What is international cooperation? International Development Cooperation: The Role of the World Bank

A universal form of organizing joint or mutually agreed upon production with the participation of foreign partners of two or more countries, based on the distribution of production, commercial cooperation, mutual guarantee of risks, general protection of investments and industrial secrets.

International cooperation covers very different areas of activity. Including:

  • improving healthcare
  • improvement of education
  • improvement of environmental conditions
  • reducing socio-economic inequality
  • anti-terrorism activities
  • sports development

See also

  • Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
  • Development cooperation
  • Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “International cooperation” is in other dictionaries:

    international cooperation- — EN international co operation The collaboration between governments, businesses or individuals in which it is agreed to work together on similar objectives or strategies,… … Technical Translator's Guide


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    INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION- cooperation of the Russian Federation with other countries, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and international treaties that do not contradict the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Educational authorities, educational... ... Vocational education. Dictionary

    International cooperation in the field of education- implementation (implementation) of direct connections and joint activities with foreign and international institutions and organizations in the field of education in accordance with current legislation and the national interests of the country.… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

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  • International cooperation in ecology. German for beginners. Practical course in professionally oriented reading / Okologische Kommunikation International: Fachsprachenlesekurs Deutsch fur Anfanger, Anneliese Ferns, Rosemarie Buhlmann, Ingeborg Baumer, Antonina Nemchenko. Practical initial course on professionally oriented reading in German. The textbook is intended for students of natural sciences, engineering, agriculture and economics…

Krysanov A.V.


In the article, the author attempts to consider the category of “international cooperation” in a general theoretical form, as well as in the two meanings that it acquires in international acts: as a principle of international law and as a joint activity of subjects of international law. In addition, the most typical areas of international cooperation are reflected and a thesis is formulated about their diversity and dependence on the field of international communication.

Keywords Keywords: international cooperation, integration, principle of international law, subjects of international law.


In the article, the author attempts to consider the category of "international cooperation" in a general theoretical form, as well as in two meanings that it acquires in international acts: as a principle of international law and as a joint activity of subjects of international law In addition, the most typical areas of international cooperation are reflected and a thesis is formulated on their diversity and dependence on the field of international communication.

Key words: international cooperation, integration, principle of international law, subjects of international law.

In the modern world, there are processes of globalization that mediate the process of international communication. In the process of international communication, due to objective and subjective reasons, contacts of varying activity arise. The closest international interaction, as a rule, develops into cooperation, which is aimed at solving common goals and objectives. Currently, international cooperation in various areas and in a wide variety of forms is very widespread. In this regard, we believe that it is important to understand the essence of the concept of “international cooperation” in its theoretical and legal context.

The term “international cooperation” is used quite widely in scientific publications, as well as in domestic legislative and international acts. An analysis of these sources indicates that in most cases the authors avoid issues related to establishing the content and nature of the category under consideration. More or less fully theoretical study of issues of international cooperation is carried out within the framework of such a branch of knowledge as international relations.

It should also be noted such a trend as “specialization in matters of international cooperation”. Its essence is that researchers, like

As a rule, they turn their attention to specific areas of international cooperation, while general theoretical issues remain unattended. However, one should not miss the fact that there are still attempts to substantiate the need to develop a categorical apparatus of international cooperation and determine its essence and content [see, for example, 1].

We believe that when analyzing the term “international cooperation”, it is necessary to understand the content of its constituent elements.

It is not possible to find the term “cooperation” in explanatory dictionaries. However, it can be defined through the verb “to cooperate.”

Explanatory Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegova gives the following definition of the term “cooperate” - work, act together, take part in a common cause.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of T.F. Efremova “to collaborate” means to engage in any activity together with someone.

Thus, cooperation is a joint activity of interested parties, which is aimed at achieving a certain result.

The international nature of cooperation lies in the fact that it is carried out between subjects of international law.

We believe that the term “international cooperation” can be considered in two meanings:

Firstly, as a principle of international law;

Secondly, as a direct joint activity of interested subjects of international law.

As rightly noted in the literature, the principle of international cooperation received conventional recognition and general universal recognition only in the 20th century. The UN Charter is based on the idea of ​​comprehensive cooperation

of states, regardless of differences in their political, economic and social systems. In accordance with the Charter, states are obliged to carry out international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature, as well as to maintain international peace and security and to this end take effective collective measures.

Subsequently, the principle of international cooperation received a more specific content, in particular in the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation between States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, it was established that states, for the purpose of international cooperation, are obliged to:

Cooperate with other states in maintaining international peace and security;

Cooperate in establishing universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and in eliminating all forms of racial discrimination and all forms of religious intolerance;

Carry out its international relations in the economic, social, cultural, technical and commercial fields in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference;

Member States of the United Nations are obliged, in cooperation with the United Nations, to take joint and individual measures provided for in the relevant provisions of the Charter.

The principle of cooperation between states has also received normative support in regional level. In particular, the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe states that the participating states will strive to develop their cooperation

as equals, to promote mutual understanding and trust, friendly and good neighborly relations among themselves, international peace, security and justice.

Foreign Policy Concept Russian Federation One of the objectives includes expanding international cooperation on a non-discriminatory basis, promoting the formation of network alliances, and Russia’s active participation in them.

Thus, the principle of international cooperation in international law represents the fundamental principle of the activities of subjects of international law, which through international acts acquires a binding character for them.

Speaking about “international cooperation” in the second meaning indicated above, it can be noted that “international cooperation” is understood as joint actions of subjects in any area of ​​their mutual interests, their interrelated activities to harmonize their positions, coordinate actions, resolve generally significant problems and making mutually acceptable decisions.

M.A. Muntean notes that “international cooperation” reflects a process of interaction between two or more actors, in which the use of armed violence is excluded and a joint search for opportunities to realize common interests dominates. Contrary to ordinary understanding, cooperation is not the absence of conflict, but “getting rid of” its extreme, crisis forms.

Based on the above, “international cooperation” can be defined as joint activities of subjects of international law, based on common goals and objectives in accordance with the norms and principles of international law.

International cooperation can vary significantly in content

depending on the sphere in which it is carried out, since they (spheres) are very diverse. As a rule, the main directions of international cooperation in a particular area are specified in international acts.

The laws adopted in the Russian Federation, which reflect issues of international cooperation, establish that international cooperation is based on the provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. In some laws one can observe an indication of the possibility of creating international organizations [see, for example: 9].

