Presentation about Chuvash animals download presentation. Flora and fauna of the Chuvash Republic

Flora and fauna of the Chuvash Republic.


8th grade students

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 35

Shchukin Dmitry

Shmullin Roma

Checked by the teacher


Tonysheva O.V.

Vegetable world.

Before settlement began, the territory of Chuvashia was covered with forests of spruce taiga, pine forests, multi-tiered oaks, and floodplain meadows. Only in the southeastern part and in Zasurye were steppe areas.

Currently, forests have been preserved in less than one-third of the republic, but in certain areas (Sumerlinsky, Ibresinsky, Alatyrsky) forests occupy more than 50% of the territory, and 1/3 of them are oak forests.


Oak has a very durable wood with a beautiful pattern in the section. It has been cut down for various economic needs since the settlement of the territory, so the remaining oak forests of Chuvashia belong to the category of especially valuable forests. Linden, maple, elm, ash, forest apple, and rowan grow in the oak groves of Prisurye. And in damp places black alder grows. Larch, cedar and even Amur velvet are cultivated here. The shrubs of oak forests are black currant, viburnum, euonymus, hazel, etc.

Animal world.

The forests contain numerous species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Of the large wild animals and beasts, the most commercially important is the elk, whose weight reaches up to 400 kg. Behind last years Due to the ban on shooting, the number of moose has increased significantly. Their number exceeds 1000 heads. In the republic they live mainly in the Prisursky forests. Also in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of wild boars; badgers, stoats, European minks, polecats, martens, raccoon dog, fox, hares and squirrel. The beaver was brought to Chuvashia. The Sura basin is home to the muskrat and the otter. Rivers are home to valuable commercial fish. Among the fish in the lakes and rivers of the republic, bream, shuk, sterlet, and subfish predominate; crucian carp and tench are also found. The number of many species depends on the quality of water, chemical composition bottom of the reservoir

At the border of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, special conditions are created in which amphibians live: frogs, newts, semi-aquatic animals (beaver, muskrat, mink), semi-aquatic birds (sea swallow, herons, gulls, terns, ducks, waders, etc.). It should be especially noted that the most ancient of the mammals of Chuvashia, the Russian muskrat, lives in the floodplain of the Sura River.

In the fields and meadows there are foxes, wolves, brown hare, polecat, gophers, hamsters and some other species, and among birds - lark, quail, lapwing and many others. Flycatchers, bullfinch, goldfinch, nightingale, blackbirds, magpies, rooks, jackdaws, crows, sparrows, pigeons, tits, etc. live in populated areas, parks and gardens.

Generally about the animal world.

Flora and fauna of the Chuvash Republic. Completed by: Pupils of grade 8b of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 35 Shchukin Dmitry Shmullin Roma Checked by geography teacher Tonysheva O.V.

Before settlement began, the territory of Chuvashia was covered with spruce taiga forests, pine forests, multi-tiered oaks, floodplain meadows. Only in the southeastern part and in Zasurye there were steppe areas. Vegetable world.

Currently, forests have been preserved in less than one-third of the republic, but in certain areas (Sumerlinsky, Ibresinsky, Alatyrsky) forests occupy more than 50% of the territory, and 1/3 of them are oak forests.

Oak has a very durable wood with a beautiful cross-sectional pattern. It has been cut down for various economic needs since the settlement of the territory, so the remaining oak forests of Chuvashia belong to the category of especially valuable forests. Linden, maple, elm, ash, forest apple, and rowan grow in the oak groves of the Surye region. And in damp places black alder grows. Larch, cedar and even Amur velvet are cultivated here. The shrubs of oak forests are black currant, viburnum, euonymus, hazel, etc. Oak forests.

The forests contain numerous species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Of the large wild animals and beasts, the most commercially important is the elk, whose weight reaches up to 400 kg. In recent years, due to the ban on shooting, the moose population has increased significantly. Their number exceeds 1000 heads. In the republic they live mainly in the Prisursky forests. Also in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of wild boars; badgers, erms, European minks, polecats, martens, raccoon dogs, foxes, hares and squirrels live here. The beaver was brought to Chuvashia. The Sura basin is home to the muskrat and the otter. The rivers are home to valuable commercial fish. Among the fish in the lakes and rivers of the republic, bream, shuk, sterlet, and subfish predominate; crucian carp and tench are also found. The number of many species depends on the quality of the water, the chemical composition of the bottom of the reservoir. Animal world.

