What created the conditions for the emergence of the country. State in a market economy

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Are you tired of crazy politicians, government interference or social permissiveness? Have taxes gotten so high that you can't bear it? Have you ever thought that everything would change for the better if people trusted you? Then we have good news: You can start your own microstate! It's not easy, but it's possible, and we'll tell you how. We will also give you successful and unsuccessful examples and show you the very real future of nation-building. Read on!


    Learn about your country. Before you start creating new country, it makes sense to learn more about yours.

    Develop a plan. Come up with the name of the country, districts, capital, language. Think about it.

    Understand the rules. As Bob Dylan said, “To live outside the law, you have to be honest.” The same idea is true when forming a microstate: in order to create your own rules, you must follow the already established rules and norms. The main foundation on which modern states are built is the 1933 Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, also known as the Montevideo Convention. Here are the basic rules set out in the first article of the Convention:

    The state as a subject of international law must have the following characteristics:

    • Permanent population.
    • Specific territory.
    • Government.
    • The ability to enter into relations with other states.
    • The summary of the first ten articles is the explanation that the existence of a state does not depend on whether other countries recognize it, that it is free to act in its own name, and that no state has the right to interfere in the affairs of another.
    • Please note that these are not laws in the generally accepted sense. Of course, you can declare your country anytime and anywhere. However, no one will take you seriously. It all comes down to a simple truth: you will have no legitimacy as a state.
  1. Find a territory for your microstate. This is the most the hard part. All existing lands have already been appropriated by existing states. With one exception. What's the exception? Antarctica. But even if you can cope with the weather and the lack of “attractiveness to the population”, Antarctica has the most claims strong countries world and they are unlikely to just let you put up a flag and say: “Mine!” Nevertheless, there are still options on how to find a suitable place on our Planet:

    Build an island. The ocean, as they say, the last frontier. International waters do not belong to any nation, this spurs interest and activity in them.

    Invite your friends. One of the key requirements for a state, in addition to territory, is population. If the land you conquer or create does not have an indigenous population, you will have to assemble a company yourself. Recruit your friends and family to join you in this venture and you will have a small but loyal population.

    • These days, if you're serious about something (and creating a micronation can actually be serious), then you'll need a website. Use it to find like-minded people and give them compelling reasons to populate your new Republic. This could be: work and money, freedom to marry, or simply the chance to be part of the birth of a nation.
    • You must decide what demands will be made on your citizens. Will I be required to take a citizenship test or comply with certain laws? What form will be used to identify them: passport, driver's license, subcutaneous RFID tag?
  2. Establish a government and constitution. The success or failure of your enterprise largely depends on the leadership in management. For example, the success of the United States lies in the Constitution, which is clear about everything, but at the same time open to interpretation and development. Without it, perhaps the country would cease to be a single whole and would fall apart into dozens of small ones due to unrest. nation states. Your government and your constitution must be guided by principles that should be established at the very beginning. Here are some examples of different microstates and their fundamental principles:

    Develop a legal system. Every good country has a system according to which laws are made. A couple of examples:

    • Referendum. Citizens vote to make decisions on issues of national importance or local government. Referendums are held in Switzerland.
    • True democracy. People vote for literally everything. IN big country Such a system is difficult to implement, but within a micronation it is quite possible.
  3. Declare your independence. Now that you have a territory, a population, and a government with a constitution, it's time to make your presence known. Depending on what you have prepared for the world, one of three things will happen:

  4. Create an economy. If you do not trade in rubles, dollars, euros or other currencies, you will have to create your own financial system. Will the wealth of your people be built on gold, on securities or just on your word of honor? While your word may be enough among friends, in order to receive a government loan, you will need significant guarantees. Even if you stick to a set currency, you still need to decide how to finance your government. The best way to do this is taxes. The same taxes that made you decide to create your own state. Through taxation, your government will be able to provide basic services such as electricity, running water, necessary officials (as little as you want) and an army.

    • The primary responsibility of every state (big or small) is the ability to protect its citizens from enemies. Whether it be regular troops, the National Guard, conscription, or some other defensive solution, it important point, which will need to be considered when creating a constitution.
  5. Gain recognition from the global community. To eliminate the unfavorable factors that led to the creation of your country (read above), you will need to become a global player. To do this, recognition from other countries is necessary. You will need solid experience in international law, politics and diplomacy. If you do not have such experience, it would be advisable to organize a cabinet of qualified politicians who can shoulder this burden.