Carrying out an analysis of international acts, we can identify the most typical areas of international cooperation:

1) identification, coordination and implementation of necessary joint measures in the established area of ​​cooperation;

2) creation of mechanisms for bilateral cooperation;

3) monitoring of threats in the subject area of ​​international cooperation;

4) development of joint measures to develop the norms of international law in the regulated area of ​​international cooperation;

5) countering emerging threats in one or another area of ​​international cooperation;

6) conducting examinations, research and assessments in the established field;

7) ensuring security;

8) development and implementation of joint confidence-building measures;

9) development and implementation of a coordinated policy in the established area of ​​international cooperation;

10) exchange of information;

11) assistance in improving the international legal framework;

12) creating conditions for interaction between competent authorities of states;

13) interaction within international organizations and forums;

14) cooperation between educational institutions partner countries;

15) study tours to partner countries of young representatives of political, public, scientific and business circles of foreign countries.

At the same time, the specifics of a particular area of ​​international cooperation may determine the “birth” of other areas of international cooperation.

In the theory of international relations, several types of international cooperation are distinguished:

Negotiations, the subject of which is the distribution of benefits between states from their interaction (this is both a path to cooperation and an indicator of its existence);

Conscious, negotiated policy agreement (formal contracts and operating agreements);

Implicit cooperation, carried out without direct connections and/or formal agreements, which does not imply the conclusion of contracts (such cooperation arises from the coinciding expectations of the actors);

Forced cooperation: the stronger party forces the other to adjust its policies, but at the same time adjusts its own;

Creation of specialized institutions (for example, UN institutions) carrying out regulations, examinations, subsidies, promoting the development of cooperation.

It should be noted that interstate cooperation does not arise without certain conditions. Among scientists, there is an opinion that international cooperation presupposes the presence of three elements: the common goals of partner states, their expectation of benefits from the situation, and the mutual nature of these benefits. We believe we should agree that interstate cooperation

Cooperation most often occurs when the elements are present. However, international cooperation seems to be the most effective and long-term when the subjects of international law do not show excessive self-centeredness, but respect the interests of their opponents.

Considering the essence of international cooperation, many authors raise the issue of distinguishing between the concepts of “cooperation” and “integration”. To delimit such close categories, the literature uses criteria of completeness or limitation of state sovereignty. Thus, if international cooperation presupposes the state retaining its sovereign rights, then integration takes place in the event of the transfer of part of state sovereignty to the sphere of general competence of the merging states. Thus, international integration presupposes the interaction primarily of states (state-like entities), and not other subjects of international law, which also distinguishes integration processes from the sphere of international cooperation.

The analysis made it possible to define international cooperation, on the one hand, as a principle of international law, on the other, as a joint activity of subjects of international law, based on common goals and objectives in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. At the same time, it is possible to identify the most typical areas of international cooperation. However, it should be noted that the content of international cooperation determines the variety of its forms, which are largely dynamic. In this connection, the significance of theoretical and legal research in the field of international cooperation is seen in the search for currently optimal tools for solving global world problems.


1. Furazhnin D.Yu. On the concept of “international cooperation in the field of countering terrorism” // Law in the Armed Forces. 2017. No. 12. pp. 83 - 88.

2. Explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova [ Electronic resource]. URL: https://slovarozhegova.ru/word.php?wordid=29978 (access date: 12/01/2018).

3. Explanatory Dictionary by T.F. Efremova [Electronic resource]. URL: http://efremova-online.ru/slovar-fremovoy/sotrudnichat/103327/(access date: 12/01/2018).

4. International law: Textbook / Rep. ed. V.I. Kuznetsov, B.R. Tuzmukhamedov. 3rd ed., revised. M., 2010. 720 p.

5. Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Adopted on October 24, 1970 by Resolution 2625 (XXV) at the 1883rd plenary meeting General Assembly UN [Electronic resource]. URL: http:garant.ru/ (access date: 12/05/2018).

6. Final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Signed in Helsinki on August 1, 1975 [Electronic resource]. URL: http:garant.ru/ (access date: 12/05/2018).

7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2016 No. 640 “On approval of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource]. URL: http:garant.ru/ (access date: 12/05/2018).

8. Muntyan M.A. Fundamentals of the theory of international relations: Tutorial. M., 2007. 270 p.

9. Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation" [Electronic resource]. URL: http:garant.ru/ (access date: 12/04/2018).

10. Tsygankov P.A. Theory of international relations. Study guide. M., 2003. 590 p.

1. Furazhnin D.YU. O ponyatii “mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v oblasti protivodejstviya terrorizmu” // Pravo v Vooruzhennyh silah. 2017. No. 12. S. 83 - 88.

2. Tolkovyj slovar" S.I. Ozhegova. URL: https://slovarozhegova.ru/ word.php?wordid=29978 (data obrashcheniya: 12/01/2018).

3. Tolkovyj slovar" T.F. Efremovoj. URL: http://efremova-online.ru/slovar-fremovoy/sotrudnichat/103327/ (data obrashcheniya: 12/01/2018).

4. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: Uchebnik / Otv. red. V.I. Kuznekov, B.R. Tuzmuhamedov. 3rd izd., pererab. M., 2010. 720 s.

5. Deklaraciya o principah mezhdunarodnogo prava, kasayushchihsya druzhestvennyh otnoshenij i sotrudnichestva mezhdu gosudarstvami v sootvetstvii s Ustavom Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Prinyata 10/24/1970 g. Rezolyuciej 2625 (XXV) 1883-m plenarnom zasedanii General"noj Assemblei OON. URL: http:garant.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 12/05/2018).

6. Zaklyuchitel"nyj akt Soveshchaniya po bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestvu v Evrope. Podpisan v g. Hel"sinki 01.08.1975 g. . URL: http:garant.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 12/05/2018).

7. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 30.11.2016 No. 640 “Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federacii.” . URL: http:garant.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 12/05/2018).

8. Muntyan M.A. Osnovy teorii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. Educational posobie. M., 2007. 270 s.

9. Federal "nyj zakon ot 04.12.2007 No. 329-FZ "O fizicheskoj kul"ture i sporte v Rossijskoj Federacii". URL: http:garant.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 12/04/2018).

