How to open a point selling pies. How to open a pie shop: where to start a business plan with calculations

Professional makeup artists love pigments for their richness, purity of color and the ability to mix them together to create new shades. They lie on the skin in a dense layer and allow you to achieve various effects: from metallic shine to completely matte surface.

Pigments in makeup

Traditionally, dry pigments are used as powder eyeshadows. To prevent them from crumbling, pigments should be applied with a flat brush with short, stiff hairs. Do not make sweeping movements; drive the paint into the skin. Use a thin fluffy brush to blend and complete your eye makeup.

Mixing matte dark beige or brown pigment with light foundation, you can create a darker shade. Pearlescent pigments of the same colors can easily replace bronzer, the skin will become light shade tan and soft glow. You can replace shimmer or highlighter with a light beige pigment with golden flecks. Apply it to a wide brush and lightly touch your forehead, chin and top of your cheekbones. Pink, raspberry and peach pigments are suitable as blush.

Dry pigments are also suitable for lip makeup. They mix well with any gloss or lip balm. In this case, you can use either one color or several at once, creating an exclusive that no one else has. To avoid wasting your makeup, apply a couple of strokes of glitter to a piece of plastic and slowly stir in the paint. Having achieved the desired result, apply the resulting shade to your lips using an applicator or brush. An exclusive eyeliner color can be achieved by lining the eyelid with a damp, thin brush dipped in pigment.

Dry coloring powder dissolves well in liquid. Use this by adding light pearlescent pigment to your body spray or lotion, gel or hair styling foam. It will give a beautiful pearlescent shimmer.

Pigments in manicure

The easiest way to use pigments in manicure is to add them to a bottle of clear nail polish. To make the color even, add a couple of small metal balls and shake well.

Dry paints are popular among nail artists. They can be added to acrylic or gel to create a variety of shades. To prevent the gel from losing its properties, the content of dry pigment should not exceed 5%. Acrylic can be mixed in a 50/50 ratio.

In this material we will look at the business plan for pirozhki, find out whether it is profitable to open a pirozhki cafe or install a vending machine with bakery products. The demand for this product is high and does not depend on the season. Pies are sold at a premium of more than 100%, which helps to quickly recoup the initial investment and earn a stable income. How to register a pie shop, what permits do you need to obtain, what trading format to choose and how much money will you need to open?


Pirozhkova as a business is possible in the form of individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. The owner of the establishment himself determines the option that is profitable for himself. Small cafes with 10-15 seats, vending machines or street kiosks are more suitable for individual entrepreneurs. Registration of this status will take from 3 to 5 days and will cost only 800 rubles.

To register an LLC, you will need to develop a charter, prepare a protocol of founders or a decision of the sole participant. The state fee is 4 times more - 4,000 rubles, and you will also need to pay for notarization of the statutory documentation. In the case of pirozhkova, this form should be chosen only when there are 2 or more founders of the business. Advantage legal entity in the absence of personal financial liability in case of bankruptcy.

Bakery products are in great demand

A pirozhkova operating as a full-fledged cafe will indicate OKVED 56.10.1. Kiosk or similar non-stationary shopping facility- 47.89. Vending machine with pies - OKVED 47.99.2. Optimal taxation - simplified regime.

Sanitary requirements and permits

To legally open a pie shop from scratch, you will need to obtain permits from several government agencies. From the point of view of legislation, a cafe with pies is no different from a cafe serving Japanese or Italian cuisine, so the set of papers will be standard. What documents are needed:

  • Rospotrebnadzor certificate with permission to open a catering establishment at a specific address;
  • positive conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • positive conclusion from the fire inspection;
  • agreement for waste removal and disposal (for stationary facilities);
  • documents for baking equipment;
  • technological maps for preparing dishes;
  • employment contracts and medical records of employees with a valid medical examination and completed training in sanitary standards).

Pie shops usually do not serve alcohol, but if the establishment serves alcoholic beverages, a license will be required. It costs 65,000 rubles. SES and fire inspectors issue permits only after an inspection. First, the establishment is fully prepared for opening, staff are hired and a medical examination is organized for employees, contracts for waste disposal are concluded, and only then inspectors are invited.

