Sample order for violation of the Unified State Examination procedure. New procedure for conducting the exam

State final certification (GIA) for persons who have mastered educational programs secondary general education, is carried out by state examination commissions (SEC) in the form of a unified state examination (USE), as well as in other established forms. Graduates who successfully pass the State Examination will receive the appropriate certificate (clause 1, part 13, article 59, part 6, article 60 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; clause 4 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 N 1400).

Note. Successful passing The Unified State Exam provides an opportunity to participate in competitive tests required for admission to universities ( pp. “a” clause 7 of the Procedure).

Persons admitted to the Unified State Exam

Students who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have annual grades in all academic subjects for each year of study not lower than satisfactory are admitted to the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam.

In academic subjects, the mastery of which was completed earlier, students of grades 10 - 11 (12) are admitted who have annual grades not lower than satisfactory in all academic subjects for the penultimate year of study (clause 9 of the Procedure).

Subjects included in the Unified State Exam

The compulsory subjects included in the Unified State Examination are Russian language and mathematics. The minimum number of points that confirm the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education is in the Russian language - 24, in mathematics at the profile level - 27 (according to the 100-point assessment system); in mathematics basic level- 3 (according to a five-point rating system) (clause 1 of the Order of Rosobrnadzor dated November 18, 2016 N 1967).

Students and graduates of previous years can choose the level of the mathematics exam. The results of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics are recognized as the results of the State Examination. The results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics at the profile level are recognized as the results of the State Examination and as the results of entrance tests to universities.

Subjects that can be taken electively are literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), native language and native literature peoples of the Russian Federation (clause 5, paragraph “a”, clause 7 of the Order).

Pay attention!

If there are valid reasons (illness and other circumstances), the student can change the choice of subjects. To do this, you must submit an application with supporting documents to the State Examination Committee no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams ( para. 4 clause 11 of the Procedure).

Exams are taken in Russian (except for exams in a foreign language, native non-Russian language and native non-Russian literature). Unified State Examination foreign languages includes a “Listening” section. For this purpose, audiences and audio media are used (clause 5 of the Procedure).

Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and the international Olympiad are exempt from the exam in the relevant subject (clause 3 of the Procedure).

Deadlines and procedure for submitting an application for participation in the Unified State Exam

An application for participation in the Unified State Exam is submitted before February 1 inclusive to the organization where the student mastered the educational programs of secondary general education. The application indicates the selected academic subjects, the level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, and the State Examination Forms (paragraph 2 of clause 11 of the Procedure).

Students, graduates of previous years or their parents (legal representatives), on the basis of an identity document, personally submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam.

The application must be accompanied by consent to the processing of the student’s personal data (Article 9 of the Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ).

For students who refuse to consent to the processing of personal data, the State Examination can be organized without entering their personal data into information systems. To pass the State Examination, such persons submit an application to the State Examination Committee with a request to be given the opportunity to pass the State Examination without processing their personal data. In this case, the barcodes on the examination forms of such participants must be mechanically excluded (cut out with scissors) by the organizers in the classroom in the presence of students on the day of the exam (Letters of Rosobrnadzor dated 03/17/2015 N 02-91 and dated 05/25/2016 N 10-253; Appendix No. 1 to the Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated March 15, 2017 No. 10-134).

Some categories of examinees must submit along with the application, in particular (clause 11 of the Procedure):

  • a copy of the recommendations of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (for students, graduates of previous years with disabilities health);
  • original or duly certified copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability (for students, graduates of previous years, disabled children and disabled people);
  • original documents of education (for graduates of previous years);
  • a certificate confirming the completion of educational programs of secondary general education or completion of their development in the current academic year(for persons studying in foreign educational organizations).

Dates and duration of the Unified State Examination

On the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders, there is a unified schedule and duration of exams (clause 1 of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 9, 2017 N 5).

For graduates of previous years, the Unified State Examination is carried out ahead of schedule, but not earlier than March 1, and (or) at additional dates for the Unified State Examination. Participation in exams for graduates of previous years at other times of the Unified State Examination is allowed only if they have valid reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) and a corresponding decision of the State Examination Committee.

In this case, the break between exams in compulsory academic subjects is at least two days (clause 27 of the Procedure).

The time of preparation for the exam (instruction, preparation of materials, etc.) is not the time of the exam. If the exam lasts four hours or more, meals will be provided for students.