    • This is perhaps the most difficult step of all. Some countries, such as Palestine, Taiwan and Northern Cyprus, seem to have done everything necessary, but are still not recognized by many countries. There are no rules here - each country has its own standards by which they decide on recognition. The result can be influenced by such things as: affiliation with al-Qaeda, communism or capitalism. Your views on human rights or control over natural resources also matter. For example, in the United States, the decision to recognize a nation is made by the President. The decision on your request will depend on who occupies White House Currently, their policies and preferences change every four years.
    • Additionally, to join the UN, none of the five powers - the US, UK, China, Russia and France - must veto your membership. To put it differently, you will have to have neutral positions on issues such as territorial disputes, including with Palestine, Taiwan and Crimea.
    • If you live close to or in Europe itself, try applying to join European Union. This way you will ensure your country’s sovereignty in world politics.
  6. Create your own symbols. Every country needs a flag and yours, of course, will be no exception. This is the most famous national symbol, but there are other symbols that will help create your national identity:

    • Money. What will your currency look like? Will gold coins and 3D holograms on paper bills feature your profile, or will you use symbolic icons such as the Statue of Liberty or Charlton Heston? Will you go in a modern way, or will you cut out every detail by hand the old fashioned way?
    • State emblem. You can come up with a national motto and translate it into Latin. There are many free online translators. Add some ornate graphics to your shield to make everyone think you're a descendant royal family. Or you can state your mission in clear, native language by asking a designer to create a logo. Nice logo could be worth more than the Crown Jewels of England!
    • Official correspondence. All letters you will write to the President, the UN, the Prime Minister and other heads of state will need blank paper high quality embossed with your seal.
    • National anthem. Don't forget the national anthem, which will be played at important events.

“Emergency rescue operations” - Gas rescue operations. Elimination (localization) of emergency situations in road transport. 29. Elimination (localization) of emergency situations in railway transport. 27. Sincerely, Group of Companies "TECHNOSPAS" 111116, Moscow, st. Professional emergency rescue unit "TECHNOSPAS".

"Organization for the protection of the population from emergencies" - Damaging factors nuclear, chemical, bacteriological and conventional weapons. Skin protection products. Bacteriological weapons. Dangers arising during military operations. Classification of toxic substances. Increasing the protective properties of premises. Types of evacuation. Evacuation. Principles of evacuation.

“Notifying the public” - Actions on warning signals: What will you do if you hear an intermittent siren signal outside your window? My actions in case of danger. What technical means are used to transmit warning signals? This is how I acted during the evacuation! How are alerts transmitted? What is the content of the alerts?

“Public Protection Services” - Young rescuer. Public protection services. Car horns. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Warning the public about danger. Ambulance medical care. Alert. Gas emergency service. Dangers. Police. Special services protection of the population. Services.

“Carrying out evacuation measures” - Territorial production principle of evacuation of workers. General evacuation to wartime. Reception plan. Organized withdrawal (removal) of the population. Evacuation in case of an accident with the release of hazardous substances. Planning. Combined method. Material assets subject to evacuation. Approximate diagram of the organization of the reception evacuation commission.

“Protection of the population” - Elimination of emergency situations. Life safety lesson 7th grade. Emergency rescue work. Conducted by complex engineering-geological and hydrological teams of the Ministry natural resources. Types of emergency rescue operations: Emergency monitoring and forecasting. Atmospheric monitoring. In your notebook, write down the order of your behavior when receiving information about an emergency.

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In relation to a market economy, the state performs the following functions:

  • issue of banknotes and control of their circulation;
  • collection of taxes and other obligatory payments;
  • protection of the interests of private owners.
The state regulates the market economy through:
  • creating a legal framework for all subjects economic relations;
  • maintaining competition by counteracting monopolies;
  • redistribution of income between participants in economic relations;
  • control of the labor market, pricing, economic growth rates;
  • financing scientific activities;
  • taking measures to protect the environment;
  • optimization of the production process for more efficient allocation of resources;
  • subsidizing low-profit sectors of the economy or organizing the production of public goods and services.
The state not only regulates the private sector of the economy through various instruments, but is also a participant in economic relations, acting as a producer and buyer of goods and services.

Public sector in a market economy

The public sector includes socially significant areas of production, as well as sectors of the economy that are not of interest to private investors due to low profitability.

The public sector includes the following areas of the economy:

  • mining;
  • energy;
  • construction of roads and railways;
  • water supply;
  • healthcare;
  • education and science;
  • aerospace industry.

The influence of the state on the market economy

Regulation of the economy by the state in the conditions of a commodity economy is carried out using a system of standard measures of a legislative, supervisory and executive nature implemented by authorized government agencies.

By objects of influence, regulation is distinguished:

  • resources;
  • production;
  • finance.
Focusing on the territorial structure public administration divided into federal and regional.

The influence of the state on the market economy is carried out using direct and indirect methods.

Direct methods are implemented through administrative and legal methods of influence: measures of restriction, prohibition, permission. Indirect regulation involves the use of state monetary policy.