10. Cygankov P.A. Teoriya mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: Educational posobie. M., 2003. 590 s.

KRYSANOV Anton Vyacheslavovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yekaterinburg

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Candidate of Legal Sciences V.A. Galitskov

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International cooperation in the field of emergency prevention and response

1 The concept of international cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations

2 Features of cooperation between states in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations

List of used literature

1. The concept of international cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations

IN modern society Security is the basis of stable relationships that can develop effectively. The variety of threats gives rise to irreversible consequences and threatens the lives of individual people, and possibly individual states. At the same time, significant development is taking place in the field of science, technology, and economics. And as a result - new risks of emergency situations. As a consequence, there is a need to search for new approaches to ensuring security, to methods and means of overcoming crisis situations.

Prevention and response to emergency situations, as well as ensuring security in emergency situations at the international level, is an integral element of the international security system.

The international security system must be based on international norms and principles, subject to their observance by all subjects of international cooperation. However, international security is currently under threat, so the situation in the world can be assessed as unstable. International conflicts negatively affect security in the world, and cause or may cause emergency situations, which sometimes reach catastrophic proportions. The UN report notes that in 2014 the total number of displaced people in Syria will reach 6.5 million (at the end of 2013 their number is estimated at 4.25 million). According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, as of July 2014, the number of refugees from Ukraine to Russian territory amounted to more than 21 thousand people.

In conditions of international security, each state has the best conditions for raising the material standard of living of people, the free development of personality, and ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

International norms governing international security form a corresponding branch - the law of international security, which is a branch of international law that includes a set of principles and norms governing the relations of states to ensure international security.

The basis of international security law is generally recognized international principles, including: non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity of states, inviolability of state borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, peaceful resolution of disputes, cooperation between states. See, for example, the UN Charter, Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the 1970 UN Charter.

There are also special principles:

The principle of indivisibility of international security. Indeed, the modern development of society, infrastructure, and economy presupposes a close relationship between all states in the world. Experience shows that any emergency in one part of the world can cause negative consequences in another part of it. Armed conflicts, accidents and disasters cause crisis situations not only in the countries in which they occur. The interests of other states, sometimes tens or even hundreds of countries, are often affected. Therefore, all states must set themselves the task of improving and developing the system of ensuring international security, and not just the security of their region.

The principle of not causing damage to the security of other states presupposes that each state pursues a foreign policy that takes into account to the maximum extent the security of not only its own state, but also the entire world community.

The principle of equal and identical security means that a state must ensure its own security, commensurate with the capabilities of ensuring the security of other states.

There are two types of international security: universal and regional. Both types of international security relate to collective security, that is, they can only be ensured by the collective efforts of all or most states of the world or region.

Universal security is created for our planet as a whole. It is based on a system of international agreements (treaties) aimed at ensuring international security for all states.

A universal system for ensuring international security has been formed within the framework of the United Nations (UN). Its main body for ensuring international security is the UN Security Council (UN Security Council). In accordance with the UN Charter, the UN Security Council has the right to determine whether there is a threat of aggression in the world, whether it is actually being carried out, and what measures need to be taken in order to maintain peace and fully ensure international security.

The UN Security Council is a permanent body and has the right to apply a set of measures to the aggressor, including the use of armed force, in order not only to stop aggression, but also to create conditions to prevent it in the future. However, these measures can be applied only with the unity of all states that are permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Regional international security is security in a separate region. For example, the system of collective security in Europe is based on the functioning mechanism of a number of systems, including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) http://www.osce.org. Collective European security within the OSCE began to take shape in 1975, when 33 European states, as well as the USA and Canada top level signed the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). Currently, the OSCE includes 57 states from Europe, Central Asia and North America. Russia is a member of the OSCE. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)http://www.nato.int.

Within the framework of the OSCE, summits and meetings at the level of foreign ministers were held. Their result was the adoption large number documents, including in the field of ensuring collective security. For example, in 1999, OSCE member states adopted the Charter for European Security. It reflects the concept of security of the world community, oriented towards the 21st century. It is based on two principles: collectivity, in which the security of each participating state is inextricably linked with the security of all others, and the principle of the primary responsibility of the UN Security Council for maintaining international peace.

The OSCE is identified as one of the main organizations for the peaceful settlement of disputes in its region and one of the main instruments in the field of early warning and conflict prevention.

In 2014, the OSCE was actively involved in resolving the crisis in Ukraine.

Collective European security is also ensured within the framework of NATO, which has powerful armed forces. These forces can be brought into action in the event of a threat to the security of NATO member states. NATO currently includes 28 member states. However, NATO is trying to expand its borders. or, as practice shows, the emergence of unstable regions in Europe.

Russia does not welcome NATO expansion. However, Russia cooperates with NATO on its most important security issues. To this end, a corresponding agreement was signed between Russia and NATO in May 2002, after which the first meeting of the new Russia-NATO interaction and cooperation body was held in Rome. Since the creation of the NATO-Russia Council, these actors of international relations have worked together on various issues, from the fight against drug trafficking and the fight against terrorism to rescue submarines and civil emergency planning. Currently, relations between Russia and NATO have become tense. On April 1, 2014, NATO Foreign Ministers condemned Russia's illegal military intervention in Ukraine and Russia's violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity Ukraine. The ministers emphasized that NATO does not recognize Russia’s illegal and unlawful attempt to annex Crimea (http://www.nato.int/cps/ru/natolive/topics_50090.htm?)

The Treaty on the Limitation of Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) of 1990 is essential for ensuring European security. This Treaty must operate in an adapted form, as agreed by its participants by signing the corresponding Agreement on the Adaptation of the CFE Treaty in November 1999 in Istanbul. In accordance with According to the provisions of the adapted CFE Treaty, states located in Central Europe must not exceed the corresponding weapons parameters stipulated by the Treaty.

One example of creating the foundations of regional collective security is the signing on April 25, 2002 of the Document on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in the Black Sea. In combination with the Agreement on the creation of the Black Sea Naval Operational Cooperation Group "Blackseafor" The main tasks of "Blackseafor" are: conducting joint search and rescue exercises, mine action and humanitarian operations, environmental protection operations, as well as conducting goodwill visits., Document based on confidence building measures, it forms an integral mechanism of naval interaction in the region. In particular, it provides for the exchange of various information, including annual plans for naval activities and preliminary notifications of ongoing activities. A number of sections of the Document are devoted to the development of naval cooperation between the Black Sea states. Six Black Sea states were parties to the Document: Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Türkiye and Ukraine.