For students and graduates of previous years with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities, as well as those who studied, in particular for health reasons, at home, the exam is held in conditions that take into account their state of health, characteristics of psychophysical development, in addition, the duration of the exam increases by one and a half hours (with the exception of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), which increases by 30 minutes) (clause 32, Procedure; Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 9, 2015 N 10-51-932/10- 3417).

Venue of the Unified State Exam

Examinations are conducted at examination points (EPP). For each examinee, a separate workplace. In the building (complex of buildings) where the PET is located, space is allocated for the personal belongings of examinees.

The head of the PSE organizes the automated distribution of students and organizers into classrooms, taking into account the health status and characteristics of the psychophysical development of the examinees. There are at least two organizers in each audience. Changing the workplace is not allowed (clause 35 of the Procedure).

Consequences of violating the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

PES are equipped with metal detectors, video surveillance equipment, and mobile communication signal suppression systems. In case of violation of the conditions of the Unified State Examination, the exam results are canceled, and the time and place of the repeated exam are set (clause 36 of the Procedure).

During the exam, examinees are prohibited from communicating with each other, moving freely around the audience and the PPE, carrying communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

Violators are removed from the exam based on a report drawn up by members of the State Examination Committee.

If the examinee, for health reasons or other objective reasons, cannot complete the examination work, then he leaves the classroom early. In this case, the organizers, medical worker and members of the State Examination Committee draw up an act on the early completion of the exam. The State Examination Committee may decide to cancel the results of the Unified State Examination according to the relevant academic subject(Clause 45 of the Procedure).

A student or a graduate of previous years can file a complaint with the conflict commission appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination in an academic subject or about disagreement with the assigned points (clause 76 of the Procedure).

The examinee must file an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam on the day of the exam and before leaving the PET. If the conflict commission establishes the fact of such a violation, the chairman of the State Examination Committee will decide to cancel the Unified State Examination result and admit the examinee to the exam on another day provided for by the Unified State Examination schedule (clause 81, Procedure).

The examinee must file an appeal regarding disagreement with the assigned scores within two working days after the official day of announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the relevant academic subject. Students submit an appeal to the organization carrying out educational activities, by which they were admitted to the Unified State Examination, and graduates of previous years - to the places in which they were registered for passing the Unified State Exam. The head of the organization who accepted the appeal immediately transfers it to the conflict commission (clause 84 of the Procedure).

Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission decides to reject the appeal and maintain the assigned points or to uphold the appeal and change the points (clause 88 of the Procedure).

Note. A student, a graduate of previous years and (or) his parents (legal representatives), if desired, may be present during the consideration of the appeal ( clause 80 of the Procedure).

Procedure for notification of Unified State Exam results

The Chairman of the State Examination Committee reviews the Unified State Examination results for each academic subject and makes a decision on their approval, modification and (or) cancellation.

Familiarization of examinees with the results of the Unified State Examination in an academic subject approved by the Chairman of the State Examination Committee is carried out within one working day from the date of their transfer to organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as local government bodies managing the field of education, founders and foreign institutions. The specified day is considered the official day of announcement of the State Examination results (clause 67 of the Procedure).

Note. Unified State Examination results for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained ( clause 2 art. 70 of Law N 273-FZ).

Persons allowed to retake the Unified State Exam

By decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee, students and graduates of previous years are re-admitted to take exams in the current academic year in the relevant academic subject within additional periods (clause 33 of the Procedure):

  • who received an unsatisfactory result in one of the compulsory subjects at the Unified State Examination;
  • those who did not appear for exams for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances);
  • those who did not complete the examination work for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances);
  • in which the conflict commission satisfied the appeal of violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination;
  • the results of which were canceled by decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee in the event of violations of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination.

Useful information on the issue

Official information portal unified state exam -

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Federal State Budgetary Institution " Federal Center testing" -

Information support portal for the Unified State Exam:

Rules for the Unified State Exam

To achieve maximum objectivity of a participant’s knowledge, conducting the Unified State Exam requires strict adherence to the exam procedure, the rules of which are the same for all subjects.

    The Unified State Exam starts at 10:00 local time.

    The Unified State Examination is conducted in Russian (with the exception of foreign languages).

    No later than March 1, submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam within the main deadlines (May-June) and ahead of schedule (April).