Administrative-legal and monetary methods of influence are the main instruments of state regulation of the economy. Changing one element in economic structure states influence other elements.

Apparently, a one-party parliament may appear in Kyrgyzstan, which, according to opposition parties, will be a significant setback in the country’s democratic development.

According to preliminary results of the parliamentary elections held in the country on December 16, the Ak Zhol people's party, founded by the country's President Kurmanbek Bakiyev two months ago, is aiming for a complete victory with a result of at least 48% of the vote.

Thus, she left far behind her closest rival, the Ata-Meken party, which, according to initial estimates, received about 9 percent of the votes.

Under Kyrgyzstan's controversial election legislation, parties not only had to pass the national 5 percent threshold of total number voters across the country, but also to gain at least 0.5 percent of the votes in each of the seven regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as in such major cities, like Bishkek and Osh. This means that parties had to get more than 13,500 votes in each region, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

After preliminary calculations, it became known that the Ata-Meken party failed to overcome the threshold of 13,500 thousand votes in the Batken region in the south of the country, and commentators predict that the main opposition party may not be able to win a single seat in parliament.

Kimmo Kiljunen, short-term observer coordinator for the OSCE election observation mission in Kyrgyzstan, said he was “disappointed” with the election results announced so far, the conduct of the vote and the way the votes were being counted. According to him, it was “a step back compared to the 2005 elections.”

First of all, according to Kiljunen, opposition parties had little opportunity to clearly state their intentions. "The debate was held too late - after 11 pm - and it was difficult for both candidates and parties to gain access to the media," he said.

The OSCE Co-ordinator was critical of the introduction of the need to overcome regional thresholds, and added that some observers were forced to leave the polling stations they were assigned to, and other observers noted that posters of the Ak Zhol party were hung in polling stations.

Tolekan Ismailova from the organization Citizens Against Corruption does not agree with preliminary results, because he believes that they are falsified.

She said observers from her organization told her they believed Ak Zhol and opposition parties had similar results.

According to Ismailova, the authorities tried to use “administrative resources” - a term implying the vast resources that the current government can use to achieve the desired results in the elections - “to make the parliament one-party.”

“This election poses a threat to each of us because of the unprecedented use of force against the electorate,” she added.

Ak Zhol is a relatively new party on the Kyrgyz political scene, having emerged in October, a few days before President Bakiyev's proposed version of the Constitution received popular support in a popular referendum and the president announced the dissolution of parliament.

Many observers, including observers from the OSCE, said that the October 21 referendum was held with many irregularities and falsification of ballots.

Despite this, the new Constitution of Kyrgyzstan and the Election Code, establishing new procedure carrying out general elections, were legalized.

The day before the parliamentary elections, the Ak Zhol party submitted an application to Supreme Court, demanding the elimination of the regional 0.5 percent threshold. Party representatives said they would protest this decision CEC for reasons of principle, but some observers insist that Ak Zhol is only pretending to sympathize opposition parties, which most likely will not pass due to the regional threshold.

Other observers, however, believe that Ak Zhol does not seek to take all the seats in parliament; its leaders would ideally prefer to split the opposition in two - allowing one part of it into parliament and leaving the other out.

The Supreme Court is expected to deliver its verdict on the regional threshold on December 18. Unless the court overturns the 0.5 percent requirement, Ak Zhol is likely to win all 90 seats in parliament.

If the court overturns this ruling, the situation will partially turn in favor of the opposition, and at least one party will gain seats in parliament, although not many. About 80 percent of the seats will go to Ak Zhol in any case, and 20 percent may go to the Ata-Meken party.

The question now is whether the opposition will accept the final election results when they are released, or try to mobilize their supporters and organize street protests. In 2005, the first president of Kyrgyzstan, Askar Akaev, was forced to leave the country due to protests that erupted in the country after parliamentary elections, the results of which were considered rigged.

Anara Dautalieva, an independent election observer, said such results would be met with disbelief.

“For example, in the Ysykatinsky district less than 30% of voters participated in the elections,” she says. “The 80% they said was not there.”

“I think this will end in riots,” she said.

Cholpon Zhakupova, a member of the Ata-Meken party, rejects claims that the party received only 9% of the vote.

Nurlan Kashkaraev, IWPR editor in Bishkek, and Gulnara Mambetalieva, regular IWPR contributor.

Currently, the likelihood of emergency situations at explosive and fire hazardous facilities remains quite high. This is primarily due to the wear and tear of fixed production assets 1 and the inability to renew them. In addition, in lately The severity of the problem in ensuring the safety of the operation of pipelines (oil pipelines, gas pipelines and product pipelines) is increasing due to the expansion of work on the production and transportation of oil and gas in Russia.