Selling pies on the street is registered as street trading. There are 3 formats: stationary (kiosks, stalls), mobile (from a specially equipped vehicle) and across the counter under open air. For all 3 types, permission must be obtained from the municipal administration of the city or district. To do this, write an application, and as an attachment present a map of the location of the retail facility. Registration will take from 30 to 45 days, so it’s worth taking care of it in advance. This document is obtained in addition to the permit from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Purchase of products

The traditional ingredients of pies are well known even to people who are far from culinary. Business uses the same products, only in industrial scale. To save money, natural expensive components are often replaced with more cheap analogues. For example, bakers use cheaper flour and replace butter with margarine. Whether it is worth using such methods in work is up to the entrepreneur himself to decide.

To bake pies for sale, a businessman is looking for suppliers of the following products:

  • flour;
  • yeast;
  • butter;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Traditional fillings:

  • potato;
  • egg;
  • cabbage;
  • berry and apple jam;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pickles.

Each supplier presents documents confirming the quality of the products. During the inspection, they may be requested from the owner of the pie shop, so be careful and cooperate only with those who are ready to guarantee the quality of their products.

Contracts are concluded with suppliers and a delivery schedule is drawn up. This way, the entrepreneur will protect his production from disruptions due to a lack of products.

Choosing a trading format

How to open a pie business? The success of the business will depend on the correct choice of work format. You can sell pies in different ways: in your own bakery cafe, at a kiosk, on an open-air counter, and even through a vending machine. There is no universal solution. Each option can be profitable and unprofitable. It is worth considering the amount of starting capital. For example, opening a bakery cafe is much more expensive than installing a vending machine.

Money is an important, but not the only criterion when choosing a trading format. It is equally important to open a retail outlet in the right place. Pies sell well hot and few people want them cold. There should always be buyers near the point of sale - passers-by, students, employees of neighboring organizations, arriving and departing passengers. It makes sense to first assign a location and only then choose the optimal work option for it.

Bakery and mini cafe

Perhaps the most convenient option for baking pies for sale is your own bakery and mini-cafe. That is, bake and sell pies in one place. The method is advantageous in that the assortment will always have fresh products that do not need to be transported anywhere. On the other hand, this is the most expensive pie option. You will need to pay for rent, repairs, utilities, and staff. The average opening cost will be at least 500 thousand rubles.

The premises of the mini-pie cafes are divided into 3 zones:

  • production workshop/bakery;
  • service area;
  • hall for visitors.

The room for baking pies must comply with the standards

Bakeries attract customers with the opportunity to buy fresh and hot pies to take away or eat on the spot. Clients of such cafes are confident that the sanitary standards, the products are safer. There is no such trust in street kiosks and vending machines.

Kiosk with pies

A more cost-effective option is selling pies at a kiosk or similar non-stationary facility. The choice of location for the retail outlet is key. The kiosk should be located in an area with very high foot traffic. Public transport stops, areas of train stations, universities, hospitals, stadiums, and office centers are perfect for this. A stall with pies is a non-stationary retail facility, so there are more options when choosing a location for it.

If an entrepreneur chooses to sell pies at a kiosk, he needs to decide where the products will be baked and how to deliver them to the point in a short time. Sometimes this format is used to resell other people’s products: an entrepreneur buys pies in bulk in one place, adds a markup and resells them. Some bake at home. Quite often, kiosks are opened in addition to mini-cafes. This way you can reach more customers, sell more products and increase equipment productivity.

The opening of a pirozhki kiosk must be agreed upon with the local administration. The entrepreneur writes an application and attaches a map diagram to it, where he indicates the location of his retail facility. It should not interfere with cars and pedestrians, and should also be located directly at intersections (at a distance of 7 meters). Otherwise, restrictions on the location of non-stationary shopping facilities No.

Street trading

Selling pies on the street is similar to working through a non-stationary retail facility, with the difference that the products are sold from outdoor stands, vans and cars. Sometimes the counter is replaced by a sales tray or a sales cart. This is how they sell on the streets, in office centers, government institutions, hospitals and universities. The format is suitable for selling small batches of fresh products: 150-200 products per hour. To ensure the necessary flow of customers, choose a place with high foot traffic.

The street trading format is suitable for those who want to run a pies business at home. The pies are baked at home and then quickly sold in busy places. The seller can stand in one place or walk around potential buyers. This type trade also requires obtaining permits and paying taxes.

