Rules for the organizers of the exam. Rules and procedure for conducting the exam

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1 Memo to the Unified State Exam participant “Rules and procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2017” Time start of the Unified State Exam on all academic subjects hours local time. Admission of Unified State Exam participants to the PPE is carried out from local time. Unified State Examination participants should not be late for the exam, since for such exam participants the duration conducting the exam is not extended and general instruction, including how to fill out the registration fields of Unified State Exam forms, is not provided. When entering the PES, the Unified State Exam participant must present an identification document (hereinafter referred to as a passport). If, for objective reasons, a student does not have a passport, he is admitted to the PPE only after written confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the school. If a graduate of previous years and other categories of Unified State Exam participants do not have a passport, such Unified State Exam participants are not admitted to the PPE. In the PPE, the Unified State Exam participant takes with him: a pen; passport; medications and nutrition (if necessary); teaching and educational means (in mathematics, a ruler; in physics, a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry, a non-programmable calculator; in geography, a ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator); USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities - special technical means. Other personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications and other prohibited means and materials) Unified State Exam participants

2 must be left in a specially designated place before entering the PES for storing personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants. In the PPE, organizers outside the classroom assist Unified State Exam participants in moving around the PPE. The organizers inform the participants Unified State Exam numbers classrooms in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany exam participants to the classrooms. The organizers in the audience re-check the passport of the Unified State Exam participants and send the Unified State Exam participant to workplace according to automated distribution lists. Take the place indicated by the organizer. Changing the workplace is not allowed. When distributing sets of examination materials, all USE participants must: carefully listen to the instructions given by the organizers in the classroom; pay attention to the integrity of the packaging delivery packages with individual sets of examination materials before opening them by the organizers; receive sealed individual kits (hereinafter referred to as IC) from the organizers. The IC of the Unified State Exam participant contains: o KIM; o registration form (when conducting the oral part of the Unified State Examination foreign languages In the IR there is only a registration form oral exam); o answer form 1; o answer form 2 (when conducting the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level the specified form is missing). Additional answer forms 2 are issued by the organizers separately at the request of the Unified State Exam participant and only if both sides of the answer form 2 are completed (otherwise the answers included in the additional answer form 2 will not be assessed).

3 Note. Written part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which (instructions, texts, pauses) are completely recorded on audio media. The organizer must set up the playback of the recording in such a way that all participants in the Unified State Exam can hear it. Receive drafts from the organizers, with the stamp of the educational organization at the base where the PPE is located (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued). Open individual kits as directed by the organizers. Check the number of USE and KIM forms in the IR and the absence of printing defects in them. In cases where extra (or missing) USE and CIM forms are discovered, as well as the presence of printing defects in them, you must inform the organizers, who are obliged to completely replace them. WHEN COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION FORM AND ANSWER FORMS, ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THE USE MUST: Carefully listen to the instructions on filling out the registration area of ​​registration forms, answer forms and the procedure for working with examination materials; Under the guidance of the organizers, fill out the registration form and the registration areas for answer forms 1 and 2. DURING THE EXAMINATION, ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THE USE MUST: After the organizers announce the start time of the examination work (the start and end times of the examination work are recorded on the board), proceed to the examination work. Follow the instructions of the organizers. During the exam, Unified State Examination participants are prohibited from:

4 1. Have with you: o notice of registration for exams, o communications equipment, o electronic computer equipment, o photo, audio and video equipment, o reference materials(except for those permitted, which are contained in the KIM), written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information. 2. Remove examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) from the classrooms and PPE on paper and (or) electronic media. 3. Remove writing materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information from the classrooms. 4. Take photographs of the EM. 5. Talk to each other. 6. Exchange any materials and items with other USE participants. 7. Rewrite KIM assignments into drafts with the stamp of the educational organization of the Unified State Examination. 8. Arbitrarily leave the classroom and move around the PES without the accompaniment of the organizer outside the classroom Note. In case of violation of these requirements and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with members of the State Examination Commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission), have the right to remove the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. In this case, the organizers, together with the State Examination Committee, draw up an act on the removal of the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. A mark indicating the fact of removal from the exam is placed on the forms. The examination work of such a Unified State Examination participant is not checked. Unified State Examination participants can leave the classroom by good reason(to the toilet, to the medical room) only when accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom; the organizer in the classroom first checks the completeness of the exam materials left by the USE participant. If you have a complaint about the contents of the CMM, inform the organizer about it.