    The Unified State Exam is held in special points conducting the examination (PPE)

    PPE in which our students take the Unified State Exam is located in Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 in the village of Pobeda, Maikop district

The Unified State Exam is conducted in written form; Duration of exams:

    in mathematics, literature, physics, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 4 hours (240 minutes);

    in social studies, history of Russia - 3.5 hours (210 minutes);

    in Russian language, biology, geography, chemistry - 3 hours (180 minutes);

    in foreign languages ​​- 160 minutes;

The start time for each exam is 10 a.m. local time.

If you select subjects for which exams are taken on the same day, the schedule provides for 4 reserve days, which will provide an opportunity to pass these subjects.

You must arrive at the PPE (exam point) no later than 9:30 a.m., accompanied by a school representative.

Parents are not allowed at the PPE!

What you need to have with you to write the Unified State Exam

You need to have with you:

    Unified State Exam pass (filled out and registered);

    identification document (passport);
    The birth certificate of a Unified State Exam participant is not an identity document

    gel pen with black ink;

    additional materials that can be used in individual subjects (chemistry, physics, geography).

Additional materials that can be used on the Unified State Exam

For all general education subjects NOT ALLOWED use of any additional materials, except:

    in mathematics - rulers.

    in physics- ruler, non-programmable calculator.

    in chemistry - non-programmable calculator.

    in geography -ruler, non-programmable calculator and protractor.

Calculators should provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and calculation trigonometric functions ( sin, cos, tg, ctg, arsin, arcos, artg). Calculators should not provide the ability to store in its memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly tested in the exam.Calculators should not provide the examinee with opportunities to obtain external information during the examination. Their communication capabilities should not allow wireless exchange of information with any external sources.

In addition to the listed materials, the use of all others is prohibited, including:
  • Mobile phones or other means of communication;
  • Any electronic computing devices and reference materials and devices, except those approved by Rosobrnadzor as additional devices and materials used in individual subjects.
In case of violation of the established procedure, the participant is removed from the exam

Actions of Unified State Exam participants

During seating in the audience:

  • Accompanied by the organizer, go to the audience, taking only your passport with you. Pass, pen and approved for use in the subject exam additional equipment, leaving extra things in the classroom in a specially designated place.
  • Take the place indicated by the organizer .
  • Change places without motivated instructions from the organizers forbidden

Unified State Exam participants are informed that all brought equipment is handed over to the organizer in the classroom for viewing. If the equipment brought by the examinee does not meet the requirements, the organizer has the right not to issue this equipment, but to return it only after completion of the exam.

When filling out registration forms :

  • Listen to instructions from the organizers on filling out the registration area of ​​the Unified State Examination forms and on the procedure for working with examination materials;
  • Under the guidance of the organizers, fill out the registration form and registration areas of answer forms No. 1 and 2.

After all Unified State Exam participants in the audience have filled out the registration fields of the forms, the start of the exam is officially announced.

The start and end times of the exam are recorded on the board.

During the exam:

Unified State Examination participants can leave the classroom by good reason(toilet, to the medical room) only accompanied by one of the organizers or floor attendants, having previously submitted the Unified State Exam forms to the responsible audience organizer, who marks the registration form as “Act of leaving the audience.”

During the Unified State Examination, graduates are prohibited from:

    talking, getting up from seats;


    exchange of any materials and items;

    use mobile phones or other means of communication, personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others);

    use reference materials, except those permitted;

    walking around the PPE during the exam unaccompanied.

In case of violation of these requirements and refusal to comply with them, the organizers together with an authorized representative of the GEK are required to remove graduates (applicants) from the exam with an entry made in the examination protocol in the classroom indicating the reason for removal, a mark indicating the fact of removal from the exam is placed on the form and in the pass.

In this case, an act on the removal of the Unified State Examination participant from the exam is drawn up, which is transferred to the State Examination Committee for an internal investigation.

The examination work of such a Unified State Examination participant is sent for checking along with the examination papers of other Unified State Examination participants for this audience.

At the end of the exam:

  • Submit the registration form, answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, including additional answer form No. 2, draft and KIMs.
  • When submitting materials, present your pass to the organizers, on which the responsible organizer in the audience records the number of these forms, puts his signature, and stamps “Forms submitted.”

Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule can submit it to the organizers without waiting for the end of the exam, but no later than 15 minutes before its official completion.

If a Unified State Examination participant, for objective reasons, cannot complete the examination work, he may withdraw from the exam early.

You have the right to appeal!