Opening a cafe at a bakery requires more expenses

Pie vending machine

Another promising option for selling pies is a vending machine. They are installed in similar places with high customer traffic: shopping and office centers, hospitals, universities. The machines have a significant advantage for the entrepreneur: they work without a salesperson and allow you to save on salaries, as well as on renting a workspace. The operator, who can be the entrepreneur himself, “charges” the machine with a new assortment 1 or 2 times a day. Customers buy products themselves, paying through a bill and coin acceptor.

The price of a machine selling pies starts from 170 thousand rubles. Modern models They are equipped with anti-vandal protection, many configuration options, work with or without heating, and can give change. Selling through a vending machine is simple and profitable if you choose a good place to install it.

Financial calculations

Selling pies is profitable as a business due to high demand and large trade margins. Initial investments depend on the trading format, as they involve different expense items. Mini-cafes and street trading have different opening costs, number of employees, and utility costs. To open a bakery you will need about 1 million rubles; installing a machine can cost 200 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is more reliable to judge the profitability of a business by trade margin.

Let's calculate the approximate cost of the pie:

  • 1 kg of flour - 45 rubles;
  • yeast - 10 rubles (per 1 kg - 1 pack of yeast);
  • filling (potatoes) - 20 rubles per 1 kg;
  • butter - 200 grams, 40 rubles.

From this quantity of products you will get 20 standard pies with a cost of 5.75 rubles. There are no products on sale for less than 10 rubles. Each sold pie brings the entrepreneur at least 5 rubles of net profit, and more often - 10–12 rubles. Thought it out wisely organizational issues, the owner of the pie shop will be able to recoup all investments in 3-4 months.


The sale of pies can be organized in several formats: from a vending machine to your own bakery and mini-cafe. The amount of initial investment will depend on the type of work. The benefit of the pies business is high demand and trade margins of 100–150%. The entrepreneur receives approximately 10 rubles in profit from each product. By selling 150-200 pies a day, you can earn about 60 thousand rubles a month.

The standard package for an entrepreneur also includes an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a letter about the assignment of statistical codes, notifications about registration with extra-budgetary funds and a notice about the transition to one of the tax regimes. Opening a bakery will require collecting:

  • texts of standards and sanitary and hygienic requirements for manufactured products (provided for by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 554);
  • technological maps for the production of each type of baked goods with justification of the shelf life;
  • production control programs (clause 2.5 of section II of SanPin;
  • notification of the opening of a bakery (form in Russian Government Decree 584).

ATTENTION! The development of internal documents does not relieve the bakery owner from the need for actual analysis finished products. During the inspection, SES representatives request sample evaluation protocols.

How to open a pie shop without getting burned: detailed instructions

Valid for all types of activities listed in paragraph No. 2 of Article 246.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amount depends on the basic income and current coefficients, federal and regional.

OSNO is more profitable, but more troublesome than USN. Patent system Available only for individual entrepreneurs. Allows you to purchase for a certain amount the right to conduct commercial activities for a period of 1 month to 1 year.

Exempts from filing declarations with the Federal Tax Service. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with the simplified tax system. Simplified system allows you to seriously save on tax payments and get rid of unnecessary paperwork.

However, everyone is free to choose for themselves. Registration and preparation of documents
  1. To open a pie shop, you will first need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Pie business plan

In general, for all manufacturers there is a small list of the most interesting information about the supplier and his product:

  1. Product prices.
  2. Possibility of free delivery.
  3. Product quality.
  4. The time frame within which the goods will be delivered.
  5. Conditions for storing goods.
  6. Possibility of installments.

Remember that it is you who bake and sell dishes from these raw materials, so it would be useful to check the availability and authenticity of documents for this purchased product from the supplier every time. Also, you shouldn’t hold on to one person; new enterprises are constantly opening with more favorable conditions and suggestions.

Buying the necessary equipment Standard preparation of pies and related baked goods at home does not require many special equipment and devices.

Business selling pies: how to open

Business ideas - Food Contents

  • Features of starting a business
    • Documentation
    • Location of the point of sale of pies
    • Advertising and equipment
    • Recruitment
    • Requirements for the purchase of raw materials
  • Calculation of expenses and profits

collapse Pies are in demand all year round. Different shape, filling, dough beckon to try them. Not everyone has the time or desire to cook, so a pies business can become a successful business.