5 If the Unified State Exam participant has completely filled out answer form 2, the organizer in the audience must: make sure that both sides of answer form 2 are completely filled out, otherwise the answers included in additional answer form 2 will not be assessed; issue, at the request of the Unified State Examination participant, an additional answer form 2; fill in the top field in the additional answer form 2 (when issuing an additional answer form 2, in the “Additional answer form 2” field of the main answer form 2, enter the number of the issued additional answer form 2, and on the issued additional answer form 2, put the sheet number in the corresponding field of the form) ; record the number of additional answer forms 2 issued in the PPE form “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom” and write down the numbers of additional answer forms 2 issued in the PPE form “Statement of the use of additional answer forms 2”. COMPLETION OF EXAMINATION WORK BY USE PARTICIPANTS Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule may leave the PPE. The organizer needs to accept all EM from them. AFTER COMPLETING THE EXAMINATION WORK BY USE PARTICIPANTS: USE participants put the CMM into the envelope of the individual set. The rest of the exam materials are placed on the edge of the table. Organizers in the audience collect exam materials from exam participants.

How is the Unified State Exam conducted? At the moment, those who are about to take exams are interested in everything related to the content and procedure for passing the Unified State Exam. All minor updates in the content of the Unified State Examination will become known

1. General procedure for preparing and conducting the Unified State Exam in the PSE Delivery of examination materials to the PSE EMs are delivered to the PSE by members of the State Examination Committee on the day of the exam in the relevant academic subject. When

Memo to main participant state exam(OGE) What is OGE? State final certification of graduates educational institutions having state accreditation is mandatory.

Entry of participants into the PES Admission of Unified State Exam participants to the PES is carried out if they have documents proving their identity and if they are on the distribution lists for this PES. The entrance to the PES can be

Workbook public observer at the examination point Full name of the public observer Information on the object of observation Date of the exam Name of the subject Name of the PPE Code

Features of the state graduation GVE exam is carried out at examination points, locations approved by the Moscow Department of Education by agreement

Appendix Memo for the head of the PES 1. Readiness of the examination point 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Before the entrance to the PES, places have been allocated for storing personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants, organizers,

Before the start of observation, the public observer must: present a public observer certificate, which indicates the location of the PES and the timing of the observation; present a document

The Unified State Exam (USE) is a form of state final certification (GIA) in educational programs secondary general education. When conducting the Unified State Exam, control measuring instruments are used


Preparation of organizers in the PPE auditorium Organization and conduct of the state final certification at examination points Video surveillance in the PET Auditorium Broadcast and video recording in the exam room

The general procedure for preparing and conducting the Unified State Exam in the PPE The Unified State Exam is carried out at examination points (PPE), the locations of which are approved by the Moscow Department of Education in agreement with the State Examination Committee.

During seating in the classroom: accompanied by the organizer, go into the classroom, taking with you only your passport, pass, pen and those approved for use in the exam in the subject optional equipment,

General procedure for preparing and conducting the Unified State Examination in the PPE By decision of the State Examination Committee, the automated distribution of Unified State Examination participants and organizers among audiences is carried out by the RCIO. In this case, distribution lists are transmitted

Instructions for the State Examination Participant, read out by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam. The text in bold must be read to the State Examination Participants word for word. This is done for standardization

Organizers must: appear at the PPE 1.5 hours before the start of the exam, have an identification document, register with the duty officers at the entrance, undergo a short briefing, during which

Appendix 1. Instructions for the Unified State Examination participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam. The text in bold must be read to the Unified State Examination participants word for word. It's done

Appendix 21 to the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea March 17, 2017 536 Instructions for the Unified State Exam participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam Text,