An appeal regarding the examination procedure is submitted without leaving the classroom after the end of the examination. If a graduate has any complaints about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, the authorized representative of the State Examination Committee in the PPE is obliged to accept the appropriate appeal. The appeal must be submitted personally by the graduate to the authorized representative of the State Examination Committee in the PPE after the end of the exam.

Based on the results of the appeal, the procedure may either reject the appeal or schedule a re-examination on a reserve day. For results this procedure no effect.

An appeal is a reasoned written statement:

    about a violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination in a general education subject in the PPE, while a violation of the procedure means violations of the provisions regulating the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, instructions that could have a significant impact negative impact on the results of the Unified State Examination;

    about disagreement with the assigned points (mark).

According to the regulations on the conflict commission, an appeal is not accepted:

    on the content and structure of control measurement materials in general education subjects;

    on issues related to a graduate’s (applicant’s) violation of instructions for completing the examination work.

You have the right to be present during the appeal hearing. If you are a minor (under 18 years of age) and are not recognized in accordance with the law as fully capable before reaching the age of majority, one of your parents (legal representatives) has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal.

These persons must have identification documents with them; you must present your pass to the exam with the stamp “Unified State Exam Forms Passed” and/or an examination sheet confirming passing the exam for which the appeal was filed.

When considering the appeal, you are presented with printed images of the registration form and answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, which you filled out. You must confirm that you have been presented with images of the answer forms you filled out, and verify the correctness of the RCOI’s conclusion on mark recognition.

An appeal of disagreement with the Unified State Examination results is filed within two days from the date of announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the relevant subject.

Types of tasks and options for the Unified State Exam

The exam for each subject includes questions and tasks of three different types:

    A - These are tasks with a choice of answers out of four proposed

    IN - These are tasks with a short free answer (one word, phrase or number)

    WITH - These are tasks with a detailed free answer, including verbal justification, mathematical derivation, evidence, etc.

Checking answers to Unified State Exam assignments

Answers to tasks of type "A" (choice from options) and type "B" (short free answers) are checked on computers, answers to tasks of type "C" (extended free answers) are checked by independent experts. Initially, two independent experts from among local teachers, appointed for this work by the local state commission, work. After checking the work, the expert enters into a special machine-readable protocol a unique local number of the form and a grade for each answer to the task. After this, the information is automatically entered into the computer, and the corresponding files are sent over the global network to Moscow - to the Testing Center. If there is a discrepancy between two experts from the Center, a third one is appointed. CTMO automatically calculates points for each student and saves the results in a consolidated all-Russian database.

Primary and test score

The primary score is the sum of grades for completed assignments. In this case, correctly completed task of part A or B is scored 1 point, part C - up to 4 points.

A test score is a score on a 100-point scale, obtained through special statistical processing of completed forms at the stage of final processing of the results. It is intended for registration by university admissions committees.

The correspondence between primary and test scores can only be obtained statistically based on actual exam results. This correspondence is nonlinear, but maintains order, that is, a higher primary score will correspond to a higher test score.

Maximum primary score, which can be awarded by experts for correctly completed task of part “C”, 3 or 4 depending on the task and the subject. For correctly completed tasks of parts A and B, 1 point is awarded.

When considering the answers to part “C”, experts use the criteria for assessing work specified in the instructions and specifications for Unified State Exam subjects, depending on which the final grade of the assignment may vary.

If the solution was correct, but the answer turned out to be blurred “due to inattention,” then you can get a non-zero amount of points for this. For each subject, experts receive different instructions.

The program processes typos in all subjects except Russian flexibly, and in such cases the error will not be counted.

The structure of CMMs contains tasks of basic, advanced and high level. To score the maximum possible number of points, you must complete tasks at all levels.

“Violation of a child’s rights at school” - The reason for the suspension was that the teacher was not satisfied with my appearance. Identify the most frequently violated rights of students. The most frequently violated rights of schoolchildren. Draw attention to the problem of violation of the rights of schoolchildren. Declaration of the rights of the schoolchild. A significant share of violations of children’s rights occurs in educational institutions:

“Children's Behavior Disorders” - Children are not taught to ask for attention in an acceptable way. “NO”, not “NO-NO!!!”. Unreasonable expectations of parents and teachers. Step four Prevent occurrence problem situations. I’ll think about it, and then... Fashion for “ strong personality” teaches self-assertion rather than constructive submission. I respected the child.

