of a theater stage; costumes, attributes, decorations; our loyal allies and helpers - parents and, of course, our main value, for the sake of which all this exists, is our students.

And so the holiday was invented, organized, carried out. A greater and better reward than the flushed faces of the children, their eyes shining with joy and outburst of emotions, their endless conversations, the exchange of impressions from the fairy tale in which they were the main characters, from the feeling of their own importance and strength (after all, they defeated the forest evil spirits and saved Spring, it is thanks to their efforts that Baba Yaga became kind and beautiful), it is impossible to wish for.

Using the proposed scenarios for holidays and entertainment in your work, dear teachers, music directors, educators, parents, you will certainly be able to perform this wonderful miracle - give children a holiday.

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Scripts. Senior group

Scenario for the holiday for March 8 “My mother is the best in the world” for children of the older group Purpose: the script is intended for kindergarten teachers and music directors. Goal: to give children ideas about the holiday “March 8”, to cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards their mother. Characters: presenter, brownie Kuzya, Kikimora. Host: Today we feel as comfortable as at home. Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall. Moms came to us - we are glad to see you all! And we will begin the joyful holiday...

Scenario for the holiday at the preschool educational institution on March 8, “Warmth of hearts for our mothers.” Senior group The holiday script is built taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it may be of interest both for experienced teachers and for young professionals Venue: music hall. Decoration of the hall: inscription on the central wall - March 8, flowers, butterflies. Equipment: cubes, two scoops, two buckets, two brooms, rope, ribbons, decorations, bags for girls, lipsticks, scarves, Whatman paper - 3 pcs., felt-tip pens, Technical means: sound reproduction...

Scenario “Adventures in the Flower City” (celebratory performance for March 8th in senior group)Characters: Presenter - Dunno - Sineglazka - Pilyulkin - Screw - Shpuntik - Cheesecake - Pyshechka - Brush - Flower The course of the holiday. The hall is festively decorated in the style of the Flower City (balloons, flowers, turrets). Presenter: In one flowery city there lived short people. Darlings, good girls and boys. The little ones had very funny names. They lived in a flowery city. The guys were very nice! Meet the guys soon, They...

Concert for mothers on March 8th. Senior group “And spring has come to us again” (music cafe for mothers) Purpose: To create a festive mood, to form aesthetic feelings in children, to evoke positive emotions. Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands. And spring has come to us again. We feel her breath. The rivers woke up from their sleep, and the birds could already be heard chirping. With spring, our brightest holiday comes to visit us. We congratulate our mothers, We send them warm greetings! 1-child....

Scenario musical performance in kindergarten “March 8 and Thumbelina” Presenter: Once on the eve of March 8, when all the fairy-tale characters were preparing for the holiday, the girl Thumbelina became sad. Thumbelina comes out. Dance of Thumbelina Thumbelina: There is such a day in March, With a number like a pretzel. Everyone is happy about him, of course, but I’m the only one who’s sad. I would like to get married. Where can I find a groom? Ved.: Her friend heard the words of Thumbelina - harvest mouse, and came running to give useful advice. Mouse comes out. Dance of the Mouse.(P.Drang...

Beauty contest for March 8th in kindergarten for older children preschool age Goal: creating a festive atmosphere in the team of children and their parents. Tasks. 1. Development of creative abilities of preschool children. 2. Involving parents to participate in joint educational activities when preparing children's numbers and costumes. 3. Fostering a respectful attitude towards adults and peers. Boys enter the hall. Reader 1. - Spring has come to our house again! Again we are all waiting for the holiday...

March 8 at the preschool educational institution. Senior preschool age Author: Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, physical education instructor. MDOBU "Novoarbansky kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy village. Purpose: Holiday on March 8, for children of the senior group of preschool age. Description of work: the material can be used by teachers, music directors for holding a holiday on March 8 March Goal: to form love for mother, respect for women, develop interest in tradition...

Scenario for March 8. A holiday for children of the older group. Goal: To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Cultivate love for mother, the desire to give gifts made with your own hands. The material is intended for preschool teachers. I propose to hold the “March 8” holiday for children of senior preparatory age. Since I have been working with older children for 10 years, I used the event for children 5-6 years old. Are they active...

1-child. For you, dear mothers! Dear ones, for you! The concert is cheerful, joyful. We will arrange it now! 1. Song-dance “Kind sweet mother” 2-child. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers! The sun is smiling on you now, dear mothers! 3- child. The birds composed a ringing song just for you! We wish you, mothers, that you live joyfully! 4-child. Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere. We are grateful to you for everything, you are dearer to us, dearer to us! 2. Song-dance “Lullaby for Mom” Poems How many...

Celebration scenario for March 8th for older preschoolers " Better than mom not to be found" Presenter. And again spring has come to us. We feel its breath. The rivers have woken up from sleep, And the birds can already be heard chirping. With spring comes to visit us Our holiday, the brightest. We congratulate our mothers, We salute them Warm greetings! Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle 1st child: Let the sun shine tenderly, Let the birds greet the dawn! About the most wonderful one in the world, I speak about my mother 2nd child: How many of them...