Another example of the formation of a regional collective security system is within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) http://www.sectsco.org. The SCO members are six states: Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The SCO is active in the field of ensuring security in the region where the participating states are located.

International security at the regional level is also ensured within the CIS. However, CIShttp://www.e-cis.info. Currently, eleven states are members of the CIS: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. is an organization of general competence. The organization with special competence to ensure collective security is the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) http://www.odkb-csto.org. Currently, six states are members of the CSTO: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. The goal of the CSTO is to ensure security in the region where the participating states are located. See, for example, the Collective Security Treaty of 1992, the CSTO Charter of October 7, 2002.

In accordance with the Declaration of the CSTO member states, adopted at the June 2006 session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, it is noted that one of the main directions for the development of integration processes within the CSTO is activities in the field of preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

In 2007, in order to coordinate the interaction of ministries and departments of the CSTO member states in the field of preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, the Organization created the Coordination Council for Emergency Situations of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which included the heads of authorized bodies for emergency situations. A member of the Coordination Council for Emergency Situations of the Collective Security Treaty Organization from Russia is the Minister of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergencies and consequences mitigation natural disasters.

The KSChS is entrusted with solving problems related to:

organizing interaction between authorized bodies in order to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

developing proposals for the implementation of joint organizational and practical measures aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the effectiveness of measures to eliminate their consequences;

development of the international legal framework for cooperation in the field of prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations;

preparing proposals for improving and harmonizing the national legislation of the CSTO member states;

coordinating the preparation and implementation of joint activities to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

preparation of proposals for the development of draft interstate programs and plans for the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of emergency situations;

organizing the exchange of experience and information, assistance in training and advanced training of personnel;

participation in methodological, information and analytical support for authorized bodies of the Organization’s member states in the field of prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Based on the Decision of the Collective Security Council, which adopted amendments to the Regulations on the CSTO Emergency Committee, the chairman of the Coordination Council is appointed starting in 2010 for a period of three years. Since December 2010, the Coordination Council has been chaired by the Republic of Belarus. In 2013, the chairmanship passed to Kazakhstan for three years. The CSTO Emergency Situations Committee was headed by the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vladimir Bozhko.

A total of six meetings of the CSTO Emergency Coordination Council were held: On March 18, 2008, the first meeting of the CSTO Emergency Coordination Council was held in Moscow.

The second meeting of the KSChS was held on November 26, 2009 in Moscow on the basis of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, at which the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was elected Chairman of the Council.

On December 1, 2010, the third meeting of the CSTO Emergency Coordination Council was held in Moscow.

On October 11, 2011, in Yerevan (Republic of Armenia), the fourth meeting of the Emergency Management Committee of the CSTO member states was held, which was chaired by the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

On August 16, 2012, the fifth meeting of the CSTO Emergency Coordination Council was held in Minsk (Republic of Belarus), also chaired by the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

The meeting participants heard information from the heads of delegations about the prospects for the development of the CSTO in the field of countering challenges and threats in the CSTO space due to the occurrence of emergency situations, as well as directions and measures to counter these threats.

At the meeting of the KSChS, the Main Directions for the Development of a Collective Response System to Emergency Situations and the draft Decision on giving the status of basic ones were approved. educational institutions to train specialists for emergency departments of member states.

In particular, in order to ensure the further progressive development of the system of collective response of the CSTO member states to emergency situations, issues of deploying humanitarian centers in the CSTO collective security regions will be worked out, including the development of a legal framework, the placement of material reserves on the basis of the centers, comprehensive logistical and financial ensuring the activities of these centers, as well as the creation of rescue groups in the CSTO collective security regions.

The document provides for the development of a single information and program space of the Organization for regular exchange of information and joint monitoring of the CSTO space in the field of the system of collective response of CSTO member states to emergency situations, as well as ensuring interaction between member states in joint actions. Much attention is paid to the coordination of the activities of non-governmental and international organizations in order to use their potential in providing assistance to victims of emergency situations.

It is also expected that a preferential procurement mechanism will be created. special equipment to equip rescue units and expand cooperation in improving the training system for emergency departments of the CSTO member states, organizing joint vocational training rescue teams.

By the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council dated December 19, 2012 “On basic educational institutions of higher professional education for training specialists for member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in the field of civil defense and emergency response and in the field of fire safety”, the status of basic educational institutions was given CSTO Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - for training specialists in the field of civil defense and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - for training specialists in the field of fire safety and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

In June 2013, joint exercises of rescue units of the CSTO member states were held in Kazakhstan near Almaty to practice actions to eliminate the consequences of a devastating earthquake. Issues of increasing the level of interaction between rescuers, the algorithm of organizational activities of control bodies in the management of subordinate forces and means during the preparation and conduct of rescue operations in the emergency zone were worked out, rescuers exchanged experience and skills in organizing and conducting rescue operations.

On July 16, 2013, in Gomel (Belarus), under the chairmanship of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, the sixth meeting of the Coordination Council for Emergency Situations of the CSTO member states was held, in which the CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha took part and spoke, who stated that the process of forming a system of collective emergency response has passed the main stages and is moving towards its completion. Thanks to it, the CSTO countries will be able to jointly respond to major man-made and natural disasters.http://www.odkb-csto.org/kschs_odkb

KSChS approved the draft Action Plan for the implementation of the Main Directions for the Development of a System of Collective Response to Emergency Situations. At the meeting of the KSChS on July 16, 2013, a draft mechanism for implementing the Regulations on the procedure for responding to emergency situations of CSTO member states was also discussed and adopted as a basis. Approved by the Decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council dated December 20, 2011, the Plan for exercises and other joint activities interaction between authorized bodies of the CSTO member states.

