Menshov has an illegitimate son. Vladimir Menshov hides his illegitimate son (photo)

Vladimir Menshov denies that he has an illegitimate son, Alexander, from journalist Lyudmila Tueva.

The famous actor and director became the hero of the “Human Fate” program.

People's Artist The RSFSR commented on rumors about an illegitimate son, whose mother is allegedly Lyudmila Tueva, a friend. A number of media outlets claimed that her heir Alexander, who was born in February 1977, does not want to see his own father.

Menshov said that such speculation is not true: “This is the beginning of the evening of big discoveries, right? My son Alexander - who told you this? Aunt Valya, or what? Leave it, well... I don’t have a son, Alexander, and really, it’s not even worth it... This is some kind of nonsense, believe me. She told me this nonsense too. So we’ll blurt it out, and then it’ll be spread on the Internet that Menshov is abandoning his son.”

Menshov made it clear that he was not going to speak out about the alleged heir and inflate this story. “I’m not giving up on my son, but his name is not Alexander, but Nikolai,” said the actor.

Vladimir Menshov. Fate of man

Menshov and his wife have been together for more than 50 years. In 2013, the couple celebrated golden wedding. That same day, the couple decided to get married in church. Close people also persuaded Menshov to undergo baptism.

“Vera was always worried that in the “other world” we would end up in different sections - for believers and non-believers. And she wanted us to be together,” the actor shared.

According to the film and theater star, he shared household responsibilities with his wife. Menshov noted that his wife does not know how to cook, so he stands behind the stove. At the same time, Vladimir Valentinovich does not consider himself henpecked. He thinks he's carrying important function: “Vera does everything else, except the kitchen, in the house - she sews, knits, she can fix the TV!.. If I’m standing in the kitchen, this is the main thing, after all, the hearth!”

During the program, Vladimir Menshov spoke about the secret of a long-lasting marriage: “First, you need love. It changes over the years, but this first impulse must be sincere and great love. Secondly, you need patience, the ability to forgive each other, this is very important. We for a long time were engaged in alterations, and in general this lies in our Russian mentality. This is not true, you need to accept a person for who he is and love him for it.”

Distinguished guests were expected at the funeral of Valentina Leontyeva in Novoselki. We remembered that the desire to spend last path Deputies Alexey Mitrofanov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky expressed their favorite TV presenter. But alas: all VIPs limited themselves to only condolences in telegrams. So the legend of Soviet television left quietly. Just as she had lived for the last three years.

Early in the morning, the coffin with Leontyeva’s body was transported to the local cultural center - everyone could say goodbye to “dear Valenka,” as many called her. Relatives - older sister Lyudmila Mikhailovna, three nieces and their children could barely stand on their feet from grief. supported them close friend Leontyeva Lyudmila Tueva. She came from Moscow along with the TV presenter’s last student, Channel One employee Alexander Orlov.

Closer to 11 a.m., several hundred people, mostly residents of Novoselki and surrounding villages, gathered in the square near the house of culture. People came with flowers - some with chic bouquets, others with simple branches of lilac and bird cherry, broken in their garden.

Aunt Valya is sleeping! Don't wake her! - a strict grandmother instructed her five-year-old granddaughter before entering the farewell hall.

Local eleventh grader high school In December 2006, Artem Kashkirov shot the last video about Valentina Leontyeva.

We took part in the competition "The Most cool class" and came to visit her. We were greeted by the cheerful and kind Aunt Valya, whom I remember from “Good night, kids!” She told a little about her life. We sent that video to Ulyanovsk for a competition. Now this is a real relic, because it is last movie about her during her lifetime. And we enjoy watching it.

Look! “Valya is in tears,” Lyudmila Mikhailovna’s daughter Natalya suddenly exclaimed. And she carefully wiped her aunt’s face with a handkerchief.

Many Ulyanovsk VIPs were on duty at the funeral guard at the TV presenter’s coffin. But son Dmitry never arrived. Although many were sure that he would still appear at the funeral. The crowd said different things - even that he allegedly went abroad on purpose...

To be honest, we didn’t ask if he would come after the funeral,” said Valentina Mikhailovna’s niece Galina Antonova.

Aunt Valya was buried in the bright Christian holiday- Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

And this means that her soul will ascend easily,” Lyudmila Tueva said at the cemetery.

The coffin with Aunt Valya’s body was lowered into the grave to the applause of everyone who was in the cemetery. An actress from God, she died worthy of her profession.

Victoria CHERNYSHEVA, Svetlana SNEZHINA (“KP” - Ulyanovsk”)


As KP ​​learned, neither Channel One nor other television corporations organized an organized trip for their stars and simply colleagues who wanted to say goodbye to Valentina Leontyeva. General manager Channel One Konstantin Ernst is currently on a business trip.


