Sergey Zverev from whom he has a son. A friend revealed the secret of the birth of Zverev’s son

Many are haunted by the fate of the son of Sergei Zverev, who at one time actively visited all social events together with his father and suddenly disappeared. The 21-year-old guy’s beloved girlfriend revealed the secret of his birth and told reporters where her boyfriend now lives, what he does for a living and why he ran away from the stylist and his glamorous sweet life.

It turns out that Sergei Zverev Jr. moved away from the bustle of the metropolis and annoying paparazzi to the Moscow region. The guy got a serious job and intends to start a family with his chosen one, Maria Bikmaeva, who has nothing in common with the capital socialites with inflated lips and artificial hair.
Sergei keeps in touch with his famous father. “They have a normal relationship,” Maria assured reporters. “And how could it be otherwise, if one is a son and the other is a father?” Sometimes they fight, but in my opinion this is not a reason to draw any conclusions about their relationship. I will repeat once again - nothing terrible happened in their lives and relationships.”
The girl also named Zverev Jr.’s new place of residence. “Seryozha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet, without resorting to the help of his dad. Sergei Anatolyevich once told Seryozha: “If you want, you will work in show business.” But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he told his father that he would achieve everything on his own and earn money,” the stylist’s son explained to the refusal of the stylist’s son to live in the capital. – Sergey Anatolyevich understands the fact that his son has matured and has the right to choose life path. He knows where his son is, what he does, how he spends his time. They see each other regularly, Seryozha comes to see his dad.”
There was information in the media that the star’s son became a programmer. In reality this is not the case. “He worked a lot of places: both as a car mechanic and as a salesman in Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at a park hotel in our Kolomensky district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Serezha’s cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasyev,” said Bikmaeva.
The girl also denied the words of Stas Sadalsky that Sergei is Zverev’s adopted son, adopted by him in the 90s. "Seryozha - native son Sergei Anatolyevich Zverev. His mother died in an accident some time after his birth. He doesn’t even remember her,” Maria debunked another myth about her boyfriend.

It is curious that the stylist himself told everyone that the child’s mother tragically died many years ago, and he remained a single father. As Dni.Ru already wrote, while Sergei Zverev stubbornly adhered to this version, his secret was leaked to the Internet by the famous artist and scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky. The actor did sensational statement on his blog in LiveJournal. Stanislav wrote that Zverev adopted a child in the 90s and since then has often appeared in the company of a blond boy. The celebrity stylist brought the baby from an Irkutsk orphanage when he was three years old. Moreover, this was not a very ordinary adoption: Sergei had to save a literally dying child.
Sadalsky in his blog quoted the stylist’s story: “When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalled Sergei Zverev. – The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!”
Having adopted a child, Sergei Zverev brought him to Moscow, where all these years the boy, to whom he gave not only his last name, but also the same name - Sergei Zverev Jr., was raised as his own. By the way, Valentina Zvereva, the stylist’s mother, also has a childhood in an orphanage. During the war, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. She lost her husband at a young age and raised two children alone. Serezha’s fatherhood was met with hostility, because the newly minted grandmother understood that all the burdens of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

The son of Sergei Zverev said that if his father does not give him money, he will sue his apartment.

Sergei Zverev's son Sergei found out that he was adopted several years ago. After this, a series of endless arguments and showdowns began in the family of the famous stylist.

Now Zverev Jr. is trying to find biological parents. Relations with his father, who once adopted him, are deteriorating more and more every day. Journalists found out what demands the guy puts forward to the stylist.

« Seryozha adopted him when he was 3 years old. Came to a charity event in Irkutsk Orphanage, I saw him little, in a gnawed bed. He thought they were rats, but the children gnawed them from hunger in the 90s. He grabbed him and ran from there. The boy's mother was the mother of Sergei Sr., the younger one had asthma and was out of breath at night, but they treated him and his health improved.“said a source surrounded by Zverev Sr.

Sergei Zverev with his wife

The stylist decided to make a celebrity out of his adopted son. Little Seryozha took part in his father’s show “Star in Shock.” However, during adolescence, Zverev Jr. got out of hand; according to the source, he began to steal money and things from home, and constantly lied. After school, Sergei Sr. got the guy into university.

« My son pretended to go there for a whole year, but never showed up at the institute! Then Zverev Sr. got him a job as a music presenter on various channels, his son denied it and said that he had a personal life. Refused to work. Moreover, Sergei agreed on good salaries with employment only 2 times a week, for 2 hours!"quotes a friend of StarHit.

Sergei Zverev with his wife

A source close to Zverev Sr. noted that he was upset by the behavior of his adopted son. The stylist refused to help him after a series of scandals.

« It’s hard, unpleasant, terrible for Zverev Sr. now. Nothing is known about the parents of Sergei Jr., perhaps they are marginalized. In the maternity hospital they write refusals. In a recent message, he wrote: “If dad doesn’t help, we will sue his apartment.” Sergei Sr. helped until recently. Every season he gave branded clothes and money to his son. But after everything, I stopped. He doesn't work, neither he nor his wife", shared an acquaintance of Zverev Sr.