1. General procedure for preparing and conducting the Unified State Exam in the PPE By decision of the State Examination Committee, the automated distribution of Unified State Exam participants and organizers among audiences is carried out by the RCIO. In this case, distribution lists are transmitted

Appendix 7 to the order of the Department of Education Yaroslavl region dated 03/27/2017 102/01-04 Instructions for participants in the unified state exam, read out by the organizer in the audience before the start

Appendix 1 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 25, 2015 01-311/10-01 Guidelines on the preparation and conduct of the unified state examination at examination points in 2016 General procedure

Rules of conduct for students on the day of the Unified State Exam (clauses 55,56,61,62,63 of the procedure for conducting GIA-11) GIA-11 is held at the examination point (hereinafter referred to as PPE). The exam is conducted in a calm and friendly environment

State-financed organization Chuvash Republic"Chuvash Republican Center for New educational technologies» Ministry of Education and youth policy Chuvash Republic Training of organizers

Instructions for the exam participant, read out by the organizer in the audience before the exam using paper-based electronic media. The text in bold must be read to the participants.

The general procedure for preparing and conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE The Unified State Exam is carried out at examination points (PPE), locations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva. The PPE must

1 Main state exam Memo for conducting briefing for PSE employees on the day of the exam Instruction is carried out at the PSE headquarters by the head of the PSE from 8:30 to 9:00. Present at the briefing:

5.1. General part 1. Conducting the OGE On the day of the exam, the OGE participant arrives at the PPE no later than 9.15 local time. A participant in the OGE is admitted to the PPE only if he has a document certifying

2 Appendix Memo on the rules for conducting GIA-9 in 2016 (for familiarization with GIA-9 participants and their parents (legal representatives) against signature) Rules for conducting GIA-9 GIA-9 exams for all educational

REGIONAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION "IVANOVSKY REGIONAL CENTER FOR ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATION QUALITY" General procedure for preparing and conducting the unified state exam at examination points

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE PARTICIPANTS, READ OUT BY THE ORGANIZER IN THE AUDIENCE BEFORE THE START OF THE EXAM The text, which is highlighted in bold and given in a frame, must be read to the USE participants word for word.

Appendix 25 to the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea March 17, 2017 536 Instructions for the GVE-11 participant, read out by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam Text,

Appendix 12 to the order of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region dated March 27, 2017 102/01-04 Instruction for persons involved in conducting the unified state exam at the examination point,

Instructions for the OGE participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam Region Code of educational organization Class Code of the location where the OGEOGE is conducted Audience number Subject code Name


Http:// - Order on registration for the State State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education

Appendix 14 to the order of the Department of Education Belgorod region dated March 18, 2019 718 Instructions for the exam participant, read out by the organizer in the PPE audience before the start of the exam using

Instructions for the GVE participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam The text, which is highlighted in bold, must be read to the GVE participants word for word. This is done for standardization

Appendix 1 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 25, 2015 01-311/10-01 Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the unified state exam at examination points in 2016 Moscow, 2016

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC OBSERVERS WHEN CARRYING OUT GIA IN THE FORM OF OGEV PPE General provisions This instruction has been developed for citizens Russian Federation who have received accreditation in accordance with

Basic information about the OGE in 2019 Parent meeting 04/24/2019 Participants in the OGE 130 graduates of MBOU Secondary School 92 are participating in the procedure for conducting the OGE in 2019. Selection of exams in 2019. general information O

Algorithm of actions of the organizer in the classroom for conducting instructions using audio recordings of instructions for Unified State Examination participants. Text in bold is reproduced from audio media.

ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIFIED STATE EXAMINATION REGULATORY LEGAL SUPPORT FOR CONDUCTING THE USE 1 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” 2 Resolution

PPE EXAMINATION STATION IN THE PPE AUDIENCE THERE SHOULD BE NO MORE THAN 25 PET PARTICIPANTS BE EQUIPPED WITH: A video surveillance system; metal detectors; systems for suppressing mobile communications signals (by decision

On the day of the exam, the GIA participant arrives at the PPE no later than 9.00 local time. A GIA participant is admitted to the PPE only if he has a document proving his identity, and if it is available in approved

Memo from the organizer of the Unified State Exam at the PES I. Preparation for the exam 08.00, appear at the PES, register with the head of the PES; delivery of switched off mobile phones and personal belongings to the PPE headquarters 8.30 organizational

Appendix 6 to the order of the Education Department dated 04/07/2016 132 Instructions for the Unified State Examination participant, read out by the organizer in the training room before starting the examination work in a foreign language

Appendix 22 to the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea March 17, 2017 536 Instructions for the Unified State Examination participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam using


DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE ORYOL REGION ORDER of the city of Oryol by her/? SO? On amendments to the order of the Department of Education Oryol region dated February 16, 2017 284 “On approval of instructions for conducting


Instructions for Unified State Exam participants, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam using KIM printing technology in PPE classrooms The text in bold must be read

GIA 9-2018 Conditions of admission to passing GIA-9 Students who do not have academic debt and have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (with annual

Control questions for public observers Question 1 Match the information in columns I and II. Time of arrival at PES 1. Head of PES A) 2 hours before 2. Assistant managers B)


Instructions for the Unified State Examination participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam The text, which is highlighted in bold, must be read to the Unified State Examination participants word for word. This is done for standardization


Essay FINAL ESSAY CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION TO STATE CERTIFICATION FOR GRADUATES OF THE CURRENT YEAR DATES DECEMBER 7 The essay can be written according to at will to provide results to universities:*

REGIONAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION "IVANOVSKY REGIONAL CENTER FOR ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATION QUALITY" Instructions for the organizer in the audience Grushanskaya T.V. Persons involved in conducting the Unified State Examination in

Appendix 7 Instructions for the OGE participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam The text, which is highlighted in bold, must be read to the OGE participants word for word. It's done

The text that is highlighted in bold must be read word for word by Unified State Exam participants. This is done to standardize the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. Comments marked in italics are not read to participants.

PPE EXAMINATION POINT IN THE PPE MUST BE PRESENT AT LEAST 15 PARTICIPANTS PET BE EQUIPPED WITH: A video surveillance system; metal detectors; systems for suppressing mobile communications signals (by decision of the regions).

Instructions for the exam participant, read out by the organizer in the classroom before the start of the unified state exam (except for the exam in foreign languages) The text in bold should


1.1. Conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom. Procedure for printing a complete set of EM During the exam, at least two organizers are present in each classroom. If necessary, you should temporarily leave the classroom

Memo from the organizer of the Unified State Exam at the PES 1. Instructions for the organizer in the audience On the day of the exam, the organizer in the PES audience must: appear at the PES no later than one hour and thirty minutes before the start

APPROBATION OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE EXAM (WRITTEN PART) FOR THE GIA FOR THE SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Key information for the PPE: the date of the approbation is November 28, 2017. Chinese item

The start time of the Unified State Examination in all academic subjects is 10:00 a.m. local time.

Admission of Unified State Exam participants to the PPE is carried out from 09.00 local time.

Unified State Exam participants should not be late for the exam, since for such exam participants the duration of the exam is not extended and general instruction, including how to fill out the registration fields of Unified State Exam forms, is not provided.

When entering the PES, the Unified State Exam participant must present an identification document (hereinafter referred to as a passport).

If, for objective reasons, a student does not have a passport, he is admitted to the PPE only after written confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the school.

If a graduate of previous years and other categories of Unified State Exam participants do not have a passport, such Unified State Exam participants are not admitted to the PPE.

In the PPE, the Unified State Exam participant takes with him:

  • pen;
  • passport;
  • medications and nutrition (if necessary);
  • teaching and educational means (in mathematics, a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator);
  • USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people - special technical means.
Other personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications equipment and other prohibited means and materials) must be left by Unified State Exam participants in a specially designated place before entering the PPE for storing personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants.

In the PPE, organizers outside the classroom assist Unified State Exam participants in moving around the PPE. The organizers inform the USE participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

Organizers in the audience re-check the passport of the Unified State Exam participants and send the Unified State Exam participant to the workplace according to the automated distribution lists.

Take the place indicated by the organizer. Changing the workplace is not allowed.