Lyudmila TUEVA, producer, actress and friend of Valentina Leontyeva:

She called me ten times a day!

We sometimes hosted the program “With all my heart” together. She was also her godmother. And lately it has been difficult for her to memorize text for 4 - 5 hours. That's why I helped complete "With All My Heart." But she handled it beautifully. We communicated constantly. She called me ten times a day, either to bring me food or something else. “Oh,” she said, “I saw such stones!” Well, okay, let's take it... I remember how we presented her with the long-awaited TEFI figurine. Together with Leontyeva’s last student, Sasha Orlov, we came to her in Novoselki. And to the music of “Visiting a Fairy Tale” the award was presented. Tears came to her eyes...


What can we do to prevent our great old people from dying in poverty?

Alexander ROSENBAUM, bard, State Duma deputy:

Remember your young life, because we were all brought up by Aunt Valya. And understand that oil reserves countries are nothing compared to such a person.

Gennady GUDKOV, member of the State Duma Committee on Security:

There is only one thing - stop stealing budget money and start investing it in the economy, and then in pensions. Then old age will be greeted with dignity not only by the great, but also by mere mortals.

Alexander PROKHANOV, editor-in-chief newspapers "Zavtra":

It is necessary that our oligarchs do not buy tens of kilometers of beaches abroad. And the money pumped out of our depths was used to prolong the lives of old people, great and not great. Because their survival is one of the forms of our salvation.

Alexander BURDIN, psychotherapist, Perm:

Any public person fulfills too few personal, basic needs in his life. Such as raising children, loving loved ones. And this is exactly what works in old age.

Tatyana DOGILEVA, actress:

This problem has been solved in all countries - both in America and Scandinavia. Is it possible to compare their nursing homes and our homeless almshouses, where our pensioners die. We must end corruption, otherwise officials steal and old people die in poverty.

Andrey POTAPOV, pensioner:

The word “great” should be removed from your question. All old people need social protection states.

Ilya TORKHOV, multiple champion of Murmansk in historical fencing:

Return to them what was stolen during the years of economic reforms! We must finally appreciate the contribution of great people, the older generation, to the life of our country.

Vitaly OSOSHNIK, head of the “Wizards of the Court” studio, Voronezh:

This “village syndrome” needs to be eradicated in every family. That is, in our own families, stop treating old people as some kind of makeweight, otherwise we are used to dressing grandparents in old clothes and allocating a half-bed in the corridor, they say, they have outlived their usefulness, what else do they need! Relatives legendary people This is no exception.

Valentina, site reader WWW.KP.RU , Chelyabinsk:

How can you tell how big an old man is?! What about the rest - for the 101st kilometer?

The popularity of the famous TV presenter and actress has not faded over the years. Fans admire her talent, youth, well-groomed appearance and a wonderful family.

Personal life, love story and Julia’s husband

The actress has been happily married for 21 years. During this time, her family experienced not only a lot of good, but also bad. Julia did not maintain a relationship with her husband for quite a long time, but this dark streak remained far in the past.

Husband Igor Gordin

In 1995, Julia met her future husband in the theater, where he played the main role. Igor Gordin is an actor and director of the Youth Theater. The young people immediately realized that they had a lot in common. A year later they got married. Menshova was 27 years old at that time, Gordin was 31 years old.

The lovers had a son, and after a while a daughter, and immediately after that, discord began in the family. According to psychologists, after 7 years of marriage, the couple faces serious problems in their personal lives. This is what happened in Julia’s family in 2005.

Photo: Instagram @juliavmenshova

The divorce was not officially filed, but Menshova’s husband, Igor Gordin, was sure that he would not return to the family. The children experienced this event painfully, but in 2008 the couple decided to get back together, explaining that it was hard for both of them without each other.

Yulia Menshova. Wife. Love story

In September of this year, the actress and TV presenter appeared on Kira Proshutinskaya’s program “Wife. Love story." On air, Yulia shared her memories, several frank stories and said that she belongs to the type of truly Russian women.

Novels of Yulia – Alexander Nikitin

For 4 years, when Menshova lived separately from her husband, there were many rumors about the woman’s affairs with many famous personalities. They said that the actress had relationships with Andrei Chernyshov, Sergei Kunkin, as well as Yan Galperin, a partner in the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

Photo: Instagram @juliavmenshova

Fans considered the most plausible relationship between Menshova and her partner in the series “Between Us, Girls” - Alexander Nikitin. Their game was so sincere that it was hard to believe that there were no feelings between the young people. However, Julia denies all these rumors.

Family and children of Yulia Menshova

In 1998, the couple had their first child, healthy and handsome boy Andrey. After 5 years, a daughter was born, who was named Taisiya.

Photo: Instagram @juliavmenshova

As Andrey matured, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his famous relatives and began to study acting. The daughter of Yulia and Igor, at the age of 9, said that she does not intend to become an actress yet.