Scenario of the holiday for the International women's day“A lovely creature, sheer charm” A holiday dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. For older kindergarten groups. Goal: 1. create a festive atmosphere; 2. develop the ability to behave in public; 3. promote the disclosure and realization of creative abilities; 4. cultivate an attentive, sensitive attitude towards your loved ones. Attributes and equipment: piano, recordings of music from the film “Goodbye Mary Poppins!”; suit for Men...

Holiday scenario for March 8th for children of senior preschool age “Fairy-tale characters visiting their mothers.” Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Chistikova This scenario will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with older children for holding a holiday. Holiday scenario for March 8th for older children preschool age “Fairy-tale characters visiting mothers.” In the hall there are tables in a free form, at which parents sit. Host: Mom! The most understandable word on the ground. It sounds in every language...

SCENARIO OF THE HOLIDAY OF MARCH 8 for children of senior preschool age “SPRING NOTES” Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Turcheneva, music director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1” in the city of Chernyakhovsk Kaliningrad region. Description: This material will be of interest to teachers and music directors, as well as parents who want to learn poems and songs with their children to congratulate their relatives. The script can be used in working with children of senior preschool age (5 - 7 years old) T...

Entertainment script for March 8th for children of senior preschool age (Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.) Presenter: Spring, spring is walking through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light. Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this. Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate all mothers around the planet. "Thank you!" - Both adults and children tell mothers. Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters on the spring holiday, on the international women's day- March 8. (Children read poetry) 1. Look outside the window...

Scenario for children of the older group, dedicated to March 8 “This is what Mother’s country is” Presenter. Hello dear guests, We are glad to see you all. Let this festive hour of ours fly by! Anton Mom's heart knows no peace, Mom's heart is like a torch burning, Mom's heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent. Presenter. No one can replace motherly love for us, Don’t try, don’t, friends. Only mother’s heart will warm you with love, take a deep breath, embrace you lovingly... Dance with balloons Kirill. Oh guys...

Every year, with the beginning of March, a joyful and exciting holiday mood is in the air. And spring begins as if only from the 8th day, from the day of Femininity and Beauty.

Preparations for the holiday in kindergarten begin in February. The March 8 scenario is developed in advance: this is a choice musical accompaniment, and rehearsals with children. Scenario of the matinee in preparatory group differs significantly from the scenario in the middle group. On March 8, it is better to spend time with younger children more games, learn dances, in the older group - poems and ditties.

And if you are looking for ideas for celebrating the holiday, then we bring to your attention a detailed scenario for March 8 in kindergarten.

Three grandmothers and mothers, as well as their daughters, are invited. Each trio is given yarn. One by one, the grandmother begins to wind it into a ball, and at a signal, she passes the skein on to the mother, and then to the daughter. Those who collect the ball first win.

Spring: Baba Yaga, did you like the helpers?

Baba Yaga:(respectfully) Good! And I had an idea-desire! Can I ring the bell?

They pass the bell to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
I wish to hear many congratulations,
But everyone wanted to laugh without embarrassment!
Ring a wonderful little bell,
Make my wish come true!


Children in Russian folk costumes come out and tell ditties. There may be a musical passage between ditties.

1 Our grandmothers and mothers
Happy Women's Day!
Without embarrassment, without hesitation
We'll sing ditties for you!

2. An important holiday is coming,
Mother's day is dear.
Today, I won’t do that
Bring home frogs!

3. Once my brother and I became obedient,
They cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
Some house immediately became complacent,
We washed away all the sadness from the house with foam!

4. You, grandma, don’t get sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
Better stop by more often
To the club for a disco.

5. And grandma is a champion!
After all, her “Napoleon”
Attacks all the guests.
The most delicious of all kings!

6. My sister and I decided to give grandma a gift,
Knit her a scarf from threads of all colors!
But the cat didn’t agree to help,
We had to sew a scarf from scraps!

7. We wish our beloved mother
Receive in gifts
A kilogram of sweets, and also cakes,
So that everyone can be treated!

8. We sang ditties for you
The best ones.
And they will also perform a dance
The boys are handsome!

Boys come out and dance, for example, the dance of gentlemen or knights.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, kittens,
I’ve been staying too long with you, it’s time to know the honor!
But before saying goodbye, I will reward you for your kindness and friendliness!

Hands out treats to children.

Spring: Goodbye, Grandmother Yaga, come visit again!

Baba Yaga waves to everyone and leaves.

1st child: Spring is red, open the gates!

Winter is leaving, the bird is starting to sing!

2nd child: And we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers

And we wish them to live in goodness!

3rd child: For the dearest and most beloved

We made the gifts ourselves!

Children take out a basket with handicraft flowers and give it to their parents. The holiday ends.

Props for the holiday

  1. Costumes of Spring and Baba Yaga;
  2. Beautiful bell;
  3. Large hoop, 3 kg of oranges, tablespoons, 2 baskets;
  4. Yarn;
  5. Candy for treats;
  6. Handmade gifts for parents.