24-year-old Sergei Zverev Jr., the son of a flamboyant stylist, leads a far from stellar lifestyle. The young man works in one of the hotels on the outskirts of Moscow and earns about 30 thousand rubles a month. The celebrity’s son claims that this money is enough for him to buy food and pay for housing and communal services - he doesn’t need more.

At the same time, Zverev Jr. has a rather eventful personal life. Not so long ago he married for the second time. His chosen one was his work colleague Julia. The woman is much older than her chosen one, but this does not bother the couple. A friend of Zverev reported this to the press and former member show "Dom-2" Rustam Solntsev. According to him, Yulia - unlike Zverev’s previous passion - treats Sergei “in a sincere way.”

A family friend recalled that Zverev Jr. divorced his previous wife, waitress Maria, two months after the wedding. According to rumors, the couple broke up because Zverev hit his lover. True, Sergei himself later began to claim that Maria herself often beat him.

Ex-wife Zvereva then told reporters that the young man wanted to get away from the influence of his star father:

Serezha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet, without resorting to the help of his dad. Sergei Anatolyevich once told Seryozha: “If you want, you will work in show business.” But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he told his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money. He really worked a lot: both as a car mechanic and as a salesman in Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olympus park hotel in our Kolomensky district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Seryozha’s cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasyev.

Zverev Sr. himself admitted that he did not understand his son’s choice:

When I saw this woman next to my son, I said that they could be friends and communicate, but just not get married. I insisted on this in every conversation we had. She is not a match for him, we all told him so. We understood that Sergei was not marrying for love, that he did not like her at all, and he did not hide it. He said: “Maybe I’ll get married and fall in love with her.” He thought that getting married would fix things.

However, about new darling My son’s stylist also doesn’t speak very positively. Zverev Sr. does not approve of his son’s choice and sincerely believes that the young man should not engage in family affairs, but develop his creativity and build his career. His son has not yet introduced him to his wife.

For a long time now, the media have not stopped promoting the story of whether Sergei Zverev’s son is his own or adopted. The results of the DNA test shocked not only Zverev (the younger), but also everyone present at the announcement.

Native or adopted?

The boy learned that he was adopted when he was already a teenager. His grandmother broke the news during one of the quarrels. Such an event is always difficult to accept, and especially in adolescence. And although the father himself, Zverev (senior), assured that this was not true, doubts about whether he was adopted or Sergei Zverev’s own son began to visit the guy more and more often.

The older the boy got, the more noticeable the difference between father and son became. The calm, weak-willed and too shy son is in no way similar to his star glamorous relative. Although many claim that external resemblance Still quite noticeable.

Moreover, the desire to know his real biological parents became fundamental for the guy.

Look for your relatives Zverev Jr. together with his wife he went to a small village near Irkutsk. But neither the help of private detectives nor their own searches were successful. His alleged relatives categorically refuse to talk about Sergei’s real parents and suggest not to stir up old cases. Therefore, an independent investigation has not yet answered the question of whether Sergei Zverev Jr. adopted son celebrity stylist or not.

Versions of the birth of Zverev Jr.

  1. Seryozha Zverev (junior) – illegitimate son the deceased brother of the celebrity stylist. After the tragedy that happened to his brother, Zverev decided to find his child and adopt him. This version, like many others, has a right to exist.
  2. Sergei (Jr.) is the son of Sergei Zverev. But there are very good reasons why he cannot publicly admit it.
  3. The boy's real parents are unknown. It was actually taken by a stylist in one of the orphanages in Irkutsk.

Did a DNA test determine relationship?

The latest news in 2019 regarding determining kinship with a famous stylist was the announcement of the results of DNA tests confirming or refuting this fact.

On the TV channel "Russia 1" in the program of Andrei Malakhov in live Zverev (the younger) was given an envelope with the results of the DNA test. Zverev’s (Jr.) great-uncle, Alexander Andreevich, agreed to determine the relationship.

Sergei was unable to announce the test result. In a state of shock, he left the studio with tears in his eyes. It is not yet known what was written in the envelope.

The king of glamor abandoned his son?

IN last years the star king began to move away from his son. The disagreement began with the reluctance of the grown-up boy to follow in his father’s footsteps. And the character of the young man, to put it mildly, does not allow him to do this. Disappointment or something else, the relationship between father and son grew colder every year.

Zverev Jr. is married for the second time. But the father did not come to the first wedding, nor to the second. He believes that the girls whom his son chose as his wife are thus trying to join the star family, and they do not need him himself.

There is some truth in this. In any case, the second wife Yulia is not against appearing once again in various television projects.

Sergei Zverev (senior) now has absolutely no relationship with his son. His new daughter-in-law Yulia is trying in every possible way to improve the relationship between father and son, regardless of whether they are related by blood, but so far to no avail.

Divorce is inevitable

This is what the stylist said about his son’s second marriage. He stated that Sergei’s new wife is no better than the previous one. Now I don’t give them money, and they make money from family scandals associated with my name. Soon these passions will subside and the PR money will run out. Then it will be possible to evaluate the feelings of young wives. Seryozha doesn’t notice this now, but I don’t intend to communicate with everyone who is trying to enter my family in this way.