How to open a pie shop from scratch with minimal investment and still get high profits? Features of starting a business First, find out the state of the market and draw up a business plan. Write down all the stages, aspects of opening, finances. Be aware of high competition.

You can seek advice from an established businessman.

Street vending (hot cakes)


So how much money do you need to invest to open a home baking business? Firstly, you should take care of production certification. To do this, you need to obtain a special certificate for the production of certain products and specialized equipment.

After receiving all the papers, you can think about the assortment. It’s better if there are several different types of baked goods: pies with several types of fillings, muffins, gingerbreads and something else.

Where to sell homemade pies You need to take care of the place where you sell your products. One of the most important factors is the weather. For example, if there is no stationary point of sale, you will have to sell the products on your own feet, and on a rainy day this is not entirely convenient.
Another important factor– assortment. In order to have a sufficient number of clients, it is necessary to offer the most various types baked goods so that everyone can find something to their liking.

Business idea: selling homemade pies

We purchase raw materials for production Undoubtedly, the production of pies is a fairly easy matter, and the list of ingredients necessary for preparing this dish is not a special secret to anyone; it is much more important to find out where it is best to purchase the necessary raw materials. Mass production in any case involves communication and cooperation with wholesale suppliers, and this raises the issue of profit and trust. When trying to find a good supplier, be sure to look at the reviews of others on their services. Of course, in some cases it is better to choose an offer from a little-known company, but with pleasant and favorable conditions.

Business idea No. 125: Is it difficult to open a pie shop from scratch?

You can make money on everything cash flows around us, you just need to think, calculate and make an effort - and the money will flow to you. One of my friends bakes gingerbread, paints them and sells them. And who would have thought - in December she collected orders for these same gingerbread cookies + participated in the New Year's fair, and her income amounted to 120,000 rubles. Very, very good. So go for it, everything can work out with pies too, the main thing is desire and a creative approach! the author of the question chose this answer as the best. Many people make money this way.

For example, one woman often comes to us who sells pies; this is the only way her pies are sold; you can also go to organizations and sell pies. If you have your own potatoes and cabbage from your own garden, then selling pies will be profitable.

Is it possible to make money by baking and selling pies?

This includes:

  • stoves - $2,000;
  • freezers - $400;
  • proofing cabinet - $500;
  • coffee machine, kettle - $300;
  • thermal showcase - $300-400;
  • Microwave oven - $70;

In addition, you will also have to incur the following expenses:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur (LLC) - $700–800;
  • rental of premises for production - $1,000;
  • raw materials - $2,000;
  • repair - $700;
  • advertising - $300–400;
  • furniture (tables, chairs) - $120;
  • dishes, other equipment - $100-120.

Remember about payment utilities, issuance wages to the staff. The profitability of such an enterprise is up to 50%.

Having successfully chosen a place, it is quite possible to sell more than 300 pies per day. The markup is 30%. The pie business will pay off in one and a half to two years.


You will also have to purchase furniture: the list of calculations should include either chairs, tables, a counter and various shelving with cabinets for a cafe, or small tables, if possible, for a kiosk. It's definitely worth putting up trash cans. In addition, not only pies will be sold in the establishment, therefore, as a normal business project in this area, a pie shop will require the purchase of a coffee machine and a kettle for preparing warm drinks.

Separate display refrigerators should be installed for ready-made drinks in bottles and cans. Video: business plan for the production of pies. We calculate the profitability of the project In order to open a pie shop from scratch, of course, you need some money. But are the costs worth the benefits? To understand how profitable an idea a project for trading pies is, it is worth considering its costs and income.

What documents and permits are needed for selling pies?

Then drain the juice, we don't need it. 2 Roll out puff pastry 0.3 centimeters thick, cut into rectangles. Place a cherry on each rectangle. Sprinkle starch on top of the cherries (0.5 spoon). Make a pie. 3 Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the pies. Place in the oven for twenty minutes. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees.

Please note: This amount of ingredients will make eight pies. Instead of cherries, you can take any other berry if you wish.

Berries can be either frozen or fresh. Pies are one of the oldest dishes in Russian cuisine, which has been treated to dear guests since time immemorial. Today they are also popular, because such a treat is useful in any situation, be it a family breakfast, a simple snack or an outing.