Draft standard regulations and an algorithm for organizing information interaction between control centers in crisis situations of the CSTO member states were adopted as a basis. It is expected that all ministries and emergency management centers will exchange information on emergency situations, incidents, and forecast data so that it is possible to quickly respond and predict the development of the situation in the future. “At the moment, this is extremely important, and the ministers of emergency situations talked about this a lot today, everyone noted the very great contribution to this work and, in general, to the creation of this system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Russian rescuers, in my opinion, already have enormous experience in creating such a system and interact with almost all the world’s largest emergency control centers,” said Nikolai Bordyuzha following the meeting of the KSChS. http://www.odkb-csto.org/ kschs_odkb

Importance in ensuring international, regional and national security have bilateral agreements between states, for example, between Russia and France. To deepen interaction between the two states on international security issues and in the field of bilateral relations, in accordance with the decision of the presidents of the two countries, the Russian-French Security Cooperation Council was created. The main topics on the Council's agenda are problems of global and regional security, fight against terrorism, countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Within the Council, joint working groups have been formed on the non-proliferation of WMD and on combating new threats and challenges.

Thus, international security occupies an important place in the system of international relations, since on the principles of international security the development and fruitful cooperation of states in all areas of relations, including in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations, is possible.

International security in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations - the state of security of states, their citizens, material and cultural values from threats of emergency situations that have arisen and may arise.

International security in emergency situations presupposes:

ensuring the security of states and their citizens in emergency situations;

emergency prevention;

emergency response;

protection of people and material objects from emergency situations;

restoration of territories;

normative legal regulation of this area;

creation of forces and means for preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

Ensuring international security in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations is possible only with the cooperation of states and (or) international organizations.

Such international cooperation is carried out on international norms and principles. Among such principles are the following, which, in particular, regulate relations to ensure security in emergency situations:

the principle of sovereign equality of states;

the principle of non-use of force and threat of force;

the principle of inviolability of state borders;

the principle of territorial integrity (inviolability) of states;

the principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes;

the principle of non-interference in internal affairs;

the principle of indivisibility of international security;

the principle of non-damage to the security of other states;

the principle of equal and equal security, as well as:

the environment is a common concern of humanity;

freedom to explore and use the environment;

environmental management;

interdependence of environmental protection and human rightsPeople have the right to live in good health and work productively in harmony with nature;

prevention of environmental pollution;

State responsibility;

the one who pollutes pays;

principle of access to information related to the environment, etc.

Prevention and response to emergency situations can be carried out within one state, within a certain region or throughout the world.

The main way to ensure international security in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations is international cooperation in this area, which is determined by the characteristics of the main participants in international relations - states. States have sovereignty, which determines the nature of their relationships - mutual cooperation.

Indeed, international cooperation is an essential element of ensuring security for Russia as well. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation notes that the development of the world is moving along the path of globalization of all spheres of international life, which is characterized by high dynamism and interdependence of events. Contradictions between states have intensified. The vulnerability of all members of the international community in the face of new challenges and threats has increased. As a result of the strengthening of new centers economic growth and political influence, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation is emerging. The inconsistency of the existing global and regional architecture, oriented, especially in the Euro-Atlantic region, only to NATO, as well as the imperfection of legal instruments and mechanisms increasingly pose a threat to ensuring international security, including in emergency situations. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 No. 537 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 No. 20 Art. 2444

The attention of international policy in the long term will be focused on the possession of energy resources, including in the Middle East, on the Barents Sea shelf and in other areas of the Arctic, in the Caspian Sea basin and in Central Asia. Negative Impact The international situation in the medium term will continue to be affected by the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, conflicts in the Near and Middle East, in a number of countries in South Asia and Africa, and on the Korean Peninsula.

It is noted that in the long term the Russian Federation will strive to build international relations based on international principles, ensuring reliable and equal security of states. To protect its national interests, Russia, while remaining within the framework of international norms, will pursue a rational and pragmatic foreign policy. Russia views the UN and the UN Security Council as the central element of a stable system of international relations, which is based on respect, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation of states based on civilized political instruments resolving global and regional crisis situations. Russia will increase interaction in such multilateral formats as the G20, RIC (Russia, India and China), BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), as well as use the capabilities of other informal international institutions.

The development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation relations with the CIS member states is a priority area of ​​foreign policy for Russia. Russia will strive to develop the potential for regional and subregional integration and coordination in the space of the CIS member states within the framework, first of all, of the Commonwealth of Independent States itself, as well as the CSTO and the Eurasian economic community(EurAsEC), exerting a stabilizing influence on the general situation in the regions bordering the CIS member states. See also there. P.13

The Russian Federation stands for the comprehensive strengthening of mechanisms of interaction with the European Union, including the consistent formation of common spaces in the areas of economics, external and internal security, education, science, and culture. The long-term national interests of Russia are met by the formation of an open system of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region on a certain legal basis. See also there. P.16

In order to maintain strategic stability and equal strategic partnership, the Russian Federation will participate in activities carried out under the auspices of the UN and other international organizations to eliminate natural and man-made disasters and emergency situations, as well as in providing humanitarian assistance to affected countries. See also there. P.95

Thus, the National Security Strategy of Russia describes the international economic, political, social and other situation that is currently or may be a threat of large-scale emergencies requiring the participation of the entire world community.

The Strategy of the State National Policy determines that the development of national, interethnic relations influenced by such a negative factor of a global or trans-border nature as the unifying influence of globalization on local cultures, the unresolved problems of refugees and internally displaced persons, illegal migration, the expansion of international terrorism and religious extremism, and international organized crime. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 No. 1666 “On the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”

The objectives in the field of international cooperation in the implementation of the state national policy of the Russian Federation are:

promoting the formation of a positive image of the Russian Federation abroad as a democratic state that guarantees the satisfaction of the ethnocultural needs of citizens on the basis of centuries-old Russian traditions of harmonization of interethnic relations;

monitoring international events and the activities of international organizations that can affect the state of interethnic relations in the Russian Federation;

ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens and compatriots living abroad, on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation;

the use of cross-border cooperation mechanisms for the purposes of ethnocultural development, socio-economic cooperation, and the creation of conditions for free communication of families of separated nations;

creation, within the framework of interstate contacts and agreements, of conditions for Russian citizens and compatriots living abroad to guarantee the implementation of their humanitarian contacts and freedom of movement;

using the resource of public diplomacy by involving civil society institutions in solving problems of international cultural and humanitarian cooperation as a means of establishing intercivilizational dialogue and ensuring mutual understanding between peoples;

strengthening international cooperation in the field of regulating migration processes and ensuring the rights of labor migrants;

establishing partnerships within the UN, UNESCO, OSCE, Council of Europe, SCO, CIS and other international organizations. See also there. P.21

These tasks must be implemented in any area of ​​international cooperation, including in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations.