When distributing sets of examination materials, all Unified State Exam participants must:

  • listen carefully to the instructions given by the organizers in the classroom;
  • pay attention to the integrity of the packaging of the safe package with electronic media and listen to information about the procedure for printing examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) in the classroom;
  • receive printed complete sets of EM from the organizers. The USE participant's electronic document contains:
    • black and white registration form (when conducting the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages, only the registration form for the oral exam is in the EM);
    • black and white answer form No. 1;
    • black and white one-sided answer form No. 2, sheet 1 (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics);
    • black and white one-sided answer form No. 2, sheet 2 (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics);
    • check sheet with information about the registration form number, CMM number and instructions for checking the kit for the participant.
Additional answer forms No. 2 are issued separately by the organizers at the request of the Unified State Exam participant.

Note. The written part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which (instructions, texts, pauses) are completely recorded on audio media. The organizer must set up the playback of the recording in such a way that all participants in the Unified State Exam can hear it.

Receive drafts from the organizers, with the stamp of the educational organization at the base where the PPE is located (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued).

  • Compare the unique CMM number on the CMM sheets and the CMM number indicated on the control sheet;
  • compare the digital value of the barcode on the registration form with the value indicated on the control sheet;
  • make sure the values ​​in both pairs of numbers match. In case of a discrepancy, inform the organizers (who will replace the entire EV set);
  • check the quality of the printed set (absence of white and dark stripes, the text is clearly readable and clearly printed, security marks located over the entire surface of the CMM sheet are clearly visible), and also check the correctness of the region code and PPE number in the response registration form. If any defect is detected, it is necessary to replace the entire EM set.


Carefully listen to the instructions on how to fill out the registration area of ​​registration forms, answer forms and how to work with exam materials;

Under the guidance of the organizers, fill out the registration form and registration areas of answer forms No. 1 and 2.


After the organizers announce the start time of the examination work (the start and end times of the examination work are recorded on the board), proceed to the examination work.

Follow the instructions of the organizers.

During the exam, Unified State Examination participants are prohibited from:

  1. Have with you:
    • notification of registration for exams,
    • means of communication,
    • electronic computer technology,
    • photo, audio and video equipment,
    • reference materials (except those permitted, which are contained in the KIM), written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.
  2. Remove examination materials (hereinafter referred to as EM) from classrooms and PPE in paper and (or) electronic media.
  3. Remove writing materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information from classrooms.
  4. Take photographs of EM.
  5. Talk to each other.
  6. Exchange any materials and items with other USE participants.
  7. Rewrite KIM assignments into drafts with the stamp of the educational organization of the Unified State Examination.
  8. Arbitrarily leave the classroom and move around the PPE without the accompaniment of the organizer outside the classroom
Note. In case of violation of these requirements and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with members of the state examination commission (hereinafter referred to as the State Examination Commission), have the right to remove the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. In this case, the organizers, together with the State Examination Committee, draw up an act on the removal of the Unified State Examination participant from the exam. A mark indicating the fact of removal from the exam is placed on the forms.
The examination work of such a Unified State Examination participant is not checked.

Unified State Exam participants can leave the classroom for a valid reason (to the toilet, to the medical room) only if accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom; the organizer in the classroom first checks the completeness of the exam materials left by the Unified State Exam participant.

If you have a complaint about the contents of the CMM, inform the organizer about it.

IMPORTANT: when writing down answers to assignments, DO NOT use the back of the forms. All records are kept ONLY on the front side (to record detailed answers, first on answer form No. 2, sheet 1, then on answer form No. 2, sheet 2, then on DBO No. 2). Entries on back side forms will not be checked, and the conflict commission will also not consider appeals regarding entries on the back of the forms as appeals on issues related to incorrect formatting of the examination paper.