At the border of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, special conditions are created in which amphibians live: frogs, newts, semi-aquatic animals (beaver, muskrat, mink), semi-aquatic birds (sea swallow, herons, gulls, terns, ducks, waders, etc.). It should be especially noted that the most ancient of Chuvashia’s mammals, the Russian muskrat, lives in the floodplain of the Sura River.

In the fields and meadows there are foxes, wolves, brown hare, polecat, gophers, hamsters and some other species, and among birds - lark, quail, lapwing and many others. IN populated areas, parks and gardens are home to flycatchers, bullfinch, goldfinch, nightingale, blackbirds, magpies, rooks, jackdaws, crows, sparrows, pigeons, tits, etc.

In total, the republic is home to more than 600 species of mammals, more than 40 species of fish, 16 species of amphibians and reptiles, more than 260 species of birds and a wide variety of invertebrates. Generally about the animal world.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Red Book Chuvash Republic Completed by: teacher Kazakova I.V. Cheboksary MBDOU D/s No. 95

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Asian chipmunk The chipmunk is a small animal, body length 12-17 cm. The coloring is very original: on a reddish-gray background, five black stripes run along the back. The chipmunk is an inhabitant of the taiga and in Chuvashia is found only in the Volga region. Like the squirrel, the chipmunk is diurnal. Often climbs trees. It feeds on the seeds of various tree, shrub and herbaceous plants, as well as berries and insects. The chipmunk goes into hibernation at the end of September - October. Wakes up in April. In Chuvashia, the chipmunk is very rare and is recommended to be included in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic.

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The muskrat is one of the largest species of the insectivorous order. In Chuvashia it is found in the floodplain of the Sura River. Body length 18-21.5 cm, weight 300-400 g. Tail 17 -20.5 cm. At the end of the head long proboscis, small eyes, poor vision. It feeds on insects, leeches, mollusks, and occasionally fish. The fur is very beautiful, valuable, the color is grayish-brown. In Chuvashia he lives within the Alatyr, Poretsky and Sumerlinsky districts. Muskrat

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Body length - 60-90 cm, tail - 20-24 cm; weight - up to 24 kg. The neck is short, almost invisible. The legs are short and massive. The wool is rough. The color of the back and sides is brownish-gray with a silvery tint; the lower part of the body is blackish. There are two dark stripes on the muzzle, stretching from the nose to the ears. Lifestyle and diet Found mainly in mixed and taiga, less often in mountain forests; in the south of the range it is found in steppes and semi-deserts. Badger

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A species of mammal from the mustelidae family, the order of carnivores. The color is brown or grayish-brown. The fur is valuable. Body length with tail 120cm, weight 7-10kg. The otter is very rare in Chuvashia, found in deaf areas forest rivers and lakes. Swims and dives well, eats fish and other aquatic animals. Common otter

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Ermine Ermine is a predator of the mustelidae family. In Chuvashia it is found everywhere, the number is low. In summer the fur is brownish-red, in winter it is snow-white; the tip of the tail is always black. Settles on forest edges and meadows. Active at night, hunts during the day in winter. Valuable fur-bearing animal. Useful for killing harmful rodents. Recommended for inclusion in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic.

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Roe deer One of the most famous roe deer is the European roe deer, or, as Russian hunters often call it, the wild goat. Its length is 130 centimeters, height - 75, the tail is simply microscopic - only 2 centimeters. Compared to the red deer, the roe deer is more densely built: its head is shorter, the body is thicker in front, the back is almost straight, and the eyes are large, lively, with long beautiful eyelashes. The fur of this graceful animal is short, elastic and very tough. In summer, the animal is dark brown, and in winter, the coat takes on a brownish-gray tint.

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Brown bear Brown bear, carnivorous mammal family of bears. The brown bear is a forest animal that lives mainly in continuous forests. The color ranges from almost straw-yellow to very dark, blackish-brown. Food brown bear predominantly plant: berries, acorns, nuts, rhizomes, as well as insects, worms, lizards, frogs, rodents and other small animals.

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Red deer Red deer has long been a favorite object of hunting. Currently, in many areas, hunting of deer of some subspecies is completely prohibited, and they are taken under protection as rare, endangered animals. Red deer Lives in the area of ​​Ibresi and Yadrina Deer live in herds of 3 - 6 heads, occupying summer time an area of ​​about 4–6 hectares. In nature, deer live up to 12-14 years, in captivity - up to 25-30 years. The main enemy of deer is the wolf. Wolves chase adult deer in a pack; A lone wolf may not be able to cope with a deer, especially a male. Deer defend themselves with their front hooves, and males also use their antlers.