The main government body in the field of international cooperation in Russia is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is the lead body in the system of federal executive authorities in the field of relations with foreign states and international organizations and coordinates:

activities of federal executive authorities, including the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the field of international relations and international cooperation;

international relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

international activities of organizations authorized in accordance with Federal law Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 1995 No. 101-FZ “On International Treaties of the Russian Federation” submit proposals to the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation on the conclusion, implementation and termination of international treaties of Russia. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2011 No. 1478 “On the coordinating role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in pursuing a single foreign policy line of the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2011 No. 46 Art. 6477

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

exercises general control over the implementation of international obligations of the Russian Federation;

promotes interaction between federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials in order to ensure compliance with the principle of unity of foreign policy and fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation when these bodies and persons carry out international activities;

provides government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the necessary assistance in the development of international relations, including through territorial bodies - representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation;

provides explanations to federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of foreign policy of the Russian Federation;

informs federal executive authorities in advance about international events, the topics of which fall within their competence;

provides, in accordance with the established procedure, political, diplomatic and information assistance to federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their delegations and representatives in the preparation and conduct of international events;

ensures the participation of representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation in foreign countries, representative offices of the Russian Federation at international organizations, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the territory of the Russian Federation in the work of interdepartmental commissions, working groups and other bodies whose functions are related to carrying out international activities, as well as in the work of delegations formed to participate in international events affecting the foreign policy interests of the Russian Federation;

promptly coordinates with federal executive authorities, in terms of their competence, proposals on issues of international cooperation, which are intended to be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

communicates, on the basis of requests from state bodies of the Russian Federation, to state bodies of foreign states and bodies of international organizations through diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation in foreign states, missions of the Russian Federation to international organizations, diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states in the Russian Federation, representative offices of international organizations in the Russian Federation, information on issues of international activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation;

provides official explanations on issues of coordination of the international activities of federal executive authorities, international relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the international activities of authorized organizations. See also there. P.2

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorized organizations:

inform the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about their international activities and international relations (official trips, consultations and negotiations, signed documents, participation in the implementation of international projects);

coordinate, within their competence, with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposals and acts affecting the foreign policy interests of the Russian Federation;

inform the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about planned official international events with the participation of representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorized organizations, their goals and content;

send to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, if necessary, to other interested government bodies of the Russian Federation reports on the content of international events and agreements reached, as well as copies of documents signed during these events;

ensure, in interaction with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the participation of delegations and representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorized organizations in international events, the topics of which fall within their competence, as well as the timely resolution of issues within their competence relating to international relations and international cooperation, etc. See also there. P.3

Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to foreign states must ensure the implementation of a unified foreign policy line of the Russian Federation in the host states and, for these purposes, coordinate the activities and control the work of other representative offices of the Russian Federation, representative offices of federal executive bodies, Russian government agencies located in the host states, organizations, corporations and enterprises, their delegations and groups of specialists, as well as representative offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. See also there. P.6

Permanent representatives of the Russian Federation to international organizations must ensure the implementation of a unified foreign policy line of the Russian Federation in the relevant international organization and, for these purposes, coordinate the participation of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Russian government agencies, organizations, corporations and enterprises, and their delegations and groups of specialists in the activities of the relevant international organization or its bodies. See also there. P.9

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the main body responsible for preventing and eliminating emergency situations is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Let us recall that the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy, legal regulation, as well as supervision and control in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and security of people on water bodies. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2004 No. 868 “Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2004 No. 28 Art. 2882

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations carries out its activities, in particular, through representatives of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations as part of the representative offices of the Russian Federation at international organizations. See also there. P.3

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia carries out, in accordance with the established procedure, international cooperation in the field of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies, overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters, carrying out underwater work for special purposes, humanitarian demining, as well as participation in international humanitarian projects, programs and operations.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, within its competence, concludes, in accordance with the established procedure, agreements with international and non-governmental organizations related to the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and the provision of humanitarian assistance to foreign states.

It is also noted that in order to develop the main directions of international cooperation and ensure the activities of the Russian national Emergency Humanitarian Response Corps under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, a Council for the Assessment and Strategic Planning of International Activities is being created. See also there.

Thus, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs carries out international cooperation in general, being the coordinating body in the field of international cooperation in the Russian Federation. At the same time, government bodies carry out international cooperation in areas of activity. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is authorized to carry out international cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations, which means it takes part in ensuring safety in emergency situations.

There are many threats in the world, the occurrence of which can lead to accidents, disasters and other emergencies. For Russia, the threats to national security that we have already discussed are identified in the National Security Strategy. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 No. 537 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 No. 20 Art. 2444 The presence of threats implies the need to respond to them. The mechanism for responding to relevant threats may include: ensuring favorable conditions for the economic and social development of the country, to maintain global and regional stability; peaceful coexistence of states and peoples; effective activities of international organizations; taking into account the interests of various countries; promoting conflict resolution; ensuring the security of states and citizens; international cooperation in various fields, etc.

Responding to threats is the most important element of the mechanism for ensuring international security. As noted above, in order to effectively respond to emergency situations, states, international organizations and other actors in international relations need to engage in international cooperation.

Thus, international cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations is the activity of states, international organizations and other subjects of international relations, aimed at their interaction, ensuring the comprehensive development of the emergency response mechanism or its individual elements, as well as the mechanism of mutual assistance and joint actions in emergency situations, based on international norms and principles.

Subjects of international cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations: states, intrastate structural entities, international organizations and other structural entities, legal and individuals, including officials.

The peculiarity of international cooperation is that it is created, first of all, by states. States act as the main subjects of international legal cooperation. In this capacity, they have an exclusive and inalienable property - state sovereignty.

By virtue of the principle of sovereign equality, all states are legally equal. A state exercises its sovereignty taking into account respect for the sovereignty and interests of other states. A state cannot exercise its power in relation to another state. In particular, this is expressed in the disobedience of one state to the legislation of another: the actions of the state are determined by its own laws and international norms. Bringing a state to the court of another state can only be done with its consent.

It is worth paying attention to the recognition of states. Any legal relations between states are possible only if the participants recognize each other as subjects of law. In this regard, it is worth recalling the example of providing humanitarian assistance to the Serbs who were in Kosovo at the end of 2011. The Russian Federation does not recognize Kosovo as a state, while most European countries recognize this state. It is also worth remembering that many European states and others do not recognize the results of the referendum held in Crimea in 2014.