Photo: Instagram @juliavmenshova

Now the children feel happy and do what they love. They had a hard time coping with their parents' separation. Trips to St. Petersburg to see his father, returning back to his mother, constant worries - all this had no effect in the best possible way on the psyche of Taisiya and Andrey. To protect children from nervous breakdown, the parents were reunited and everything in the family returned to normal.

Photo: Instagram @juliavmenshova

The profession of an actress was not able to fully reveal all of Julia’s talents. She showed herself perfectly in the role of both producer and host of successful projects. In addition, the woman was able to cope with the crisis in the family. She was helped in this by her extraordinary willpower, perseverance, wisdom and desire to make her children happy.

“Church rat, bespectacled, cracker in a hat” is about her, Lyudmila Dmitrieva, who played the strange and eccentric lady Suzanne Brissard. Star role in the comedy “Look for a Woman” became business card actresses.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Borisovna Dmitrieva was born in the capital in the summer of 1947. There were no artists in her family, which did not stop her from dreaming of an acting profession. In her senior year, Lyudmila shared with her mother her plans to enter a theater university, to which her mother bluntly stated:

“First get a normal profession, and only then go anywhere - even become an artist!”

She didn’t dare disobey Dmitriev. Having received a school certificate, she entered the evening department of the Textile Institute. During the day, the girl worked at a design research institute, and in the evening she hurried to classes at the institute.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva dreamed of acting so much that fate heard her and gave her a chance. There was a theater studio at the textile university. It was directed by the artist Leonid Persiyaninov, who served at the Theater Soviet army. In her third year, student Dmitrieva decided to drop by. Leonid Nikolaevich invited the girl to read a passage of her choice. Dmitrieva read Katerina’s monologue from the play “The Thunderstorm” so soulfully that she burst into tears. Persiyaninov said: “I believe!” - and invited the aspiring artist to classes.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva, as her mother wanted, graduated from a textile university and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. Helped a girl prepare for exams future husband Boris Ardov is a theater actor, in which he served together with Persiyaninov, and brother. He supplied the girl he liked with textbooks, selected passages, and taught her to recite fables.

In 1975, Dmitrieva received a diploma of higher theater education. In the same year, Lyudmila was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater troupe, where the aspiring actress received an invitation a year before graduating from the studio school.


The creative biography of Lyudmila Dmitrieva began in her penultimate year at a theater university. The artistic director called Lyudmila to the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, offering her the main role in his play.

Until 1990, the artist played more than twenty roles on the theater stage. In the production of “The Last” based on the novel, she played the role of Lyuba, and in the play “Toastmaster” directed by Kama Ginkas, she played the bride. staged the play “A Husband and Wife Will Rent a Room” on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, calling Lyudmila Dmitrieva to play the role of Galya.

There are artists in the piggy bank and main role staged by Efremov “Nina”. Each theatrical work of Lyudmila Borisovna was remembered by critics and spectators for its author’s interpretation and mastery of transformation. The genre actress Dmitrieva is organic in all roles: the spiritual Til-Til in the production of “The Blue Bird”, the frivolous maid Sasha in “Dachniki” and the insidious Sophie Karamzina in “The Copper Grandmother”.

In the star troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after Lyudmila Dmitrieva, she took a worthy place, but due to difficult relationship with Efremov left the theater after 15 years of work.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the play "Componons"

Two years later, the actress was invited to join the troupe of the Et Cetera theater, created by. Since 1993, Lyudmila Dmitrieva has been the leading actress of “Et Cetera”. She is trusted with leading roles of the widest range - from comedy to drama. At Kalyagin, Dmitrieva played in the play “Uncle Vanya”, doing an excellent job with the older role of Maria Voinitskaya. According to the actress, Efremov attended the premiere and praised her work in the production.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the play "Comedy of Errors"

Then Lyudmila Dmitrieva appeared on the stage of the theater in the plays “The Reluctant Doctor,” “An Old Friend is Better than Two New Ones” and “The Secret of Aunt Melkin.” Bright and characteristic images in plays, and brought the artist to the pinnacle of success: in 1998, Lyudmila Borisovna was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2011 she became People's Artist.

Some performances in which Lyudmila Dmitrieva is involved have been on the Et Cetera stage for years. “Competition,” based on the play by Alexander Galin, where Dmitrieva played the main role, remained in the theater’s repertoire for ten years and was accompanied by sold-out audiences.

Success accompanied the play “Luciet Gautier, or Shoot at once!”, staged on the stage of the Kalyagin Theater based on the comedy by Georges Feydeau. Dmitrieva was offered to transform into Baroness Duverger. Theatergoers and critics noted the ease and eccentricity with which the actress played. She was applauded for her portrayal of Mavrusha in the tragic farce “The Death of Tarelkin” and the role of the Doge in director Robert Sturua’s production of “Shylock.” The ease of transformation and precise fit into the image, the drama and tragicomics that Lyudmila Dmitrieva demonstrates, turned her into the prima of “Et Cetera”.