The threat of transportation accidents is not reduced large quantity flammable and explosive goods various types transport (rail, road and water). And this poses a serious threat to the life and health of people living in areas of transport highways.

Let us remember that objects on which dangerous situations, associated with explosions and fires, belong to the class of explosive and fire hazardous objects. Obviously, the damage from the consequences of accidents at such facilities depends on the number of explosions and fires hazardous substances located on them. In this regard, in Federal law“On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (adopted State Duma June 20, 1997) all hazardous production facilities were divided into 2 categories and maximum standards for hazardous substances at the facility were determined.

  • flammable substances (gases that, when normal pressure and when mixed with air they become self-igniting);
  • oxidizing substances (substances that support combustion);
  • flammable substances (substances capable of spontaneous combustion, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn after its removal); explosives.

Co. second category of hazardous production facilities include facilities that use equipment for high pressure(more than 0.07 MPa) or with a water temperature of more than 115 °C. Such explosion and fire hazardous objects can be not only industrial ones, but also vehicles with explosive cargo.

In addition, the law defines maximum standards for hazardous substances, the presence of which at an explosive and fire-hazardous facility is the basis for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration (see table). Declaration is carried out in order to ensure control over compliance with safety measures, assess the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations at hazardous production facilities. Currently, in order to increase the sustainability of the functioning of economic facilities in emergency situations in almost all subjects Russian Federation special commissions have been created (republican, regional, facility) to ensure the safety of the operation of economic facilities, and plans for major activities have been developed.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia includes the State Fire Service, mobile and effective, aimed at combating emergencies and fires, as well as eliminating their consequences.
    To receive messages about emergency situations, including those caused by fires, in telephone networks settlements Single numbers 01 and 112 have been established, by which you can call both firefighters and rescuers of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Currently, a number of effective measures are planned to improve the safety of hazardous production facilities.

For these purposes it is planned:

  • transfer of potentially dangerous economic facilities to modern, safer technologies and their removal from populated areas;
  • implementation modern systems control and management of hazardous technological processes;
  • improving the training system for production personnel and the population in emergency situations and a number of other measures.

To ensure the safety of facility personnel and the population living near explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations have developed practical recommendations on behavior in emergency situations caused by an accident.

If you live near an explosive or fire hazardous facility, be careful. Sirens and intermittent beeps of the enterprise ( vehicles) means the signal “Attention everyone!” When you hear it, immediately turn on the speaker, radio, or TV. Listen to the information message about emergency and act in accordance with the instructions of the territorial Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

What to do in the event of a sudden building collapse

If you hear an explosion or find that a building is losing its stability, try to leave it as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essential items. When leaving the premises, go down the stairs and not in the elevator, as it may break down at any time. Once outside, do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space.

If you are in the building, immediately turn off the water, electricity and gas. If it is not possible to leave the building, take the safest place: the openings of the main internal walls, the corners formed by these walls, under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris.

Open the door to your apartment to provide yourself with an exit if necessary. Don't panic and stay calm. Stay away from windows and electrical appliances.

If a fire occurs, try to put it out immediately. Don't go out onto the balcony. Do not use matches because there is a risk of gas leakage and an explosion.

How to act in a collapse

Breathe deeply, do not panic and do not lose heart. Focus on what's most important. At the moment of collapse, it is important to choose a place and position that does not crush any part of the body, especially the limbs, as this will lead to loss of blood circulation. Try to survive at any cost, believe that help will definitely come. If necessary, provide yourself with first aid.

Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a possible way out. Try to determine where you are, whether there are other people nearby: listen, raise your voice.

    A person can withstand thirst for up to three days, and hunger for much longer, if he does not waste energy.

Look in your pockets or nearby for items that could help provide light or sound signals(for example, a flashlight, a mirror, as well as metal objects that can be used to knock on a pipe or wall and thereby attract attention, for example mobile phone, if you have one). If the only way out is a narrow hole, try to squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your body muscles and move with your elbows close to your body.

You, of course, understand that it is impossible to give advice for all occasions, and these 2 recommendations are compiled for adults. However, you should study them in order to choose something useful that may be useful to you at a critical moment in your life.


  1. What factors determine the persistence of a high degree of probability of an emergency at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities?
  2. What categories and on what grounds are explosive and fire hazardous objects divided?
  3. Under what conditions is it necessary to develop an industrial safety declaration at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility?
  4. What created the conditions for the emergence of the State Fire and Rescue Service in the country?


Carefully study the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations specialists according to the rules safe behavior in an emergency situation arising from an accident at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility. Think about how you would behave if you were in one of these situations. Record your findings in a safety diary.

1 Production assets are a set of means and objects of labor necessary for material production. Main production assets are machinery and equipment, tools and devices, industrial buildings and structures, means of moving goods, means of communication and information.