One of the ways to recognize states is to join the UN. The UN Charter makes the following requirements for states wishing to become members of the UN: peacefulness, acceptance of obligations under the UN Charter, and the ability to fulfill these obligations. Article 4 of the UN Charter. In addition, according to the principle of non-use of force, a state created as a result of aggression cannot be recognized as a legitimate entity. For example, states created by Nazi Germany in conquered territories.

Becoming a member of an organization involves accepting obligations under its charter, recognizing certain powers of the organization and its decisions in accordance with their legal force.

International norms regulating relations between states in the sphere of international communication are created by the states themselves through their agreement and are aimed at strict observance of state sovereignty in international relations. Respect for the sovereignty of any state and recognition of the sovereign equality of all states are among the fundamental principles of modern international relations.

A State must fulfill in good faith its obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law, and cannot invoke the provisions of its constitution or its laws as an excuse for its failure to fulfill this duty.

2. Features of cooperation between states in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations

international security nation cooperation

Maintaining international peace and security and taking effective collective measures to achieve this are the main goals of the UN. The main source regulating international legal methods and means of ensuring peace and security is the UN Charter.

The following international treaties have an important place in ensuring international security, including those regulating issues of prevention and response to emergency situations:

1. Treaties that restrain the nuclear arms race in spatial terms: The Antarctic Treaty of 1959, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1968, the Treaty on Principles for the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon, and others celestial bodies 1967 and others.

2. Treaties limiting the buildup of weapons in quantitative and qualitative terms: Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, Outer Space and Under Water of 1963, Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Test Ban Treaty of 1996, Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use means of influencing the natural environment of 1977, the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons of 1993 and others.

3. Treaties prohibiting the production of certain types of weapons and requiring their destruction: Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction of 1972, Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Use of Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction 1993 and others.

4. Treaties designed to prevent the unauthorized outbreak of war. Agreement on direct communication lines between the USSR and the USA in 1963, 1971 (similar agreements were concluded by the USSR with Great Britain in 1967, France in 1966, Germany in 1986). Agreement on measures to reduce the risk of nuclear war between the USSR and the USA, 1971. Exchange of letters between the USSR and France on the prevention of accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons in 1976 and others.

In addition, documents adopted within the framework of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), for example, the Charter for European Security, adopted in 1999 in Istanbul, deserve special attention.

Thus, the following main international normative standards can be identified: legal acts in the field of safety in emergency situations:

Charters of international organizations;

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948;

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966;

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966;

Rome Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 For the Russian Federation, the Convention entered into force on May 5, 1998;

Convention of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1995 Came into force, including for the Russian Federation, on August 11, 1998;

Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the 1970 UN Charter;

Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 1907 The Convention entered into force on January 26, 1910. The Convention entered into force for the USSR on March 7, 1955;

Revised General Act for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, 1949;

Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 1949 and Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1977 Additional Protocol I entered into force for the USSR on March 29, 1990. Additional Protocol II was ratified by the Resolution of the USSR Supreme Court of August 4, 1989;

UN Convention on maritime law 1982 Came into force for the Russian Federation on April 11, 1997;

The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 The USSR ratified this Treaty by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated October 20, 1960;

Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty of 1991 Came into force for the Russian Federation on January 14, 1998;

Treaty on the Principles of the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies of 1967 (Outer Outer Space Treaty) The Treaty entered into force, including for the USSR, on October 10, 1967;

Agreement on the rescue of astronauts, the return of astronauts and the return of objects launched in outer space 1968 The Agreement came into force, including for the USSR, on December 3, 1968;

Declaration on Environment and Development 1992;

Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation of 1971. The Convention entered into force for the USSR on March 22, 1973;

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction 1972 The Convention entered into force, including for the USSR, on March 26, 1975;

International Convention against the Taking of Hostages, 1979;

UN Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others of 1949 The Convention entered into force for the USSR on November 9, 1954;

Agreement on open sky In 1992, the Russian Federation ratified this Treaty by Federal Law No. 57-FZ of May 26, 2001;

CIS Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases 1993 For the Russian Federation came into force on December 10, 1994;

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With development market economy Due to its structural transformations, the service sector is intensively developing (transport, communications, trade and public catering, tourism, insurance, information and computing services, etc.), as evidenced by the growth of its share in GDP production, which is typical for all countries of the world community. Of particular importance for the Republic of Belarus is the development of the transport complex as an infrastructure link for the development of production, other types of services and effective entry into international cooperation. Its share in the production of gross domestic product is about 7%, it includes 8.4 thousand organizations. The main volume of cargo transportation is accounted for by road transport, in second place is railway transport, and a small volume of cargo transportation is accounted for by inland water and air transport.

In Chapter VIII " International cooperation» contains two articles pointing to Russia’s international treaties in the field of tourism as legal basis international cooperation (Article 18) and the legal status of the representative office of the federal executive body performing the functions of providing government services in the field of tourism outside the Russian Federation. Chapter VIII.I “State supervision in the field of tourism activities” is represented by Article 19.1, which regulates the procedure for state supervision in the field of tourism activities. Chapter IX “Final Provisions” includes three articles indicating: liability for violation of tourism legislation (Article 20); the moment the law comes into force (Article 21), the need to bring regulatory legal acts into compliance with this law (Article 22).

In making such a proposal, we proceeded from the fact that the separation of all transnational crimes into an independent section and chapter of the Criminal Code would adequately reflect their increased social (in this case, international) danger, and would indicate the need for an adequate response to them with measures criminal policy, would be an important step towards the unification of criminal legislation, as well as a material and legal prerequisite international cooperation in the fight against these crimes. Thus, Russia could confirm “its commitment to the fundamental principle of international law – the principle conscientious fulfillment international obligations" and would continue to "further improve judicial activities related to the implementation of the provisions of international law at the domestic level", as required by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 "On the application by courts of general jurisdiction of generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation".

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International public law. According to prof. K. A. Bekyashev, when defining public international law, most authors highlight such components as a set (system) of principles and norms; regulation of relations between states and other subjects of international law; regulation goals: solving pressing issues facing these entities. Thus, public international law is a set of norms that are a generally binding criterion for what is legally permitted and legally prohibited and through which governance is carried out. international cooperation in relevant areas or enforcement of compliance with international law.