“Responsibility for violation of antimonopoly legislation” - 1. Civil 2. Administrative 3. Criminal. Absence in the protocol in the case of an administrative offense under Art. 14.9, 14.31,14.31.1 – 14.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, information contained in the decision of the Commission, which established the fact of violation of antimonopoly legislation, is not a significant violation in the proceedings on an administrative offense if there is a reference to this decision(with an attachment to the protocol) and justification of guilt.

"Disturbance of ecological balance" - Forest fires. Crisis of decomposers Modern times. Ecological thinking. Air pollution. Floods. Take your time, people, to scoop everything up to the bottom. Household waste. Desertification. What's happened environmental problem? Value orientations. It’s no wonder to get to the hidden hiding places, to plunder all the wealth from future centuries.

“Music classes for speech disorders” - Listen, sing and be healthy. Musical lessons. Unified correctional and developmental environment. Conclusions. R Don't stress! Teacher-speech therapist. Linguistics of children's speech. Music heals the body and soul. A few minutes are enough for a session. Elements with a health-improving orientation. Musical director.

“Visual impairment” - Lesson in a correctional class. Project goal: Project target groups: Corrective lesson rhythm. Session with a speech therapist. Percentage increase in the number of children with visual impairments from class to class. Help me see the world! Problems. “Help me see the world!” Social adaptation children with visual impairments.

The legislation of the Russian Federation contains legal norms that establish the rights of students and pupils educational institutions and the responsibility of the authorities state power and educational institutions to comply with the requirements established by law. However, there were no regulatory documents establishing liability for non-compliance with legislation on education. With the introduction into force Federal Law dated 06/03/2009 No. 104-FZ, such a gap is eliminated.

Thus, the elements of almost all administrative offenses that are established in Art. 5.57 (part 1) and 19.30 (parts 1-5) of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses(Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), which allows minimizing the subjectivity of jurisdictional bodies, and is a legal guarantee of the objectivity and legality of the application of punishment for a particular offense in the field of education.

In this case, one should be guided by parts 1 and 2 of Art. 2.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In accordance with them, an administrative offense is recognized as an unlawful, guilty action (inaction) of a physical or legal entity, for which administrative liability is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation or the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

A new article has been introduced. 5.57 “Violation of the right to education and the rights and freedoms of students and pupils of educational organizations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education,” which is structurally included in Chapter. 5 “Administrative offenses encroaching on the rights of citizens” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the administrative offenses formulated in this article belong to the category of offenses that encroach on the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, and are manifested in the indicated illegal actions (inaction).

Part 3 of Art. 5.57 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes that for committing an administrative offense under Part 1 of this article, an official who has previously been subjected to administrative punishment for a similar administrative offense is disqualified for a period of one to two years. Thus, the repeated commission of a homogeneous administrative offense is considered as a qualifying feature of a separate administrative offense.

In accordance with Art. 3.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, disqualification consists of deprivation individual the right to fill positions in the federal state civil service, state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal service, in the executive body of a legal entity, join the board of directors (supervisory board), exercise entrepreneurial activity for the management of a legal entity, as well as to manage a legal entity in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, direct management of a state or municipal educational institution is carried out by a head, director, rector or other manager (administrator) of the relevant educational institution who has passed the appropriate certification.

Disqualification can also be applied to persons carrying out organizational, administrative or administrative functions in a body of a legal entity, entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, engaged in private practice, members of the board of directors (supervisory board). Such administrative punishment is imposed by a judge and is set for a period of six months to three years.

Thus, disqualification as special kind administrative punishment may be applied to an official - the head of an educational institution (educational organization), performing the functions of the sole executive body of a legal entity, only for committing an administrative offense provided for by the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF.

This federal law also provides that the right to draw up protocols on administrative offenses is vested in officials bodies exercising supervision and control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

According to sub. 21 Art. 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" the powers of federal government bodies in the field of education include supervision and control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education:

educational institutions of additional vocational education And scientific organizations implementing educational programs of postgraduate professional education and additional professional education, for which federal state requirements have been established;

Russian educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

educational institutions of higher professional education;

executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education.

In accordance with Art. 28.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" authorized government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

perform functions of supervision and control of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education by educational institutions located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (except for those specified in subclause 21 of Article 28), as well as local government bodies exercising management in the field of education;

take measures to eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, including by sending binding instructions to the relevant educational institutions and local government bodies that manage the field of education;

monitor the implementation of instructions.