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Lynx Lynx is a predatory mammal animal. Lives in taiga forests and in the mountains, sometimes entering the forest-steppe. Lives in Europe, Asia and North America. Life expectancy 15-20 years Weight from 18 to 45 kg. Their habits resemble those of a domestic cat: they purr, meow, and hiss. They have a small head, a strong body, high legs, long tufts on the ears, and a short tail. The thick, soft fur on top is reddish-gray mixed with white. They search for prey by following the trail. They feed on hares, small rodents, foxes, raccoons, and less often on small ungulates - reindeer, roe deer. May attack domestic animals. They hunt only at night.

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Forest Dormouse It lives in oak-linden areas, lives in hollows, and winters in holes under the roots. The diet is mixed, except for nuts, acorns and seeds. It readily eats insects and destroys bird nests. Body length - 102-116mm, tail - 66-96mm, body weight up to 44g. The tail is fluffy, gray, with a light tip. The fur is dense and thick, with a pronounced awn.

This presentation can be used in classes on the surrounding world on the topic “Environmental Protection”.

In 2011, the 2nd part of the 1st volume, dedicated to the fauna of Chuvashia, was published.

Some animals listed in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic: black stork, common dove, eagle owl, common kingfisher, common cricket, chipmunk, ermine, muskrat, dormouse.

Plants listed in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic: European swimmer, open lumbago, blueberry, cloudberry, white water lily.

Guys! If we do not protect animals and plants included in the Red Book, they will die.

To prevent this from happening to those who are still alive, let us treat every living thing on earth with care.



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The Red Book of the Chuvash Republic is a republican constantly updated document and consists of two volumes: the first - rare and endangered species of plants, animals and other organisms; the second is soil.

In 2001, the 1st part of the 1st volume of the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic, dedicated to plants and mushrooms, was published. It includes 243 species and 1 subspecies of plants and fungi.

In 2011, the 2nd part of the 1st volume, dedicated to the fauna of Chuvashia, was published.

Some animals listed in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic:

Black stork


Common kingfisher

Common cricket




Plants listed in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic:

European swimsuit

Opened lumbago


White water lily

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  1. Remember what the concept means
  2. natural areas. What reasons influence the distribution of natural areas?
  3. Determine from the map which natural areas The Chuvash Republic is located. Name the type of vegetation and typical animals corresponding to each of these zones.
  4. How do flora and fauna influence nature and human life?

Plants and animals are the most important components of nature. They define general form territory, its appearance, influence other components and play a large role in human life. Plants and animals do not exist on earth in isolation, but in the form of regular combinations of natural components characteristic of a particular geographical area. The composition of plants and animals is determined by the ratio of heat and moisture in different periods of the year. Therefore, we see a significant diversity of plant and animal communities on the territory of our republic.

Before the settlement of the territory, our region was almost completely covered, only in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the republic there were steppe areas. Subsequently, the main forests were cut down, and currently many areas in the Ibresinsky, Poretsky, and Shumerlinsky districts are covered with secondary birch and aspen forests. The development of forests in Chuvashia is facilitated by satisfactory climatic, soil and hydrogeological conditions. Therefore, forests here are more widespread than on the monotonous plains.

Currently, forests remain in less than one third of the republic and are unevenly distributed. In some areas (Sumerlinsky, Ibresinsky, Alatyrsky) forests occupy more than 50% of the territory, and in Yalchiksky, Alikovsky, Urmarsky and Tsivilsky districts - only 4-9%. The forests of the republic are presented coniferous And deciduous tree species.

Coniferous forests occupy 32.1% of total area forests of the republic. They come in pine and spruce.

They are located in the Volga region, the Sur region and in the southern part of the republic. In these forests, in addition to pine, there are birch and aspen; rose hips, viburnum and other shrubs, including many berries, grow in the undergrowth. The grass cover is varied; in some places there are lingonberries, blueberries, and sorrel. Ferns, mosses and lichens grow. Siberian larch and cedar are also cultivated among coniferous species in Chuvashia.

Spruce forests with an admixture of linden and birch grow in the Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky districts, in the northeastern part of the Poretsky district and in the Volga region. Spruce is a shade-tolerant species and forms a natural community with green mosses.