I don’t believe in the sincerity of these girls; they all take advantage of my son’s “softness and lack of will.”

What is known about Zverev Jr.

Sergei Sergeevich Zverev was born in 1993. He worked as a hotel administrator and a radio DJ. Now he makes money from participating in various shows on television, promoting “soap operas” on the topic of his relationship with his star father.

No one could believe that such a shocking and scandalous figure could even have a family and children!

They said it was younger brother, a student who will receive all the secrets of barbering, and even the nephew of a stylist from Irkutsk.

Zverev himself often says in the media that this is his own son, and his wife left them or died tragically. In a word, the testimony is confused. And there is no evidence that this woman existed.

But Zverev really does have nephews. The stylist had an older brother, Alexander. Due to working at a “harmful” enterprise, he developed asthma and died in 1990. Sasha’s widow Galya and their two children live in Ust-Kamenogorsk. But Alexander’s son lives with his mother and has never left for Moscow.


It turns out that 12 years ago Sergei Zverev brought a three-year-old boy from an Irkutsk orphanage. Moreover, this was not a completely ordinary adoption. The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in orphanages at that time was catastrophic.

When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalls Sergei Zverev. - The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!

Zverev brought the sick baby to Moscow. To the apartment where he lived with his mother Valentina Timofeevna. By the way, Valentina Zvereva also has a childhood experience in an orphanage. During the war, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. I lost my husband when I was young. Anatoly crashed on a motorcycle, leaving two sons in his arms. And when the children were already on their feet, the eldest, the pride of the entire family, Alexander, died. A heartbroken woman has lost everything. And the main thing is health.

Therefore, Seryozha’s “paternity” was initially received with hostility. The new grandmother understood: all the burdens of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

I was so scared when he brought it! - Valentina Timofeevna says with a trembling voice. “I remember exclaiming: “So he doesn’t walk?!” All sick, my God! There was no living place. Chopped from head to toe. Shame. I still treat him to this day. If it weren't for me, he would have died long ago! He constantly needs treatment. And I go everywhere with him every year, every year. He wouldn't have survived there. How many sleepless nights! He didn't speak at all. I couldn't walk. I didn’t know anything - no candy, no games. He repeated only the words “enough” and “later.” Everything in the shelter was taken away from them.

The stylist’s mother, who herself lost her health, began taking little Seryozhka to medical institutions. It was not possible to cure, and now the 15-year-old boy has chronic diseases.


During our investigation we found out scary facts: the boy turned out to be, in fact, a toy for Zverev. It turned out that the star “son” was sent back to boarding school at the age of six! Only already Moscow. Can you imagine how the unfortunate child suffered - after all, he probably thought that they had decided to get rid of him again. The poor boy had to go through the stress of being in an orphanage again. Boarding school No. 45 is engaged in the training and education of children with severe speech pathology, providing specialized assistance to help overcome speech disorders and related characteristics mental development. Why the wealthy stylist didn’t hire the same specialists to do his homework is a question that remains unanswered. But the exhausted boy needed a sense of family!

Further - worse. After boarding school, Seryozha Jr. changed schools like gloves. It was not easy for him: for example, at school No. 128 of the Central District, his classmates bullied him. In the current situation, it was necessary to pay attention to a difficult teenager, but the popular father began to only drag his minor child to parties.

Boy in Lately“I became very nervous,” Nadezhda Konstantinovna, the concierge from the Zverevs’ entrance, shared her pain with “Life.” - Doesn't get enough sleep. They will comb it, put makeup on it like a doll, and drive it around to parties all night. They bring him home in the morning and take him to school. Seryozhka returns after school, puts down his briefcase and goes to bed in my closet. He is an easy-going, kind boy - he treats me. Not like his family! Grandma - checkmate. And my father is always on set.

The Zverev family also has conflicts with their neighbors. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities received a complaint: “Deal with the chaos!” AND social workers dealt closely with this problem. It is not yet known who will win this battle.

“I’m afraid of them,” Zverev Jr. shares his feelings about the visit of specialists from the guardianship authorities to their home.

One can only guess how these “military actions” affect the child himself.

The boy’s appearance in scandalous shows like “Full Fashion” clearly affected his psyche. Looking at the report card, you can track the deterioration in the performance of Zverev the son. Due to nightly parties and lack of sleep, Seryozha barely completed 7th grade. Teachers at a prestigious school have to push grades up to Cs. In their opinion, Zverev Sr. neglects his parental responsibilities. And Seryozha Jr. wants his father’s love so much...

Evgeniy Shaposhnikov, professor of therapeutic psychology

With such an unnatural way of life, the boy faces the threat of neuroticism, psychological neglect, confusion in the head, and loss of real life guidelines.

To prevent the child from losing himself as a person, the father should stop. It is imperative to coordinate with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

I never cease to be amazed how some parents ignore elementary educational principles aimed at the free abilities and inclinations of the child.

Based psychological analysis, the father wants to protect the boy from the difficult realities of life, but thereby he does not give him the opportunity to develop naturally, go your own way. The father is raising a copy of himself, only of a hypertrophied type.