Cases of administrative offenses provided for in Art. 5.57 and 19.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, are considered only by judges. In conclusion, comparing the bill and passed law, I would like to note that the Federal Law on Administrative Responsibility in the Sphere of Education:

the administrative liability proposed in the bill for violation of the rights of teaching staff to choose and use teaching and educational methods at their own discretion is not included, teaching aids and materials, textbooks, methods for assessing the knowledge of students and pupils;

additionally, administrative liability of citizens was introduced for deliberate distortion of the results of state (final) certification and school Olympiads provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and for violation of the procedure for conducting state (final) certification established by the legislation of the Russian Federation - an administrative fine in the amount of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles . (Part 4 of Article 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Persons and bodies vested with the appropriate powers will qualify such offenses by citizens and bring them to administrative responsibility. However, in our opinion, these categories of citizens (graduates, responsible employees of educational institutions, representatives of bodies exercising management in the field of education, etc.) should be defined in the relevant regulatory legal act as authorized participants in the state (final) certification and be directly related to the assessment of the results of the state (final) certification and school Olympiads.

Thus, the remaining unresolved and controversial problems in to a greater extent will now relate to the practice of applying the Federal Law on Administrative Responsibility in the Sphere of Education, taking into account which it will be necessary to make future changes to federal legislation.

Currently, Rosobrnadzor is preparing proposals to introduce criminal liability for violating the rules of the Unified State Exam. In our opinion, this is really necessary, since the conduct of the Unified State Exam attracts increased attention, and the question arises of increasing liability, including the possibility of introducing liability for violation of the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam into the Criminal Code.

Thus, analyzing media materials, we can say that regarding violations of the rules for conducting the Unified State Examination, when control and measuring materials got onto the Internet, Rosobrnadzor handed over the materials to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to carry out checks in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in 22 regions “the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already taken use these materials to work." In addition, schoolchildren for whom students took the Unified State Exam have retaken them and will begin studying at universities.

On August 18, 2011, at a pedagogical meeting in Maikop, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev demanded that the government and the Russian Ministry of Education adopt legal and technological solutions, which will prevent violations during the Unified State Examination, including posting assignments on the Internet. “This year we were faced with another set of unpleasant facts, and everyone is well aware of them: the tasks were posted in social networks on the Internet, and instead of a whole series of graduates, their tests were filled out by students. But I’ll tell you straight: I don’t think that this is a product of the Unified State Exam,” Medvedev said. The head of state emphasized that such facts are “ gross violation established order and a consequence of the lack of culture.” “In order to block such an opportunity, I demand that the ministry, and the government as a whole, prepare legal and technological solutions that will prevent such violations,” Medvedev emphasized.

At the beginning of August, a scandal erupted around the lists of applicants admitted to budget places at the Medical University. Pirogov. A joint inspection by the commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Rosobrnadzor confirmed the facts of violations. As a result, the following lost their posts: rector Nikolai Volodin, who was also the chairman of the university’s admissions committee, the secretary of the admissions committee and three other people involved in fraud with the rating lists of applicants for admission to the university.

On August 12, 2011, Fursenko announced that Rosobrnadzor was developing an automatic information system that would allow people who had not passed the Unified State Exam to be excluded from the list of applicants recommended for admission in connection with the situation at Second Med. “Rosobrnadzor is working on creating an information system that would allow automatic mode identify all the violations that were in the “Second Honey”, so that a person who is not present in federal base, was excluded from the lists recommended for enrollment,” Fursenko told reporters on Friday. He noted that at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University “there were serious violations of the admission rules, deception, and fraud.”

Thus, tightening the rules for conducting the Unified State Examination should lead to an improvement in the situation. Criminal liability can be applied for fraud, organizing forgeries. The threat of criminal liability, of course, will stop obvious fraud when people come using someone else’s passports, etc. Criminal liability for violations of the rules of the Unified State Exam should be applied to officials and organizers. It is also possible to introduce tougher sanctions for chairmen and members admissions committees, as well as rectors of Russian universities in which the admissions campaign is taking place with violations.

Login to PPE

    In order to ensure security, ensure the order of conduct and prevent violations of the order of conduct Unified State Exam points for the Unified State Examination (PPE) are equipped with portable metal detectors; PPE and exam rooms are equipped with video surveillance systems.

    Admission of USE participants to the PES is carried out if they have documents proving their identity and if they are on the distribution lists for this PES. In the absence of a participant Unified State Exam document identification document, notify the administration of the educational organization.