Broadleaf species represented by linden, maple, elm, ash and other trees. Oak forests are located in separate isolated islands along the right bank of the Volga. The largest massifs are located in the Mariinsky Posad, Cheboksary, Yadrinsky, Krasnochetaisky and Shumerlinsky districts. Modern oak forests of Chuvashia are represented by middle-aged (60.9%) and young (28.3%) plantings. Oak has a very durable wood with a beautiful cross-sectional pattern. Since the settlement of the territory, it has been cut down for various economic needs. Therefore, the remaining oak forests of Chuvashia belong to the category of especially valuable forests. In oak groves, linden, maple, and elm grow as admixtures. Less common are ash, wild apple, and rowan. And in damp places black alder grows. The shrubs in them are represented by hazel, euonymus, and viburnum. In Prisurye, larch, cedar and even Amur velvet are cultivated in oak forests. Larch and cedar are cultivated in the Yantikovsky, Mariinsko-Posad, and Cheboksary districts.

Over the past decades, widespread drying of oak tree tops has been observed. The reason for this phenomenon is not fully understood, the most likely is air pollution. After felling and forest fires the forest is regenerated mostly by birch and aspen, less often by linden and pine.

In almost the entire northern and central right bank of the republic, forests have been cleared and the lands have been converted to agricultural land. Forest cover here ranges from 4 to 14%. Oak groves and linden forests (in the south of the Volga region) are preserved only in isolated isolated areas. Therefore, this area can be characterized as oak forest-steppe. Forests need special protection, reconstruction and restoration. Mostly pine and oak are planted. In addition, protective forest plantings occupy a significant place in the republic, the area of ​​which in Chuvashia is more than 6,000 hectares. On average in the republic, the annual growth of wood is 3.4 m3 per 1 hectare of forest. The total increase is about 2 million m3.

Plays a huge role in a person's life. The most important species used for construction, chemical processing and other economic needs are conifers, as well as oak and willow. More than 100 thousand tons of oak wood are spent annually on chemical processing alone, up to 2.5 thousand tons of willow bark, etc. coniferous forests up to 2 thousand tons of resin are mined. A lot of linden trees are cut down to make handicrafts. In Chuvashia, more than 1000 m3 of moss is selected annually, which is used in construction as an insulating material.

In the medical, confectionery and distillery industries, lingonberries, cranberries, rowan berries, currants, caraway seeds, rose hips, birch buds, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, plantain, chamomile, yarrow, horsetail and many other plants are used. Procurement organizations of Chuvashia are collecting edible mushrooms: white, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus and others. Residents of the republic collect nuts from oilseeds.

In the southeastern part of Chuvashia and in Zasurye, steppe vegetation has been preserved. This mainly includes the territories of Komsomolsky, Yalchiksky, Batyrevsky and Alatyrsky districts. Under the meadows, chernozem soils formed, which were plowed earlier than others. Before being converted into agricultural lands, steppe cereals and herbs grew here. The abundant vegetation experienced a change of species during the summer from early spring before late autumn. Typical representatives of steppe vegetation are fescue, sage, bluegrass, and feather grass.

Meadow vegetation covers the unplowed floodplains of small rivers in Chuvashia. Floodplain meadows are used as hayfields and pastures. More than 1000 species of plants grow in the meadows, mainly included in the cereal, legume, and sedge plant groups.

Minor areas of the republic (0.5% of the entire territory) are occupied by marsh and aquatic vegetation. Coastal zone Most lakes are occupied by sedge, horsetail, arrowhead, chastuha, and foxtail. Next grow cattails, reeds, and reeds. There are few purely aquatic plants; the most famous are yellow water lily and white water lily. In the Sura Valley there is a very rare water chestnut (chilim), listed in the Red Book.

  1. Analyze the vegetation map of the Chuvash Republic, identify the most forested areas and areas where there are no forests.
  2. Describe the vegetation around your area.
  3. Determine from Fig. 18 habitats of oak forests. In which administrative regions of the republic are they observed? largest areas oak forest?

In accordance with the soil and plant conditions, the fauna of Chuvashia was formed. The position of the republic at the junction of different vegetation zones, the heterogeneity of the relief determines the diversity of animals. Its territory is home to over 60 species of mammals, 44 species of fish, 16 species of amphibians and reptiles. Here you can find more than 260 species of birds and various invertebrates.

In general, the republic is characterized by a mixture of animals of the southern taiga and typical steppe forms. Human activity has had a significant impact on the fauna. Some animals spread to the republics as a result of artificial resettlement. At the same time, some species of fauna have been destroyed by humans. For example, in the cultural layer of the X-XIV centuries. bones discovered reindeer. Back in 1917, they were available in the neighboring Nizhny Novgorod region.

