What teenagers smell. Gas addiction among teenagers is a dangerous way to join the crowd

You are the person closest to the child, trying to protect and save him from many problems. Do you suspect that your child is a drug addict? Right now we invite you to find out what drugs look like and what items are used when using them.

Remember, the sooner you notice something is wrong and seek professional drug treatment help, the greater the chance of coping with the problem and returning your child to free life no drugs!

Cannabis preparations

Psychedelic drugs, among the signs of use are causeless laughter, severe thirst, cough (gradually becomes chronic), increased appetite.

What does it look like?

What do you need to know?

Marijuana(cannabis, weed, anasha, dope)

Dried tops of cannabis plants with flowers, part of the stem in crushed form.

Color - greenish-brown.

Packaged in regular transparent plastic bags or matchboxes.

Hashish(plan, plasticine, drape, hash)

Dense pressed substance - resin, pollen and crushed hemp stems.

Color - dark brown.

Synthetic fillers are added to shape the grass - tiles, tablets, balls.

Feature: plasticine consistency.

Cannabis extracts(milk)

Dark brown oil

The solvent is milk, used as a drinking drink.

These drugs have in common a bitter taste with a lingering aftertaste and a specific odor. An addict who uses hemp drugs can find leaves rolled into a tube (for smoking marijuana) and objects resembling smoking pipes.

Marijuana, hashish, cannabis extracts


Represented by natural and synthetic drugs, produced from poppy seeds, “inhibit” activity nervous system. Signs of intoxication are sleepiness, constricted pupils, slow heartbeat, pale skin.

Drug name (street names)

What does it look like?

What do you need to know?


Frozen juice of poppy pods.

Color - from white to brown.

Pressed into small cakes, 1-1.5 cm thick.


Natural fabric (cotton, linen), soaked in the juice of poppy pods.

Dense but brittle fabric.

Heroin(horse, hero, snow)

Powder that feels like household soda.

Color - white. Fillers are usually added to give the powder a gray or brown color.

The taste is tart, with a slight astringent effect.

Powdered sugar is usually added (to increase volume).


A colorless solution supplied in ampoules (less commonly, bottled).

Some packages are labeled “morphine hydrochloride”.


A dark-colored solution, poured into ampoules.

An integral component of many cough medicines.

Opiates are administered intravenously, so the drug addict can find empty ampoules, syringes, bandages, rags rolled into bundles, plastic bottles 0.3-0.5 l.

Khanka, bandages, heroin, morphine, codeine


Signs of use: dilated pupils, excessive motor activity, lack of feeling head and need for rest.

Drug name (street names)

What does it look like?

What do you need to know?

Ephedrone(gunpowder, java, talker)

A solution with a strong violet aroma.

Color - transparent (less often - pinkish).

Sold in the form of a solution, ready for use.


Oily liquid with a strong apple aroma.

Color - transparent (less often - yellow).

It is used to replace heroin, but has a more detrimental effect on the body.


Small crystals of white or yellowish color.

Raw materials for pervitin and ephedrone.

Directions for use: smoking, inhalation of vapors.

Ephedron, pervitin, ephedrine

Most amphetamines are administered intravenously, so the addict can find syringes, needles, empty bottles, empty antiallergy drug packages, rubber tourniquets, and catheters.

Drug addiction?

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They change the consciousness of a drug addict - emotions, perception of reality, even thoughts. Signs - severe hunger and thirst, talkativeness, loss of self-control, vivid perception of sounds and colors.

What does the drug brand look like? A piece of brightly colored fabric or paper soaked in a psychoactive substance. Brand is the street name for LSD, usually sold in nightclubs and apartment hangouts.

LSD and psilocybin


Among the main signs of use are agitation, dilated pupils, unsteady gait, and talkativeness.

Drug name (street names)

What does it look like?

What do you need to know?


Multi-colored tablets with different shapes, symbols and inscriptions on packaging.

They are used only internally, usually in nightclubs.

Causes a change in sexual behavior and sudden weight loss.


Crystalline powder resembling household soda.

Color - white.

When it hits the tongue, it causes a feeling of numbness.

Powdered sugar (less commonly, talc) is added before use.

Crack(synthetic analogue of cocaine)

White pressed crystals.

Feature - do not collapse when heated.

Typically, synthetic and natural cocaine is snorted through the nose or injected intravenously with water. Some drug addicts heat the substance on foil and then inhale the resulting house.

Among the items used to take the drug are a syringe, folded foil, a smoked spoon, a tin can with a “window”, a rubber band, bandages, cotton wool or gauze.

Ecstasy, cocaine, crack


Synthetic smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, mixture, greens) according to appearance represent ordinary dried and crushed grass. It is impregnated with a special filler that has a narcotic effect.

In appearance it does not differ from marijuana, but is supplied in small plastic bags with a colorful (bright) label and unusual name(spice, diamond spirit, magic, etc.).

The method of using the drug is smoking, so a spice addict can find foil, smoked metal spoons, plastic bottles with a yellow coating, and sheets rolled into tubes.

Among the main signs of intoxication are cough, dry mouth, cloudy or reddened whites, causeless bouts of laughter, sluggish and slurred speech. A “severe” spice addict exhibits delusions of persecution even without taking the drug.

What does the drug salt look like (speed, whistle, legal)? Crystalline powder resembling powdered sugar. Color - from white to dark gray. Usually stored in a special box or bag.

Methods of administration - dilution in any liquid (usually alcohol) and use as a drink, injections into a vein, smoking. A salt addict can find syringes, drops, and bandages. Common storage locations include toilets, ventilation shafts, balconies, behind baseboards, on staircase(behind the shields), in the bed.

The main signs of salt consumption are a “wild” look, unquenchable thirst, inability to control one’s own movements, lack of sleep and appetite, auditory and visual hallucinations.

What does the speed drug look like? Just like salt, it is the same psychoactive substance, which has come under more than 10 names!

What to do if suspicions are confirmed?

Your suspicions were justified and now you are sure that the child is using drugs? Be calm and control yourself - from now on you are required to be rational in actions, words and thoughts.

Your task is to prevent drugs from ruining the child’s life, bringing his body to an irreversible state and “killing” his psyche. Entrust drug addiction treatment to specialists by contacting our drug treatment clinic.

Don't waste a minute - leave a request for treatment right now. The sooner you start the fight against drug addiction, the greater your chances of winning, because the life and future of your child is at stake!

Head of pre-rehabilitation counseling department Experience - 10 years

One of the main domestic problems is drug addiction, which is acquiring the proportions of a national catastrophe. According to researchers, about 15% of young people have tried at least once narcotic substances. The number of drug addicts, according to various data, varies widely, so it is impossible to give an exact figure: many do not seek help and do not register.

Although the state is taking important steps towards ridding society of drugs, today this problem is far from being resolved. The most common drugs can be purchased at any locality or order online, and the emergence of more and more new substances makes it more difficult to ban them. At the same time, there is an opinion among potential consumers that “light” drugs are not addictive and are not too harmful to the body. Such carelessness is fraught with severe addiction and long-term treatment.

Video about the problem “Drug addiction” from Oleg Boldyrev

Appointment with a narcologist Don't be afraid to ask for help

The most common drugs: a short list and their features

The most common types of psychotropic drugs that cause addiction today include marijuana, OxyContin, ecstasy, methadone, and cocaine. For some time now, this list has also included smoking mixtures or, as they are called, spices.

Calculating the cost of addiction treatment Each case of addiction is individual. Some people need special nutrition or medications, others need extra hours of therapy with a psychologist. We will help you choose a treatment option that is right for you or your loved one.

IN recent years, a constant flow of new drugs enters Russia from China and spreads throughout the country by post, and direct trading is carried out via the Internet. The names of these drugs in slang: spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them because they are lately included in the list of prohibited drugs, and also because the distribution occurs via the Internet, and the organizers themselves do not touch the drugs. The main consumers are young people born in 1989-1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous because they are accessible, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche.

The state is not able to protect our children, so we are obliged to protect them ourselves. No one will do this except us.

Don't be careless, don't think that this can affect anyone but you. Remember, you don’t choose drugs, you don’t choose whether you’re a teacher’s son or a general’s daughter. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, testing carried out today in educational institutions, does not reflect the real state of affairs at all.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, blooper, splash, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Accompanied by cough(burns the mucous membrane)

Dry mouth(requires constant fluid intake)

Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(an important sign! drug addicts know, that’s why they carry Visine with them, and others eye drops)

Loss of coordination

Speech defect(lethargy, elongated tape effect)

Slow thinking(stupid)

Immobility, freezing in one position in complete silence(if you are heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


Rapid pulse

Laughing fits

After consumption, for several days or longer:

Decline of the common physical condition

Lack of concentration

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

Mood swings(from one extreme to another)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager begins to skip classes, his grades drop, and he stops going to school altogether. He lies all the time. Friends appear that he doesn’t talk about. When talking to them on the phone, he goes into another room, or says that he will call later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, he avoids any serious conversations, he avoids contact with his parents, he turns off his phones. With constant use, degradation becomes obvious. He thinks for a long time, is unkempt, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses the sense of reality, paranoia develops.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in hallways and computer clubs in winter.

Use of smoking mixtures - common reason teenage suicides. As a rule, they come out of windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide; perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And one more thing. In 99% of cases, those who already smoke cigarettes start using smoking mixtures.

They buy these drugs either online or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known sites selling drugs by typing several keywords, receives a contact, is debited via Skype or ICQ, makes an order, he is immediately told the account number, he pays through terminals, and he is told where to pick up the hidden drugs.

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kurekha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - telephone number.

For teenagers it all seems interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence; as a rule, they do not erase it.

Peers and classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have different phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. The elders turn to them. They become negative leaders, and, as a rule, positively minded children do not have enough reasoning to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who starts selling drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here in the form of a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder similar to regular soda. He's being scammed in different ways, and applied (sprayed) onto the “base”. Most often, the “base” is ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. Maybe coltsfoot and any pharmaceutical herb in general. Sometimes, for viscosity, it is mixed in a mixer with prunes or hookah tobacco. But young users, as a rule, take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the surest sign that drugs are being used at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They tend to be kept to themselves and they stink horribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).


Alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the effect of the drug. The person goes crazy, the vestibular apparatus turns off, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely loses memory. It occurs frequently in teenagers.

From experience:

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves drug addicts. He completely lacks self-criticism, their thought process is difficult, they communicate only with their own kind, so they are convinced that everyone smokes.

At first, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this moment on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We have seen the irreversible consequences of using smoking mixtures.

You can show this video to your children (VIDEO)

Also, even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salts, legal, speed, whistle, etc.), are popular among young people.

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they are snorted, less often smoked, diluted in any liquid and drunk, and the worst thing is injected into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose, and with overdoses of salts, the mortality rate is much higher than with overdoses of opiates. And, perhaps, the worst thing is that these drugs act on the psyche and destroy the personality. When consuming salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

While smoking mixtures can be used unnoticed for some time, those who start using salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and for several hours after consumption:

Wild look


Anxious state (the feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

Speech defects(convulsive movements of the lower jaw, grimaces)

Lack of appetite

Hallucinations(usually auditory)

Gesticulation(involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

Complete lack of sleep

Incredible burst of energy(the desire to move, to do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

Desire to do any painstaking work(as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into their components).

Delusional ideas(for example, to rule the world)

And all this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and complete absence self-criticism.

Later - sudden weight loss (up to 10 kg in a week).

When not taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days).

Severe low mood, depression, suicidal thoughts.

Untidy appearance.

A “side effect” comes out - the face becomes covered with acne and pimples.

The limbs and face often become swollen.

A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities, and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists.

During 2010 - 2012 we are watching rapid growth the number of acute poisonings with synthetic psychostimulant drugs. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and disturbances of vital functions, including cardiac dysfunction (a sharp increase, then a drop in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal failure develops. However, the most severe manifestation of this poisoning- uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. When body temperature rises above 40-41ºC, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, and the patient dies within a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. The mortality rate is very high. Sometimes required intensive care in intensive care, patients require hemodelysis. An acute psychotic state can be relieved within 24-48

hours, but some patients do not leave it and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric ward.

When to call " Ambulance» in case of poisoning with psychostimulant drugs? One indication from the following is sufficient:

1. Consciousness: responds only to painful stimuli or there is no consciousness

2. Angina-type chest pain (pressing, squeezing)

3. Convulsions similar to epileptic ones, even one-time

4. Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

5. Heart rate more than 140 per minute for more than 15 minutes

6. Blood pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 with two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

7. Confusion, severe agitation or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

They buy these drugs using the same scheme as JWH (see above)

What does this drug look like?

Like crystalline powder. Looks like powdered sugar. Color ranges from bright white to dark.

They are usually stored in the house in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on your floor. Each person has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything needed for use are stored.

From experience:

Teenagers who start using have behavior changes. They ask for leave to go to nightclubs, they are always away from home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later, suspicion and auditory and visual hallucinations arise. When there are several people at the hangout, the paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close the curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

If consumed longer, they disappear from home for a long time. They don't answer calls. Aggression increases. They are not aware of what is happening. They communicate condescendingly, with arrogance.

Hallucinations become stronger and can lead to bullying and murder. In this state they keep weapons at hand. They can even attack their mother.

None of the salts ever know today's date.

They often keep eye drops “Tropicamide”, “Metriocil”, “Cyclomed” with them. Added to the solution and used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

On rehabilitation:

Salts are the hardest position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they don’t know what to do. For now they are just being dug up.

From experience:

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end of their life (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. The vision becomes clearer on the third or fourth month, and all illnesses appear. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some people dream that they are under the influence.

After leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring him back a day or two later, everyone sees how quickly the person has degenerated. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the saline cases come to us from mental hospitals, many already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with salts. So far the only thing I see is a closed room and no access to drugs. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as using MDPV. But! Recently, in JWH, MDPV components are added at the preparation stage. This dramatically changes the effect when consumed, and instant addiction occurs. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH and tested positive for MDPV!

This is what the behavior of salt addicts looks like (VIDEO)

You ask: what to do?

First and prerequisite- deny access to drugs in any way.

Your feedback

Hairdryer or Amphetamine- a synthetic psychostimulant, an analogue of natural Ephedrine. Its powerful stimulating effect has made it extremely popular among students and young people who need to do everything - hang out at the club, study for exams, and go to work in the morning. But there is also reverse side medals - Amphetamine quickly causes persistent psychological dependence, which is impossible to get rid of without the help of doctors.

Drug Fen - what is it

In slang, Phenom is the name given to the drug Amphetamine, a synthetic central nervous system stimulant. It was initially assumed that this drug would replace Ephedrine, its natural analogue, which was used in the treatment of asthma.

Later, amphetamine was prescribed for depression, narcolepsy, ADHD, and also for weight loss. During the war, it was given to soldiers to prolong the state of wakefulness.

Amphetamine as a drug has become popular since the middle of the last century. Now many countries around the world are fighting against its spread, but it is still in demand, including among wealthy groups of the population. In the photo you see a person before and after prolonged use of the Hairdryer.

Amphetamine produces a pronounced stimulating effect. The psychostimulating effect is caused by increased production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine is a precursor of adrenaline, a hormone that mobilizes the body's resources in stressful situations. An increase in adrenaline levels causes increased respiration and heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Metabolic processes in the body accelerate, which causes a surge of energy, and the person loses appetite and sleep.

Dopamine is responsible for motivation and enthusiasm. This neurotransmitter is usually present in the blood in small quantity, but Amphetamine use stimulates the release of its reserves, which causes exhaustion and mental disorders.

Symptoms of using Fen

  • anxiety
  • increased performance
  • headache
  • hallucinations
  • difficulty breathing
  • elevated body temperature
  • chest pressure
  • development of psychosis

Why is the drug fen dangerous?

Availability A synthetic psychostimulant is very inexpensive and is sold directly in clubs, so the main target audience- these are young people under 30 years of age.

Instantly addictive Amphetamine is quickly addictive. With regular use, tolerance develops rapidly, so the addict is forced to increase the dose of the drug daily. Thus, the body becomes exhausted short term, the risk of overdose increases, which causes high mortality among amphetamine addicts.

How does hairdryer spread?

Fen belongs to the category of “club” drugs. This is due to the fact that they are distributed mainly in clubs, concerts and nightlife areas. Consumers are teenagers and young adults who are thrill seekers.

The club environment is liberating, general atmosphere celebration and courage pushes you to rash actions. As a result, even those who had no intention of trying the drug become addicted to amphetamine. Once having experienced an incredible surge of strength and euphoria, a person strives to repeat this experience, and quickly becomes psychologically dependent.

Another danger of club drugs is their dubious quality. The drug distributed in this way may have increased toxicity and can easily lead to severe poisoning.

Signs of using a hairdryer

  • increased heart rate and breathing
  • dilated pupils
  • excessive mobility, talkativeness
  • sexual liberation
  • loss of appetite
  • insomnia
  • active but unproductive activity

If you notice your loved one If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Consequences of using hairdryer

Even with a short period of use, Fen causes mental and central nervous system disorders. Chronic fatigue develops, the body cannot restore spent reserves in short periods of time without the drug. Lack of sleep and nutrition depletes the body, depression and psychosis develop.

Using a hairdryer for a long time leads to problems cardiovascular system, which can result in cardiac arrest. The body of an amphetamine addict loses a lot of calcium, which causes the destruction of teeth and bones.

Amphetamine leads to significant physical and mental exhaustion. This manifests itself as chronic fatigue, weakness, weight loss. The functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart is disrupted, and the immune system suffers.

Amphetamine and pregnancy

Taking amphetamine during pregnancy inhibits fetal development. The drug increases blood pressure and increases the pulse rate, which contributes to insufficient blood flow to the placenta, so the child may be born weak, lightweight and underdeveloped. In addition, amphetamine addicts have a high risk of bleeding, miscarriage, stillbirth, as well as the development of pathologies in the child of the brain, limbs, heart, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

During pregnancy it is necessary to eat well, but Amphetamine reduces appetite, which leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. If a mother who uses Fen is breastfeeding, the child's sleep is disturbed and he becomes restless.

Children of amphetamine addicts

Children of amphetamine addicts are usually developmentally delayed and grow slowly. The results of studies of such children have shown that they are often irritable and aggressive, and suffer from serious mental disorders.

Often, children of drug addicts die in the first year of life, because the use of amphetamine by a nursing mother in combination with alcohol leads to breathing problems in the child and, as a result, to respiratory arrest during sleep.

Welcome readers of our resource! As you remember, the last article was devoted to teenage drug addiction, now consider the signs of drug use. How can you tell if a teenager is taking drugs or not? What symptoms can this be determined by? There are a number of signs that are worth paying attention to.

It was noticed that in the average family, parents do not immediately find out that their son or daughter is addicted to drugs. According to some observations, approximately 1-2 years pass before they become aware that their child is a drug addict. In fact, it turns out that many parents fundamentally do not want to notice the signs or do not know what to look for. They notice when it’s too late - their beloved child has become a drug addict. Therefore, the sooner parents seek professional help and pay attention to the symptoms, the greater their chances of protecting their child from drug addiction.

The first signs of drug addiction

Detecting a teenager's drug addiction is not always easy. Because it is almost impossible to control the behavior of young people 24 hours a day when they spend most of their time away from home. In addition, many teenagers are good at “imitating” normal teenage behavior. In addition to moodiness and secretiveness, there are other symptoms that parents must notice in order to detect the problem in time and help their teenager. What should you pay attention to?

Parents can independently detect signs of drug intoxication in the eyes at home by conducting a pupil reaction test. Usually the pupil normal person reacts to light. For example, when he looks at a light bulb, his pupil constricts; when he closes his eyes and then opens them, the pupil dilates.

Therefore, if in doubt whether a teenager is taking drugs or not, ask him to look at the light, then quickly close and open his eyes. If the pupil does not respond, that is, it does not contract or expand this is definitive proof that he uses drugs. Pay attention also to indirect signs.

External signs (indirect)

  • Pale skin (skin has an unhealthy color).
  • There are health problems: persistent runny nose, cough, unhealthy craving for medications
  • Red eyes: bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils, as in the photo below. The use of eye drops has been observed in an attempt to mask these signs. When the parents ask what’s wrong with their eyes, the teenager confusedly answers that he’s tired and hasn’t gotten enough sleep.
  • Daily routine: for example, young people who use drugs may stay awake at night and sleep during the day or not sleep for several days in a row.
  • Diet: An unusual change in diet may be noticeable. For example, a teenager begins to eat more than usual or noticeable loss of appetite, starvation, sudden loss weight - all these can be signs drug addiction. This is a reason for parents to think about it.
  • Social life: Teenagers who use drugs may have problems with their studies. They often miss lessons and are threatened with expulsion for absences and poor performance.
  • Problems with the police due to shoplifting, extortion, robbery or other illegal behavior.
  • A sudden break in relations with a beloved guy or girl without explanation.
  • Changes in the circle of friends (bad companies), reluctance to introduce new friends. See if it has changed lately social circle of your son or daughter? Are there any strange calls home where they try to hide the identity of the caller?
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities and pastimes. See what he does during the day. U healthy teenager The day is divided into normal human needs: study, sports, recreation, friends, cinema. For a drug addict, all this becomes uninteresting. Things that previously brought joy and pleasure no longer cause delight; he is only interested in drugs.
  • Psyche: pay attention to the state of your loved one. Do you notice periodic signs of aggression or emotional state constantly jumps from an excited state of euphoria (talks a lot) to depressive state? Does he quickly lose patience, is constantly nervous, or is capricious? Are you experiencing anxious, restless, delusional or secretive behavior, paranoia, or manic energy levels?
  • Maybe you notice that you have started to close yourself in your room, have no desire to communicate, have become suspicious? If the answer is yes, then don't discount these signs that your teen may be using drugs.
  • Poor hygiene: forgetfulness (forgets to bathe, change underwear, clothes, toothbrush).
  • Lost money, jewelry or other valuables.

  • Fatigue and sadness are constant companions of a drug addict.
  • The teenager does not keep his promises and constantly gets into trouble.
  • Inappropriate long sleeve clothing (attempting to hide needle marks).
  • Withdrawal syndrome.

Remember: None of the signs is 100% proof that a teenager is abusing drugs. However, if you notice many of these symptoms appearing at the same time, this may be a sign of a problem.

Look short video about signs that help determine that a teenager is using drugs.

Signs of using different types of drugs

Marijuana- one of the types of soft drugs. Glazed look, red eyes. Talks loudly, laughs for no reason. He is overcome by drowsiness, noticeable loss of motivation, and weight gain/loss.

Depressants: The teenager’s behavior resembles that of a drunk person. For example, he has difficulty concentrating. His slurred speech gives him away. Clumsiness, shortsightedness, drowsiness are characteristic features abuse of depressants.

Stimulants(including crystal methamphetamine, amphetamines, cocaine). The teenager is shown by dilated pupils, hyperactivity, and euphoria. He becomes irritable or excessively talkative. Food, sleep - he is of little interest under the influence of stimulants, which has not been observed before. Noticeable weight loss.

Inhalants(adhesives, aerosols, vapors): Watery eyes; blurred vision, memory, thoughts; bloody discharge from the nose. A rash is noticeable around the nose and mouth. Constant companions and signs of drug addiction to inhalants are headaches and nausea. Intoxication, drowsiness, muscle cramps, changes in appetite, anxiety, irritability. The number of aerosol cans in the trash can may also indicate a sign.

Hallucinogens(LSD, PCP): Strange irrational behavior, paranoia, hallucinations. Those taking hallucinogens experience frequent mood swings: from aggression to complete indifference and insensitivity. Slurred speech, confusion, and reclusiveness are noted.

Heroin: Lack of reaction to light; sweating, sobbing, vomiting, twitching, loss of appetite.

According to medical professionals, narcologists: in order to technically classify the diagnosis of drug addiction, a person must: 1) display one or more of the symptoms listed above for at least a year; 2) if the simultaneous manifestation of five signs from the list is detected, then drug addiction has settled in the house.

The risk of drug abuse increases significantly during life changes or upheavals, such as changing schools, moving homes, or divorcing parents. Therefore, the task of parents is to see the difference between the usual, normal state of a teenager and signs of drug use.


Most young people began to take drugs out of curiosity, under the influence of friends, or to escape from solving problems. Because the motivation and level of drug use varies from person to person, signs of drug use in adolescents may not be visible to others for a long time. Therefore, parents should be discerning to detect the symptoms in time.

If you find signs, don’t give up, fight for your child! Remember: recovery is within reach.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg, Lena.

Watch the video of how a mother discovered signs that her son was using drugs.