If the Unified State Exam participant has completely filled out answer form No. 2, the organizer in the audience must:

  • make sure that both sides of the answer form No. 2 are completely filled out, otherwise the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be assessed;
  • issue, at the request of a Unified State Examination participant, an additional answer form No. 2;
  • fill out the top field in the additional answer form No. 2 (when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, in the “Additional answer form No. 2” field of the main answer form No. 2, enter the number of the issued additional answer form No. 2, and on the issued additional answer form No. 2, put the number sheet in the corresponding field of the form);
  • record the number of issued additional answer forms No. 2 in form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom” and write down the numbers of issued additional answer forms No. 2 in form PPE-12-03 “Statement of the use of additional answer forms No. 2”.


Unified State Examination participants who completed the examination work ahead of schedule may leave the PES. The organizer needs to accept all EM from them.


Unified State Exam participants put exam materials, including CMMs and drafts, on the edge of their desk. Organizers in the audience: collect from participants Unified State Exam exams materials, including CMMs and drafts.

Note. Organizers in the audience:

  • Collected from Unified State Exam participants:
    • Unified State Examination forms;
    • drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is located.
  • Place the “Z” sign on the margins of one-sided answer forms No. 2, intended for recording detailed answers, but left blank (including on the reverse side), as well as in the issued additional one-sided answer forms No. 2.
  • Fill out the protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the classroom.
  • Unified State Exam forms are sealed in return delivery packages.
  • In the center of view, the CCTV camera announces the end of the exam and loudly announces all the protocol data.
  • They go to the PES Headquarters and hand over all materials to the head of the PES.

6. State final exam ()

7. Additional Information for parent meetings ()

Operative information

Procedure for the actions of PPE employees in the presence of Unified State Examination participants who refuse to provide personal data in the RIS GIA-11 ()

26-27.10.2016 - seminar Federal Center testing "State final certification: main results and directions of development in 2017" ()

Information materials- posters for participants and educational organizations on organizing and conducting State Examination ()

Preparation and organization of work of the PPE Headquarters (using CMM printing technology and EM scanning)()

3. Rules for filling out forms for the unified state exam in 2017 ()
Registration form ()
Oral Exam Registration Form ()
Answer form No. 1 ()
Answer form No. 2 ()
Additional answer form No. 2 ()

4. Instructions for the head of the PPE ()
Memo on conducting briefing for PPE employees on the day of the exam()
Memo for the head of the PPE on the day of the exam (when using CMM printing technology in the PPE and scanning EM in the PPE) ()
Memo to the head of the PSE on working in the PSE on the day of the foreign language exam (section “Speaking”) ()

5. Instructions for members of the State Examination Committee in the PPE ()

6. Act on the non-admission of a participant to the PES ()

8. Instructions for the Unified State Exam participant, read by the organizer in the audience before the start of the exam using CMM printing technology in PPE classrooms ()

9. Instructions for the organizer outside the classroom ()

10. Instructions for medical workers involved in the days of the Unified State Examination ()

11. Instructions for a technical specialist in the PPE ()

12. Collection of forms used when conducting GIA-11 ()

13. Instructions for employees on ensuring the security of educational organizations when organizing the entry of Unified State Examination participants into the PPE ()

15. Regulations on activities to ensure security and anti-terrorism protection at examination points during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education ()

18. Duration state final exam ()

19. Training video for technical specialists "Technical instructions for working with PAC (on-line) for employees of PPE and RCIO" ()

21. CMM printing technology in PPE classrooms ()

22. The procedure for the actions of PES employees in the presence of Unified State Examination participants who refuse to provide personal data in the RIS GIA-11 ()

Delivery of EVs to PPE

On the day of the exam, it is necessary to ensure the entry of the USS vehicle into the territory of the PES.

To send materials after the exams, a member of the State Examination Committee must fill out the F1 registry form in advance.

