Irkutsk branch of the Russian University of Physical Culture. Branch of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (Gzolifk) in the city

License No. 1706 dated 08/10/2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 821 dated 06/25/2012 00:00, valid until 06/25/2018 00:00.

Director: Elena Vladimirovna Vorobyeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Elena Vladimirovna Vorobyova - Director of the Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian State University of Physical Education and Technology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
In 1985, Elena Vladimirovna graduated from the Irkutsk College of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Culture and Sports, and in 1990 from the Omsk Institute of Physical Culture, with a degree in Physical Education Teacher. In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Subject didactics as the basis of technological approaches in teaching the course “Theories and Methods of Physical Culture.”
In 2009, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Designing a model of creative activity in the process of training specialists from higher educational institutions of physical culture and sports.”
She worked in the Irkutsk United Aviation Squad, as an instructor of industrial gymnastics, and since 1987 at the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute, as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education. In 1990 she worked as a teacher at the Irkutsk Technical School of Physical Culture.
From 2004 to the present, he is the director of the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK)" in Irkutsk. During her professional activity, she has been actively working to improve the pedagogical process in training specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, has developed and implemented technologies for modular-project, modular-block, modular-problem-based training, a technological model of research-heuristic games and educational tasks aimed at formation of creativity and imagination in educational institutions.
Elena Vladimirovna is the organizer of the annual regional Olympiad in physical education for university students, the annual All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Improving the system of physical education”, the participants of which are teachers of schools, kindergartens, sports schools, higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, students and young scientists.
Since 2005, organizer of the annual regional conference for university students and young scientists “Current problems in the development of physical education and sports”; as part of the annual regional student festival “Studzima”, sports grounds are held under the leadership of E. V. Vorobyeva; within the framework of the Baikal Economic Forum together with the Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of the Irkutsk Region. on the initiative of E.V. Vorobyova, a discussion platform “Physical Culture and Sports” was organized (2006); E.V. Vorobyova trained many students, including the winner of the European Championship in shot put Anton Lyuboslavsky, two-time champion of the Paralympic Games Sergei Khodakov, Knyazev Alexey - World and European champion in combat sambo, Mikhail Idrisov - winner of the Russian team championship in athletics, silver winner of the Russian Championship.
Elena Vladimirovna has published more than 60 articles in regional, federal, and international thematic journals; 2 monographs: “Formation of creativity and imagination of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports through educational tasks and research-heuristic games” (2007), “Formation of creativity and imagination in educational activities” (2008); methodological manual “Theory and Methods of Sports” (1997, co-authored), textbooks “Theory and Methods of Physical Culture” for Olympic Reserve Schools (2001, co-authored), “Pedagogy of Physical Culture” (2007, co-authored), monograph “Physical Culture and sport in the Irkutsk region" (2006, co-author).
Elena Vladimirovna, was awarded a diploma from the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region, has the title “Excellence in Physical Culture”; is a member of the board of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy, a member of the Council of Rectors of the Irkutsk Region.

The Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK) in Irkutsk trains coaches and teachers in the field of physical culture and sports.

The Irkutsk branch of the Russian State University of Physical Education and Technology is represented by the following departments:

  • theoretical and methodological foundations of physical culture and sports with a course of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;
  • natural sciences with a course of medical and biological disciplines;
  • sports disciplines.

University graduates work as teachers and managers in the field of physical education and sports.

Students of the branch work in the city student council, created under the Administration of Irkutsk.

There are more than 100 people in the branch’s student sports club. The club forms sports teams and fan teams to participate in the Regional Universities Spartakiad. The branch participates in 18 types of sports competitions.

There is a developed volunteer movement among students.

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