Trade and wars between countries have accompanied the entire history of mankind, as soon as the first ancient states appeared. For a long time, the main forms of international cooperation were trade and military alliances. With the development of society and technology, and the strengthening of the division of labor, new types of cooperation began to appear, from economics, including trade, to culture and ecology.


International cooperation is the interaction of several participants in the field of mutual interests, efforts aimed at harmonizing positions and coordinating actions, finding solutions to generally recognized problems and smoothing out conflicts. Initially, these were relations between states, with more attention paid to political relationships. However, they must be non-violent in nature, therefore, for example, cooperation with the Qing Empire, which, as a result of the Opium Wars, was forced by Great Britain and France to allow the sale of opium and other goods to the Chinese, can hardly be classified as international cooperation between states, although some researchers classify this case as imposed cooperation.

More and more participants

With development public relations International and public organizations have joined the participants in international life, which, according to some economists, are now the main subjects of international cooperation. There are world organizations covering most countries, for example, the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, regional ones - the EU, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, specialized ones - the International Geographical Union, the World Wholesale Markets Association. Global corporations now have greater economic and political power than most states. Agreements with countries, a group of countries on economic, humanitarian and environmental issues make them full-fledged subjects of international life. The state and society delegate many issues of international cooperation to lower levels to regions, industries, and individual enterprises.

When two or more

More than 190 countries around the world cooperate, exchange information, compete and trade with each other on both a bilateral and multilateral basis. Cooperation between countries is regulated by intergovernmental agreements administered by the ministries of foreign affairs. Intergovernmental commissions are responsible for the development and creation of conditions for other participants, which determine the directions and key parameters cooperation. Public organizations (societies of friendship and cooperation and others), chambers of commerce and industry create a business, information and cultural environment for cooperation between business, public organizations and citizens.

The globalization of the division of labor and the market and the increasing complexity of the tasks at hand require the consolidation of the efforts of many states. Therefore, multilateral cooperation is becoming increasingly common. To organize international cooperation to solve complex, complex problems, various regional and specialized associations are being created. For example, interstate associations - the European Union, a non-governmental association - the international environmental organization Greenpeace. Coordination of work is carried out by specially created institutions - secretariats, commissions, coordinating committees. The largest such structure is the UN, which unites almost all countries of the world.

What result suits everyone?

Interaction between the main subjects of international cooperation is aimed at achieving results that are consolidated through the conclusion of international treaties, conventions, agreements regulating various aspects of relations; international, intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions are being organized, and regional and subregional integration entities are being created.

The main directions of modern international cooperation are political and economic integration in the form of:

  • unions of states that retain complete independence;
  • associations with the formation of supranational bodies and the delegation of part of sovereignty to common institutions;
  • functional integration that makes it possible to work in a specialized area.

There are principles

The history of the development of international cooperation has made it possible to develop general principles, which give equal opportunities to countries with different political and economic situations. Of course, this does not mean that all states comply with them, but at least they declare them.

The basic principles of international cooperation are:

  • sovereign equality of states implies that countries respect each other’s rights and exercise on their territory the full extent of legislative, legal and administrative power, of course, subject to generally accepted norms;
  • non-interference: domestic politics- this is a matter only for the states themselves, if it does not pose a threat to peace;
  • equality and self-determination of peoples, peoples have the right to create their own or join another state for cultural and economic development;
  • respect for human rights, discrimination on any grounds is not allowed.

The principles of compliance with international treaties, environmental safety and cooperation are also highlighted.

Main directions

The main type of cooperation is cooperation between states in the political sphere, which determines the conditions and parameters for other areas. Of course, all types of international cooperation are used to obtain competitive advantages and economic benefits directly or indirectly. For example, political cooperation European countries allowed the creation of a single European space. International economic cooperation, which began with the sale of goods (coal and steel), has grown into a large complex various types relations in the field of exchange of services, investments, information, scientific and technical cooperation and in other areas of the economy.

The increasing complexity of technologies and control systems in the military sphere forces everything more countries participate in the international division of labor in this area. Military and military-technical international cooperation means joint alliances, joint ventures for the production of weapons and much more. All higher value acquires cooperation in ecology, culture, ideology, legal and humanitarian spheres.

Let's start with politics

In order to develop at least some kind of relationship, first of all you need to at least not fight. Therefore, it is noted that the main goal of international cooperation is the prevention of war. Joint efforts of two or more states are aimed at developing mutually acceptable solutions that take into account the balance of interests. The main idea underlying international relations is that all parties are satisfied or dissatisfied with the result, implying either a positive result or a mutual compromise. Since initially international cooperation is the interaction of political units, the relations of states determine the degree and depth of all other types of cooperation. Countries, depending on their political sympathies or antipathies, formulate an agenda for economic cooperation. By introducing most favored nation treatment for some countries and sanctions for others.

Does it all come down to the economy?

True or not, economists believe that the goal of any cooperation is to gain competitive advantages either directly, such as free trade agreements, or indirectly by creating a positive image of the country. South Korea is actively promoting its popular culture to the global market, which increases interest in Korean goods and services. At the same time, numerous trade and economic organizations aim to provide equal rights for all participants in the global market and remove the barriers that countries use to protect their producers. IN economic sphere international cooperation is global trade, investment, scientific and technical cooperation, cooperation in the field of commercial practices and many other activities.

Who writes the laws

International legal cooperation provides legal space for interaction between participants. Relations between states are regulated by agreements between them and international treaties to which they are parties. Legal system international cooperation covers almost all areas of activity, including economic cooperation, transport, monetary relations, intellectual property, certification and standardization. Countries joining international agreements, delegate part of their sovereignty to the institutions responsible for their implementation. For example, many countries recognize the jurisdiction International Court of Justice for Human Rights in Strasbourg and unconditionally implement its decisions.

Strength in the team

It is difficult even for countries to live alone. Large states strive to pull everything into their orbit more quantities countries, in order to benefit from their competitive advantages, small ones willingly do this, trying to survive. Collective integration involves closer international cooperation in the fields of politics, economics, law and the military. So far, the most successful project of international integration is that countries are united by a single civil and economic space, a single currency, and supranational governing bodies operate. Collective integration can be realized in certain types of international cooperation, for example, military cooperation of the North Atlantic countries in the form of the NATO bloc has made it possible to ensure the security of these countries.