On film set the actress is no less comfortable than on the theater stage, but in the scale of Lyudmila Borisovna’s priorities the theater leads. But such is the magic of the television screen that wide fame comes after appearing “on TV.”

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the film "Sentimental Romance"

The actress’s filmography opens with the psychological drama “Other People’s Letters” directed by Ilya Averbakh, released in 1975. Then viewers saw Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the melodrama “Sentimental Romance”, where the main roles went to and. The “second cast” of the film also turned out to be stellar: supporting roles were played by , and , in whose brilliant company Dmitrieva found herself.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the film "Take Me with You"

Then viewers saw Lyudmila Borisovna in the fairy tale film “The Rings of Almanzor” and the adventure melodrama “Take Me with You” (the main role).

Fame came to the artist in 1982 with the role of Suzanne Brissard in the detective comedy “Look for a Woman.” Surikova could not find an actress suitable for the “church rat” type, while the main cast of the film was selected. Lyudmila Dmitrieva turned out to be a godsend for the director. She fit in perfectly with the star team, and...

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the film "Look for a Woman"

After the release of the comedy and without that famous actors woke up as megastars. It seemed to Dmitrieva that she “failed” the role and played the worst of all. But Lyudmila soon realized that the eccentric Suzanne Brissard would remain her calling card for decades.

According to the artist, “the holiday is over” after the release of Surikova’s film: it seemed that the directors had completely forgotten about Lyudmila Dmitrieva. Until the end of the 1990s, she appeared on screen in episodes. A breakthrough came in 1996, when director Yuri Belenky called her to the first Russian sitcom “Strawberry Cafe.” The comedy series turned out to be a breath of air for actors who were experiencing better times in cinema.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the film "Goryachev and others"

In the new century, the artist was invited to appear in TV series, the fashion for which began in the mid-1990s. Dmitrieva was seen in the films “Goryachev and others”, “Lawyer”, “Precinct”. At the end of the first decade of the 2000s, Lyudmila Borisovna starred in “The Kremlin Cadets”, “The Voronins” and “The Lavrova Method”.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva in the film "Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens"

In 2013, the historical series “Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens” was released, where Lyudmila Dmitrieva appeared in the role of a music teacher.

Personal life

Acquaintance with actor Boris Ardov in the theater studio of the Textile Institute grew into romance novel, and the romance culminated in marriage. At that time, Boris Viktorovich broke up with his wife Mira Ardova. Mira married , but friendly relations With ex-husband and supported him by his family. Lyudmila Dmitrieva quickly became friends with Boris's first wife.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva, in her wildest dreams, did not imagine that she would live in the center of the capital, on Ordynka, in an apartment where those who loved to visit Dmitrieva’s fathers-in-law, playwright Viktor Ardov and designer Nina Olshevskaya, stayed. A frequent guest on Ordynka was her husband’s half-brother Alexey Batalov and his wife Gitana.

Lyudmila got married in a white suit bought for herself by Mira (or Mika, as her family called her). Daughter Masha Dmitrieva was convinced to give birth by Mika Ardov too. The marriage with the loving Boris Ardov lasted three years: the husband had an affair with Olga Rozovskaya. The couple separated.

For the second time, Lyudmila Dmitrieva walked down the aisle with decorative artist Yuri Senchishin, with whom she is happy to this day. At 41, the actress gave birth to a son, Alexei. The children gave Lyudmila Borisovna four grandchildren, whom she adores.

Lyudmila Dmitrieva now

The People's Artist is still “in service” today. At the Alexander Kalyagin Theater she plays in the play “Companions” based on the play by Galin. The premiere took place ten years ago, on the eve of the actress’s 60th birthday. Alexander Galin wrote the role specifically for Dmitrieva.

The comedy still draws full houses. For her work in Companions, Lyudmila Dmitrieva received a prize from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. He plays in a duet with her.

In 2017, viewers will see the premiere of the fantastic melodrama “The Grail” on screens, where Dmitrieva got a supporting role.


  • 1975 - “Other People's Letters”
  • 1976 - “Sentimental Romance”
  • 1977 - “The Rings of Almanzor”
  • 1979 - “Take Me with You”
  • 1982 - “Look for a woman”
  • 1983 - “Bribe”
  • 1985 - “Sincerely yours”
  • 1992-94 - “Goryachev and others”
  • 1996 - “Cafe “Strawberry””
  • 2003 - “Lawyer”
  • 2003 - “Precinct”
  • 2009-10 - “Kremlin cadets”
  • 2009-15 - “Voronins”
  • 2011 - “Lavrova Method”
  • 2012-13 - “Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens”