Southern Butovo ecological situation.

Analysis of the environmental well-being of Moscow districts

It is at least naive to talk about the environmental cleanliness of any megacity on Earth. With such a concentration of enterprises, houses, cars and people, there is no need to talk about ideal cleanliness of air and water. Megacities, including Moscow, have long been unable to be proud of the abundance of green spaces, or the comfort of living either. Nevertheless, tens of millions of people live in such cities, and their great honor has no plans to leave. For all their obvious disadvantages, megacities have their clear advantages. However, in this article we will try to figure out not this, but which district of Moscow is the most attractive from an environmental point of view.

Experts have an environmental map of Moscow, and it is constantly being adjusted, because the state of the air, or rather the degree of its purity, in the capital is constantly changing. The mixture that Muscovites and city guests breathe is formed as a result of the influence of a number of factors. Firstly, this is the compass rose. It determines in which direction emissions from industrial enterprises, thermal power plants and waste incineration plants will move. As you know, the wind rose has an annual cycle and that is why in one or another district of Moscow the degree of air pollution is always at a certain constant level. So, let's look at the capital districts in order.

Central Administrative District

There are no industrial enterprises in this district of the capital, but it is an area with increased business activity. There are many different institutions located here, in which a huge number of people work. More more people come to these institutions on official business. Add local residents here and we get a mind-boggling number. It is clear that the transport load on the Central Administrative District is simply enormous. The air is saturated with vehicle exhaust gases to critical levels. It is noteworthy that the flow of cars does not dry up here even at night, since this district has the most restaurants, nightclubs, bars and entertainment centers. The state of air pollution near the surface of the earth is already three times higher than the maximum permissible standards. . By medical requirements this air is dangerous to life. The worst situation with air is in Ostozhenka and Prechistenka. In fact, it’s already hard to breathe here. The air is only a little cleaner in Kitai-Gorod, Arbat, Yakimanka, Tagansky, Presnensky, Basmanny, Meshchansky and Tversky districts. Although it is simply impossible to compare it with the air of the same Moscow region. Even a ban on the entry of large-capacity road transport into the territory of the Central Administrative District does not solve the problem of air cleanliness.

Worst of all, the wind rose directs polluted air flows here from the outskirts of the capital, aggravating the already catastrophic situation. Ecologists could not find a single place in the Central District that could be considered at least environmentally tolerant. Alas, there are places in Moscow with even more polluted air. Of course, a person gets used to everything and many people cannot imagine their life outside the Central Administrative District.

Eastern administrative district

This district is the largest in area. The ecology there, fortunately, is not at all bad, although, of course, it cannot be compared with the ecology of alpine meadows or the Canary Islands. More than nine thousand grow in the Eastern District deciduous trees, and thanks to them the air is much cleaner here than in other areas of Moscow. It is not surprising that this is where people are most active in buying apartments. The cleanest areas of the Eastern District are VAO, Izmailovo and Novokosino. Here you can breathe easily and freely. The air is a little worse in the Sokolinaya Gora area in Preobrazhenskoye and Perovo.

South-Eastern Administrative District

Historically, this particular area became the working outskirts of the capital. The environmental situation here is definitely unfavorable due to the concentration of industrial enterprises . The worst district of the South-Eastern District is Kapotnya. The so-called “Moscow fiend of hell” is located here. We are talking about a local oil refinery that emits almost all known harmful gases into the atmosphere. The pipes of this technologically backward plant spew benzene, phenol, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds and even ammonia. This is not the entire list of harmful substances that the plant supplies to the lungs of city residents. For many years, Moscow environmentalists and many public organizations have been demanding the closure of this archaic enterprise. However, it still works and poisons the air.

In the South-Eastern district there is the lowest point of Moscow, this is the Pechatniki district. Many harmful elements settle here and gases accumulate, the specific gravity of which is lower specific gravity air. Plus, the Kuryanovskaya treatment plant is nearby, which is scary to approach without a gas mask. There is an unbearable stench around this station. The sad thing is that the wind rose here is not conducive to quickly blowing out harmful gases from the lowlands.

People in Vykhino-Zhulebino breathe approximately the same disgusting air. Only polluted air flows from the Moscow Ring Road and the waste incineration plant still get here. One cannot envy the residents of Lyublino and Brateevo, because they live in close proximity to the thermal power plant, and there is a consistently increased level of radiation here.

The cleanest, so to speak, district of the South-Eastern District is Kuzminka. The air here is noticeably cleaner, thanks to the presence of a green park there.

Southern Administrative District

The ecological situation in this district is monstrous . Main reason consists in the accumulation of a huge number of industrial enterprises, three of which work with radioactive substances. Plus, there is also a radioactive waste dump here. The flow of traffic here is almost the same both day and night. In addition, the specific terrain prevents air exchange. The wind rose also does not show concern for the southern district of Moscow, so the air here is heavy, musty and saturated with harmful substances. The level of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and various suspended particles is so high that such an indicator is not even indicated in environmental reference books. In fact, the air here is not suitable for breathing. The only salvation for the district is a strong westerly wind. Only he can provide, at least temporarily, an influx of fresh air from the outside. Unfortunately, such a wind does not blow here as often as we would like. The dirtiest air in this district is located in Tsaritsyno, Danilovsky, Brateevo, Donskoy and Nagorny. The air situation is slightly better in Northern and Southern Orekhovo-Borisovo, Biryulyovo and Southern Chertanovo.

If it weren’t for green spaces, it would have been impossible to live in the Southern District. Fortunately, the Moscow government is finally actively engaged in the reconstruction of outdated enterprises and the closure of those that are no longer subject to improvement of technological processes.

Southwestern Administrative District

According to environmentalists, this district of Moscow is the most prosperous in terms of air cleanliness . The district is located far from the industrial areas of the city and remote from its center. The flow of cars here is not as intense as in most areas of Moscow. Finally, there is a lot of greenery, ponds, lakes and small rivers. All this, of course, makes people's lives more enjoyable. This is why so much expensive luxury housing is being built in this area. In the South-Western District, however, it is possible to distinguish best places and those that are worse. Most clean air considered in Lomonosovsky and Gagarinsky districts, Konkovo, Yasenevo, Northern and Southern Butovo, as well as in Teply Stan. But in Cheryomushki, Kotlovka, Academichesky and Obruchevsky districts environmental situation a little worse.

Western administrative district

This district is also quite prosperous from an environmental point of view. . This is probably why people with high and middle incomes mostly live here, since not every Muscovite can afford the cost of housing here. Despite the fact that the Western District is not so far from the center, the air here is clean. The district owes this happiness to the wind rose. Most of the elite and premium housing is being built here.

Near the Western District there are such important sites for air purity as Moskvoretsky Park, Rublevsky Forest, Serebryany Bor and the Krylatsky Hills Nature Reserve. Also located here are the reserves “Valley of the Setun River”, Vorobyovy Gory, Troparevsky and South-Western forest parks. A serious problem for the Western District is periodic air pollution from vehicle exhaust fumes, which the wind brings from the highway. On some days it exceeds the maximum permissible norm by two or even three times. However, when the wind changes its direction, the air in the area becomes clean again. Unfortunately, in the Western District there are industrial enterprises that pollute environment. They are mainly concentrated near Ochakovo-Matveevskoye.

The cleanest areas in the Western District are Troparevo-Nikulino, Kuntsevo and Krylatskoye, but in Dorogomilovo the air pollution is quite high.

Northwestern Administrative District

The air here is quite clean , since the district abounds in rivers, lakes, ponds, and most importantly, forests. It is not without reason that statistics show that it is in this district of Moscow that people have the highest life expectancy. Most Moscow ecologists call the North-Western District the cleanest in comparison with all other districts of the capital. The remaining part of environmental experts put North-Western Administrative Okrug in third place after Western District. The demand for housing in this district is only increasing from year to year. The abundance of water and forest resources has such a high beneficial effect that the negative impact on nature from three thermal power plants and one nuclear facility, which are located in Mitino, Penyagino and Strogino, is neutralized.

The cleanest air here is in Strogino, Mitino, Kurkino and Shchukino, but in Northern and Southern Tushino, as well as in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, the air is much worse.

Northern administrative district

The most harmful industrial facility in this district is the powerful industrial zone in the area of ​​the Voykovskaya metro station. In addition, the exhaust gases of cars moving in a continuous stream along the Leningradskoye Highway seriously poisoning the air of the Northern District . There are very few forests here and this only aggravates the difficult environmental situation in the area. Timiryazevsky and Golovinsky districts are considered more or less decent in terms of air cleanliness.

North-Eastern Administrative District

The ecology of the North-Eastern district of Moscow is considered quite acceptable because about a third of its territory is occupied by forest plantations. The largest botanical garden in Europe. Many have dubbed it the Moscow oasis, as the air around is clean. The second largest green area here is the Losino-Ostrovsky forest. Together these two are huge natural object provide quite decent air purity. Unfortunately, this is where the list of positive environmental factors ends.

There are more than a hundred different enterprises in the North-Eastern District. Fortunately, they are dispersed throughout the entire area of ​​the district and their negative impact is dissipating. The list of enterprises includes several facilities that are particularly hazardous to the environment. First of all, this is the huge Aeroelectromash plant, an oil refinery and a chemical plant. Despite the fact that these enterprises are considered quite modern, they account for two percent of all Moscow harmful emissions. The most polluted part of the North-Eastern District is the Otradnoe district. There is a waste incineration plant here that emits dioxin, chlorobenzene, heavy metals and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. Almost half of the territory of Otradny is occupied by industrial zones, and they have a negative impact on air purity. Among the most polluted areas of the district, environmentalists point out Maryina Roshcha, Marfino, Khoroshevsky, Butyrsky, Alekseevsky and Yaroslavl districts.

Troitsky administrative district

In general, the air cleanliness situation in this district is quite acceptable. Only now The radioactive background here is overestimated . This is connected with the work of the All-Russian Center for Thermonuclear Research, which is located directly in Troitsk.

Novomoskovsk administrative district

The air in the so-called New Moscow, fortunately, is still clean . In addition, the flow of road transport here is incomparable with the Moscow flow. However, heavenly prosperity will not always be here. The fact is that the Moscow government is planning to build a large number of highways here, which will be called upon to somehow relieve the congestion of the main transport arteries of the capital.

In general, the environmental situation in Moscow is the same as in similar megacities on Earth. To put it mildly, it is depressing here, because air from disadvantaged areas easily penetrates into clean areas of Moscow. As elsewhere, the main problem of the Russian capital is the rapidly growing fleet of vehicles. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that the harm from this transport is much higher than the harm that waste incinerators and even chemical plants cause to the air. Of course, the Moscow government is well aware of the threat looming over the city. It is carrying out a planned renovation of outdated production facilities, introducing environmentally friendly technologies. Many industrial zones are demolished, and the vacant space is used for housing construction. At the same time top layer soil has to be disposed of due to its severe contamination. Greening of the areas is also being actively carried out. All this requires a huge amount of money, and the Moscow authorities allocate it whenever possible.


If an important criterion for you when choosing housing is the environmentally friendly environment of a given district, then pay attention to:

  • SZAO
  • South-Western Administrative District

The big question mark for the district is:

  • NEAD

And don’t even look towards the environmentally polluted districts of Moscow:

  • SEAD

We wish you to choose an ideal ecologically clean area to live in Moscow and the Moscow region. If any difficulties arise, contact us!!! We will choose the best option!

“Green” standards, by which the environmental situation in a residential area is determined, are presented in the set of rules “Engineering and environmental surveys for construction,” which are included in the system of construction SNiPs. When analyzing the state of the environment, a complex of factors is taken into account. The proximity of roads and the state of traffic play a key role - it is automobile exhaust gases that make up more than 90% of the total anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere of a metropolis. Only a natural barrier in the form of a large park or forest belt can neutralize the harmful proximity of a highway.

Traditionally, the prestigious north-west of Moscow is considered to be the cleanest and greenest, but according to the results of a 2015 study, the south-west topped the top three. This is what the “ecological pedestal” of the most prosperous districts of the capital looks like in 2015:

The top line of the ranking was headed by two young districts outside the Moscow Ring Road. Two neighboring territories are surrounded by the Butovo Forest Park and several other forests, and the only thing that poisons the local atmosphere is the Warsaw Highway.

  • 2nd place - Yasenevo (South-Western District)

The area is distinguished by a favorable wind rose, the absence of large industrial enterprises and highways (not counting the MKAD section), and is literally surrounded by greenery. On one side it is surrounded Bitsevsky forest, on the other - Butovo and Yasenevsky forest parks.

  • 3rd place – Mitino (North-Western District)

Mitino is located on the northwestern outskirts of Moscow just outside the ring road and is surrounded on all sides by forests. The harmful emissions from the Moscow Ring Road and the Pyatnitskoye Highway, which runs through the district, are compensated by the greenery of the Novogorsk Forest Park.

Also included in the top five cleanest districts of the capital is Strogino (North-Western Administrative District), which benefits from its proximity to Serebryany Bor and the Trinity-Lykovskaya floodplain, as well as Kurkino (North-Western Administrative District). The local environmental situation remains at an acceptable level thanks to the Aleshkinsky forest and the Skhodnya River valley. In terms of comfort, this territory is comparable to the near Moscow region; it is no coincidence that, in addition to standard high-rise buildings, cottages are common there, and popular among buyers. A similar situation is also developing in Krylatskoye (ZAO) and Northern Tushino (SZAO), which occupy 6th and 7th places in the eco-rating.

Teply Stan (South-Western Administrative District) and Marfino (Northern Eastern Administrative District) are in 8th and 9th place. In general, these are quite green, clean and pleasant areas for living, however, the ecology of Teply Stan is spoiled by several busy highways (Profsoyuznaya Street, Leninsky Prospekt and MKAD), and Marfino’s low place in the ranking is explained by its proximity to the railway. The Ivanovskoe district in the east of the city closes the list of environmentally friendly corners of the capital. In general, the Eastern Administrative District is considered by ecologists not to be the most prosperous territory, but in Ivanovsky there are no industrial zones and there are two large green spaces at once - the Izmailovsky forest park and the Terletskaya oak grove.

I can’t breathe - Moscow areas with the worst ecology

Ecologically unfavorable areas are determined by experts based on the degree of air pollution. Harmful emissions enter the metropolitan atmosphere not only from car exhaust pipes, but also due to the operation of heat and power complex facilities, waste processing plants and other industrial enterprises. Environmentalists begin to become alarmed when the content of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and phenol or hydrogen sulfide in the capital's air begins to significantly exceed the norm. In some areas, the concentration of harmful substances may be several times higher than required.

Experts have the most complaints about the southeast of the capital. It is there along the Moscow River that most of the city's industrial enterprises are concentrated. The air for Muscovites and the mood of environmentalists are constantly being poisoned by the Kapotnensky Oil Refinery and the Lublin Steel Plant. Other polluting enterprises, which are scattered in abundance throughout the district, also make their contribution to the general “dirty business.”

According to the latest data, Kapotnya (South-Eastern Administrative District) is once again recognized as the most environmentally unfavorable district of Moscow. The concentration of harmful substances there is so high that the consequences are visible to the naked eye. At times, under certain weather conditions, smog hangs in the air, and residents of surrounding houses feel the smell is more unpleasant in their apartments. It is not surprising that the townspeople nicknamed the area Small Norilsk. A similar situation is observed in neighboring Pechatniki, where two hundred industrial enterprises have virtually no green areas, as well as in Biryulyovo Zapadnoye (Southern Administrative Okrug), where, in addition to ordinary industrial zones, the environment is spoiled by a waste incineration plant. Experts also have complaints about Maryino, Lyublino, Nekrasovka, Tsaritsyno, Ochakovo-Matveevsky, Dmitrovsky and Nizhny Novgorod districts.

The prestigious metropolitan center also receives consistently low ratings from environmentalists. Of course, the air inside the Garden Ring is not polluted by industrial facilities, but this is successfully dealt with by the abundant flow of vehicles that cross the city every day, and most importantly, stand in traffic jams for many hours. According to experts, due to heavy traffic, sanitary standards for nitrogen dioxide levels in the center of Moscow are exceeded on average by 2-3 times.

Ecology and prices – real estate in prosperous and disadvantaged areas

The environmental situation in the area is one of the key factors when choosing real estate. According to experts, first of all they evaluate transport accessibility and the presence of minimal infrastructure, and then they begin to be interested in the cleanliness of the air and the abundance of parks and squares. This state of affairs directly affects the development of the real estate market. Square meters in areas with favorable ecology are rising in price on average twice as fast as the city average.

For example, as of February 2015, apartments in Northern Butovo began to cost an average of 18% more. The situation is similar in Southern Butovo, Marfino, Teply Stan, Mitino, Northern Tushino - housing in all these prosperous areas has risen in price by 12.5% ​​- 15.2% over the year. At the same time, the average increase was only 6.4%.

Finally, the eco-rating of the area is not the last argument for developers. It is no coincidence that the volume of supply of apartments in new buildings in the prosperous South-Western and North-Western regions is almost three times higher than in the primary market of the South-Eastern Administrative District. At the same time, the average cost square meter in a new building in the southwest of Moscow, according to analysts from RealSearch.Ru, it fluctuates around 300 thousand rubles, and in the southeast - around 180 thousand rubles. A square meter of primary real estate in the remote but green Northern Butovo costs between 94,540 and 168,896 rubles, and in eco-problematic Kapotnya no new construction has been carried out since the 1990s.

The dirtiest areas of Moscow are not located in a continuous order - very motley. The ecology of Moscow is explosive mixture from a variety of factors:

  • The presence in the area of ​​environmentally polluting enterprises - waste incineration plants, thermal power plants, and chemical plants.
  • Wind rose of Moscow
  • Availability of densely loaded highways
  • Availability of nuclear facilities

Let's look at the dirtiest areas of Moscow:

1. Almost all areas along the Moscow Ring Road.

The 24-hour stress almost never gives residents of nearby areas the opportunity to breathe fresh air; here the maximum permissible concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and suspended substances are always significantly exceeded.

2. Almost all areas along Varshavka - Biryulyovo Western, Tsaritsyno, Chertanovo Central.

There is a gigantic cluster of industrial zones, heavy traffic and an unfavorable wind rose. Daily (except for days with very strong westerly winds) exceedance of the maximum concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and suspended solids. In addition, here, .

3. Kapotnya.

- Moscow fiend of hell. There are four unpleasant factors here:
  • The dirtiest plant in Moscow - Moscow Refinery
  • Proximity to MKAD
  • Unfavorable compass rose

4. Printers

The area is not much behind Kapotnya:

Is surrounded by the dirtiest industrial zones in Moscow
The lowest point in Moscow - all the gases accumulate here
Located next to the Moscow garbage dump - aeration fields (Kuryanovsky wastewater treatment plant)
Extremely unfavorable compass rose

5. Vykhino Zhulebino

The area is sandwiched between three extremely busy highways - MKAD, Ryazanka and Volgogradka
The main waste incineration plant in Moscow is quite close
Kapotny is located nearby
From the west the area is surrounded by a ring of large industrial zones

Zhulebino and Pechatniki are located directly around the Yuzhny Port industrial zone and the Kuryanovsky wastewater treatment plant

6. Maryino

At the beginning of the last century, on the site of this area there were Chaginsky swamps, in the place of which irrigation fields were built; all of Moscow’s sewage system was simply drained here, from where, filtered through sand, all sewage poured into the Moscow River. All the poison remained in Maryino.

This region of Moscow contains the largest and dirtiest areas of Moscow. This is the lowest point in Moscow and all the Moscow fumes and all the cold air of Moscow accumulate here, which, together with the evaporation of the irrigation fields, gives a unique picture.

7. Brateevo and Lyublino

These areas have the following damaging factors:
  • Directly adjacent to Kapotnya
  • Directly adjacent to the largest thermal power plant 22
  • Directly adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road
  • Located in the dirtiest district of Moscow
  • Here is the most unfavorable wind rose

8. Districts inside the Garden Ring:

The areas inside Sadovoye are designed to be the most attractive in Moscow from all points of view, but from an environmental point of view they are a complete failure.

Despite the fact that there are no large industrial zones here, this is the smokiest district in Moscow and the culprit of this smoke is motor transport. In addition, a huge disadvantage is the fact that no matter which direction the wind blows, it will always be dirty.

9. Altufyevo

Suffice it to say that in the center of the area there is a waste incineration plant - practically in residential areas. Hence everything - heavy metals, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and a whole bunch of other things.

10. All areas adjacent to Lyubertsy - Lyublino, Kapotnya, Kosino Ukhtomsky, Vykhino Zhulebino

The most important factors here are the largest in Moscow and the Moscow Ring Road.

In addition, the Lyubertsy irrigation fields are located here - the entire garbage dump of Moscow - now there is active construction of new buildings on this site.

2017, declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, is coming to an end: its goal is to attract attention to problematic issues in the environmental sphere and improve the environment in the country. The EcoStandard group company presents the results of the environmental rating of Moscow districts. The study was prepared by company experts using the original methodology of Katerina Veselova, head of the environmental assessment and monitoring department of the EcoStandard group, an environmental expert with 20 years of experience. The rating covered 125 districts of the capital and 21 settlements in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts.

Each district was assessed according to 12 criteria affecting the state of the environment:

  • Landscaping
  • Neighborhood with large forested parks and forests
  • Reservoirs
  • Thermal power facilities (CHP, HPP)
  • Industrial zones
  • Population density
  • Large enterprises
  • Presence of large sources of negative impact in neighboring areas
  • Sources of electromagnetic fields
  • Airports
  • Major roads
  • Road congestion

All areas were assigned a score within each criterion. There is no single scale of points; the assessment of each parameter and the “amplitude of fluctuations” of the number of points differs within different criteria. For example, in the “territory greening” criterion, a district could receive from +6 points with a high percentage of territory greening to 0 points with a low one. At the same time, in the “industrial zone” criterion, a district could receive from 0 points for complete absence industrial zones up to -6 points for the presence of large manufacturing enterprises within the boundaries of the district.

As a result of this method of assessment, each district is assigned its own index - from 1 (the most environmentally unfavorable level) to 4 (the most environmentally favorable). Such an index makes it possible to simply display the rating on a map of Moscow districts and, as a result, to easily understand such a map for its users.

“Our rating does not aim to stimulate open reporting by companies or the development of regions of the country that strive to occupy a higher position in the list of environmentally friendly subjects of the Russian Federation. Our goal is to inform the population of Moscow about the objective environmental situation in the city. The map we have compiled will be useful to those who are thinking about buying or renting new apartment- after all, the environmental factor is important when choosing a place of residence. The map also encourages those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas to think about the ecology of their apartment. After all, most negative environmental factors in apartments and houses where we spend most of our time, it can be minimized - for example, by installing an air purification system"

Katerina Veselova, Head of the Department of Environmental Expertise and Monitoring, EcoStandard group

Eastern Administrative District: Ivanovskoye, Izmailovo and Sokolniki districts
Closed joint-stock company: Krylatskoye and Vernadskogo Avenue districts
Southern Administrative District: Orekhovo-Borisovo Northern District
Northwestern Administrative District: Mitino, Northern Tushino, Strogino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki districts Northwestern Administrative District
NEAD: Marfino, Severny, Yaroslavsky districts
South-Western Administrative District: Obruchevsky, Northern Butovo, Teply Stan and Yasenevo districts.

Most of the Novomoskovsk and Zelenograd districts were also recognized as environmentally friendly. In the Trinity District, the settlements of Voronovskoye and Troitsk were recognized as the “greenest”.

As for unfavorable areas, the leaders of the “anti-rating” with index 1 were:

Eastern Administrative District: Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Preobrazhenskoye and Sokolinaya Gora
JSC: Ochakovo-Matveevskoe
Northern Administrative Okrug: Eastern Degunino, Golovinsky, Dmitrovsky and Western Degunino
Southern Administrative District: Biryulyovo Western, Danilovsky, Nagatino-Sadovniki and Chertanovo Central
NEAD: Altufevsky, Babushkinsky, Butyrsky, Northern Medvedkovo

However, the most environmentally unfavorable areas are expected to be located in the South-Eastern Administrative District: Kapotnya, Lefortovo, Maryino, Nekrasovka, Nizhegorodsky, Pechatniki and Ryazansky - all of them received index 1 in the rating. The traditionally low environmental indicators of these areas are associated with a large number objects that heavily pollute the environment: the oil refinery in Kapotnya, the large Moscow CHPP 22, the Kuryanovsky wastewater treatment plant, etc.

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Complete list of districts with corresponding indexes

Kosino-Ukhtomsky VAO 1
Preobrazhenskoe VAO 1
Falcon Mountain VAO 1
Bogorodskoe VAO 2
Veshnyaki VAO 2
Golyanovo VAO 2
Novogireevo VAO 2
Perovo VAO 2
Northern Izmailovo VAO 2
Eastern Izmailovo VAO 3
Oriental VAO 3
Metrotown VAO 3
Novokosino VAO 3
Ivanovskoe VAO 4
Izmailovo VAO 4
Sokolniki VAO 4
Ochakovo-Matveevskoe JSC 1
Dorogomilovo JSC 2
Kuntsevo JSC 2
Novo-Peredelkino JSC 2
Solntsevo JSC 2
Filevsky Park JSC 2
Fili-Davydkovo JSC 2
Vnukovo JSC 3
Mozhaisky JSC 3
Ramenki JSC 3
Troparevo-Nikulino JSC 3
Krylatskoe JSC 4
Vernadsky Avenue JSC 4
Eastern Degunino SAO 1
Golovinsky SAO 1
Dmitrovsky SAO 1
Western Degunino SAO 1
Airport SAO 2
Running SAO 2
Beskudnikovsky SAO 2
Voikovsky SAO 2
Levoberezhny SAO 2
Savelovsky SAO 2
Falcon SAO 2
Khovrino SAO 2
Khoroshevsky SAO 2
Koptevo SAO 3
Molzhaninovsky SAO 3
Timiryazevsky SAO 3
Southern Administrative District
Biryulyovo Western Southern Administrative District 1
Danilovsky Southern Administrative District 1
Nagatino-Sadovniki Southern Administrative District 1
Chertanovo Central Southern Administrative District 1
Brateevo Southern Administrative District 2
Donskoy Southern Administrative District 2
Zyablikovo Southern Administrative District 2
Moskvorechye-Saburovo Southern Administrative District 2
Upland Southern Administrative District 2
Tsaritsyno Southern Administrative District 2
Chertanovo North Southern Administrative District 2
Biryulyovo East Southern Administrative District 3
Nagatinsky Zaton Southern Administrative District 3
Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye Southern Administrative District 3
Chertanovo Yuzhnoe Southern Administrative District 3
Orekhovo-Borisovo Northern Southern Administrative District 4
Central Administrative District
Arbat Central Administrative District 2
Basmanny Central Administrative District 2
Zamoskvorechye Central Administrative District 2
Krasnoselsky Central Administrative District 2
Meshchansky Central Administrative District 2
Presnensky Central Administrative District 2
Tagansky Central Administrative District 2
Tverskaya Central Administrative District 2
Khamovniki Central Administrative District 3
Yakimanka Central Administrative District 3
Shchukino SZAO 2
South Tushino SZAO 2
Kurkino SZAO 3
Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo SZAO 3
Mitino SZAO 4
Northern Tushino SZAO 4
Strogino SZAO 4
Khoroshevo-Mnevniki SZAO 4
Altufevsky NEAD 1
Babushkinsky NEAD 1
Butyrsky NEAD 1
Northern Medvedkovo NEAD 1
Alekseevsky NEAD 2
Bibirevo NEAD 2
Losinoostrovsky NEAD 2
Maryina Roshcha NEAD 2
Sviblovo NEAD 2
Lianozovo NEAD 3
Ostankino NEAD 3
Otradnoe NEAD 3
Rostokino NEAD 3
South Medvedkovo NEAD 3
Marfino NEAD 4
Northern NEAD 4
Yaroslavsky NEAD 4
Kapotnya SEAD 1
Lefortovo SEAD 1
Maryino SEAD 1
Nekrasovka SEAD 1
Nizhny Novgorod SEAD 1
Printers SEAD 1
Ryazansky SEAD 1
Vykhino-Zhulebino SEAD 2
Lyublino SEAD 2
Textile workers SEAD 2
Yuzhnoportovy SEAD 2
Kuzminki SEAD 3
South-Western Administrative District
Academic South-Western Administrative District 2
Gagarinsky South-Western Administrative District 2
Cheryomushki South-Western Administrative District 2
South Butovo South-Western Administrative District 2
Zyuzino South-Western Administrative District 3
Konkovo South-Western Administrative District 3
Kotlovka South-Western Administrative District 3
Lomonosovsky South-Western Administrative District 3
Obruchevsky South-Western Administrative District 4
Northern Butovo South-Western Administrative District 4
Tyoply Stan South-Western Administrative District 4
Yasenevo South-Western Administrative District 4
Novomoskovsk district
Shcherbinka, settlement Novomoskovsk district 2
Voskresenskoye, settlement Novomoskovsk district 3
Marushkinskoye, settlement Novomoskovsk district 3
Ryazanovskoe, settlement Novomoskovsk district 3
Filimonkovskoe, settlement Novomoskovsk district 3
Vnukovskoye, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Desyonovskoye, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Kokoshkino, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Moskovsky, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Mosrentgen, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Sosenskoye, settlement Novomoskovsk district 4
Zelenogradsky district
Kryukovo Zelenogradsky district 2
Matushkino Zelenogradsky district 4
Savelki Zelenogradsky district 4
Silino Zelenogradsky district 4
Old Kryukovo Zelenogradsky district 4
Trinity District
Kyiv, settlement Trinity District 3
Klenovskoye, settlement Trinity District 3
Krasnopakhorskoye, settlement Trinity District 3
Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, settlement Trinity District 3
Novofedorovskoe, settlement Trinity District 3
Pervomayskoye, settlement Trinity District 3
Rogovskoye, settlement Trinity District 3
Shchapovskoye, settlement Trinity District 3
Voronovskoye, settlement Trinity District 4
Troitsk, settlement Trinity District 4

There is one large modern city in Russia. Its residents walk along convenient pedestrian streets, live in fashionable lofts, relax and jog in well-kept parks, visit art spaces on weekends, travel by bicycle, subway and modern trolley buses (and some even drive a Tesla!). ..

But in some areas of the city, the situation is such that people spend every day among dust and fumes, inhale the smells of garbage and sewage, are poisoned by carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide and walk in acid rain. Many are forced to move to other areas so as not to endanger themselves, their children and pets.

The strangest thing is that it is in such depressed areas that people do not want to change anything. They are used to the fact that everything is bad and do not try to make it good. For them, moving is the only way to fight, although in reality everything is simpler: just change the government. To do this, you have such a tool as elections (which, by the way, will take place in September). If independent municipal deputies come to every area suffering from an environmental disaster, they will be able to take the situation into their own hands. There will be parliamentary inquiries, there will be constant inspections of “unhealthy” enterprises, and a real struggle will begin for the cleanliness and safety of the city.

But first we need candidates who are ready to make their district better. So don't sit idly by, but hurry up!

1. Moscow Oil Refinery (JSC Gazprom Neft)

District*: Kapotnya (4 active independent candidates for 10 seats)
Location: Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, 1, bldg. 3
Hazard type: air pollution from oil refining by-products

*To make it more convenient for you, for each case I have indicated the areas that are most susceptible to pollution, and described the situation with the presence of independent candidates for municipal deputies in each of these districts.

Photo: Alexey Mikheev / Lori Photobank

The Moscow Refinery is known for repeated deviations from all possible environmental standards. For example, on November 10, 2014, the Kozhukhovo microdistrict was shrouded in thick haze with a pronounced odor. Later the smell spread to many areas of Moscow; the maximum permissible standards for the content of harmful substances in some of them were exceeded several times. On the same day, Yuri Akimov, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow, reported that a hydrogen sulfide leak had occurred at the Kapotnya refinery. It is curious that no one was ultimately held responsible for this situation.

Minister natural resources and ecology of Russia Sergei Donskoy:

“According to the results of the inspection, which was carried out by Rosprirodnadzor, the authorities recorded multiple excesses of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the emissions of the Moscow oil refinery. The head of the Rosprirodnadzor department for the Central Federal District, Konstantin Eliseev, reported this to me. Air samples for analysis were carried out on the leeward side of the refinery and on the territory of the refinery itself. plant. As a result, exceeding the permissible level of hydrogen sulfide content in the air was recorded at all points."

The enterprise called the conclusions of Rosprirodnadzor incorrect, pointing out that isopropylbenzene is not used in the production of the Moscow Refinery, propanal is not a characteristic substance formed during the oil refining process at the plant, and the data on the level of hydrogen sulfide in the territory of the Moscow Refinery, according to the results of an inspection by Rosprirodnadzor itself, is zero.

Photo: Yuri Gubin / Photobank Lori

Despite the fact that the Moscow prosecutor's office opened a criminal case regarding the release, charges were never brought against the Moscow Refinery. According to the head of the Moscow DPPiEP, Anton Kulbachevsky, about 30 enterprises are under suspicion, and in total there are 80 possible sources of hydrogen sulfide in Moscow.

And since no one bore responsibility for the activities of the refinery, no one drew any conclusions. Therefore, the refinery continues to pollute the air. Last month, an automatic monitoring station recorded
Sunday night an abnormal excess of the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye area.

According to the State Budgetary Institution "Mosekomonitoring", at 4 am the maximum permissible concentration (maximum single concentration) of harmful substances in Guryevsky Proezd was exceeded 10 times, at 5 am - 17 times, at 6:00 - 13 times. The very next day it became known that commissioning work had begun at the refinery the day before. On May 14, the plant completely stopped receiving oil and delivering products “due to an emergency situation.”

2. Waste incineration plant No. 4 State Unitary Enterprise "Ekotekhprom"

District: Kosino-Ukhtomsky (5 candidates for 10 seats), Novokosino (5/15), Nekrasovka (4/15)
Location: st. Pekhorskaya, 1Ас2
Hazard type:

According to information from open sources, Waste Incineration Plant No. 4 is the largest facility of this type in the Moscow region. The plant is located in close proximity to dense residential areas.

Both local residents and environmental activists are actively advocating for the closure of the enterprise.

The plant caused me allergies and decreased immunity, I am moving from Kozhukhovo urgently. He lived on Lukhmanovskaya Street, 2.8 km from this ill-fated pipe. During the day there is white smoke, like from a conventional thermal power plant, in the evening and at night there is a smell of burning, there is a lot of dust in the apartment, and sometimes during the day you can see a column of black smoke coming from the neighboring high-rise buildings. People living in houses nearby are simply expendable.

Comment on Google.Maps from user Maksim Shilov - May 2017

Yesterday, the stench from MSZ No. 4 carried fumes and smoke to the Balashikha district, all the windows were closed. Air pollution indicators in the district were exceeded by 2.5 times (the PM indicator was 155 μg/m3, and this is at NORMAL 60, in Europe - generally 20!). My husband went out to the store and came back and said it was hard to breathe. There is a strong stench of garbage and burning on the street, everything is like a fog. I took a picture of the smoke, but the house was not visible at a distance of 20 meters! How can you make such a noise?! Nearby there are 6 solid waste landfills and a chemical waste landfill! They also continue to expand this evil and dump garbage. They are killing the health of citizens!

Comment on Google.Maps from user Lidiya Sazonova - January 2017

In 2012, residents of nearby areas signed a petition against the expansion of the plant, which collected more than 1,500 signatures:

The modernization includes the construction of a new workshop for the neutralization of hazardous biological waste. This means that MSZ-4, in the immediate vicinity of which are the Moscow districts of Kozhukhovo, Nekrasovka and Novokosino, as well as the Moscow region city of Lyubertsy, not only are not going to be closed, despite the loud promises of the authorities in the media, but the plant’s facilities will be relocated to its territory." Ecologist" for the processing of biological waste. The danger of such enterprises to the health of residents is enormous.

Order of the Moscow Government dated December 20, 2007 No. 2857-RP “On the implementation of a joint investment project with the Government of the Moscow Region for the urban development of the territory of sludge sites at the Lyubertsy wastewater treatment plant,” previously signed by Yu.M. Luzhkov, indeed, provided for the relocation of the Ekolog Shipyard and the development of documentation to increase the productivity of MSZ No. 4 to 600 tons per year (more than doubling). Residents of the Kozhukhovo district have repeatedly expressed their disagreement with this decision and called on the Moscow authorities to remove objects of the highest (first) danger class from the territory bordering areas of mass residential development.

From a petition on "Democrat"

3. OJSC "Aurat" ("Voikov Chemical Plant")

District: Golovinsky (11 candidates for 15 seats)
Location: 4th Likhachevsky lane, 6
Hazard type: recycling of hazardous chemical waste (in particular used car batteries) poses a release hazard.

The air near the Voikov chemical plant contains acetic acid fats, chloroform, furfural, diethylamine, fluorine and its compounds and other harmful substances.

Moreover, this is not just a theoretical assumption: there are already corresponding precedents. According to the court decision, there were facts of violation of safety requirements during the storage and transportation of chemicals in the plant’s activities.

The court ruled that Aurat OJSC violated industrial safety requirements:

04/24/2012 at 15 o'clock. 30 min. during planned on-site inspection compliance by Aurat OJSC with licensing requirements during the operation of hazardous production facilities, carried out in the period from 04/17/2012 to 04/24/2012, it was established in relation to Aurat OJSC that hazardous production facilities were operated in violation of industrial safety requirements.

Quote from the decision of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow. Resolution of May 18, 2012

4. CHPP-21 (Mosenergo)

District: Dmitrovsky (4 candidates for 10 seats)
Location: Izhorskaya st., 9

Photo: Mikhail Ivanov / Photobank Lori

The largest thermal power plant in Moscow and one of the largest thermal generating enterprises of this type in Europe is a source of permanent air pollution in a densely populated area of ​​Moscow. Together with the Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant, located in the district of the same name, these two enterprises form 55% of the total harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Another significant disadvantage of housing located near a thermal power plant is the increased background noise, which adversely affects the human nervous and cardiovascular system.

Residents note that the activities of the thermal power plant are harmful to the ecology of the region. The following messages are regularly received on the website of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources:

Every time the wind blows from the industrial zone No. 46 "Korovino" (CHP-21), on Marshala Fedorenko Street (and in almost the entire Businovo microdistrict) it is impossible to breathe due to the acrid chemical smell (possibly gas), which intensifies during cold snap. A huge request to clarify this issue, as the situation is starting to frighten!

During the operation of CHPP-21, some “unforeseen circumstances” regularly appear, the consequences of which residents have to put up with. The latest accidents occurred in November last year (smoke and heating shutdown in houses), and on May 29, a fire broke out at the thermal power plant due to a short circuit (according to the official version).

5. Asphalt concrete plant No. 1

District: Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (13 candidates for 15 mandates)
Location: Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya embankment, 34 building 13

As a result production activities Asphalt plants release pollutants into the environment such as soot, hydrocarbons, carbon and nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, phenol, benzopyrene, resinous substances, vanadium pentoxide, formaldehyde. The main ingredient contained in emissions from enterprises producing asphalt concrete mixtures (as well as enterprises for the extraction and processing of stone materials) is inorganic dust.

The asphalt concrete plant (ACP) is located at a distance of 130 meters from the nearest residential building. At the same time, asphalt concrete plants belong to enterprises of the 2nd hazard class. A sanitary protection zone of at least 500 meters must be established between the plant and residential buildings, which is not present here.

During plant operation, residents note an intense release of pollutants (inorganic dust, smoke) through the chimney and their spread throughout the residential area, and a strong chemical smell.

6. Moscow plant "Nefteproduct" (PJSC NK "Rosneft")

District: Perovo (5 candidates for 15 seats)
Location: Highway Entuziastov, 40
Hazard type: air pollution from petroleum by-products

The largest volume of harmful substances is formed during catalytic cracking processes. The emissions include about one hundred names of substances:

● heavy metals (lead);
● tetravalent sulfur oxide (SO2);
● tetravalent nitrogen oxide (NO2);
● carbon dioxide;
● carbon monoxide;
● dioxins;
● chlorine;
● benzene;
● hydrofluoric acid (HF).

Most of the gases released into the atmosphere by oil refineries are harmful to any living organism. They can cause pathologies in both humans and animals respiratory system(asthma, bronchitis, asphyxia).

Gaseous emissions contain a large number of small solid particles, which, settling on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, also interfere with normal respiration processes.

Release in atmospheric air oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, as well as compounds of the alkane series contributes to the formation greenhouse effect.

Wastewater from oil refineries is discharged through two sewer systems. The waters of the first system are reused. The waters of the second end up in natural reservoirs. Despite treatment, wastewater contains large amounts of pollutants. Considering the possibility of the spread of toxic substances through groundwater, the damage from lithosphere pollution by oil refining products is colossal. Negative influence has a particularly acute effect on plant organisms and other living beings whose life activity is connected with the soil.

7. Kuryanovskiy wastewater treatment plant

District: Printers (9 candidates for 15 seats)
Location: 1st Kuryanovsky Ave., 15
Hazard type: evaporation from aeration stations

People on forums complain about the smell:

“I live on Klenovy Boulevard, we regularly suffer from the stench from the Kuryanovsky wastewater treatment plant. I even wrote letters to the environmental inspectorate, environmental inspectorate, etc.”

“I stopped by the sales office, it really smells, I don’t understand how people live if this smell is constantly present.”

There are also plenty of complaints on the website of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources:
“Good day! For several days now, in the area of ​​Kolomenskaya metro station there has been a strong stench (similar to a sewer smell). This is not the first time. Usually a similar phenomenon was observed after rain and at night for several hours. This time the stench was not It’s been three days now. A similar topic has already been raised, but since then the situation has not changed and even worsened. We kindly ask you to solve this problem. Thank you in advance!”

The publication "Expert" noted that the most complaints from Muscovites are caused by the Kuryanovsky and Lyuberetsky treatment plants that poison the atmosphere. Results environmental monitoring confirmed the validity of the claims: the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide was recorded in the indicated territories.

In addition, under the influence of evaporation from open objects, an increase in the concentrations of total hydrocarbons, methane and small suspended particles is noted. The effect of the Kuryanovsky treatment facilities is also enhanced by the fact that this is the lowest point in Moscow - all gases accumulate here - as well as an extremely unfavorable wind rose.

8. OJSC "Moscow Coke and Gas Plant"

District: Vidnoe (near Moscow region). Air pollution affects the outlying southeastern districts of Moscow - Biryulyovo East (7 candidates for 15 seats) and Orekhovo-Borisovo South (9 candidates for 15 seats).
Location: Leninsky district, Vidnoye, Belokamenny highway, building 13
Hazard type: emissions of by-products from coke production

Almost every week and a half, residents of the town of Vidnoye near Moscow smell naphthalene and hydrogen sulfide. The sharpest is in the 6th microdistrict, a little less in the Zavidnoye microdistrict. The townspeople decided that the emissions were generated by the Moscow Coke and Gas Plant (JSC Moskoks). It produces coke, benzene and coal tar. But despite the many years of struggle of local residents, the acrid smell from the air not only did not disappear, but even intensified.

“Now I look out the window - the plant is smoking, it smells like burning, but much less - it was worse at night, and the smell appeared yesterday at about 16:30. I have lived in Zavidnoye since December 2014, but last winter everything was fine. We didn’t feel any burning smell. Everything changed in the summer, but this winter the smell began to appear almost every week. People are already afraid to go outside again, they try not to walk with their children at such moments, not to mention the fact that it is impossible to open the windows." .

Resident of Vidnoye Alexandra Remsha

Meanwhile, environmentalists have more than once sent complaints to Rosprirodnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor. As a result, unscheduled inspections were carried out, which proved that Moskoks was to blame for air pollution. Moreover, the company was even fined. However, the situation does not go away vicious circle. Residents knock on all authorities, regulatory authorities send requests to the plant, the plant responds that everything is in order and is operating as normal.

At the same time, checks are carried out, which show that acceptable standards emissions are not shown. But even if violations are recorded and a fine is imposed, the plant still continues to operate and emit suffocating odors.

9. CHPP No. 22

District: Near Moscow region (right next to the Moscow Ring Road), opposite Kapotnya (4 candidates for 10 seats)
Location: Dzerzhinsky, st. Energetikov, 5

Photo: Dmitry Neumoin / Photobank Lori

The main emissions are solid ash particles, sulfur oxides (SO2, SO3), nitrogen oxides (NOx). If fuel combustion is not complete (and complete fuel combustion is only an ideal), then harmful substances such as carbon monoxide (CO), CH hydrocarbons and benzopyrene C20H12 are released into the atmosphere.

These are a number of chemical compounds that have a negative impact on both nature and humans. The next pollutant from the “bouquet” is sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide) SO2, another extremely dangerous gas. Sulfur dioxide is especially harmful to plants; with prolonged exposure, they die. In humans, signs of exposure to sulfur dioxide appear in the form of cough and sore throat. At elevated concentrations, irritation of the vocal cords and suffocation occur.

The so-called acid rain" - this is also a manifestation of the action of sulfur oxide SO2 together with nitrogen oxides. When interacting with water, the gas forms sulfurous acid. Well, since there are also residential buildings next to CHPP-22 (on both sides of the Moscow Ring Road), all this has to be inhaled by people living nearby (by the way, exhaust gases from cars on the Moscow Ring Road are added to this load).

10. Incinerator No. 3

District: West Biryulyovo (4 candidates for 10 seats)
Location: st. Podolskikh Kursantov, 22A
Hazard type: air pollution from waste products

MSZ No. 3 is located in a densely populated area. The products of a waste incinerator are much more dangerous to humans than just waste, since all the waste that arrives at the incinerator arrives in a “bound” state.

Once burned, all poisons are released, including mercury and heavy metals. In addition, new types of harmful compounds appear - chlorine compounds, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides - more than 400 substances in total. Moreover, traps catch only the most harmless substances - dust and ash. Whereas SO2, CO, NOx, HCl - that is, the main destroyers of health - practically cannot be filtered out.

On forums, residents regularly complain about ecological disaster in the area:

“In all areas where there is a waste incineration plant nearby, at night there is periodically a burning smell (it all depends on the direction of the wind). Is this a coincidence??? Even the residents of Biryulyovo themselves say that it is precisely from this that the smell of burning occurs, since burning takes place at night garbage."

Moreover, the smells extend beyond Biryulyovo:
“The smell of burning not only in Biryulyovo, but also near the Tsaritsyno metro station, on Merry street, Yerevan, Baku".

And now the fundamental question: what to do with all this? What to do if the authorities in Moscow, for one reason or another, do not want to control/transfer/close hazardous industries and at least somehow protect the residents of the capital?

Of course, you might have forgotten, but right now the largest election campaign of recent times is taking place in Moscow. Elections to the capital's municipal assemblies will be held in September, and we are looking for independent candidates for deputies who are ready to represent the interests of the residents of their area.

There are now candidates in all 125 municipal districts where elections will take place. This is 1166 independent candidates, not counting the “sleepers” (that is, those who do not show any election activity)!

But, as I said, there are also problem areas. In some places there are very few candidates, and in others they do not want to conduct a full-fledged campaign. For example, in 57 districts there are still fewer independent candidates than deputy mandates.

It is interesting to see how candidate activity correlates with environmental problems districts.

1. Presnensky - 22 out of 15
2. Tagansky - 21 out of 15
3. Academic - 20 out of 12
4. Danilovsky - 20 out of 12
5. Kuntsevo - 17 out of 10
6. Khamovniki - 17 out of 15
7. Ramenki - 17 out of 12
8. Konkovo ​​- 16 out of 15
9. Gagarinsky - 15 out of 12
10. Basmanny - 15 out of 12
11. Falcon - 15 out of 10
12. Izmailovo - 15 out of 12
13. Maryino - 15 out of 20
14. Ostankino - 15 out of 12
15. Yasenevo - 14 out of 15
16. Kuzminki - 14 out of 15
17. Alekseevsky - 14 out of 10
18. Lefortovo - 14 out of 15
19. Northern Tushino - 14 out of 15
20. Zamoskvorechye - 14 out of 10
21. Vykhino-Zhulebino - 13 out of 20
22. Northern Izmailovo - 13 out of 12
23. Filevsky Park - 13 out of 10
24. Lomonosovsky - 13 out of 10
25. Strogino - 13 out of 16
26. Maryina Roshcha - 13 out of 10
27. Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo - 13 out of 12
28. Ochakovo-Matveevskoye - 13 out of 10
29. Golyanovo - 13 out of 15
30. Krylatskoye - 13 out of 10
31. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki - 13 out of 15
32. Kurkino - 13 out of 10
33. Dorogomilovo - 13 out of 12
34. South Butovo - 12 out of 12
35. South Tushino - 12 out of 12
36. Mitino - 12 out of 12
37. Tverskoy - 12 out of 12
38. Koptevo - 12 out of 15
39. Arbat - 12 out of 10
40. Yuzhnoportovy - 11 out of 10
41. Tsaritsyno - 11 out of 10
42. Airport - 11 of 12
43. Tyoply Stan - 11 out of 15
44. Golovinsky - 11 out of 15
45. Fili-Davydkovo - 10 out of 10
46. ​​Voikovsky - 10 out of 10
47. Khovrino - 10 out of 12
48. Butyrsky - 10 out of 10
49. Ivanovskoye - 10 out of 15
50. Nagatinsky Zaton - 10 out of 10
51. Cheryomushki - 10 out of 12
52. Yakimanka - 10 out of 10
53. Bibirevo - 10 out of 15
54. Kotlovka - 9 out of 10
55. Sviblovo - 9 out of 12
56. Rostokino - 9 out of 10
57. Babushkinsky - 9 out of 10
58. Marfino - 9 out of 10
59. Meshchansky - 9 out of 10
60. Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye - 9 out of 15
61. Mozhaisky - 9 out of 10
62. Treadmill - 9 out of 10
63. Savelovsky - 9 out of 12
64. Printers - 9 out of 15
65. Preobrazhenskoye - 9 out of 10
66. Troparevo-Nikulino - 9 out of 10
67. Troitsk - 8 out of 20
68. Losinoostrovsky - 8 out of 12
69. Falcon Mountain - 8 out of 12
70. Vernadsky Avenue - 8 out of 10
71. Lyublino - 8 out of 20
72. Nagatino-Sadovniki - 8 out of 10
73. Zyablikovo - 8 out of 15
74. Chertanovo Central - 8 out of 10
75. Donskoy - 8 out of 10
76. Obruchevsky - 8 out of 10
77. Bogorodskoye - 8 out of 15
78. Khoroshevsky - 7 out of 10
79. Eastern Izmailovo - 7 out of 10
80. Otradnoye - 7 out of 18
81. Chertanovo Yuzhnoye - 7 out of 15
82. South Medvedkovo - 7 out of 10
83. Zyuzino - 7 out of 15
84. Western Degunino - 7 out of 10
85. Solntsevo - 7 out of 10
86. Novo-Peredelkino - 7 out of 10
87. Biryulyovo East - 7 out of 15
88. Left Bank - 7 out of 10
89. Textile workers - 6 out of 10
90. Veshnyaki - 6 out of 15
91. Eastern Degunino - 6 out of 10
92. Old Kryukovo - 6 out of 10
93. Novogireevo - 6 out of 12
94. Timiryazevsky - 6 out of 15
95. Ryazan - 6 out of 10
96. Moskvorechye-Saburovo - 6 out of 10
97. Chertanovo North - 6 out of 10
98. Altufevsky - 6 out of 12
99. Northern Butovo - 5 out of 10
100. Perovo - 5 out of 15
101. Savelki - 5 out of 10
102. Sokolniki - 5 out of 10
103. Krasnoselsky - 5 out of 10
104. Kryukovo - 5 out of 10
105. Matushkino - 5 out of 10
106. Novokosino - 5 out of 15
107. Kosino-Ukhtomsky - 5 out of 10
108. Vnukovo - 5 out of 10
109. Yaroslavsky - 5 out of 12
110. Northern Medvedkovo - 5 out of 15
111. Nekrasovka - 4 out of 15
112. Kapotnya - 4 out of 10
113. Lianozovo - 4 out of 15
114. Dmitrovsky - 4 out of 10
115. Nagorny - 4 out of 10
116. Silino - 4 out of 10
117. Northern - 4 out of 10
118. Biryulyovo Western - 4 out of 10
119. Nizhny Novgorod - 4 out of 10
120. Orekhovo-Borisovo Northern - 4 out of 15
121. Brateevo - 4 out of 10
122. Metrotown - 3 out of 10
123. Beskudnikovsky - 3 out of 10
124. Molzhaninovsky - 2 out of 10
125. Eastern - 2 out of 10

As you can see, most of the areas of Moscow suffering environmental disaster were at the bottom of the activity list. This means we need candidates for deputies who do not like to inhale the smell of sulfur dioxide in the morning and go to work in acid rain! Make Kapotnya safe again! All deputies!