Most representatives of the animal world of Chuvashia live in deciduous forests. There they find reliable shelters and are provided with stable food. The largest ungulate animal deciduous forests is an elk whose weight reaches 400 kg. In recent years, due to the ban on shooting, the moose population has increased significantly. Their number exceeds 1000 heads. In the republic they live mainly in the forests near Sur. There is also a noticeable increase in the number of wild boars. The forests are inhabited by moles, hedgehogs, foxes, shrews, bat, badger, raccoon dog, lynx, marten, ermine, weasel, squirrel, mountain hare, mouse, chipmunk. Deciduous forests are especially rich in birds. They include grouse, hazel grouse, wood grouse, woodcock, jay, magpie, cuckoo, swift, woodpecker, warbler, warbler, thrush, owl, and sparrowhawk.

IN coniferous forests the animal world is poorer. They are inhabited by squirrel, mountain hare, chipmunk, mink, otter, marten and lynx. There are few birds in coniferous forests. The most common species are bullfinch, woodpecker, jay, chaffinch, crossbill, owl, eagle owl, owl, black grouse, wood grouse, and black stork, which is included in the Red Book. In the clear sunny days On the trunks of fallen trees and on stumps you can find lizards and snakes. Mostly there are also copperheads. The only one poisonous snake- viper.

On steppe areas The animal world is noticeably poorer. There are foxes, brown hare, light polecats, and hamsters. The southern regions of the republic are inhabited by the speckled ground squirrel, jerboa, marmot, and among the birds - lark, quail, gray partridge, lapwing, kite, eagles and falcons are less common.

There are noticeably more animals near bodies of water. In the reservoirs themselves there is a variety of fish - pike, perch, bream, crucian carp, tench, silver bream, carp, ide, roach, crucian carp, ruffe. Reserves most valuable fish- sterlet, bream, pike perch, unfortunately, began to decrease.

Along small rivers and forested channels of the Volga and Sura there are otter, mink, and the North American musk rat, the muskrat, which has acclimatized here. The Sura floodplain is home to the most ancient mammal found on the territory of Chuvashia - the Russian muskrat, which is listed in the Red Book.

Game animals in Chuvashia include elk, wild boar, beaver, fox, hare and squirrel. They also hunt birds.

In progress economic activity humans greatly change the natural flora and fauna. The expansion of arable land leads to the replacement of natural vegetation with agricultural crops. Simultaneously with the vegetation cover, the animal world changes: species composition and the number of animals. Clear deforestation, plowing of meadows and land reclamation, construction of roads and industrial facilities have changed environmental situation in Chuvashia. Certain species of animals and plants are under threat of complete extinction. All this forces us to take measures to conservation and restoration of resources organic world . IN special attention species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book need protection. Not only individual species, but also entire communities of plants and animals are protected in special places. The republic has the Prisursky Nature Reserve, national park"Chăyour vărmanĕ", natural Park"Zavolzhye", 6 state natural reserves, 7 state hunting reserves, there are more than 100 natural monuments.

  1. Show on the map the southern border of the taiga, characterize its flora and fauna.
  2. Does it appear in Chuvashia latitudinal zonation vegetation? Explain where and why it is violated?
  3. Compare animal and vegetable world deciduous forests and the steppes of Chuvashia.
  4. What is the importance of forests for the economy of Chuvashia?
  5. Name the hunting and fishing resources of Chuvashia.
  6. * What impact has human activity had on the flora and fauna of Chuvashia? Give examples specific to your area.
  7. * Explain why to preserve endangered species of animals and plants it is necessary to protect protected areas nature in general.

In 1798, forests occupied 49% of the total land area in Chuvashia; in 1998, this figure was 31.2%.

Pine is the most common species in Chuvashia. It is light-loving and grows mainly on sand, but is also found in wetlands. Currently, pine trees are being planted in cleared areas and unforested areas.

In the past, oak was used to build ships. A tree aged 400 years was suitable for this. Therefore, by decree of Peter I, protected oak groves were designated in the Volga forests; later they were called ship groves.

In total, there are about 570 thousand hectares of forest in the republic. Young growth occupies more than 45% of the total area, a quarter of the area - middle-aged trees, mature and ripening trees - about 23%. Only 8% of the area is made up of overmature trees.

The low-value gudgeon, common in our rivers, is interesting because it is very sensitive to water pollution. It is considered an indicator of water pollution. If there is a gudgeon in the river, it is completely clean.