The procedure for compiling and transferring materials from the PPE to the RCIO (except for the exam in foreign languages ​​- the “Speaking” section) ()

The procedure for compiling and transferring materials from the PPE to the RCIO (foreign languages ​​- section “Speaking”) ()

Memo on the work of the PPE on the day of the exam ()

Securpack (used CMMs) ()

Form RCIO-EM (Examination Unified State Exam materials from PPE to RCIO (all exams, except the exam in foreign languages, section “Speaking”)) (download)

Form RCsOI-EM (Unified State Examination materials from PPE in RCsOI (foreign languages ​​section “Speaking”)) (download)

Form RCIO-N (Unused Unified State Exam materials from PPE to the Office of Special Communications) (download)

- The procedure for completing and transferring materials from PPE to RCIO ()

Instructional materials on printing CMMs in PPE classrooms and scanning EMs in PPE

CMM printing technology in PPE classrooms ()

Materials of the Federal Testing Center

Printing CMM in PPE:

1. Requirements for hardware and software of PPE ()

2. User's guide for working on the workstation of the organizer of the CMM Printing Station ()

3. Instructions for obtaining the CMM decryption password if there is no Internet connection in the PPE on the day of the exam ()

4. User's Guide for the CMM Printing Station software for a technician ()

5. User's Guide for working with software"Authorization station" ()

7. Instructions for the organizer in the audience ()

8. Instructions for a technician ()

Scanning EM in PES:

1. User's Guide for Scanning Station in PPE ()

2. Memo for the head of the PPE ()

4. Memo for the organizer in the audience ()

5. Instructions for a technician ()

Samples of applications for participation in GIA-11

List of documents required to submit an application()

For students:

Sample application for participation in GIA-11 (download)
Sample application for participation in the final essay (presentation) (download)

graduates of previous years;
students in secondary educational programs vocational education;
students studying in foreign educational organizations:

Sample application for participation in the Unified State Exam (download)
Sample application for participation in the final essay (download)

Consent to the processing of personal data:

Sample for current year students and students in educational programs of secondary vocational education
(in educational organizations accredited for the secondary general education program) (download)

Sample for past graduates;
students in educational programs of secondary vocational education
(in educational organizations that are not accredited for the secondary general education program); students studying in foreign educational organizations (download)
Sample for legal representatives (download)

Samples of certificates presented when registering for passing the Unified State Exam students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education:

for students completing educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year(download)

for students who have completed educational programs of secondary general education (download)

Sample certificate presented when registering to take the Unified State Exam by students of foreign educational organizations (download)

Rules for conducting state final certification on educational programs of secondary general education in 2017 (for review by exam participants and parents (legal representatives) against signature (download)

Information video "Conducting an exam for persons with disabilities, people with disabilities and disabled children" ()

Information presentation "State final certification in 2017. Organization and conduct in Moscow." ()

The results of the 2017 Unified State Exam campaign and the tasks for the new academic year were discussed at the All-Russian meeting with the participation of the ministers of education of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organized by Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science.

Opening the meeting, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tatyana Sinyugina noted the successes achieved in organizing the Unified State Examination over last years. “I want to thank everyone for the very well-coordinated, organized, efficient and high-quality work during the final certification period,” she said.

The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, reminded regional ministers of their personal responsibility for conducting the Unified State Exam. “When setting goals for next year, we must remember that the Unified State Exam remains a priority, but we need to pay attention to other assessment procedures: All-Russian testing work, final certification in 9 grades. If there is no objectivity in all procedures in the education system, we will move backwards,” he said.

Sergei Kravtsov said that the work of regional education authorities in the new academic year will be assessed not only by the organization of the Unified State Exam, but also by the objectivity of other assessment procedures, including the final essay. He also asked regional ministers devote Special attention situations with medalists, assessing how objectively school graduates in their regions are awarded medals “For special achievements in learning.”

The head of Rosobrnadzor also stated the need to pay more attention to the training of Unified State Exam organizers and PPE leaders.

In addition, according to Sergei Kravtsov, in the regions it is necessary to develop the institute of public observation at the Unified State Examination, to work with universities, involving students as public observers.

The head of the Department for Quality Assessment of General Education of Rosobrnadzor, Igor Kruglinsky, drew attention to the need to develop a system of regional situational centers in order to monitor the Unified State Examination.

Director Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI) Oksana Reshetnikova presented the results of the analysis exam papers participants of the Unified State Exam 2017. According to her, in 2017, significant results were achieved in working with weak students. Now schools need to pay more attention to working with the rest of the student population.

During the meeting, the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, presented awards to the ministers of education of the regions in which the Unified State Examination in 2017 was organized at the highest level.