    Police officers use hand-held metal detectors to check the possession of prohibited substances by Unified State Exam participants. When a metal detector signal appears, the police officer and the organizer invite the USE participant to show the object causing the signal. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the organizer invites the Unified State Exam participant to hand over this device to the accompanying person. In case of refusal to take a prohibited substance, the Unified State Examination participant is not admitted to the PPE. For medical reasons, a Unified State Exam participant may be exempt from being tested using a metal detector.

After verification, Unified State Exam participants are admitted to the PPE.

In the audience

    The time spent on preparatory activities (instructing Unified State Examination participants, issuing examination materials, filling out the registration area of ​​Unified State Examination forms, setting up the necessary technical means used during examinations) is not included in the duration of the examination work.

    Before starting to work with the answer forms, the Unified State Exam participant must ensure the integrity of the examination materials, which consist of a registration form, answer form No. 1, answer form No. 2 and test sheets measuring material(KIM). Also, each USE participant is given a form for sending comments about violations of the USE procedure to the State Examination Commission (SEC), which is filled out upon completion of the exam before leaving the PES.

    If a USE participant notices printing defects in the examination materials, or discovers that the examination materials are incomplete (extra or missing forms or CIM), he must immediately inform the organizer in the classroom about this. In this case, the examination materials are completely replaced.

    In order to correctly and quickly complete tasks, Unified State Exam participants must strictly follow the instructions for completing tasks specified in the KIM.

    At the request of the participant Unified State Exam organizer must issue an additional answer form No. 2 (in case of completed answer form No. 2).

    Allowed early delivery examination materials (i.e. before the end time of the exam), which stops 5 minutes before the end of the exam.

    The examination work is performed with a gel pen and black ink.

    A Unified State Exam participant can use drafts and make notes in the CIM when performing work. Attention! Drafts and CMMs are not checked and entries in them are not taken into account during processing!

    During the exam, Unified State Examination participants are prohibited from:

    have with you communications, electronic computer technology ( non-programmable calculator can be used in physics, chemistry, geography), photos, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

    talk, get up from seats, change seats, exchange any materials and objects;

    remove examination materials on paper or electronic media, photograph examination materials;

    use reference materials other than those indicated in the text of the KIM;

    move around the traffic control area without the accompaniment of the organizer;

    carry and use correction fluid and pencils.

When leaving the classroom during the exam, the Unified State Examination participant must leave exam materials and drafts on the desktop.

Removal from the exam

    In case of violation of these requirements, Unified State Examination participants are removed from the exam. Upon the fact of a violation, an act is drawn up and submitted to the chairman of the State Examination Committee for consideration. If the violation of the exam procedure by a participant in the Unified State Examination is confirmed, the chairman of the State Examination Committee makes a decision to cancel the results of the Unified State Examination participant in the subject.A USE participant is not allowed to retake the exam in this subject this year.

Completing an exam early for a valid reason

    A Unified State Examination participant who, for health reasons or other objective reasons, cannot complete the examination work has the right to leave the classroom early. In this case, he is accompanied to the medical office to provide assistance and confirm the fact of poor health, then a report is drawn up on the early completion of the exam for objective reasons. In the future, the USE participant, if desired, will be able to take the exam in this subject at additional times (upon presentation of documents confirming the fact of poor health on the day of the exam).

    For graduates who missed the exam for a valid reason, additional days passing the exam ( reserve days, only subject to documentary confirmation of the reason for absence).

Exam results

    The examination work is assessed in primary points.

    Primary scores are converted into test scores using a special method on a 100-point scale.

    For each subject it is established minimum quantity points.

    The exam results for each subject are approved, changed and (or) canceled by the decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee. Changes in results are possible if a recheck is carried out exam papers. You will be informed about the re-check. Cancellation is possible if violations are detected during the examination (for example, lack of video recording or violation by the organizers in the audience).If a violation was committed by a participant in the Unified State Examination, his results will be canceled without the opportunity to retake the exam in the current year.

    About the results Unified State Exam graduates they will find out in their educational organizations, as well as on the website “State final certification in the Vologda region” ( through the use of passport data.Unified State Examination participants are familiarized with their Unified State Examination results in an academic subject no later than three working days from the date of their approval by the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    The validity period of the Unified State Examination results is 4 years following the year of their receipt. A certificate of Unified State Examination results is not issued.

    The results of each Unified State Examination participant are entered into a special federal information system.